Optoway PD-1310 **************************************************************************************************************************************************************** InGaAs PIN PD MODULES PD-1310 InGaAs PIN PHOTODIODE WITH SINGLE-MODE FIBER PIGTAIL **************************************************************************************************************************************************************** FEATURES ² High responsivity for dual windows at 1310 nm and 1550 nm ² Low dark current ² Quick pulse response ² Low return loss ² Coaxial Module with 9/125 µm Single-Mode Fiber (PD-1310) APPLICATION SDH, ATM, LAN DESCRIPTION PD-1310 series are designed for coupling a single-mode fiber with high reliable InGaAs PIN photodiodes. PD-1310 series are specially designed as detector for Datacom and Telecom application. ELECTRICAL AND OPTICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Tc=25ºC) Symbol Parameter Detection Range R Responsivity Test Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit λ 1100 - 1650 nm VR=5V, λ=1300nm 0.85 - A/W VR=5V, λ=1550nm 0.90 - A/W Idark Dark Current VR=5V 0.3 0.7 nA C Capacitance VR=5V 0.7 1.0 pF Tr/Tf Rise/Fall Time VR=5V, 10~90% 0.5 ns ORL Optical Return Loss VR=5V, λ=1300nm 40 dB BW Bandwidth VR=5V 2 GHz Absolute Maximum Ratings (Tc=25 ºC) Symbol Parameter Ratings Unit Po Input Optical Power 10 mW VRD PD Reverse Voltage 20 V IFD PD Forward Current 10 mA Topr Operating Temperature -40~+85 ºC Tstg Storage Temperature -40~+85 ºC **************************************************************************************************************************************************************** OPTOWAY TECHNOLOGY INC. No.38, Kuang Fu S. Road, Hu Kou, Hsin Chu Industrial Park, Hsin Chu, Taiwan 303 Tel: 886-3-5979798 E-mail: sales@optoway.com.tw Fax:886-3-5979737 http: // www.optoway.com.tw 1/3/2002 V1.0 Optoway PD-1310 **************************************************************************************************************************************************************** MECHANICAL DIMENSION (mm) and PIN ASSIGNMENT Note: 1. Specifications subject to change without notice. 2. Other PIN assignment is available upon request. ORDER INFORMATION Part No.: P D − 1 3 □ 0 − □ Code 0 1 2 Fiber 50/125 µm 9/125 µm 62.5/125 µm Code V Flange Vertical H X Horizontal No Flange □ □ Code S F T Connector Type SC/PC FC/PC ST/PC X No Connector SA FA SC/APC FC/APC **************************************************************************************************************************************************************** OPTOWAY TECHNOLOGY INC. No.38, Kuang Fu S. Road, Hu Kou, Hsin Chu Industrial Park, Hsin Chu, Taiwan 303 Tel: 886-3-5979798 E-mail: sales@optoway.com.tw Fax:886-3-5979737 http: // www.optoway.com.tw 1/3/2002 V1.0