All aboard! An introduction to Rails 3
Martin Streicher
Software Developer
Pixel, Byte, and Comma
23 March 2010
The impending release of Ruby on Rails version 3 both refines and expands the capabilities
of the popular Web application framework. Offering cleaner controllers and savvier SQL
queries, you can expect to write less code than before. Better yet, you can include most of the
components of Rails 3 in any Ruby application. Here's a look at what's changed for the better.
Over the past two years, the Ruby on Rails application framework has garnered a cottage industry
of hosting and service providers, an expansive and impressive array of development tools, and
a wide variety of complementary libraries—called gems and plug-ins in Ruby parlance—that
increase the capabilities of the software. For example, Engine Yard and Heroku are just two
companies that provide virtual and headache-free Rails software hosting; the colorfully named
Oink and Bullet profile memory usage and performance, respectively; and Clearance and Sunspot
provide off-the-shelf authentication and fast, indexed search.
Frequently used acronyms
CRUD: Create, read, update, delete
HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
REST: Representational State Transfer
SQL: Structured Query Language
Since 2007, the Rails community has grown, too. The global legion of Rails developers is vibrant,
helpful, and always eager to improve the software. Indeed, it's not hyperbole to say that the
community is determined to improve Rails, with coders constantly leapfrogging one another to
build something better. Iteration after iteration, features quickly evolve from nascent to utilitarian
to powerful to elegant and ultimately to indispensable. In many instances, gems and plugins the community finds essential are enshrined in the Rails core. Rails's named scopes—a
query shorthand—followed that very trajectory, as did nested forms, a fairly recent addition that
supplanted previous attempts to create and edit multiple models within the same HTML form.
Indeed, perhaps the most difficult task for Rails developers is keeping pace with change. (Luckily,
a number of weekly Ruby and Ruby on Rails podcasts organize and present trends and best
Rails version 3, the next major release of Rails, continues the rapid advancement of the toolkit.
True to its heritage, the software remains "opinionated," preferring convention over configuration.
Rails's core components—RESTful routes, relationships, validations, templates, and database
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All aboard! An introduction to Rails 3
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abstractions—persist. However, much of the internals of those units have been rewritten or refined.
Most notably, and borrowing heavily from Merb, many of Rails's essential features are no longer
tightly coupled. For instance, the data-validation conveniences previously available only to a Rails
application are now stand-alone components and can be included in vanilla Ruby code. Controller
capabilities, such as rendering partials and templates, are also independent and can be embedded
in any library.
In this article, you'll take a look at Rails 3 and its many changes and additions and create a new
Rails 3 application from scratch. As of the middle of February 2010, Rails 3 is a beta prerelease,
and the core team is collecting patches, feedback, and documentation to prepare an official
release prior to the start of summer. Nonetheless, the current incarnation of Rails 3 is sufficient for
building applications and learning about the multitude of new capabilities.
Big changes, little changes
The number of changes in Rails 3 is too significant to recount fully here. To read a complete list
along with supplemental material, consult the Rails 3 Release Notes (see Resources for a link).
Here, however, are some of the alterations most likely to affect developers:
• One command to rule them all. Rails 3 obsolesces the family of scripts (script/server, script/
generate, and the rest) found in each application and replaces it with a single command, aptly
named rails. For example, where you previously typed ./script/console, you now type
rails console. The rails command also generates new applications, as it did before. Its
operation differs according to whether it's launched amid an existing Rails application.
• A manifest solution for dependencies. Reconciling and resolving gem dependencies
is something of a knotty problem. Gem revisions can vary from one system to another, as
can the collection of available gems. With such variety, it can be difficult to widely deploy
or share a Rails application. Rails 3 introduces the Bundler, a special utility for managing
dependencies (thus obsolescing config.gem). You declare dependences in a catalog named
Gemfile in the root of your application. The Bundler downloads and stores all the named
gems. You can even "pack" the gems in your application to preclude downloads from external
• Queries without the queries. Historically, Rails had made good use of domain-specific
languages (DSLs) throughout—think of has_one or validates_numericality_of—with one
notable exception: database queries. Certainly, Rails's dynamic finders ease the burden, but
code littered with option hashes replete with :conditions, :order, and :limit are common,
as are find_by_sql statements. Rails 3 incorporates relational algebra, a DSL designed to
express queries. Primitives include project (to select columns), where (to express conditions),
join (to specify relationships), take and skip (for limits and offsets, respectively), and group
(for aggregation), among others.
