Targeting your applications - what little endian and big
endian IBM XL C/C++ compiler differences mean to
Nicole Negherbon ([email protected])
Compiler Validation Specialist
12 December 2014
Rafik Zurob ([email protected])
Compiler Software Developer
Nemanja Ivanovic ([email protected])
Compiler Validation Specialist
The IBM® POWER8™ platform supports operating systems that use big endian or little endian
byte ordering. Migrating programs written for a big endian operating system to a little endian
operating system may require code changes to maintain program behaviour or results. There
are differences that need to be considered with regards to vectors, storage association between
items of different sizes, long doubles, complex numbers, and serialization. The application
binary interface (ABI) implemented in IBM XL C/C++ for little endian Linux on Power Systems
is different than the ABI implemented in the big endian distributions. New options and built-in
functions have been added to help with porting. This article describes these differences, new
options, and built-in functions and makes suggestions about code changes to port code to IBM
XL C/C++ on POWER8.
To migrate from a big endian compiler to a little endian compiler, you might have to change some
code to maintain program behavior or results. Vectors, storage association between items of
different sizes, long doubles, complex numbers and serialization are aspects of your code that
should be considered when porting code from big endian to little endian. The little endian Linux®
distributions on IBM Power Systems™ use a different ABI than big endian distributions. Programs
that have dependencies on the old ABI will need to be updated. New built-in functions make
porting easier with respect to byte ordering of vectors.
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2014
Targeting your applications - what little endian and big endian IBM
XL C/C++ compiler differences mean to you
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This article describes the possible issues encountered when porting C/C++ code for use on big
endian IBM XL C/C++ on Power Systems to little endian IBM XL C/C++ on Power Systems. It
makes some suggestions about coding changes and describes compiler features and options that
help with porting code.
Comparing big endian byte order and little endian byte order
Endianness determines how data is interpreted in memory. The endianness of your platform is
determined by the architecture of your processor. The two most common types of endianness
used today are big endian and little endian.
On big endian platforms (often referred to as simply big endian in this article), bytes in memory
are ordered with the most significant byte first (or on the "left"). On little endian platforms (often
referred to as simply little endian in this article), bytes in memory and vector registers are ordered
with the least significant byte first (or on the "left").
For example, Figure 1 depicts how 000102030405060716 (interpreted as an 8-byte integer) is
stored in memory on big endian and little endian platforms. In Figure 1, a represents the memory
address at that location.
Figure 1: Representations of big endian and little endian byte ordering in
The IBM POWER® processor architecture supports 16-byte vectors containing sixteen 1-byte
elements, eight 2-byte elements, four 4-byte element, or two 8-byte elements. The processor
has 128-bit vector registers and instructions to load vectors into registers, operate on vectors in
registers, and store vector registers to memory. The IBM XL compilers provide built-in functions
and language support to work with vectors.
There are differences between big endian and little endian with respect to vector element order.
New compiler options and built-in functions have been introduced to help with these differences.
These differences and new features are explained in the following sections.
Vector element order and vector element byte order
There are two ways to lay out the elements of a vector in a vector register. You can load the
elements from lowest to highest, so that element 0 is the leftmost element in the vector register.
Alternatively, you can load the elements from highest to lowest, so that element 0 is the rightmost
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element in the vector register. The former placement is called big endian vector element order,
while the latter is called little endian vector element order.
On big endian, big endian vector element order is always used.
On little endian, you have the choice between using big endian vector element order and little
endian vector element order.
Regardless of the vector element order, vector elements on big endian use big endian byte order
in memory. Vector elements on little endian use little endian byte order in memory by default.
To demonstrate the differences of big endian and little endian vector element ordering, consider
Figure 2 and Figure 3.
Figure 2 depicts how 000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F16 (interpreted as a 16-byte vector)
is represented in a vector register in big endian vector element order. The b127 and b0 markings on
the figure denote bit 127 and bit 0 of the register respectively. The figure shows representations for
vectors filled with elements of 1, 2, 4, and 8 bytes as you move down from top.
Figure 2: Representations of big endian vector element order in vector
Figure 3 depicts how 000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F16 (interpreted as a 16-byte vector)
is represented in a vector register in little endian vector element order. The b127 and b0 markings
on the figure denote bit 127 and bit 0 of the register respectively. The figure shows representations
for vectors filled with elements of 1, 2, 4, and 8 bytes as you move down from top.
