Hebei I.T. (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. LED SPECIFICATION Part No.:530AG7C Ø Features/特征: l Single color/单色 l High bright output/高亮度输出 l Low power consumption/低功耗 l High reliability and long life/ 可靠性高、寿命长 Ø Descriptions/描述: l Dice material/芯片材质:GaP l Emitting Color/发光颜色: Super Bright Green/ 高亮度绿色 l Device Outline/产品外形: φ5mm Round Type/ 5mm 圆形 1. All dimensions are millimeters/单位:mm. 2. Tolerance is +/-0.25mm unless otherwise noted/ 没有标注的公差均为±0.25mm. l Lens Type 胶体颜色: Water Clear/ 无色透明 Directivity/指向特性: DIRECTIVITY/指向特性 Relative Luminous Intensity /相对亮度 Ø 0° 1.0 Ta=25°C IF=20mA 30° 60° 0.5 0 90° 60° 30° 0° 0.5 90° 1.0 Radiation Angle/辐射角度 www.ledz.com 1/3 Hebei I.T. (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. LED SPECIFICATION Part No.:530AG7C Ø Absolute maximum ratings/极限参数(Ta = 25℃) Parameter 参数 Reverse Voltage 反向电压 Forward Current 正向工作电流 Power Dissipation 损耗功率 Pulse Current 正向峰值电流 Operating Temperature 工作温度范围 Storage Temperature 储存温度范围 Symbol 符 号 Test Condition 测试条件 Min. Max. 单位 VR IR = 30μA 5 -- V IF ---- ---- 30 mA Pd ---- ---- 80 mW Ipeak Duty=0.1mS ,1kHz ---- 100 mA Topr ---- -40 +85 ℃ Tstr ---- -40 +100 ℃ Values 数值 Unit Ø Electrical and optical characteristics/光电参数(Ta = 25℃) Parameter 参数 Forward Voltage 正向电压 Reverse Current 反向电流 Dominate Wavelength 主波长 Peak Wavelength 峰值波长 Spectral Line half-width 半波长宽度 Luminous Intensity 发光强度 Viewing Angle 指向角度 Values 数值 Unit Typ. Max. 单位 2.2 2.6 V ---- ---- 30 μA IF = 20mA ---- 573 ---- nm λp IF = 20mA ---- 568 ---- nm Δλ IF = 20mA ---- 30 ---- nm IV IF = 20mA 120 ---- ---- mcd 2θ1/2 IF = 20mA 20 ---- ---- Deg. Symbol 符号 Test Condition 测试条件 VF IF = 20mA IR VR = 5V λd Min. www.ledz.com 2/3 Hebei I.T. (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. LED SPECIFICATION Part No.:530AG7C Ø Typical electrical/optical characteristic curves/光电特性曲线: Fig.1 正向电流 Vs. 正向电压 Fig.2 相对亮度 Vs. 正向电流 2.5 Luminous Intensity Relative Value at IF=20mA Forward Current(mA) 50 40 30 20 10 0 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 Forward Voltage(V) Relative Luminous Intensity Forward Current(mA) 30 20 10 0 0 20 40 60 80 Relative Luminous Intensity Ambient Temperature T A (℃) 100 1.0 0.5 0 10 20 30 40 IF-Forward Current (mA) 50 Fig.4 相对亮度 Vs. 环境温度 Fig.3 正向电流 Vs. 环境温度 40 1.5 0 2.6 50 2.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 Ambient Temperature T A (℃) 80 90 100 75 50 25 0 400 450 550 500 600 Wavelength λ(nm) 650 www.ledz.com 3/3