TI TMS320DM357_1

Digital Media System-on-Chip
Silicon Revision 2.1
Silicon Errata
Literature Number: SPRZ285
November 2008
SPRZ285 – November 2008
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Introduction......................................................................................................................... 5
Revision Identification ....................................................................................................
Device and Development Support Tool Nomenclature
Silicon Revision 2.1 Usage Notes and Known Design Exceptions to Functional
Specifications ...................................................................................................................... 7
.................................................................................. 7
EDMA Transfer Request (TR) Dequeue Priority Limitation ............................................ 7
Bus Priority Inversion Can Affect DDR2 Throughput ................................................... 7
Audio Serial Port (ASP) Transfers Should be Buffered in Internal Memory ......................... 8
DDR2 VTP I/O Calibration Must be Performed Following Device Power-up and Device Reset .. 8
ASP: Initialization Procedure When External Device is Frame-Sync Master ......................... 8
SPI Master Mode: CSHOLD Bit Must be Initialized Twice After Reset................................ 9
Silicon Revision 2.1 Known Design Exceptions to Functional Specifications ................................... 10
Usage Notes for Silicon Revision 2.1
SPRZ285 – November 2008
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Table of Contents
List of Figures
Example, Device Revision Codes for TMS320DM357 (ZWT) ......................................................... 6
Expected CSHOLD Behavior ............................................................................................. 20
Actual CSHOLD Behavior–32-Bit Writes to SPIDAT1 ................................................................. 20
Actual CSHOLD Behavior–Halfword Writes to SPIDAT1 ............................................................. 21
Workaround Assuming 32-Bit Writes to SPIDAT1 Followed by a Write Only to CSHOLD ....................... 21
Workaround Assuming Halfword Writes to SPIDAT1 ................................................................. 21
List of Tables
Device Revision Codes ..................................................................................................... 6
Silicon Revision 2.1 Advisory List ........................................................................................ 10
RBG888/RBG666 Pin Mux Options ...................................................................................... 13
USB Electrical Characteristics in Violation .............................................................................. 18
List of Figures
SPRZ285 – November 2008
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Silicon Errata
SPRZ285 – November 2008
TMS320DM357 DMSoC Silicon Revision 2.1
This document describes the known exceptions to the functional specifications for the TMS320DM357
Digital Media System-on-Chip (DMSoC). [See the TMS320DM357 Digital Media System-on-Chip data
manual (literature number SPRS553).] Throughout this document, TMS320DM35x and DM35x refer to the
TMS320DM357 device.
For additional information, see the latest version of the TMS320DM357 DMSoC Peripheral Reference
The advisory numbers in this document are not sequential. Some advisory numbers have been moved to
the next revision and others have been removed and documented in the user's guide. When items are
moved or deleted, the remaining numbers remain the same and are not resequenced.
This document also contains Usage Notes. Usage Notes highlight and describe particular situations where
the device's behavior may not match presumed or documented behavior. This may include behaviors that
affect device performance or functional correctness. These notes will be incorporated into future
documentation updates for the device (such as the device-specific data sheet), and the behaviors they
describe will not be altered in future silicon revisions.
Device and Development Support Tool Nomenclature
To designate the stages in the product development cycle, TI assigns prefixes to the part numbers of all
devices and support tools. Each DM357 commercial family member has one of three prefixes: TMX, TMP,
or TMS (e.g., TMS320DM357ZWT). Texas Instruments recommends two of three possible prefix
designators for its support tools: TMDX and TMDS. These prefixes represent evolutionary stages of
product development from engineering prototypes (TMX / TMDX) through fully-qualified production
devices/tools (TMS / TMDS).
Device development evolutionary flow:
Experimental device that is not necessarily representative of the final device's electrical
Final silicon die that conforms to the device's electrical specifications but has not
completed quality and reliability verification
Fully-qualified production device
Support tool development evolutionary flow:
Development-support product that has not yet completed Texas Instruments internal
qualification testing
Fully-qualified development-support product
TMX and TMP devices and TMDX development-support tools are shipped against the following
"Developmental product is intended for internal evaluation purposes."
TMS devices and TMDS development-support tools have been characterized fully, and the quality and
reliability of the device have been demonstrated fully. TI's standard warranty applies.
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TMS320DM357 DMSoC Silicon Revision 2.1
Predictions show that prototype devices (TMX or TMP) have a greater failure rate than the standard
production devices. Texas Instruments recommends that these devices not be used in any production
system because their expected end-use failure rate still is undefined. Only qualified production devices are
to be used.
Revision Identification
The device revision can be determined by the device revision code marked on the top of the package. The
location of the device revision code for the ZWT package is shown in Figure 1. Figure 1 shows some
examples of the types of DM357 package symbolization.
Device Revision Code
Qualified devices are marked with the letters "TMS" at the beginning of the device name, while nonqualified devices
are marked with the letters "TMX" or "TMP" at the beginning of the device name.
"#" denotes an alphanumeric character. "x" denotes an alpha character only.