• Controllers sans that fussy boilerplate code. The core actions of a Rails controller
—new, create, edit, update—typically do not vary, especially if the controller is largely there
for CRUD operations. In fact, the output of the controller generator, ./script/generate
controller, often suffices without further modification. Given those similarities, Rails 3
introduces the Responder to simplify the code further. For example, a few lines of code is all
that's needed for a create action:
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class PostsController
respond_to :html, :xml
def create
@post = Post.create(params[:post])
In this snippet, respond_with(@post) routes to show to display the new record if @post was
saved successfully, or to new if the object failed validations, for example.
Again, this is just a small sampling. You can find examples of these new features and more in the
next section, in which you build a Rails 3 application from scratch.
A first Rails 3 application
To run Rails 3, your system must have either Ruby version 1.8.7 or Ruby version 1.9.2 or a newer
release of the programming language and its attendant libraries and interpreter. It is also beneficial
to have the Git software version control system installed on your machine, as Rails 3 and many
other influential Rails projects are maintained in Git. Your system should also have a database
engine, such as SQLite (version 3), MySQL, or PostgreSQL. A Web server is not required to
develop a Rails application, but it's usually part of a production deployment.
To create a Rails 3 application, you must have the Rails 3 prerelease gem and all its
dependencies. At the moment, you can install the required components with just a few commands
(see Listing 1). (Check the documentation for Rails 3 before you continue, as the specifics may
change from release to release.)
Listing 1. The Rails 3 prerelease gem and dependencies
$ gem install rails3b
Due to a rubygems bug,
Successfully installed
Successfully installed
Successfully installed
Successfully installed
Successfully installed
Successfully installed
Successfully installed
Successfully installed
Successfully installed
Successfully installed
Successfully installed
Successfully installed
Successfully installed
Successfully installed
14 gems installed
you must uninstall all older versions of bundler for 0.9 to work
$ gem install arel --pre
Successfully installed activesupport-3.0.0.beta
Successfully installed arel-0.2.pre
2 gems installed
$ gem install rails --pre
Successfully installed activemodel-3.0.0.beta
Successfully installed actionpack-3.0.0.beta
Successfully installed activerecord-3.0.0.beta
Successfully installed activeresource-3.0.0.beta
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Successfully installed actionmailer-3.0.0.beta
Successfully installed railties-3.0.0.beta
Successfully installed rails-3.0.0.beta
7 gems installed
The next step is to generate the application—a small wiki, shown in Listing 2. The application
creates and administers articles. Each article has a title and some prose, and you create a new
article simply by creating a reference to it from the body of an existing page. A reference is any
camel case word, such as TheSolarSystem or TheOscars.
Note: The source code for the wiki application is available from the Download table below.
Listing 2. The wiki Rails application
$ rails wiki
If you run ls -lR to see the contents of the application, a few new files stand out:
• Gemfile is the gem manifest mentioned earlier. At a minimum, the file must contain two lines:
one to point to the source of the Rails 3 beta gem and one to bundle the Rails 3 beta gem
itself. You probably want a third line (at least) to connect to a database:
source 'http://gemcutter.org'
gem "rails", "3.0.0.beta"
gem "sqlite3-ruby", :require => "sqlite3"
• config/application.rb contains many of the options previously found in config/environment.rb.
The latter remains but is largely deprecated. One significant addition to config/application.rb is
the generators block:
config.generators do |g|
g.template_engine :erb
g.test_framework :test_unit, :fixture => true
Your Rails 3 application can use one of a number of compatible object-relational mappers
(ORM), template engines, and test frameworks. The generators block specifies your
preferences for the application and invokes the proper generator for your models, views, and
so on.
• db/seeds.rb is not new to Rails 3, but it's important to mention, because it was added fairly
recently (it was introduced in Rails version 2.3.4). If your application requires initial data to
run properly, such as an administrative user, price codes, or static pages, create that data
in db/seeds.rb and run the task rake db:seed. Prior to the seed file, no convention existed
for initialization, and many developers put code in migrations, clouding the differentiation
between creating the database and populating it.
