4-20 mA Analog Output Module Select 4-20 mA analog

4-20 mA Analog Output Module
Select 4-20 mA analog outputs when…
…your actuators or instruments require current
loop signals.
n High precision ensures accurate transfer of data
n High resolution removes “steps” from the outputs
n Outputs are group isolated to protect the module
and eliminate ground loops
n Operates from a wide range of loop power supplies
Performance Specifications
Number of channels
Output range
D/A resolution
Output resolution
Full scale accuracy (@ 20°C)
Output linearity (@ 20°C)
Output span adjustment
Output offset adjustment
Span temperature coefficient
Offset temperature coefficient
Maximum output settling time (to 0.05%)
User loop voltage
Load resistance (@ +24 volt supply)
Maximum ST-Bus power
Isolation (from ST-Bus)
Operating temperature range
Storage temperature range
Humidity (non-condensing)
4 or 8
4-20 mA
13 bits
2 µA
+/- .05%
+/- .02%
+/- 25%
+/- 25%
+/- 50 ppm per °C
+/- 50 ppm per °C
5 mS
10-30 Volts
0-750 Ohms
500 mW
1200 VDC
-30 to 70°C
-40 to 85°C
5 to 95%
Ordering Information
Module w/Base
4 Current Outputs
Module Only
8 Current Outputs
SIXNET , 331 Ushers Rd. Ballston Lake, NY 12065 USA
+1 (518) 877-5173
FAX +1 (518) 877-8346
[email protected]
Voltage Analog Output Module
Select voltage analog outputs when…
…the inputs on your peripheral devices expect a
voltage signal.
! Software selectable output ranges: 0-5, 0-10,
+/- 5 and +/- 10 Volts
! High resolution removes “steps” from the outputs
! Outputs are group isolated to protect the module
and eliminate ground loops
! No external power supply required.
(Outputs are powered by module)
Performance Specifications
Number of channels
Output ranges
D/A resolution
Output resolution
Full scale accuracy (@ 20°C)
Output span adjustment
Output offset adjustment
Span temperature coefficient
Offset temperature coefficient
Maximum output settling time (to 0.05%)
Maximum output current
(from each output)
Maximum ST-Bus power
Isolation (from ST-Bus)
Operating temperature range
Storage temperature range
Humidity (non-condensing)
+/- 5, +/- 10, 0-5, 0-10 Volts
14 bits
1.5 mV
+/- .05%
+/- 25%
+/- 25%
+/- 50 ppm per °C
+/- 50 ppm per °C
5 mS
5 mA
2200 mW
1200 VDC
-30 to 70°C
-40 to 85°C
5 to 95%
Ordering Information
8 Voltage Outputs w/Wiring Base
Module only
Visit our web site for
the latest details!
Part Number
SIXNET, 331 Ushers Rd., Ballston Lake NY 12019 USA
+1 (518) 877-5173
FAX +1 (518) 877-8346
[email protected]