Figure 1. Example, Device Revision Codes for TMS320DM357 (ZWT)
Silicon revision is identified by a code on the chip. If x is "blank", then the silicon is revision 2.1 for TMS
devices.Table 1 lists the silicon revisions associated with each device revision code for the DM357 device.
Table 1. Device Revision Codes
Device Revision Code (x)
Silicon Revision
TMS320DM357 DMSoC Silicon Revision 2.1
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Silicon Revision 2.1 Usage Notes and Known Design Exceptions to Functional Specifications
Silicon Revision 2.1 Usage Notes and Known Design Exceptions to Functional
Usage Notes for Silicon Revision 2.1
Usage Notes highlight and describe particular situations where the device's behavior may not match
presumed or documented behavior. This may include behaviors that affect device performance or
functional correctness. These notes will be incorporated into future documentation updates for the device
(such as the device-specific data sheet), and the behaviors they describe will not be altered in future
silicon revisions.
EDMA Transfer Request (TR) Dequeue Priority Limitation
On DM357 Silicon Revision 2.1, if there are multiple events in both Q0 and Q1, then the transfer requests
associated with events in Q0 will get submitted to TC0 prior to any transfer requests associated with
events in Q1 getting submitted to TC1 — even if TC0 is busy processing earlier transfer requests and TC1
is idling. This can cause delays in submission of requests on Q1. Therefore, it is recommended to reserve
the higher priority Q0/TC0 for submission of urgent, small, real-time sensitive transfers (such as audio
data transferred to and from ASP) and allocate Q1/TC1 for longer, non-real-time sensitive transfers (such
as block memory DDR2 to internal memory and vice versa).
Bus Priority Inversion Can Affect DDR2 Throughput
On DM357 Silicon Revision 2.1, under certain conditions low priority modules can occupy the bus and
prevent high priority modules like the VPSS from getting the required DDR2 throughput. The DDR2
memory controller arbitration policy gives preference to accesses to open banks, regardless of the
requesting modules' priorities. This is not normally an issue, but can cause a problem if a low priority
module performs extremely fast, contiguous accesses. This condition can effectively lock out other
modules (even with higher priorities) trying to access the DDR2 memory controller for a long period.
For example, when the ARM is executing the STM (Store Multiple) instruction with the D-cache enabled,
the ARM is able to achieve a high-peak transfer rate to cache and the DDR2 burst writes from the cache
can stall the OSD (On-Screen Display) subsystem from DDR2 reads to the point that the display can be
unusable. This can occur even though the VPSS, by default, has the highest priority. For more details on
master peripheral priorities, see the "Bandwidth Management" subsection of the TMS320DM357 DMSoC
ARM Subsystem Reference Guide (literature number SPRUG25).
The DDR2 memory controller Peripheral Bus Burst Priority Register (PBBPR address 0x2000 0020)
contains a user-programmable field to indicate the maximum number of 32-byte DDR2 burst transfers that
can go through before the DDR2 memory controller raises the priority of the oldest request in the queue.
At reset, this value defaults to 255 (0xFF), meaning that this feature is disabled and a request can remain
in the queue indefinitely.
It is recommended that the value of the DDR2 memory controller Peripheral Bus Burst Priority Register
(PBBPR address 0x2000 0020) be reduced to limit the length of time that a peripheral can be held off due
to the policy giving preference to the open bank. There is a performance trade-off between fast,
low-priority peripherals and time-critical high priority peripherals when determining a value for this
parameter. A hex value of 0x20 should provide a good ARM (cache enabled) performance and still allow
good utilization by the VPSS or other modules.
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TMS320DM357 DMSoC Silicon Revision 2.1
Silicon Revision 2.1 Usage Notes and Known Design Exceptions to Functional Specifications
Audio Serial Port (ASP) Transfers Should be Buffered in Internal Memory
On DM357 Silicon Revision 2.1, Audio Serial Port (ASP) transfers may need to originate and complete
from on-chip buffers, either in ARM Internal RAM (TCM). This is due to the fact that there is no tolerance
for audio data dropouts that may occur due to the delays in DDR2 accesses from other masters and from
unavoidable DDR2 refresh cycles; even if the Q0/TC0 is dedicated to transfers from off-chip memories.
On-chip buffers might be needed to ensure immunity from DDR2 latencies. DDR2 latencies are
system-dependent, varying between applications, and are impacted by the amount and type of data traffic
to DDR2 memories. Once completed, the data can be shuttled between the internal buffer and the DDR2
memory by using EDMA Q1/TC1.
DDR2 VTP I/O Calibration Must be Performed Following Device Power-up and Device Reset
On DM357 Silicon Revision 2.1, the DDR2 memory controller is able to control the impedance of the
output I/O. This feature allows the DDR2 memory controller to tune the output impedance of the I/O to
match that of the PCB board. Control of the output impedance of the I/O is an important feature because
impedance matching reduces reflections, creating a cleaner signal propagation. Calibrating the output
impedance of the I/O also reduces the power consumption of the DDR2 memory controller. The calibration
is performed with respect to voltage, temperature, and process (VTP). The VTP information obtained from
the calibration is used to control the output impedance of the I/O.
