PCN1308282 SL15300EZC Double Ground Wire UTACTH

Process Change Notice #1308282
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PCN Date: 8/28/2013
Effective Date: 8/28/2013
Title: Apply double ground bond on Pin 5 for SL15300EZC-75A and SL15300EZC-77A
Originator: Kanokwan Yooyongsin
Phone: +6565117749
Dept: Supplier Management
Customer Contact: Kathy Haggar
Phone: +512 532 5261
Dept: Sales
PCN Type:
Product Revision
Last Order Date: Not Applicable.
PCN Details
Description of Change:
Silicon Laboratories is pleased to announce the change of wire bonding for SL15300EZC-75A and
77A to improve down bond integrity.
As a result of the successful qualification, the new process has been released for production
Reason for Change:
In an effort to continuously improve quality assurance standards, Silicon Labs has decided to
implement dual bonding to pin 5.
Impact on Form, Fit, Function, Quality, Reliability:
There is no impact on fit, function, quality and reliability. The form has changed from single bond
to dual bond wire on pin 5.
Product Identification:
Last Date of Unchanged Product: 8/28/2013
Qualification Samples:
Samples are available now. Please contact your local Silicon Laboratories sales representative to
order samples. A list of Authorized representatives may be found at www.silabs.com.
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Process Change Notice #1308282
Customer Early Acceptance Sign Off:
Customers may approve early PCN acceptance by completing the information below:
Early Acceptance:
Email your early Acceptance approval to: [email protected]
Qualification Data:
Please refer to qualification report in Appendix A
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part or whole without Silicon Laboratories’ written consent. The document is uncontrolled if printed or electronically saved. Pg 2
Process Change Notice #1308282
Appendix A
Qualification Report
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part or whole without Silicon Laboratories’ written consent. The document is uncontrolled if printed or electronically saved. Pg 3