AN10421 Power management for LPC2138 Rev. 01 — 06 January 2006 Application note Document information Info Content Keywords Core and peripherals power consumption measurement, code examples Abstract This application note contains power consumption data for the LPC2138 MCUs. Code examples used when making the room temperature measurements are also included. AN10421 Philips Semiconductors Power management for LPC2138 Revision history Rev Date Description 01 20060106 Initial version. Contact information For additional information, please visit: For sales office addresses, please send an email to: [email protected] AN10421_1 Application note © Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved. Rev. 01 — 06 January 2006 2 of 20 AN10421 Philips Semiconductors Power management for LPC2138 1. Introduction The LPC2000 family of ARM7 MCUs has a wide range of operation. This application note shows the power consumption of the LPC2138 on a MCB2130 board. Measurements are focused on the different possible power modes of the device. Software code used is included at the end of this application note. 2. LPC2138 power management Power consumption of an ARM7 core and its peripherals depend basically on VDD and the clock rate. All used abbreviations are listed in the user manual UM10120 for the LPC2131/2/4/8 devices. 2.1 LPC2138 power measurement The power consumption measurement for LPC2138 was done on the Keil MBC2130 evaluation board. All measurements have been done on the VDD = 3.3 V rail of the board by an ampere meter shown in Fig 1 at room temperature. Please note that this application note provides only typical numbers and values. Fig 1. Test assembly, pin X1 and capacitance Cc (refer to LPC2138 user manual (UM10120) chapter 3.4 Crystal oscillator Fig. 7) AN10421_1 Application note © Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved. Rev. 01 — 06 January 2006 3 of 20 AN10421 Philips Semiconductors Power management for LPC2138 2.1.1 Clocks and PLL In general there are two reference clocks inside the LPC2000 family ARM7 MCUs - the CPU clock or CCLK and the peripheral clock or PCLK. To generate CCLK the external clock source on the X1 pin can be used directly or the internal PLL (Phase Lock Loop) can be used to provide a certain target CCLK above the external frequency. The application note AN10331 describes how to implement PLL operation. Equation (1) describes the derivation of PCLK. VPBDIV can have values of {1,2,4}. = PCLK CCLK VPBDIV (1) UM10120 Chapter 3.10 describes the relationship between CCLK and PCLK. The register VPBDIV can be used to lower power consumption, mentioned as the second purpose of VPBDIV (see Table 1). The relationship between power consumption and PCLK is linear. Table 1: Using PLL in combination with VPBDIV If required core performance is higher than peripheral required speed, user can save power by using the VPBDIV register VPBDIV 1 2 4 CCLK [MHz] PCLK [MHz] 12 24 48 12 24 48 12 24 48 12 24 48 6 12 24 3 6 12 Relative peripheral power consumption 100% 200% 400% 50% 100% 200% 25% 50% 100% 2.1.2 Core power consumption The power consumption of an ARM7 MCU core depends on hardware and software factors. UM10120 chapter 4 describes the Memory Accelerator Module (MAM). Running with the MAM on is a power saving feature in the LPC2138. Table 2 shows how the memory was mapped in this applications note. On a side note, the difference in performance is negligible, since Flash has a Memory Accelerator Module (MAM), so performance is close to SRAM. AN10421_1 Application note © Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved. Rev. 01 — 06 January 2006 4 of 20 AN10421 Philips Semiconductors Power management for LPC2138 Table 2: Flash or SRAM Requirements: code, data and const have to fit in memory size Mapping Type Memory Flash like Code Flash Data SRAM Const Flash Code SRAM Data SRAM Const SRAM [1] SRAM like [1] Reference to Keil online article: ARM: Debug programs in on-chip RAM of Philips LPC2000 Besides the acceleration effect, MAM, if fully enabled, offers a way to save power, since enabling various buffers reduces the number of Flash fetches. The MAM Timing register determines how many CCLK cycles are used to access the Flash. For power optimization, a MAM Timing value of two or more is recommended. The behavior of the ARM7 three-stage pipeline is an indicator of the core power consumption. In order to keep power consumption low, optimal pipelining is needed. That means all core operations are single cycle operations. Therefore software code should be very iterative. Loop structures, like while (1), or strong recursive code will increase power consumption, since the core keeps fetching all the time. A work around could be idle-mode mentioned later in this application note. In addition, software decides whether the instruction set used is ARM or Thumb. Since ARM state uses 32-bit instructions, it has by definition the higher power consumption. In Thumb state, eight instructions are fetched by the MAM versus four in ARM state, and some instructions cannot execute in a single