VTP I/O calibration must be performed following device power-up and device reset. If the DDR2 memory
controller is reset via the Power and Sleep Controller (PSC), and the VTP input clock is disabled,
accesses to the DDR2 memory controller will not complete. To re-enable accesses to the DDR2 memory
controller, enable the VTP input clock, then perform the VTP calibration sequence again. The VTP
calibration is part of the DDR2 memory controller initialization sequence. For more information on the VTP
calibration and the proper DDR2 memory controller initialization sequence, see the TMS320DM357
DMSoC DDR2 Memory Controller User's Guide (literature number SPRUG38).
ASP: Initialization Procedure When External Device is Frame-Sync Master
On DM357 Silicon Revision 2.1, if the ASP transmitter expects a frame sync from an external device, care
must be taken to ensure that the proper action is employed. After the transmitter comes out of reset
(XRST = 1), it waits for a frame sync from the external device. If the first frame sync arrives very shortly
after the transmitter is enabled, the CPU or EDMA controller may not have a chance to service the ASP
data transmit register (DXR). In this case, the transmitter shifts out the default data in the transmit shift
register (XSR) instead of the desired value, which has not yet arrived in the DXR. This causes problems in
some applications such that the first data element in the frame is invalid. The data stream appears
element-shifted (the first data word may appear in the second channel instead of the first).
To ensure proper operation when the external device is the frame master, you must make sure that the
DXR is already serviced with the first word when a frame sync occurs. To do so, you can keep the
transmitter in reset until the first frame sync is detected. The software is set up such that it will only take
the transmitter out of reset (XRST = 1) promptly after detecting the first frame sync. This ensures that the
transmitter does not begin data transfers at the data pin during the first frame-sync period. This also
provides almost an entire frame period for the DM357 device to service the DXR with the first word before
the second frame sync occurs. The transmitter only begins data transfers upon receiving the second
frame sync. At this point, the DXR is already serviced with the first word.
The ASP transmitter and receiver on the DM357 device are capable of generating an interrupt upon the
detection of frame synchronization. However, on the DM357 device, the receiver and/or transmitter must
be out of reset to enable this feature. Therefore, instead of directly using the ASP interrupt to detect the
first frame sync, on the DM357 device you can use the GPIO peripheral. This can be achieved by
connecting the frame-sync signal to a GPIO pin. The software can either poll the GPIO pin to detect the
first frame sync or program the GPIO peripheral to generate an interrupt to the CPU upon detecting the
first frame-sync edge. For more information on the GPIO peripheral, see the TMS320DM357 DMSoC
General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) User's Guide (SPRUG31). For details on the initialization sequence
when the external device is the frame-sync master, see the TMS320DM357 DMSoC Audio Serial Port
(ASP) User's Guide (SPRUG35).
TMS320DM357 DMSoC Silicon Revision 2.1
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Silicon Revision 2.1 Usage Notes and Known Design Exceptions to Functional Specifications
SPI Master Mode: CSHOLD Bit Must be Initialized Twice After Reset
On DM357 Silicon Revision 2.1, in addition to the procedure described in Advisory 1.3.32 (SPI Master
Mode: Extra Step Required to Use CSHOLD), the SPIDAT1.CSHOLD bit must be initialized twice with the
same value after reset and before the first SPI transfer. This is required to clear an internal pipeline stage
in the CSHOLD logic.
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TMS320DM357 DMSoC Silicon Revision 2.1
Silicon Revision 2.1 Usage Notes and Known Design Exceptions to Functional Specifications
Silicon Revision 2.1 Known Design Exceptions to Functional Specifications
Table 2. Silicon Revision 2.1 Advisory List
Advisory 2.1.3 VPFE: CCDC DC-Subtract Function Does Not Clip Luma to Zero for YUV Modes ..........................
Advisory 2.1.4 VPFE: CCDC Register Write Shadowing Does Not Work........................................................
Advisory 2.1.5 VPFE: Pixel Misalignment on CCDC to Preview Engine Path ...................................................
Advisory 2.1.11 VPBE: RGB666 Pin Mux Option Does Not Work ................................................................
Advisory 2.1.12 VPBE: Restriction on Horizontal Width for RGB888 Video Windows .........................................
Advisory 2.1.13 USB: Extraneous USB Interrupts Generated .....................................................................
Advisory 2.1.18 SPI: Receive Overrun Interrupt and Bit Error Can be Lost .....................................................
Advisory 2.1.19 SPI: RXINTFLG Bit in SPIFLG Register May Not Get Cleared ................................................
Advisory 2.1.20 SPI: A Write to SPIFLG Receiver Overrun Bit Does Not Clear the Flag......................................
Advisory 2.1.21 SPI: The Receive Overrun Interrupt Flag is Not Set ............................................................
Advisory 2.1.27 USB: Some Electrical Parameters Violate USB Specification..................................................
Advisory 2.1.30 SPI: SPIINTVECT and SPIFLG Registers are Cleared When Read in Debug Mode .......................
Advisory 2.1.31 SPI: SPI Master Receives Extra Bit When SPICLK Polarity Changes ........................................