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Figure 3: Representations of little endian vector element order in vector
-qaltivec option
The -qaltivec option can be used to tell the little endian compiler how to order vector elements in
the vector registers.
With -qaltivec=le, the compiler loads vectors in little endian element order and assumes vectors
are loaded with little endian element order for vector stores. The compiler inserts vector permute
operations, if necessary, to ensure that the load and store built-in functions use little endian
element order. For vector built-in functions that reference specific elements, the compiler assumes
that vectors were loaded with little endian element order. On little endian, -qaltivec=le is the
With -qaltivec=be, the compiler loads vectors in big endian element order and assumes vectors
are loaded with big endian element order for vector stores. The compiler inserts vector permute
operations, if necessary, to ensure that the load and store built-in functions use big endian element
order. For vector built-in functions that reference specific elements, the compiler assumes that
vectors were loaded with big endian element order.
To demonstrate, consider the following program:
union Example
vector signed int vint;
int sint[4];
int main() {
union Example example;
printf("First vector element: %04x\n", vec_extract(example.vint,0));
printf("Second vector element: %04x\n", vec_extract(example.vint,1));
printf("Third vector element: %04x\n", vec_extract(example.vint,2));
printf("Fourth vector element: %04x\n", vec_extract(example.vint,3));
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return 0;
When this program is compiled on a big endian platform, or when it is compiled on a little endian
platform with -qaltivec=le, it produces the following output:
First vector element: 0102
Second vector element: 0304
Third vector element: 0506
Fourth vector element: 0708
However, if the program is compiled on a little endian platform with -qaltivec=be, it produces the
following output:
First vector element: 0708
Second vector element: 0506
Third vector element: 0304
Fourth vector element: 0102
The vector was loaded backwards into the vector register, while the order of elements in array i
was unchanged.
A more portable way of working with vectors is to load and store using the vec_xl, vec_xl_be,
vec_xst, and vec_xst_be built-in functions described in the next section.
Consider the following program:
int main() {
vector signed
vector signed
vector signed
vector signed
int a[4];
v1 = vec_xl(0, (int[]){1,2,3,4});
vec_xst(v1, 0, a);
printf("v1 via a: %d %d %d %d\n", a[0],a[1],a[2],a[3]);
v2 = vec_neg(v1);
vec_xst(v2, 0, a);
printf("v2 via a: %d %d %d %d\n", a[0],a[1],a[2],a[3]);
//Merge high and low depend on vector element order
v3 = vec_mergeh(v1, v2);
vec_xst(v3, 0, a);
printf("v3 via a: %d %d %d %d\n", a[0],a[1],a[2],a[3]);
v4 = vec_mergel(v1, v2);
vec_xst(v4, 0, a);
printf("v4 via a: %d %d %d %d\n", a[0],a[1],a[2],a[3]);
return 0;
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The program produces the same output on big endian platforms and little endian platforms. The
output is:
1 2 3 4
-1 -2 -3 -4
1 -1 2 -2
3 -3 4 -4
The vector built-in functions vec_xl, vec_xst, vec_mergeh, and vec_mergel take the vector element
order into account. In other words, when the program is compiled on a little endian platform with
• vec_xl uses a Vector Scalar eXtension (VSX) load instruction, which always loads in big
endian element order. A vector permute instruction is then used to reverse the vector in the
register to use little endian element order.
• vec_xst assumes that the vector in the register is using little endian vector element order so
it uses a vector permute instruction to reverse the vector element order to big endian vector
element order. It then uses a VSX store instruction, which always stores in big endian element
order, to store the vector back to memory.
• vec_mergeh knows that vector elements start from the right. The vector registers containing v1
and v2 look as follows:
v1 4 3 2 1
v2 -4 -3 -2 -1
Because vec_mergeh starts counting from the right, it correctly uses 1 and 2 for elements 0 and 2
of the result of vec_mergeh(v1, v2).
• vec_mergel similarly knows that the vector elements start from the right. It therefore, correctly
uses -1 and -2 for elements 1 and 3 of the result of vec_mergel(v1, v2).
When the program is compiled on a big endian platform, or on a little endian platform with qaltivec=be:
• vec_xl uses a VSX load instruction, which always loads in big endian element order. No
vector permute is necessary.
• vec_xst assumes that the vector in the register is using big endian vector element order. So,
it directly uses a VSX store instruction, which always stores in big endian element order, to
store the vector back to memory.
