Features • • • • • • • • • • • USB 1.1-compliant Approximately 6.5K Gates Supports 12 Mbps Transfers Only Functionally Compatible with Open HCI and UHCI Modular Design for Ease of Integration Supports Control, Interrupt, Bulk and Isochronous Transfers Four Configurable Endpoints Complete Error Handling Capability Automatic Data Retry in Hardware Flexible Application Interface Supports Power Management USB Function Core High-speed, 12 Mbps Block Diagram SIE D P EP0 Block USB Engine To RAM Application Interface ATUSBFUNCSS7211 L XCVR L To Application Summary Clk_4x Overview The ATUSBFUNC-SS7211 is a fully synthesizable core that can be implemented in any Atmel ASIC library (gate array or standard cell). The core is supported by a comprehensive USB test environment (ATUSBTEST-SS7400) that can be used to verify the entire design, including the application. The USB Function Core can be used in any high-speed (12 Mbps) application, such as a printer, camera or scanner. The core is configured before synthesis to respond to all standard USB hub/host commands. Up to four endpoints are supported. The interface to the application consists of an application interface and a FIFO interface. There are no user programmable registers in this core. The internal state machine and control logic decode the hub/host commands and control the data transfers across the FIFO interface. Control signals are used to transfer error and status information to or from the application. Rev. 1668AS–07/01 Note: This is a summary document. A complete document is available under NDA. For more information, please contact your local 1 Atmel sales office. Description There are four major blocks in the USB Function Core: the Serial Interface Engine (SIE), the USB Engine, the Application Interface and the EP0 Block. SIE SIE interfaces with a standard USB transceiver on the line side. A DPLL is used to extract the clock from the received data stream. SIE converts the received serial data stream into parallel bytes and delivers it to the USB Engine. In the transmit mode, it converts the parallel bytes from the USB Engine into serial data stream and sends it over to the transceiver. As part of the USB protocol, it performs sync detect, bit stuffing/unstuffing, PID decode, NRZI encoding/decoding, CRC checking/generation for token and data packets. It also monitors the line to detect a reset, End of Packet (EOP), Start of Packet (SOP) and idle condition. In transmit mode, it generates SOP, EOP and Resume signaling. SIE keeps track of the byte boundaries. USB Engine The USB Engine keeps track of a transaction from SOP to EOP. On SOP, it checks the validity of the address and endpoint and initiates an appropriate data transaction based on the status of the endpoint FIFOs. It handles the data retry mechanism, using data toggling, and generates appropriate handshakes. 2 ATUSBFUNC-SS7211 Application Interface The Application Interface provides a simple mechanism to interface to the user logic. This interface allows direct access to all the endpoint FIFOs except for the control endpoint EP0. This block generates the signals for all other endpoint transfers and provides access to their respective FIFOs. For example, a bulk in transfer can be done to EP2 and setting, clearing of stall conditions are controlled by the application. EP1, EP2 and EP3 endpoints are controlled independently. This allows simultaneous access to these endpoints. EP0 Block All the transfers to the EP0 endpoint (control transfers) are handled by this block. The USB commands are decoded and either the memory (external RAM) or registers are accessed. Standard-, class- and vendor-specific commands are decoded, and a simple bus is provided to access all the registers. A RAM interface in this block accesses the configuration data. ATUSBFUNC-SS7211 Pinout rxd vp vm clk_4x vpo vmo oe_n ATUSBFUNC-SS7211 scan ap_reset ep0_zlen_dpkt_rcvd ep0_zlen_dpkt_sent ep1_rrdy ep1_rdata ep1_raddr ep1_wrdy ep1_wdata ep1_waddr valid_ep1_bytes ep2_rdy valid_ep2_bytes ep2_raddr ep2_rdata ep3_rdy ep3_wdata ep3_waddr remote_wakeup ep0_app_stall clr_ep0_stall ep1_app_stall clr_ep1_stall ep2_app_stall clr_ep2_stall ep3_app_stall clr_ep3_stall ep1_rd ep1_wr ep2_rd ep3_wr update_ep1_rptr rewind_ep1_rptr update_ep1_wptr rewind_ep1_wptr update_ep2_ptr ep2_transfer rewind_ep2_ptr update_ep3_ptr rewind_ep3_ptr ep3_transfer usb_reset usb_clk ram_rd ram_wr ram_data_in ram_data_out ram_addr reg_data_in reg_addr reg_data_out word_mode reg_rd reg_wr suspend Frame_reg usb_intfcreg_app wr_usb_intfcreg ep1_zlen_dpkt_rcvd ep3_zlen_dpkt_rcvd 3 Transceiver Signals vp Application Signals In scan This signal along with vm is used to identify signaling on the bus. (See Note 1.) vm In This signal along with vp is used to identify signaling on the bus. (See Note 