Application Fact Sheet Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. ACCESS Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... MEDIA GATEWAY WITH IP AND ATM INTERWORKING KEY BENEFITS • Scalable implementation of high-performance and high density voice/data capabilities, from 2000 to 8000 voice channels at G.711, for a wide range of applications • Single “platform” architecture for both IPbased and ATM oriented systems, including interworking between them • True, fine-grained, multiservice support for high numbers of users • Simplified line card design with lower power and board real estate plus ability to leverage single-vendor solution OVERVIEW With the growth in data network traffic driving major changes in public networks, the convergence of existing voice traffic onto the data network infrastructure promises significant benefits (such as reduced costs and simplified network management) for carriers and enterprises alike. Media gateways and switches that support the integration of Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), legacy public switched telephone network (PSTN), and ATM networks make this convergence possible. Media gateway functions are being implemented in standalone devices, or as modules in multi-service switches, edge routers, remote access concentrators, or PSTN switches. In all cases, media gateways in share common hardware and software design challenges. DESIGN CHALLENGES Media gateway implementations are complicated by the wide variety of technologies that make up existing networks. These include the circuit-switched PSTN, ATM and Frame Relay based public data networks, and the IPbased Internet, all of which may be carried over the same SONET transport network. Functions required of media gateways typically include the conversion (and compression) of Time-DivisionMultiplexed (TDM) voice circuits onto ATM networks using a variety of adaptation protocols (AAL-0, AAL-1, AAL-2 and AAL-5), or onto packet-based networks using IP (including RTP), Frame Relay, or extensions of both. Voice switches that support the switching of voice circuits among the various network interfaces may require interworking between different protocols (such as between ATM and IP-based networks) as well. The specific design challenges for media gateways include: • Accommodating increasing numbers of voice (or fax and modem) circuits per slot within a specific networking device. • Supporting the increasing number of different network interfaces and speeds required, ranging from channelized T1/E1 lines through OC-12 SONET and Gigabit Ethernet interfaces. • Adapting to the number of different protocols used (such as ATM AAL-2/AAL-5, VoIP/RTP, Packet-overSONET/PPP, MPLS, and so on), even as the protocol standards evolve and improve. • Managing Quality of Service (QoS) to ensure prioritization of latency-sensitive traffic, such as voice. • Providing the flexibility to add new features and functions through software as market demands dictate in the future. MOTOROLA SOLUTION Motorola® offers complete solutions for all aspects of media gateway and switch implementations. This includes the StarCore® Digital Signal Processors (DSPs) required to convert and compress TDM voice circuits into packet or cell-based flows, the C-Port™ network processors (NPs) required to terminate or switch the packet or cell-based circuits, and the PowerPC® host processors required to implement the control functions that manage each voice connection. The network processing function is the focus of this Application Fact Sheet. Motorola’s C-Port family, including network processors, traffic management coprocessors, and interface adaptors, provides the flexibility to support the wide range of protocols required for today’s media gateway implementations. The internal processing resources of the C-3e NP For More Information On This Product, Go to: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Media gateway solution for running voice over IP and ATM networks using multiple Motorola networking silicon technologies including network processors, traffic management coprocessors, DSPs, and host processors are particularly well suited to be used at the “uplink” aggregation level in media gateway designs, where extensive protocol conversion and switching functions are required. The figure illustrates a VoIP/VoATM network and details the tasks handled by the NP. On one side of the gateway, TDM traffic converted and compressed by Motorola DSPs is aggregated on to high density line cards (capable of supporting 2000 voice channels per line card with the C-3e NP, and over 8000 with the C-5e NP) and then passed on to an internal Ethernet bus (or other media). These newly