Advisory 2.1.32 SPI Master Mode: Extra Step Required to Use CSHOLD ......................................................
Advisory 2.1.34 VPBE: Restriction When 6/5 Vertical Expansion Filter is Enabled ............................................
Advisory 2.1.37 VPFE: Preview Engine Hangs When the Video Port is Enabled in CCDC ...................................
Advisory 2.1.40 VPBE: VENC Default Luma Interpolation Filter Does Not Clip to Zero .......................................
Advisory 2.1.43 USB (Device Mode): Calculated CRC Value Does Not Match Host CRC Value ............................ 25
TMS320DM357 DMSoC Silicon Revision 2.1
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Advisory 2.1.3 — VPFE: CCDC DC-Subtract Function Does Not Clip Luma to Zero for YUV Modes
Advisory 2.1.3
VPFE: CCDC DC-Subtract Function Does Not Clip Luma to Zero for YUV Modes
Revision(s) Affected:
The CCD Controller (CCDC) in the VPFE subsystem includes an optional Luma
DC-subtract function for YUV processing. This subtract operation does not clip Luma to
Note: The Optical Black Clamp/DC-subtract function for the Raw Data modes does
properly clip to zero for R/G/B and Ye/Cy/G/Mg color spaces.
Do not use the DC-subtract function for YUV modes.
Advisory 2.1.4
VPFE: CCDC Register Write Shadowing Does Not Work
Revision(s) Affected:
Register write shadowing in the CCDC does not work correctly (CCDCFG.VDLC = 0).
Due to this bug, the CCDC PCR.ENABLE and the CCDCFG.YCINSWP fields are always
shadowed, regardless of the setting of CCDCFG.VDLC. The SDR_ADDR register will
only work correctly when CCDCFG.VDLC = 1, otherwise a delayed write to the
SDR_ADDR occurs, creating an unexpected delay in outputting the image to SDRAM.
Other registers, listed in the subsection Programming the CCDC under "Registering
Accessibility During Frame Processing" of the TMS320DM357 DMSoC Video Processing
Front End (VPFE) User's Guide (literature number SPRUG39), are affected such that
shadowing does not occur on the next frame as specified.
Set CCDCFG.VDLC = 1, such that all registers, except those noted above, are
Busy-Writable, which forces register writes to take effect immediately. If changes to the
other registers are required, the CCDC should be disabled, and the current frame should
be allowed to complete. Register changes can then be made, and the CCDC can then
be re-enabled.
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TMS320DM357 DMSoC Silicon Revision 2.1
Advisory 2.1.5 — VPFE: Pixel Misalignment on CCDC to Preview Engine Path
Advisory 2.1.5
VPFE: Pixel Misalignment on CCDC to Preview Engine Path
Revision(s) Affected:
There can be a timing glitch between the asynchronous VPFE input pixel clock and the
internal VPFE clock that can cause pixel misalignment on the CCDC to PREV path. This
misalignment is observed as causing a "pink" effect on the processed image (since the
color pattern is misaligned). Once this first frame is adversely affected, the PREV
hardware does not reset itself properly for subsequent frames, so the output will keep
looking pink for the duration of the Preview mode. A similar issue on the end pixel can
occur as well.
Define the Preview Engine processing frame to start no earlier than the second pixel on
a line and to end no later than the second-to-last pixel on a line. This requires the CCDC
to be configured to transfer more pixels per line than is needed by the Preview Engine.
TMS320DM357 DMSoC Silicon Revision 2.1
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Advisory 2.1.11 — VPBE: RGB666 Pin Mux Option Does Not Work
Advisory 2.1.11
VPBE: RGB666 Pin Mux Option Does Not Work
Revision(s) Affected:
The intention of the RGB666 pin mux option (PINMUX0 register at 0x01C4 0000) is to
allow the users to configure PWM2/B2/GPIO47 and PWM1/R2/GPIO46 pins as B2 and
R2 functions, respectively. However, due to a hardware limitation, setting the RGB666
bit (PINMUX0.22) does not enable the B2 and R2 functions.
Enable the RGB888 pin mux option (PINMUX0.23 = 1).
When the RGB888 pin mux option is enabled, the B2 and R2 pin functions are available;
however, by enabling the RGB888 pin mux option, the six additional pins lose their GPIO
pin function capability (see Table 3).
Table 3. RBG888/RBG666 Pin Mux Options
(Bit 23)
(Bit 22)
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TMS320DM357 DMSoC Silicon Revision 2.1
Advisory 2.1.12 — VPBE: Restriction on Horizontal Width for RGB888 Video Windows
Advisory 2.1.12
VPBE: Restriction on Horizontal Width for RGB888 Video Windows
Revision(s) Affected:
When a video window is configured for RGB888 data-input mode, certain horizontal
width configurations result in corrupted video windows. The problem occurs at different
widths, depending on enabling horizontal zoom (1x, 2x, and 4x) and/or 9/8 horizontal
expansion modes.