1.) rxd In A scan signal is used to select between the application and full scan mode. Logic “1” selects the scan mode and logic “0” selects the application mode. For scan mode, the signal ap_reset is the global reset. In scan mode, the signal ap_ re set is c onn ec ted to u sb_ re set . Thi s logi c is implemented in the rx_signaling.v file. The signal usb_reset is used as a reset in all other modules. In Receive data. The receive data from the upstream port is seen on this pin. ap_reset vpo 1 Out This signal along with vmo is used to represent logic “1” or logic “0”. (See Note 2.) vmo usb_reset 0 usb_reset_i Out This signal along with vpo is used to represent logic “1” or logic “0”. (See Note 2.) oe_n Out Asserted when transceiver is in the transmit mode. scan For scan mode, the signal clk_4x is global clock. In scan mode, the signal clk_4x is connected to usb clk. This logic is implemented in the dpll.v file. The signal usb clk is used as a clock in all other modules. The usb_clock and ap_clk are the same. Note 1: Decode for vp and vm vp vm Signaling 0 0 SE0 0 1 Full Speed 1 0 Low Speed 1 1 Error clk_4x 1 c_upcounter[1] 0 usbclk scan Note 2: Decode for vpo and vmo 4 vpo vmo Signaling 0 0 SE0 0 1 Logic 0 1 0 Logic 1 1 1 Illegal ATUSBFUNC-SS7211 clk_4x In A 4x clock is used by DPLL to extract the clock from the receive data stream. This clock is 48 MHz for full-speed, 12-Mbps USB transfer. ap_reset In Application reset. All the application-specific logic is reset when this signal is asserted. ATUSBFUNC-SS7211 ep0_zlen_dpkt_rcvd Out This signal gives the status of the EP0 zero-length data packet received by the application. ep0_zlen_dpkt_sent Out This signal gives the status of the EP0 zero-length data packet sent by the application. ep1_zlen_dpkt_rcvd Out This signal gives the status of the EP1 zero-length data packet received by the application. ep3_zlen_dpkt_rcvd Out This signal gives the status of the EP3 zero-length data packet received by the application. ep1_rrdy In When asserted, the EP1 endpoint (FIFO) has been filled with the new application data. The data will be provided to the host during the next host-in transfer to EP1. ep1_wrdy In Assertion of this signal indicates the EP1 endpoint is available for the host data. The data from the previous host-out transfer to EP1 has been successfully consumed. value of valid_ep1_bytes is eight. If the value of the valid_ep1_bytes is greater than eight, the fifo_ctl block treats valid number of bytes as eight only. If the valid number of bytes is zero, ap_interface sends the zero length data packet to host. valid_ep2_bytes[10:0] In The EP2 endpoint valid number of bytes bus. This gives the number of valid bytes in EP2 FIFO, as well as the valid number of bytes that are to be read from EP2 FIFO. The maximum value of valid_ep2_bytes in bulk mode is 64, in isochronous mode 1024. If the value of the valid_ep2_bytes is greater than 64 in bulk mode, the fifo_ctl block treats valid number of bytes as 64 only. If the value of the valid_ep2_bytes is greater than 1024 in isochronous mode, the fifo_ctl block treats valid number of bytes as 1024 only. If the valid number of bytes is zero, ap_interface sends the zero length data packet to host. The mode is specified with the signal usbintfc_reg[0]. ep2_rdata[7:0] In The EP2 endpoint read data bus. When the ep2_rd signal is asserted, the EP2 FIFO is read using this bus. The endpoint is addressed by ep2_raddr[5:0]. remote_wakeup In When asserted, the EP2 endpoint (FIFO) has been filled with the new application data. The data will be provided to the host during the next host-in transfer to EP2. The application asserts this signal to wake up the device from the suspend mode. When SIE detects idle for more than 3 ms, the suspend signal is asserted. The application, which has the remote wake-up capability, asserts this signal; otherwise, it is deasserted. ep3_rdy ep0_app_stall ep2_rdy In In Assertion of this signal indicates the EP3 endpoint is available for the host data. The data from the previous host-out transfer to EP3 has been successfully consumed. ep1_rdata[7:0] In The EP1 endpoint read data bus. When the ep1_rd signal is asserted, the EP1 FIFO is read using this bus. The endpoint is addressed by ep1_raddr[2:0]. ep1_wdata[7:0] Out The EP1 endpoint write data bus. When the ep1_wr signal is asserted, the EP1 FIFO is written using this bus. The endpoint is addressed by ep1_waddr[2:0]. valid_ep1_bytes[3:0] In The EP1 endpoint valid number of bytes bus. This gives the valid number of bytes in EP1 FIFO. The maximum In When asserted, the application stalls the EP0 endpoint transactions. Any host transfers to this endpoint will be returned with STALL. This condition needs host intervention. A CLEAR STALL command to EP0 clears the stall condition. clr_ep0_stall In When the host issues a CLEAR STALL command for EP0, the application clears the EP0 endpoint stall by asserting this signal. ep1_app_stall In When asserted, the application stalls the EP1 endpoint transactions. Any host transfers to this endpoint will be returned with STALL. This condition needs host intervention. A CLEAR STALL command to EP1 clears the stall condition. 