ETC 1-100033

Evaluations-Kit EK-H1
Version 1.1.1
Table of Contents
_ Introduction
_ What You Need to Get Started
_ Installing the Hardware
_ Installing the Software and Start-Up
_ Description of Software for HumiViewer (V1.3)
_ Appendix
Sensirion, Eggbühlstr. 14, 8052 Zürich, Switzerland, Tel: +41 1 306 40 00, Fax: +41 1 306 40 30
EK-H1 Evaluations Kit für AH31
With the AH31, SENSIRION AG has introduced a new generation of fully integrated relative
humidity and temperature sensor systems with calibrated digital output. This integration of
the sensor and readout circuitry on a single chip leads to an unbeatable price performance
ratio and high reliability. Additionally, the sensor system features combined relative humidity
and temperature measurement. The linear output signal is fully calibrated and allows sensor
systems to be interchanged without additional calibration. Moreover, its digital output
provides simple access to the sensor signal (plug and play). For further information on the
AH31, please refer to the datasheet.
The hardware which is included was developed for evaluation- and reference design. It has
therefore not been tested nor qualified for the same high standard of quality as the humidityand temperature sensor AH31. In extreme environments, failures that would not be caused
by the AH31 device may therefore occur.
The AH31 evaluation kit offers an easy-to-use environment to illustrate the unique features
of the sensor system and to adapt it to your specific application. The contents of the kit are
shown in Fig. 1 and listed in Tab. 1. It includes a set of three AH31 sensors, the ASD11
microprocessor board (with LCD), a serial interface cable, a sensor interface cable and a
power supply.
Fig. 1: Photograph of the evaluation kit and contents.
EK-H1 Evaluations Kit für AH31
3 AH31 sensor systems
sensor interface cable
serial interface cable
power supply t
microprocessor board ASD11 (incl. LCD and RS-232 Interface)
HumiViewer (V1.3) software on CD
Jumper-Set (not shown in the picture)
Table 1: Contents of the EK-H1 evaluation kit.
What You Need to Get Started
Make sure you have all of the following items before you install the hardware and
HumiViewer software for Windows 95/98/2000/NT:
_ Windows 95/98/2000 or Windows NT version 4.0.
_ An unused serial interface port (e.g. COM1).
_ HumiViewer (V 1.3) software for Windows 95/98/2000/NT on CD.
_ Contents of your evaluation kit as described in the Introduction.
If you do not have a CD drive and would like to order the HumiViewer software on a floppy
disk, please contact Sensirion AG. Additionally, software to be able to use the ASD11 with a
Palm Pilot is available on our internet page (
Installing the Hardware
In the following section, all the necessary electrical interconnections for the AH31 sensor
system will be listed. These connections are required between the AH31, the ASD11
microprocessor board, a PC serial interface, and a power supply.
Observe precautions when handling electrostatic sensitive devices!
To install your AH31 hardware, complete the following steps (see Fig. 2):
_ Turn on your PC and start Windows 95/98/2000/NT.
_ Connect the serial interface cable with the COM port of your PC (configuration of the
serial interface see App. A).
_ Connect the interface cable with the ASD11 microprocessor board using the serial
interface connector (pin diagram of the ASD11 is given in App. A).
_ Plug in the power supply. Input 100V - 240V AC, 47Hz - 63Hz.
_ Connect the AH31 sensor system to the ASD11 microprocessor board using the
sensor interface cable.
EK-H1 Evaluations Kit für AH31
Important: ensure you have the proper connection between
sensors system AH31 and the interface cable.
The AH31 sensor system is now ready to measure humidity and temperature. In Appendix
A, a more detailed description of the ASD11 microprocessor board is given, including jumper
settings, a command summary, and a pin diagram of the serial interface.
A H 3 1
S e n s o r In te r fa c e C a b le
M a rk e r
to P o w e r L in e
A S D 1 1
to C O M
P o rt
S e r ia l In te r fa c e C a b le
Fig. 2: General measurement setup for the EK-H1.
EK-H1 Evaluations Kit für AH31
Installing the Software und Start-Up
After having installed the AH31/ASD11 hardware, complete the following steps to install the
HumiViewer V1.3 software for Windows 95/98/2000/NT on your PC:
_ Insert the CD with the HumiViewer V1.3 software for Windows 95/98/2000/NT.
_ Open the "DISKS" file on the software CD, then double-click "SETUP.EXE" and
follow the instructions of the installation wizard.
_ Double-click the "HumiViewer_AH31" icon on your desktop to start the application.
_ Note: If no units are displayed in the program it may be that your decimal symbol in
the "Regional Setting Properties" is wrong.
