IEEE-STD-754 Floating Point Unit GRFPU Lite / GRFPU-FT Lite CompanionCore Data Sheet GAISLER Features Description • IEEE Std 754 compliant, supporting all rounding modes and exceptions • Operations: add, subtract, multiply, divide, square-root, convert, compare, move, abs, negate • Single and double precision (32- and 64-bit floats) data formats • Supports all SPARC V8 floating-point instructions • Fault-tolerant (FT) version available • Actel CompanionCore • Support for Fusion, IGLOO, ProASIC3/E, Axcelerator and RTAX-S Product Families The GRFPU Lite is an IEEE Std 754 compliant floating-point unit, supporting both single and double precision operands. All operations are IEEE Std 754 compliant, with the exception of denormalized numbers which are flushed to zero. The specified four rounding modes and the detection of exception conditions is fully supported. GRFPU Lite clk reset opcode operand1 ctrl_out Unpack Iteration unit (Add/Sub/Mul/Div) operand2 Pack result except cc round ctrl_in Control unit Applications The GRFPU Lite floating point unit is designed for embedded applications, combining high performance with low complexity and low power consumption. The GRFPU Lite has been designed to interface with the LEON3 SPARC processor. The fault-tolerant version of the GRFPU Lite in combination with the radiation tolerant Actel RTAX2000S FPGA gives a total immunity to radiation effects. This makes it ideally suited for space and other high-rel applications. Copyright Aeroflex Gaisler AB December 2008, Version 1.0.4 GAISLER 2 1 Introduction 1.1 Overview GRFPU Lite / GRFPU-FT Lite GRFPU Lite is a Floating Point Unit implementing floating-point operations as defined in IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic (IEEE Std 754) and SPARC V8 standard (IEEE Std 1754). Supported formats are single and double precision floating-point numbers. The GRFPU Lite interfaces the LEON3 SPARC V8 integer unit via the GRFPU Lite Control Unit (GRFPC Lite), as shown in figure 1. Register File LEON3 Integer Unit GRFPC Lite GRFPU Lite Figure 1. GRFPU Lite intergrated with the LEON3 processor via GRFPC Lite Control Unit The Fault-Tolerant (FT) version of the GRFPU Lite and GRFPC Lite include SEU protection by design. The FPU register file is protected using (32, 7) BCH coding, while all other registers are protected with TMR. 1.2 Signal overview The combined GRFPU / GRFPC Lite signals are shown in figure 2 and are directly compatible with the LEON3 processor core. Note that the interface signals are implemented as VHDL records and are not shown in detail. clk rst Clock & Reset holdn fpci Integer Unit Interface fpco rfo1 Register File Interface rfi1 rfo2 rfi2 Figure 2. Signal overview Copyright Aeroflex Gaisler AB December 2008, Version 1.0.4 GAISLER 1.3 3 GRFPU Lite / GRFPU-FT Lite Implementation characteristics The GRFPU / GRFPC Lite core is inherently portable and can be implemented on most FPGA and ASIC technologies. Table 1 shows the approximate cell count and frequency for different example configurations on Actel RTAX and ProASIC3. Table 1. Implementation characteristics (Cells / RAM blocks / AHB MHz) Core configuration RTAX2000S-1 ProASIC3 GRFPU/GRFPC Lite 7000 / 4 / 20 MHz 12000 / 4 / 30 MHz GRFPU/GRFPC-FT Lite 7100 / 4 / 20 MHz 13000 / 4 / 30 MHz The GRFPU Lite and GRFPU-FT Lite cores are available as pre-synthesized netlists only. The GRFPU Lite is only avialable bundled with the GRFPC Lite interface. Copyright Aeroflex Gaisler AB December 2008, Version 1.0.4 GAISLER 4 GRFPU Lite / GRFPU-FT Lite 2 GRFPU Lite - IEEE-754 Floating-Point Unit 2.1 Overview The GRFPU Lite floating-point unit implements floating-point operations as defined in IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic (IEEE-754) and SPARC V8 standard (IEEE-1754). Supported formats are single and double precision floating-point numbers. The floating-point unit is not pipelined and executes one floating-point operation at a time. GRFPU Lite clk reset ctrl_out Unpack opcode operand1 Iteration unit (Add/Sub/Mul/Div) operand2 Pack result except cc round ctrl_in Control unit 2.2 Functional Description 2.2.1 Floating-point number formats The floating-point unit handles floating-point numbers in single or double precision format as defined in IEEE-754 standard. Copyright Aeroflex Gaisler AB December 2008, Version 1.0.4 GAISLER 2.2.2 5 GRFPU Lite / GRFPU-FT Lite FP operations The floating-point unit supports four types of floating-point operations: arithmetic, compare, convert and move. The operations implement all FP instructions specified by SPARC V8 instruction set. All operations are summarized in the table below. Table 2. :Floating-point operations Operation Op1 Op2 Result Exceptions Description Arithmetic operations FADDS FADDD SP DP SP DP SP DP NV, OF, UF, NX Addition FSUBS FSUBD SP DP SP DP SP DP NV, OF, UF, NX Subtraction FMULS FMULD FSMULD SP DP SP SP DP SP SP DP DP NV, OF, UF, NX Multiplication FDIVS FDIVD SP DP SP DP SP DP NV, OF, UF, NX Division FSQRTS