• vec_mergeh knows that vector elements start from the left. The vector registers containing v1
and v2 look as follows:
v1 1 2 3 4
v2 -1 -2 -3 -4
Because vec_mergeh starts counting from the left, it correctly uses 1 and 2 for elements 0 and 2 of
the result of vec_mergeh(v1, v2).
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• vec_mergel similarly knows that the vector elements start from the left. It therefore, correctly
uses -1 and -2 for elements 1 and 3 of the result of vec_mergel(v1, v2).
For programs that do not use unions, the –qaltivec=be option can be useful in porting code from
big endian to little endian.
The POWER8 cryptography built-in functions require their input vectors to be in big endian
vector element order. You can do this either by using -qaltivec=be, or by using the vec_xl_be
and vec_xst_be functions to load and store. These vector load and store functions are outlined in
the following section.
New vector load and store built-in functions
New vector load and store built-in functions that use VSX instructions have been added. Note
that XL C/C++ for little endian Linux on Power Systems is a 64-bit compiler product so only the
prototypes for 64-mode apply. These built-in functions are further described in the XL C/C++
Compiler Reference (XL C/C++ for Linux documentation library).
vec_xl(offset, address)
This function loads a 16-byte vector from the memory address specified by the displacement
offset and the address of address with the appropriate element order with respect to the platform
and the -qaltivec option.
Prototypes (64-bit mode):
signed char vec_xl(long, signed char *);
unsigned char vec_xl(long, unsigned char *);
signed short vec_xl(long, signed short *);
unsigned short vec_xl(long, unsigned short *);
signed int vec_xl(long, signed int *);
unsigned int vec_xl(long, unsigned int *);
signed long long vec_xl(long, signed long long *);
unsigned long long vec_xl(long, unsigned long long *);
float vec_xl(long, float *);
double vec_xl(long, double *);
vec_xl_be(offset, address)
This function loads a 16-byte vector from the memory address specified by the displacement
offset and the address of address in big endian order regardless of the platform or the -qaltivec
Prototypes (64-bit mode):
signed char vec_xl_be(long, signed char *);
unsigned char vec_xl_be(long, unsigned char *);
signed short vec_xl_be(long, signed short *);
unsigned short vec_xl_be(long, unsigned short *);
signed int vec_xl_be(long, signed int *);
unsigned int vec_xl_be(long, unsigned int *);
signed long long vec_xl_be(long, signed long long *);
unsigned long long vec_xl_be(long, unsigned long long *);
float vec_xl_be(long, float *);
double vec_xl_be(long, double *);
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vec_xst(vect, offset, address)
This function stores the elements of a 16-byte vector specified by vect into a given memory
address. The address is calculated by adding the displacement specified by offset to the memory
address specified by address with the appropriate element order with respect to the platform and
the -qaltivec option.
Prototypes (64-bit mode):
signed char, long, signed char *);
unsigned char, long, unsigned char *);
signed short, long, signed short *);
unsigned short, long, unsigned short *);
signed int, long, signed int *);
unsigned int, long, unsigned int *);
signed long long, long, signed long long *);
unsigned long long, long, unsigned long long *);
float, long, float *);
double, long, double *);
vec_xst_be(vect, offset, address)
This function stores the elements of a 16-byte vector specified by vect into a given memory
address. The address is calculated by adding the displacement specified by offset to the memory
address specified by address in big endian order regardless of the platform or the -qaltivec
Prototypes (64-bit mode):
signed char, long, signed char *);
unsigned char, long, unsigned char *);
signed short, long, signed short *);
unsigned short, long, unsigned short *);
signed int, long, signed int *);
unsigned int, long, unsigned int *);
signed long long, long, signed long long *);
unsigned long long, long, unsigned long long *);
float, long, float *);
double, long, double *);
Vector literals and binary-coded decimals (BCDs)
The binary-coded decimal (BCD) built-in functions operate on signed BCD values loaded in vector
registers. Each BCD is made up of a series of 4-byte nibbles containing a value between 0 and
9, with the last nibble containing the sign. For example, the value 10 is represented (in 4-byte
nibbles) as:
0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0
0x1 0x0 0xC
Each hexadecimal value above represents a 4-byte nibble. The 0x1 nibble is for the 1 in 10, and
the 0x0 nibble after it is for the 0 in 10. The 0xC nibble is a special value that represents a plus
sign. Because there is no BCD data type and the BCD numbers need to be loaded into vector
registers, the BCD built-in functions use vector unsigned char arguments and results. This makes
the BCD built-in functions dependent on vector element order even though BCD numbers are not
themselves vectors. In other words, vectors containing BCD numbers need to be loaded in big
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endian vector element order even when compiling with –qaltivec=le. This is a problem when
vectors are statically initialized (for example, using vector literals): a braced static vector initializer
expression with the byte elements listed in big endian order populates the vector register in little
endian element order on little endian platforms.
