Component - CyBoot V2.40 Datasheet.pdf

PSoC® Creator™
System Reference Guide
cy_boot Component v2.40
Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
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PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 5
Conventions............................................................................................................................... 6
References ................................................................................................................................ 6
Revision History......................................................................................................................... 6
Standard Types and Defines ......................................................................................................... 7
Base Types ................................................................................................................................ 7
Hardware Register Types .......................................................................................................... 7
Compiler Defines ....................................................................................................................... 7
Keil 8051 Compatibility Defines................................................................................................. 8
Return Codes............................................................................................................................. 8
Interrupt Types and Macros ....................................................................................................... 9
Intrinsic Defines ......................................................................................................................... 9
Device Version Defines ............................................................................................................. 9
Clocking ........................................................................................................................................ 11
PSoC Creator Clocking Implementation.................................................................................. 11
APIs ......................................................................................................................................... 20
Power Management ..................................................................................................................... 29
Clock Configuration ................................................................................................................. 29
Wakeup Time Configuration .................................................................................................... 30
Wakeup Source Configuration................................................................................................. 30
APIs ......................................................................................................................................... 31
Instance Low Power APIs ........................................................................................................ 37
Interrupts....................................................................................................................................... 39
APIs ......................................................................................................................................... 39
Cache............................................................................................................................................. 43
PSoC 3 Cache Functionality.................................................................................................... 43
PSoC 5 Cache Functionality.................................................................................................... 43
Pins................................................................................................................................................ 45
APIs ......................................................................................................................................... 45
Register Access ........................................................................................................................... 47
APIs ......................................................................................................................................... 47
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
DMA ............................................................................................................................................... 51
Flash and EEPROM...................................................................................................................... 53
APIs ......................................................................................................................................... 54
Bootloader System ...................................................................................................................... 59
Bootloader Component............................................................................................................ 59
Communications Component .................................................................................................. 60
Custom Bootloader Component .............................................................................................. 61
Bootloader Project Types ........................................................................................................ 63
Memory Usage ........................................................................................................................ 65
Bootloader Parameters............................................................................................................ 66
Bootloadable Parameters ........................................................................................................ 68
Bootloader API......................................................................................................................... 69
Bootloader Commands............................................................................................................ 69
Bootloader Packets ................................................................................................................. 74
Bootloader Status/Error Codes................................................................................................ 75
Bootloader Application & Code Data File Format.................................................................... 75
Bootloader Host Tool ............................................................................................................... 76
System Functions ........................................................................................................................ 79
General APIs............................................................................................................................ 79
CyDelay APIs........................................................................................................................... 80
Startup and Linking...................................................................................................................... 83
PSoC 3 .................................................................................................................................... 83
PSoC 5 .................................................................................................................................... 83
CMSIS Support (PSoC 5)........................................................................................................ 84
Preservation of Reset Status (PSoC 3 and PSoC 5)............................................................... 84
Watchdog Timer ........................................................................................................................... 85
APIs ......................................................................................................................................... 85
cy_boot Component Changes .................................................................................................... 87
Version 2.40............................................................................................................................. 87
Version 2.30............................................................................................................................. 87
Version 2.21............................................................................................................................. 88
Version 2.20............................................................................................................................. 89
Version 2.10............................................................................................................................. 89
Version 2.0............................................................................................................................... 90
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
This System Reference Guide describes functions supplied by the PSoC Creator cy_boot component.
The cy_boot component provides the system functionality for a project to give better access to chip
resources. The functions are not part of the component libraries but may be used by them. You can use
the function calls to reliably perform needed chip functions.
The cy_boot component is unique:
Included automatically into every project
Only a single instance can be present
No symbol representation
Not present in the Component Catalog (by default)
As the system component, cy_boot includes various pieces of library functionality. This guide is organized
by these functions:
Power management
Start up code
Various library functions
Linker scripts
The cy_boot component presents an API that enables user firmware to accomplish the tasks described in
this guide. There are multiple major functional areas that are described separately.
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
The following table lists the conventions used throughout this guide:
Courier New
Displays file locations and source code:
C:\ …cd\icc\, user entered text
Displays file names and reference documentation:
Displays keyboard commands in procedures:
[Enter] or [Ctrl] [C]
Represents menu paths:
File > New Project > Clone
Displays commands, menu paths and selections, and icon names in
Click the Debugger icon, and then click Next.
Displays cautions or functionality unique to PSoC Creator or the PSoC device.
[bracketed, bold]
File > New Project
Text in gray boxes
This guide is one of a set of documents pertaining to PSoC Creator and PSoC devices. Refer to the
following other documents as needed:
PSoC Creator Help
PSoC Creator Component Data Sheets
PSoC Creator Component Author Guide
PSoC 3 and PSoC 5 Technical Reference Manual (TRM)
Revision History
Document Title: PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, cy_boot Component v2.40
Document Number: 001-73816
Description of Change
New document for version 2.40 of the cy_boot component.
Refer to the change section for component changes from
previous versions.
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
Standard Types and Defines
To support the operation of the same code across multiple CPUs with multiple compilers, the cy_boot
component provides types and defines that create consistent results across platforms.
Base Types
8-bit (signed or unsigned, depending on the compiler selection for char)
8-bit unsigned
16-bit unsigned
32-bit unsigned
8-bit signed
16-bit signed
32-bit signed
Hardware Register Types
Hardware registers typically have side effects and therefore are referenced with a volatile type.
Volatile 8-bit unsigned
Volatile 16-bit unsigned
Volatile 32-bit unsigned
Compiler Defines
The compiler being used can be determined by testing for the definition of the specific compiler. For
example, to test for the PSoC 3 Keil compiler:
#if defined(__C51__)
Keil 8051 compiler
ARM GCC compiler
ARM Realview compiler used by Keil MDK and RVDS tool sets
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
Standard Types and Defines
Keil 8051 Compatibility Defines
The Keil 8051 compiler supports type modifiers that are specific to this platform. For other platforms these
modifiers must not be present. For compatibility these types are supported by defines that map to the
appropriate string when compiled for Keil and an empty string for other platforms. These defines are used
to create optimized Keil 8051 code while still supporting compilation on other platforms.
Keil Type
Other Platforms
Return Codes
Return codes from Cypress routines are returned as an 8-bit unsigned value type: cystatus. The standard
return values are:
Unknown failure
One or more invalid parameters
Invalid object specified
Memory related failure
Resource lock failure
No more objects available
Bad data received (CRC or other error check)
Operation started, but not necessarily completed yet
Operation completed
Operation canceled
Operation timed out
Operation not setup or is in an improper state
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
Standard Types and Defines
Interrupt Types and Macros
Types and macros provide consistent definition of interrupt service routines across compilers and
platforms. Note that the macro to use is different between the function definition and the function
Function definition example:
/* ISR Code here */
Function prototype example:
Interrupt vector address type
Interrupt vector (address of the ISR function)
Intrinsic Defines
Processor NOP instruction
Device Version Defines
Any PSoC 3 Device
Any PSoC 5 Device
PSoC 3 ES3 or Later
PSoC 3 ES2
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
Standard Types and Defines
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
PSoC Creator Clocking Implementation
PSoC devices supported by PSoC Creator have flexible clocking capabilities. These clocking capabilities
are controlled in PSoC Creator by selections within the Design-Wide Resources settings, connectivity of
clocking signals on the design schematic, and API calls that can modify the clocking at runtime.
This section describes how PSoC Creator maps clocks onto the device and provides guidance on
clocking methodologies that are optimized for the PSoC architecture.
Clock Connectivity
The PSoC architecture includes flexible clock generation logic. Refer to the Technical Reference Manual
for a detailed description of all the clocking sources available in a particular device. The usage of these
various clocking sources can be categorized by how those clocks are connected to elements of a design.
This is a special clock. It is closely related to MASTER_CLK. For most designs, MASTER_CLK and
BUS_CLK will be the same frequency and considered to be the same clock. These must be the highest
speed clocks in the system. The CPU will be running off of BUS_CLK and all the peripherals will
communicate to the CPU and DMA using BUS_CLK. When a clock is synchronized, it is synchronized to
MASTER_CLK. When a pin is synchronized it is synchronized to BUS_CLK.
Global Clock
This is a clock that is placed on one of the global low skew digital clock lines. This also includes
BUS_CLK. When a clock is created using a Clock component, it will be created as a global clock. This
clock must be directly connected to a clock input or may be inverted before connection to a clock input.
Global clock lines connect only to the clock input of the digital elements in PSoC. If a global clock line is
connected to something other than a clock input (that is, combinatorial logic or a pin), then the signal is
not sent using low skew clock lines.
Routed Clock
Any clock that is not a global clock is a routed clock. This includes clocks generated by logic (with the
exception of a single inverter) and clocks that come in from a pin.
Clock Synchronization
Each clock in a PSoC device is either synchronous or asynchronous. This is in reference to BUS_CLK
and MASTER_CLK. PSoC is designed to operate as a synchronous system. This was done to enable
communication between the programmable logic and either the CPU or DMA. If these are not
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
synchronous to a common clock, then any communication requires clocking crossing circuitry. Generally,
asynchronous clocking is not supported except for PLD logic that does not interact with the CPU system.
Synchronous Clock
Examples of synchronous clocks include:
Global clock with sync to MASTER_CLK option set. This option is set by default on the
Advanced tab of the Clock component Configure dialog.
Clock from an input pin with the "Input Synchronized" option selected. This option is set by default
on the Input tab of the Pins component Configure dialog.
Clock derived combinatorially from signals that were all generated from registers that are clocked
by synchronous clocks.
Asynchronous Clock
An asynchronous clock is any clock that is not synchronous. Some examples are:
Any signal coming in from the Digital System Interconnect (DSI) other than a synchronized pin.
These signals must be considered asynchronous because their timing is not guaranteed. This
What would normally be a global clock (if connected directly to a clock input) that is fed
through logic before being used as a clock
Fixed function block outputs (that is, Counter, Timer, PWM)
Digital signals from the analog blocks
Global clock without the sync option set
Clock from an input pin with Input Synchronized not selected
Clock that is combinatorially created using any asynchronous signal
Making Signals Synchronous
Depending on the source of the clock signal, it can be made synchronous using different methods:
An asynchronous global clock can be made synchronous by checking the Sync with
MASTER_CLK option in the Clock component Configure dialog (this is the default selection).
A routed clock coming from a pin can be made synchronous by checking the Input
Synchronized option in the Pins component Configure dialog (this is the default selection, under
the Pins tab).
Any signal can be made synchronous by using the Sync component and a synchronous clock as
the clock signal.
When synchronizing a signal:
The synchronizing clock must be at least 2x the frequency of the signal being synchronized. If this
rule is violated, then incoming clock edges can be missed and therefore not reflected in the
resulting synchronized clock.
The clock signal output will have all its transitions on the rising edge of the synchronizing clock.
The clock signal output will have its edges moved from their original timing.
The clock signal output will have variation in the high and low pulse widths unless the incoming
clock and the synchronizing clock are directly related to each other.
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
The following example shows two clocks that have been synchronized to BUS_CLK. Clock_1 has exactly
2x the period of BUS_CLK. Clock_2 has a period of approximately 3x the period of BUS_CLK. That
results in the high and low pulse widths varying between 1 and 2 BUS_CLK periods. In both cases all
transitions occur at the rising edge of BUS_CLK.
Routed Clock Implementation
The clocking implementation in PSoC directly connects global clock signals to the clock input of clocked
digital logic. This applies to both synchronous and asynchronous clocks. Since global clocks are
distributed on low skew clock lines, all clocked elements connected to the same global clock will be
clocked at the same time.
Routed clocks are distributed using the general digital routing fabric. This results in the clock arriving at
each destination at different times. If that clock signal was used directly as the clock, then it would force
the clock to be considered an asynchronous clock. This is because it cannot be guaranteed to transition
at the rising edge of BUS_CLK. This can also result in circuit failures if the output of a register clocked by
an early arriving clock is used by a register clocked by a late arriving version of the same clock.
Under some circumstances, PSoC Creator can transform a routed clock circuit into a circuit that uses a
global clock. If all the sources of a routed clock can be traced back to the output of registers that are
clocked by common global clocks, then the circuit is transformed automatically by PSoC Creator. The
cases where this is possible are:
All signals are derived from the same global clock. This global clock can be asynchronous or
All signals are derived from more than one synchronous global clock. In this case, the common
global clock is BUS_CLK.
The clocking implementation in PSoC includes a built-in edge detection circuit that is used in this
transformation. This does not use PLD resources to implement. The following shows the logical
implementation and the resulting clock timing diagram.
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
This diagram shows that the resulting clock occurs synchronous to the global clock on the first clock after
a rising edge of the routed clock.
When analyzing the design to determine the source of a routed clock, another routed clock that was
transformed may be encountered. In that case, the global clock used in that transformation is considered
the source clock for that signal.
The clock transformation used for every routed clock is reported in the report file. This file is located in the
Workspace Explorer under the Results tab after a successful build. The details are shown under the
"Initial Mapping" heading. Each routed clock will be shown with the "Effective Clock" and the "Enable
Signal". The "Effective Clock" is the global clock that is used and the "Enable Signal" is the routed clock
that is edge detected and used as the enable for that clock.
Example with a Divided Clock
A simple divided clock circuit can be used to observe how this transformation is done. The following circuit
clocks the first flip-flop (cydff_1) with a global clock. This generates a clock that is divided by 2 in
frequency. That signal is used as a routed clock that clocks the next flip-flop (cydff_2).
The report file indicates that one global clock has been used and that the single routed clock has been
transformed using the global clock as the effective clock.
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
The resulting signals generated by this circuit are as follows.
It may appear that the Div4 signal is generated by the falling edge of the Div2 signal. This is not the case.
The Div4 signal is generated on the first Clock_1 rising edge following a rising edge on Div2.
Example with a Clock from a Pin
In the following circuit, a clock is brought in on a pin with synchronization turned on. Since
synchronization of pins is done with BUS_CLK, the transformed circuit uses BUS_CLK as the Effective
Clock and uses the rising edge of the pin as the Enable Signal.