created packets are forwarded to the C-3e NP, which formats the voice packets into the desired network protocol, which may include IP and ATM. With IP, the voice packet is formatted into a specific VoIP protocol (such as RTP), possibly tagged as part of an MPLS session, and forwarded onto an IP-based network (over Ethernet or SONET), where QoS may be guaranteed through the use of various protocols including DiffServ. ATM is suitable for carrying voice because of its built-in QoS features. Options for ATM processing in media gateways might include VoIP over AAL-5 over ATM, where voice packets from the DSPs are formatted into a specific VoIP protocol (such as RTP), which are then converted into AAL-5 PDUs, and segmented into ATM cells. Alternatively, voice packets may be formatted into ATM AAL-2 “mini-packets”, one or more of which are encapsulated into ATM cells. Interworking between IP and ATM, such as switching within and between RTP and AAL-2 flows, can be achieved easily with the C-Port network processor architecture, Fine grained QoS capabilities can also be added using Motorola’s traffic management coprocessors (TMCs). These TMCs are multi-protocol and can thus provide traffic policing, shaping, monitoring, and scheduling for both ATM and IP traffic, even simultaneously. They ensure that voice traffic is accorded the correct priority and that users receive toll-quality service. For More Information On This Product, Go to: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. The flexibility and performance of the C-Port family allows a variety of media gateway applications to be created all based on a common software base. Applications are written in C-language using Applications Programming Interfaces (APIs), which enables you to easily upgrade functionality and scale software to higher bandwidths. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENT The C-Port family development environment consists of the following components: • C-Ware™ Applications Library (CAL) — Comprehensive set of reference applications for building networking systems based on Motorola’s C-Port family, The CAL significantly accelerates customer software development by providing extensive reference source code that is instrumented for and tested with the CST. • C-Ware Software Toolset (CST) — Functional and performance accurate simulation environment, standard GNU-based compiler and debugger, GUI performance analysis tool, traffic scripting tools, and comprehensive C-Ware APIs. • C-Ware Development System (CDS) — Compact PCI chassis with Motorola MPC750 Host Application Module, which can also include NP Switch Modules, TMC Daughter Cards, and various Physical Interface Modules (PIMS). Complete hardware reference designs also available. Vendors may also select Wind River® Tornado® for Managed Switches (TMS) to program the host processor/control plane software. Motorola has established an alliance with Wind River to provide integration of the C-Port network processors with TMS 2.0 supporting both Layer 2 and Layer 3 services. In addition, the Host Application Module in the CDS runs VxWorks® on the MPC750. PowerQUICC™ C-Port™ Integrated Communications Processors Network Processors & Traffic Managers StarCore® Digital Signal Processors MOTOROLA ORDERING INFORMATION PART NUMBER NAME ADDITIONAL INFORMATION PCC3E0RX180WB0B C-3e NP 5.5 W @ 180 MHz PCC5E0RX266WB0B C-5e NP 9 W @ 266 MHz PCQ500RX000WA0A Q-5 TMC 5Gbps throughput MPC8260 PowerQUICC™ MSC8101 MSC8102 DSP Farm CSTC501W* C-Ware Software Toolset Web site download of current CST release (Windows or UNIX) CDEV101A† C-Ware Development System CDS Base Unit (Chassis, Power Supply, Single Board Computer) * The CST can be downloaded from † Ask your sales representative or distributor for details and availability of system modules, which you order separately. SMART NETWORKS ALLIANCES VENDOR DESCRIPTION CONTACT Corrent™ For high-performance security processing Tel: 480-648-2300 [email protected] IDT™ For advanced classification Tel: 613-724-6004 Fax: 613-724-6008 Wind River Systems For Tornado for Managed Switches and RTOS Tel: 800-545-9463 Fax: 510-814-2010 For More Information On This Product, Go to: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... RELATED INFORMATION For inquiries about Motorola products, please contact the Motorola Customer Care Center at 800-521-6247, or visit us online at © 2003 Motorola. C-3e, C-5, C-5e, C-Port, Q-5, M-5, and C-Ware are all trademarks of Motorola Inc. Motorola and the stylized Motorola logo are registered trademarks of Motorola Inc. All other products or service names are the property of their owners. CPORTMEDIA-FS/D For MoreRev Information 02, March 2003 On This Product, Go to: