Technical Specification NQ20x20ETx20 9-20 V 0 - 20V 20A Non- Eighth-brick Continuous Input Outputs Current Isolated DC-DC Converter The NiQor Eighth-brick dc-dc converter is a non‑isolated buckboost regulator, which employs synchronous rectification to achieve extremely high conversion efficiency. The High Non-Isolated Input Voltage NiQor Brick family of converters can be used in traditional DPA (distributed power architecture) systems or provide a regulated output voltage from a battery source or other variable voltage source. The NiQor Eighth-brick ET W20 0 NQ2 V family can be configured to Buck the input voltage down to 9-2 0 IN C20 2 0 V OU 0- T -NN S-G 0A @2 a lower voltage or Boost the input voltage up to a higher voltage using a single external resistor. These modules are RoHS 6/6 compliant (see page 12). NiQor Eighth-brick module Operational Features • • • • • • • • High efficiency, 95% at full rated load current Delivers up to 20A of output current Input Voltage Range: 9-20 Vdc Output Voltage Range: 0 - 20V (negative output is possible) Extensive on-board input and output filtering No minimum load requirement means no preload resistors required Buck or buck-boost versions available Adjustable current limit with current monitor (C option) Protection Features • Input under-voltage lockout protects the converter at low input voltage conditions • Over-current shutdown protects converter from excessive load current or short circuits • Input/output over-voltage protection protects load and regulator from damaging voltages • Thermal shutdown protects converter from abnormal environmental conditions Mechanical Features Safety Features • Industry standard eighth-brick pin-out configuration • Sizes: .99" x 2.39" (25.04x60.6 mm) Flanged - 1.45” x 2.39” (36.8 x 60.6mm) • Total height only 0.500" (12.7 mm) ● UL 60950-1:2007 ● EN60950-1/A12:2011 ● CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 60950-1:2007 • Total weight: 1.7oz (48g) Flanged: 1.9oz (53g) Contents Control Features • • • • • Page No. On/Off control Output voltage trim permits custom voltages Remote Sense (S option, standard) Current limit trim (C option) Output voltage trim range from 0 - 20V Product # NQ20x20ETx20 Phone 1-888-567-9596 Open Frame Mechanical Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Baseplated Mechanical Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Technical Specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Standards & Qualifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Technical Charts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Application Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Ordering Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Doc.# 005-0005380 Rev. K 02/11/14 Page 1 Input: Outputs: Current: Package Standard Mechanical Diagram 9-20 V 0 - 20V 20A Eighth-brick 0.99 (25) 0.600 (15.24) 0.450 (11.43) 0.300 (7.62) 0.500 ±0.025 (12.7 ±0.63) 0.150 (3.81) Overall height 8 7 6 5 4 2.39 (60.6) 2.00 (50.8) Top View 0.18 (4.6) 0.19 (4.9) Side View 0.145 1 2 (3.68) 3 Bottom side Clearance 0.300 (7.62) 0.600 (15.24) 0.020 ±0.010 (0.51 ±0.25) NOTES PIN DESIGNATIONS 1) BASEPLATE FLATNESS TOLERANCE IS 0.004" (.10mm) TIR FOR SURFACE 2) PINS 1-3, 5-7 ARE 0.040" (1.02mm) DIA. WITH 0.080" (2.03mm) DIA. STANDOFF SHOULDERS 3) PINS 4 AND 8 ARE 0.062" (1.57mm) DIA. WITH 0.100" (2.54mm) DIA. STANDOFF SHOULDERS 4) ALL PINS: MATERIAL: COPPER ALLOY FINISH: MATTE TIN OVER NICKEL PLATE 5) UNDIMENSIONED COMPONENTS ARE SHOWN FOR VISUAL REFERENCE ONLY 6) ALL DIMENSIONS IN INCHES(mm) TOLERANCES: X.XXIN +/-0.02 (X.Xmm +/-0.5mm) X.XXXIN +/-0.010 (X.XXmm +/-0.25mm) 7) WEIGHT: 1.7oz (48g) TYPICAL 8) WORKMANSHIP: MEETS OR EXCEEDS IPC-A-610 CLASS II Product # NQ20x20ETx20 Phone 1-888-567-9596 Pin Label Function 1 Vin(+) 2 ON/OFF 3 4 Vin(-) Vout(-) 5 SENSE (-) Positive input TTL input to turn converter on and off, referenced to Vin(-), with internal pull up Negative input voltage, internal short to Pin 4 Negative output voltage, internal short to Pin 3 Negative remote sense. See note 1 (S option) Itrim (C option) Output voltage trim Positive remote sense. See note 2 (S option) Imon (C option) Positive output voltage 6 TRIM 7 SENSE (+) 8 Vout(+) Notes: 1)SENSE(–) should be connected to Vout(–) either remotely or at the converter 2)SENSE(+) should be connected to Vout(+) either remotely or at the converter Doc.