To work around this problem, the following constraints must be met for each case:
Case 1a: Video Window 0 (in RGB888 mode)
When 1x, 2x, 4x zoom, or 9/8 expansion is enabled, VIDWIN0XL must NOT be inside
the ranges defined below:
• Z* (179 + 256N – 3) pixels < VIDWIN0XL < Z*(179 + 256N + 3) pixels
• Z*(261.5 + 256N – 5.5) pixels < VIDWIN0XL < Z*(261.5 + 256N + 5.5) pixels
for all integer values of N where:
Z = 1, 2, 4, or 9/8
XL register is the video window's horizontal display width in pixels (window width).
When 1x zoom (Z = 1) is enabled on video window 0, the prohibited VIDWIN0XL ranges
are the following:
1. (179 + 256N – 3) < VIDWIN0XL < (179 + 256N + 3) for all integer values of N
2. (261.5 + 256N – 5.5) < VIDWIN0XL < (261.5 + 256N + 5.5) for all integer values of N
For example,
• VIDWIN0XL = 436 will not work because this value falls inside the first range defined
above when N = 1 (432 < VIDWIN0XL < 438).
• VIDWIN0XL = 1026 will not work because this value falls inside the second range
defined above when N = 3 (1024 < VIDWIN0XL < 1030).
• VIDWIN0XL = 1024 will work because this value does not fall inside either ranges
defined above for any N.
Case 1b: Video Window 0 (in RGB888 mode)
When (2x)*(9/8) or (4x)*(9/8) is enabled, VIDWIN0XL must NOT be inside the ranges
defined below:
• Z* (179 + 256N – 3) pixels < VIDWIN0XL < Z*(179 + 256N + 3) pixels
• Z*(261.5 + 256N – 5.5) pixels < VIDWIN0XL < Z*(261.5 + 256N + 5.5) pixels
• VIDWIN0XL = (Z/2)*(1 + 72N)
for all integer values of N where:
Z = 2 when (2x)*(9/8) is enabled and
Z = 4 when (4x)*(9/8) is enabled
XL register is the video window's horizontal display width in pixels (window width).
TMS320DM357 DMSoC Silicon Revision 2.1
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Advisory 2.1.12 — VPBE: Restriction on Horizontal Width for RGB888 Video Windows
Case 2a: Video Window 1 (in RGB888 mode)
When 1x, 2x, 4x zoom or 9/8 expansion is enabled, VIDWIN1XL must NOT be inside the
ranges defined below:
• Z*(91.5 + 256N – 5.5) pixels < VIDWIN1XL < Z*(91.5 + 256N + 5.5) pixels
• Z*(173.5 + 256N – 3.5) pixels < VIDWIN1XL < Z*(173.5 + 256N + 3.5) pixels
for all integer values of N where:
Z = 1, 2, 4, or 9/8
XL register is the video window's horizontal display width in pixels (window width).
Case 2b: Video Window 1 (in RGB888 mode)
When (2x)*(9/8) or (4x)*(9/8) is enabled, VIDWIN1XL must NOT be inside the ranges
defined below:
• Z*(91.5 + 256N – 5.5) pixels < VIDWIN1XL < Z*(91.5 + 256N + 5.5) pixels
• Z*(173.5 + 256N – 3.5) pixels < VIDWIN1XL < Z*(173.5 + 256N + 3.5) pixels
• VIDWIN1XL = (Z/2)*(1 + 72N)
for all integer values of N where:
Z = 2 when (2x)*(9/8) is enabled and
Z = 4 when (4x)*(9/8) is enabled
XL register is the video window's horizontal display width in pixels (window width).
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TMS320DM357 DMSoC Silicon Revision 2.1
Advisory 2.1.13 — USB: Extraneous USB Interrupts Generated
Advisory 2.1.13
USB: Extraneous USB Interrupts Generated
Revision(s) Affected:
When the DM357 device is in high-speed (HS) USB peripheral mode and suspended, an
extraneous SUSPEND interrupt can be generated if the host issues a RESET. Although
an extraneous SUSPEND interrupt is generated, the reset interrupt still arrives as
expected at the end-of-reset sequence.
Also, when the DM357 device is in peripheral mode (full-speed [FS] or high-speed [HS])
and being reset to HS mode (RESET with chirping), an extraneous RESET interrupt can
be generated during the reset sequence.
To work around the problem, the following constraints must be met:
1. Software should ignore SUSPEND interrupts when already in a "suspended" state.
2. Software must service every USB RESET interrupt. The interrupt flags must be
cleared before doing any register reads or setups so that any following USB
interrupts are not missed.
Advisory 2.1.18
SPI: Receive Overrun Interrupt and Bit Error Can be Lost
Revision(s) Affected:
Receive Overrun Interrupt (RXOVINT) and Bit Error interrupt (BITERRINT) can be lost if:
Reading of the SPIFLG register coincides with the setting of these interrupt flag bits.
Reading of the upper 16 bits of SPIBUF register coincides with the setting of these
interrupt bits.
Use the interrupt instead of the polling method to check the status of these interrupts.
Access only the lower 16 bits of the SPIBUF register to read received data.