FSQRTD - SP DP SP DP NV, NX Square-root NV, OF, UF, NX NV,OF, UF Conversion operations FITOS FITOD - INT SP DP NX - Integer to floating-point conversion FSTOI FDTOI - SP DP INT NV, NX Floating-point to integer conversion. The result is rounded in round-to-zero mode. FSTOD FDTOS - SP DP DP SP NV NV, OF, UF, NX Conversion between floating-point formats Comparison operations FCMPS FCMPD SP DP SP DP CC NV Floating-point compare. Invalid exception is generated if either operand is a signaling NaN. FCMPES FCMPED SP DP SP DP CC NV Floating point compare. Invalid exception is generated if either operand is a NaN (quiet or signaling). Negate, Absolute value and Move FABSS - SP SP - Absolute value. FNEGS - SP SP - Negate. FMOVS SP SP - Move. Copies operand to result output. SP - single precision floating-point number CC - condition codes NV, OF, UF, NX - floating-point exceptions, see section 2.2.3 DP - double precision floating-point number INT - 32 bit integer Copyright Aeroflex Gaisler AB December 2008, Version 1.0.4 GAISLER 6 GRFPU Lite / GRFPU-FT Lite Below is a table of worst-case throughput of the floating point unit. Table 3. Worst-case instruction timing Instruction Throughput Latency FADDS, FADDD, FSUBS, FSUBD,FMULS, FMULD, FSMULD, FITOS, FITOD, FSTOI, FDTOI, FSTOD, FDTOS, FCMPS, FCMPD, FCMPES. FCMPED 8 8 FDIVS 31 31 FDIVD 57 57 FSQRTS 46 46 FSQRTD 65 65 2.2.3 Exceptions The floating-point unit detects all exceptions defined by the IEEE-754 standard. This includes detection of Invalid Operation (NV), Overflow (OF), Underflow (UF), Division-by-Zero (DZ) and Inexact (NX) exception conditions. Generation of special results such as NaNs and infinity is also implemented. 2.2.4 Rounding All four rounding modes defined in the IEEE-754 standard are supported: round-to-nearest, round-to+inf, round-to--inf and round-to-zero. Copyright Aeroflex Gaisler AB December 2008, Version 1.0.4 GAISLER 7 3 GRLFPC - GRFPU Lite Floating-point unit Controller 3.1 Overview GRFPU Lite / GRFPU-FT Lite The GRFPU Lite Floating-Point Unit Controller (GRLFPC) is used to attach the GRFPU Lite floating-point unit (FPU) to the LEON integer unit (IU). It performs decoding and dispatching of the floating-point (FP) operations to the floating-point unit as well as managing the floating-point register file, the floating-point state register (FSR) and the floating-point deferred-trap queue (FQ). The GRFPU Lite floating-point unit is not pipelined and executes only one instruction at a time. To improve performance, the controller (GRLFPC) allows the GRFPU Lite floating-point unit to execute in parallel with the processor pipeline as long as no new floating-point instructions are pending. 3.2 Floating-Point register file The floating-point register file contains 32 32-bit floating-point registers (%f0-%f31). The register file is accessed by floating-point load and store instructions (LDF, LDDF, STD, STDF) and floatingpoint operate instructions (FPop). In the FT-version, the floating-point register file is protected using 4-bit parity per 32-bit word. The controller is capable of detecting and correcting one bit error per byte. Errors are corrected using the instruction restart function in the IU. 3.3 Floating-Point State Register (FSR) The controller manages the floating-point state register (FSR) containing FPU mode and status information. All fields of the FSR register as defined in SPARC V8 specification are implemented and managed by the controller conform to the SPARC V8 specification and IEEE-754 standard. The non-standard bit of the FSR register is not used, all floating-point operations are performed in standard IEEE-compliant mode. Following floating-point trap types never occur and are therefore never set in the ftt field: - unimplemented_FPop: all FPop operations are implemented - unfinished_FPop: all FPop operation complete with valid result - invalid_fp_register: no check that double-precision register is 0 mod 2 is performed The controller implements the qne bit of the FSR register which reads 0 if the floating-point deferredqueue (FQ) is empty and 1 otherwise. The FSR is accessed using LDFSR and STFSR instructions. 3.4 Floating-Point Exceptions and Floating-Point Deferred-Queue The floating-point unit implements the SPARC deferred trap model for floating-point exceptions (fp_exception). A floating-point exception is caused by a floating-point instruction performing an operation resulting in one of following conditions: • an operation raises IEEE floating-point exception (ftt = IEEE_754_exception) e.g. executing invalid operation such as 0/0 while the NVM bit of the TEM field id set (invalid exception enabled). • sequence error: abnormal error condition in the FPU due to the erroneous use of the floatingpoint instructions in the supervisor software. • hardware_error: uncorrectable parity error is detected in the FP register file Copyright Aeroflex Gaisler AB December 2008, Version 1.0.4 GAISLER 8 GRFPU Lite / GRFPU-FT Lite The trap is deferred to