TECHNICAL DATASHEET Rev. C LV12S26-150 Low Voltage DC-DC Converter 10-36 Vdc Input 26Vdc Output at 5.8A Half-Brick Package Features: Applications: • Up to 86% Efficient • Cost Efficient Solution • Delivering 5.8A at Room Temperature with No Added Heat Sink with 400 LFM • Fixed Switching Frequency • High Reliability • Consult Factory for Optional Heat Sink • Output Short Circuit Protection • Output Over Current Protection • Optional Encapsulation for added Ruggedness • For use in 12V and 24V battery applications. • Remote ON/OFF • For use in Intermediate and Distributed Bus Architectures (IBA) • Remote Sense Compensation to 10% Vout • Telecommunication equipment • Fast Transient Response • • 100% Burn In Network (LANs/WANs) Equipment • Next generation low voltage, high current microprocessors and Ics Description: The LV12S26-150 is a high density, low input voltage, isolated converter with a wide input voltage range. Low input voltage converters are uncommon in the industry and the LV12S26-150 offers the flexibility of operation with both 12V and 24V busses. This state-of-the-art converter’s features include fast transient response, short circuit protection, over current protection, and many other features that are required for today’s demanding applications. (888) 597-WALL 1 of 15 Rev. C Technical Specifications TECHNICAL DATASHEET LV12S26-150 Model No. LV12S26-150 All specifications are based on 25 oC, Nominal Input Voltage and Maximum Output Current unless otherwise noted. We reserve the right to change specifications based on technological advances. SPECIFICATION Related condition Min Nom Max Switching Frequency 350 INPUT (Vin) Operating Voltage Range 10 12 / 24 36 UVLO Turn On at 9.4 9.5 9.6 UVLO Turn Off at 9.3 9.4 9.5 Maximum Input Current Low Line 6.3 No Load Input Current No Load 0.15 Input Current under “Remote Off” 0.0064 Reflected Ripple Current 225 84.5 EFFICIENCY OUTPUT (Vo) 25.74 26.26 Voltage Set Point ±RS shorted to ±Vo 26.0 -1% +1% 23.4 28.6 Voltage Adjustment Max Output limited to 150W 26.0 -10% +10% Load Regulation ±RS shorted to ±Vo 0.1 0.2 Line Regulation ±RS shorted to ±Vo 0.1 0.2 Temperature Drift 0.2 15.15 Remote Sense Compensation Max Output limited to 150W 10% Ripple 1uF Ceramic &10uF Tantalum 360 Spikes 1uF Ceramic &10uF Tantalum Current 0.6 5.8 Power Limited-Dependent upon SENSE Current Limit 10 compensation and TRIM adjustment Over Voltage Limit Output Clamped 1uF Ceramic & 10uF Tantalum DYNAMIC RESPONSE 50% to 100% Io, di/dt=1A/uS 200 Load step / ∆ V Recovery Time Recovery to within 1% Nominal Vo Turn On Delay From Vin(min) to Vout (nom) Turn On Overshoot Full Load Resistive Hold Up Time From Vin (min) to VULVO_Turn_Off 0 REMOTE ON/OFF Active High Remote ON – Active High Min High (ON/OFF pin) 2.2 Remote ON – Active Low Max Low (ON/OFF pin) N/A Remote OFF – Active High Max Low (ON/OFF pin) 1.2 Remote OFF – Active Low Min High (ON/OFF pin) N/A Remote ON/OFF pin Floating – Active High Over Operating Voltage Range 2.5 5.0 Remote ON/OFF pin Floating – Active Low Over Operating Voltage Range N/A ION/OFF Sink to pull low – Active Low or High VON/OFF =0V, Vin=36V 0.38 ION/OFF Source to drive high – Active High VON/OFF =5V, Vin=36V 0.03 ION/OFF Source to drive high – Active Low VON/OFF =5V, Vin=36V Turn On Delay – Active High ON/OFF (max Low) to Vout (min) 9 Turn Off Delay – Active High ON/OFF (0V) to Vout (min) 160 ISOLATION Input-Output 1 minute 1500 Input-Case 1 minute 500 Output-Case 1 minute 500 THERMAL Ambient Max. Ambient limited by OTP -40 25 OTP Over Temperature Protection (OTP) Case Temperature Greater than 95 Turn On (OTP) Case Temperature Less than 85 Calculated Using Bellcore TR-332 Method 1 case 3 2,563,116 MTBF MECHANICAL See Figure 1 (888) 597-WALL Unit kHz Vdc Vdc Vdc A A A mA % Vdc % Vdc % % % / oC Vdc % mVpk-pk mVpk-pk A A Vdc mV ms ms % mS Vdc Vdc Vdc Vdc Vdc Vdc mA mA mA ms uS Vdc Vdc Vdc o C C o C hours o Page 2 of 15 Rev. C TECHNICAL DATASHEET LV12S26-150 Table 1: Pin Assignments Pin # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Pin Name -Vo -RS Trim +RS +Vo -Vin CHGND Key Pin/NC 9 ON/OFF 10 +Vin Function Negative Output Negative Remote Sense Output Voltage Trim Positive Remote Sense Positive Output Negative Input Chassis Ground (Case) To Key Converter Remote On/Off Comments If not used, leave open or short to -Vo Refer to page 6 If not used, leave open or short to +Vo If not used, leave open Leave as a No Connect pin If not used, leave floating for Active High Unit If not used, short to –Vin on an Active Low Unit Positive Input Figure 1: Mechanical Dimensions NOTES: 1. PIN TO PIN TOLERANCE ± .01 [±0.3], PIN DIAMETER TOLERANCE: ±.005 [±0.13]. 2. CASE MATERIAL: .040 [1.02] THICK, ALUMINUM ALLOY 3003-0, PER: QQA 250/2. 3. UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. TO ORDER: 4. UNIT COMES WITH EITHER 3M x 0.5 THREADED THRU INSERTS OR FOR Ø.125 THRU-HOLE ADD: “TH” SUFFIX TO MODEL PART NUMBER. EXAMPLE: LV12S15-100TH 5. CONSULT FACTORY FOR OPTIONAL HEAT SINK. (888) 597-WALL Page 3 of 15 TECHNICAL DATASHEET Rev. C LV12S26-150 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Under Voltage Lock Out (UVLO) The converter output is disabled until the input voltage exceeds the UVLO turn-on limit. The converter will remain ON until the input voltage falls below the UVLO turn-off limit. Over Current Protection The converter is protected from short circuit and over current conditions. During these fault conditions, the converter output will ‘hiccup’. The converter output will recover once the short or over current fault is removed. Over Temperature Protection (OTP) The converter has internal thermal protection that will shut the converter OFF once the case temperature exceeds the OTP turn-off limit. The converter will resume operation when the case temperature has dropped below the OTP turn-on limit. Input Filter It is recommended to bypass the +Vin and –Vin pins of the converter with a minimum of 680uF (50V minimum) capacitor (UCC - SXE50VB681M12X35LL). No other bypassing is needed. However, to reduce the input ripple beyond what is seen in Photo 1, larger values of capacitance may be used in conjunction with a ceramic capacitor. Additionally, an inductor may be placed between the source and the previously mentioned capacitor. No inductor should be placed between the capacitor and the input to the converter. It is important to note that placement of the input filter must be as close as possible to the input pins of the converter to assure a low impedance at the pins. Figure 2: Input Filter Setup +Vin Low Impedance Source 680 µF 1 µF