If the polling method must be used, group the error interrupts into one Level (i.e., Level0)
and the RX complete interrupt into the other Level (i.e., Level1). Use the SPIINTVECT0
and SPIINTVECT1 registers to find out the interrupt status first and then only read the
SPIFLG register to decode the source of the error interrupts.
TMS320DM357 DMSoC Silicon Revision 2.1
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Advisory 2.1.19 — SPI: RXINTFLG Bit in SPIFLG Register May Not Get Cleared
Advisory 2.1.19
SPI: RXINTFLG Bit in SPIFLG Register May Not Get Cleared
Revision(s) Affected:
The RXINTFLG bit in the SPIFLG register may not get cleared by reading the SPIBUF
register when the read coincides with the setting of the RXINTFLG bit due to new data
When the above condition occurs, the system is at the verge of receive overrun.
Therefore, either optimize the SPIBUF servicing routine to avoid receive overrun or use
the EDMA3 to avoid the race condition from occurring.
Advisory 2.1.20
SPI: A Write to SPIFLG Receiver Overrun Bit Does Not Clear the Flag
Revision(s) Affected:
A write to the SPIFLG receiver overrun (SPIFLG.OVRNINTFLG) bit does not clear the
flag if the write coincides with the setting of the receive interrupt flag
Write to the SPIFLG.OVRNINTFLG bit, then read back the value of the flag. If the flag
did not clear, then write to clear the flag again.
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TMS320DM357 DMSoC Silicon Revision 2.1
Advisory 2.1.21 — SPI: The Receive Overrun Interrupt Flag is Not Set
Advisory 2.1.21
SPI: The Receive Overrun Interrupt Flag is Not Set
Revision(s) Affected:
The Receive Overrun Interrupt flag is not set if the overrun condition that sets the
interrupt flag coincides with a read of the upper bytes (bits 31:24) of the SPIBUF
Advisory 2.1.27
USB: Some Electrical Parameters Violate USB Specification
Revision(s) Affected:
Some electrical characteristics violate the USB 2.0 specification; see Table 4.
Consider this violation and design your system accordingly.
Table 4. USB Electrical Characteristics in Violation
USB high-speed disconnect
detection threshold (differential
signal amplitude)
The lesser of:
525 1. VOD_DIS (2) - 75
2. 710
VHSDSC violates the USB 2.0 specification.
VOD_DIS = High-speed differential output voltage during a
disconnected state.
TMS320DM357 DMSoC Silicon Revision 2.1
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Advisory 2.1.30 — SPI: SPIINTVECT and SPIFLG Registers are Cleared When Read in Debug Mode
Advisory 2.1.30
SPI: SPIINTVECT and SPIFLG Registers are Cleared When Read in Debug Mode
Revision(s) Affected:
Both the INTVECT and SPIFLG registers are cleared when refreshing the memory
window in debug mode with CCS. These registers should be cleared only by regular
CPU reads, not during debug/suspend mode.
Advisory 2.1.31
SPI: SPI Master Receives Extra Bit When SPICLK Polarity Changes
Revision(s) Affected:
If the polarity of the SPICLK pin is changed and the change aligns with the receive edge
for the new buffer, then it will be considered as a real SPICLK edge and the receive shift
register shifts the data.
Pre-select the SPIFMTx register by byte writing to just the DFSEL field in the SPIDAT1
register before actually writing to the SPIDAT1 field of the SPIDAT1 register. This
additional step needs to be done only when there is going to be an SPICLK polarity
change for the new buffer.
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TMS320DM357 DMSoC Silicon Revision 2.1
Advisory 2.1.32 — SPI Master Mode: Extra Step Required to Use CSHOLD
Advisory 2.1.32
SPI Master Mode: Extra Step Required to Use CSHOLD
Revision(s) Affected:
The SPI module chip-select hold (CSHOLD) feature allows the device to instruct the SPI
to keep the chip-select pin asserted between transfers. This feature applies in master
mode and is enabled by writing a '1' to SPIDAT1.CSHOLD (bit 28).
When data is written to the SPIDAT1 register with the CSHOLD bit set to '1', the master
is supposed to keep the SPI_ENx pin asserted after the transfer completes. When data
is written to the SPIDAT1 register with CSHOLD set to '0', the master is supposed to
de-assert the SPI_ENx pin after the transfer completes.
For example, assume that the device needs to send two 16-bit words (0x1234 and
0x5678) to an SPI slave that requires its chip select to remain asserted between the
transfers. This is a common requirement when communicating with SPI memory devices.
According to the SPI specification, the following sequence should produce the expected
result as illustrated in Figure 2:
• Write 0x10001234 to SPIDAT1 for transmission of 0X1234 (CSHOLD = 1)
• Write 0x00005678 to SPIDAT1 for transmission of 0x5678 (CSHOLD = 0)
(a) Write SPIDAT1
= 0x10001245
(b) Write SPIDAT1
= 0x00005678
Figure 2. Expected CSHOLD Behavior
Instead, what actually occurs is that SPI_ENx is momentarily de-asserted at the
beginning of the second write, as illustrated in Figure 3.