# 005-0005380 Rev. K 02/11/14 Page 2 Input: Outputs: Current: Package Flanged Mechanical Diagram 1.45 [36,8 ] 1.27 [32,3 ] .99 USE W/ 4-40 OR M3 SCREW (6x) RECOM. TORQUE 3 .13[3,3] OVERALL HEIGHT .500 .025 [12,7 0,63] [25 ] 9-20 V 0 - 20V 20A Eighth-brick .15 [3,7 ] SEE NOTE 5 & 6 .01 [0,2] 4 5 6 7 .60 [15,2 ] .45 [11,4 ] .30 [7,6 ] .15 [3,8 ] 8 TOP VIEW 2.07 [52,5 ] 1.66 [42,2 ] 2.39 [60,6 ] 2.00 [50,8 ] 1.01 [25,7 ] .36 [9,1 ] 3 1 .18 [4,6 ] .193 .02 [0,6 ] .34 [8,5 ] .43 [10,8 ] [4,9 ] .13 [3,2 ] NOTES 1) APPLIED TORQUE PER SCREW SHOULD NOT EXCEED 5in-lb (0.7Nm) (3in-lb RECOMMENDED) 2) BASEPLATE FLATNESS TOLERANCE IS 0.010" (.10mm) TIR FOR SURFACE 3) PINS 1-3, 5-7 ARE 0.040" (1.02mm) DIA. WITH 0.080" (2.03mm) DIA. STANDOFF SHOULDERS 4) PINS 4 AND 8 ARE 0.062" (1.57mm) DIA. WITH 0.100" (2.54mm) DIA. STANDOFF SHOULDERS 5) ALL PINS: MATERIAL: COPPER ALLOY FINISH: MATTE TIN OVER NICKEL PLATE 6) UNDIMENSIONED COMPONENTS ARE SHOWN FOR VISUAL REFERENCE ONLY 7) ALL DIMENSIONS IN INCHES(mm) TOLERANCES: X.XXIN +/-0.02 (X.Xmm +/-0.5mm) X.XXXIN +/-0.010 (X.XXmm +/-0.25mm) 8) WEIGHT: 1.9oz (53g) TYPICAL 9) WORKMANSHIP: MEETS OR EXCEEDS IPC-A-610 CLASS II Product # NQ20x20ETx20 Phone 1-888-567-9596 2 1 .30 BOTTOMSIDE CLEARANCE .01 [0,3 ] [7,6 ] .60 [15,2 ] .79 [20,1 ] PIN DESIGNATIONS Pin Label Function Vin(+) Positive input TTL input to turn converter on and off, 2 ON/OFF referenced to Vin(-), with internal pull up 3 Vin(-) Negative input voltage, internal short to Pin 4 4 Vout(-) Negative output voltage, internal short to Pin 3 SENSE Negative remote sense. See note 1 (S option) 5 (-) Itrim (C option) 6 TRIM Output voltage trim SENSE Positive remote sense. See note 2 (S option) 7 (+) Imon (C option) 8 Vout(+) Positive output voltage Notes: 1)SENSE(–) should be connected to Vout(–) either remotely or at the converter. 2)SENSE(+) should be connected to Vout(+) either remotely or at the converter. 1 Doc.# 005-0005380 Rev. K 02/11/14 Page 3 Input: Outputs: Current: Package Technical Specification 9-20 V 0 - 20V 20A Eighth-brick NQ20x20ETx20 Electrical Characteristics Ta = 25 °C, airflow rate = 300 LFM, Vin = 12 V dc unless otherwise noted; full operating temperature range is -40 °C to +105 °C ambient temperature with appropriate power derating. Specifications subject to change without notice. Parameter ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Input Voltage Non-Operating Operating Storage Temperature Voltage at ON/OFF input pin Vout Min. All All All All 0 Typ. -45 -0.5 Max. Units Notes & Conditions 30 20 125 5.5 V V °C V Continuous Continuous 20 25 20 V A A µF V A Turn on at 10V Fast blow external fuse recommended Input current max equals output rated current ESR < 1.5 Ω RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Input Voltage Range Input Fuse Rating All All 9 All All All 100 0 0 All All All All 5 12 20 All All 9.2 8.1 All All 0 0 All 3.3 5 20 All All ±160 mV ±4%*Vout 10 20 40 24 0 5000 Input Current External Input Capacitance Output Voltage Output Current INPUT CHARACTERISTICS Input Under-Voltage Lockout Turn-On Voltage Threshold Turn-Off Voltage Threshold Lockout Hysteresis Input Current Limit No-Load Input Current “ “ Disabled Input Current Input Filter Components Value (C\L\C) OUTPUT CHARACTERISTICS Output Voltage Range Operating Output