To work around this, you can reverse the order of the elements in the vector initializer. For
example, consider the following program:
#include <stdio.h>
#define BCD_INIT(b0, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, \
b8, b9, ba, bb, bc, bd, be, bf) \
{ bf, be, bd, bc, bb, ba, b9, b8, b7, b6, b5, b4, b3, b2, b1, b0 }
#define BCD_INIT(b0, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, \
b8, b9, ba, bb, bc, bd, be, bf) \
{ b0, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8, b9, ba, bb, bc, bd, be, bf }
vector unsigned char v1001 =
BCD_INIT(0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x1C);
vector unsigned char v9009 =
BCD_INIT(0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x09, 0x00, 0x9C);
static void print_bytes(vector unsigned char v)
long i;
unsigned char b[16];
vec_xst_be(v, 0, b);
printf("%.02hhx", b[0]);
for (i = 1; i < 16; ++i)
printf(", %.02hhx", b[i]);
int main(void)
vector unsigned char result;
printf("Adding statically initialized vectors\n");
printf("op1 is
"); print_bytes(v1001);
printf("op2 is
"); print_bytes(v9009);
result = __bcdadd(v1001, v9009, 0);
printf("result is "); print_bytes(result);
return 0;
This program prints the following data on both big endian and little endian platforms.
Adding statically initialized
op1 is
00, 00, 00, 00, 00,
op2 is
00, 00, 00, 00, 00,
result is 00, 00, 00, 00, 00,
00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 10, 00, 1c
00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 90, 00, 9c
00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 01, 00, 01, 0c
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The __LITTLE_ENDIAN__ macro is predefined on little endian platforms only. We create a
BCD_INIT macro to reverse the bytes in the initializer. Note that the print_bytes function uses the
vec_xst_be built-in function because the vectors are in big endian vector element order.
Other workarounds are to initialize at run time using the vec_xl_be built-in function, or to reverse
the vector element order of the statically initialized vector at run time using the vec_reve built-in
Application binary interface (ABI)
XL C/C++ for little endian Linux on Power Systems uses the new IBM Power Architecture® 64bit ELF V2 ABI specification. This new ABI improves several areas, including function calls. This
means, however, that assembly files targeting the old ABI have to be ported to the new ABI.
Fortran, C, and C++ programs that follow their respective language standards do not need any
porting to the new ABI. Programs containing non-standard extensions need to be reviewed for ABI
Storage association between different sized items
When porting a program from big endian to little endian, storage association between items of
different size need to be considered. In C/C++, this concerns unions and pointer casting. The
following sections outline those items in greater detail.
Note that hexadecimal values are always printed in big endian order.
When using unions with items of different sizes, the result can be different on little endian than it is
on big endian. To demonstrate this, consider the following program:
union Example
char i;
short j;
int k;
union Example example;
example.k = 0x01020304;
printf("example.i: %02x\n", example.i);
printf("example.j: %04x\n", example.j);
printf("example.k: %08x\n", example.k);
return 0;
In the above program, we have specified that i, j, and k share storage space – all of which are of
different sizes. On big endian, the most significant byte is in the lowest memory address (or on the
left), so i, j, and k contain the following data:
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example.i: 01
example.j: 0102
example.k: 01020304
On little endian platforms, the least significant byte is on the left, so i, j, and k contain the
following data:
example.i: 04
example.j: 0304
example.k: 01020304
Pointer casting
The issues with pointer casting are effectively the same as those introduced by unions. Consider
the following program:
int main() {
int i = 0x01020304;
printf("example.i: %02x\n", *(char*)&i);
printf("example.j: %04x\n", *(short*)&i);
printf("example.k: %08x\n", *(int*)&i);
return 0;
Note that the code is invalid by aliasing rules of the language (for example, an integer cannot be
handled as a short), however, the code simply demonstrates the issue.