(a) Write SPIDAT1
= 0x10001245
(b) Write SPIDAT1
= 0x00005678
Figure 3. Actual CSHOLD Behavior–32-Bit Writes to SPIDAT1
Both Figure 2 and Figure 3 assume that SPIDAT1 is written using a single 32-bit write
instruction. If SPIDAT1 is instead written using an 8-bit or 16-bit instruction to write to the
CSHOLD field, followed by a 16-bit write to the transmit shift register field of SPIDAT1,
then what actually occurs is illustrated in Figure 4. This is the same case illustrated in
Figure 3 except that the de-assertion of SPI_ENx lasts for the duration between writing a
'0' to the CSHOLD field and writing new data to the transmit shift register.
TMS320DM357 DMSoC Silicon Revision 2.1
SPRZ285 – November 2008
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Advisory 2.1.32 — SPI Master Mode: Extra Step Required to Use CSHOLD
(a) (b)
(a) Write (8 or 16−bit)
(c) write (8 or 16−bit)
(b) write of
0x1234 to SPIDAT1[15:0]
(d) write of
0x5678 to SPIDAT1[15:0]
Figure 4. Actual CSHOLD Behavior–Halfword Writes to SPIDAT1
For each word in the sequence of words during which SPI_ENx should be held low, write
to the SPIDAT1 register with the CSHOLD bit set to '1'. Follow this by a write to only the
CSHOLD field of SPIDAT1, setting CSHOLD = 0 to de-assert SPI_ENx. See Figure 5 for
an illustration.
(a) Write SPIDAT1
= 0x10001245
(b) Write SPIDAT1
(c) Write SPIDAT1.CSHOLD=0
using 8 or 16 bit write.
(do not write to SPIDAT1[15:0])
Figure 5. Workaround Assuming 32-Bit Writes to SPIDAT1 Followed by a Write Only to CSHOLD
Alternatively, only write to the SPIDAT1 CSHOLD field before and after the transfer to
toggle the SPI_ENx pin. During the transfer, write only to the data field of SPIDAT1[15:0]
using 16-bit (halfword) write commands. For an illustration, see Figure 6.
(a) (b)
(a) Write (8 or 16−bit)
(b) write of
0x1234 to SPIDAT1[15:0]
(c) write of
0x5678 to SPIDAT1[15:0]
(d) write (8 or 16−bit)
Figure 6. Workaround Assuming Halfword Writes to SPIDAT1
SPRZ285 – November 2008
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TMS320DM357 DMSoC Silicon Revision 2.1
Advisory 2.1.34 — VPBE: Restriction When 6/5 Vertical Expansion Filter is Enabled
Advisory 2.1.34
VPBE: Restriction When 6/5 Vertical Expansion Filter is Enabled
Revision(s) Affected:
The video windows are corrupted when the 6/5 vertical Expansion Filter is enabled under
the following configuration: both video window 0 and video window 1 are enabled,
6/5 expansion is enabled, expansion filter is enabled, and the windows are at specific
vertical coordinates.
Additionally, the video windows are corrupted when 6/5 expansion is enabled, expansion
filter is enabled, and 4x or 2x vertical zoom is enabled for video window 0.
To work around this problem, when the 6/5 vertical Expansion Filter is enabled, the
following constraints must be met:
Where: Z = 1, 2, or 4 is the vertical zoom factor for video window 0 or 1, N is an
integer, and YP register is a window's vertical position (upper-left pixel offset from
base pixel).
• Additionally, when 6/5 vertical Expansion Filter is enabled, 4x or 2x vertical zoom
cannot be enabled in video window 0.
TMS320DM357 DMSoC Silicon Revision 2.1
SPRZ285 – November 2008
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Advisory 2.1.37 — VPFE: Preview Engine Hangs When the Video Port is Enabled in CCDC
Advisory 2.1.37
VPFE: Preview Engine Hangs When the Video Port is Enabled in CCDC
Revision(s) Affected:
For RGB Bayer pattern input data, the CCDC can be setup in such a way that it can
output raw data to DDR2 while concurrently sending the same data via its video port to
the Preview Engine, H3A and Histogram modules. The Preview Engine and Histogram
modules can alternatively get input data from DDR2 while the H3A module can only get
input data from the CCDC via the video port. In other words, the following con-current
data path should work.
CCDC → DDR2 → Preview Engine → DDR2
The problem is that these two data paths can not work con-currently. Once the video
port is enabled in the CCDC by setting FMTCFG.VPEN = 1, the Preview Engine hangs
after a while, i.e., the second data path breaks when the first is enabled. When the
Preview engine hangs, its PCR.BUSY bit stays at 1 and the interrupt is never triggered.
A VPSS reset is needed to bring the Preview Engine back to normal functional mode.
The Preview Engine is configured in one shot mode and its data source is from memory.
To workaround this issue implement one of the following recommendations:
1. Disable the CCDC video port (FMTCFG.VPEN = 0) while using the Preview Engine
in one shot mode getting data from memory.