• config.ru, found in the root of each Rails 3 application, is a so-called rackup file, or a
configuration for a Rack-based application. Rails 3 is a Rack application and is compatible
with any Web server that also supports Rack. In general, you need not touch config.ru unless
you want to add other Rack components.
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There are a few other new files; most, though, should seem familiar from Rails version 2.3. The
config/routes.rb file serves the same purpose as before, albeit with a much-simplified and more
Ruby-like flavor. You'll see an example momentarily.
After you generate the application and edit Gemfile to capture your dependencies, your next step
is to collect the gems your application requires. That's the job of the new utility, bundle (see Listing
Listing 3. Collect the required gems
$ bundle
installFetching source index from http://gemcutter.org
Resolving dependencies
Installing abstract (1.0.0) from system gems
Installing actionmailer (3.0.0.beta) from system gems
Installing actionpack (3.0.0.beta) from system gems
Installing activemodel (3.0.0.beta) from system gems
Installing activerecord (3.0.0.beta) from system gems
Installing activeresource (3.0.0.beta) from system gems
Installing activesupport (3.0.0.beta) from system gems
Installing arel (0.2.1) from rubygems repository at http://gemcutter.org
Installing builder (2.1.2) from system gems
Installing bundler (0.9.7) from rubygems repository at http://gemcutter.org
Installing erubis (2.6.5) from system gems
Installing i18n (0.3.3) from system gems
Installing mail (2.1.2) from system gems
Installing memcache-client (1.7.8) from system gems
Installing mime-types (1.16) from system gems
Installing rack (1.1.0) from system gems
Installing rack-mount (0.4.7) from system gems
Installing rack-test (0.5.3) from system gems
Installing rails (3.0.0.beta) from system gems
Installing railties (3.0.0.beta) from system gems
Installing rake (0.8.7) from system gems
Installing sqlite3-ruby (1.2.5) from rubygems repository at
http://gemcutter.org with native extensions
Installing text-format (1.0.0) from system gems
Installing text-hyphen (1.0.0) from system gems
Installing thor (0.13.3) from rubygems repository at http://gemcutter.org
Installing tzinfo (0.3.16) from system gems
Your bundle is complete!
The bundle utility, short for Bundler, downloads and installs all the gems named in Gemfile
and any of those gems' prerequisites (see Listing 4). The bundle utility can also copy all those
dependencies into your application, making your code base self-sufficient. Specifically, if you run
bundle pack, the Bundler copies the corpus of gems to vendor/cache.
Listing 4. Running the bundle utility
$ bundle pack
Copying .gem files into vendor/cache
* bundler-0.9.7.gem
* thor-0.13.3.gem
* abstract-1.0.0.gem
* mime-types-1.16.gem
* text-hyphen-1.0.0.gem
* rack-mount-0.4.7.gem
* rake-0.8.7.gem
* text-format-1.0.0.gem
* tzinfo-0.3.16.gem
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$ ls vendor/cache
abstract-1.0.0.gem memcache-client-1.7.8.gem
actionmailer-3.0.0.beta.gem mime-types-1.16.gem
actionpack-3.0.0.beta.gem rack-1.1.0.gem
activemodel-3.0.0.beta.gem rack-mount-0.4.7.gem
activerecord-3.0.0.beta.gem rack-test-0.5.3.gem
activeresource-3.0.0.beta.gem rails-3.0.0.beta.gem
activesupport-3.0.0.beta.gem railties-3.0.0.beta.gem
builder-2.1.2.gem sqlite3-ruby-1.2.5.gem
bundler-0.9.7.gem text-format-1.0.0.gem
erubis-2.6.5.gem text-hyphen-1.0.0.gem
Think of vendor/cache as your application's own gem repository. You can move the code base
anywhere and have the gem software and versions you depend on—no remote repositories
required. For example, if you run bundle install after bundle pack, the gems are installed from
your application repository to your system (see Listing 5).
Listing 5. Installing the gems
Fetching source index from http://gemcutter.org
Resolving dependencies
Installing abstract (1.0.0) from .gem files at
Installing actionmailer (3.0.0.beta) from .gem files at
Installing actionpack (3.0.0.beta) from .gem files at
Installing thor (0.13.3) from .gem files at
Installing tzinfo (0.3.16) from .gem files at
Your bundle is complete!
