Tel : Fax : email : 0044 (0)118 979 1238 0044 (0)118 979 1283 ACT53T- 4 (TCXO) ACT53VT- 4 (VCTCXO) ACT53T-4 (TCXO) The ACT53VT family is a range of VCTCXOs housed in a ceramic package with a metal lid and is seam welded for good longer term stability The pads are gold plated and the lid is grounded via the package to assist with EMI reduction. Applications include Networking, Ethernet, Audio & Modem Clocks, Set Top Boxes, Phase Locked Loops, Telecomms, Video Games, WIFI, GPS & many Consumer Applications. Specification Parameter Symbol Supply Voltage Frequency Range Temp Operating Range Temp Storage Range Initial Calibration Tolerance Frequency Stability vs Operating Temp vs Input Voltage vs Load Aging Supply Current (max) Output Load Frequency Tuning Range Control Voltage Range Slope Polarity Linearity Start-up Time SSB Phase Noise (Typical) Vcc fo Topr Tstg Δf/fo TABLE 1 TABLE 2 Specification Conditions 3.0VDC ±5% See table 1 See table 2 -40 to +85°C ±1.0ppm Typical @ 25°C ±2.0°C Δf/fo Vin See table below for available stabilities ±0.3ppm max for 5% change ±0.3ppm max for 10% change ±1ppm / year max @25°C 2mA max Clipped Sine : 0.8V p~p, 10KΩ//10pf Load ±12ppm Typical 1.5V ±1.0 Positive 10% max 2ms max -135dBc/Hz max @ 1KHz offset Fa Iop N/CL Vcont Tosc Please specify Please specify Please specify Please specify VCTCXO Only ( VT53 ) VCTCXO Only ( VT53 ) VCTCXO Only ( VT53 ) VCTCXO Only ( VT53 ) (For 13.0Mhz Device) 10MHz,12.8MHz,13.0MHz,14.4MHz, 15.36MHz, 19.2MHz, 19.68MHz, 20MHz, 26MHz STABILITY Vs OPERATING TEMPERATURE Deg C ±1.0ppm ±1.5ppm ±2.0ppm ±2.5ppm ±3.0ppm 0~50 -10~60 -20~70 -30~75 Pad surface material Au. 53L is low height option - available to custom order. Please note that all parameters can not necessarily be specified in the same device Customer to specify : Frequency, Supply Voltage, Frequency Stability, Operating Temperature Range, Output Type & 53T or 53VT ISO9001:2000 Registered For quotations or further information please contact us at: 3 The Business Centre, Molly Millars Lane, Wokingham, Berkshire, RG41 2EY, UK Issue 4 B3 Date 11-10-05 Tel : Fax : email : ACT53T / VT -4 0044 (0)118 979 1238 0044 (0)118 979 1283 TAPE & REEL SPECIFICATIONS Tape Dimensions ( Units in mm ) SOLDERING CONDITIONS In line with our ongoing policy of product evolvement and improvement, the above specification may be subject to change without notice ISO9001:2000 Registered For quotations or further information please contact us at: 3 The Business Centre, Molly Millars Lane, Wokingham, Berkshire, RG41 2EY, UK Issue 4 B3 Date 11-10-05