electrolytic capacitor ceramic capacitor LV12S26-150 -Vin Output Filter No additional output capacitor is needed for the power supply to operate. However, to reduce the ripple and noise on the output, additional capacitance may be added. A low ESR Ceramic capacitor may be added across the +Vo and –Vo pins to reduce the ripple and spike noise. Additional capacitance in the form of a tantalum or aluminum electrolytic may also be placed across these pins in order reduce ripple and improve the transient peak-to-peak voltage deviation. Remote Sense To improve the regulation at the load, route the connections from the -RS and the +RS pins to the –Vo and +Vo connections at the load. This will force the converter to regulate the voltage at the load and not at the pins of the converter (refer to Graph 6). If it is not desired to use the Remotes Sense feature, the –RS and +RS pins may be left open or they may be shorted to the -Vo and +Vo pins respectively. Shorting the RS pins to the Vo pins will reduce the voltage drops through the converter pins. (888) 597-WALL Page 4 of 15 TECHNICAL DATASHEET Rev. C LV12S26-150 Remote ON/OFF The converter has the ability to be remotely turned ON or OFF. The LV series is Active-High. Active-High means that a logic high at the ON/OFF pin will enable the supply (Figure 3). With Active-High, if the ON/OFF pin is left floating, the supply will be enabled. Figure 3: Active-High LV Series Converter (888) 597-WALL Page 5 of 15 TECHNICAL DATASHEET Rev. C LV12S26-150 Output Voltage Trim: (24V, 26V, and 28V Models) The output is adjustable +/–10% of rated output voltage. To trim the output voltage up, place the trim resistor between the Trim and –Rs pins (Figure 5). To trim the output voltage down, place the trim resistor between the Trim and +Rs pins (Figure 4). The value of the trim resistor with respect to the desired output voltage (Vo) can be derived from the following formulas or looked up on the trim table (Table 2). RTH = RTL = Vref − R lim Vo − Vref Vref − RH RL Vo − Vref − R lim Vref Vo − Vref − RL RH (in Kohms) Figure 5: Trim Up Figure 4: Trim Down +Vout +Vout +Rs +Rs RTL Pins Facing Down (in Kohms) Trim Rload Pins Facing Down Rload Trim RTH -Rs -Rs -Vout -Vout Table 2: Trim Equations for LV Series (24V, 26V, and 28V Models) Vonom 26.000 Vref 2.495 Percent Trim 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7% 8% 9% 10% Trim Low Vo RTL 25.740 2342.17 25.480 1100.90 25.220 711.89 24.960 521.71 24.700 408.96 24.440 334.34 24.180 281.31 23.920 241.68 23.660 210.95 23.400 186.41 (888) 597-WALL RH 24.00 RL 2.55 Rlim RTH to -Rs 8.25 RTL to +Rs Trim High Vo RTH 26.260 203.60 All in Kohms 26.520 102.10 26.780 66.35 27.040 48.10 27.300 37.02 27.560 29.59 27.820 24.25 28.080 20.23 28.340 17.09 28.600 14.58 Note that while decreasing the output voltage, the maximum output current still remains at 5.8A, and while increasing the output voltage, the output current is reduced to maintain a total output power at 150 W. Page 6 of 15 Rev. C TECHNICAL DATASHEET LV12S26-150 Paralleling Converters The LV series converters may be paralleled both for redundancy and for higher output current. However, in order to do this, a high-current, low Vf, schottky diode must be placed at the +Vo pin of each supply as shown in Figure 6. To improve