NI 778033-01

GPIB Analyzers for PCI and PCI Express
NI PCIe-GPIB+ Low-Profile (LP)
Analyzer Hardware
◾◾ Monitor and control all GPIB lines
◾◾ Capture GPIB events including
event timestamping
◾◾ Large FIFO for high-speed captures
◾◾ Hardware triggering
◾◾ Variable handshake rate
◾◾ Capture GPIB handshake
line transitions
◾◾ Capture event markers for easy
analysis and benchmarking
◾◾ Selective captured event printing
◾◾ Software can run concurrently
with GPIB applications
Analyzer Software
◾◾ Easy-to-use graphical application
◾◾ Selective GPIB event capture
◾◾ Several windows for capture buffer
and capture display
◾◾ Several data display formats
◾◾ Captured data searchable
for specified GPIB pattern
Operating Systems
◾◾ Windows Vista (32- and 64-bit)/XP/2000
◾◾ IEEE 488.2 and HS488 compatible
◾◾ Jumperless, software configurable
◾◾ Plug-and-play compatible
Driver Software (included)
◾◾ NI-488.2
◾◾ GPIB analyzer
The NI PCI-GPIB+, PCIe-GPIB+, and PCIe-GPIB+/LP devices include a complete
GPIB analyzer and GPIB controller on a single device. Compatible with HS488,
these devices are lower-cost alternatives to purchasing two separate products
for analyzer and controller functionality. You can use them to troubleshoot
IEEE 488 software and hardware problems or control GPIB instruments. You
can trigger on bus patterns or specific GPIB events and benchmark system
the Capture button in the Action window. When the analyzer is capturing, it
continually samples the GPIB and records the occurrence of user-specified GPIB
events. You can configure the analyzer application to record captured information
for any combination of the following GPIB events:
◾◾ Data transfers
◾◾ Command transfers
◾◾ Control-line transition
performance with the built-in timestamping capabilities.
◾◾ Handshake-line transition
Monitoring the Bus
In addition, you can configure the analyzer application to continually
◾◾ Parallel-poll response
The GPIB analyzer software displays the current state of the GPIB at all times.
reuse the capture buffer (treat it as a circular buffer) until you stop the
The Bus Monitor window shows the real-time state of each of the 16 GPIB
capture operation.
data and control lines. It displays the state of the eight data lines in ASCII,
You can configure the analyzer application to participate in the IEEE 488.1
hexadecimal, and binary formats and the state of the eight control lines in the
three-wire handshake while capturing. For nonintrusive captures, you can
binary format.
configure the analyzer application not to participate in the IEEE 488.1 three-
The window displays the binary format as a series of LEDs, one for each GPIB
wire handshake while capturing. Besides capturing the standard IEEE 488.1
line represented.
three-wire handshake, the analyzer application can capture high-speed HS488
Each GPIB data and control line has a corresponding toggle switch you can
data transfers. If desired, you can configure the analyzer application to record
use to assert one or more of these lines at any time. Using these switches, you
timestamps with each captured event. Recorded timestamps have a
can exercise simple control over the GPIB, such as stepping through the states
50 ns resolution.
of the source or acceptor handshake. The Accept Byte button performs a single
Sometimes you may want to focus a capture operation on a specific GPIB
acceptor handshake sequence. The GPIB analyzer software offers several options
pattern that occurs at some unknown time. With the analyzer application, you
for capturing and analyzing activity on the GPIB. You enable the capture by using
can define a GPIB trigger condition and select the number of events to record
GPIB Analyzers for PCI and PCI Express
before and after the specified GPIB trigger condition. You start a triggering
capture using the Capture & Trigger button in the Action window. The GPIB
analyzer software has a complete set of tools for viewing and interpreting
captured GPIB information. Using the Capture Display window, you can monitor
an in-progress capture operation or view the captured information after capture
stops. Additionally, you can load and view previously saved capture information
for further review and analysis. The Capture Display window shows captured
information in ASCII, hexadecimal, and binary formats, and, if you specify,
timestamps for each captured item. High-level interpretation of the data and
control lines, including detailed addressing information, is also available in the
form of standard IEEE 488 mnemonics. You can quickly scan through the captured
Figure 4. GPIB Analyzer Settings Window
information using scrolling and paging operations.
Because you can have several Capture Display windows open, you can
simultaneously view current GPIB activity in one window and view previously
captured GPIB events in another window. Each Capture Display window presents
the captured data in one of two formats – detailed or summarized. The detailed
format shows each command message and data byte on a single line, with
ASCII, hexadecimal, and binary equivalents. Using the summarized format, you
can see entire GPIB messages on the same line. Postcapture analysis features
include markers for highlighting and examining specific GPIB events in the
captured data – you can use these markers to determine elapsed time between
captured events and the number of events per second:
◾◾ Flexible pattern-search utility for quickly locating specific GPIB patterns
Figure 1. Easy Application Troubleshooting
◾◾ Saving of captured data for later review
◾◾ Printing of captured data to a file or printer in either detailed
or summarized formats
Background Operation
The GPIB analyzer software runs independently of other GPIB applications
because the combined analyzer/controller board has separate circuitry for
each redundant function (analyzer and controller). Thus, you can use a single
analyzer and controller board to run both your GPIB controller application (uses
the controller functionality) and GPIB analyzer application (uses the analyzer
functionality). Of course, you can also use the analyzer to monitor activity from
Figure 2. Real-Time Monitoring or Captured Data Analysis
of the 16 GPIB Data and Control Lines
external GPIB devices.
Hardware Features
The TNT family of ASICs comprises the first single-chip IEEE 488.2 talker,
listener, and controller interfaces. The TNT ASICs also implement the HS488
mode of operation for high-speed GPIB data transfers. The transfer functions
implement Automatic Handshake Holdoff on the last byte of a GPIB read and
Automatic END Transmission on the last byte of a GPIB write. Because the
NI PCI-GPIB+, PCIe-GPIB+, and PCIe-GPIB+/LP perform these functions in
hardware, you save significant CPU time relative to performing the same
functions in software.
Figure 3. Bus Monitor Window
BUY ONLINE at or C ALL 800 813 36 93 (U.S.)
GPIB Analyzers for PCI and PCI Express
A 32-byte first-in first-out (FIFO) memory buffer, integrated with the TNT ASIC,
buffers data sent to or received from the GPIB. By buffering the data, you
increase the data transfer rate because the I/O bus and the GPIB can overlap
their respective accesses to the FIFO, rather than one bus waiting for the other
to complete a cycle.
IEEE 488 Interface Functions
The NI PCI-GPIB+, PCIe-GPIB+, and PCIe-GPIB+/LP boards contain program
registers that configure, control, and monitor all IEEE 488 interface functions.
These functions are fully compatible with ANSI/IEEE Standard 488.2-1987.
GPIB Transceivers
Transceivers interface the NI PCI-GPIB+, PCIe-GPIB+, and PCIe-GPIB+/LP
to the IEEE 488 bus. The transceivers, which are part of the TNT ASIC, provide
power-up/power-down bus protection (glitch free).
Ordering Information
NI PCI-GPIB+, NI-488.2, and GPIB analyzer software for
Windows Vista/XP/2000.......................................................778033-01
Windows Vista/XP/2000 (2 m cable).....................................778033-51
NI PCIe-GPIB+, NI-488.2, and GPIB analyzer software for
Windows Vista/XP/2000.......................................................780935-01
Windows Vista/XP/2000 (2 m cable).....................................780935-57
NI PCIe-GPIB+/LP, NI-488.2, and GPIB analyzer software for
Windows Vista/XP/2000.......................................................780936-01
For complete product specifications, pricing, and accessory information,
call 800 813 3693 (U.S.) or go to
BUY ONLINE at or C ALL 800 813 36 93 (U.S.)
GPIB Analyzers for PCI and PCI Express
IEEE 488 Compatibility
IEEE 488.1 and IEEE 488.2 compatible
Capability Code
Source Handshake
Acceptor Handshake
T5, TE5
Talker, Extender Talker
L3, LE3
Listener, Extender Listener
Service Request
PP1, PP2
Local/Remote Parallel Poll
C1, C2, C3, C4, C5
E1, E2
Three-State Bus Drivers with Automatic Switch to Open Collector
during Parallel Poll
PCI Express Compatibility
PCI Express 1.0a
Maximum IEEE 488 Bus Transfer Rates
IEEE 488 interlocked handshake............ 1.5 MB/s
IEEE 488 noninterlocked
(HS488) handshake............................ 7.7 MB/s
Power Requirements
+3.3 VDC............................................ 0.6 W typical, 1.9 W maximum
PCI signaling level............................. Universal
PCI Express
+3.3 VDC............................................ 1.2 W typical, 1.65 W maximum
Physical Dimensions
PCI ...................................................... 12.0 by 10.7 cm (4.7 by 4.2 in.)
PCI Express/PCI Express Low-Profile..... 9.75 by 6.88 cm (3.84 by 2.71 in.)
I/O Connectors
GPIB...................................................... IEEE 488 standard 24-pin
Operating Environment
Ambient temperature............................. 0 to 55 °C
Relative humidity................................... 10 to 90%, noncondensing
Tested in accordance with IEC-60068-2-1, IEC-60068-2-2, and IEC-60068-2-56.
Storage Environment
Ambient temperature............................. -20 to 70 °C
Relative humidity................................... 5 to 95%, noncondensing
Tested in accordance with IEC-60068-2-1, IEC-60068-2-2, and IEC-60068-2-56.
Actual rates depend on system configuration and instrument capabilities.
Compliance and Safety
GPIB Analyzer Performance
Sampling rate......................................... 20 MHz
Timestamp resolution............................ 50 ns
BUY ONLINE at or C ALL 800 813 36 93 (U.S.)
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