IBM Datacap 9.0 and Datacap 9.0.1 DDK Datacap
Desktop Custom Panels
Robert Ferin
Advisory Software Engineer
18 December 2014
User interaction with IBM Datacap can occur when physically scanning pages or when
reviewing problems found while processing pages. Here, you can find the information to
create your own panels to be used within an IBM Datacap application. Custom panels present
alternative layouts and manipulation of fields and data.
For situations where a specific application need cannot be satisfied with standard scanning or
verification panels, custom panels can fulfill virtually any need. You can create custom panels for
your IBM Datacap applications by using Microsoft Visual Studio 2013. The panels are written in
C# .NET, implemented as DLLs.
The following users can create custom panels for their IBM Datacap applications:
• Datacap application support staff that does custom implementations
• Reseller application support staff that does custom implementations
• Customer IT staff responsible for Datacap implementations
To create custom panels, you must be experienced with the following disciplines:
Datacap document hierarchies (DCO)
Microsoft Visual Studio
C# programming
The custom panels download package contains instructions and the Visual Studio C# solution
to create your own panels for DCDesktop. To create custom panels, IBM Datacap 9.0 or IBM
Datacap 9.0.1 needs to be installed on your development system. Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 is
required to create or modify DCDesktop panels.
Custom Datacap desktop verify panels (cross-industry)
IBM Datacap provides the Datacap Desktop (DCDesktop) client application for verification of
document data and metadata. You can use Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 to create custom
verification panels for your IBM Datacap applications.
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2014
IBM Datacap 9.0 and Datacap 9.0.1 DDK Datacap Desktop
Custom Panels
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Custom panels open up the IBM Datacap application to allow full customization of the verification
panel to match your specific needs. The download link provides the foundation source code that is
needed to create and modify a panel.
Custom DCDesktop verification panels provide:
Control for the layout of fields and images.
Access to the Datacap Object (DCO) and the application variables.
Custom functions specific to your vertical application.
Display of custom logos or corporate images on your panel.
See Downloads to access the custom DCDesktop panels.
Datacap Desktop Universal Field-At-A-Time Panel
One of the built-in panels to DCDesktop is the universal panel that works with any application. This
panel displays fields in a generic way, allowing all of the fields to be verified, without any special
customization for an application.
This universal panel can also be customized as needed. To customize the universal panel with
IBM Datacap 9.0 or IBM Datacap 9.0.1, download the ZIP file that contains the universal panel
in the Downloads section. Additionally, an updated build of Datacap Desktop is required to
be installed to use the customized universal panel, and any panel created using the solution
containing the Universal panel.
Follow the instructions to obtain the update from Fix Central and use the build with the panel
package that contains the universal panel. The information regarding the download and how to
update the panel is included in the download package.
Custom Datacap desktop scan panels (cross-industry)
IBM Datacap provides the Datacap Desktop rich client application for scanning paper documents,
selecting and processing existing document files, and manually running rules-based workflow
tasks. You can use Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 to create custom scan panels for IBM Datacap
Custom panels open up the IBM Datacap application to allow customization of scan panels to
match your specific needs. The DCDesktop panel download link provides the foundation source
code that is needed to create and modify a panel.
Custom scan panels provide:
Control for the layout of the scanning UI.
Access to the XML representation of the Batch and the Document Hierarchy (Setup DCO).
Custom functions specific to your vertical application.
Display custom logos or corporate images on your panel.
Access to a controlled and supported subset of ISIS and TWAIN scanning capabilities that are
contained in the dcScanISIS and dcScanTWAIN components
IBM Datacap 9.0 and Datacap 9.0.1 DDK Datacap Desktop
Custom Panels
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To successfully design and build custom scan panels requires familiarity with:
• C# programming, the Microsoft .NET framework, and Windows Forms.
• Microsoft Visual StudioXML, Microsoft System.XML namespace, and XPath syntax.
• Datacap Document Hierarchy (Setup DCO) and the structure and contents of application
By using the DCDesktop custom panel project that is available for download, you can customize
DCDesktop as needed for your Taskmaster application. See the developer document within
the download package that describes how to create new panels or modify existing panels for
scanning, batch creation, fixup, or other batch-oriented tasks. The document also illustrates how
different functional elements (image view, batch view, metadata fields, and more) are implemented
and manipulated within the panels.
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IBM Datacap 9.0 and Datacap 9.0.1 DDK Datacap Desktop
Custom Panels
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DCDesktop custom panel solution
DCDesktop custom panel solution with universal
DCDesktop custom panel with universal for 9.0 FP2
DCDesktop custom panel with universal for 9.0 FP3
DCDesktop custom panel with universal for 9.0.1
3.6 MB
DCDesktop custom panel with universal for 9.0.1FP1
IBM Datacap 9.0 and Datacap 9.0.1 DDK Datacap Desktop
Custom Panels
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About the author
Robert Ferin
Robert Ferin is a developer for IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture. He has been with
the team since 2007, recently focusing on the localization support of the Taskmaster
product. Prior to that time, he has accumulated 20 years of software development
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2014
IBM Datacap 9.0 and Datacap 9.0.1 DDK Datacap Desktop
Custom Panels
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