sharing, tie the two TRIM pins together. The converters may be trimmed by adding a resistor value from Table 2 from each TRIM pin to ±RS pin, or alternatively, a single resistor of half the value of Table 2 from the common TRIM pins to the common ±RS pins. Figure 6: Paralleling Converters (888) 597-WALL Page 7 of 15 TECHNICAL DATASHEET Rev. C LV12S26-150 Effiency (%) Graph 1: LV12S26-150 Efficiency vs. Output Current 90% 89% 88% 87% 86% 85% 84% 83% 82% 81% 80% 79% 78% 77% 76% 75% 74% 73% 72% 71% 70% 69% 68% 67% 66% 65% 64% 63% 62% 0.00 Vin=10V Vin=12V Vin=24V Vin=36V 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50 6.00 Io (A) Graph 2: LV12S26-150 Max Ambient vs. Io 5.8 5.4 5.0 4.6 4.2 Io (A) 3.8 3.4 3.0 No Airflow - 12Vin 2.6 No Airflow - 24Vin 2.2 400 LFM - 12Vin 1.8 400 LFM - 24Vin 1.4 1.0 0.6 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Ambient (°C) (888) 597-WALL Page 8 of 15 Rev. C TECHNICAL DATASHEET LV12S26-150 Graph 3: LV12S26-150 Power Dissipation vs. Input Voltage 34 32 30 28 26 24 22 Pdiss (W) 20 18 16 14 12 Io=0.6A Io=1.0A Io=2.0A Io=3.0A Io=4.0A Io=5.0A Io=5.8A 10 8 6 4 2 0 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Vin(V) Graph 4: LV12S26-150 Input Current vs. Input Voltage 20 Io=0.6A 18 Io=1.0A Io=2.0A 16 Io=3.0A Io=4.0A 14 Io=5.0A Iin (A) 12 Io=5.8A 10 8 6 4 2 0 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Vin(V) (888) 597-WALL Page 9 of 15 TECHNICAL DATASHEET Rev. C LV12S26-150 0.100% 0.095% 0.090% 0.085% 0.080% 0.075% 0.070% 0.065% 0.060% 0.055% 0.050% 0.045% 0.040% 0.035% 0.030% 0.025% 0.020% 0.015% 0.010% 0.005% 0.000% Graph 6: LV12S26-150 Load Regulation (+RS to +Vo, -RS to -Vo) Vin=10V Vin=12V Vin=24V Vin=36V Regulation (%) Regulation (%) Graph 5: LV12S26-150 Load Regulation (±RS Pins Open) 0.6 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 0.100% 0.095% 0.090% 0.085% 0.080% 0.075% 0.070% 0.065% 0.060% 0.055% 0.050% 0.045% 0.040% 0.035% 0.030% 0.025% 0.020% 0.015% 0.010% 0.005% 0.000% 5.8 Vin=10V Vin=12V Vin=24V Vin=36V 0.60 1.00 2.00 Io (A) 0.075% Io=0.6A Io=1A Io=2A Io=3A Io=4A Io=5A Io=5.8A 0.060% 0.055% 5.80 Io=0.6A Io=1A Io=2A Io=3A Io=4A Io=5A Io=5.8A 0.070% 0.065% 0.060% 0.055% 0.050% Regulation (%) 0.050% Regulation (%) 5.00 Graph 8: LV12S26-150 Line Regulation (+RS to +Vo, -RS to -Vo) 0.075% 0.065% 4.00 Io (A) Graph 7: LV12S26-150 Line Regulation (±RS Pins Open) 0.070% 3.00 0.045% 0.040% 0.035% 0.030% 0.045% 0.040% 0.035% 0.030% 0.025% 0.025% 0.020% 0.020% 0.015% 0.015% 0.010% 0.010% 0.005% 0.005% 0.000% 0.000% 10 12 24 36 10 12 24 36 Vin (V) Vin (V) Note: Voltage measurements taken where the output pins are soldered into test board. (888) 597-WALL Page 10 of 15 Rev. C (888) 597-WALL TECHNICAL DATASHEET LV12S26-150 Photo 1: Remote Turn On Vin=24V, Iout = 0.6A Photo 2: Remote Turn On Vin=24V, Iout = 5.8A, Photo 3: Normal Turn On Vin=24V, Iout = 0.6A Photo 4: Normal Turn On Vin=24V, Iout = 5.8A Photo 5: Remote Turn Off Vin=24V, Iout = 0.6A Photo 6: Remote Turn Off Vin=24V, Iout = 5.8A Page 11 of 15 TECHNICAL DATASHEET Rev. C LV12S26-150 Photo 7: Transient Response 50% to 100% Vin=24V, Iout = 2.9 to 5.8A Cout=1uF Ceramic + 10uF Tantalum Photo 8: Transient Response 10% to 100% Vin=24V, Iout = 0.6 to 5.8A Cout=1uF Ceramic + 10uF Tantalum Photo 9: Output Voltage Ripple (20 MHz