If input synchronization was not enabled at the pin, there would not be a global clock to use to transform
the routed clock, and the routed clock would be used directly.
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
Example with Multiple Clock Sources
In this example, the routed clock is derived from flip-flops that are clocked by two different clocks. Both of
these clocks are synchronous, so BUS_CLK is the common global clock that becomes the Effective
If either of these clocks had been asynchronous, then the routed clock would have been used directly.
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
Overriding Routed Clock Transformations
The automatic transformation that PSoC Creator performs on routed clocks is generally the
implementation that should be used. There is however a method to force the routed clock to be used
directly. The UDBClkEn component configured in Async mode will force the clock used to be the routed
clock, as shown in the following circuit.
Using Asynchronous Clocks
Asynchronous clocks can be used with PLD logic. However, they are not automatically supported by
control registers, status registers and datapath elements because of the interaction with the CPU those
elements have. Most Cypress library components will only work with synchronous clocks. They
specifically force the insertion of a synchronizer automatically if the clock provided is asynchronous.
Components that are designed to work with asynchronous clocks such as the SPI Slave will specifically
describe how they handle clocking in their datasheet.
If an asynchronous clock is connected directly to something other than PLD logic, then a Design Rule
Check (DRC) error is generated. For example, if an asynchronous pin is connected to a control register
clock, a DRC error is generated.
As stated in the error message, the error can be removed by using a UDBClkEn component in async
mode. That won’t remove the underlying synchronization issue, but it will allow the design to override the
error if the design has handled synchronization in some other way.
Clock Crossing
Multiple clock domains are commonly needed in a design. Often these multiple domains do not interact
and therefore clocking crossings do not occur. In the case where signals generated in one clock domain
need to be used in another clock domain, special care must be taken. There is the case where the two
clock domains are asynchronous from each other and the case where both clock domains are
synchronous to BUS_CLK.
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
When both clocks are synchronous to BUS_CLK, signals from the slower clock domain can be freely
used in the other clock domain. In the other direction, care must be taken that the signals from the faster
clock domain are active for a long enough period that they will be sampled by the slower clock domain. In
both directions the timing constraints that must be met are based on the speed of BUS_CLK not the
speed of either of the clock domains.
The only guarantee between the clock domains is that their edges will always occur on a rising edge of
BUS_CLK. That means that the rising edges of the two clock domains can be as close as a single
BUS_CLK cycle apart. This is true even when the clock domains are multiples of each other, since their
clock dividers are not necessarily aligned. If combinatorially logic exists between the two clock domains, a
flip-flop may need to be inserted to keep from limiting the frequency of BUS_CLK operation. By inserting
the flip-flop, the crossing from one clock domain to the other is a direct flip-flop to flip-flop path.
When the clock domains are unrelated to each other, a synchronizer must be used between the clock
domains. The Sync component can be used to implement the synchronization function. It should be
clocked by the destination clock domain.
The Sync component is implemented using a special mode of the status register that implements a
double synchronizer. The input signal must have a pulse width of at least the period of the sampling clock.
The exact delay to go through the synchronizer will vary depending on the alignment of the incoming
signal to the synchronizing clock. This can vary from just over one clock period to just over two clock
periods. If multiple signals are being synchronized, the time difference between two signals entering the
synchronizer and those same two signals at the output can change by as much as one clock period,
depending on when each is successfully sampled by the synchronizer.
Gated Clocks
Global clocks should not be used for anything other than directly clocking a circuit. If a global clock is
used for logic functionality, the signal is routed using an entirely different path without guaranteed timing.
A circuit such as the following should be avoided since timing analysis cannot be performed.
This circuit is implemented with a routed clock, has no timing analysis support, and is prone to the
generation of glitches on the clock signal when the clock is enabled and disabled.
The following circuit implements the equivalent function and is supported by timing analysis, only uses
global clocks, and has no reliability issues. This circuit does not gate the clock, but instead logically
enables the clocking of new data or maintains the current data.
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
If access to a clock is needed, for example to generate a clock to send to a pin, then a 2x clock should be
used to clock a toggle flip-flop. The output of that flip-flop can then be used with the associated timing
analysis available.
Fixed-Function Clocking
On the schematic, the clock signals sent to fixed-function peripherals and to UDB-based peripherals
appear to be the same clock. However, the timing relationship between the clock signals as they arrive at
these different peripheral types is not guaranteed. Additionally the routing delay for the data signals is not
guaranteed. Therefore when fixed-function peripherals are connected to signals in the UDB array, the
signals must be synchronized as shown in the following example. No timing assumptions should be made
about signals coming from fixed-function peripherals.
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
uint8 CyPLL_OUT_Start(uint8 wait)
Description: Enables the PLL. Optionally waits for it to become stable. Waits at least 250 us or
until it is detected that the PLL is stable.
Parameters: wait:
0: Return immediately after configuration
1: Wait for PLL lock or timeout
Return Value: Status
CYRET_SUCCESS - Completed successfully
CYRET_TIMEOUT - Timeout occurred without detecting a stable clock. If
the input source of the clock is jittery, then the lock indication may not
occur. However, after the timeout has expired the generated PLL clock
can still be used.
Side Effects and If wait is enabled:
Restrictions: Uses the Fast Time Wheel to time the wait. Any other use of the Fast Time Wheel
will be stopped during the period of this function and then restored.
Uses the 100 KHz ILO. If not enabled, this function will enable the 100 KHz ILO
for the period of this function.
No changes to the setup of the ILO, Fast Time Wheel, Central Time Wheel or
Once Per Second interrupt may be made by interrupt routines during the period of
this function. The current operation of the ILO, Central Time Wheel and Once Per
Second interrupt are maintained during the operation of this function provided the
reading of the Power Manager Interrupt Status Register is only done using the
CyPMReadStatus() function.
void CyPLL_OUT_Stop()
Description: Disables the PLL.
Parameters: None
Return Value: None
void CyPLL_OUT_SetPQ(uint8 P, uint8 Q, uint8 current)
Description: Sets the P and Q dividers and the charge pump current. The Frequency Out will
be P/Q * Frequency In. The PLL must be disabled before calling this function.
Parameters: P: Valid range [4 - 255]
Q: Valid range [1 - 16]. Input Frequency / Q must be in the range of 1 MHz to
3 MHz.
current: Valid range [1 - 7]. Charge pump current in uA. Recommendation of 2uA
for output frequencies of 67 MHz or less and 3 uA for higher output frequencies.
Return Value: None
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
void CyPLL_OUT_SetSource(uint8 source)
Description: Sets the input clock source to the PLL. The PLL must be disabled before calling
this function.
Parameters: source: One of the three available PLL clock sources
MHz Crystal
Return Value: None
void CyIMO_Start(uint8 wait)
Description: Enables the IMO. Optionally waits at least 6us for it to settle.
Parameters: wait:
0: Return immediately after configuration
1: Wait for at least 6us for the IMO to settle
Return Value: None
Side Effects and If wait is enabled:
Restrictions: Uses the Fast Time Wheel to time the wait. Any other use of the Fast Time Wheel
will be stopped during the period of this function and then restored.
Uses the 100 KHz ILO. If not enabled, this function will enable the 100 KHz ILO
for the period of this function.
No changes to the setup of the ILO, Fast Time Wheel, Central Time Wheel or
Once Per Second interrupt may be made by interrupt routines during the period of
this function. The current operation of the ILO, Central Time Wheel and Once Per
Second interrupt are maintained during the operation of this function provided the
reading of the Power Manager Interrupt Status Register is only done using the
CyPMReadStatus() function.
void CyIMO_Stop()
Description: Disables the IMO.
Parameters: None
Return Value: None
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
void CyIMO_SetFreq(uint8 freq)
Description: Sets the frequency of the IMO. Changes may be made while the IMO is running.
When the USB setting is chosen, the USB clock locking circuit is enabled.
Otherwise this circuit is disabled. The USB block must be powered before selecting
the USB setting. If the IMO is currently driving the Master clock, then the Flash wait
states must be set appropriately before making this change by using
Parameters: freq: Frequency of IMO operation
Return Value:
3 MHz
6 MHz
12 MHz
24 MHz
48 MHz
62.6 MHz
74.7 MHz (PSoC 5)
24 MHz (Trimmed for USB operation)
void CyIMO_SetSource(uint8 source)
Description: Sets the source of the clock output from the IMO block. The output from the IMO
is by default the IMO itself. Optionally the MHz Crystal or a DSI input can be the
source of the IMO output instead. If the IMO is currently driving the Master clock,
then the Flash wait states must be set appropriately before making this change by
using CyFlash_SetWaitCycles().
Parameters: source: One of the three available IMO output sources
MHz Crystal
Return Value: None
void CyIMO_EnableDoubler()
Description: Enables the IMO doubler. The 2x frequency clock is used to convert a 24 MHz
input to a 48 MHz output for use by the USB block.
Parameters: None
Return Value: None
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
void CyIMO_DisableDoubler()
Description: Disables the IMO doubler.
Parameters: None
Return Value: None
void CyMasterClk_SetSource(uint8 source)
Description: Sets the source of the master clock. The current source and the new source must
both be running and stable before calling this function. The Flash wait states must
be set appropriately before making this change by using
Parameters: source: One of the four available Master clock sources
MHz Crystal
Return Value: None
void CyMasterClk_SetDivider(uint8 divider)
Description: Sets the divider value used to generate Master Clock. The Flash wait states must
be set appropriately before making this change by using
Parameters: divider: Valid range [0-255]. The clock will be divided by this value + 1. For
example to divide by 2 this parameter should be set to 1.
Return Value: None
void CyBusClk_SetDivider(uint16 divider)
Description: Sets the divider value used to generate Bus Clock. The Flash wait states must be
set appropriately before making this change by using CyFlash_SetWaitCycles().
Parameters: divider: Valid range [0-65535]. The clock will be divided by this value + 1. For
example to divide by 2 this parameter should be set to 1.
Return Value: None
void CyCpuClk_SetDivider(uint8 divider)
Description: Sets the divider value used to generate the CPU Clock. Applies to PSoC 3 only.
Parameters: divider: Valid range [0-15]. The clock will be divided by this value + 1. For
example to divide by 2 this parameter should be set to 1.
Return Value: None
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
void CyUsbClk_SetSource(uint8 source)
Description: Sets the source of the USB clock.
Parameters: source: One of the four available USB clock sources
IMO 2x
Return Value: None
void CyILO_Start1K()
Description: Enables the ILO 1 KHz oscillator.
Note The ILO 1 KHz oscillator is always enabled by default, regardless of the
selection in the Clock Editor. Therefore, this API is only needed if the oscillator
was turned off manually.
Parameters: None
Return Value: None
void CyILO_Stop1K()
Description: Disables the ILO 1 KHz oscillator.
Note The ILO 1 KHz oscillator must be enabled if Sleep or Hibernate low power
mode APIs are expected to be used. For more information, refer to the Power
Management section of this document.
Parameters: None
Return Value: None
void CyILO_Start100K()
Description: Enables the ILO 100 KHz oscillator.
Parameters: None
Return Value: None
void CyILO_Stop100K()
Description: Disables the ILO 100 KHz oscillator.
Parameters: None
Return Value: None
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
void CyILO_Enable33K()
Description: Enables the ILO 33 KHz divider. Note The 33 KHz clock is generated from the
100 KHz oscillator, so it must also be running in order to generate the 33 KHz
Parameters: None
Return Value: None
void CyILO_Disable33K()
Description: Disables the ILO 33 KHz divider. Note that the 33 KHz clock is generated from
the 100 KHz oscillator, but this API does not disable the 100 KHz clock.
Parameters: None
Return Value: None
void CyILO_SetSource(uint8 source)
Description: Sets the source of the clock output from the ILO block.
Parameters: source: One of the three available ILO output sources
ILO 100 KHz
ILO 33 KHz
Return Value: None
uint8 CyILO_SetPowerMode(uint8 mode)
Description: Sets the power mode used by the ILO during power down. Allows for lower power
down power usage resulting in a slower startup time.
Parameters: mode:
Faster start-up, internal bias left on when
powered down.
Slower start-up, internal bias off when
powered down.
Return Value: Previous power mode
void CyXTAL_32KHZ_Start()
Description: Enables the 32 KHz Crystal Oscillator.
Parameters: None
Return Value: None
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
void CyXTAL_32KHZ_Stop()
Description: Disables the 32 KHz Crystal Oscillator.
Parameters: None
Return Value: None
uint8 CyXTAL_32KHZ_ReadStatus()
Description: Reads the two status bits for the 32 KHz oscillator.
Parameters: None
Return Value: Status
Analog measurement
1: Stable
0: Not stable
Digital measurement (Requires the
33 KHz ILO to make this measurement)
1: Stable
0: Not stable
uint8 CyXTAL_32KHZ_SetPowerMode(uint8 mode)
Description: Sets the power mode for the 32 KHz oscillator used during sleep mode. Allows for
lower power during sleep when there are fewer sources of noise. During active
mode the oscillator is always run in high power mode.
Parameters: mode:
0: High power mode
1: Low power mode during sleep
Return Value: Previous power mode
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
uint8 CyXTAL_Start(uint8 wait)
Description: Enables the MHz crystal. Waits until the XERR bit is low (no error) for 1 ms or
until the number of milliseconds specified by the wait parameter has expired.
Parameters: wait: Valid range [0-255]. This is the timeout value in milliseconds. The
appropriate value is crystal specific.
Return Value: Status
CYRET_SUCCESS - Completed successfully
CYRET_TIMEOUT - Timeout occurred without detecting a low value on XERR.
Side Effects and If wait is enabled (non-zero wait):
Restrictions: Uses the Fast Time Wheel to time the wait. Any other use of the Fast Time Wheel
will be stopped during the period of this function and then restored.
Uses the 100 KHz ILO. If not enabled, this function will enable the 100 KHz ILO
for the period of this function.
