IS42S16800A 8Meg x16 128-MBIT SYNCHRONOUS DRAM JUNE 2007 • Clock frequency: 143, 100 MHz OVERVIEW ISSI's 128Mb Synchronous DRAM achieves high-speed • Fully synchronous; all signals referenced to a positive clock edge data transfer using pipeline architecture. All inputs and outputs signals refer to the rising edge of the clock input.The 128Mb SDRAM is organized as follows. FEATURES • Internal bank for hiding row access/precharge • Power supply VDD IS42S16800A VDDQ 3.3V 3.3V • LVTTL interface IS42S16800A 2M x16x4 Banks 54-pin TSOPII • Programmable burst length – (1, 2, 4, 8, full page) • Programmable burst sequence: Sequential/Interleave • Auto Refresh (CBR) and Self Refresh Modes • 4096 refresh cycles every 64 ms • Random column address every clock cycle KEY TIMING PARAMETERS • Programmable CAS latency (2, 3 clocks) Parameter -7 -10 Unit • Burst read/write and burst read/single write operations capability Clk Cycle Time CAS Latency = 3 CAS Latency = 2 7 10 10 10 ns ns Clk Frequency CAS Latency = 3 CAS Latency = 2 143 100 100 100 Mhz Mhz Access Time from Clock CAS Latency = 3 CAS Latency = 2 5.4 6 7 9 ns ns • Burst termination by burst stop and precharge command • Lead-free Availability Copyright © 2005 Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. All rights reserved. ISSI reserves the right to make changes to this specification and its products at any time without notice. ISSI assumes no liability arising out of the application or use of any information, products or services described herein. Customers are advised to obtain the latest version of this device specification before relying on any published information and before placing orders for products. Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — Rev. A 06/01/07 1 IS42S16800A DEVICE OVERVIEW The 128Mb SDRAM is a high speed CMOS, dynamic random-access memory designed to operate in 3.3V VDD and 3.3V VDDQ memory systems containing 134,217,728 bits. Internally configured as a quad-bank DRAM with a synchronous interface. Each 33,554,432-bit bank is organized as 4,096 rows by 512 columns by 16 bits. The 128Mb SDRAM includes an AUTO REFRESH MODE, and a power-saving, power-down mode. All signals are registered on the positive edge of the clock signal, CLK. All inputs and outputs are LVTTL compatible. The 128Mb SDRAM has the ability to synchronously burst data at a high data rate with automatic column-address generation, the ability to interleave between internal banks to hide precharge time and the capability to randomly change column addresses on each clock cycle during burst access. A self-timed row precharge initiated at the end of the burst sequence is available with the AUTO PRECHARGE function enabled. Precharge one bank while accessing one of the other three banks will hide the precharge cycles and provide seamless, high-speed, random-access operation. SDRAM read and write accesses are burst oriented starting at a selected location and continuing for a programmed number of locations in a programmed sequence. The registration of an ACTIVE command begins accesses, followed by a READ or WRITE command. The ACTIVE command in conjunction with address bits registered are used to select the bank and row to be accessed (BA0, BA1 select the bank; A0-A11 select the row). The READ or WRITE commands in conjunction with address bits registered are used to select the starting column location for the burst access. Programmable READ or WRITE burst lengths consist of 1, 2, 4 and 8 locations or full page, with a burst terminate option. FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM (FOR 2MX16X4 BANKS ONLY) DQML DQMH DATA IN BUFFER COMMAND DECODER & CLOCK GENERATOR 16 MODE REGISTER 12 2 SELF I/O 0-15 VDD/VDDQ DATA OUT BUFFER REFRESH A10 CONTROLLER A11 A9 A8 A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 BA0 BA1 16 REFRESH CONTROLLER Vss/VssQ 16 16 12 MULTIPLEXER REFRESH COUNTER ROW ADDRESS LATCH 12 12 COLUMN ADDRESS LATCH ROW ADDRESS BUFFER ROW DECODER CLK CKE CS RAS CAS WE 4096 4096 4096 4096 MEMORY CELL ARRAY BANK 0 SENSE AMP I/O GATE 512 (x 16) BANK CONTROL LOGIC 9 BURST COUNTER COLUMN ADDRESS BUFFER 2 COLUMN DECODER 9 Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — Rev. A 06/01/07 IS42S16800A PIN CONFIGURATIONS 54 pin TSOP - Type II for x16 VDD 1 54 VSS I/O0 2 53 I/O15 VDDQ 3 52 VSSQ I/O1 4 51 I/O14 I/O2 5 50 I/O13 VSSQ 6 49 VDDQ I/O3 7 48 I/O12 I/O4 8 47 I/O11 VDDQ 9 46 VSSQ I/O5 10 45 I/O10 I/O6 11 44 I/O9 VSSQ 12 43 VDDQ I/O7 13 42 I/O8 VDD 14 41 VSS LDQM 15 40 NC WE 16 39 UDQM CAS 17 38 CLK RAS 18 37 CKE CS 19 36 NC BA0 20 35 A11 BA1 21 34 A9 A10 22 33 A8 A0 23 32 A7 A1 24 31 A6 A2 25 30 A5 A3 26 29 A4 VDD 27 28 VSS PIN DESCRIPTIONS A0-A11 Row Address Input WE Write Enable A0-A8 Column Address Input DQML x16 Lower Byte, Input/Output Mask BA0, BA1 Bank Select Address DQMH x16 Upper Byte, Input/Output Mask I/O0 to I/O15 Data I/O VDD Power CLK System Clock Input Vss Ground CKE Clock Enable VDDQ Power Supply for I/O Pin CS Chip Select VssQ Ground for I/O Pin RAS Row Address Strobe Command NC No Connection CAS Column Address Strobe Command Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — Rev. A 06/01/07 3 IS42S16800A PIN FUNCTIONS 4 Symbol Type Function (In Detail) A0-A11 Input Pin BA0, BA1 Input Pin CAS Input Pin CAS, in conjunction with the RAS and WE, forms the device command. See the "Command Truth Table" for details on device commands. CKE Input Pin The CKE input determines whether the CLK input is enabled. The next rising edge of the CLK signal will be valid when is CKE HIGH and invalid when LOW. When CKE is LOW, the device will be in either power-down mode, clock suspend mode, or self refresh mode. CKE is an asynchronous input. CLK Input Pin CLK is the master clock input for this device. Except for CKE, all inputs to this device are acquired in synchronization with the rising edge of this pin. CS Input Pin The CS input determines whether command input is enabled within the device. Command input is enabled when CS is LOW, and disabled with CS is HIGH. The device remains in the previous state when CS is HIGH. DQML, DQMH Input Pin DQML and DQMH control the lower and upper bytes of the I/O buffers. In read mode,DQML and DQMH control the output buffer. WhenDQML orDQMH is LOW, the corresponding buffer byte is enabled, and when HIGH, disabled. The outputs go to the HIGH impedance state whenDQML/DQMH is HIGH. This function corresponds to OE in conventional DRAMs. In write mode,DQML and DQMH control the input buffer. WhenDQML or DQMH is LOW, the corresponding buffer byte is enabled, and data can be written to the device. WhenDQML or DQMH is HIGH, input data is masked and cannot be written to the device. RAS Input Pin RAS, in conjunction with CAS and WE, forms the device command. See the "Command Truth Table" item for details on device commands. WE Input Pin WE, in conjunction with RAS and CAS, forms the device command. See the "Command Truth Table" item for details on device commands. Address Inputs: A0-A11 are sampled during the ACTIVE command (row-address A0-A11) and READ/WRITE command A0-A8 (x16) with A10 defining auto precharge) to select one location out of the memory array in the respective bank. A10 is sampled during a PRECHARGE command to determine if all banks are to be precharged (A10 HIGH) or bank selected by BA0, BA1 (LOW). The address inputs also provide the op-code during a LOAD MODE REGISTER command. Bank Select Address: BA0 and BA1 defines which bank the ACTIVE, READ, WRITE or PRECHARGE command is being applied. VDDQ Power Supply Pin VDDQ is the output buffer power supply. VDD Power Supply Pin VDD is the device internal power supply. VSSQ Power Supply Pin VSSQ is the output buffer ground. VSS Power Supply Pin VSS is the device internal ground. Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — Rev. A 06/01/07 IS42S16800A GENERAL DESCRIPTION READ The READ command selects the bank from BA0, BA1 inputs and starts a burst read access to an active row. Inputs A0-A8 (x16) provides the starting column location. When A10 is HIGH, this command functions as an AUTO PRECHARGE command. When the auto precharge is selected, the row being accessed will be precharged at the end of the READ burst. The row will remain open for subsequent accesses when AUTO PRECHARGE is not selected. DQ’s read data is subject to the logic level on the DQM inputs two clocks earlier. When a given DQM signal was registered HIGH, the corresponding DQ’s will be HighZ two clocks later. DQ’s will provide valid data when the DQM signal was registered LOW. WRITE A burst write access to an active row is initiated with the WRITE command. BA0, BA1 inputs selects the bank, and the starting column location is provided by inputs A0-A8 (x16). Whether or not AUTO-PRECHARGE is used is determined by A10. The row being accessed will be precharged at the end of the WRITE burst, if AUTO PRECHARGE is selected. If AUTO PRECHARGE is not selected, the row will remain open for subsequent accesses. A memory array is written with corresponding input data on DQ’s and DQM input logic level appearing at the same time. Data will be written to memory when DQM signal is LOW. When DQM is HIGH, the corresponding data inputs will be ignored, and a WRITE will not be executed to that byte/ column location. PRECHARGE The PRECHARGE command is used to deactivate the open row in a particular bank or the open row in all banks. BA0, BA1 can be used to select which bank is precharged or they are treated as “Don’t Care”. A10 determined whether one or all banks are precharged. After executing this command, the next command for the selected banks(s) is executed after passage of the period tRP, which is the period required for bank precharging. Once a bank has been precharged, it is in the idle state and must be activated prior to any READ or WRITE commands being issued to that bank. AUTO PRECHARGE The AUTO PRECHARGE function ensures that the precharge is initiated at the earliest valid stage within a burst. This function allows for individual-bank precharge without requiring an explicit command. A10 to enable the AUTO Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — Rev. A 06/01/07 PRECHARGE function in conjunction with a specific READ or WRITE command. For each individual READ or WRITE command, auto precharge is either enabled or disabled. AUTO PRECHARGE does not apply except in full-page burst mode. Upon completion of the READ or WRITE burst, a precharge of the bank/row that is addressed is automatically performed. AUTO REFRESH COMMAND This command executes the AUTO REFRESH operation. The row address and bank to be refreshed are automatically generated during this operation. The stipulated period (tRC) is required for a single refresh operation, and no other commands can be executed during this period. This command is executed at least 4096 times for every 64ms. During an AUTO REFRESH command, address bits are “Don’t Care”. This command corresponds to CBR Auto-refresh. BURST TERMINATE The BURST TERMINATE command forcibly terminates the burst read and write operations by truncating either fixedlength or full-page bursts and the most recently registered READ or WRITE command prior to the BURST TERMINATE. COMMAND INHIBIT COMMAND INHIBIT prevents new commands from being executed. Operations in progress are not affected, apart from whether the CLK signal is enabled NO OPERATION When CS is low, the NOP command prevents unwanted commands from being registered during idle or wait states. LOAD MODE REGISTER During the LOAD MODE REGISTER command the mode register is loaded from A0-A11. This command can only be issued when all banks are idle. ACTIVE COMMAND When the ACTIVE COMMAND is activated, BA0, BA1 inputs selects a bank to be accessed, and the address inputs on A0-A11 selects the row. Until a PRECHARGE command is issued to the bank, the row remains open for accesses. 5 IS42S16800A COMMAND TRUTH TABLE CKE Function Symbol n–1 Device deselect H No operation H Burst stop H Read H Read with auto precharge H Write H Write with auto precharge H Bank activate H Precharge select bank H Precharge all banks H Mode register set H n × × H × × × × × × × × CS H L L L L L L L L L L RAS × H H H H H H L L L L CAS × H H L L L L H H H L WE × H L H H L L H L L L BA1 × × × V V V V V V × L BA0 × × × V V V V V V × L A10 × × × L H L H V L H L A11 A9 - A0 × × V V V V V × × V Note: H=VIH, L=VIL x= VIH or VIL, V = Valid Data. DQM TRUTH TABLE Function Symbol Data write / output enable Data mask / output disable Upper byte write enable / output enable Lower byte write enable / output enable Upper byte write inhibit / output disable Lower byte write inhibit / output disable CKE n-1 H H H H H H n × × × × × × DQM U L H L × H × L L H × L × H Note: H=VIH, L=VIL x= VIH or VIL, V = Valid Data. 6 Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — Rev. A 06/01/07 IS42S16800A CKE TRUTH TABLE CKE Current State /Function Activating Clock suspend mode entry Any Clock suspend mode Clock suspend mode exit Auto refresh command Idle Self refresh entry Idle Power down entry Idle Deep power down entry Self refresh exit Power down exit Deep power down exit n–1 H L L H H H H H L L L L L n L L H H L L L L H H H H H CS × × × L L L H L L H L H × RAS × × × L L H × H H × H × × CAS × × × L L H × H H × H × × WE × × × H H H × L H × H × × Address × × × × × × × × × × × × × Note: H=VIH, L=VIL x= VIH or VIL, V = Valid Data. Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — Rev. A 06/01/07 7 IS42S16800A FUNCTIONAL TRUTH TABLE CS Idle Row Active Read Write RAS CAS WE Address Command Action H X X X X DESL Nop L H H H X NOP Nop L H H L X BST Nop L H L H BA, CA, A10 READ/READA ILLEGAL (2) L H L L A, CA, A10 WRIT/ WRITA ILLEGAL(2) L L H H BA, RA ACT Row activating L L H L BA, A10 PRE/PALL Nop L L L H X REF Auto refresh L L L L OC, BA1=L MRS Mode register set H X X X X DESL Nop L H H H X NOP Nop L H H L X BST Nop L H L H BA, CA, A10 READ/READA Begin read (3) L H L L BA, CA, A10 WRIT/ WRITA Begin write (3) L L H H BA, RA ACT ILLEGAL (2) L L H L BA, A10 PRE/PALL L L L H X REF L L L L OC, BA MRS ILLEGAL H X X X X DESL Continue burst to end to Row active L H H H X NOP Continue burst to end Row Row active Precharge/Precharge all banks( ILLEGAL L H H L X BST Burst stop Row active L H L H BA, CA, A10 READ/READA Terminate burst, begin new read (5) L H L L BA, CA, A10 WRIT/WRITA Terminate burst, begin write (5, 6) L L H H BA, RA ACT ILLEGAL (2) L L H L BA, A10 PRE/PALL Terminate burst Precharging L L L H X REF ILLEGAL L L L L OC, BA MRS ILLEGAL H X X X X DESL Continue burst to end Write recovering L H H H X NOP Continue burst to end Write recovering L H H L X BST Burst stop Row active L H L H BA, CA, A10 READ/READA Terminate burst, start read : Determine AP (5, 6) L H L L BA, CA, A10 WRIT/WRITA Terminate burst, new write : Determine AP (5) L L H H BA, RA RA ACT ILLEGAL (2) L L H L BA, A10 PRE/PALL Terminate burst Precharging L L L H X REF ILLEGAL L L L L OC, BA MRS ILLEGAL (7) Note: H=VIH, L=VIL x= VIH or VIL, V = Valid Data, BA= Bank Address, CA+Column Address, RA=Row Address, OC= Op-Code 8 Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — Rev. A 06/01/07 IS42S16800A FUNCTIONAL TRUTH TABLE Continued: CS RAS CAS Read with auto Precharging H × × Precharge Precharging L H H Write with Auto Precharge Precharging Row Activating WE Address Command Action × × DESL Continue burst to end - H x NOP Continue burst to end - L H H L × BST ILLEGAL L H L H BA, CA, A10 READ/READA ILLEGAL (2) L H L L BA, CA, A10 WRIT/ WRITA ILLEGAL (2) L L H H BA, RA ACT ILLEGAL (2) L L H L BA, A10 PRE/PALL ILLEGAL (2) L L L H × REF ILLEGAL L L L L OC, BA MRS ILLEGAL H × × × × DESL Continue burst to end -Write recovering with auto precharge L H H H × NOP Continue burst to end -Write recoveringwith auto precharge L H H L × BST ILLEGAL L H L H BA, CA, A10 READ/READA ILLEGAL(2) L H L L BA, CA, A10 WRIT/ WRITA ILLEGAL (2) L L H H BA, RA ACT ILLEGAL (2) L L H L BA, A10 PRE/PALL ILLEGAL (2) L L L H × REF ILLEGAL L L L L OC, BA MRS ILLEGAL H × × × × DESL Nop Enter idle after tRP L H H H × NOP Nop Enter idle after tRP L H H L × BST ILLEGAL L H L H BA, CA, A10 READ/READA ILLEGAL (2) L H L L BA, CA, A10 WRIT/WRITA ILLEGAL (2) L L H H BA, RA ACT ILLEGAL(2) L L H L BA, A10 PRE/PALL Nop Enter idle after tRP L L L H × REF ILLEGAL L L L L OC, BA MRS ILLEGAL H × × × × DESL Nop Enter bank active after tRCD L H H H × NOP Nop Enter bank active after tRCD L H H L × BST ILLEGAL L H L H BA, CA, A10 READ/READA ILLEGAL (2) L H L L BA, CA, A10 WRIT/WRITA ILLEGAL (2) L L H H BA, RA ACT ILLEGAL (2,8) L L H L BA, A10 PRE/PALL ILLEGAL (2) L L L H × REF ILLEGAL L L L L OC, BA MRS ILLEGAL Note: H=VIH, L=VIL x= VIH or VIL, V = Valid Data, BA= Bank Address, CA+Column Address, RA=Row Address, OC= Op-Code Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — Rev. A 06/01/07 9 IS42S16800A FUNCTIONAL TRUTH TABLE Continued: CS Write Recovering RAS CAS WE Address Command Action H × × × × DESL Nop Enter row active after tDPL L H H H × NOP Nop Enter row active after tDPL L H H L × BST Nop Enter row active after tDPL L H L H BA, CA, A10 READ/READA Begin read (6) L H L L BA, CA, A10 WRIT/ WRITA Begin new write L L H H BA, RA ACT ILLEGAL (2) L L H L BA, A10 PRE/PALL ILLEGAL (2) L L L H × REF ILLEGAL L L L L OC, BA MRS ILLEGAL Write Recovering H × × × × DESL Nop Enter precharge after tDPL with Auto L H H H × NOP Nop Enter precharge after tDPL Precharge L H H L × BST Nop Enter row active after tDPL L H L H BA, CA, A10 READ/READA ILLEGAL L H L L BA, CA, A10 WRIT/WRITA ILLEGAL (2, 6) L L H H BA, RA ACT ILLEGAL (2) L L H L BA, A10 PRE/PALL ILLEGAL (2) Refresh L L L H × REF ILLEGAL L L L L OC, BA MRS ILLEGAL H × × × × DESL Enter idle after tRC1 L H H H × NOP Nop Enter idle after tRC1 L H H L × BST Nop Enter idle after tRC1 L H L H BA, CA, A10 EAD/READA ILLEGAL ILLEGAL L H L L BA, CA, A10 WRIT/WRITA L L H H BA, RA ACT ILLEGAL L L H L BA, A10 PRE/PALL ILLEGAL L L L H × REF ILLEGAL L L L L OC, BA MRS ILLEGAL Mode Register H × × × × DESL Nop Enter idle after tRSC Accessing L H H H × NOP Nop Enter idle after tRSC L H H L × BST Nop Enter idle after tRSC L H L H BA, CA, A10 READ/READA ILLEGAL ILLEGAL L H L L BA, CA, A10 WRIT/WRITA L L H H BA, RA ACT ILLEGAL L L H L BA, A10 PRE/PALL ILLEGAL L L L H × REF ILLEGAL L L L L OC, BA MRS ILLEGAL Note: H=VIH, L=VIL x= VIH or VIL, V = Valid Data, BA= Bank Address, CA+Column Address, RA=Row Address, OC= Op-Code 10 Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — Rev. A 06/01/07 IS42S16800A FUNCTIONAL TRUTH TABLE Continued: Notes: 1. All entries assume that CKE is active (CKEn-1=CKEn=H). 