For a detailed description of HumiViewer V1.3 software please refer to next section.
Please note: This software is copyright and intended exclusively for demonstration and laboratory purposes.
It may not be used or copied commercially. SENSIRION AG does not offer any guarantee.
Description of Software for HumiViewer (V1.3)
In order to operate the AH31, dedicated software is provided with your evaluation kit.
Although the software allows plug-and-play, some additional remarks will be given.
To start the HumiViewer, double click its icon on your desktop. A pop-up window will appear
to guide you to the proper setting of your COM port with the connected AH31/ASD11 (see
Fig. 3). If the AH31/ASD11 cannot be linked to the Humi Viewer, please check all your
connections between the sensor and your system.
Fig. 3: Pop-up window for
proper connection of the
AH31/ASD11 to the
Fig. 4: Main window of HumiViewer to display measurement data of the AH31.
Once the connection has been set up, the HumiViewer main window will appear (see Fig. 4).
Measurements are started with the START button and interrupted with the STOP button.
The speed of data acquirement is set by X-RANGE (SECONDS). WRITE OUTPUT TO FILE
allowsmeasurementdatato be saved in a text file.
EK-H1 Evaluations Kit für AH31
Appendix A: ASD11 microprocessor board
With the ASD11 microprocessor board, the digital output signal of the AH31 is recorded and
adjusted for non-linearity and temperature dependency as described in the datasheet. It can
then be transmitted to your PC by RS-232. The board is shown in Fig. 5. with the corresponding settings of the jumpers. The serial connector of the microprocessor board is a 9pin female D-SUB connector and can be connected to any serial COM port (9600 baud, 8
data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity, no protocol).
A H 3 1 In te rfa c e
settings jumpers A
J u m p e rs A
Celsius display
humidity, temperature
high accuracy
serial interface drivers
wiring intersettings jumpers B
face connector position B1
(default, typical for pc)
pin 2
receive data RxD
pin 3
transmit data TxD
pin 5
signal ground GND
Fahrenheit display
SPI values
low accuracy
serial interface drivers on
reset system
position B2
(crossed, typical for PDA)
transmit data TxD
receive data RxD
signal ground GND
A 1
A 5
J u m p e rs B
P o w e r
B 1
B 2
P o w e r
S w itc h
In te rfa c e C o n n e c to r
Fig. 5: Microprocessor board with its corresponding jumper settings.B1 direct, no
intersection for PC, B2 crossed for PDA.
Die Mikroprocessorboard ASD11 can also be used with any terminal program (e.g.
HyperTerminal, VersaTerm,). The following section summarizes the commands available to
control the ASD11.
provides the version of the sensor software
starts a single measurement given as SPI value
starts continuous measurement
stops measuring
Each command has to be confirmed by the Enter-Key, the commands are not case
EK-H1 Evaluations Kit für AH31
Appendix B: Pin Diagram through hole AH31
Sensor Clock
SPI Chip Select Input
SPI Serial Clock Input
SPI Serial Data Output
Power Down
Nicht benutzt, muss mit Speisespannung
verbunden sein
Fig. 6 Pin description through hole AH31
Important Information
The warranty for each SENSIRION AG product comes in the form of a written warranty which governs sale and
use of such product. Such warranty is contained in the printed terms and conditions under which such product
is sold, or in a separate written warranty supplied with the product. Please refer to such written warranty with
respect to its applicability to certain applications of such product.
These products may be subject to restrictions on use. Please contact SENSIRION AG for a list of the current
additional restrictions on these products. By purchasing these products, the purchaser of these products
agrees to comply with such restrictions. Please contact SENSIRION AG for clarification of any restrictions
described herein.
SENSIRION AG reserves the right, without further notice, to change the SENSIRION EK-H1 Humidity
Evaluation Kit product specifications and/or information in this document and to improve reliability, functions
and design.
SENSIRION AG assumes no responsibility or liability for any use of the SENSIRION EK-H1 Humidity
Evaluation Kit product. Application examples and alternative uses of the EK-H1 Humidity Evaluation Kit are for
illustration purposes only and SENSIRION AG makes no representation or warranty that such applications shall
be suitable for the use specified.
SPIā„¢ is a trademark of Motorola.
Copyright 2001, SENSIRION AG. All rights reserved.
Caution: The inherent design of this component causes it to be sensitive to electrostatic
discharge (ESD). To prevent ESD-induced damage and/or degradation, take
normal ESD precautions when handling this product.
Headquarters and Sales Office
Eggbühlstr. 14
P.O. Box
CH-8052 Zürich
+ 41 (0)1 / 306 40 00
+ 41 (0)1 / 306 40 30
[email protected] /