In the above program, pointer casting is used to cast the integer i to char, short, and int. On big
endian, the most significant byte of i is in the lowest memory address. The output of the program
on big endian is:
example.i: 01
example.j: 0102
example.k: 01020304
On little endian, the least significant byte of i is in the lowest memory address. The output of the
program on little endian is:
example.i: 04
example.j: 0304
example.k: 01020304
Long double and complex types
XL C/C++'s long double types are composed of two parts of type double with different magnitudes
that do not overlap (except when the number is zero or close to zero). The high-order double (the
one that comes first in storage) must have the larger magnitude, even on little endian. The value of
a long double number is the sum of its two real parts.
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Complex types are made of a real and an imaginary part where the real part is always before the
imaginary part. In C/C++, you can access the real and imaginary parts using the __real__ and
__imag__ unary operators or the creal and cimag function sets.
Consider the following program:
union Example
float f[2];
float complex c;
int main()
union Example example;
example.c = 1.0f + 0.0f*I;
printf("First element of float: %.4f\n", example.f[0]);
printf("Second element of float: %.4f\n", example.f[1]);
printf("Real part of complex: %.4f\n", __real__(example.c));
printf("Imaginary part of complex: %.4fi\n", __imag__(example.c));
return 0;
On both big endian and little endian, the first element of f is 1.0000 and the second element of f is
0.0000. The real part of the complex number c is 1.0000 and the imaginary part is 0.0000i.
First element of float: 1.0000
Second element of float: 0.0000
Real part of complex: 1.0000
Imaginary part of complex: 0.0000i
The byte order of the elements of a floating-point and a complex number is different between big
endian and little endian, but the element order is the same.
Binary data files depend on the byte order of the data. If you have a binary data file generated on
a big endian platform, you will need to convert the byte order of the data when reading the file on
a little endian platform. You can use the __load2r, __load4r, __load8r, __store2r, __store4r, and
__store8r built-in functions to convert the byte order. Consider, for example, the following program
which, when compiled and run on a big endian platform, generates a binary file bigendian.data:
$ cat writefile.c
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "data.h"
int main() {
FILE *fp;
data_t data = { {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}, {1,2,3,4}, {-1,-2}, 3.0, 4.0, "abcdefgh" };
size_t res;
fp = fopen("bigendian.data", "w");
if (fp == NULL) {
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res = fwrite(&data, sizeof(data), 1, fp);
if (res != 1) {
return 0;
$ cat data.h
#ifndef DATA_H
#define DATA_H
#include <stdint.h>
typedef struct {
int64_t ll[8];
int32_t i[4];
int16_t s[2];
float f;
double d;
char c[10];
} data_t;
static void print_data(data_t data) {
long i;
printf("data: ll={ ");
for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
printf("0x%016lx ", data.ll[i]);
i={ ");
for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
printf("0x%08x ", data.i[i]);
s={ ");
for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
printf("0x%04hx ", data.s[i]);
f=%f\n", data.f);
d=%f\n", data.d);
i = 0;
while(i < 10 && data.c[i] != '\0') {
printf("%c", data.c[i]);
writes data as a stream of bytes. As a result, ll, i, s, f, and d will be in big endian byte
order. To read the data file on a little endian platform, the read routine can't just use fread. It will
need to convert the data too. For example:
$ cat readfile.c
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "data.h"
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static void print_data(data_t data);
int main() {
FILE *fp;
data_t data;
size_t res;
fp = fopen("bigendian.data", "r");
if (fp == NULL) {
/* This fread call will read all non-character data
in the wrong byte order */
res = fread(&data, sizeof(data), 1, fp);
if (res != 1) {
/* Convert the byte order */
union {
uint64_t u64;
uint32_t u32;
double d;
float f;
} tmp;
long i;
/* convert the long long data */
for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
data.ll[i] = __load8r((uint64_t *) &data.ll[i]);
/* convert the integer data */
for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
data.i[i] = __load4r((uint32_t *) &data.i[i]);
/* convert the short data */
for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
data.s[i] = __load2r((uint16_t *) &data.s[i]);
/* convert the float data */
tmp.f = data.f;
__store4r(tmp.u32, &data.f);
/* convert the double data */
tmp.d = data.d;
__store8r(tmp.u64, &data.d);
printf("After conversion:\n");
return 0;
When readfile.c is compiled and run on a little endian platform, the following output is generated.
