® SHM-43 ® High-Speed, 0.01% Hybrid Sample/Hold Typical unit FEATURES PRODUCT OVERVIEW 35 nSec maximum acquisition time to 0.01% 30 nSec maximum hold-mode settling to 0.01% The SHM-43 sample-hold utilizes a proprietary architecture in delivering an acquisition time of 35 nanoseconds maximum to 0.01% and 20 nanoseconds maximum to 0.1% accuracy. Operation requires +15V and ±5V supplies and the analog input range is ±2V. Packaged in a small 14-pin DIP, the SHM-43 offers a CMOS compatible sample command while dissipating just 545 milliwatts. The SHM-43 has been designed for applications that demand fast acquisition times (25 nS, 1 pSec aperture uncertainty 150 MHz small-signal bandwidth 545 mW power dissipation Small 14-pin DIP package CMOS control signal ±0.01%), fast hold mode settling (20nS, ±0.01%), wide bandwidth, and the ability to drive resistive (100Ω), and capacitive (50 pF) loads with no compromise in performance. These features make the SHM-43 an ideal choice for driving flash A/D converters in applications such as radar and communications. Two temperature ranges are offered: the commercial 0 to+70 ˚C and military -55 to +125 ˚C. SIMPLIFIED SCHEMATIC DIGITAL +5V +15V POWER 4 INPUT 12 ANALOG +5V -5V POWER 14 13 1 +1 8 +1 S/H CONTROL S/H OR S/H 9 5 7 Typical topology is shown. 10 -5 BYPASS SWITCH DRIVE 6 3 DIGITAL GROUND S/H OUT POWER GND 11 +5 BYPASS 2 ANALOG GROUND REF BYPASS Figure 1. Simplified Block Diagram DATEL • 11 Cabot Boulevard, Mansfield, MA 02048-1151 USA • Tel: (508) 339-3000 • www.datel.com 13 Sep 2012 • e-mail: [email protected] MDA_SHM-43.B04 Page 1 of 4 ® SHM-43 ® High-Speed, 0.01% Hybrid Sample/Hold Functional Specifications PERFORMANCE, CONT. MIN TYP MAX UNITS — — — — — — 20 35 35 nSec. nSec. nSec. μV rms Apply over the operating temperature range, ±1 Volt input range, 100Ω load, +15V, ±5V nominal supplies, unless otherwise specified. MIN TYP MAX UNITS Hold Mode Settling, 0.1%, +25 ˚C 0 to +70 ˚C -55 to +125 ˚C Input Voltage Range -2 — +2 Volts Output Noise, Hold Mode Input lmpedance 50 160 — Kohms PARAMETERS Digital Imputs (Digital Supply = +5V) Logic Levels Logic 1 Logic 0 Logic Loading Logic 1 Logic 0 3.8 — — — — 1.35 Vdc Vdc — — 1 1 5 5 μA μA Voltage Range ±2 — — V Output Current 50 — — mA Output lmpedance (DC) — 0.1 0.25 Ohms Stable Capacative Load 50 — — pF — 50 100 Feedthrough Rejection 2V Step -76 -80 — dB Droop Rate, +25 ˚C 0 to +70 ˚C -55 to +125 ˚C — — — 1 — 25 5 50 50 μV/μS μV/μS μV/μS +4.75 +4.75 -4.75 +14.25 +5.0 +5.0 -5.0 +15.0 +5.25 +5.25 -5.25 +15.75 Vdc Vdc Vdc Vdc — — — — +38 +10 -47 8 +45 +50 -50 12 mA mA mA mA Power Dissipation — 545 655 mW Power Supply Rejection Ratio -52 -60 — dB — — +70 +125 ˚C ˚C — +150 ˚C POWER SUPPLY REOUIREMENTS Range Analog +5V Digital +5V -5V +15V OUTPUTS Current Usage Analog +5V pin 14 Digital +5V pin 4 -5V pin 13 +15V pin 12 PERFORMANCE Nonlinearity, DC (±1V) +25 ˚C O to·70 ˚C -55 to +125 ˚C — — — — — — 0.01 0.01 0.02 % % % Sample Mode Offset, +25 ˚C 0 to +70 ˚C -55to +125 ˚C — — — 5 ±25 ±25 ±30 ±35 ±35 mV mV mV Pedestal, 25 ˚C 0 to +70 ˚C -55 to +125 ˚C — — — ±15 — — ±30 ±40 ±40 mV mV mV Gain, +25 ˚C — 1 — V/V Gain Error, +25 ˚C O to +70 ˚C -55 to +125 ˚C — — — — — — ±2 ±2.25 ±2.25 % % % Absolute Maximum Ratings LIMITS UNITS Aperture DeIay, +25 ˚C 0 to + 70 ˚C -55 to +125 ˚C — — — 5 10 10 10 20 20 nSec. nSec. nSec. +15V supply (pin 12) -0.5 to +18 Vdc +5V supply (pin 4, 14) -0.5 to +6 Vdc Aperture Jitter, +25 ˚C 0 to + 70 ˚C -55 to +125 ˚C — — — 1 2 2 3 6 6 pS pS pS -5V supply (pin 13) +0.5 to -7 Vdc Analog input (pin 1) +5V Supply +1 -5V Supply -1 Vdc Vdc Slew Rate Full Power BW, ±1.5V — 20 190 25 250 — V/μSec. MHz Digital inputs (pins 5, 6) -0.5 to +6 Vdc Lead temperature (10 sec.) 300 ˚C Small Signal Bandwidth 100 50 — MHz Short circuit to ground 70 mA Harmonic Distortion ±1V, DC to 5 MHz ±1V, 5 to 10 MHz, +25 ˚C 0 to +70 ˚C -55 to +125 ˚C -70 -60 -50 -50 -74 -70 — — — — — — dB dB dB dB Acq Time 0.01%, ±1V, +25 ˚C ➀ 0 to +70 ˚C -55 to +125 ˚C Acq Time 0.1%, ±1V, +25 ˚C ➀ 0 to +70 ˚C -55 to +125 ˚C — — — — — — 25 — — 15 — — 35 35 45 25 35 35 nSec. nSec. nSec. nSec. nSec. nSec. Hold Mode Settling, 0.01%, +25 ˚C 0 to +70 ˚C -55 to +125 ˚C — — — 20 — — 30 50 50 nSec. nSec. nSec. DATEL ENVIRONMENTAL Operating Temp. Range -MC, ambient -MM, case 0 -55 Storage Temp. Range -65 Package Type ➀ 14-Pin metal DIP DATEL uses the conservative definition of Acquisition time, which includes the Aperture Delay time. PARAMETERS Output shorted to any supply will cause permanent damage. • TECHNICAL NOTES 1. Bypass the ±5V analog, +5V digital, +15V supplies with a 1μF, 25V tantalum capacitor in parallel with a O.O1 μF ceramic capacitor mounted as close to the pin as possible. To achieve optimum performance2. Additional bypass capacitors are necessary, because of internal high switching speeds, and high slew rates of internal components. REF BYPASS (pin 2), +5 BYPASS (pin 9), and -5 BYPASS (pin 10) are internal connections that must be bypassed with a minimum 1μF tantalum capacitor mounted as close to the pin as possible. The polarity of the connections are shown on the test circuit drawing, Figure 2. 3. As with all high speed analog circuits, it is essential that good grounding tcehniques be used. Tie all ground pins together at a single ground point beneath the device, and use a short low impedance run to the ground of the analog power supplies. The ground point should be a solid ground plane under the device and any associated data converter. 4. The offset, pedestal, and gain errors of the SHM-43 are laser trimmed at DATEL and no external compensation capabilities have been provided. This prevents introducing noise through the offset adjust terminals of the S/H amplifier and guarantees excellent galn linearity, offset drift, and pedestal performance. 11 Cabot Boulevard, Mansfield, MA 02048-1151 USA • Tel: (508) 339-3000 • www.datel.com 13 Sep 2012 • e-mail: [email protected] MDA_SHM-43.B04 Page 2 of 4 ® SHM-43 ® High-Speed, 0.01% Hybrid Sample/Hold DIGITAL +5V 1μF ANALOG +5V + + 0.01μF 1μF + 0.01μF 4 1μF 0.01μF 14 1 INPUT +15V 12 3 8 5 S/H * SHM-43 11 10 6 9 + 7 2 0.01μF 13 S/H OUTPUT + 100Ω R1 ** + 1μF minimum + 1μF -5V Figure 2. Test CIrcuit Connections * Connections shown for S/H; if opposite polarity sample hold command Is desired, connect S/H CONTROL (pin 6) to DIGITAL +5V (pin 4). Using the opposite polarity S/H command will not effect speed or accuracy. ** The SHM-43 MS been optimized tor driving 100Ω loads. R1 should be chosen so that the total load on the S/H is 100Ω. +5V SAMPLE S/H COMMAND HOLD 0V (GND) +1V ACQUISITION TIME 25nS ±0.01% TYP. ANALOG INPUT -1V +1V 20nS SAMPLE HOLD OUTPUT 20nS ±0.01% TRACK TO HOLD SETTLING, TYP. -1V ±0.01% FEEDTHRU 80 dB 25nS ±0.01% Figure 3. Test Method tor Circuit Shown In FIgure 2 DATEL • 11 Cabot Boulevard, Mansfield, MA 02048-1151 USA • Tel: (508) 339-3000 • www.datel.com 13 Sep 2012 • e-mail: [email protected] MDA_SHM-43.B04 Page 3 of 4 ® SHM-43 ® High-Speed, 0.01% Hybrid Sample/Hold ORDERING GUIDE SUMMARY Model Number Temperature Range SHM-43MC SHM-43MC-C SHM-43MM RoHS No 0 to +70 °C 0 to +70 °C -55 to +125 °C Yes* No *Does not claim EU RoHS exemption 7b – lead in solder. Contact DATEL for availability of MlL-STD-883 versions. MECHANICAL DIMENSIONS 0.79 (20.01) Tolerances unless otherwise specified: 2 PL DEC ±O.02 3 PL DEC ±0.002 ±(O.50) ±(O.05) 0.49 (12.45) SHM-43 Dimensions in inches (mm) 0.16 (4.06) 0.025 (0.64) PIN 1 INDEX 0.010 (0.254) 0.300 (7.62) 0.018 (0.46) 0.010 (0.254) 0.040 (1.02) 0.20 (5.10) 0.010 (0.254) INPUT/OUTPUT CONNECTIONS Pin Function DATEL 11 Cabot Boulevard, Mansfield, MA 02048-1151 USA ITAR and ISO 9001/14001 REGISTERED Pin Function 1 Input 8 S/H Out 2 Ref Bypass 9 +5 Bypass 3 Power Gnd 10 -5 Bypass 4 Digital +5V 11 Analog Ground 5 S/H or S/H 12 +15V Power 6 S/H Control 13 -15V Power 7 Digital Ground 14 Analog +5V . makes no representation that the use of its products in the circuits described herein, or the use of other technical information contained herein, will not infringe upon existing or future patent rights. The descriptions contained herein do not imply the granting of licenses to make, use, or sell equipment constructed in accordance therewith. Specifications are subject to change without notice. © 2012 www.datel.com • e-mail: [email protected] 13 Sep 2012 MDA_SHM-43.B04 Page 4 of 4