5 clr_ep1_stall In When the host issues a CLEAR STALL command for EP1, the application clears the EP1 endpoint stall by asserting this signal. configuration and interface is stored in the application registers. The register address and the read strobe are generated to the application by the USB Function Core; the application will provide the data in the same cycle. ep2_app_stall usb_reset In When asserted, the application stalls the EP2 endpoint transactions. Any host transfers to this endpoint will be returned with STALL. This condition needs host intervention. A CLEAR STALL command to EP2 clears the stall condition. clr_ep2_stall In When the host issues a CLEAR STALL command for EP2, the application clears the EP2 endpoint stall condition by asserting this signal. ep3_app_stall In When asserted, the application stalls the EP3 endpoint transactions. Any host transfers to this endpoint will be returned with STALL. This condition needs host intervention. A CLEAR STALL command to EP3 will clear the stall condition. clr_ep3_stall In When the host issues a CLEAR STALL command for EP3, the application clears the EP3 endpoint stall by asserting this signal. ep1_rd Out Endpoint EP1 read strobe. When asserted, the data from the ep1_rdata[7:0] bus is sent to the host. The endpoint is addressed by ep1_raddr[2:0]. ep1_wr Out Endpoint EP1 write strobe. When asserted, the data is written to the EP1 FIFO using the ep1_wdata[7:0] bus. The endpoint is addressed by ep1_waddr[5:0]. ep2_rd Out Endpoint EP2 read strobe. The data from the ep2_rdata [7:0] bus is sent to the host when this signal is asserted. The endpoint is addressed by ep2_raddr[5:0]. ep3_wr Endpoint EP3 write strobe. When asserted, the data is written to the EP3 FIFO using the ep3_wdata[7:0] bus. The endpoint is addressed by ep3_waddr[5:0]. In Register data in bus. All the application-specific registers are read using this bus. Information like endpoint status, 6 Asserted when the reset signaling is detected on the USB line. Deasserted when the reset signaling is complete. ep3_wdata[7:0] Out Endpoint EP3 write data bus. Host data to EP3 endpoint is written from this bus. On ep3_rd, the USB Function Core will load the data to the EP3 FIFO. The FIFO is addressed by ep3_waddr[5:0]. reg_addr[7:0] Out Register address. This bus addresses all the application registers. For example, the status, configuration and interface registers in the application register address space are addressed. reg_data_out[15:0] Out Register data out. On a control out transfer, the EP0 block de c od es th e se tu p da ta . Co ntr o l a cc e s se s t o th e application will result in either an EPROM access to get and set DESCRIPTORS or application register accesses. Reg_data_out contains the data for the command, reg_addr has the corresponding address for this data. If word_mode is asserted, all the 16 bits contain valid information; otherwise, [7:0] is valid. word_mode Out In this mode, the data written out is 16 bits wide. When the USB Function Core writes registers in the application, it can write in 16-bit mode or 8-bit mode. For 16-bit mode, this signal is asserted. During 8-bit mode, this signal is deasserted, and the reg_data_out[7:0] is used to write the data. reg_rd Out Register read strobe. This signal is asserted during register read operations. reg_wr Out Register write strobe. Asserted during register write operations. Out reg_data_in[7:0] Out ATUSBFUNC-SS7211 suspend Out Asserted when SIE detects idle on the USB line for more than 3 ms. Deasserted when the line is active or when the device wants to send resume transfers. ATUSBFUNC-SS7211 ep1_raddr[2:0] Out During the EP1 endpoint read access, the FIFO is addressed using this bus. The ep1_rd strobe is asserted when the data from the location address by ep1_raddr [2:0] is sent to the host on ep1_rdata[7:0]. ep1_waddr[2:0] Out Endpoint EP1 is addressed using this bus during EP1 write access. The ep1_wr strobe is asserted when the data from the ep1_wdata[7:0] bus is written into the location addressed by this bus. ep2_raddr[9:0] Out Endpoint EP2 is addressed using this bus during EP2 access. The ep2_rd strobe is asserted when the data from the location address by ep2_raddr[9:0] is sent to the host on ep2_rdata[7:0]. In bulk mode, ep2_raddr should not be greater than 63 (0 to 63 address depth). ep3_waddr[9:0] Out A host-in transfer to EP1 endpoint sends the data from the EP1 FIFO to