Fair-Rite offers a broad selection of ferrite EMI suppression beads with guaranteed minimum impedance specifications. • Beads with a "1" as the last digit of the part number are not burnished. Parts that are burnished to break the sharp edges have a "2" as the last digit. • Upon request beads can be supplied with a Parylene coating. The last digit of the Parylene coated part is a "4". The minimum coating thickness beads is 0.005 mm (0.0002"). • The column "H (Oe)" gives for each bead the calculated dc bias field in oersted for 1 turn and 1 ampere direct current. The actual dc H field in the application is this value of "H" times the actual NI (ampere-turn) product. For the effect of the dc bias on the impedance of the bead material, see figures 18-23 in the application note “How to choose Ferrite Components for EMI Suppression”. • Suppression beads are controlled for impedances only. Minimum impedance values are specified for the + marked frequencies. The minimum impedance is typically the listed impedance less 20%. • Single turn impedance tests for 73 and 43 material beads are performed on the 4193A Vector Impedance Analyzer. The 61 material beads are tested on the 4291A RF Impedance Analyzer. Beads are tested with the shortest practical wire length. • Performance curves for these suppression components are on our web site. • For any EMI suppression bead requirement not listed here, feel free to contact our customer service for availability and pricing. • The “C” dimension, the bead length, can be modified to suit specific applications. • Our "Shield Bead Kit" (part number 0199000019) contains a selection of these beads. • Explanation of Part Numbers: Digits 1&2 = product class, 3&4 = material grade and last digit 1= not burnished, 2 = burnished and 4 = Parylene coated. Fair-Rite Products Corp. PO Box 288, One Commercial Row, Wallkill, NY 12589-0288 Phone: (888) FAIR RITE / (845) 895-2055 • Fax: (888) FERRITE / (845) 895-2629 • (888) 324-7748 (888) 337-7483 E Web: www.fair-rite.com -mail: [email protected] 35 Legend Dimensions (Top numbers are in millimeters, bottom numbers are in nominal inches. ) + Test frequency Lower Frequencies < 50 MHz (73 material) Part Number 2673901301 2673004601 2673004701 2673030101 2673025301 2673004801 2673028602 2673012401 2673002201 2673000501 2673000201 2673000101 2673000301 2673000701 2673022401 2673021801 2673018001 2673004901 2673001601 2673015301 2673000801 2673200201 2673003201 2673002402 A 0.95 -0.05 0.036 1.10 -0.10 0.041 1.45 -0.15 0.054 1.22 -0.13 0.045 1.25 -0.10 0.047 2.10 -0.15 0.080 2.13 -0.10 0.082 1.55 -0.10 0.059 1.95 -0.02 0.072 2.00 -0.15 0.076 2.00 -0.15 0.076 3.50 ±0.20 0.138 3.50 ±0.20 0.138 3.50 ±0.20 0.138 5.10 ±0.25 0.200 5.10 ±0.25 0.200 2.85 ±0.10 0.112 2.85 ±0.10 0.112 3.55 ±0.15 0.140 4.10 -0.25 0.156 7.50 ±0.25 0.296 5.20 ±0.15 0.205 5.60 -0.50 0.210 9.65 ±0.25 0.380 B 0.45 +0.10 0.020 0.65 +0.10 0.028 0.70 +0.10 0.029 0.80 +0.10 0.033 0.80 +0.10 0.033 0.85 +0.10 0.034 0.85 +0.10 0.034 0.95 +0.15 0.040 1.05 +0.10 0.043 1.05 +0.10 0.043 1.05 +0.10 0.043 1.30 ±0.10 0.051 1.30 ±0.10 0.051 1.30 ±0.10 0.051 1.45 +0.25 0.062 1.45 +0.25 0.062 1.65 +0.15 0.068 1.65 +0.15 0.068 1.65 +0.25 0.070 1.80 ±0.15 0.071 2.25 +0.25 0.094 2.65 ±0.25 0.105 2.65 ±0.25 0.105 5.00 ±0.20 0.197 C 3.80 ±0.20 0.150 4.10 -0.30 0.156 2.30 ±0.15 0.090 5.30 -0.45 0.200 3.80 ±0.20 0.150 2.90 -0.45 0.105 5.60 ±0.15 0.220 4.20 -0.25 0.160 10.40 ±0.25 0.410 1.65 -0.25 0.060 3.80 ±0.25 0.150 3.25 ±0.25 0.128 6.00 ±0.25 0.236 12.70 ±0.35 0.500 6.35 ±0.25 0.250 11.10 ±0.35 0.437 6.65 ±0.25 0.262 10.45 ±0.25 0.410 3.30 -0.40 0.122 6.85 ±0.25 0.270 7.55 ±0.25 0.297 20.60 ±0.75 0.812 12.70 ±0.50 0.500 5.05 -0.45 0.190 Wt. (g) H (Oe) 0.01 1 Impedance (Ω) 5 10 MHz MHz 6.00 5.3 0.01 4.70 0.01 Phone: 25 + MHz MHz 13 16 24 3.3 8.2 12.5 19 4.00 3.1 7.6 12.5 17 0.01 4.10 3.5 8.6 11 17 0.01 4.00 2.9 7.1 10 15 0.03 3.10 5.5 13.5 18 28 0.07 2.70 13 30.5 38 50 0.02 3.30 3.5 8.6 11 19 0.09 2.90 14 33.5 38 55 0.01 2.80 2.1 6.3 7.5 12 0.04 2.80 5.2 12.5 18 27 0.13 2.00 8.1 19.5 25 35 0.24 2.00 15.5 37.5 57 63 0.51 2.00 34.5 81.5 120 125 0.56 1.50 20 47.5 54 58 1.00 1.50 35.5 84 94 95 0.13 1.80 8.3 20 29 41 0.20 1.80 13.5 32.5 40 58 0.11 1.60 5.1 12.5 16 24 0.32 1.50 14 34 41 54 1.40 1.00 23 55.5 48 45 1.60 1.10 37 89 110 113 1.00 1.10 23.5 56.5 60 60 1.20 0.59 7.9 19 19 15 Fair-Rite Products Corp. PO Box 288, One Commercial Row, Wallkill, NY 12589-0288 36 + (888) FAIR RITE / (845) 895-2055 • Fax: (888) FERRITE / (845) 895-2629 • (888) 324-7748 (888) 337-7483 E Web: www.fair-rite.com -mail: [email protected] Broadband Frequencies 25-300 MHz (43 material) A B C Wt. (g) H (Oe) MHz MHz 2643004601 1.10 -0.10 0.041 1.45 -0.15 0.054 1.65 ±0.025 0.065 2.10 -0.15 0.080 1.95 -0.20 0.072 2.00 -0.15 0.076 2.00 -0.15 0.076 3.50 ±0.20 0.138 3.50 ±0.20 0.138 3.50 ±0.20 0.138 5.10 ±0.25 0.200 5.10 ±0.25 0.200 5.10 ±0.25 0.200 3.50 ±0.20 0.138 3.50 ±0.20 0.138 2.85 ±0.10 0.112 3.50 ±0.20 0.138 3.55 ±0.15 0.140 3.55 ±0.15 0.140 5.10 ±0.25 0.200 7.50 ±0.20 0.296 7.60 ±0.25 0.300 5.60 -0.50 0.210 6.35 ±0.15 0.250 6.35 ±0.15 0.250 6.35 ±0.15 0.250 9.50 ±0.25 0.375 9.50 ±0.25 0.375 9.50 ±0.25 0.375 9.50 ±0.25 0.375 0.65 +0.10 0.028 0.70 +0.10 0.029 0.85 +0.10 0.034 0.85 +0.10 0.034 1.05 +0.10 0.043 1.05 +0.10 0.043 1.05 +0.10 0.043 1.30 ±0.10 0.051 1.30 ±0.10 0.051 1.30 ±0.10 0.051 1.45 +0.25 0.062 1.45 +0.25 0.062 1.45 +0.25 0.062 1.60 ±0.10 0.063 1.60 ±0.10 0.063 1.65 +0.15 0.068 1.65 +0.25 0.070 1.65 +0.25 0.070 1.65 +0.25 0.070 2.30 ±0.20 0.090 2.25 +0.25 0.094 2.25 +0.25 0.094 2.65 ±0.25 0.105 2.95 +0.45 0.125 2.95 +0.45 0.125 2.95 +0.45 0.125 4.50 +0.75 0.192 4.50 +0.75 0.192 4.75 +0.30 0.193 4.75 +0.30 0.193 4.10 -0.30 0.156 2.30 ±0.15 0.090 3.68 -0.25 0.140 2.90 -0.45 0.105 10.40 ±0.25 0.410 1.65 -0.25 0.060 3.80 ±0.25 0.150 3.25 ±0.25 0.128 6.00 ±0.25 0.236 12.70 ±0.35 0.500 3.40 -0.45 0.125 6.35 ±0.25 0.250 11.10 ±0.35 0.437 3.25 ±0.25 0.128 6.00 ±0.25 0.236 3.75 ±0.25 0.147 4.05 ±0.25 0.160 3.30 -0.40 0.122 5.95 ±0.25 0.234 12.70 ±0.35 