Working on the wiki
To create the application, generate a scaffold for a page, create the database, seed the database
with an initial page, and set up the necessary routes (see Listing 6). To keep things simple, a wiki
page record is limited to a handful of fields: a title, a slug (an abbreviation of the title), a body,
and timestamps to record when the page was created and when it was last modified. The title
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and slug are string fields; prose is a text field; and the timestamps are date and time fields. (Of
course, a real wiki would have additional fields, such as the most recent author and previous
revisions of the page. For brevity, this example also omits users and sessions, formatting, and any
kind of authentication and authorization.) You can generate an initial model, a set of views, and a
controller with the command rails generate scaffold.
Listing 6. The full wiki application
$ rails generate scaffold page title:string slug:string body:text --timestamps
invoke active_record
route resources :pages
invoke scaffold_controller
invoke stylesheets
If you're wondering what happened to ./script/generate, recall that it's now subsumed by the
omnipotent rails command.
Run rake db:create db:migrate to create the database:
$ rake db:create db:migrate
== CreatePages: migrating ====================================================
-- create_table(:pages)
-> 0.0010s
== CreatePages: migrated (0.0011s) ===========================================
The wiki exists now, but it's empty. Add an initial page to serve as an anchor for all other pages.
Edit the file db/seeds.rb, and write code to create a new page, as shown in Listing 7.
Listing 7. The wiki anchor page
=> 'The Marx Brothers Wiki',
=> 'Home',
=> 'An encyclopedic guide to the Marx Brothers.')
Run rake db:seed to execute the code. You can verify the page with a quick glance using rails
console, as shown in Listing 8.
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Listing 8. Verify the anchor page
$ rake db:seed
(in /Users/strike/projects/rails3/wiki)
$ rails console
Loading development environment (Rails 3.0.0.beta)
irb(main):001:0> Page.all
=> [#<Page id: 1, title: "The Marx Brothers Wiki", slug: "Home",
body: "An encyclopedic guide to the Marx Brothers.",
created_at: "2010-02-21 12:24:43", updated_at: "2010-02-21 12:24:43">]
Before proceeding with the code, set up the routes. Two routes are required: a default route to
find the home page and another route to find a page by its slug. Listing 9 shows the final config/
routes.rb file.
Listing 9. config/routes.rb (final)
Wiki::Application.routes.draw do |map|
resources :pages
root :to => "pages#show"
The rails generate scaffold page line in Listing 6 automatically created the route in line 2, which
is RESTful. You must add the route in line 3 manually. The syntax to specify a default "root" of
the site route is new in Rails 3. Line 3 says, "Map the route '/' to the 'show' method of the pages
controller." The code for the show method finds the home page in the database and displays it.
After adding the new root route, delete the file public/index.html to preclude conflicts:
$ rm public/index.html
Now, turn your attention to the page controller. The code for a controller in Rails 3 can be
exceedingly spartan. Listing 10 shows the initial implementation of the controller, with a sole show
Listing 10. A Rails 3 controller
class PagesController < ApplicationController
respond_to :html
def show
@page = Page.where( :slug => ( params[:id] || 'Home' ) ).first
respond_with( @page )
As you can see, all the boilerplate typically found in a Rails 2 controller is missing. respond_to lists
the formats the controller supports; here, it responds solely to requests for HTML. respond_with is
shorthand for the logic to decide how the controller should proceed.
The syntax for the query is also quite different. The lookup is an example of the Rails 3 relational
algebra. You may be wondering why the first suffix is required. where and other operands that
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express the query do not actually cause the query to execute. Instead, the query sits idly by until
the data is actually needed. This is lazy loading, or deferring the query as long as possible. first
sparks an actual inquiry from the database.
If you run the application now, you should see something similar to Figure 1.
Figure 1. The Rails 3 wiki application
Now, add more code to the controller. Listing 11 shows the complete controller.