BW) Vin=24V, Iout=0.6A Cout=1uF Ceramic + 10uF Tantalum Photo 10: Output Voltage Ripple (20 MHz BW) Vin=24V, Iout=5.8A Cout=1uF Ceramic + 10uF Tantalum Photo 11: Output Voltage Ripple (Spike) Vin=24V, Iout = 5.8A Cout=1uF Ceramic + 10uF Tantalum Photo 12: Input Reflected Ripple Voltage and Ripple Current Vin=24V, Iout = 5.8A with a 680uF Aluminum Electrolytic and 12uH series inductor. (888) 597-WALL Page 12 of 15 TECHNICAL DATASHEET Rev. C LV12S26-150 TEST SETUP: The LV12S26-150 specifications are tested with the following configurations: Regulation and Efficiency Setup To ensure that accurate measurement are taken, the voltage measurements are taken directly at the terminal of the module. This minimizes errors due to contact and trace lengths between the load and the output of the supply. The following is a diagram of the test setup. Figure 7: Regulation and Efficiency Probe Setup Rtrace Rcontact +Vin +Vout Rcontact Vin Rtrace Rload Vout Rcontact Rcontact -Vin Rtrace Rtrace -Vout Output Ripple Voltage Setup The module is tested with a 1uF ceramic capacitor in parallel with a 10uF tantalum capacitor across the output terminals. Figure 8: Ripple Voltage Probe Setup SCOPE PROBE +Vout LV12S26-150 1 µF 10 µF Tantalum -Vout Ceramic Rload Input Reflected Ripple Current and Input Ripple Current Setup The module is tested for input reflected ripple current (Irrc) and input ripple current (Irc). The input ripple voltage is also measured at the pins with the following input filter. If there is a need to reduce input ripple current/voltage then additional ceramic capacitors can be added to the input of the converter. Figure 9: Ripple Current Setup Irrc SCOPE PROBE Irc 12 µH +Vin Low Impedance Source (888) 597-WALL 6,800 µF 1 µF electrolytic capacitor ceramic capacitor LV12S26-150 -Vin Page 13 of 15 TECHNICAL DATASHEET Rev. C LV12S26-150 Converter Thermal Consideration The converter is designed to operate without convective cooling if the derating curves are followed. The converter can operate at higher temperatures if airflow is applied. Airflow should be aligned lengthwise to the converter for optimum heat transfer. Contact Factory for derating curves. Figure 10: Airflow Orientation +Vin ON/OFF Pins Facing Down LV12S26-150 -Vin (888) 597-WALL +Vout -Vout Page 14 of 15 Rev. C TECHNICAL DATASHEET LV12S26-150 Company Information: Wall Industries, Inc. has created custom and modified units for over 40 years. Our in-house research and development engineers will provide a solution that exceeds your performance requirements on-time and on budget. Our ISO9001-2000 certification is just one example of our commitment to producing a high quality, well documented product for our customers. Our past projects demonstrate our commitment to you, our customer. Wall Industries, Inc. has a reputation for working closely with its customers to ensure each solution meets or exceeds form, fit and function requirements. We will continue to provide ongoing support for your project above and beyond the design and production phases. Give us a call today to discuss your future projects. Contact Wall Industries for further information: Phone: Toll Free: Fax: E-mail: Web: Address: (888) 597-WALL (603)778-2300 (888)587-9255 (603)778-9797 5 Watson Brook Rd. Exeter, NH 03833 Page 15 of 15