0.500 7.55 ±0.25 0.297 15.10 ±0.75 0.595 12.70 ±0.50 0.500 12.70 ±0.50 0.500 15.90 ±0.50 0.625 25.40 ±0.75 1.000 6.35 ±0.35 0.250 14.50 ±0.60 0.570 10.40 ±0.25 0.410 15.90 ±0.45 0.625 0.10 4.70 9 12.5 31 39 0.01 4.00 8 12.5 26 39 0.02 3.40 12 17 31 47 0.03 3.10 12 18 31 47 0.08 2.90 26 34 58 77 0.01 2.80 6 9 22 33 0.03 2.80 12 16 31 46 0.10 2.00 17 26 40 56 0.18 2.00 29 46 60 83 0.38 2.00 60 89 125 148 0.19 1.50 19 30 41 61 0.38 1.50 36 55 82 97 0.67 1.50 62 96 131 151 0.10 1.70 13 21 35 50 0.18 1.70 23 38 55 70 0.06 1.80 10 15 30 43 0.12 1.60 14 24 38 52 0.09 1.60 11 19 30 46 0.18 1.60 21 31 48 65 0.81 1.20 49 78 120 123 1.00 1.00 42 63 92 109 2.10 1.00 83 115 200 195 0.87 1.10 42 63 88 110 1.20 0.91 43 69 102 111 1.50 0.91 53 85 122 132 2.50 0.91 83 135 200 196 1.40 0.60 21 35 50 66 3.10 0.60 47 78 115 119 2.20 0.60 34 53 80 92 3.40 0.60 51 83 120 127 2643004701 2643020501 2643004801 2643002201 2643000501 2643000201 2643000101 2643000301 2643000701 2643200101 2643022401 2643021801 2643001501 2643025601 2643023201 2643013801 2643001601 2643001301 2643005701 2643000801 2643300101 2643003201 2643250402 2643250302 2643250202 2643375102 2643375002 2643006302 2643023402 10 Impedance (Ω) 25 100 Part Number MHz + + 250 MHz Fair-Rite Products Corp. PO Box 288, One Commercial Row, Wallkill, NY 12589-0288 Phone: (888) FAIR RITE / (845) 895-2055 • Fax: (888) FERRITE / (845) 895-2629 • (888) 324-7748 (888) 337-7483 E Web: www.fair-rite.com -mail: [email protected] 37 Broadband Frequencies 25-300 MHz (43 material) A B C Wt. (g) H (Oe) MHz MHz MHz 2643023002 9.50 ±0.25 0.375 9.65 ±0.25 0.380 9.65 ±0.25 0.380 4.75 +0.30 0.193 5.00 ±0.20 0.197 6.35 ±0.15 0.250 19.05 ±0.70 0.750 5.05 -0.45 0.190 7.35 ±0.25 0.290 4.10 0.60 60 100 145 148 1.10 0.59 16 26 43 56 1.30 0.51 15 24 38 55 2643002402 2643012702 10 Impedance (Ω) 25 100 Part Number MHz + + 250 Higher Frequencies 250-1000 MHz (61 material) Part Number 2661000101 2661000301 2661000701 2661022401 2661021801 2661023801 2661000801 2661250402 2661375102 A 3.50 ±0.20 0.138 3.50 ±0.20 0.138 3.50 ±0.20 0.138 5.10 ±0.25 0.200 5.10 ±0.25 0.200 5.10 ±0.25 0.200 7.50 ±0.25 0.296 6.35 ±0.15 0.250 9.50 ±0.25 0.375 B 1.30 ±0.10 0.051 1.30 ±0.10 0.051 1.30 ±0.10 0.051 1.45 +0.25 0.062 1.45 +0.25 0.062 1.45 +0.25 0.062 2.25 +0.25 0.094 2.95 +0.45 0.125 4.50 +0.75 0.192 C 3.25 ±0.25 0.128 6.00 ±0.25 0.236 12.70 ±0.35 0.500 6.35 ±0.25 0.250 11.10 ±0.35 0.437 22.85 ±0.75 0.900 7.55 ±0.25 0.297 12.70 ±0.50 0.500 6.35 ±0.35 0.250 Impedance (Ω) 250 500 1000 MHz MHz MHz 30 45 62 95 2.00 54 82 103 120 0.38 2.00 120 158 178 185 0.38 1.50 58 82 103 138 0.67 1.50 102 141 167 185 1.40 1.50 210 286 325 350 1.00 1.00 75 103 120 143 1.20 0.91 85 115 135 155 2.50 0.60 42 63 83 117 Wt. (g) H (Oe) 0.10 2.00 0.18 100 MHz + Fair-Rite Products Corp. PO Box 288, One Commercial Row, Wallkill, NY 12589-0288 38 Phone: (888) FAIR RITE / (845) 895-2055 • Fax: (888) FERRITE / (845) 895-2629 • (888) 324-7748 (888) 337-7483 E Web: www.fair-rite.com -mail: [email protected] +