Listing 11. The complete Rails 3 controller
class PagesController < ApplicationController
respond_to :html
before_filter :get_page, :except => [ :create ]
def create
respond_with( @page = Page.create( params[ :page ] ) )
def edit
def index
render :action => :show
def show
@page ||= Page.new( :slug => params[ :id ] )
if @page.new_record?
render :action => :new
respond_with( @page )
def update
@page.update_attributes( params[ :page ] )
respond_with( @page )
def get_page
@page = Page.where( :slug => ( params[:id] || 'Home' ) ).first ||
Page.where( :id => params[:id] ).first
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In the controller, the index method merely reflects the show action with no page identifier, thus
rendering the home page. show displays a page, given an ID or a slug (the lookups for all actions
are centralized in get_page, further reducing the amount of code); if a page does not exist, a new
page is prepared for editing.
The Page model merely validates that all its fields are present:
class Page > ActiveRecord::Base
validates_presence_of :body, :slug, :title
The work to translate the camel case references to links to other pages occurs in the view for the
Page model. A helper function in app/helpers/pages_helper.rb does the heavy lifting, keeping the
view minimal (see Listing 12).
Listing 12. The camel case translation helper function
module PagesHelper
def wikify( page )
return '' if page.body.blank?
page.body.gsub( /^([A-Z][[:alnum:]]*([A-Z][[:alnum:]]*)+)/ ) do |match|
link_to( $1, :action => :show, :id => $1 )
The view is typical, as shown in Listing 13.
Listing 13. A typical view
<%= @page.title %>
<%= raw wikify( @page ) %>
<%= link_to 'Edit', edit_page_path(@page) %> |
<%= link_to 'Back', pages_path %>
The raw operator is new to Rails 3. Counter to previous releases of Rails, all strings are emitted
safe, stripped of HTML, by default. If you want to emit a string with HTML, you must use raw.
Switching Rails
Beyond the improvements and conveniences shown here, Rails 3 offers better performance than
its predecessors, especially in rendering partials. You can also create your own validator classes
and take advantage of more streamlined standard validations. For instance, this validation, written
by Jeremy McAnally, once required four separate lines of code:
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validates :login, :presence => true, :length => {:minimum => 4},
:uniqueness => true, :format => { :with => /[A-Za-z0-9]+/ }
The Rails Guides, the official tutorials for Rails, are currently being updated for Rails 3. You can
also find extensive instruction and clever solutions on the blogs of Jeremy McAnally, Yehuda
Katz, Gregg Pollack, and other community leaders (see Resources). A number of popular books
are under revision for the new release, too, including the seminal "pickaxe" book, Agile Web
Development with Rails (see Resources).
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Source files for the example wiki
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• Rails 3 release notes: Read the release notes for a comprehensive and up-to-date list of
additions, enhancements, and changes in the code.
• Merb: Rails 3 integrates many of the features of the Merb framework. Discover Merb's history
and features.
• Jeremy McAnally's blog: Read this blog for tutorials and expert insights.
• Yehuda Katz's blog: Katz is a core Rails contributor and a chief architect of the integration of
Merb and Rails.
• Gregg Pollack's blog: Pollack hosts a weekly podcast and occasional screencasts about
• Agile Web Development with Rails (Sam Ruby, Dave Thomas, David Heinemeier Hansson,
et al., The Pragmatic Bookshelf, 2009): This book is an invaluable resource if you want to
learn Rails.
• developerWorks Web development zone: The Web development zone is packed with tools
and information for Web 2.0 development.
• IBM technical events and webcasts: Stay current with developerWorks' technical events and
Get products and technologies
• Ruby on Rails: Visit the Rails home page to read more about Rails and to download the
• Sunspot: Download a copy of the Sunspot text search plug-in for Rails from Github.
• Clearance: This prepackaged Rails solution helps with user authentication.
• Bullet: Incorporate Bullet into your application to find queries that are too lazy or too eager.
• Oink: Try the aptly-named Oink to reduce the memory usage of your Rails application.
• IBM product evaluation versions: Download these versions today and get your hands on
application development tools and middleware products from DB2®, Lotus®, Rational®,
Tivoli®, and WebSphere®.
• developerWorks blogs: Check out developerWorks blogs and get involved in the
developerWorks community.
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About the author
Martin Streicher
Martin Streicher is a freelance Ruby on Rails developer and the former Editor-in-Chief
of Linux Magazine. Martin holds a Master of Science degree in computer science
from Purdue University, and has programmed UNIX-like systems since 1986. He
collects art and toys.
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