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data: ll={ 0x0100000000000000 0x0200000000000000 0x0300000000000000 0x0400000000000000
0x0500000000000000 0x0600000000000000 0x0700000000000000 0x0800000000000000 }
i={ 0x01000000 0x02000000 0x03000000 0x04000000 }
s={ 0xffff 0xfeff }
After conversion:
data: ll={ 0x0000000000000001 0x0000000000000002 0x0000000000000003 0x0000000000000004
0x0000000000000005 0x0000000000000006 0x0000000000000007 0x0000000000000008 }
i={ 0x00000001 0x00000002 0x00000003 0x00000004 }
s={ 0xffff 0xfffe }
Similar considerations are needed when porting algorithms that depend on the byte order of the
data. For example, a function that reads a text file containing a hexadecimal string of arbitrary
length and converts it to an array of uint64_t can cast the character string to a uint64_t *. While
this violates the ANSI aliasing rules, it works on a big endian platform because the byte orders of a
char[8] array and uint64_t match. This is not the case on little endian platforms.
Loading and storing in reverse byte order
XL C/C++ provides the following built-in functions to help with converting byte order:
unsigned short __load2r(unsigned short* address)
Loads an unsigned short from address with reversed byte
unsigned int __load4r(unsigned int* address)
Loads an unsigned integer from address with reversed
byte order.
unsigned long long __load8r(unsigned long long* address)
Loads an unsigned long long from address with reversed byte order.
void __store2r(unsigned short source, unsigned short* address)
Stores an unsigned short source to address with reversed byte order.
void __store4r(unsigned int source, unsigned int* address)
Stores an unsigned integer source to address with reversed byte order.
void __store8r(unsigned long long source, unsigned long long* address)
Stores an unsigned long long source to address with reversed byte order.
Returns a vector that is of the same type as address containing the bytes of the corresponding
element of address in the reversed byte order.
Targeting your applications - what little endian and big endian IBM
XL C/C++ compiler differences mean to you
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signed char vec_revb(vector signed char);
unsigned char vec_revb(vector unsigned char);
signed short vec_revb(vector signed short);
unsigned short vec_revb(vector unsigned short);
signed int vec_revb(vector signed int);
unsigned int vec_revb(vector unsigned int);
signed long long vec_revb(vector signed long long);
unsigned long long vec_revb(vector unsigned long long);
float vec_revb(vector float)
double vec_revb(vector double);
Returns a vector that is of the same type as address containing the elements of address in the
reversed element order.
signed char vec_reve(vector signed char);
unsigned char vec_reve(vector unsigned char);
signed short vec_reve(vector signed short);
unsigned short vec_reve(vector unsigned short);
signed int vec_reve(vector signed int);
unsigned int vec_reve(vector unsigned int);
signed long long vec_reve(vector signed long long);
unsigned long long vec_reve(vector unsigned long long);
float vec_reve(vector float);
double vec_reve(vector double);
• Visit the XL C/C++ for Linux product page for more information.
• Visit the Power Architecture: 64-Bit ELF V2 ABI Specification - OpenPOWER ABI for Linux
Supplement for more information.
• Get the free trial download for XL C/C++ for Linux.
• Get connected. Join the Rational C/C++ Cafe community.
Targeting your applications - what little endian and big endian IBM
XL C/C++ compiler differences mean to you
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About the authors
Nicole Negherbon
Nicole Negherbon is a software developer with 3 years of experience. Nicole's
primary area of expertise is in Fortran compiler validation on IBM AIX and Linux on
Power. Nicole is a system administrator for IBM POWER8 systems running IBM AIX
and various Linux on Power distributions.
Rafik Zurob
Rafik Zurob is an advisory software developer with 13 years of experience. Rafik is
the team lead for the Fortran compiler frontend and runtime environment on IBM AIX
and Linux on Power. He is a technical lead for migrating the IBM C/C++ and Fortran
compiler products to the little endian Linux on the IBM Power platform.
Nemanja Ivanovic
Nemanja Ivanovic is a staff software developer with 5 years of experience in C/C+
+ compiler validation on IBM Power Systems and Linux on System z. Nemanja has
been with the IBM Canada lab for the past 4 years and his primary areas of expertise
are IBM XL C/C++ compilers for AIX, Linux on Power, Linux on OpenPower, and
Linux on System z.
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2014
Targeting your applications - what little endian and big endian IBM
XL C/C++ compiler differences mean to you
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