无锡好达电子有限公司 Shoulder Electronics Limited. RCT02STX5 规格书编号 SPEC NO : 产品规格书 SPECIFICATION CUSTOMER 客 户: PRODUCT 产 品: TRANSMITTER MODEL NO 型 号: MARKING MODULE RCT02STX5 印 字: PREPARED 编 制: CHECKED 审 核: APPROVED 批 准: D A T E 日 期: 2010-6-1 客户确认 CUSTOMER RECEIVED: 审核 CHECKED 批准 APPROVED 日期 DATE 无锡市好达电子有限公司 Shoulder Electronics Lim 无锡好达电子有限公司 Shoulder Electronics Limited http://www.shoulder.cn 无锡好达电子有限公司 Shoulder Electronics Limited. RCT02STX5 ASK radio transmitter module RCT02STX5 ASK radio transmitter module is a superior performance transmitter module for ISM band. With the adoption of European brand RF wireless data transferring/ receiver chipsets, it has advantage at strong transmission power, low voltage power supplying, easily through the Fcc/CE authentication. It can do wireless signal input to the data signal output without any external circuit. Users only need to decode the data plus a simple circuit and then any wireless products development can be easily achieved. Features: (1)Bigger transmit power,more than 10mW; (2)Wide operation voltage range:1.8 V-3.6V; (3)Operation frequency:315 MHz;433 MHz; (4)Adoption of SAW steady frequency (+-50KHZ), (5)in cooperation with RXB8 receiving module, the operative distance can be 500m; (6)Lower static current and transmission consumption is about 10mA,nearly no current consumption if no data transferring. 无锡好达电子有限公司 Shoulder Electronics Limited http://www.shoulder.cn 无锡好达电子有限公司 Shoulder Electronics Limited. RCT02STX5 (7)Operation temperature range:-20℃~+60℃; (8)Dimension:11x16x5.5MM; (9)Frequency stability:±50 KHZ (10)Modulation rate:3KB/S (11)Input signal:TTL level Applications: (1)Remote keyless entry(RKE); (2)Remote door-open machine, barrier gate (3)Wireless security alarm; (4)Remote control curtains; (5)Wireless industrial controller; (6)Wireless data transmission; Product Pin Description 无锡好达电子有限公司 Shoulder Electronics Limited http://www.shoulder.cn 无锡好达电子有限公司 Shoulder Electronics Limited. RCT02STX5 Electrical parameters: Pin Name Function Explanation 1 GND Power Ground 2 DATA Data Input 3 VDD Positive Power Supply 4 ANT Antenna Input VDD-GDN Parameters 1.8V-3.6V TA-25° Symbol Status Operation frequency Modulation Transmission power Modulation frequency Frequency accuracy power consumption Operation voltage Operation temperature range Fc Reference Value Minimum Typical Maximum 315 433.92 Unit MHz ASK 3V/50Ω Fc IRC 10dBm dBm 2.4K Hz ±50K Hz 10 mA VCC 1.8 3.6 V TC -40 +85 ℃ 无锡好达电子有限公司 Shoulder Electronics Limited http://www.shoulder.cn 无锡好达电子有限公司 Shoulder Electronics Limited. RCT02STX5 Module Name explanation: RCT02STX5.Represents the meaning of transmission 315M. Represents the frequency is 315MHz module Module dimension drawing 无锡好达电子有限公司 Shoulder Electronics Limited http://www.shoulder.cn