No changes to the setup of the ILO, Fast Time Wheel, Central Time Wheel or
Once Per Second interrupt may be made by interrupt routines during the period of
this function. The current operation of the ILO, Central Time Wheel and Once Per
Second interrupt are maintained during the operation of this function provided the
reading of the Power Manager Interrupt Status Register is only done using the
CyPMReadStatus() function.
void CyXTAL_Stop()
Description: Disables the megahertz crystal oscillator.
Parameters: None
Return Value: None
void CyXTAL_EnableErrStatus()
Description: Enables the generation of the XERR status bit for the megahertz crystal.
Parameters: None
Return Value: None
void CyXTAL_DisableErrStatus()
Description: Disables the generation of the XERR status bit for the megahertz crystal.
Parameters: None
Return Value: None
uint8 CyXTAL_ReadStatus()
Description: Reads the XERR status bit for the megahertz crystal. This status bit is a sticky
clear on read value.
Parameters: None
Return Value: Status: 0: No error, 1: Error
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
void CyXTAL_EnableFaultRecovery()
Description: Enables the fault recovery circuit which will switch to the IMO in the case of a fault
in the megahertz crystal circuit. The crystal must be up and running with the
XERR bit at 0, before calling this function to prevent immediate fault switchover.
Parameters: None
Return Value: None
void CyXTAL_DisableFaultRecovery()
Description: Disables the fault recovery circuit which will switch to the IMO in the case of a
fault in the megahertz crystal circuit.
Parameters: None
Return Value: None
void CyXTAL_SetStartup(uint8 setting)
Description: Sets the startup settings for the crystal.
Parameters: setting: Valid range [0-31]. Value is dependent on the frequency and quality of the
crystal being used. Refer to the TRM for appropriate values for a specific crystal.
Return Value: None
void CyXTAL_SetFbVoltage(uint8 setting)
Description: For PSoC 3 ES3 devices only, this function sets the feedback reference voltage
to use for the crystal circuit.
Parameters: setting: Valid range [0-15]. Refer to the TRM for details on the mapping of the
setting value to specific voltages.
Return Value: None
Side Effects and The feedback reference voltage must be greater than the watchdog reference
Restrictions: voltage.
void CyXTAL_SetWdVoltage(uint8 setting)
Description: For PSoC 3 ES3 devices only, this function sets the reference voltage used by
the watchdog to detect a failure in the crystal circuit.
Parameters: setting: Valid range [0-7]. Refer to the TRM for details on the mapping of the
setting value to specific voltages.
Return Value: None
Side Effects and The feedback reference voltage must be greater than the watchdog reference
Restrictions: voltage.
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
Power Management
There is a full range of power modes supported by PSoC devices to control power consumption and the
amount of available resources. Both PSoC 3 and PSoC 5 devices support the following power modes (in
order of high to low power consumption): Active, Alternate Active, Sleep, and Hibernate.
Note PSoC 5 will not go into low power modes while the debugger is running.
Note For PSoC 3 and PSoC 5, the power manager will not put the device into a low power state if the
system performance controller (SPC) is executing a command. The device will go into low power mode
after the SPC completes command execution.
The IMO value must be 12 MHz before entering Sleep and Hibernate modes. The IMO frequency is set to
12 MHz just before entering the specified low power mode (without correcting the number of wait cycles
for the flash). The IMO frequency is restored immediately on wakeup. All pending interrupts should be
cleared before the device is put into low power mode, even if it is masked.
Clock Configuration
There are a few device configuration requirements for proper low power mode entry and wakeup.
The clock system should be prepared before entering Sleep and Hibernate mode to ensure that it
will switch between Active modes and low power modes as expected.
The CyPmSaveClocks() and CyPmRestoreClocks() functions are responsible for preparing clock
configuration before entering low power mode and after waking up to Active mode, respectively.
In general, CyPmSaveClocks() saves the configuration and sets the requirements for low power
mode entry. CyPmRestoreClocks() restores the clock configuration to its original state.
The IMO is required to be the source for the Master clock. So, the IMO clock value is set
corresponding to the "Enable Fast IMO During Startup" option on the Design-Wide Resources
System Editor. If this option is enabled, the IMO clock frequency is set to 48 MHz; otherwise, is
set to 12 MHz.
Note The IMO clock frequency is always set to 12 MHz on PSoC 5. The PLL and MHz ECO are
turned off when the Master clock is sourced by IMO.
The Bus and Master clock dividers are set to a divide-by-one value and the new value of flash
wait cycles is set to match the new value of the CPU frequency. Refer to the description of the
CyFlash_SetWaitCycles() function for more information.
The 1 KHz ILO must be enabled for all devices for correct operation in Sleep and Hibernate low power
modes. For PSoC 3 ES3 devices, the 1 KHz ILO is used to measure the Hibernate/Sleep regulator
settling time after a reset. During this time, the system ignores requests to enter these modes. The holdoff delay is measured using rising edges of the 1 kHz ILO. The terminal count is set by the Sleep
Regulator Trim Register.
Caution Do not modify this register.
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
Power Management
For PSoC 5 devices, an interrupt is required for the CPU to wake up. The Power Management
implementation assumes that wakeup time is configured with a separate component (component-based
wakeup time configuration) for an interrupt to be issued on terminal count. For more information, refer to
the following section.
Wakeup Time Configuration
There are three timers that can wake up a device from low power mode: Central Time Wheel (CTW), Fast
Timer Wheel (FTW) and one pulse per second (One PPS). Refer to the device TRM and datasheet for
more information on these timers.
There are two ways of configuring wakeup time:
Parameter-based wakeup time configuration is done by calling the CyPmSleep() and
CyPmAltAct() functions with desired parameters. This configuration method is available only for
the PSoC 3 devices.
Component-based wakeup time configuration. The CTW wakeup interval is configured with the
Sleep Timer component. The one second interval is configured with the RTC component.
There is no wakeup time configuration available for the Hibernate mode.
It is important to keep in mind that it is only guaranteed that the first CTW and FTW intervals will be less
than specified. To make subsequent intervals to have nominal values, the corresponding timer is enabled
by the CyPmSleep() and CyPmAltAct() functions, and the timer left enabled. Note that some APIs can
also use this timer. This can cause the timer to always be enabled (the timer interval can be changed only
if the corresponding timer is disabled) before low power mode entry and hence the wakeup interval will
always be less than expected.
The CyPmReadStatus() function must be called just after wakeup with a corresponding parameter (for
example, with CY_PM_CTW_INT if the device is configured to wake up on CTW) to clear interrupt status
When CTW is used as a wakeup timer, the CyPmReadStatus() function must always be called (when
wakeup is configured in a parameter or component based method) after wakeup to clear the CTW
interrupt status bit. It is required for this function to be called within 1 ms (1 clock cycle of the ILO) after
the CTW event occurred.
Wakeup Source Configuration
For the PSoC 3 ES3 device, you can configure which wakeup source may wake up the device from
Alternate Active and Sleep low power modes. For PSoC 5 and PSoC 3 ES2 silicon, the wakeup source is
not selectable. In this case, the wakeup source argument is ignored and any of the available wakeup
sources will wake the device. For PSoC 5 silicon, the CTW is the only supported wakeup source from
PSoC 3 Alternate Active Mode Specific Issues
Any interrupt, whether it is enabled at the interrupt controller or not, will wake the device from
Alternate Active power mode.
The edge detector is also bypassed, so the wakeup source is always level triggered.
Directly connected DMA interrupts will not wake from this mode. They must be routed through the
DSI in order to generate a wakeup condition.
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
Power Management
void CyPmSaveClocks()
Description: This function is called in preparation for entering sleep or hibernate low power
modes. Saves all state of the clocking system that doesn’t persist during
sleep/hibernate or that needs to be altered in preparation for sleep/hibernate.
Shuts down all the digital and analog clock dividers. Switches the master clock
over to the IMO and shuts down the PLL and MHz Crystal. The IMO frequency is
set to either 12 MHz or 48 MHz to match the Design-Wide Resources System
Editor "Enable Fast IMO During Startup" setting. The ILO and 32 KHz oscillators
are not impacted. The current Flash wait state setting is saved and the Flash wait
state setting is set for the current IMO speed.
Note If the Master Clock source is routed through the DSI inputs, then it must be
set manually to another source before using the CyPmSaveClocks() /
CyPmRestoreClocks() functions.
Parameters: None
Return Value: None
Side Effects and All peripheral clocks will be off after this API method call.
void CyPmRestoreClocks()
Description: Restores any state that was preserved by the last call to CyPmSaveClocks. The
Flash wait state setting is also restored.
Note If the Master Clock source is routed through the DSI inputs, then it must be
set manually to another source before using the CyPmSaveClocks() /
CyPmRestoreClocks() functions.
PSoC 3 ES3: The merge region could be used to process state when the
megahertz crystal is not ready after the hold-off timeout.
PSoC 5: The megahertz crystal is given up to 130 ms to stabilize. Its readiness is
not verified after the hold-off timeout.
Parameters: None
Return Value: None
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
Power Management
void CyPmAltAct(uint16 wakeupTime, uint16 wakeupSource)
Description: Puts the part into the Alternate Active (Standby) state. The Alternate Active state
can allow for any of the capabilities of the device to be active, but the operation of
this function is dependent on the CPU being disabled during the Alternate Active
state. The configuration code and the component APIs will configure the template
for the Alternate Active state to be the same as the Active state with the exception
that the CPU will be disabled during Alternate Active.
Note Before calling this function, you must manually configure the power mode of
the source clocks for the timer that is used as the wakeup timer.
PSoC 3: Before switching to Alternate Active, if a wakeupTime other than NONE
is specified, then the appropriate timer state is configured as specified with the
interrupt for that timer disabled. The wakeup source will be the combination of the
values specified in the wakeupSource and any timer specified in the wakeupTime
argument. Once the wakeup condition is satisfied, then all saved state is restored
and the function returns in the Active state.
Note If the wakeupTime is made with a different value, the period before the
wakeup occurs can be significantly shorter than the specified time. If the next call
is made with the same wakeupTime value, then the wakeup will occur the
specified period after the previous wakeup occurred.
If a wakeupTime other than NONE is specified, then upon exit the state of the
specified timer will be left as specified by wakeupTime with the timer enabled and
the interrupt disabled. If the CTW, FTW or One PPS is already configured for
wakeup, for example with the SleepTimer or RTC components, then specify
NONE for the wakeupTime and include the appropriate source for wakeupSource.
PSoC 5: Neither parameter is used for PSoC 5. The device will go into Alternate
Active mode until an enabled interrupt occurs.
Parameters: wakeupTime: Specifies a timer wakeup source and the frequency of that source.
For PSoC 5 this parameter is ignored.
One PPS: 1 second
CTW: 2 ms
CTW: 4 ms
CTW: 8 ms
CTW: 16 ms
CTW: 32 ms
CTW: 64 ms
CTW: 128 ms
CTW: 256 ms
CTW: 512 ms
CTW: 1024 ms
CTW: 2048 ms
CTW: 4096 ms
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
Power Management
CyPmAltAct (Continued)
Parameters: wakeupTime (continued): Specifies a timer wakeup source and the frequency of
that source. For PSoC 5 this parameter is ignored.
14 - 269
FTW: 10 µs to 2.56 ms
The PM_ALT_ACT_TIME_FTW() macro takes an argument that specifies how
many increments of 10 µs to delay. For PSoC 3 ES2, the valid range of values is 1
to 32. For PSoC 3 ES3 silicon the valid range of values is 1 to 256.
wakeupSource: Specifies a bitwise mask of wakeup sources. In addition, if a
wakeupTime has been specified, the associated timer will be included as a
wakeup source. The wakeup source configuration is restored before function exit.
For PSoC 5 this parameter is ignored.
Comparator 0
Comparator 1
Comparator 2
Comparator 3
Boost Converter
Fast Time Wheel
Central Time Wheel
Note CTW and One PPS wakeup signals are in the same mask bit.
When specifying a Comparator as the wakeupSource, use an instance specific
define that will track with the specific comparator for that instance. As an example,
for a Comparator instance named "MyComp" the value to OR into the mask is:
When CTW, FTW, or One PPS is used as a wakeup source, the
CyPmReadStatus function must be called upon wakeup, with the corresponding
parameter. Refer to the CyPmReadStatus API for more information.
Return Value: None
Side Effects and For PSoC 3 ES2 and PSoC 5 silicon, the wakeup source is not selectable. In this
Restrictions: case the wakeupSource argument is ignored and any of the available wakeup
sources will wake the device.
If a wakeupTime other than NONE is specified, then upon exit the state of the
specified timer will be left as specified by wakeupTime with the timer enabled and
the interrupt disabled. Also, the ILO 1 KHz (if CTW timer is used as wakeup time)
or ILO 100 KHz (if FTW timer is used as wakeup time) will be left started.
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
Power Management
void CyPmSleep(uint8 wakeupTime, uint16 wakeupSource)
Description: Puts the part into the Sleep state.
Note Before calling this function, you must manually configure the power mode of
the source clocks for the timer that is used as wakeup timer.
PSoC 3: Before switching to Sleep, if a wakeupTime other than NONE is specified, then
the appropriate timer state is configured as specified with the interrupt for that
timer disabled. The wakeup source will be the combination of the values specified
in the wakeupSource and any timer specified in the wakeupTime argument. Once
the wakeup condition is satisfied, then all saved state is restored and the function
returns in the Active state.
Note If the wakeupTime is made with a different value, the period before the
wakeup occurs can be significantly shorter than the specified time. If the next call
is made with the same wakeupTime value, then the wakeup will occur the
specified period after the previous wakeup occurred.
If a wakeupTime other than NONE is specified, then upon exit the state of the
specified timer will be left as specified by wakeupTime with the timer enabled and
the interrupt disabled. If the CTW or One PPS is already configured for wakeup,
for example with the SleepTimer or RTC components, then specify NONE for the
wakeupTime and include the appropriate source for wakeupSource.
PSoC 5: Neither parameter to this function is used for PSoC 5. The device will go into
Sleep mode until it is woken by an interrupt from the Central Time Wheel (CTW).