Current Range Output Voltage Regulation Total Output Voltage Range Output Voltage Ripple and Noise (pk-pk/36Vin) “ “ Output DC Over Current limit External Output Capacitance C Option: Isense voltage No load Full load Output resistance of Isense C Option: Itrim voltage Voltage at no load Voltage at maximum load Pull-Up Resistance of Itrim Pin Pull-Up Voltage C Option: Reverse Current EFFICIENCY 100% Load; 20 Vin 100% Load; 20 Vin 100% Load; 12 Vin 50% Load; 20 Vin 50% Load; 20 Vin 50% Load; 12 Vin Product # NQ20x20ETx20 20 20 9.5 8.5 1.0 24 115 140 150 60 20\1.1\60 10 8.9 V V V A mA mA mA mA µF\µH\µF 20 20 V A 1.25 1.83 10 V V kΩ All All All All All 0.12 2.12 10.2 2.5 V V kΩ V µA 5 12 20 5 12 20 88 94 95 90 95 95 Phone 1-888-567-9596 Set output by Rtrim resistor Sense pin, over sample, line, load, temp. & life mV mV mV A µF All All All 2 Output voltage dependent % % % % % % 10 Vin Full Load; 100uF; 20 MHz b.w. " Effective on input, output condition ESR > 1 mΩ 10 A load 10 A load Enabled or Disabled W mode only W mode only Doc.# 005-0005380 Rev. K 02/11/14 Page 4 Input: Outputs: Current: Package Technical Specification 9-20 V 0 - 20V 20A Eighth-brick NQ20x20ETx20 Electrical Characteristics (continued) Ta = 25 °C, airflow rate = 300 LFM, Vin = 12 V dc unless otherwise noted; full operating temperature range is -40 °C to +105 °C ambient temperature with appropriate power derating. Specifications subject to change without notice. Parameter Vout Min. Typ. Max. Units Notes & Conditions DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS Output Voltage during Current Transient For a Step Change in Output Current Settling Time Turn on Transient Startup delay Rise Rate Output Voltage Overshoot FEATURE CHARACTERISTICS Switching Frequency ON/OFF Control Negative Logic (N) ON/OFF Control Off-State Voltage On-State Voltage Pull-Up Voltage Pull-Up Resistance Output Voltage Trim Range Input/Output Over-Voltage Protection Over-Temperature Shutdown Over-Temperature Shutdown Restart Hysteresis TEMP LIMITS FOR POWER DERATING Semiconductor Junction Temperature Board Temperature Baseplate Temperature RELIABILITY CHARACTERISTICS Calculated MTBF (TR-NWT-000332; Telcordia) Calculated MTBF (MIL-HDBK-217F; MIL-217) Field Demonstrated MTBF Product # NQ20x20ETx20 Phone 1-888-567-9596 All 1 V All 5 ms All All All 2 0.2 0 ms V/ms V 260 kHz 3.3 0.8 V V V kΩ V V °C °C All 240 All All All All All All All All 1.8 0 250 3.3 10 0 22 24 115 15 All All All All All All 20 25 125 125 100 2.5 1.9 °C °C °C (0.1 A/µs); 50%-75%-50% Iout max To within 1.5% Vout nom. Resistive load " " Measured Vout+ to common pins Over full temp range Average PCB Temperature Package rated to 150 °C ULrated max operating temp 130 °C 106 Hrs. 100% load, 200LFM, 40 °C Ta 106 Hrs. 100% load, 200LFM, 40 °C Ta 106 Hrs. See our website for details Doc.# 005-0005380 Rev. K 02/11/14 Page 5 Input: Outputs: Current: Package Standards & Qualifications Parameter 9-20 V 0 - 20V 20A Eighth-brick Notes & Conditions STANDARDS COMPLIANCE UL 60950-1:2007 CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 60950-1:2007 EN60950-1/A12:2011 Needle Flame Test (IEC 695-2-2) IEC 61000-4-2 Test on entire assembly; board & plastic components UL94V-0 compliant ESD test, 8 kV - NP, 15 kV air - NP (Normal Performance) Note: An external input fuse must always be used to meet these safety requirements. Contact SynQor for official safety certificates on new releases or download from the SynQor website. Parameter # Units Test Conditions QUALIFICATION TESTING Life Test 32 95% rated Vin and load, units at derating point, 1000 hours Vibration 5 10-55 Hz sweep, 0.060” total excursion, 1 min./sweep, 120 sweeps for 3 axis Mechanical Shock 5 100g minimum, 2 drops in x, y, and z axis Temperature Cycling 10 -40 °C to 100 °C, unit temp. ramp 15 °C/min., 500 cycles Power/Thermal Cycling 5 Toperating = min to max, Vin = min to max, full load, 100 cycles Design Marginality 5 Tmin-10 °C to Tmax+10 °C, 5 °C steps, Vin = min to max, 0-105% load Humidity 5 85 °C, 95% RH, 1000 hours, continuous Vin applied except 5 min/day Solderability 15 pins MIL-STD-883, method 2003 Altitude 2 70,000 feet (21 km), see Note Note: A conductive cooling design is generally needed for high altitude applications because of naturally poor convective cooling at rare atmospheres. Product # NQ20x20ETx20 Phone 1-888-567-9596 Doc.# 005-0005380 Rev. K 02/11/14 Page 6 Input: Outputs: Current: Package Technical Charts 100 20 12Vin 20Vout 12Vin 5Vout 12Vin 3.3Vout 20Vin 12Vout 20Vin 5Vout 20Vin 3.3Vout 95 Power Dissipation (W) 90 Efficiency (%) 9-20 V 0 - 20V 20A Eighth-brick 85 80 75 12Vin 20Vout 12Vin 5Vout 12Vin 3.3Vout 20Vin 12Vout 20Vin 5Vout 20Vin 3.3Vout 70 65 60 15 10 5 0 0 4 8 12 16 20 0 4 8 12 16 20 Load Current (A) Load Current (A) Figure 1: Efficiency at different output voltage vs. load current for different input voltage at 25 °C. Figure 2: Power dissipation at different output voltage vs. load current for different input voltage at 25 °C. 21 1 µH Derated Output Current (A) 18 source impedance 15 12 i S 9 See Fig. 5 See Fig. 6 i C Converter Tb=100 C; Vout=5 V V Tb=80 C; Vout=12 V SOURCE Tb=100 C; Vout=12 V 3 Dc-dc IN Tb=80 C; Vout=5 V 6 V Tb=100 C; Vout=20 V 8 10 12 14 16 Input Voltage (V) 18 * See values for recommended external input capacitance. Inductor optional as needed. 20 OUT 100 µF 100mΩ ESR C* Tb=80 C; Vout=20 V 0 V tantalum capacitor Figure 3: Maximum output power derating curve with a controlled baseplate temperature of 80ºC and 100ºC. Figure 4: Test set-up diagram showing measurement points for Input Terminal Ripple Current (Fig 5), and Output Voltage Ripple (Fig 6). Figure 5: Input Terminal Ripple Current at 10 V input voltage and rated load current (500 mA/div). Bandwidth: 20 MHz. (See Figure 4) Figure 6: Output Voltage Ripple at 10 V input voltage and rated load current (20mV/div). Zero load capacitance. Bandwidth: 20 MHz. (See Figure 4) Product # NQ20x20ETx20 Phone 1-888-567-9596 Doc.# 005-0005380 Rev. K 02/11/14 Page 7 Input: Outputs: Current: Package Technical Charts Figure 7: Turn-on transient at zero load (50 ms/div). ON/OFF input (5 V/div) Ch 1-4: Vout (5 V/div) 9-20 V 0 - 20V 20A Eighth-brick Figure 8: Turn-on transient at full load (50 ms/div). ON/OFF input (5 V/div) Ch 1-4: Vout (5 V/div) 1.9 2.5 1.8 2.0 1.6 Itrim (V) IMON (V) 1.7 1.5 1.5 1.0 1.4 0.5 1.3 1.2 0.0 0 5 10 Load (A) 15 20 Figure 9: Imon pin voltage vs. load current at 16 V input and 13.8 V output. Load capacitance: 100µF electrolytic cap. C option only. 0 5 10 15 Current Limit (A) 20 25 Figure 10: Current limit vs. Itrim pin voltage with 16 V input and 13.8 V output. Load capacitance: 100µF electrolytic cap. C option only. Figure 11: Output voltage response for 3.3 V, 5 V, 12 V, 20 V units to step‑change in load current (50-75-50% of Iout max; di/dt=0.1A/µs). Load cap: 100µF, 100mΩ ESR tant, Ch 1-4: Vout (1 V/div);(5ms/div). Product # NQ20x20ETx20 Phone 1-888-567-9596 Doc.# 005-0005380 Rev. K 02/11/14 Page 8 Input: Outputs: Current: Package Application Section 9-20 V 0 - 20V 20A Eighth-brick BASIC OPERATION AND FEATURES PROTECTION FEATURES These converters use a digital controller for the buck stage and the boost stage. It automatically changes operating mode (buck or boost) when the line voltage or output set point changes. Both stages are accomplished with synchronous rectifiers. Very high efficiency is maintained over wide input and output voltage ranges by the change in operational mode and the use of synchronous rectifiers. Input Under-Voltage Lockout: The converter is designed to turn off when the input voltage is too low, which helps to avoid an input system instability problem (described