2. Illegal to bank in specified states; Function may be legal in the bank indicated by Bank Address (BA), depending on the state of that bank. 3. Illegal if tRCD is not satisfied. 4. Illegal if tRAS is not satisfied. 5. Must satisfy burst interrupt condition. 6. Must satisfy bus contention, bus turn around, and/or write recovery requirements. 7. Must mask preceding data which don’t satisfy tDPL. 8. Illegal if tRRD is not satisfied. Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — Rev. A 06/01/07 11 IS42S16800A STATE DIAGRAM Self Refresh SELF SELF exit Mode Register Set MRS REF IDLE CKE DPD CKE DPD Exit ACT Deep Power Down Power Down CKE Row Active BST rge th ha wi ec rite Pr W to Au Read h wit ad arge h ec Pr Read to CKE Re Write Read Au Write CKE READ WRITE Write CKE CKE on na ti mi ter CKE READA SUSPEND E( PR n) tio ina Pr ec erm POWER ON CKE READA ha et rge arg CKE ch WRITEA Pre E( CKE READ SUSPEND ) RR WRITEA SUSPEND Active Power Down CKE BST WRITE SUSPEND CBR (Auto) Refresh Precharge Precharge Automatic sequence Manual Input 12 Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — Rev. A 06/01/07 IS42S16800A ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(1) Symbol Parameters VDD MAX VDDQ MAX VIN VOUT PD MAX ICS TOPR Maximum Supply Voltage Maximum Supply Voltage for Output Buffer Input Voltage Output Voltage Allowable Power Dissipation Output Shorted Current Operating Temperature Com. Ind. Storage Temperature TSTG Rating Unit –0.5 to +4.6 0.5 to +4.6 –0.5 to +4.6 –0.5 to +4.6 1 50 0 to +70 –40 to +85 –55 to +125 V V V V W mA °C °C Notes: 1. Stress greater than those listed under ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect reliability. 2. All voltages are referenced to Vss. DC RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS(2) (At TA = 0 to +70°C) Symbol VDD VDDQ VIH(1) VIL(2) Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Unit Supply Voltage I/O Supply Voltage Input High Voltage Input Low Voltage 3.0 3.0 2.0 -0.3 3.3 3.3 — — 3.6 3.6 VDDQ + 0.3 +0.8 V V V V Note: 1. VIH (max) = VDDQ +1.5V (PULSE WIDTH < 5NS). 2. VIL (min) = -1.5V (PULSE WIDTH < 5NS). CAPACITANCE CHARACTERISTICS (At TA = 0 to +25°C, VDD = VDDQ= 3.3 ± 0.3V, f = 1 MHz) Symbol Parameter CIN1 CIN2 CI/O Input Capacitance: CLK Input Capacitance:All other input pins Data Input/Output Capacitance:I/Os Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — Rev. A 06/01/07 Typ. Max. Unit — — — 3.5 3.8 6.5 pF pF pF 13 IS42S16800A DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Recommended Operation Conditions unless otherwise noted.) Symbol IIL Parameter Input Leakage Current IOL VOH VOL IDD1 Output Leakage Current Output High Voltage Level Output Low Voltage Level Operating Current(1,2) Test Condition 0V ≤ VIN ≤ VCC, with pins other than the tested pin at 0V Output is disabled, 0V ≤ VOUT ≤ VCC IOUT = –2 mA IOUT = +2 mA One Bank Operation, Burst Length=1 tRC ≥ tRC (min.) IOUT = 0mA CKE ≤ VIL (MAX) IDD2P IDD2PS IDD2N IDD2NS IDD3P IDD3PS IDD3N Precharge Standby Current (In Power-Down Mode) Precharge Standby Current (In Non Power-Down Mode) Active Standby Current (In Power-Down Mode) Active Standby Current IDD3NS IDD4 IDD5 (In Non Power-Down Mode) Operating Current (In Burst Mode)(1) Auto-Refresh Current tCK = tCK (MIN) IOUT = 0mA tRC = tRC (MIN) IDD6 Self-Refresh Current CKE ≤ 0.2V CKE ≥ VIH (MIN) CKE ≤ VIL (MAX) CKE ≥ VIH (MIN) Speed tCK = tCK (MIN) tCK = ∞ tCK = tCK (MIN) tCK = ∞ tCK = tCK (MIN) tCK = ∞ tCK = tCK (MIN) tCK = ∞ Min. –5 Max. 5 Unit µA –5 2.4 — 5 — 0.4 µA V V Com. Com. -7 -10 — — 160 140 mA mA Com. — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 3 2 25 15 10 10 35 mA mA mA mA mA mA mA Com. Com. Com. Com. Com. Com. — -7 -10 -7 -10 — — — — — — — 30 150 140 300 270 2 mA mA mA mA mA mA Notes: 1. These are the values at the minimum cycle time. Since the currents are transient, these values decrease as the cycle time increases. Also note that a bypass capacitor of at least 0.01 µF should be inserted between VDD and Vss for each memory chip to suppress power supply voltage noise (voltage drops) due to these transient currents. 2. IDD1 and IDD4 depend on the output load. The maximum values for Icc1 and Icc4 are obtained with the output open state. 14 Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — Rev. A 06/01/07 IS42S16800A AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (1,2,3,4) -7 Symbol Parameter Min. Max. -10 Min. Max Units tCK3 tCK2 Clock Cycle Time CAS Latency = 3 CAS Latency = 2 7 10 — — 10 10 — — ns ns tAC3 tAC2 Access Time From CLK(5) CAS Latency = 3 CAS Latency = 2 — — 5.4 6 — — 7 9 ns ns tCHI CLK HIGH Level Width 2.5 — 3.5 — ns tCL CLK LOW Level Width 2.5 — 3.5 — ns tOH3 tOH2 Output Data Hold Time 2.5 2.5 — — 2.5 2.5 — — ns ns tLZ Output LOW Impedance Time 0 — 0 — ns tHZ3 tHZ2 Output HIGH Impedance Time(6)CAS Latency = 3 CAS Latency = 2 — — 6 6 — — 7 9 ns ns tDS Input Data Setup Time(2,3) 1.5 — 2.0 — ns tDH Input Data Hold Time(2,3) 0.8 — 1 — ns 1.5 — 2.0 — ns 0.8 — 1 — ns 1.5 — 2.0 — ns 0.8 — 1 — ns 1CLK+3 — 1CLK+3 — ns tAS tAH tCKS CAS Latency = 3 CAS Latency = 2 (2,3) Address Setup Time Address Hold Time CKE Setup Time (2,3) (2,3) (2,3) tCKH CKE Hold Time tCKA CKE to CLK Recovery Delay Time tCS Command Setup Time (CS, RAS, CAS, WE, DQM)(2,3) 1.5 — 2.0 — ns tCH Command Hold Time (CS, RAS, CAS, WE, DQM)(2,3) 0.8 — 1 — ns tRC Command Period (REF to REF / ACT to ACT) 63 — 70 — ns tRAS Command Period (ACT to PRE) 37 120,000 44 120,000 ns tRP Command Period (PRE to ACT) 18 — 20 — ns tRCD Active Command To Read / Write Command Delay Time 18 — 20 — ns tRRD Command Period (ACT [0] to ACT[1]) 14 — 15 — ns tDPL3 Input Data To Precharge Command Delay time CAS Latency = 3 2CLK — 2CLK — ns tDPL2 CAS Latency = 2 2CLK — 2CLK — ns tDAL3 2CLK+tRP — 2CLK+tRP — ns tDAL2 Input Data To Active / Refresh CAS Latency = 3 Command Delay time (During Auto-Precharge) CAS Latency = 2 2CLK+tRP — 2CLK+tRP — ns tT Transition Time 0.5 10 0.5 10 ns tREF Refresh Cycle Time (4096) — 64 — 64 ms Notes: 1. When power is first applied, memory operation should be started 100 µs after VDD and VDDQ reach their stipulated voltages. Also note that the power-on sequence must be executed before starting memory operation. 2. Measured with tT = 1 ns. If clock rising time is longer than 1ns, (tR /2 - 0.5) ns should be added to the parameter. 3. Assumed input rise and fall time (tR & tF) = 1ns. If tR and tF are longer than 1ns, transient time compensation should be considered and (tR + tF) / 2-1 ns should be added to the parameter. 4. The reference level is 1.5V when measuring input signal timing. Rise and fall times are measured between VIH(min.) and VIL (max). 5. Access time is measured at 1.5V with the load shown in the figure below. 6. The time tHZ (max.) is defined as the time required for the output voltage to transition by ± 200 mV from VOH (min.) or VOL (max.) when the output is in the high impedance state. Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — Rev. A 06/01/07 15 IS42S16800A OPERATING FREQUENCY / LATENCY RELATIONSHIPS SYMBOL PARAMETER -7 -10. UNITS — Clock Cycle Time 7 10 ns — Operating Frequency 143 100 MHz tCCD READ/WRITE command to READ/WRITE command 1 1 cycle tCKED CKE to clock disable or power-down entry mode 1 1 cycle tPED CKE to clock enable or power-down exit setup mode 1 1 cycle tDQD DQM to input data delay 0 0 cycle tDQM DQM to data mask during WRITEs 0 0 cycle tDQZ DQM to data high-impedance during READs 2 2 cycle tDWD WRITE command to input data delay 0 0 cycle tDAL Data-in to ACTIVE command 4 4 cycle tDPL Data-in to PRECHARGE command 2 2 cycle tBDL Last data-in to burst STOP command 1 1 cycle tCDL Last data-in to new READ/WRITE command 1 1 cycle tRDL Last data-in to PRECHARGE command 2 2 cycle tMRD LOAD MODE REGISTER command to ACTIVE or REFRESH command 2 2 cycle tROH Data-out to high-impedance from PRECHARGE command 3 2 3 2 cycle 16 CL = 3 CL = 2 Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — Rev. A 06/01/07 IS42S16800A AC TEST CONDITIONS Input Load Output Load tCK tCL tCHI 3.0V CLK 1.5V 1.5V 0V 50Ω Z = 50Ω tCS tCH Output 3.0V 30 pF INPUT 1.5V 0V tAC tOH OUTPUT 1.5V 1.5V AC TEST CONDITIONS Parameter AC High Level Input Voltage/Low Level Input Voltage Input Rise and Fall Times Input Timing Reference Level Output Timing Measurement Reference Level Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — Rev. A 06/01/07 Unit 3.0V to 0V 1 ns 1.5V 1.5V 17 IS42S16800A FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION Initialization The 128Mb SDRAMs are quad-bank DRAMs which operate at 3.3V and include a synchronous interface (all signals are registered on the positive edge of the clock signal, CLK). Each of the 33,554,432-bit banks is organized as 4,096 rows by 512 columns by 16 bits. Read and write accesses to the SDRAM are burst oriented; accesses start at a selected location and continue for a programmed number of locations in a programmed sequence. Accesses begin with the registration of an ACTIVE command which is then followed by a READ or WRITE command. The address bits registered coincident with the ACTIVE command are used to select the bank and row to be accessed (BA0 and BA1 select the bank, A0-A11 select the row). The address bits A0-A8 (x16) registered coincident with the READ or WRITE command are used to select the starting column location for the burst access. Prior to normal operation, the SDRAM must be initialized. The following sections provide detailed information covering device initialization, register definition, command descriptions and device operation. SDRAMs must be powered up and initialized in a predefined manner. The 128M SDRAM is initialized after the power is applied to VDD and VDDQ (simultaneously) and the clock is stable. A 100µs delay is required prior to issuing any command other than a COMMAND INHIBIT or a NOP. The COMMAND INHIBIT or NOP may be applied during the 100us period and should continue at least through the end of the period. With at least one COMMAND INHIBIT or NOP command having been applied, a PRECHARGE command should be applied once the 100µs delay has been satisfied. All banks must be precharged. This will leave all banks in an idle state where two AUTO REFRESH cycles must be performed. After the AUTO REFRESH cycles are complete, the SDRAM is then ready for mode register programming. The mode register should be loaded prior to applying any operational command because it will power up in an unknown state. 18 Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — Rev. A 06/01/07 IS42S16800A INITIALIZE AND LOAD MODE REGISTER T0 T1 Tn+1 tCH tCK CLK To+1 tCL Tp+1 Tp+2 Tp+3 tCKS tCKH CKE tCMH tCMS tCMH tCMS tCMH tCMS NOP PRECHARGE AUTO REFRESH COMMAND NOP AUTO REFRESH NOP Load MODE REGISTER NOP ACTIVE DQM/ DQML, DQMH tAS tAH A0-A9, A11 ALL BANKS A10 CODE tAS tAH ROW CODE ROW SINGLE BANK BA0, BA1 BANK ALL BANKS DQ T Power-up: VCC and CLK stable tRP Precharge all banks tRFC AUTO REFRESH T = 100µs Min. Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — Rev. A 06/01/07 tRFC AUTO REFRESH tMRD Program MODE REGISTER (2, 3, 4) DON'T CARE 19 IS42S16800A AUTO-REFRESH CYCLE T0 T1 tCK CLK T2 tCL Tn+1 To+1 tCH tCKS tCKH CKE tCMS tCMH COMMAND PRECHARGE NOP Auto Refresh NOP Auto Refresh NOP ACTIVE DQM/ DQML, DQMH A0-A9, A11 ROW ALL BANKS A10 ROW SINGLE BANK BA0, BA1 DQ BANK BANK(s) tAS tAH High-Z tRP DON'T CARE 20 Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — Rev. A 06/01/07 IS42S16800A SELF-REFRESH CYCLE T0 T1 tCK CLK T2 tCH tCKS tCKH Tn+1 To+1 To+2 tCL tCKS ≥ tRAS CKE tCKS tCMS tCMH COMMAND PRECHARGE NOP Auto Refresh NOP NOP Auto Refresh DQM/ DQML, DQMH A0-A9, A11 ALL BANKS A10 SINGLE BANK tAS tAH BA0, BA1 BANK DQ High-Z tXSR tRP Precharge all active banks Enter self refresh mode CLK stable prior to exiting Exit self refresh mode self refresh mode (Restart refresh time base) Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — Rev. A 06/01/07 DON'T CARE 21 IS42S16800A REGISTER DEFINITION Mode Register Mode register bits M0-M2 specify the burst length, M3 specifies the type of burst (sequential or interleaved), M4- M6 specify the CAS latency, M7 and M8 specify the operating mode, M9 specifies the WRITE burst mode, and M10 and M11 are reserved for future use. The mode register must be loaded when all banks are idle, and the controller must wait the specified time before initiating the subsequent operation. Violating either of these requirements will result in unspecified operation. The mode register is used to define the specific mode of operation of the SDRAM. This definition includes the selection of a burst length, a burst type, a CAS latency, an operating mode and a write burst mode, as shown in MODE REGISTER DEFINITION. The mode register is programmed via the LOAD MODE REGISTER command and will retain the stored information until it is programmed again or the device loses power. MODE REGISTER DEFINITION BA1 BA0 A11 A10 A9 A8 A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 Address Bus Mode Register (Mx) (1) Burst Length Reserved M2 M1 M0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 M3=0 M3=1 1 2 4 8 Reserved Reserved Reserved Full Page 1 2 4 8 Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Burst Type M3 Type 0 1 Sequential Interleaved Latency Mode M6 M5 M4 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 CAS Latency Reserved Reserved 2 3 Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Operating Mode M8 M7 M6-M0 Mode 0 0 — — Defined — Standard Operation All Other States Reserved Write Burst Mode M9 0 1 22 Mode Programmed Burst Length Single Location Access 1. To ensure compatibility with future devices, should program BA1, BA0, A11, A10 = "0, 0" Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — Rev. A 06/01/07 IS42S16800A BURST LENGTH Read and write accesses to the SDRAM are burst oriented, with the burst length being programmable, as shown in MODE REGISTER DEFINITION. The burst length determines the maximum number of column locations that can be accessed for a given READ or WRITE command. Burst lengths of 1, 2, 4 or 8 locations are available for both the sequential and the interleaved burst types, and a full-page burst is available for the sequential type. The full-page burst is used in conjunction with the BURST TERMINATE command to generate arbitrary burst lengths. Reserved states should not be used, as unknown operation or incompatibility with future versions may result. When a READ or WRITE command is issued, a block of columns equal to the burst length is effectively selected. All accesses for that burst take place within this block, mean- ing that the burst will wrap within the block if a boundary is reached. The block is uniquely selected by A1-A8 (x16) when the burst length is set to two; by A2-A8 (x16) when the burst length is set to four; and by A3-A8 (x16) when the burst length is set to eight. The remaining (least significant) address bit(s) is (are) used to select the starting location within the block. Full-page bursts wrap within the page if the boundary is reached. Burst Type Accesses within a given burst may be programmed to be either sequential or interleaved; this is referred to as the burst type and is selected via bit M3. The ordering of accesses within a burst is determined by the burst length, the burst type and the starting column address, as shown in BURST DEFINITION table. BURST DEFINITION Burst Starting Column Length Address Order of Accesses Within a Burst Type = Sequential Type = Interleaved 0 0-1 0-1 1 1-0 1-0 A0 2 A1 A0 0 0 0-1-2-3 0-1-2-3 0 1 1-2-3-0 1-0-3-2 1 0 2-3-0-1 2-3-0-1 1 1 3-0-1-2 3-2-1-0 A2 A1 A0 0 0 0 0-1-2-3-4-5-6-7 0-1-2-3-4-5-6-7 0 0 1 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-0 1-0-3-2-5-4-7-6 0 1 0 2-3-4-5-6-7-0-1 2-3-0-1-6-7-4-5 0 1 1 3-4-5-6-7-0-1-2 3-2-1-0-7-6-5-4 1 0 0 4-5-6-7-0-1-2-3 4-5-6-7-0-1-2-3 1 0 1 5-6-7-0-1-2-3-4 5-4-7-6-1-0-3-2 1 1 0 6-7-0-1-2-3-4-5 6-7-4-5-2-3-0-1 1 1 1 7-0-1-2-3-4-5-6 7-6-5-4-3-2-1-0 Cn, Cn + 1, Cn + 2 Cn + 3, Cn + 4... …Cn - 1, Cn… Not Supported 4 8 Full Page (y) n = A0-A7 (location 0-y) Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — Rev. A 06/01/07 23 IS42S16800A CAS Latency Operating Mode The CAS latency is the delay, in clock cycles, between the registration of a READ command and the availability of the first piece of output data. The latency can be set to two or three clocks. If a READ command is registered at clock edge n, and the latency is m clocks, the data will be available by clock edge n + m. The DQs will start driving as a result of the clock edge one cycle earlier (n + m - 1), and provided that the relevant access times are met, the data will be valid by clock edge n + m. For example, assuming that the clock cycle