The CTW must already be configured to generate an interrupt. It is configured
using the SleepTimer component. Only the CTW can be used to wake the device
from sleep mode. This function automatically disables other interrupt sources and
then restores them after the device is woken by the CTW.
The duration of sleep needs to be controlled so that the device doesn't wake up
too soon after going to sleep or remain asleep for too long. Reliable sleep times
of between 1ms and 8ms can be supported. This requirement is satisfied with
CTW settings of 4, 8 or 16 ms. To control the sleep time the CTW is reset
automatically just before putting the device to sleep. The resulting wakeup time is
half the duration programmed into the CTW with an uncertainty of 1 ms due to the
arrival time of the first ILO clock edge. For example, the setting of 4 ms will result
in a sleep time between 1 ms and 2 ms.
Parameters: wakeupTime: Specifies a timer wakeup source and the frequency of that source.
For PSoC 5, this parameter is ignored.
One PPS: 1 second
CTW: 2 ms
CTW: 4 ms
CTW: 8 ms
CTW: 16 ms
CTW: 32 ms
CTW: 64 ms
CTW: 128 ms
CTW: 256 ms
CTW: 512 ms
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
Power Management
CyPmSleep (Continued)
Parameters: wakeupTime (continued)
CTW: 1024 ms
CTW: 2048 ms
CTW: 4096 ms
wakeupSource: Specifies a bitwise mask of wakeup sources. In addition, if a
wakeupTime has been specified, the associated timer will be included as a
wakeup source. The wakeup source configuration is restored before function exit.
For PSoC 5 this parameter is ignored.
Comparator 0
Comparator 1
Comparator 2
Comparator 3
Boost Converter
Central Time Wheel
Note CTW and One PPS wakeup signals are in the same mask bit. For PSoC 5,
these are in a different bit (value 1024).
When specifying a Comparator as the wakeupSource, use an instance specific
define that will track with the specific comparator for that instance. As an example
for a Comparator instance named "MyComp" the value to OR into the mask is:
When CTW or One PPS is used as a wakeup source, the CyPmReadStatus
function must be called upon wakeup, with the corresponding parameter. Refer to
the CyPmReadStatus API for more information.
Return Value: None
Side Effects and If a wakeupTime other than NONE is specified, then upon exit the state of the
Restrictions: specified timer will be left as specified by wakeupTime with the timer enabled and
the interrupt disabled. Also, the ILO 1 KHz (if CTW timer is used as wake up time)
will be left started.
PSoC 3 ES2 silicon has a defect that causes connections to several analog
resources to be unreliable when the device is placed in a low power mode. refer
to the silicon errata for details.
The 1 kHz ILO clock is expected to be enabled for PSoC3 ES3 silicon to measure
Hibernate/Sleep regulator settling time after a reset. The hold-off delay is
measured using rising edges of the 1 kHz ILO.
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
Power Management
void CyPmHibernate()
Description: Puts the part into the Hibernate state.
PSoC 3: Before switching to Hibernate, the current status of the PICU wakeup
source bit is saved and then set. This configures the device to wake up from the
PICU. Make sure you have at least one pin configured to generate a PICU
interrupt. For pin Px.y, the register "PICU_INTTYPE_PICUx_INTTYPEy" controls
the PICU behavior. In the TRM, this register is "PICU[0..15]_INTTYPE[0..7]." In
the Pins component datasheet, this register is referred to as the IRQ option. Once
the wakeup occurs, the PICU wakeup source bit is restored and the PSoC returns
to the Active state.
PSoC 5: The only method supported for waking up from the Hibernate state is a
hardware reset of the device. PICU interrupt sources are automatically disabled
by this function before putting the device into the Hibernate state.
Parameters: None
Return Value: None
Side Effects and Applications must wait 20 µs before re-entering hibernate or sleep after waking
Restrictions: up from hibernate. The 20 µs allows the sleep regulator time to stabilize before
the next hibernate / sleep event occurs. The 20 µs requirement begins when the
device wakes up. There is no hardware check that this requirement is met. The
specified delay should be done on ISR entry.
After wakeup PICU interrupt occurs, the Pin_ClearInterrupt() function (where
"Pin" is the instance name of the Pins component) must be called to clear the
latched pin events. This allows proper Hibernate mode entry and enables
detection of future events.
PSoC 3 ES2 silicon has a defect that causes connections to several analog
resources to be unreliable when the device is placed in a low power mode. Refer
to the silicon errata for details.
The 1 kHz ILO clock is expected to be enabled for PSoC3 ES3 silicon to measure
Hibernate/Sleep regulator settling time after a reset. The hold-off delay is
measured using rising edges of the 1 kHz ILO.
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
Power Management
uint8 CyPmReadStatus(uint8 mask)
Description: Manages the Power Manager Interrupt Status Register. This register has the
interrupt status for the one pulse per second, Central Time Wheel, and Fast Time
Wheel timers. This hardware register clears on read. To allow for only clearing the
bits of interest and preserving the other bits, this function uses a shadow register
that retains the state. This function reads the status register and ORs that value
with the shadow register. That is the value that is returned. Then the bits in the
mask that are set are cleared from this value and written back to the shadow
Note You must call this function within 1 ms (1 clock cycle of the ILO) after a
CTW event has occurred.
Parameters: mask: Bits in the shadow register to clear
Fast Time Wheel
Central Time Wheel
One Pulse Per Second
Return Value: Status. Same enumerated bit values as used for the mask parameter.
Instance Low Power APIs
Most components have an instance-specific set of low power APIs that allow you to put the component
into its low power state (sleep or hibernate). These functions are listed below generically. Refer to the
individual data sheet for specific information regarding register retention information if applicable.
void `=instance_name`_Sleep (void)
Description: The _Sleep() function checks to see if the component is enabled and saves that
state. Then it calls the _Stop() function and calls _SaveConfig() function to save the
user configuration.
Call the _Sleep() function before calling the CyPmSleep() or the CyPmHibernate()
Parameters: None
Return Value: None
Side Effects: None
void `=instance_name`_Wakeup (void)
Description: The _Wakeup() function calls the _RestoreConfig() function to restore the user
configuration. If the component was enabled before the _Sleep() function was
called, the _Wakeup() function will re-enable the component.
Parameters: None
Return Value: None
Side Effects: Calling the _Wakeup() function without first calling the _Sleep() or _SaveConfig()
function may produce unexpected behavior.
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
Power Management
void `=instance_name`_SaveConfig(void)
Description: This function saves the component configuration. This will save non-retention
registers. This function will also save the current component parameter values, as
defined in the Configure dialog or as modified by appropriate APIs. This function is
called by the _Sleep() function.
Parameters: None
Return Value: None
Side Effects: None
void `=instance_name`_RestoreConfig(void)
Description: This function restores the component configuration. This will restore non-retention
registers. This function will also restore the component parameter values to what
they were prior to calling the _Sleep() function.
Parameters: None
Return Value: None
Side Effects: Calling this function without first calling the _Sleep() or _SaveConfig() function may
produce unexpected behavior.
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
The APIs in this chapter apply to all architectures except as noted. Refer also to the Interrupt component
datasheet for more information about interrupts.
Description: Macro statement that enables interrupts using the global interrupt mask.
Description: Macro statement that disables interrupts using the global interrupt mask.
uint32 CyDisableInts()
Description: Disables the interrupt enable for each interrupt.
Parameters: None
Return Value: 32-bit mask of interrupts previously enabled
void CyEnableInts(uint32 mask)
Description: Enables all interrupts specified in the 32-bit mask.
Parameters: mask: 32-bit mask of interrupts to enable
Return Value: None
Note Interrupt service routines must follow the policy that they restore the CYDEV_INTC_CSR_EN
register bits and interrupt enable state (EA) to the way they were found on entry. The ISR does not need
to do anything special as long as it uses properly nested CyEnterCriticalSection() and
CyExitCriticalSection() function calls.
void CyIntEnable(uint8 number)
Description: Enables the specified interrupt number.
Parameters: number: Interrupt number. Valid range: [0-31]
Return Value: None
Note Interrupt service routines must follow the policy that they restore the CYDEV_INTC_CSR_EN
register bits and interrupt enable state (EA) to the way they were found on entry. The ISR does not need
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
to do anything special as long as it uses properly nested CyEnterCriticalSection() and
CyExitCriticalSection() function calls.
void CyIntDisable(uint8 number)
Description: Disables the specified interrupt number.
Parameters: number: Interrupt number. Valid range: [0-31]
Return Value: None
Note Interrupt service routines must follow the policy that they restore the CYDEV_INTC_CSR_EN
register bits and interrupt enable state (EA) to the way they were found on entry. The ISR does not need
to do anything special as long as it uses properly nested CyEnterCriticalSection() and
CyExitCriticalSection() function calls.
uint8 CyIntGetState(uint8 number)
Description: Gets the enable state of the specified interrupt number.
Parameters: number: Interrupt number. Valid range: [0-31]
Return Value: Enable status: 1 if enabled, 0 if disabled
cyisraddress CyIntSetVector(uint8 number, cyisraddress address)
Description: Sets the interrupt vector of the specified interrupt number.
Parameters: number: Interrupt number. Valid range: [0-31]
address: Pointer to an interrupt service routine
Return Value: Previous interrupt vector value
cyisraddress CyIntGetVector(uint8 number)
Description: Gets the interrupt vector of the specified interrupt number.
Parameters: number: Interrupt number. Valid range: [0-31]
Return Value: Interrupt vector value
cyisraddress CyIntSetSysVector(uint8 number, cyisraddress address)
Description: This function applies to ARM based processors only and therefore does not apply
to the PSoC 3 device. It sets the interrupt vector of the specified exception. These
exceptions in the ARM architecture operate similar to user interrupts, but are
specified by the system architecture of the processor. The number of each
exception is fixed. Note that the numbering of these exceptions is separate from
the numbering used for user interrupts.
Parameters: number: Exception number. Valid range: [0-15].
address: Pointer to an interrupt service routine
Return Value: Previous interrupt vector value
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
cyisraddress CyIntGetSysVector(uint8 number)
Description: This function applies to ARM based processors only and therefore does not apply
to the PSoC 3 device. It gets the interrupt vector of the specified exception. These
exceptions in the ARM architecture operate similar to user interrupts, but are
specified by the system architecture of the processor. The number of each
exception is fixed. Note that the numbering of these exceptions is separate from
the numbering used for user interrupts.
Parameters: number: Exception number. Valid range: [0-15].
Return Value: Interrupt vector value
void CyIntSetPriority(uint8 number, uint8 priority)
Description: Sets the priority of the specified interrupt number.
Parameters: number: Interrupt number. Valid range: [0-31]
priority: Interrupt priority. 0 is the highest priority. Valid range: [0-7]
Return Value: None
uint8 CyIntGetPriority(uint8 number)
Description: Gets the priority of the specified interrupt number.
Parameters: number: Interrupt number. Valid range: [0-31]
Return Value: Interrupt priority
void CyIntSetPending(uint8 number)
Description: Forces the specified interrupt number to be pending.
Parameters: number: Interrupt number. Valid range: [0-31]
Return Value: None
void CyIntClearPending(uint8 number)
Description: Clears any pending interrupt for the specified interrupt number.
Parameters: number: Interrupt number. Valid range: [0-31]
Return Value: None
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
PSoC 3 Cache Functionality
The PSoC 3 cache is enabled by default. It can be disabled using the PSoC Creator Design-Wide
Resources System Editor. There are no defines, functions or macros for cache handling for PSoC 3.
PSoC 5 Cache Functionality
void CyFlushCache()
Description: Flushes the PSoC 5 cache by invalidating all entries.
Parameters: None
Return Value: None
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
In addition to the functionality provided for pins as part of the Pins component, a library of pin macros is
provided in the cypins.h file. These macros all make use of the port pin configuration register that is
available for every pin on the device. The address of that register is provided in the cydevice_trm.h file.
Each of these pin configuration registers is named:
where x is the port number and y is the pin number within the port.
uint8 CyPins_ReadPin(uint16/uint32 pinPC)
Description: Reads the current value on the pin (pin state, PS).
Parameters: pinPC: Port pin configuration register (uint16 PSoC 3 / uint32 PSoC 5)
Return Value: Pin state
0: Logic low value
Non-0: Logic high value
void CyPins_SetPin(uint16/uint32 pinPC)
Description: Set the output value for the pin (data register, DR) to a logic high. Note that this
only has an effect for pins configured as software pins that are not driven by
Parameters: pinPC: Port pin configuration register (uint16 PSoC 3 / uint32 PSoC 5)
Return Value: None
void CyPins_ClearPin(uint16/uint32 pinPC)
Description: Clear the output value for the pin (data register, DR) to a logic low. Note that this
only has an effect for pins configured as software pins that are not driven by
Parameters: pinPC: Port pin configuration register (uint16 PSoC 3 / uint32 PSoC 5)
Return Value: None
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
void CyPins_SetPinDriveMode(uint16/uint32 pinPC, uint8 mode)
Description: Sets the drive mode for the pin (DM).
Parameters: pinPC: Port pin configuration register (uint16 PSoC 3 / uint32 PSoC 5)
mode: Desired drive mode
Analog HiZ
Digital HiZ
Resistive pull up
Resistive pull down
Open drain - drive low
Open drain - drive high
Strong CMOS Output
Resistive pull up/down
Return Value: None
uint8 CyPins_ReadPinDriveMode(uint16/uint32 pinPC)
Description: Reads the drive mode for the pin (DM).
Parameters: pinPC: Port pin configuration register (uint16 PSoC 3 / uint32 PSoC 5)
Return Value: Current drive mode for the pin
Analog HiZ
Digital HiZ
Resistive pull up
Resistive pull down
Open drain - drive low
Open drain - drive high
Strong CMOS Output
Resistive pull up/down
void CyPins_FastSlew(uint16/uint32 pinPC)
Description: Set the slew rate for the pin to fast edge rate. Note that this only applies for pins in
strong output drive modes, not to resistive drive modes.