2. When H3A is used, configure the Preview Engine to get input from video port.
SPRZ285 – November 2008
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TMS320DM357 DMSoC Silicon Revision 2.1
Advisory 2.1.40 — VPBE: VENC Default Luma Interpolation Filter Does Not Clip to Zero
Advisory 2.1.40
VPBE: VENC Default Luma Interpolation Filter Does Not Clip to Zero
Revision(s) Affected:
The Video Encoder (VENC) in the VPBE subsystem includes an optional 2x interpolation
function for the luma signal. The default filter used for this interpolation (VMISC.YUPF =
0), does not clip the luma to zero.
Do not use the default setting for luma 2x interpolation filter (VMISC.YUPF = 0).
Instead, use the alternate setting for luma 2x interpolation filter (VMISC.YUPF = 1).
TMS320DM357 DMSoC Silicon Revision 2.1
SPRZ285 – November 2008
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Advisory 2.1.43 — USB (Device Mode): Calculated CRC Value Does Not Match Host CRC Value
Advisory 2.1.43
USB (Device Mode): Calculated CRC Value Does Not Match Host CRC Value
Revision(s) Affected:
The USB Controller can occasionally calculate a bad CRC for a received data packet.
This error is rare and only occurs when ALL of the following conditions are met:
• USB Controller is in Device Mode of Operation and is receiving data
• Received data packet has a good CRC value of 0x7FF2
• A timing violation caused by a synchronization error (race condition)
The timing synchronization error is caused by a race condition between two control
signals in the PHY Clock and System Clock domains. When these two synchronized
control signals are crossing a clock boundary and the received data packet has a good
CRC value of 0x7FF2, a race condition may occur causing one of the control signals to
be latched a few pico-seconds ahead of the other control signal.
The issue has been observed on both Bulk (Non-Isochronous) and Isochronous transfers
and may potentially exist on Control and Interrupt transfers since the data paths for all
these transfers are the same or are very similar.
When the problem occurs in Non-Isochronous transfer types, the data that was "in-flight"
to the USB Controller’s FIFO from the Host is discarded by the USB Controller. Due to
the error condition, the USB Controller also refrains from sending an ACK packet to the
Host, as mandated by the USB transfer protocol. This forces the Host to re-transmit the
data packet, anticipating an error in data transmission. The problem is usually corrected
when the Host re-transmits the data packet.
When this problem occurs in Isochronous transfer mode for either High- or Full-speed,
the USB Controller flags the device application S/W that a CRC error existed but retains
the received data within the FIFO as well as captures the received data packet size
value minus one byte from the actual data size. Since the magnitude of the actual timing
violated due to the synchronization problem is only in pico-seconds, the entire data sent
from the Host is routed into the USB device receive FIFO (i.e., even though the received
data counter is one byte less, the full data packet is available for the USB driver).
Case 1a: Non-Isochronous Transfers (High-Speed): For non-Isochronous transfers
operating in High-Speed mode, the Host and Device H/W perform the necessary
re-transmission; thererfore, the issue should be transparent to the Host driver. The issue
will also be transparent to the USB device driver since the H/W flushes the received data
and forces the Host driver to re-transmit by not sending an ACK packet. For this reason,
no interrupt is generated by the H/W to signify an error condition to the device-side
application S/W.
Although quite rare, when both the Host and Device are operating in High-Speed mode
and all the three consecutive transmissions did not occur without an error, the Host will
use a PING packet at a later time to check if the endpoint is ready for accepting data.
Upon the Host receiving an ACK packet in response to the PING packet, the Host
re-initiates the previously failed transmission again. This process continues until the
transfer takes place without error. For this reason, the Non-Isochronous High-Speed
transfer is immune to this issue except for a throughput reduction for the time it takes for
the re-transmission.
Case 1b: Non-Isochronous Transfers (Full-Speed): For non-Isochronous transfers
operating in Full-Speed mode, it is recommended that the Host driver be constructed in
such a way that it invokes the transfer multiple times prior to forcing a reset to the USB
device. When the transfer is repeated, it is expected for the transfer to complete
If the Host driver is not "set up" to invoke multiple failed transfers then, the Host driver
will reset the USB driver, re-enumerate, and continue from where it left off.
SPRZ285 – November 2008
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TMS320DM357 DMSoC Silicon Revision 2.1
Advisory 2.1.43 — USB (Device Mode): Calculated CRC Value Does Not Match Host CRC Value
Case 2: Isochronous Transfers (High- and Full-Speed): For Isochronous Transfers
operating in either High- or Full-Speed modes, upon receiving a CRC error, the USB
controller flags the device application S/W that a CRC error existed but will retain the
received data within the FIFO as well as capture the received data packet size value
minus one byte from the actual data packet size. Since the magnitude of the actual
timing violated due to the synchronization problem is only in pico-seconds, the entire
data sent from the Host is routed into the USB device receive FIFO (i.e., even though
the received data counter is one byte less, the full data packet is available for the USB
driver) and the USB driver should ignore the received CRC error and read one more
additional byte from the receive FIFO. This one-byte counter difference is transparent to
the Host H/W and S/W.
Due to the rare occurrence of this issue and its very minimal impact on applications,
there are no plans to correct this issue in future silicon revisions.
TMS320DM357 DMSoC Silicon Revision 2.1
SPRZ285 – November 2008
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