the host. Upon receiving an ack from the host, this signal is asserted to indicate that the previous interrupt data has been successfully sent to the host. rewind_ep1_ptr Out A host-in transfer to EP1 endpoint sends the data from the EP1 FIFO to the host. If the host does not send an ack, this signal is asserted to indicate that the previous interrupt data has not been successfully sent to the host. update_ep2_ptr Out A host-in transfer to EP2 endpoint sends the data from the EP2 FIFO to the host. Upon receiving an ack from the host, this signal is asserted to indicate that the application data has been successfully sent to the host. ep2_transfer rewind_ep2_ptr Out A host-in transfer to EP2 endpoint sends the data from the EP2 FIFO to the host. If the host does not send an ack, this signal is asserted to indicate that the application data has not been successfully sent to the host. update_ep3_ptr Out A host-out transfer to EP3 endpoint fills the EP3 FIFO. Upon successfully receiving the data from the host, this signal is asserted to indicate that the application can use the host data. rewind_ep3_ptr Out A host-out transfer to EP3 endpoint fills the EP3 FIFO. If the receive data from the host has an error, this signal is asserted to indicate to the application to ignore the data. Out Endpoint EP3 is addressed using this bus during EP3 access. The ep3_wr strobe is asserted when the data from the ep3_wdata[7:0] bus is written into the location addressed by this bus. In bulk mode, ep3_waddr is between 0 and 63. update_ep1_ptr cycle. This signal is issued before checking the data PID of that data packet. Out This signal is asserted before EP2 data transfer takes place. This is an indication of EP2 data transfer. This signal is generated after verification of the token PID, CRC check for the token. If the token belongs to EP2 in endpoint and no CRC error, then this signal is generated for one clock ep3_transfer Out This signal is asserted before EP3 data transfer takes place. This is an indication of EP3 data transfer. This signal is generated after verification of the token PID, CRC check for the token. If the token belongs to EP3 in endpoint and no CRC error, this signal is generated for one clock cycle. This signal is issued before checking the data PID of that data packet. frame_reg [10:0] Out This is an 11-bit frame register bus. usb_clk Out This is the USB extracted clock. usb_intfcreg_app[1..0] In When the wr_usb_intfcreg is asserted, usb_intfcreg (this signal is in the core) gets the value on usb_intfcreg_app.The usb_intfcreg bits are mode bits for EP2, EP3. If the bit is zero, the corresponding endpoint is in i so c hr o no us m od e; o th er wi s e, it i s in b ul k mo de . usb_intfcreg_app[0] is for EP2 endpoint (BULK IN or ISO IN) and usb_intfcreg_app[1] is for EP3 endpoint (BULK OUT or ISO OUT). On reset, the EP2 and EP3 are in bulk mode. wr_usb_intfcreg In wr_usb_intfcreg wr ite strobe. When asserted, the usb_intfcreg_app is sent to the usb_intfcreg, which decides the mode of the endpoint EP2, EP3. 7 Memory Interface ram_wr Out ram_data_out[7:0] Out Memory write strobe. When this signal is asserted, the external RAM is in the write cycle. During a write cycle, the data to the memory is written from this bus. ram_rd ram_addr[7:0] Out Memory read strobe. When this signal is asserted, the external RAM is in the read cycle. ram_data_in[7:0] In During read cycle, the data from the memory is read from this bus. 8 ATUSBFUNC-SS7211 Out The external RAM is addressed using this bus. Atmel Headquarters Atmel Operations Corporate Headquarters Atmel Colorado Springs 2325 Orchard Parkway San Jose, CA 95131 TEL (408) 441-0311 FAX (408) 487-2600 Europe Atmel SarL Route des Arsenaux 41 Casa Postale 80 CH-1705 Fribourg Switzerland TEL (41) 26-426-5555 FAX (41) 26-426-5500 Asia 1150 E. Cheyenne Mtn. Blvd. Colorado Springs, CO 80906 TEL (719) 576-3300 FAX (719) 540-1759 Atmel Rousset Zone Industrielle 13106 Rousset Cedex France TEL (33) 4-4253-6000 FAX (33) 4-4253-6001 Atmel Smart Card ICs Atmel Asia, Ltd. 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The Company assumes no responsibility for any errors which may appear in this document, reserves the right to change devices or specifications detailed herein at any time without notice, and does not make any commitment to update the information contained herein. No licenses to patents or other intellectual property of Atmel are granted by the Company in connection with the sale of Atmel products, expressly or by implication. Atmel’s products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems. Marks bearing ® and/or ™ are registered trademarks and trademarks of Atmel Corporation. Terms and product names in this document may be trademarks of others. Printed on recycled paper. 1668AS–07/01