Parameters: pinPC: Port pin configuration register (uint16 PSoC 3 / uint32 PSoC 5)
Return Value: None
void CyPins_SlowSlew(uint16/uint32 pinPC)
Description: Set the slew rate for the pin to slow edge rate. Note that this only applies for pins
in strong output drive modes, not to resistive drive modes.
Parameters: pinPC: Port pin configuration register (uint16 PSoC 3 / uint32 PSoC 5)
Return Value: None
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
Register Access
A library of macros provides read and write access to the registers of the device. These macros are used
with the defined values made available in the generated cydevice.h, cydevice_trm.h and cyfitter.h files.
Access to registers should be made using these macros and not the functions that are used to implement
the macros. This allows for device independent code generation.
PSoC 3 is an 8-bit architecture, so the processor does not have endianness. However, the compiler for an
8-bit architecture will implement endianness. For PSoC 3, the Keil compiler implements a big endian
(MSB in lowest address) ordering. The PSoC 5 processor architecture uses little endian ordering.
SRAM and Flash storage in both the PSoC 3 and PSoC 5 architectures is done using the endianness of
the architecture and compilers. However, the registers in both these chips are laid out in little endian
order. These macros allow register accesses to match this little endian ordering. If you perform operations
on multi-byte registers without using these macros, you must consider the byte ordering of the specific
architecture. Examples include usage of DMA to transfer between memory and registers, as well as
function calls that are passed an array of bytes in memory.
The PSoC 3 is an 8-bit processor, so all accesses will be done a byte at a time. The PSoC 5 will perform
accesses using the appropriate 8-, 16- and 32-bit accesses. The PSoC 5 does not require these
accesses to be aligned to the width of the transaction.
uint8 CY_GET_REG8(uint16/uint32 reg)
Description: Reads the 8-bit value from the specified register. For PSoC 3, the address must be
in the lower 64 K address range.
Parameters: reg: Register address (uint16 PSoC 3 / uint32 PSoC 5)
Return Value: Read value
void CY_SET_REG8(uint16/uint32 reg, uint8 value)
Description: Writes the 8-bit value to the specified register. For PSoC 3 the address must be in
the lower 64 K address range.
Parameters: reg: Register address (uint16 PSoC 3 / uint32 PSoC 5)
value: Value to write
Return Value: None
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
Register Access
uint16 CY_GET_REG16(uint16/uint32 reg)
Description: Reads the 16-bit value from the specified register. This macro implements the byte
swapping required for proper operation. For PSoC 3 the address must be in the
lower 64 K address range.
Parameters: reg: Register address (uint16 PSoC 3 / uint32 PSoC 5)
Return Value: Read value
void CY_SET_REG16(uint16/uint32 reg, uint16 value)
Description: Writes the 16-bit value to the specified register. This macro implements the byte
swapping required for proper operation. For PSoC 3 the address must be in the
lower 64 K address range.
Parameters: reg: Register address (uint16 PSoC 3 / uint32 PSoC 5)
value: Value to write
Return Value: None
uint32 CY_GET_REG24(uint16/uint32 reg)
Description: Reads the 24-bit value from the specified register. This macro implements the byte
swapping required for proper operation. For PSoC 3 the address must be in the
lower 64 K address range.
Parameters: reg: Register address (uint16 PSoC 3 / uint32 PSoC 5)
Return Value: Read value
void CY_SET_REG24(uint16/uint32 reg, uint32 value)
Description: Writes the 24-bit value to the specified register. This macro implements the byte
swapping required for proper operation. For PSoC 3 the address must be in the
lower 64 K address range.
Parameters: reg: Register address (uint16 PSoC 3 / uint32 PSoC 5)
value: Value to write
Return Value: None
uint32 CY_GET_REG32(uint16/uint32 reg)
Description: Reads the 32-bit value from the specified register. This macro implements the byte
swapping required for proper operation. For PSoC 3 the address must be in the
lower 64 K address range.
Parameters: reg: Register address (uint16 PSoC 3 / uint32 PSoC 5)
Return Value: Read value
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
Register Access
void CY_SET_REG32(uint16/uint32 reg, uint32 value)
Description: Writes the 32-bit value to the specified register. This macro implements the byte
swapping required for proper operation. For PSoC 3 the address must be in the
lower 64 K address range.
Parameters: reg: Register address (uint16 PSoC 3 / uint32 PSoC 5)
value: Value to write
Return Value: None
uint8 CY_GET_XTND_REG8(uint32 reg)
Description: Reads the 8-bit value from the specified register. Supports the full address space
for PSoC 3, but requires more execution cycles than the standard register get
function. Identical to CY_GET_REG8 for PSoC 5.
Parameters: reg: Register address
Return Value: Read value
void CY_SET_XTND_REG8(uint32 reg, uint8 value)
Description: Writes the 8-bit value to the specified register. Supports the full address space for
PSoC 3, but requires more execution cycles than the standard register set
function. Identical to CY_SET_REG8 for PSoC 5.
Parameters: reg: Register address
value: Value to write
Return Value: None
uint16 CY_GET_XTND_REG16(uint32 reg)
Description: Reads the 16-bit value from the specified register. This macro implements the byte
swapping required for proper operation. Supports the full address space for PSoC
3, but requires more execution cycles than the standard register get function.
Identical to CY_GET_REG16 for PSoC 5.
Parameters: reg: Register address
Return Value: Read value
void CY_SET_XTND_REG16(uint32 reg, uint16 value)
Description: Writes the 16-bit value to the specified register. This macro implements the byte
swapping required for proper operation. Supports the full address space for PSoC
3, but requires more execution cycles than the standard register set function.
Identical to CY_SET_REG16 for PSoC 5.
Parameters: reg: Register address
value: Value to write
Return Value: None
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
Register Access
uint32 CY_GET_XTND_REG24(uint32 reg)
Description: Reads the 24-bit value from the specified register. This macro implements the byte
swapping required for proper operation. Supports the full address space for PSoC
3, but requires more execution cycles than the standard register get function.
Identical to CY_GET_REG24 for PSoC 5.
Parameters: reg: Register address
Return Value: Read value
void CY_SET_XTND_REG24(uint32 reg, uint32 value)
Description: Writes the 24-bit value to the specified register. This macro implements the byte
swapping required for proper operation. Supports the full address space for PSoC
3, but requires more execution cycles than the standard register set function.
Identical to CY_SET_REG24 for PSoC 5.
Parameters: reg: Register address
value: Value to write
Return Value: None
uint32 CY_GET_XTND_REG32(uint32 reg)
Description: Reads the 32-bit value from the specified register. This macro implements the byte
swapping required for proper operation. Supports the full address space for PSoC
3, but requires more execution cycles than the standard register get function.
Identical to CY_GET_REG32 for PSoC 5.
Parameters: reg: Register address
Return Value: Read value
void CY_SET_XTND_REG32(uint32 reg, uint32 value)
Description: Writes the 32-bit value to the specified register. This macro implements the byte
swapping required for proper operation. Supports the full address space for PSoC
3, but requires more execution cycles than the standard register set function.
Identical to CY_SET_REG32 for PSoC 5.
Parameters: reg: Register address
value: Value to write
Return Value: None
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
The DMA files provide the API functions for the DMA controller, DMA channels and Transfer Descriptors.
This API is the library version, not the code that is generated when the user places a DMA component on
the schematic. The automatically generated code would use the APIs in this module.
Refer to the DMA component datasheet for more information.
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
10 Flash and EEPROM
Flash and EEPROM are programmed using a common set of functions. Refer also to the EEPROM
component datasheet for more information.
Flash and EEPROM are programmed through the system performance controller (SPC) calls. The
Flash/EEPROM specific API abstracts this for simplicity.
Only PSoC 3 parts have error correction codes (ECC) storage. This can be configured to be true ECC or
used for data storage. The most common use for ECC memory as data storage is to store configuration
data which is directly supported by PSoC Creator.
When programming Flash with ECC disabled (available for data storage), there are multiple methods for
writing a row of data:
the entire row including ECC
the entire row without ECC
just the ECC memory.
If ECC memory is used for the storage of configuration data, then ensure you do not overwrite an area of
ECC memory that is being used for configuration data.
The caller must first call the CySetTemp and CySetFlashEEBuffer functions. The temperature is needed
to adjust the write times to the flash for optimal performance. The Buffer is used to store intermediate data
while communicating with the SPC. The SPC is push/pull with a register to send commands to and read
data back from.
Flash or EEPROM can be written to one row at a time by calling the same function "CyWriteRowData".
The first parameter will determine the flash or EEPROM array. The number of Arrays that are flash and
the number of Arrays that are EEPROM are specific to the exact part selected. Check your part to know
which array IDs are valid.
A Flash array has, at most, 64 KB plus ECC bytes. PSoC 3 architecture has one Flash array, the size of
which is 16 KB, 32 KB, or 64 KB plus ECC bytes. Therefore, the only valid array ID is 0x00.
An EEPROM array has, at most, 2 KB. PSoC 3 and PSoC 5 devices have one EEPROM array, the size of
which is 512 bytes, 1 KB, or 2 KB.
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
Flash and EEPROM
cystatus CySetTemp()
Description: Gets the temperature of the die and leaves the result in a static location used by
the Flash and EEPROM writing functions. This function must be called once before
executing a series of Flash / EEPROM writing functions.
Parameters: None
Return Value: Status
Flash / EEPROM writing already in use
Side Effects and Execution of this function takes an extended period of time.
Restrictions: Function doesn’t return until the SPC has returned to an idle state.
cystatus CySetFlashEEBuffer(uint8 *buffer)
Description: Sets the buffer used for temporary storage of a complete row of flash plus
associated ECC used during writes to Flash and EEPROM. This buffer is only
necessary when Flash ECC is disabled.
Parameters: uint8 *buffer: Allocated buffer that is (SIZEOF_FLASH_ROW +
Return Value: Status
Flash / EEPROM writing already in use
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
Flash and EEPROM
cystatus CyWriteRowFull(uint8 arrayId, uint16 rowAddress, uint8 *rowData,
uint16 rowSize)
Description: Allows a row to be erased and programmed. If the array is a flash array and ECC is
being used for configuration storage, the function expects that both the row data
and the ECC data have been provided as part of rowData.
Parameters: uint8 arrayId: ID of the array to write. The type of write, Flash or EEPROM, is
determined from the array ID. The arrays in the part are sequential starting at the
first ID for the specific memory type.
First ID
Array Size
64 K Bytes
2 K Bytes
uint16 rowAddress: Row address within the specified arrayId.
Rows per Array
Row size in Bytes
Flash (ECC Enabled)
Flash (ECC Disabled)
uint8 *rowData: Address of the data to be programmed. The size of this row will be
SIZEOF_FLASH_ROW or SIZEOF_EEPROM_ROW depending on the ‘arrayId’.
Note This cannot be the same buffer passed as SPC buffer
uint16 rowSize: Number of bytes of row data
Return Value: Status
Flash / EEPROM writing already in use
Command not accepted
Other non-zero
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
Flash and EEPROM
cystatus CyWriteRowData(uint8 arrayId, uint16 rowAddress, uint8 *rowData)
Description: Writes a row of Flash or EEPROM. For Flash, the ECC will be written
automatically if ECC is enabled. If ECC is disabled, the current contents of the
ECC memory is maintained.
Parameters: uint8 arrayId: ID of the array to write. The type of write, Flash or EEPROM, is
determined from the array ID. The arrays in the part are sequential starting at the
first ID for the specific memory type.
First ID
Array Size
64K Bytes
2K Bytes
uint16 rowAddress: Row address within the specified arrayId.
Rows per Array
Row size in Bytes
uint8 *rowData Array of bytes to write.
Return Value: Status
Flash / EEPROM writing already in use
Command not accepted
Other non-zero
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
Flash and EEPROM
cystatus CyWriteRowConfig(uint8 arrayId, uint16 rowAddress, uint8 *rowData)
Description: Writes the ECC portion of a Flash row. This function is only present when ECC is
disabled and is not being used to store configuration data. This function is only
valid for Flash array IDs (not for EEPROM).
Parameters: arrayId: ID of the array to write. The arrays in the part are sequential starting at
the first ID for the specific memory type.
First ID
ECC Array Size
8 K Bytes
rowAddress: Row address within the specified arrayId.
Rows per Array
ECC Row size in Bytes
rowData: Array of bytes to write.
Return Value: Status
Flash / EEPROM writing already in use
Command not accepted
Other non-zero
void CyFlash_Start()
Description: Enables the Flash. By default Flash is enabled.
For PSoC 3 ES2 or earlier and PSoC 5, the same bit controls both EEPROM and
Flash. Starting or stopping either will cause both to be started or stopped.
Parameters: None
Return Value: None
void CyFlash_Stop()
Description: Disables the Flash. This setting is ignored as long as the CPU is currently running.
This will only take effect when the CPU is later disabled.
For PSoC 3 ES2 or earlier and PSoC 5, the same bit controls both EEPROM and
Flash. Starting or stopping either will cause both to be started or stopped.
Parameters: None
Return Value: None
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
Flash and EEPROM
void CyFlash_SetWaitCycles(uint8 freq)
Description: Sets the correct number of wait cycles for the flash based on the frequency of
operation of the devices. This function should be called before increasing the clock
frequency. It can optionally be called after lowering the clock frequency in order to
improve CPU performance.
Parameters: freq: Frequency of operation in Megahertz
Return Value: None
void CyEEPROM_Start()
Description: Enables the EEPROM.
For PSoC 3 ES2 or earlier and PSoC 5, the same bit controls both EEPROM and
Flash. Starting or stopping either will cause both to be started or stopped. Also for
those silicon versions, the EEPROM is enabled by default. For later silicon, the
EEPROM is controlled by a separate bit and must be started before it can be
Parameters: None
Return Value: None
void CyEEPROM_Stop()
Description: Disables the EEPROM.
For PSoC 3 ES2 or earlier and PSoC 5, the same bit controls both EEPROM and
Flash. Starting or stopping either will cause both to be started or stopped.