time is such that all relevant access times are met, if a READ command is registered at T0 and the latency is programmed to two clocks, the DQs will start driving after T1 and the data will be valid by T2, as shown in CAS Latency diagrams. The Allowable Operating Frequency table indicates the operating frequencies at which each CAS latency setting can be used. Reserved states should not be used as unknown operation or incompatibility with future versions may result. The normal operating mode is selected by setting M7 and M8 to zero; the other combinations of values for M7 and M8 are reserved for future use and/or test modes. The programmed burst length applies to both READ and WRITE bursts. Test modes and reserved states should not be used because unknown operation or incompatibility with future versions may result. Write Burst Mode When M9 = 0, the burst length programmed via M0-M2 applies to both READ and WRITE bursts; when M9 = 1, the programmed burst length applies to READ bursts, but write accesses are single-location (nonburst) accesses. CAS Latency Allowable Operating Frequency (MHz) Speed CAS Latency = 2 CAS Latency = 3 7 100 143 10 100 100 CAS LATENCY T0 T1 T2 T3 READ NOP NOP CLK COMMAND tAC DOUT DQ tOH tLZ CAS Latency - 2 T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 READ NOP NOP NOP CLK COMMAND tAC DOUT DQ tLZ tOH CAS Latency - 3 DON'T CARE UNDEFINED 24 Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — Rev. A 06/01/07 IS42S16800A ACTIVATING SPECIFIC ROW WITHIN SPECIFIC BANK CHIP OPERATION BANK/ROW ACTIVATION Before any READ or WRITE commands can be issued to a bank within the SDRAM, a row in that bank must be “opened.” This is accomplished via the ACTIVE command, which selects both the bank and the row to be activated (see Activating Specific Row Within Specific Bank). After opening a row (issuing an ACTIVE command), a READ or WRITE command may be issued to that row, subject to the tRCD specification. Minimum tRCD should be divided by the clock period and rounded up to the next whole number to determine the earliest clock edge after the ACTIVE command on which a READ or WRITE command can be entered. For example, a tRCD specification of 20ns with a 125 MHz clock (8ns period) results in 2.5 clocks, rounded to 3. This is reflected in the following example, which covers any case where 2 < [tRCD (MIN)/tCK] ≤ 3. (The same procedure is used to convert other specification limits from time units to clock cycles). A subsequent ACTIVE command to a different row in the same bank can only be issued after the previous active row has been “closed” (precharged). The minimum time interval between successive ACTIVE commands to the same bank is defined by tRC. CLK HIGH CKE CS RAS CAS WE A0-A11 ROW ADDRESS BA0, BA1 BANK ADDRESS A subsequent ACTIVE command to another bank can be issued while the first bank is being accessed, which results in a reduction of total row-access overhead. The minimum time interval between successive ACTIVE commands to different banks is defined by tRRD. EXAMPLE: MEETING TRCD (MIN) WHEN 2 < [TRCD (MIN)/TCK] ≤ 3 T0 T1 T2 ACTIVE NOP NOP T3 T4 CLK COMMAND READ or WRITE tRCD DON'T CARE Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — Rev. A 06/01/07 25 IS42S16800A READS READ bursts are initiated with a READ command, as shown in the READ COMMAND diagram. The starting column and bank addresses are provided with the READ command, and auto precharge is either enabled or disabled for that burst access. If auto precharge is enabled, the row being accessed is precharged at the completion of the burst. For the generic READ commands used in the following illustrations, auto precharge is disabled. During READ bursts, the valid data-out element from the starting column address will be available following the CAS latency after the READ command. Each subsequent dataout element will be valid by the next positive clock edge. The CAS Latency diagram shows general timing for each possible CAS latency setting. Upon completion of a burst, assuming no other commands have been initiated, the DQs will go High-Z. A full-page burst will continue until terminated. (At the end of the page, it will wrap to column 0 and continue.) Data from any READ burst may be truncated with a subsequent READ command, and data from a fixed-length READ burst may be immediately followed by data from a READ command. In either case, a continuous flow of data can be maintained. The first data element from the new burst follows either the last element of a completed burst or the last desired data element of a longer burst which is being truncated. The new READ command should be issued x cycles before the clock edge at which the last desired data element is valid, where x equals the CAS latency minus one. This is shown in Consecutive READ Bursts for CAS latencies of two and three; data element n + 3 is either the last of a burst of four or the last desired of a longer burst. The 128Mb SDRAM uses a pipelined architecture and therefore does not require the 2n rule associated with a prefetch architecture. A READ command can be initiated on any clock cycle following a previous READ command. Full-speed random read accesses can be performed to the same bank, as shown in Random READ Accesses, or each subsequent READ may be performed to a different bank. Data from any READ burst may be truncated with a subsequent WRITE command, and data from a fixed-length READ burst may be immediately followed by data from a WRITE command (subject to bus turnaround limitations). The WRITE burst may be initiated on the clock edge immediately following the last (or last desired) data element from the READ burst, provided that I/O contention can be avoided. In a given system design, there may be a possibility that the device driving the input data will go Low-Z before the SDRAM DQs go High-Z. In this case, at least a single-cycle delay should occur between the last read data and the WRITE command. 26 READ COMMAND CLK HIGH CKE CS RAS CAS WE A0-A7 COLUMN ADDRESS A8, A9, A11 AUTO PRECHARGE A10 NO PRECHARGE BA0, BA1 BANK ADDRESS The DQM input is used to avoid I/O contention, as shown in Figures RW1 and RW2. The DQM signal must be asserted (HIGH) at least two clocks prior to the WRITE command (DQM latency is two clocks for output buffers) to suppress data-out from the READ. Once the WRITE command is registered, the DQs will go High-Z (or remain High-Z), regardless of the state of the DQM signal, provided the DQM was active on the clock just prior to the WRITE command that truncated the READ command. If not, the second WRITE will be an invalid WRITE. For example, if DQM was LOW during T4 in Figure RW2, then the WRITEs at T5 and T7 would be valid, while the WRITE at T6 would be invalid. The DQM signal must be de-asserted prior to the WRITE command (DQM latency is zero clocks for input buffers) to ensure that the written data is not masked. Figure RW1 shows the case where the clock frequency allows for bus contention to be avoided without adding a NOP cycle, and Figure RW2 shows the case where the additional NOP is needed. A fixed-length READ burst may be followed by, or truncated with, a PRECHARGE command to the same bank (provided that auto precharge was not activated), and a full-page burst may be truncated with a PRECHARGE command to the Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — Rev. A 06/01/07 IS42S16800A same bank. The PRECHARGE command should be issued x cycles before the clock edge at which the last desired data element is valid, where x equals the CAS latency minus one. This is shown in the READ to PRECHARGE diagram for each possible CAS latency; data element n + 3 is either the last of a burst of four or the last desired of a longer burst. Following the PRECHARGE command, a subsequent command to the same bank cannot be issued until tRP is met. Note that part of the row precharge time is hidden during the access of the last data element(s). In the case of a fixed-length burst being executed to completion, a PRECHARGE command issued at the optimum time (as described above) provides the same operation that would result from the same fixed-length burst with auto precharge. The disadvantage of the PRECHARGE command is that it requires that the command and address buses be available at the appropriate time to issue the command; the advantage of the PRECHARGE command is that it can be used to truncate fixed-length or full-page bursts. Full-page READ bursts can be truncated with the BURST TERMINATE command, and fixed-length READ bursts may be truncated with a BURST TERMINATE command, provided that auto precharge was not activated. The BURST TERMINATE command should be issued x cycles before the clock edge at which the last desired data element is valid, where x equals the CAS latency minus one. This is shown in the READ Burst Termination diagram for each possible CAS latency; data element n + 3 is the last desired data element of a longer burst. Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — Rev. A 06/01/07 27 IS42S16800A RW1 - READ TO WRITE T0 T1 T2 T3 COMMAND READ NOP NOP NOP ADDRESS BANK, COL n T4 CLK DQM WRITE BANK, COL b tHZ DOUT n DQ DIN b tDS DON'T CARE RW2 - READ TO WRITE WITH EXTRA CLOCK CYCLE T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 COMMAND READ NOP NOP NOP NOP WRITE ADDRESS BANK, COL n CLK DQM DQ BANK, COL b tHZ DOUT n DIN b tDS DON'T CARE 28 Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — Rev. A 06/01/07 IS42S16800A CONSECUTIVE READ BURSTS T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 READ NOP NOP NOP READ NOP NOP DOUT n+3 DOUT b CLK COMMAND x =1 cycle BANK, COL n ADDRESS BANK, COL b DQ DOUT n DOUT n+1 DOUT n+2 CAS Latency - 2 DON'T CARE T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 READ NOP NOP NOP READ NOP NOP NOP DOUT n+3 DOUT b CLK COMMAND x = 2 cycles ADDRESS BANK, COL n BANK, COL b DQ DOUT n DOUT n+1 DOUT n+2 CAS Latency - 3 DON'T CARE Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — Rev. A 06/01/07 29 IS42S16800A RANDOM READ ACCESSES T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 COMMAND READ READ READ READ NOP NOP ADDRESS BANK, COL n BANK, COL b BANK, COL m BANK, COL x CLK DQ DOUT n DOUT b DOUT m DOUT x CAS Latency - 2 DON'T CARE T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 COMMAND READ READ READ READ NOP NOP NOP ADDRESS BANK, COL n BANK, COL b BANK, COL m BANK, COL x CLK DQ DOUT n DOUT b DOUT m DOUT x CAS Latency - 3 DON'T CARE 30 Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — Rev. A 06/01/07 IS42S16800A READ BURST TERMINATION T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 READ NOP NOP NOP T5 T6 NOP NOP CLK COMMAND BURST TERMINATE x = 1 cycle BANK a, COL n ADDRESS DQ DOUT n DOUT n+1 DOUT n+2 DOUT n+3 CAS Latency - 2 DON'T CARE T0 T1 T2 T3 READ NOP NOP NOP T4 T5 T6 T7 NOP NOP NOP CLK COMMAND BURST TERMINATE x = 2 cycles ADDRESS BANK, COL n DQ DOUT n DOUT n+1 DOUT n+2 DOUT n+3 CAS Latency - 3 DON'T CARE Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — Rev. A 06/01/07 31 IS42S16800A ALTERNATING BANK READ ACCESSES T0 T1 tCK CLK T2 tCL T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 NOP READ NOP tCH tCKS tCKH CKE tCMS tCMH COMMAND ACTIVE NOP READ NOP ACTIVE ACTIVE tCMS tCMH DQM/ DQML, DQMH tAS tAH A0-A9, A11 ROW tAS tAH A10 ROW tAS tAH BA0, BA1 BANK 0 COLUMN m(2) COLUMN b(2) ROW ENABLE AUTO PRECHARGE ROW ENABLE AUTO PRECHARGE ROW BANK 0 ROW BANK 3 tLZ BANK 3 tOH tOH DQ DOUT m tAC tRCD - BANK 0 tRRD tOH DOUT m+1 tAC BANK 0 tAC tOH DOUT m+2 tOH DOUT m+3 tAC tAC tRP - BANK 0 CAS Latency - BANK 0 tRCD - BANK 3 DOUT b tAC tRCD - BANK 0 CAS Latency - BANK 3 tRAS - BANK 0 tRC - BANK 0 DON'T CARE Notes: 1) CAS latency = 2, Burst Length = 4 2) X16: A9 and A11 = "Don't Care" 32 Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — Rev. A 06/01/07 IS42S16800A READ - FULL-PAGE BURST T0 T1 tCK CLK T2 tCL T3 T4 T5 T6 Tn+1 NOP NOP NOP NOP Tn+2 Tn+3 Tn+4 NOP NOP tCH tCKS tCKH CKE tCMS tCMH COMMAND ACTIVE NOP READ NOP BURST TERM tCMS tCMH DQM/ DQML, DQMH tAS tAH A0-A9, A11 ROW tAS tAH A10 ROW tAS tAH BA0, BA1 BANK COLUMN m(2) BANK tAC DQ tLZ tRCD CAS Latency tAC DOUT m tAC DOUT m+1 tOH tOH each row (x4) has 1,024 locations tAC DOUT m+2 tAC DOUT m-1 tAC DOUT m tHZ DOUT m+1 tOH tOH tOH tOH DON'T CARE Full page Full-page burst not self-terminating. completion Use BURST TERMINATE command. UNDEFINED Notes: 1) CAS latency = 2, Burst Length = Full Page 2) X16: A9 and A11 = "Don't Care" Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — Rev. A 06/01/07 33 IS42S16800A READ - DQM OPERATION T0 T1 T2 tCK CLK tCL T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP tCH tCKS tCKH CKE tCMS tCMH COMMAND ACTIVE NOP READ tCMS tCMH DQM/ DQML, DQMH tAS tAH COLUMN m(2) A0-A9, A11 ROW tAS tAH A10 ROW tAS tAH DISABLE AUTO PRECHARGE BANK BANK BA0, BA1 ENABLE AUTO PRECHARGE tAC DQ tLZ tRCD CAS Latency tOH tAC DOUT m tHZ tLZ tOH DOUT m+2 tAC tOH DOUT m+3 tHZ DON'T CARE UNDEFINED Notes: 1) CAS latency = 2, Burst Length = 4 2) X16: A9 and A11 = "Don't Care" 34 Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — Rev. A 06/01/07 IS42S16800A READ to PRECHARGE T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 CLK tRP COMMAND READ NOP NOP NOP NOP PRECHARGE NOP ACTIVE x = 1 cycle ADDRESS BANK a, COL n BANK (a or all) DQ DOUT n DOUT n+1 BANK a, ROW DOUT n+2 DOUT n+3 CAS Latency - 2 DON'T CARE T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 CLK tRP COMMAND READ NOP NOP NOP NOP PRECHARGE NOP ACTIVE x = 2 cycles ADDRESS BANK, COL n BANK, COL b DQ DOUT n DOUT n+1 BANK a, ROW DOUT n+2 DOUT n+3 CAS Latency - 3 DON'T CARE Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — Rev. A 06/01/07 35 IS42S16800A WRITES WRITE bursts are initiated with a WRITE command, as shown in WRITE Command diagram. WRITE COMMAND CLK HIGH CKE CS RAS CAS WE A0-A7 COLUMN ADDRESS A8, A9, A11 AUTO PRECHARGE A10 NO PRECHARGE BA0, BA1 BANK ADDRESS The starting column and bank addresses are provided with the WRITE command, and auto precharge is either enabled or disabled for that access. If auto precharge is enabled, the row being accessed is precharged at the completion of the burst. For the generic WRITE commands used in the following illustrations, auto precharge is disabled. During WRITE bursts, the first valid data-in element will be registered coincident with the WRITE command. Subsequent data elements will be registered on each successive positive clock edge. Upon completion of a fixed-length burst, assuming no other commands have been initiated, the DQs will remain High-Z and any additional input data will be ignored (see WRITE Burst). A full-page burst will continue until terminated. (At the end of the page, it will wrap to column 0 and continue.) Data for any WRITE burst may be truncated with a subsequent WRITE command, and data for a fixed-length WRITE burst may be immediately followed by data for a WRITE command. The new WRITE command can be issued on any clock following the previous WRITE command, and the data provided coincident with the new command applies to the new command. 36 An example is shown in WRITE to WRITE diagram. Data n + 1 is either the last of a burst of two or the last desired of a longer burst. The 128Mb SDRAM uses a pipelined architecture and therefore does not require the 2n rule associated with a prefetch architecture. A WRITE command can be initiated on any clock cycle following a previous WRITE command. Full-speed random write accesses within a page can be performed to the same bank, as shown in Random WRITE Cycles, or each subsequent WRITE may be performed to a different bank. Data for any WRITE burst may be truncated with a subsequent READ command, and data for a fixed-length WRITE burst may be immediately followed by a subsequent READ command. Once the READ com mand is registered, the data inputs will be ignored, and WRITEs will not be executed. An example is shown in WRITE to READ. Data n + 1 is either the last of a burst of two or the last desired of a longer burst. Data for a fixed-length WRITE burst may be followed by, or truncated with, a PRECHARGE command to the same bank (provided that auto precharge was not activated), and a fullpage WRITE burst may be truncated with a PRECHARGE command to the same bank. The PRECHARGE command should be issued tWR after the clock edge at which the last desired input data element is registered. The auto precharge mode requires a tWR of at least one clock plus time, regardless of frequency. In addition, when truncating a WRITE burst, the DQM signal must be used to mask input data for the clock edge prior to, and the clock edge coincident with, the PRECHARGE command. An example is shown in the WRITE to PRECHARGE diagram. Data n+1 is either the last of a burst of two or the last desired of a longer burst. Following the PRECHARGE command, a subsequent command to the same bank cannot be issued until tRP is met. In the case of a fixed-length burst being executed to completion, a PRECHARGE command issued at the optimum time (as described above) provides the same operation that would result from the same fixed-length burst with auto precharge. The disadvantage of the PRECHARGE command is that it requires that the command and address buses be available at the appropriate time to issue the command; the advantage of the PRECHARGE command is that it can be used to truncate fixed-length or full-page bursts. Fixed-length or full-page WRITE bursts can be truncated with the BURST TERMINATE command. When truncating a WRITE burst, the input data applied coincident with the BURST TERMINATE command will be ignored. The last data written (provided that DQM is LOW at that time) will be the input data applied one clock previous to the BURST TERMINATE command. This is shown in WRITE Burst Termination, where data n is the last desired data element of a longer burst. Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — Rev. A 06/01/07 IS42S16800A WRITE BURST T0 T1 T2 T3 COMMAND WRITE NOP NOP NOP ADDRESS BANK, COL n CLK DQ DIN n DIN n+1 DON'T CARE WRITE TO WRITE T0 T1 T2 COMMAND WRITE NOP WRITE ADDRESS BANK, COL n CLK DQ BANK, COL b DIN n DIN n+1 DIN b DON'T CARE RANDOM WRITE CYCLES T0 T1 T2 T3 COMMAND WRITE WRITE WRITE WRITE ADDRESS BANK, COL n BANK, COL b BANK, COL m BANK, COL x DIN b DIN m DIN x CLK DQ DIN n Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — Rev. A 06/01/07 37 IS42S16800A WRITE TO READ T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 COMMAND WRITE NOP READ NOP NOP NOP ADDRESS BANK, COL n DOUT b DOUT b+1 CLK DQ BANK, COL b DIN n DIN n+1 Latency = 2 DON'T CARE WRITE TO PRECHARGE (TWR @ TCK ≥ 15NS) T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 CLK DQM tRP COMMAND WRITE ADDRESS BANK a, COL n NOP PRECHARGE BANK (a or all) NOP NOP ACTIVE NOP BANK a, ROW tWR DQ DIN n DIN n+1 DON'T CARE 38 Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — Rev. A 06/01/07 IS42S16800A WRITE to PRECHARGE (tWR @ tCK < 15ns) T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 CLK DQM tRP COMMAND WRITE ADDRESS BANK a, COL n NOP NOP PRECHARGE NOP BANK (a or all) NOP ACTIVE BANK a, ROW tWR DQ DIN n DIN n+1 DON'T CARE WRITE Burst Termination T0 T1 T2 COMMAND WRITE BURST TERMINATE NEXT COMMAND ADDRESS BANK, COL n CLK DQ DIN n (ADDRESS) (DATA) DON'T CARE Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — Rev. A 06/01/07 39 IS42S16800A WRITE - FULL PAGE BURST T0 T1 tCK CLK T2 T3 T4 T5 Tn+1 Tn+2 NOP NOP NOP NOP BURST TERM tDS tDH tDS tDH tDS tDH tDS DIN m DIN m+1 DIN m+2 DIN m+3 tCL tCH tCKS tCKH CKE tCMS tCMH COMMAND ACTIVE NOP WRITE NOP tCMS tCMH DQM/DQML DQMH/DQM0-3 tAS tAH A0-A9, A11 ROW tAS tAH A10 ROW tAS tAH BA0, BA1 BANK COLUMN m(2) BANK DQ tRCD tDH tDS tDH tDS tDH DIN m-1 Full page completed DON'T CARE Notes: 1) Burst Length = Full Page 2) X16: A9 and A11 = "Don't Care" 40 Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — Rev. A 06/01/07 IS42S16800A WRITE - DQM OPERATIOON T0 T1 T2 tCK CLK tCL T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP tCH tCKS tCKH CKE tCMS tCMH COMMAND ACTIVE NOP WRITE tCMS tCMH DQM/DQML DQMH/DQM0-3 tAS tAH A0-A9, A11 A10 BA0, BA1 COLUMN m(2) ROW tAS tAH ENABLE AUTO PRECHARGE ROW tAS tAH DISABLE AUTO PRECHARGE BANK BANK tDS tDH DIN m DQ tRCD tDS tDH tDS tDH DIN m+2 DIN m+3 DON'T CARE Notes: 1) Burst Length = 4 2) X16: A9 and A11 = "Don't Care" Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — Rev. A 06/01/07 41 IS42S16800A ALTERNATING BANK WRITE ACCESS T0 T1 tCK CLK T2 tCL T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 NOP NOP tCH tCKS tCKH CKE tCMS tCMH COMMAND ACTIVE NOP WRITE NOP ACTIVE NOP WRITE ACTIVE tCMS tCMH DQM/DQML DQMH/DQM0-3 tAS tAH A0-A9, A11 ROW tAS tAH A10 ROW tAS tAH BA0, BA1 BANK 0 COLUMN m(2) COLUMN b(2) ROW ENABLE AUTO PRECHARGE ROW ENABLE AUTO PRECHARGE ROW BANK 0 tDS DQ tDH DIN m tRCD - BANK 0 tRRD tRAS - BANK 0 tRC - BANK 0 ROW BANK 1 tDS tDH DIN m+1 BANK 1 tDS tDS tDH DIN m+2 tDH DIN m+3 tDS tDH DIN b tWR - BANK 0 tRCD - BANK 1 BANK 0 tDS tDH DIN b+1 tDS tDH DIN b+2 tRP - BANK 0 tDS tDH DIN b+3 tRCD - BANK 0 tWR - BANK 1 DON'T CARE Notes: 1) Burst Length = 4 2) X16: A9 and A11 = "Don't Care" 42 Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — Rev. A 06/01/07 IS42S16800A CLOCK SUSPEND Clock suspend mode occurs when a column access/burst is in progress and CKE is registered LOW. In the clock suspend mode, the internal clock is deactivated, “freezing” the synchronous logic. For each positive clock edge on which CKE is sampled LOW, the next internal positive clock edge is suspended. Clock Suspend During WRITE Burst T0 T1 NOP WRITE Any command or data present on the input pins at the time of a suspended internal clock edge is ignored; any data present on the DQ pins remains driven; and burst counters are not incremented, as long as the clock is suspended. (See following examples.) Clock suspend mode is exited by registering CKE HIGH; the internal clock and related operation will resume on the subsequent positive clock edge. T2 T3 T4 T5 NOP NOP DIN n+1 DIN n+2 CLK CKE INTERNAL CLOCK COMMAND BANK a, COL n ADDRESS DQ DIN n DON'T CARE Clock Suspend During READ Burst T0 T1 T2 COMMAND READ NOP NOP ADDRESS BANK a, COL n T3 T4 T5 T6 NOP NOP NOP CLK CKE INTERNAL CLOCK DQ Qn Qn+1 Qn+2 Qn+3 DON'T CARE Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — Rev. A 06/01/07 43 IS42S16800A CLOCK SUSPEND MODE T0 T1 tCK CLK T2 tCL tCKS tCKH T3 T4 T5 T6 NOP NOP NOP T7 T8 T9 tCH tCKS tCKH CKE tCMS tCMH COMMAND READ NOP NOP WRITE NOP tCMS tCMH DQM/DQML DQMH/DQM0-3 tAS tAH A0-A9, A11 COLUMN m(2) tAS tAH COLUMN n(2) A10 tAS tAH BA0, BA1 BANK BANK tAC tAC DOUT m DQ tLZ tHZ DOUT m+1 tDS tDH DOUT e DOUT e+1 tOH DON'T CARE UNDEFINED Notes: 1) CAS latency = 2, Burst Length = 2 2) X16: A9 and A11 = "Don't Care" 44 Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — Rev. A 06/01/07 IS42S16800A PRECHARGE PRECHARGE Command The PRECHARGE command (see figure) is used to deactivate the open row in a particular bank or the open row in all banks. The bank(s) will be available for a subsequent row access some specified time (tRP) after the PRECHARGE command is issued. Input A10 determines whether one or all banks are to be precharged, and in the case where only one bank is to be precharged, inputs BA0, BA1 select the bank. When all banks are to be precharged, inputs BA0, BA1 are treated as “Don’t Care.” Once a bank has been precharged, it is in the idle state and must be activated prior to any READ or WRITE commands being issued to that bank. CLK HIGH CKE CS RAS CAS WE POWER-DOWN Power-down occurs if CKE is registered LOW coincident with a NOP or COMMAND INHIBIT when no accesses are in progress. If power-down occurs when all banks are idle, this mode is referred to as precharge power-down; if powerdown occurs when there is a row active in either bank, this mode is referred to as active power-down. Entering powerdown deactivates the input and output buffers, excluding CKE, for maximum power savings while in standby. The device may not remain in the power-down state longer than the refresh period (64ms) since no refresh operations are performed in this mode. The power-down state is exited by registering a NOP or COMMAND INHIBIT and CKE HIGH at the desired clock edge (meeting tCKS). See figure below. A0-A9, A11 ALL BANKS A10 BANK SELECT BA0, BA1 BANK ADDRESS POWER-DOWN CLK ≥ tCKS tCKS CKE COMMAND NOP All banks idle NOP Input buffers gated off Enter power-down mode Exit power-down mode less than 64ms Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — Rev. A 06/01/07 ACTIVE tRCD tRAS tRC DON'T CARE 45 IS42S16800A POWER-DOWN MODE CYCLE T0 T1 tCK CLK tCKS tCKH T2 tCL Tn+1 Tn+2 tCH tCKS tCKS CKE tCMS tCMH COMMAND PRECHARGE NOP NOP NOP ACTIVE DQM/DQML DQMH/DQM0-3 ROW A0-A9, A11 ALL BANKS A10 ROW SINGLE BANK tAS tAH BA0, BA1 BANK BANK DQ High-Z Two clock cycles Precharge all active banks 46 All banks idle, enter power-down mode Input buffers gated off while in power-down mode All banks idle Exit power-down mode DON'T CARE Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — Rev. A 06/01/07 IS42S16800A BURST READ/SINGLE WRITE Four cases where CONCURRENT AUTO PRECHARGE occurs are defined below. The burst read/single write mode is entered by programming the write burst mode bit (M9) in the mode register to a logic 1. In this mode, all WRITE commands result in the access of a single column location (burst of one), regardless of the programmed burst length. READ commands access columns according to the programmed burst length and sequence, just as in the normal mode of operation (M9 = 0). READ with Auto Precharge 1. Interrupted by a READ (with or without auto precharge): A READ to bank m will interrupt a READ on bank n, CAS latency later. The PRECHARGE to bank n will begin when the READ to bank m is registered. 