JMK HH-1902-4B

Operating Voltage= 50 Vdc
Operating Current Max= 4.0 amp
Temperature Operating= —40º To 55º C
Die Withstand (Line to Case)= 400Vdc for 1 Min
Die Withstand (Line to Line)= 100 Vdc for 1min
Order Part Number: HH-1902-4B
JMK Inc 15 Caldwell Dr. Amherst, NH 03031
JMK Inc Glasgow G13 1DN Scotland UK
The HH-1902-4B filter is configured to work with
systems that need to meet MIL-STD-461D or E.
The filter has a metal enclosure to decrease the
possible signal coupling at higher frequencies
It is potted with epoxy and is designed to meet
the stringent shock and vibration requirements
of Mil-Std-810.
PH: 603 886-4100
FX: 603 886-4115 email: [email protected]
PH: 44-(0) 7785310729 FX: 44-(0) 141-589 1884