Parameters: None
Return Value: None
void CyEEPROM_ReadReserve()
Description: Request access to the EEPROM for reading and waits until that access is
available. The access to EEPROM is arbitrated between the controller that writes
to the EEPROM and the normal access to read from EEPROM. It is not required to
reserve access to the EEPROM for reading, but if a write is still active and a read
is attempted a fault is generated and the wrong data is returned.
Parameters: None
Return Value: None
void CyEEPROM_ReadRelease()
Description: Releases the read reservation of the EEPROM. If the EEPROM has been
reserved for reading, then it must be released before further writes to the
EEPROM can be performed.
Parameters: None
Return Value: None
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
11 Bootloader System
In PSoC Creator, the bootloader system manages the process of updating the device flash memory with
new application code and/or data ("code"). This is accomplished by the following parts:
Bootloader component
Communications component
Bootloader project, used to create the bootloader component
Bootloadable project, used to create the code
The following sections describe the various aspects of the bootloader process in greater detail.
Bootloader Component
The bootloader component allows you to update the device flash memory with new code. The bootloader
accepts and executes commands, and passes responses to those commands back to the
communications component. The bootloader collects and arranges the received data and manages the
actual writing of flash through a simple command/status register interface. The bootloader component is
not a typical component. It is not available in the Component Catalog. Instead it is always present, behind
the scenes, if you have a bootloader type project.
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
Bootloader System
The following diagram shows how the bootloader works.
Power Up/Startup
Run Bootloader
Came from
Wait for
Run Application
Set Wait Time
Set Wait Time
(DWR Wait Time)
Request Start
Perform Bootload
Wait for Command
Set Wait Time
Time Expired?
Request Start
Communications Component
The communications component manages the communications protocol to receive commands from an
external system, and passes those commands to the bootloader. It also passes command responses from
the bootloader back to the off-chip system.
Note USB and I C are the only officially supported communication methods for the bootloader. Refer to
the USBFS or I C component datasheet as needed for more details about the appropriate communication
method. There is also a Custom option to add bootloader support to any existing communications
component. See "Custom Bootloader Component."
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
Bootloader System
You can also create your own bootloader component for any number of communication methods. For
information and instructions on how to do this, refer to the Component Author Guide.
Custom Bootloader Component
You can create custom bootloader components using any desired communication component. Under the
DWR System Editor "IO Component" select the "Custom_Interface" option. See also the "IO Component"
parameter. This allows for implementing the necessary functions in any way necessary in your application
code. The following shows an example of code inserted into the main.c file for an SPI communication
component. For more information about the CyBtldr_ APIs, refer to the Component Author Guide.
void CyBtldrCommStart(void)
void CyBtldrCommStop (void)
void CyBtldrCommReset(void)
cystatus CyBtldrCommWrite(uint8* buffer, uint16 size, uint16* count, uint8
uint16 i;
cystatus status = CYRET_EMPTY;
uint8 intStatus = CyEnterCriticalSection();
for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
while (timeOut-- > 0)
if ((SPIS_1_ReadTxStatus() & SPIS_1_STS_SPI_DONE) !=
*count = size;
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
Bootloader System
return status;
cystatus CyBtldrCommRead (uint8* buffer, uint16 size, uint16* count, uint8
uint16 i = 0;
cystatus status = CYRET_EMPTY;
uint8 validData = 0;
uint8 dataByte;
while (timeOut-- > 0)
if (SPIS_1_GetRxBufferSize() > 0 && SPIS_1_GetTxBufferSize() == 0)
while (!validData && SPIS_1_GetRxBufferSize() > 0)
dataByte = SPIS_1_ReadRxData();
validData = (1 == dataByte);
if (validData)
buffer[0] = dataByte;
i = 1;
while (SPIS_1_GetRxBufferSize() > 0)
buffer[i++] = SPIS_1_ReadRxData();
if (i > 0)
while(buffer[--i] != 0x17);
*count = i+1;
return status;
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
Bootloader System
Bootloader Project Types
In order to implement both a bootloader component and the code, you must create special PSoC Creator
project types: bootloader Project and bootloadable Project.
Bootloader Project
The bootloader component only exists within a bootloader type PSoC Creator design project. When you
create a bootloader project, a bootloader component automatically exists in the project.
There are two types of bootloaders available: the "Standard Bootloader" and the "Dual Application
Bootloader." The "Standard Bootloader" option allows for a single application code, while the "Dual
Application Bootloader" allows two applications to reside in flash. The "Dual Application Bootloader" is
useful for designs that require a guarantee that there is always a valid application that can be run. This
guarantee comes with the limitation that each application has one half of the flash available from what
would have been available for a "Standard Bootloader" project.
You typically complete a bootloader design project by dragging a communications component onto the
schematic, routing the I/O to pins, setting up clocks, etc. A bootloader project with a communications
component implements the basic boot loader function of receiving new code and writing it to flash. You
can add custom functions to a basic bootloader project by dragging other components onto the schematic
or by adding source code.
Bootloadable Project
The bootloadable project is actually the code. It is very similar to a "standard" design project; the project
type can easily be changed between the two during the design phase. The main differences are that a
bootloadable project is always associated with a bootloader project, and a standard project is never
associated with a bootloader project.
A standard project resides in flash starting at address zero. A bootloadable project occupies flash at an
address above zero; the associated bootloader project occupies flash starting at address zero, as shown
in the following:
Meta Data
Meta Data (Image 1)
Meta Data (Image 2)
(Image 2)
(Image 1)
Dual Application
Address 0
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
Bootloader System
Bootloader and Bootloadable Project Functions
The bootloader project performs overall transfer of a bootloadable project, or new code, to the flash via
the bootloader project’s communications component. After the transfer, the processor is always reset. The
bootloader project is also responsible at reset time for testing certain conditions and possibly autoinitiating a transfer if the bootloadable project is non-existent or is corrupt.
At startup, the bootloader code loads configuration bytes for its own configuration. It must also initialize
the stack and other resources and peripherals to do the transfer. When the transfer is complete, control is
passed to the bootloadable project via a software reset.
The bootloadable project then loads configuration bytes for its own configuration; and re-initializes the
stack and other resources and peripherals for its functions. The bootloadable project may call the
CyBtldr_Load() function in the bootloader project to initiate a transfer (this results in another software
PSoC Creator Project Output Files
When either project type – bootloader or bootloadable - is built, an output file is created for that project.
In addition, an output file for both projects – a "combination" file – is created when the bootloadable
project is build. This file includes both the bootloader and bootloadable projects. This file is typically used
to facilitate downloading both projects (via JTAG / SWD) to device flash in a production environment.
For bootloader projects the configuration bytes are always stored in the main flash that is occupied by the
bootloader, and never in ECC flash.
Configuration bytes for bootloadable projects may be stored in either main flash or in ECC flash. The
format of the bootloadable project output file is such that when the device has ECC bytes which are
disabled, transfer operations are executed in less time. This is done by interleaving records in the
bootloadable main flash address space with records in the ECC flash address space. The bootloader
takes advantage of this interleaved structure by programming the associated flash row once – the row
contains bytes for both main flash and ECC flash.
Each project has its own checksum. The checksums is included in the output files at project build time.
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
Bootloader System
Memory Usage
The following diagram shows the device's flash memory layout for the PSoC 3 and PSoC 5.
Byte 0
Byte 1
Byte L
Byte 0
Byte 1
Byte L
Byte 0
Byte 1
Row 1
Row 1
Row 1
Row 2
Row 2
Row 2
Row 3
Row 3
Row 3
Row 4
Row 5
Row 6
Row 7
Row 8
Byte L
Row N
Array 0
Array 1
Array M
L = 256 or 288 if ECC disabled
N = 32, 64, 128, or 256 depending on part
M = 1, 2, 3, or 4 depending on part
= Bootloader Portion
= Bootloadable Portion
= Reserved for Metadata
The bootloader project always occupies the bottom N 256-byte blocks of flash. N is set so that there is
enough flash for:
the vector table for this project, starting at address 0 (except PSoC 3), and
the bootloader project configuration bytes, and
the bootloader project code and data, and
the checksum for the bootloader portion of flash.
Note that the bootloader project configuration bytes are always stored in main flash, never in ECC flash.
The relevant option is removed from the project’s .cydwr file.
The bootloader portion of flash is protected; it can only be overwritten by downloading via JTAG / SWD.
The bootloadable project occupies flash starting at the first 256-byte boundary after the bootloader, and
the vector table for the project (except PSoC 3),
the bootloadable project code and data, and
64 bytes of data reserved at the very end of the last flash array to store metadata used by both
the bootloader and bootloadable.
The bootloadable project’s configuration bytes may be stored in the same manner as in a standard
project, i.e. in either main flash or in ECC flash, per settings in the project’s .cydwr file.
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
Bootloader System
The highest 64-byte block of flash is used as a common area for both projects. Various parameters are
saved in this block, which may include:
the entry in flash of the bootloadable project (4 byte address)
the amount of flash occupied by the bootloadable project (Number of flash rows)
the checksum for the bootloadable portion of flash (one byte)
the size of the bootloadable portion of flash (4 bytes, in bytes)
8051 Details (PSoC 3)
In the PSoC 3, the only "exception vector" is the 3-byte instruction at address 0, which is executed at
processor reset. (The interrupt vectors are not in flash – they are supplied by the Interrupt
Controller [IC] ). So at reset the 8051 bootloader code simply starts executing from flash address 0.
ARM Cortex-M3 Details (PSoC 5)
In the PSoC 5, a table of exception vectors must exist at address 0. (The table is pointed to by the Vector
Table Offset Register, at address 0xE000ED08, whose value is set to 0 at reset.) The bootloader code
starts immediately after this table.
The table contains the initial stack pointer (SP) value for the bootloader project, and the address of the
start of the bootloader project code. It also contains vectors for the exceptions and interrupts to be used
by the bootloader.
The bootloadable project also has its own vector table, which contains that project’s starting SP value and
first instruction address. When the transfer is complete, as part of passing control to the bootloadable
project the value in the Vector Table Offset Register is changed to the address of the bootloadable
project’s table.
Bootloader Parameters
To access the bootloader parameters, open the Design-Wide Resources System Editor and expand the
bootloader section of the editor.
Wait for Command
Description: At reset, if the bootloader detects that the checksum in bootloadable project
flash is valid then it may optionally wait for a command to start a transfer
operation before jumping to the bootloadable project code.
Settings: Yes or no that the wait will take place.
Default: Yes
Modifiable by API or No
Driver Firmware:
Relationship to other If the selection is "yes" then the Wait for Command Time parameter is
parameters editable. If the selection is "no" then that parameter is grayed out. In that
case an external system typically is not able to initiate a transfer, however
the bootloadable project code can still launch a transfer operation by calling
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
Bootloader System
Wait for Command Time
Description: At reset, if the bootloader detects that the checksum in bootloadable project
flash is valid then it may optionally wait for a command to start a transfer
operation before jumping to the bootloadable project code. This parameter is
the wait timeout period.
Settings: 1 – 255, in units of 10 msec.
Default: 10, or 100 msec.
Modifiable by API or No
Driver Firmware:
Relationship to other This parameter is editable only if the Wait for Command parameter is set to
parameters "yes", otherwise it is grayed out.
IO Component
Description: This is the communications component that the bootloader uses to receive
commands and send responses. One and only one communications
component must be selected. Only two-way communications components
are used. For example, a UART must have both RX and TX enabled, and an
infrared (IrDA) component could not be used. A design rule check (DRC)
exists for the case where no two-way communications component has been
placed onto the bootloader project schematic.
Settings: This property is a list of the available IO communications protocols on the
schematic that have bootloader support. In all cases, independent of what is
on the schematic, there is also a Custom option available that allows for
implementing the bootloader functions directly.
Default: If no communications component is on the schematic, then the Custom
option will be selected. This allows for implementing the communication in
any way.
Modifiable by API or No
Driver Firmware:
Relationship to other None.
Fast Application Verification
Description: If enabled, the bootloader will compute the checksum for the application
code. If successful, it will store this information for future boot operations to
avoid the need to validate the application code at every boot.
Settings: Yes or no whether verification is remembered.
Default: No
Modifiable by API or No
Driver Firmware:
Relationship to other None.
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
Bootloader System
Checksum Type
Description: Provides a couple of options for the type of checksum to use when
transferring packets of data between the host and the bootloader.
Settings: Basic Sum which just adds up all the bytes and takes a 2's compliment. 16bit
CRC using the CCITT algorithm.
Default: Basic Sum.
Modifiable by API or No
Driver Firmware:
Relationship to other None.
Description: Provides a 2 byte number to represent the version of the bootloader.
Settings: Any 2 byte number.
Default: 0x0000
Modifiable by API or No
Driver Firmware:
Relationship to other None.
Bootloadable Parameters
Description: Provides a 2 byte number to represent the version of the bootloadable
Settings: Any 2 byte number.
Default: 0x0000
Modifiable by API or No
Driver Firmware:
Relationship to other None.
Bootloadable ID
Description: Provides a 2 byte number to represent the ID of the bootloadable application.
Settings: Any 2 byte number.
Default: 0x0000
Modifiable by API or No
Driver Firmware:
Relationship to other None.
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
Bootloader System
Custom ID
Description: Provides a 4 byte custom ID number to represent anything in the application.
Settings: Any 4 byte number.
Default: 0x00000000
Modifiable by API or No
Driver Firmware:
Relationship to other None.
Bootloader API
The bootloader provides a public API call solely for the purpose of launching a transfer operation from
bootloadable project code. Once called, a software reset is executed, and then the bootloader takes over
the CPU. Bootloadable project code, including interrupt handlers, is not executed.
When a transfer operation starts, resources and peripherals are reconfigured as needed. All other
resources and peripherals are disabled.
When the transfer operation is complete, the CPU is reset.
void CyBtldr_Load( void )
Description: Starts a transfer operation. Reconfigures the device per bootloader project
Parameters: void
Return Value: None. The processor is reset when the transfer is complete.