in more detail in the application note titled “Input System Instability”). The lockout circuitry is a comparator with DC hysteresis. When the input voltage is rising, it must exceed the typical Turn-On Voltage Threshold value (listed on the specification page) before the converter will turn on. Once the converter is on, the input voltage must fall below the typical Turn-Off Voltage Threshold value before the converter will turn off. The converter runs at a fixed frequency with a predictable EMI performance. Note: Since this converter supports a wide range of input and output voltage, the current rating and current limit function affect both input and output current, whichever is higher at the time. When in buck mode, the output current is higher. In boost mode the input current is higher. CONTROL FEATURES REMOTE ON/OFF: The On/Off input permits the user to control when the converter is on or off. Only Negative ON/ OFF logic is available in this power module series. The negative logic ON/OFF signal turns the module OFF when it is high (leave the pin floating or set its voltage between 1.8~3.3 V) and turns the module ON when it is low (below 0.8V with respect to Vin-). OUTPUT VOLTAGE TRIM: The output voltage can be programmed to any voltage between 0Vdc and Vrated by connecting one resistor between the Pin 6 (TRIM) pin and Pin 5 [Sense(-)](S-version) or Pin 4 [Vout(-)](C-version). For a desired output voltage, the value of the resistor is: RVtrim(Vout) = [( ) ] ( ) 12465 x Vrated Vtrim + 0.0569 x Vrated _ 10912 (Ω) Output Current Shutdown: To provide protection in an output short condition, the unit is equipped with internal short circuit protection. When the short circuit protection is triggered, the unit first shuts down. After an approximately 16 ms inhibit time, the unit turns on again. If the short circuit condition remains, the current limit circuit will control the output current. The unit will operate normally once the fault condition is removed. Internal Over-Voltage Protection (OVP): To protect the load against an excessive output voltage, an output over-voltage shutdown feature is included. This OVP is fixed and independent of the output voltage set point. Over-Temperature Shutdown: A temperature sensor on the converter senses the average temperature of the module. The over temperature shutdown circuit is designed to turn the converter off when the temperature at the sensed location reaches the Over-Temperature Shutdown value. It will allow the converter to turn on again when the temperature of the sensed location falls by the amount of the Over-Temperature Shutdown Restart Hysteresis value. Alternatively, the TRIM pin can be driven from an external voltage source: Vpin6 = 2.366 – 2.180 Vtrim Vrated Where, for both approaches: Vtrim = desired output voltage setpoint Vrated = rated output voltage Vpin6 = trim pin voltage (when driven externally) RVtrim = resistor value to set Vout Note: To maintain the accuracy of the output voltage over load current, it is vital that any trim resistor be connected to the converter’s Sense(-) pin (for the S-option) or Vout(-) pin (for the C-option), locally at the converter, not at a remote location nearer to the load. A separate Kelvin connection to the PCB pad for the Vout(-) is optimal for the C-option. Product # NQ20x20ETx20 Phone 1-888-567-9596 Doc.