2. Interrupted by a WRITE (with or without auto precharge): A WRITE to bank m will interrupt a READ on bank n when registered. DQM should be used two clocks prior to the WRITE command to prevent bus contention. The PRECHARGE to bank n will begin when the WRITE to bank m is registered. CONCURRENT AUTO PRECHARGE An access command (READ or WRITE) to another bank while an access command with auto precharge enabled is executing is not allowed by SDRAMs, unless the SDRAM supports CONCURRENT AUTO PRECHARGE. ISSI SDRAMs support CONCURRENT AUTO PRECHARGE. READ With Auto Precharge interrupted by a READ T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 NOP NOP NOP NOP CLK NOP COMMAND BANK n READ - AP BANK n Page Active READ - AP BANK m NOP READ with Burst of 4 Interrupt Burst, Precharge Idle tRP - BANK n Internal States BANK m Page Active READ with Burst of 4 BANK n, COL a ADDRESS tRP - BANK m Precharge BANK n, COL b DQ DOUT a DOUT a+1 DOUT b DOUT b+1 CAS Latency - 3 (BANK n) DON'T CARE CAS Latency - 3 (BANK m) READ With Auto Precharge interrupted by a WRITE T0 T1 T2 T3 NOP NOP NOP T4 T5 T6 T7 NOP NOP NOP CLK COMMAND READ - AP BANK n BANK n READ with Burst of 4 Internal States Interrupt Burst, Precharge Page Active BANK m ADDRESS WRITE - AP BANK m tRP - BANK n Page Active tWR - BANK m WRITE with Burst of 4 BANK n, COL a Idle Write-Back BANK m, COL b DQM DOUT a DQ DIN b DIN b+1 DIN b+2 DIN b+3 CAS Latency - 3 (BANK n) DON'T CARE Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — Rev. A 06/01/07 47 IS42S16800A WRITE with Auto Precharge 4. Interrupted by a WRITE (with or without auto precharge): AWRITE to bank m will interrupt a WRITE on bank n when registered. The PRECHARGE to bank n will begin after tWR is met, where tWR begins when the WRITE to bank m is registered. The last valid data WRITE to bank n will be data registered one clock prior to a WRITE to bank m. 3. Interrupted by a READ (with or without auto precharge): A READ to bank m will interrupt a WRITE on bank n when registered, with the data-out appearing (CAS latency) later. The PRECHARGE to bank n will begin after tWR is met, where tWR begins when the READ to bank m is registered. The last valid WRITE to bank n will be data-in registered one clock prior to the READ to bank m. WRITE With Auto Precharge interrupted by a READ T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 NOP NOP NOP NOP CLK NOP COMMAND BANK n WRITE - AP BANK n Page Active NOP READ - AP BANK m WRITE with Burst of 4 Interrupt Burst, Write-Back Precharge tWR - BANK n tRP - BANK n Internal States BANK m Page Active READ with Burst of 4 BANK n, COL a ADDRESS DQ DIN a tRP - BANK m Precharge BANK m, COL b DIN a+1 DOUT b DOUT b+1 CAS Latency - 3 (BANK m) DON'T CARE WRITE With Auto Precharge interrupted by a WRITE T0 T1 T2 T3 NOP NOP T4 T5 T6 T7 NOP NOP NOP CLK NOP COMMAND BANK n WRITE - AP BANK n Page Active WRITE with Burst of 4 WRITE - AP BANK m Interrupt Burst, Write-Back tWR - BANK n Internal States BANK m ADDRESS DQ Page Active WRITE with Burst of 4 BANK n, COL a DIN a Precharge tRP - BANK n tWR - BANK m Write-Back BANK m, COL b DIN a+1 DIN a+2 DIN b DIN b+1 DIN b+2 DIN b+3 DON'T CARE 48 Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — Rev. A 06/01/07 IS42S16800A SINGLE READ WITH AUTO PRECHARGE T0 T1 tCK CLK T2 tCL T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 NOP NOP T8 tCH tCKS tCKH CKE tCMS tCMH COMMAND ACTIVE NOP NOP NOP READ ACTIVE NOP tCMS tCMH DQM/DQML DQMH/DQM0-3 tAS tAH A0-A9, A11 ROW tAS tAH A10 ROW tAS tAH BA0, BA1 BANK COLUMN m(2) ROW ENABLE AUTO PRECHARGE ROW BANK BANK tOH tAC DOUT m DQ tHZ tRCD tRAS DON'T CARE CAS Latency tRP UNDEFINED tRC Notes: 1) CAS latency = 2, Burst Length = 1 2) X16: A9 and A11 = "Don't Care" Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — Rev. A 06/01/07 49 IS42S16800A READ WITH AUTO PRECHARGE T0 T1 T2 tCK CLK tCL T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 NOP NOP NOP NOP ACTIVE tCH tCKS tCKH CKE tCMS tCMH COMMAND ACTIVE NOP READ NOP tCMS tCMH DQM/DQML DQMH/DQM0-3 tAS tAH A0-A9, A11 ROW tAS tAH A10 ROW tAS tAH BA0, BA1 BANK COLUMN m(2) ROW ENABLE AUTO PRECHARGE ROW BANK BANK tAC DQ tRCD tRAS tRC tLZ CAS Latency tAC DOUT m tAC DOUT m+1 tAC DOUT m+2 tHZ DOUT m+3 tOH tOH tOH tOH DON'T CARE tRP UNDEFINED Notes: 1) CAS latency = 2, Burst Length = 4 2) X16: A9 and A11 = "Don't Care" 50 Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — Rev. A 06/01/07 IS42S16800A SINGLE READ WITHOUT AUTO PRECHARGE T0 T1 T2 tCK CLK tCL T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 NOP NOP PRECHARGE NOP ACTIVE NOP tCH tCKS tCKH CKE tCMS tCMH COMMAND ACTIVE NOP READ tCMS tCMH DQM/DQML DQMH/DQM0-3 tAS tAH COLUMN m(2) A0-A9, A11 ROW tAS tAH A10 ROW tAS tAH DISABLE AUTO PRECHARGE SINGLE BANK BANK BANK BANK BA0, BA1 ROW ALL BANKS ROW tAC BANK tOH DOUT m DQ tRCD tLZ CAS Latency tRAS tHZ DON'T CARE tRP UNDEFINED tRC Notes: 1) CAS latency = 2, Burst Length = 1 2) X16: A9 and A11 = "Don't Care" Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — Rev. A 06/01/07 51 IS42S16800A READ WITHOUT AUTO PRECHARGE T0 T1 T2 tCK CLK tCL T3 T4 T5 T6 NOP NOP T7 T8 NOP ACTIVE tCH tCKS tCKH CKE tCMS tCMH COMMAND ACTIVE NOP READ NOP PRECHARGE tCMS tCMH DQM/DQML DQMH/DQM0-3 tAS tAH COLUMN m(2) A0-A9, A11 ROW tAS tAH A10 ROW tAS tAH DISABLE AUTO PRECHARGE SINGLE BANK BANK BANK BANK BA0, BA1 ROW ALL BANKS ROW tAC DQ tRCD tRAS tRC tLZ CAS Latency BANK tAC DOUT m tAC DOUT m+1 tAC DOUT m+2 tHZ DOUT m+3 tOH tOH tOH tOH DON'T CARE tRP UNDEFINED Notes: 1) CAS latency = 2, Burst Length = 4 2) X16: A9 and A11 = "Don't Care" 52 Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — Rev. A 06/01/07 IS42S16800A SINGLE WRITE WITH AUTO PRECHARGE T0 T1 T2 tCK CLK tCL T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 tCH tCKS tCKH CKE tCMS tCMH COMMAND ACTIVE NOP WRITE NOP(4) NOP(4) PRECHARGE NOP ACTIVE NOP tCMS tCMH DQM/DQML DQMH/DQM0-3 tAS tAH A0-A9, A11 ROW tAS tAH A10 ROW tAS tAH BA0, BA1 COLUMN m(3) ROW ENABLE AUTO PRECHARGE ALL BANKS ROW SINGLE BANK BANK BANK BANK BANK tDS tDH DQ DIN m tRCD tRAS tRC tWR(3) tRP DON'T CARE Notes: 1) Burst Length = 1 2) X16: A9 and A11 = "Don't Care" Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — Rev. A 06/01/07 53 IS42S16800A SINGLE WRITE - WITHOUT AUTO PRECHARGE T0 T1 T2 tCK CLK tCL T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 tCH tCKS tCKH CKE tCMS tCMH COMMAND ACTIVE NOP WRITE NOP(4) NOP(4) PRECHARGE NOP ACTIVE NOP tCMS tCMH DQM/DQML DQMH/DQM0-3 tAS tAH A0-A9, A11 ROW tAS tAH A10 ROW tAS tAH BA0, BA1 COLUMN m(3) ROW ENABLE AUTO PRECHARGE ALL BANKS ROW SINGLE BANK BANK BANK BANK BANK tDS tDH DQ DIN m tRCD tRAS tRC tWR(3) tRP DON'T CARE Notes: 1) Burst Length = 1 2) X16: A9 and A11 = "Don't Care" 54 Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — Rev. A 06/01/07 IS42S16800A WRITE - WITHOUT AUTO PRECHARGE T0 T1 tCK CLK T2 tCL T3 T4 T5 T6 NOP NOP NOP T7 T8 tCH tCKS tCKH CKE tCMS tCMH COMMAND ACTIVE NOP WRITE PRECHARGE NOP ACTIVE tCMS tCMH DQM/DQML DQMH/DQM0-3 tAS tAH A0-A9, A11 ROW tAS tAH A10 ROW tAS tAH BA0, BA1 COLUMN m(3) ROW ALL BANKS ROW SINGLE BANK DISABLE AUTO PRECHARGE BANK BANK tDS tDH DQ DIN m BANK tDS tDH DIN m+1 tRCD tRAS tRC tDS tDH DIN m+2 tDS BANK tDH DIN m+3 tWR(2) tRP DON'T CARE Notes: 1) Burst Length = 4 2) X16: A9 and A11 = "Don't Care" Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — Rev. A 06/01/07 55 IS42S16800A WRITE - WITH AUTO PRECHARGE T0 T1 tCK CLK T2 tCL T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP ACTIVE tCH tCKS tCKH CKE tCMS tCMH COMMAND ACTIVE NOP WRITE tCMS tCMH DQM/DQML DQMH/DQM0-3 tAS tAH A0-A9, A11 ROW tAS tAH A10 ROW tAS tAH BA0, BA1 BANK COLUMN m(2) ROW ENABLE AUTO PRECHARGE ROW BANK tDS tDH DQ DIN m tRCD tRAS tRC BANK tDS tDH DIN m+1 tDS tDH DIN m+2 tDS tDH DIN m+3 tWR tRP DON'T CARE Notes: 1) Burst Length = 4 2) X16: A9 and A11 = "Don't Care" 56 Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — Rev. A 06/01/07 IS42S16800A ORDERING INFORMATION - VDD = 3.3V Commercial Range: 0°°C to 70°°C Frequency Speed (ns) Order Part No. Package 143 MHz 7 IS42S16800A-7T 54-Pin TSOPII 143 MHz 7 IS42S16800A-7TL 54-Pin TSOPII, Lead-free 100 MHz 10 IS42S16800A-10T 54-Pin TSOPII 100 MHz 10 IS42S16800A-10TL 54-Pin TSOPII, Lead-free Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — Rev. A 06/01/07 57 PACKAGING INFORMATION Plastic TSOP 54–Pin, 86-Pin Package Code: T (Type II) N N/2+1 Notes: 1. Controlling dimension: millimieters, unless otherwise specified. 2. BSC = Basic lead spacing between centers. 3. Dimensions D and E1 do not include mold flash protrusions and should be E E1 measured from the bottom of the package. 4. Formed leads shall be planar with respect to one another within 0.004 inches at the seating plane. N/2 1 D SEATING PLANE A ZD b e Plastic TSOP (T - Type II) Millimeters Inches Min Max Min Max Symbol Ref. Std. No. Leads (N) A A1 A2 b C D E1 E e L L1 ZD α 54 — 1.20 0.05 0.15 — — 0.30 0.45 0.12 0.21 22.02 22.42 10.03 10.29 11.56 11.96 0.80 BSC 0.40 0.60 — — 0.71 REF 0° 8° Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. Rev. D 03/13/07 — 0.047 0.002 0.006 — — 0.012 0.018 0.005 0.0083 0.867 0.8827 0.395 0.405 0.455 0.471 0.031 BSC 0.016 0.024 — — 0° 8° L α A1 C Plastic TSOP (T - Type II) Millimeters Inches Symbol Min Max Min Max Ref. Std. No. Leads (N) 86 A A1 A2 b C D E1 E e L L1 ZD α — 1.20 0.05 0.15 0.95 1.05 0.17 0.27 0.12 0.21 22.02 22.42 10.03 10.29 11.56 11.96 0.50 BSC 0.40 0.60 0.80 REF 0.61 REF 0° 8° — 0.047 0.002 0.006 0.037 0.041 0.007 0.011 0.005 0.008 0.867 0.8827 0.395 0.405 0.455 0.471 0.020 BSC 0.016 0.024 0.031 REF 0.024 BSC 0° 8° 1