SD103AW~SD103CW SURFACE MOUNT SCHOTTKY BARRIER VOLTAGE 20 to 40 Volts CURRENT SOD-123 0.35 Ampers Unit: inch (mm) FEATURES .154(3.90) .141(3.60) • Low turn-on voltage • Fast switching • In compliance with EU RoHS 2002/95/EC directives .071(1.8) .055(1.4) .110(2.8) .098(2.5) .028(0.7) .019(0.5) • PN Junction Guard Ring for Transient and ESD Protection. MECHANICAL DATA .008(.20)MAX • Terminals: Solderable per MIL-STD-750, Method 2026 • Approx. Weight: 0.01 gram • .053(1.35) .037(0.95) • Case: SOD-123, Plastic Polarity : Color band cathode .016(.40)MIN .005(.12)MAX 1 Cathode 2 Anode MAXIMUM RATINGS AND ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Ratings at 25OC ambient temperature unless otherwise specified. For capacitive load, derate current by 20%. P a ra me te r S ym b o l S D 1 0 3 AW SD103BW SD103CW U ni t s - S6 S7 S8 - M a xi m um R e c ur r e nt P e a k R e ve r s e V o l t a g e V RRM 40 30 20 V M a xi m um R M S V o l t a g e V RMS 28 21 14 V M a xi m um D C B l o c k i ng V o l t a g e V DC 40 30 20 V M a x i m u m A v e r a g e F o r w a r d C u r r e n t a t Ta = 7 5 O C IF ( A V ) 0 .3 5 A P e a k F o r w a r d S ur g e C ur r e nt a t 1 0 uS IF S M 2 .0 A M a x i m u m In s t a n t a n e o u s F o r w a r d V o l t a g e VF 0 .3 7 @0 .0 2 A 0 .6 0 @0 .2 A V M a xi m um R e ve r s e C ur r e nt IR Ty p i c a l J u n c t i o n C a p a c i t a n c e a t V R = 0 V CJ 50 R θJ A 300 TJ -5 5 to +1 2 5 M a r k i ng C o d e Typcial Th e r m a l R e s i s t a n c e O p e r a t i n g J u n c t i o n a n d S t o r a g e Te m p e r a t u r e R a n g e REV.0.1-MAR.3.2009 5 .0 @3 0 V 5 .0 @2 0 V 5 .0 @1 0 V uA pF O C / W O C PAGE . 1 SD103AW~SD103CW RATING AND CHARACTERISTIC CURVES 0.8 0.7 FORAWRD CURRENT, mA AVERAGE FORWARD CURRENT, AMPS 1000 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 100 10 0.1 0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 1.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 O AMBIENT TEMPERATURE, C FORWARD VOLTAGE, VOLTS Fig.1 FORWARD CURRENT DERATING CURVE Fig.2 TYPICAL FORWARD CHARACTERISTIC 100 O T J =125 C 100 10 CAPACITANCE, pF REVERSE CURRENT, uAmps 1000 T J =75 OC 1.0 10 1.0 O T J =25 C 0.1 0 10 20 30 REVERSE VOLTAGE, Volts Fig.3 TYPICAL REVERSE CURRENT REV.0.1-MAR.3.2009 40 0.1 0 10 20 30 40 REVERSE VOLTAGE, VOLTS Fig.4 TYPICAL JUNCTION CAPACITANCE PAGE . 2 SD103AW~SD103CW MOUNTING PAD LAYOUT ORDER INFORMATION • Packing information T/R - 10K per 13" plastic Reel T/R - 3K per 7" plastic Reel LEGAL STATEMENT Copyright PanJit International, Inc 2009 The information presented in this document is believed to be accurate and reliable. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. Pan Jit makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose. Pan Jit products are not authorized for use in life support devices or systems. Pan Jit does not convey any license under its patent rights or rights of others. REV.0.1-MAR.3.2009 PAGE . 3