# 005-0005380 Rev. K 02/11/14 Page 9 Input: Outputs: Current: Package Application Section 9-20 V 0 - 20V 20A Eighth-brick APPLICATION CONSIDERATIONS Limited output voltage resolution: The internal voltage control feedback loop is digital and has limited resolution. Therefore, the output voltage will exhibit discrete steps as the loop responds to changes in line, load, trim, or remote sense. For instance, on close examination, the startup ramp has a “stair-step” shape. Likewise, a load transient response will be composed of multiple discrete steps. Input filtering: These modules should be connected to a low-impedance source. A highly inductive source can affect the stability of the module. An input capacitor with an ESR must be placed directly adjacent to the input pin of the module to minimize input ripple voltage and ensure module stability. Negative output: This series of converters can be connected to achieve a negative output from a positive input as shown in Fig A. Vin+ 1 Cin1 Vin-/ Vout+ Cin2 Vout+ SENSE+ 2 ENABLE TRIM DC-DC SENSE3 Vin- Converter VoutVin+ 8 7 6 5 4 Cout1 RVtrim Vout- Figure A: Negative output setup See application note: Input System Instability ( Output capacitance: No extra external capacitor is required. However, to reduce the output ripple and improve dynamic response to a step load change additional capacitance at the output can be used. Low ESR polymer and ceramic capacitors are recommended to improve the dynamic response of the module. The addition of external output capacitance may cause the start-up time to change. Using this negative output configuration impacts the available output voltage range and current limit. The output voltage range becomes 0 to (Vmax - Vin), and the current limit (for either the buck or boost modes) is scaled by: Irated(neg) = Vin (Vin + Vout) * Irated Remote sense (S-option only): Vout remote sensing is provided to achieve proper regulation at the load points and reduce effects of distribution losses on output line. The module can correct for a total of 10% drop in the output lines. In the event of an open remote sense line, the module will maintain regulation through an internal resistor connection. Current limit: The available power is limited by an output current limit in buck mode (when Vin>Vout) and by an input current limit in boost mode (when Vin<Vout). for Vin >Vout: Ilimit = 1.2 x Imax for Vin < Vout: Ilimit = 1.2 x Imax x ( Vout ) Vin where Imax = maximum rated output current Product # NQ20x20ETx20 Phone 1-888-567-9596 Doc.# 005-0005380 Rev. K 02/11/14 Page 10 Input: Outputs: Current: Package Application Section C-FEATURE SET (Current monitor/ trimmable current limit (C-option) In addition to voltage trim, the C-option offers an adjustable current limit trim and a current monitor Imon pin. It does not have remote sense. Output current limit trim: The output current limit can be set to any value between zero and Irated by choosing the value of RItrim as follows: RItrim = Zero back-drive current: The C-option includes an ideal diode circuit in series with the Vout+ pin that prevents reverse current flow. This enables applications such as battery charging, current sharing, and current monitoring. DC-DC Converter 1 Cin Vin- Vin+ 2 ENABLE 3 Vin- 1.153 Irated - Itrim ) ] 10200 - 10 (Ω) Where I trim = desired current limit setpoint Irated = rated maximum converter current V(pin5) = 2.085(Itrim/Irated) + 0.0953 Vout+ Vout+ 8 IMON 7 TRIM 6 ITRIM 5 Vout- 4 [( 0.0469 Irated + Itrim Alternatively, the Itrim pin can be driven from an external voltage source: C-Option Connection Vin+ 9-20 V 0 - 20V 20A Eighth-brick IMON Output Cout RItrim RVtrim Vout- Figure B: Current monitor/trimmable current limit setup Output voltage trim: The RVtrim resistor increases the output voltage, identical in function to the S-option (p.9). Output current limit: There are three levels of current that must be understood when considering the term “Output Current Limit” as listed below: IOCL = over-current limit (from datasheet Output Characteristics: Output DC Over Current Limit). This is a built in fixed value of current at which the converter will limit. where Itrim is the desired current limit setpoint Note: It is possible to choose RItrim such as that Itrim is greater than Irated, but SynQor does not recommend continuous operation above Irated. Note: When in boost-mode, the output current could still be limited by the maximum current limit, IOCL, applied to the input current. Current monitor: The Imon pin voltage tracks the output current, as shown in figure 9. Zero load current is 1.25V and maximum rated load current is 1.83V. This pin has a 49.9 Ohm output impedance. 