Side Effects: None
Bootloader Commands
The bootloader supports the following commands. All received bytes that do not start with one of the set
of command bytes is discarded with no response generated. All multi-byte fields are output LSB first.
Note The time required for the bootloader to execute any command is based on the configuration of the
device. Some of the factors that impact the timing include:
clock speed at which the part is running
toolchain used to build the project
optimization settings used during the build
number of interrupts running in the background
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
Bootloader System
Enter Bootloader
All other commands are ignored until this command is received.
Command Byte: 0x38
Data Bytes: NA
Status/Error Codes:
Error Command
Error Data
Error Length
Error Checksum
Data Bytes:
4 bytes - Silicon ID
1 byte - Silicon Rev
3 bytes - Bootloader Version
Get Flash Size
Responds with the first and last available rows in the selected flash array.
Command Byte: 0x32
Data Bytes:
1 byte - Flash Array ID
Status/Error Codes:
Error Command
Error Data
Error Length
Error Checksum
Data Bytes:
2 bytes - First available row
2 bytes - Last available row
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
Bootloader System
Program Row
Writes one row of flash data to the device.
Command Byte: 0x39
Data Bytes:
1 byte - Flash Array ID
2 bytes - Flash Row Number
n bytes - Data to write into the flash row
Status/Error Codes:
Error Command
Error Data
Error Length
Error Checksum
Error Flash Row
Error Active
Data Bytes: NA
Erase Row
Erases the contents of the provided flash row.
Command Byte: 0x34
Data Bytes:
1 byte - Flash Array ID
2 bytes - Flash Row Number
Status/Error Codes:
Error Command
Error Data
Error Length
Error Checksum
Error Flash Row
Error Active
Data Bytes: NA
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
Bootloader System
Verify Row
Gets a 1 byte checksum for the contents of the provided row of flash
Command Byte: 0x3A
Data Bytes:
1 byte - Flash Array ID
2 bytes - Flash Row Number
Status/Error Codes:
Error Command
Error Data
Error Length
Error Checksum
Data Bytes:
1 byte - Row checksum
Verify Checksum
Gets a 1-byte value indicating whether the checksum for the flash matches the expected checksum value.
A return value of 1 indicates that the checksums match and that the application is considered good. A
return value of 0 indicates that the checksums do not match, and that the application is invalid. This is the
same check that the bootloader will run before attempting to run the application code.
Command Byte: 0x31
Data Bytes: N/A
Status/Error Codes:
Error Command
Error Data
Error Length
Error Checksum
Data Bytes:
1 byte - Application checksum valid
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
Bootloader System
Send Data
Sends a block of data to the device. This data is buffered up in anticipation of another command that will
inform the bootloader what to do with the data. If multiple send data commands are issued back-to-back,
the data is appended to the previous block. This command is used to breakup large transfers into smaller
pieces to prevent bus starvation in some protocols.
Command Byte: 0x37
Data Bytes: n bytes - Data to save in the device
Status/Error Codes:
Error Command
Error Data
Error Length
Error Checksum
Data Bytes: NA
Sync Bootloader
Resets the bootloader to a clean state, ready to accept a new command. Any data that was buffered will
be thrown out. This is only necessary if the host and client get out of sync with each other.
Command Byte: 0x35
Data Bytes: NA
NA - This packet is not acknowledged
Exit Bootloader
Exits from the bootloader by triggering a software reset of the device. Before the software reset is
executed, the bootloadable application is verified. If the application passes verification, the application will
be executed after the software reset. If the application fails verification, then execution will begin again
with the bootloader after the software reset.
Command Byte: 0x3B
Data Bytes: NA
NA - This packet is not acknowledged
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
Bootloader System
Get Application Status (Dual Application Bootloader Only)
Command Byte: 0x33
Data Bytes:
1byte – Application #
Status/Error Codes:
Error Length
Error Checksum
Error Data
Data Bytes:
1byte – Application # Valid
1byte –Application # Active
Set Active Application (Dual Application Bootloader Only)
Command Byte: 0x36
Data Bytes:
1byte – Application #
Status/Error Codes:
Error Application
Error Length
Error Data
Error Checksum
Data Bytes: NA
Bootloader Packets
Packets sent to the bootloader have the following structure:
1-byte packet start (0x01)
1-byte command
2-bytes data length
n-bytes data
2-bytes checksum
1-byte packet end (0x17)
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
Bootloader System
Packets output from the bootloader have the following structure:
1-byte packet start (0x01)
1-byte status/error code
2-bytes data length
n-bytes data
2-bytes checksum
1-byte packet end (0x17)
Bootloader Status/Error Codes
The possible status/error codes output from the bootloader are as follows:
Bootloader Application
Success – The command was successfully received and executed. Value = 0x00
Error Length (CYRET_ERR_LENGTH) – The amount of data available is outside the expected
range. Value = 0x03
Error Data (CYRET_ERR_DATA) – The data is not of the proper form. Value = 0x04
Error Command (CYRET_ERR_CMD) – The command is not recognized. Value = 0x05
Error Checksum (ERR_CHECKSUM) – The checksum does not match the expected value. Value
= 0x08
Error Flash Row (ERR_ROW) – The flash row is not valid. Value = 0x0A
Error Unknown (ERR_UNK) – An unknown error occurred. Value = 0x0F
Error Application (CYRET_ERR_APP) – The application is not valid and cannot be set as active.
Value = 0x0C. (Dual Application Bootloader Only)
Error Active (CYRET_ERR_ACTIVE) – The application is currently marked as active. Value =
0x0D. (Dual Application Bootloader Only)
Bootloader Host
Error Device (CYRET_ERR_DEVICE) – The expected device does not match the detected
device. Value = 0x06
Error Version (CYRET_ERR_VERSION) – The bootloader version detected is not supported.
Value = 0x07
Bootloader Application & Code Data File Format
The bootloader application & code data (.cyacd) file format is used to store the bootloadable portion of a
design. The file consists of a header followed by lines of flash data. Excluding the header, each line in the
.cyacd file represents an entire row of flash data. The data is stored as ASCII data in big endian format.
The header record has the format:
[4-byte SiliconID][1-byte SiliconRev][1-byte Checksum Type]
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
Bootloader System
The data records have the format:
[1-byte ArrayID][2-byte RowNumber][2-byte DataLength][N-byte Data]
[1-byte Checksum]
The checksum type in the header indicates the type of checksum used for packets sent between the
bootloader host and the bootloader itself. The checksum in the data records is a basic summation,
computed by summing all bytes (excluding the checksum itself) and then taking the 2's complement.
Bootloader Host Tool
PSoC Creator ships with a bootloader host tool (bootloader_host.exe) that can be used to test out the
bootloader running on a PSoC chip. The bootloader host tool is the application that communicates with
the bootloader itself to send new bootloadable images. The bootloader host tool provided is intended to
be used as a development and testing tool only.
Source Code
In addition to the host executable itself, much of the source code used is also provided. This source code
can be reused to create your own bootloader host applications. The source code is located in the
following directory:
<Install Dir>\cybootloaderutils\
By default, this directory is:
C:\Program Files\Cypress\PSoC Creator\<Release Version>\PSoC Creator\cybootloaderutils\
This source code is broken up into four different modules. These modules provide implementations for the
various pieces of functionality required for a bootloader host. Depending on the desired level of control,
some or all of these modules can be used in developing a custom bootloader host application.
This module handles construction of packets to send to the bootloader, and the parsing of packets
received from the bootloader. It has a single function for constructing each type of packet that the
bootloader understands, and a single function for parsing the results for each packet the bootloader can
send back.
This module handles the parsing of the *.cyacd file that contains the bootloadable image to send to the
device. It has functions for Setting up access to the file, Reading the header, Reading the row data, and
closing the file.
Is a row level API that allows for sending a single row of data at a time to the bootloader using a supplied
communication mechanism. It has functions for setting up the bootload operation, programming a row,
erasing a row, verifying a row, and ending the bootload operation.
Is a higher level API that handles the entire bootload process. It has functions for programming the
device, erasing the device, verifying the device, and aborting the current operation.
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
Bootloader System
The following are the features provided with different versions of the bootloader host tool:
Version 1.0.0 (PSoC Creator 1.0, Beta5)
Initial version; provides APIs for:
Parsing *.cyacd file
Constructing packets of data to send to the bootloader
Functions for Programming, Erasing, Verifying rows of data
Functions for performing the entire bootload operation
Version 1.1.0 (PSoC Creator 1.0, Production)
Provides all the functionality contained in Bootloader Host version 1.0.0. Adds support for using either a
basic sum (used in 1.0.0) or a new 16-bit CCITT checksum for ensuring packet integrity when
communicating with the bootloader.
Version 1.2.0 (PSoC Creator 2.0)
Provides all the functionality contained in Bootloader Host version 1.1.0. Adds support for communicating
with either the "Standard Bootloader" or the "Dual Application Bootloader."
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
Bootloader System
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
12 System Functions
These functions apply to all architectures.
General APIs
uint8 CyEnterCriticalSection(void)
Description: CyEnterCriticalSection disables interrupts and returns a value indicating whether
interrupts were previously enabled (the actual value depends on whether the device
is PSoC 3 or PSoC 5).
Note Implementation of CyEnterCriticalSection manipulates the IRQ enable bit with
interrupts still enabled. The test and set of the interrupt bits is not atomic; this is true
for both PSoC 3 and PSoC 5. Therefore, to avoid corrupting processor state, it must
be the policy that all interrupt routines restore the interrupt enable bits as they were
found on entry.
Parameters: None
Return Value: uint8
PSoC 3 – Returns a value containing two bits:
bit 0: 1 if interrupts were enabled before CyEnterCriticalSection was called.
bit 1: 1 if IRQ generation was disabled before CyEnterCriticalSection was called.
PSoC 5 – Returns 1 if interrupts were previously enabled or 0 if interrupts were
previously disabled.
void CyExitCriticalSection(uint8 savedIntrStatus)
Description: CyExitCriticalSection re-enables interrupts if they were enabled before
CyEnterCriticalSection was called. The argument should be the value returned from
Parameters: uint8 savedIntrStatus: Saved interrupt status returned by the CyEnterCriticalSection
Return Value: None
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
System Functions
void CYASSERT(uint32 expr)
Description: Macro that evaluates the expression and if it is false (evaluates to 0) then the
processor is halted. This macro is evaluated unless NDEBUG is defined. If NDEBUG
is defined, then no code is generated for this macro. NDEBUG is defined by default
for a Release build setting and not defined for a Debug build setting.
Parameters: expr: Logical expression. Asserts if false.
Return Value: None
void CyHalt(uint8 reason)
Description: Halts the CPU.
Parameters: reason: Value to be passed for debugging. This value may be useful to know the
reason why CyHalt() was invoked.
Return Value: None
void CySoftwareReset(void)
Description: Forces a software reset of the device.
Parameters: None
Return Value: None
CyDelay APIs
There are four CyDelay APIs that implement simple software-based delay loops. The loops compensate
for bus clock frequency.
The CyDelay functions provide a minimum delay. If the processor is interrupted, the length of the loop will
be extended by as long as it takes to implement the interrupt. Other overhead factors, including function
entry and exit, may also affect the total length of time spent executing the function. This will be especially
apparent when the nominal delay time is small.
void CyDelay(uint32 milliseconds)
Description: Delay by the specified number of milliseconds. By default the number of cycles to
delay is calculated based on the clock configuration entered in PSoC Creator. If
the clock configuration is changed at run-time, then the function CyDelayFreq is
used to indicate the new Bus Clock frequency. CyDelay is used by several
components, so changing the clock frequency without updating the frequency
setting for the delay can cause those components to fail.
Parameters: milliseconds: Number of milliseconds to delay.
Return Value: None
Side Effects and CyDelay has been implemented with the instruction cache assumed enabled.
Restrictions: When instruction cache is disabled on PSoC 5, CyDelay will be two times larger.
For example, with instruction cache disabled CyDelay(100) would result in about
200 ms delay instead of 100 ms.
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
System Functions
void CyDelayUs(uint16 microseconds)
Description: Delay by the specified number of microseconds. By default the number of cycles
to delay is calculated based on the clock configuration entered in PSoC Creator.
If the clock configuration is changed at run-time, then the function CyDelayFreq is
used to indicate the new Bus Clock frequency. CyDelayUs is used by several
components, so changing the clock frequency without updating the frequency
setting for the delay can cause those components to fail.
Parameters: microseconds: Number of microseconds to delay.
Return Value: Void
Side Effects and CyDelayUS has been implemented with the instruction cache assumed enabled.
Restrictions: When instruction cache is disabled on PSoC 5, CyDelayUs will be two times
larger. For example, with instruction cache disabled CyDelayUs(100) would result
in about 200 us delay instead of 100 us.
void CyDelayFreq(uint32 freq)
Description: Sets the Bus Clock frequency used to calculate the number of cycles needed to
implement a delay with CyDelay. By default the frequency used is based on the
value determined by PSoC Creator at build time.
Parameters: freq: Bus clock frequency in Hz.
0: Use the default value
non-0: Set frequency value
Return Value: None
void CyDelayCycles(uint32 cycles)
Description: Delay by the specified number of cycles using a software delay loop.
Parameters: cycles: Number of cycles to delay.
Return Value: None
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
System Functions
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
13 Startup and Linking
The cy_boot component is responsible for the startup of the system. The following functionality has been
Provide the reset vector
Setup processor for execution
Setup interrupts
Setup the stack including the reentrant stack for the 8051
Configure the device
Initialize static and global variables with initialization values
Clear all remaining static and global variables
Integrate with the boot loader
Call main() C entry point
PSoC 3
Startup is all handled by a single assembly file (KeilStart.a51) which is based on a template provided by
Keil. There isn’t a file specifically associated with linking.
PSoC 5
The startup and linker scripts have been custom developed by Cypress, but both of the toolchain vendors
that we currently support provide example linker implementations and complete libraries that solve many
of the issues that have been created by our custom implementations.
GCC Implementation
Use all the standard GCC libraries (libcs3, libc, libcs3unhosted, libgcc, libcs3micro). All of these libraries
are linked in by default.
