PCN #1310312: C8051F90x-F91x Revision D

Process Change Notice #1310312
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PCN Date: 10/31/2013
Effective Date: 2/5/2014
Title: C8051F90x/F91x Revision D
Originator: Atsushi Ninomiya
Phone: 512-532-5828
Dept: Marketing
Customer Contact: Kathy Haggar
Phone: 512-532-5261
Dept: Sales
PCN Type:
Product Revision
Last Order Date: Not Applicable.
PCN Details
Description of Change:
Silicon Labs is pleased to announce hardware revision D of the C8051F90x/F91x devices and revision
1.3 of the corresponding datasheet for these products.
For customers using Revision B the change to Revision D eliminates a potential issue with the RTC
after a Sleep wake up in some applications. This behavior could occur in one-cell mode when VBAT
falls below 1.5V and the MCU was in Sleep mode for ~100ms. If the behavior occurred, the RTC
would either miss a clock period or change in frequency. This revision change also improved
robustness of the device during VBAT ramp time that exceeds maximum datasheet specifications.
For customers using Revision C the change to Revision D eliminates a potential issue with the RTC
after a Sleep wake up in some applications. This behavior could occur in one-cell mode when VBAT
falls below 1.5V and the MCU was in Sleep mode for ~100ms. If the behavior occurred, the RTC
would either miss a clock period or change in frequency.
Datasheet revision 1.3 updates the orderable part number to revision D along with other minor
After the effective date of this PCN, Silicon Labs reserves the right to deliver C8051F90x/F91x-DGM/GU (Revision D) for customers ordering C8051F90x/F91x-C-GM/GU (Revision C) or
C8051F90x/F91x-GM/GU (Revision B).
Reason for Change:
C8051F90x/F91x Revision D release
C8051F90x/F91x Datasheet revision 1.3 release
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Process Change Notice #1310312
Impact on Form, Fit, Function, Quality, Reliability:
There is no impact to form, fit, quality or reliability.
The following functions are impacted:
- The reset value of REVID SFR will read 0x03 for Revision D instead of 0x02 for Revision C or
0x01 for Revision B.
- Behavior with the RTC after a Sleep wake up has been addressed.
- (For customer currently using Revision B) Improved robustness of the device during VBAT
ramp time that exceeds maximum datasheet specifications
Product Identification:
The following orderable part numbers are affected:
After the effective date of this PCN, Silicon Labs reserves the right to deliver the C8051F90x/F91xD-GM/GU (Revision D) for customer ordering C8051F90x/F91x-C-GM/GU (Revision C) or
C8051F90x/F91x-GM/GU (Revision B)
Revision C Products
Revision B Products
Note: The part numbers above include tape and reel variants which are denoted with an “R” at
the end of the orderable part number.
Last Date of Unchanged Product: 2/5/2014
Qualification Samples:
Samples are available now. Please contact your Silicon Labs sales representative to order samples.
A list of Silicon Labs sales representatives is available at www.silabs.com.
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Customer Early Acceptance Sign Off:
Customers may approve early PCN acceptance by completing the information below:
Early Acceptance:
Email your early Acceptance approval to: [email protected]
Qualification Data:
See Appendix.
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