1.25V 49.9Ω Imon Figure D: Current monitor circuit Irated = rated current of the converter (input or output) Itrim = desired output current limit Figure C shows the relationship among these three currents. I OCL Irated Itrim Figure C: Relationship of output current terms. Product # NQ20x20ETx20 Phone 1-888-567-9596 Doc.# 005-0005380 Rev. K 02/11/14 Page 11 Input: Outputs: Current: Package Ordering Information 9-20 V 0 - 20V 20A Eighth-brick PART NUMBERING SYSTEM ORDERING INFORMATION The part numbering system for SynQor’s dc-dc converters follows the format shown in the example below. The tables below show the valid model numbers and ordering options for converters in this product family. When ordering SynQor converters, please ensure that you use the complete 15 character part number consisting of the 12 character base part number and the additional 3 characters for options. Add “-G” to the model number for 6/6 RoHS compliance. NQ 2 0 W 2 0 E T C 2 0 N N S - G 6/6 RoHS Options (see Ordering Information) Model Number Output Current NQ20w20ETx20Nyz-G Input Voltage 9-20 V Output Voltage 0 - 20V Max Output Current 20A Thermal Design The following options must be included in place of the w x y z spaces in the model numbers listed above. Performance Level Package Size Output Voltage Mode: w Mode (see Ordering Information) Input Voltage Product Family The first 12 characters comprise the base part number and the last 3 characters indicate available options. The “-G” suffix indicates 6/6 RoHS compliance. T - Buck W - Buck / Boost Options Description: x y z Enable Thermal Design Pin Style Feature Set Logic C - Encased V - Encased with Flanged Baseplate NNegative K - 0.110" N - 0.145" R - 0.180" Y - 0.250" S - Standard C - Current monitor output / Trimmable current limit Application Notes A variety of application notes and technical white papers can be downloaded in pdf format from our website. RoHS Compliance: The EU led RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances) Directive bans the use of Lead, Cadmium, Hexavalent Chromium, Mercury, Polybrominated Biphenyls (PBB), and Polybrominated Diphenyl Ether (PBDE) in Electrical and Electronic Equipment. This SynQor product is 6/6 RoHS compliant. For more information please refer to SynQor’s RoHS addendum available at our RoHS Compliance / Lead Free Initiative web page or e-mail us at Not all combinations make valid part numbers, please contact SynQor for availability. See the Product Summary web page for more options. PATENTS SynQor holds the following U.S. patents, one or more of which apply to each product listed in this document. Additional patent applications may be pending or filed in the future. 5,999,417 6,222,742 6,545,890 6,577,109 6,594,159 6,731,520 6,894,468 6,896,526 6,927,987 7,050,309 7,072,190 7,085,146 7,119,524 7,269,034 7,272,021 7,272,023 7,558,083 7,564,702 7,765,687 7,787,261 8,023,290 8,149,597 8,493,751 Contact SynQor for further information and to order: Phone: 978-849-0600 Toll Free:1-888-567-9596 Fax: 978-849-0602 E-mail: Web: Address: 155 Swanson Road Boxborough, MA 01719 USA Product # NQ20x20ETx20 Phone 1-888-567-9596 Warranty SynQor offers a three (3) year limited warranty. Complete warranty information is listed on our website or is available upon request from SynQor. Information furnished by SynQor is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by SynQor for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of SynQor. Doc.# 005-0005380 Rev. K 02/11/14 Page 12