the next floating-point instruction (FPop, FP load/store, FP branch) following the trap-inducing instruction. When the trap is taken the floating-point deferred-queue (FQ) contains the trap-inducing instruction. After the trap is taken the qne bit of the FSR is set and remains set until the FQ is emptied. STDFQ instruction reads a double-word from the floating-point deferred queue, the first word is the address of the instruction and the second word is the instruction code. Copyright Aeroflex Gaisler AB December 2008, Version 1.0.4 GAISLER 4 5 9 GRFPU Lite / GRFPU-FT Lite Reference documents [AMBA] AMBA Specification, Rev 2.0, ARM IHI 0011A, 13 May 1999, Issue A, first release, ARM Limited [GRLIB] GRLIB IP Library User's Manual, Aeroflex Gaisler, [GRIP] GRLIB IP Core User's Manual, Aeroflex Gaisler, [SPARC] The SPARC Architecture Manual, Version 8, Revision SAV080SI9308, SPARC International Inc. [IEEE] IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic, IEEE Std 754-1985 Ordering information Ordering information is provided in table 4 and a legend is provided in table 5. Table 4. Ordering information Product Source code Netlist Technology GRFPU/GRFPC Lite N/A EDIF/VHDL Any GRFPU/GRFPC-FT Lite N/A EDIF/VHDL RTAX Option Description GRFPU/GRFPC Lite Floating Point Unit and Control Unit GRFPU/GRFCP-FT Lite Fault-Tolerant Floating Point Unit and Control Unit EDIF EDIF gate-level netlist VHDL VHDL gate-level netlist AX Axcelerator Table 5. Ordering legend Designator Product Netlist Technology Copyright Aeroflex Gaisler AB RTAX Fault-Tolerant Axcelerator PROASIC3 ProASIC3 PROASICE ProASICE FUSION Fusion IGLOO IGLOO December 2008, Version 1.0.4 GAISLER 10 GRFPU Lite / GRFPU-FT Lite Table of contents 1 Introduction.............................................................................................................................. 2 1.1 1.2 1.3 2 GRFPU Lite - IEEE-754 Floating-Point Unit.......................................................................... 4 2.1 2.2 3 Overview ................................................................................................................................................. 2 Signal overview ....................................................................................................................................... 2 Implementation characteristics................................................................................................................ 3 Overview ................................................................................................................................................. 4 Functional Description ............................................................................................................................ 4 2.2.1 Floating-point number formats ................................................................................................. 4 2.2.2 FP operations ............................................................................................................................ 5 2.2.3 Exceptions................................................................................................................................. 6 2.2.4 Rounding................................................................................................................................... 6 GRLFPC - GRFPU Lite Floating-point unit Controller .......................................................... 7 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Overview ................................................................................................................................................. 7 Floating-Point register file....................................................................................................................... 7 Floating-Point State Register (FSR)........................................................................................................ 7 Floating-Point Exceptions and Floating-Point Deferred-Queue ............................................................. 7 4 Reference documents ............................................................................................................... 9 5 Ordering information ............................................................................................................... 9 Copyright Aeroflex Gaisler AB December 2008, Version 1.0.4 GAISLER 11 GRFPU Lite / GRFPU-FT Lite Information furnished by Aeroflex Gaisler AB is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Aeroflex Gaisler AB for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Aeroflex Gaisler AB. Aeroflex Gaisler AB tel +46 31 7758650 Kungsgatan 12 fax +46 31 421407 411 19 Göteborg [email protected] Sweden GAISLER Copyright © December 2008 Aeroflex Gaisler AB. All information is provided as is. There is no warranty that it is correct or suitable for any purpose, neither implicit nor explicit. Copyright Aeroflex Gaisler AB December 2008, Version 1.0.4