ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITOR-GENERAL & MINIATURE S TAN DAR D , HEIGHT 5 & 7 MM, 1000 TS13 I T E M Operating temperature range HRS TSE11 Series – Standard Size TSE07 Series – Mini Size 7 mm height TSE05 Series – Super Mini Size 5 mm height S C H A R A C T E R I S T I C S -40 ~ +85℃ I=0.01CV or 4μA whichever is greater (after 1 minute) Capacitance tolerance ±20% at 120Hz, 20℃ (at 120Hz, 20℃) WV μF 4 MV 4 6.3 10 16 25 35,40 50 63 tanδ 0.36 0.24 0.20 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.10 0.10 6.3 10 16 25 35 50 63 100 5x11 4x7 3x5 5x11 4x7 3x5 5x11 4x7 3x5 5x11 4x7 3x5 5x11 4x7 3x5 5x11 4x7 3x5 5x11 4x7 4x5 5x11 4x7 4x5 5x11 5x7 6.3x5 5x11 6.3x7 5x11 5x11 5x11 5x11 5x11 5x11 5x11 5x11 5x11 5x11 5x11 5x11 5x11 5x11 5x11 5x11 5x11 6.3x11 6.3x11 8x12 6.3x11 6.3x11 10x12.5 6.3x11 6.3x11 8x12 10x16 6.3x11 8x12 8x12 10x12.5 13x21 8x12 10x12.5 10x16 10x20 16x25 0.1 0.22 0.33 Case size Ø DxL (mm) 0.47 1.0 2.2 3x5 3.3 3x5 4x5 3x5 4x7 3x5 4x7 4x5 5x7 5x5 4x7 5x5 5x11 5x7 6.3x5 5x11 6.3x7 4.7 10 3x5 4x5 4x7 4x5 3x5 4x7 5x5 4x7 5x5 5x7 6.3x5 4x5 5x5 4x7 5x5 47 4x7 4x5 4x7 6.3x5 5x7 6.3x5 5x11 6.3x7 100 4x7 5x5 5x7 4x7 6.3x5 5x11 5x7 5x7 6.3x5 5x11 5x7 6.3x5 6.3x11 6.3x7 220 6.3x7 6.3x5 6.3x11 6.3x7 6.3x11 6.3x7 22 3x5 ® SERIES Leakage current max. Dissipation factor max. Suntan 33 Suntan® Technology Company Limited 8x12 Website: Email: [email protected] Tel: (852) 8202 8782 Fax: (852) 8208 6246 Suntan ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITOR-GENERAL TS13-TSE11 ▓ Case size table ØD F d a 5 2.0 6 2.5 0.5 1.0 8 3.5 10 12 5.0 0.6 ® 13 16 18 7.5 0.8 1.5 22 10.0 26 12.5 1.0 2.0 Nominal capacitance, rated voltage and case size table WV DxL mm μF 0.1 0.15 0.22 0.33 0.47 0.68 1 1.5 2.2 3.3 4.7 6.8 10 22 33 47 68 100 220 330 470 680 1000 2200 3300 4700 6800 10000 6.3 10 16 25 35 50 63 100 --------------5x11 5x11 5x11 5x11 5x11 8x12 8x12 8x12 8x14 10x16 12x21 13x24 16x26 16x36 ------------5x11 5x11 5x11 5x11 5x11 5x11 6x12 8x12 8x12 8x16 8x16 10x20 13x21 13x26 16x26 -- ------------5x11 5x11 5x11 5x11 5x11 5x11 6x12 8x12 8x14 10x17 10x17 13x21 13x26 16x26 16x32 18x40 -----------5x11 5x11 5x11 5x11 5x11 6x12 6x12 8x12 8x16 8x16 10x20 10x20 13x26 16x26 16x36 18x36 22x38 -----------5x11 5x11 5x11 6x12 6x12 6x12 8x12 8x16 8x17 10x17 13x26 13x26 16x26 16x36 18x36 --- 5x11 5x11 5x11 5x11 5x11 5x11 5x11 5x11 5x11 5x11 5x11 5x11 5x11 5x11 6x12 8x12 8x12 8x12 10x17 10x20 13x21 16x26 16x26 18x36 18x36 22x42 --- 5x11 5x11 5x11 5x11 5x11 5x11 5x11 5x11 5x11 5x11 5x11 5x11 5x11 6x12 8x12 8x12 8x12 8x12 10x20 13x21 13x21 16x31 16x31 ------ 5x11 5x11 5x11 5x11 5x11 5x11 5x11 5x11 5x11 5x11 5x11 6x11 6x11 8x11 10x14 10x14 12x21 12x21 13x24 16x30 16x30 -------- Case size of the products can be changed according to customer’s requirement Suntan® Technology Company Limited Website: Email: [email