Hebei I.T. (Shanghai) Co., Ltd SPECIFICATION TEC1-04908 规格书 、 No Items Symbol Parameter 1 Max. Operating Tem. T <90℃ 2 Max. Cooling Power Qmax 30 3 Tem. Difference Max △Tmax 66 4 Input Voltage Max Vmax 5.9 5 Max. Current Imax 8.0 6 Resistance R 0.55-0.60 7 Parallel 8 Lines Condition Vacuum testing Tem Th=30℃ Vacuum testing Tem Th=30℃ Vacuum testing Tem Th=30℃ Vacuum testing Tem Th=30℃ Ambient Tem Th=25℃ ≤0.05 ㎜ 20AWG When the ambient temperature raise or fall 1℃, the module resistance will raise or fall 0.015 accordingly. PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version www.pdffactory.com