Realview Implementation (applicable for MDK and RVDS)
Use all the standard libraries (C standardlib, C microlib, fplib, mathlib). All of these libraries are linked in
by default.
Support for RTOS and user replacement of routines. This is possible because the library routines
are denoted as "weak" allowing their replacement if another implementation is provided.
A mechanism is provided that allows for the replacement of the provided linker/scatter file with a
user version. This is implemented by allowing the user to create the file local to their project and
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
Startup and Linking
having a build setting that allows the specification of this file as the linker/scatter file instead of the
file provided automatically.
Currently the heap and stack size are specified as a fixed quantity (4 K Stack, 1 K Heap). If
possible the requirement to specify Heap and Stack sizes should be removed entirely. If that is
not possible, then these values should be the defaults with the option to choose other values in
the Design-Wide Resources GUI.
All the code in the Generated Source tree is compiled into a single library as part of the build
process. Then that compiled library is linked in with the user code in the final link.
CMSIS Support (PSoC 5)
Cortex Microcontroller Software Interface Standard (CMSIS) is a standard from ARM for interacting with
Cortex M-series processors. There are multiple levels of support. The following support is provided:
Core Peripheral Access Layer
These files are used without modification. The same files work for all of our supported platforms.
Preservation of Reset Status (PSoC 3 and PSoC 5)
The value of the reset status register shall be read and cleared any time the device is booted and that
value shall be saved to a global SRAM variable. This register is RESET_SR0 for PSoC 3. That variable
along with defines for the fields in the register shall be provided.
uint8 CyResetStatus
Low voltage detect digital
Low voltage detect analog
High voltage detect analog
Watchdog reset
Software reset
General purpose bit 0
General purpose bit 1
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
14 Watchdog Timer
void CyWdtStart(uint8 ticks, uint8 lpMode)
Description: Enables the watchdog timer. The timer is configured for the specified count
interval, the Central Time Wheel is cleared, the setting for low power mode is
configured, and the watchdog timer is enabled.
Once enabled the watchdog cannot be disabled. The watchdog counts each time
the Central Time Wheel (CTW) reaches the period specified. The watchdog must
be cleared using the CyWdtClear() function before the watchdog counts to three.
The CTW is free running, so this will occur after between 2 and 3 timer periods
Parameters: ticks: One of the four available timer periods
2 CTW Ticks
16 CTW Ticks
128 CTW Ticks
1024 CTW Ticks
lpMode: Low power mode configuration
Switch to longest timer mode
during sleep / hibernate
Disable WDT during sleep /
Return Value: None
Side effects and All 'lpMode' parameter values are supported by PSoC 3 production silicon. PSoC 5
restrictions and PSoC 3 ES2 support only NOCHANGE.
The hardware implementation of the watchdog timer prevents any modification of
the timer once it has been enabled. It also prevents the timer from being disabled
once it has been enabled. This protects the watchdog timer from changes caused
by errant code. As a result, only the first call to CyWdtStart() after reset will have
any effect.
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
Watchdog Timer
void CyWdtClear()
Description: Clears (feeds) the watchdog timer.
Parameters: None
Return Value: None
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
15 cy_boot Component Changes
Version 2.40
This section lists and describes the major changes in the cy_boot component version 2.40:
Description of Version 2.30 Changes
Reason for Changes / Impact
Updated the CyPmSleep() and CyPmHibernate()
Changes were made to improve power mode
Version 2.30
This section lists and describes the major changes in the cy_boot component version 2.30:
Description of Version 2.30 Changes
Reason for Changes / Impact
CyIntEnable and CyIntDisable functions have been
changed to be CYREENTRANT by default.
Many components require CyIntEnable and
CyIntDisable to be reentrant and these
components have no way to cause that to
happen. This means you no longer need to
populate a cyre file for these functions that you do
not call.
User was made responsible for clock power
modes configuration during Sleep and Alternate
Active mode.
The implementation of CyPmSleep() and
CyPmAltActive() functions were modified by
removing 32 KHz ECO,100 KHz and 1 KHz ILO
power mode configuration before device low power
mode entry.
The CyILO_SetPowerMode() and
CyXTAL_32KHZ_SetPowerMode() can be used
to configure clock power modes.
The information regarding user responsibility of
clock power mode configuration was added at the
PM API section.
The IMO value should match FIMO and FIMO is
always 12 MHz.
The implementation of the CyPmSaveClocks() was
updated to set IMO clock frequency to 48 MHz
when "Enable Fast IMO during startup" is enabled,
and to 12 MHz otherwise. The IMO frequency is
always set to 12 MHz just before the low power
mode entry and restored immediately after wakeup.
The CyPmRestoreClocks() restores original value of
the IMO clock.
The implementation of the CyPmRestoreClocks()
The CyPmRestoreClocks() function is expected to
function was updated by removing restoring MHz
be called only after CyPmSaveClocks(), while the
ECO and PLL disabled state.
last one always disables MHz ECO and PLL.
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
cy_boot Component Changes
Description of Version 2.30 Changes
Reason for Changes / Impact
Global interrupts are disabled on
CyPmSleep()/CyPmHibernate() entry and restored
before return from the function.
The CyPmSleep() and CyPmAltAct() function
implementations for PSoC 5 devices were updated
to ignore all parameters. The PSoC 5 device will go
into Sleep mode until it is woken by an interrupt
from one of three wakeup sources: Central Time
Wheel (CTW), Once per second, or Port Interrupt
Controller (PICU). These wakeup sources must
already be configured to generate an interrupt. The
CTW is configured using the SleepTimer
component and the Once per second interrupt using
the Real Time Clock component.
Updated architecture- and silicon-specific #defines
to be used across the content.
Improved performance of non-DMA configuration on
8051 devices.
Interrupts are disabled to prevent their occurrence
before the state of the device has been restored.
The implementation of the CyPmRestoreClocks()
was updated for PSoC5 silicon. The megahertz
crystal is given 130 ms to stabilize. Its readiness is
not verified after the hold-off timeout.
The power mode of the source clocks for the timer
used as the wakeup timer was removed from PM
API functions.
PSoC Creator Power Management section was
The CyPmSleep() and CyPmAltAct() functions
have to be used only with the following
These modifications decrease the startup time
and slightly reduce consumption of code memory
and internal data memory.
These modifications increase crystal startup time,
but ensure that crystal is ready to be used.
Before calling PM API function, you must
manually configure the power mode of the source
clocks for the timer that will be used as the
wakeup timer.
More detailed information on Power Management
API usage was added.
Version 2.21
This section lists and describes the major changes in the cy_boot component version 2.21:
Description of Version 2.21 Changes
Reason for Changes / Impact
Provide a new option for selecting how to
compute checksums on data transferred
from the bootloader host to the
Provide a generic option to allow users to
define their own custom bootloader
communication functions.
Provide a more robust way to check for errors during IO
Updated a few Power Management
functions to prevent some possible
Make adding support for additional communication
protocols (SPI, UART, ...) easier. Also provides a means of
supporting multiple communications components
concurrently in the same design.
Some parentheses were missing which could cause items
to be evaluated in the wrong order.
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
cy_boot Component Changes
Description of Version 2.21 Changes
Reason for Changes / Impact
Added a variable CyResetStatus that can
be used to get the information from the
RESET_SR0 register.
This is provided because many of the fields contained within
the RESET_SR0 register are clear-on-read. Since the
bootloader needs to access this register as part of its
operation, it prevents the actual application code from
accessing the values. The variable is provided so that the
application can still get access to all the information.
On some PSoC 3 devices the NVL information may not be
initialized properly. This workaround is provided to ensure
that the NVLs are properly loaded before performing any of
the startup code.
Added a workaround for some PSoC3
devices to ensure that the NVL values
have been properly initialized.
Version 2.20
This section lists and describes the major changes in the cy_boot component version 2.20:
Description of Version 2.20 Changes
Reason for Changes / Impact
Updated the CyDelayCycles function to
work with instruction cache enabled.
The original CyDelayCycles function was designed to be
used with the instruction cache disabled. For PSoC 3 ES3
and Production silicon, when the instruction cache is
enabled, the length of the delay was no longer correct.
The comments and descriptions for the CyPmSleep(),
CyPmHibernate(), and CyPmAltAct() functions we clarified
to refer to the silicon errata for a PSoC 3 ES2 and PSoC 5
Fixed an issue in the bootloader for PSoC 5 that would
cause it to fail to verify the application code if the application
code was larger than 64 K.
Modified what is required for the bootloader to consider that
there is activity and that someone appears to be attempting
to communicate.
Previously, if the Bootloader received any data over the
selected communications component it would then wait
forever for data. With this change, the bootloader will now
only wait forever if it has received the Enter Bootloader
Change was made to address an issue. There is no impact.
Updated comments in the code and
descriptions in this guide for low power
mode functions.
Fixed a bootloader issue with the
CyBtldr_ValidateApp function.
Addressed a bootloader wait for traffic
Updated the CySetTemp function to read
the die temperature twice to make sure it
has a stable value.
Version 2.10
This section lists and describes the major changes in the cy_boot component version 2.10:
Description of Version 2.10 Changes
Reason for Changes / Impact
Updated Flash verification code in the
Fixed an issue in the bootloader's Verify routine that could
cause a failure to be reported even for a valid image if flash
was disabled.
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
cy_boot Component Changes
Version 2.0
This section lists and describes the major changes in the cy_boot component version 2.0:
Description of Version 2.0 Changes
Reason for Changes / Impact
Keil C51 keywords available as macros
These macros allow code to specify the memory space of
variables and pointers while maintaining compatibility with
other compilers. The most commonly used keywords are
CYCODE, CYXDATA, and CYDATA, which represent C51’s
code, xdata, and data keywords, respectively. On other
compilers, these macros are ignored.
It is no longer necessary to define macros such as
CYLIB_POWER_MANAGEMENT to include API functions
from CyLib.
This prevents potential errors and warnings when building
projects in RealView with DMA-based configuration
In previous versions, only the first 32 entries of the table
were being initialized.
In previous versions, the reserved vectors were initialized to
0, which is not a valid interrupt service routine address.
In previous versions, the high and low bytes were swapped.
CyLib APIs are no longer conditional
Add separate section for .dma_init in
RealView linker script
Initialize complete SRAM interrupt vector
Initialize reserved interrupt vectors to
default interrupt handler
Fix incorrect endian in CyIntSetVector
return value on PSoC 3
Apply interrupt attribute to interrupt
service routine declarations
reentrant and improve performance
PSoC 3 ES3 support in CyDelay
Use limits.h and ctype.h to replace some
macros in CyLib.h
Support for RealView in --gnu mode
Update PSoC 5 startup code to make
better use of standard libraries
Replaced cydevice.h with cydevice_trm.h
Interrupt service routines declared with
CY_ISR/CY_ISR_PROTO/cyisraddress now have the
interrupt attribute, which causes the compiler to emit code to
adjust the stack alignment. RealView checks for the
interrupt attribute as part of the type, so interrupt service
routines or vectors that do not have the interrupt attribute
will fail to compile on RealView. For this reason,
cy_isr_v1_20 and earlier are not compatible with
cy_boot_v1_50 when using RealView. This affects PSoC 5
only; the interrupt attribute was already present in the PSoC
3 version.
The functions that implemented this functionality,
CyGetRegXX and CySetRegXX, have been replaced with
assembly routines. The new routines may be safely used in
interrupt service routines.
CPUCLK_DIV has been moved from a SFR to the
are now provided by the toolchain-specific limits.h. This
prevents warnings caused by differences between the
compiler’s limits.h and CyLib.h.
Corrected some preprocessor conditionals that caused
errors when RealView was used with the --gnu option.
The startup code used in PSoC 5 projects has been
updated to use standard libraries to provide the initialization.
This provides for a standard initialization.
cydevice.h has been marked obsolete, so the APIs and
generated code provided with PSoC Creator should not use
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
cy_boot Component Changes
Description of Version 2.0 Changes
Reason for Changes / Impact
CYFAR defines are copied over to
Fix for the cache flash cycles incorrect
behavior after sleep.
Miscellaneous Flash/EEPROM API
Now any component can make use of these defines, Ex
Flash component
Added reentrancy support.
Converted cymemset and cymemcpy to
macros, removed cymemmove.
CYREG_CACHE_CR doesn't retain its value in PSOC 3
after the sleep
Define active/standby power configuration registers based
on silicon.
Define active/standby power configuration register constant
based on silicon.
Added CyFlash_Start() and CyFlash_Stop() APIs.
Removed CyFlashEEActivePower() and
CyFlashEEStandbyPower() APIs,
Modified CySetFlashEEBuffer()for PSoC 3 so as not to test
whether the buffer is not a pointer at 0.
Changed an argument in CyWriteRowConfig() API to
Added CyEEPROM_Start(), CyEEPROM_Stop(),
CyEEPROM_ReadReserve(), CyEEPROM_ReadRelease(),
and CyFlash_SetWaitCycles(uint8 freq) APIs.
Power mode registers and power mode register constants
are defined based on the silicon.
Cache Control register is defined based on the silicon.
Appropriate APIs in cylib.c/h, cyflash.c/h, cydmac.c/h and
cyspc.c/h files were updated to include reentrant support.
The memset/memcpy/memmove provided by the toolchain
vendor are typically faster than the generic implementation
because they are designed for the specific target platform.
Including both the vendor-provided functions and the
generic implementation wastes code space. Non-legacy
code should use memset and memcpy directly.
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **
cy_boot Component Changes
Description of Version 2.0 Changes
Reason for Changes / Impact
Added numerous new clock APIs:
char8 datatype is defined as char.
Renamed CySleep and CyHibernate APIs
to CyPmSleep and CyPmHibernate;
added new CyPmAltAct API.
To provide additional functionality.
To support new compilers in future.
There were deficiencies in the low power APIs before
cy_boot 2.0. You must update your design to use cy_boot
2.0 and rewrite the low power portion of the design to use
the new APIs.
PSoC® Creator™ System Reference Guide, Document Number: 001-73816, Rev. **