protected] Tel: (852) 8202 8782 Fax: (852) 8208 6246 ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITOR-GENERAL Suntan ® TS13-TSE11 Nominal capacitance, rated voltage and case size table WV mm DxL μF 160 200 250 350 400 0.1 0.15 0.22 0.33 0.47 0.68 1 1.5 2.2 3.3 4.7 6.8 10 15 22 33 47 68 ------5x11 6x11 6x11 6x12 8x11 8x12 8x12 10x16 10x16 12x24 12x24 13x24 ------6x11 6x11 6x11 8x11 8x12 10x12 10x16 10x16 10x20 13x21 13x24 13x24 ----6x11 6x11 6x11 6x12 8x12 10x12 10x16 10x16 10x20 12x21 13x24 16x26 16x31 16x35 ----6x11 6x11 6x11 8x12 8x12 10x12 10x14 10x20 10x20 13x24 13x24 16x26 16x36 18x36 100 16x26 16x26 18x40 22x30 150 220 330 470 680 1000 1500 2200 3300 4700 6800 10000 18x30 18x36 18x40 22x46 --------- 18x32 18x36 22x35 26x40 --------- ------6x12 8x12 8x12 8x16 8x16 10x16 10x16 12x21 12x21 16x26 16x26 18x32 18x32 18x40 ------------- 26x50 ------------ 25x40 30x40 35x45 35x60 --------- Case size of the products can be changed according to customer’s requirement Suntan® Technology Company Limited Website: Email: [email protected] Tel: (852) 8202 8782 Fax: (852) 8208 6246 Suntan ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITOR-MINIATURE TS13-TSE07 ▓ ® Case size table ØD F d α 4 1.5 0.45 5 2.0 0.5 6.3 2.5 8 3.5 0.5 1.0 Nominal capacitance, rated voltage and case size table DxL μF WV mm 0.1 0.15 0.22 0.33 0.47 0.68 1.0 1.5 2.2 3.3 4.7 6.8 10 15 22 33 47 68 100 220 4 6.3 10 16 25 35 50 ---------------4x7 4x7 4x7 4x7 5x7 --------------4x7 4x7 4x7 4x7 4x7(5x7) 6.3x7 --------------4x7 4x7 4x7 4x7 5x7 6.3x7 ------------4x7 4x7 4x7 4x7 5x7 5x7 6.3x7 -- ------------4x7 4x7 4x7 5x7 6.3x7 6.3x7 8x9 -- ----------4x7 4x7 4x7 5x7 5x7 6.3x7 6.3x7 ---- 4x7 4x7 4x7 4x7 4x7 4x7 4x7 4x7 4x7 4x7 4x7 4x7 5x7 6.3x7 8x9 ------ Case size of the products can be changed according to customer’s requirement Suntan® Technology Company Limited Website: Email: [email protected] Tel: (852) 8202 8782 Fax: (852) 8208 6246 Suntan ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITOR-SUPER MINIATURE TS13-TSE05 ▓ ® Case size table ØD F d a 4 1.5 0.45 5 2.0 0.45 1.0 6.3 2.5 0.45 8 3.5 0.45 1.5 Nominal capacitance, rated voltage and case size table DxL μF WV mm 0.1 0.22 0.33 0.47 0.68 1.0 2.2 3.3 4.7 6.8 10 22 33 47 68 100 220 330 4 6.3 10 16 25 35 50 -----------4x5 4x5 4x5 5x5 5x5 6.3x5 8x5 ----------4x5 4x5 5x5 5x5 6.3x5 6.3x5 8x5 8x5 ----------4x5 4x5 5x5 6.3x5 6.3x5 8x5 --- ----------4x5 4x5 5x5 6.3x5 6.3x5 8x5 --- --------4x5 4x5 4x5 5x5 6.3x5 8x5 ----- -------4x5 4x5 5x5 5x5 6.3x5 ------- 4x5 4x5 4x5 4x5 4x5 4x5 4x5 4x5 5x5 5x5 6.3x5 -------- Case size of the products can be changed according to customer’s requirement Note: Specification are subject to change without notice. For more detail and update, please visit our website. Suntan® Technology Company Limited Website: Email: [email protected] Tel: (852) 8202 8782 Fax: (852) 8208 6246