(1/1) Revision record of Green Procurement Management Standard for Chemical Substances 8th edition Major items changed from 7th to 8th edition 1. Changed contents in the article “Management Standard for the Environment-related Substances to be Controlled in Parts and Materials” Modified contents such as “Substance Group Name”, “Legal Limit”, “HPK’s Threshold Level” and “Applicable Laws and Regulations” for “The Management Standard for the Environment-related Substances to be Controlled in Parts and Material” according to “JIG-101 Ed 4.1”. Modified Banned Substances (10), Restricted Substances (15), Controlled Substances(8 to 9) Note) JIG-101 Ed 4.1 : Guidelines for the Management of Chemical Substances in electrical and electric equipments (EEE) [Modified Items] • Lead/ Lead Compounds Controlled • Brominated flame retardants (other than PBBs,PBDEs, or HBCDD) Substances • Chlorinated flame retardants Restricted Substances [Related Items in the document] “3. Controlled Substances” in Table 1, Table 3. Management Level for Restricted Substances 2. “4. Cooperation in Supplier Survey” Changed 4.3. Survey Substances corresponding to the above “[Modified Items]”. 3. “6. Chemical Substances Survey” Changed Form1~3 according to Green Procurement Management Standard for Chemical Substances 8th edition. 4. “Table 1. The Environment-related Substances to be Controlled in Parts and Materials” Modified “3. Controlled Substances” corresponding to the above “[Modified Items]”. 5. Table 3. Management Level for Restricted Substances Changed “Lead in dielectric ceramic in capacitors for a rated voltage of less than 125 V AC or 250 V DC” in “Target (application)” to Level 1, and “The date on or after which HPK won’t accept the target” to July. 1, 2012 for “Lead/ Lead Compounds”. - End of revision record -