cycle. A comparison of ARM and Thumb encoding is shown in Table 3. Table 3: The instruction pipeline The program counter (PC) points to the instruction being fetched, not executed Pipeline ARM Thumb FETCH PC PC DECODE PC - 4 PC – 2 EXECUTE PC - 8 PC – 4 So the lowest power consumption results from Thumb state, but time critical code, like an interrupt handler, should be written in ARM. A summary of useful values is shown in Table 4. The core power consumption can be described as a linear function with an offset. AN10421_1 Application note © Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved. Rev. 01 — 06 January 2006 5 of 20 AN10421 Philips Semiconductors Power management for LPC2138 Table 4: Core power consumption Typical numbers of LPC2138 core power consumption Core Memory mode State Offset @ Offset @ 1 MHz [mA] 10 MHz [mA] Active[1] Flash -Thumb Active[1] Flash - ARM Active[1] SRAM[2] Idle - ~5.6 ~6.4 ~5.5 ~1.3 Additional power Power consumption consumption @ [mA/MHz] 60 MHz [mA] ~10.3 ~11.6 ~11.9 - ~0.52 ~0.58 ~0.71 ~0.17 ~36.3 ~40.6 ~47.4 ~11.3 [1] See code section chapter 3.2 [2] SRAM doesn’t care about ARM or Thumb state, since measured while Debugger was running 2.1.3 Peripheral power consumption The second focus point of this application note concerns the power consumption of the peripherals. This application note summarizes typical peripheral power consumption in a specific configuration in Table 5. Note that the internal PCLK divider column applies to the prescaler built into the indicated peripheral. Table 5: Peripheral power consumption Typical numbers of LPC2138 peripheral power consumption Peripheral Configuration Timer/PWM[1] ADC[2][3][4] UART I2C SPI SSP Continuously counting 10 channel burst mode Receiver mode Master transmitter mode Slave receiver mode Slave receiver mode [1] Internal PCLK divider 1 MHz < PCLK < 10 MHz [uA/MHz] 10 MHz < PCLK < 20 MHz [uA/MHz] PCLK > 20 MHz [uA/MHz ] 1 16 8 2 24.0 15.8 30.0 13.0 14.9 14.9 24.0 10.4 30.0 10.2 8.5 8.5 24.0 8.2 30.0 6.3 5.0 5.0 Pulse-width-modulator (PWM): Only timer registers are active [2] 10 channels ADC with a sample rate of 400 kHz [3] Value for only PCLK at 4Mhz and 8 MHz [4] Running on maximum output clock rate (400 kHz) Please note that on default all peripherals are active, so unused peripherals may be deactivated by the PCONP register to lower power consumption. 2.2 Power saving modes The LPC2138 supports two reduced power modes: idle and power-down mode. In Idle mode, execution of instructions is suspended until either a reset or an interrupt occurs. Bits in the PCONP register, described in section 3.8.3 of UM10120, enable or disable specific peripherals in the LPC2138. Peripheral functions continue operation during idle mode and may generate interrupts to cause the processor to resume execution. Idle mode eliminates power used by the processor, internal buses and memory systems. So entering idle mode instead of a while AN10421_1 Application note © Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved. Rev. 01 — 06 January 2006 6 of 20 AN10421 Philips Semiconductors Power management for LPC2138 (1) loop in the main program keeps peripherals fully functional with less power consumption. In Power-down mode, the oscillator is shut down and the chip receives no internal clocks. The processor state and registers, peripheral registers, and internal SRAM values are preserved throughout power-down mode and the logic levels of chip pins remain static. The power-down mode can be terminated and normal operation resumed by either a reset or certain specific interrupts that are able to function without clocks because all dynamic operation of the chip is suspended. Since the SRAM controller incorporates a write-back buffer holding the last data sent by software to the SRAM, a dummy write is needed before entering Idle or Power-down mode. Therefore, a dummy write to data is necessary if the same data is updated before entering either power saving mode. For more detailed information see UM10120 Chapter 1. 2.2.1 Idle mode The Idle mode, as used in this applications note, is when the CPU clock is inactive and all peripheral modules are turned off. In this application note, the offset value represents the power consumed with all peripherals turned off the PCONP register allows power consumption measurement of the specific peripheral. So the measurements results for idle mode itself are used as an offset to calculate single peripheral power consumption. 2.2.2 Power-down mode Power Consumption in power-down mode depends on the pin configuration. For detailed information see LPC2131/2/4/8 data sheet table 10 and also the application note AN10404 chapter 4, which includes some hints for lowering power consumption in power-down mode. Using the information in AN10404 and the LPC2131/2/4/8 data sheet allows the defining of an optimized pin configuration (see Table 6). Also note, that input pins should be pulled high before entering power-down mode, since each pin, when low, will consume about ~50uA (typical). AN10421_1 Application note © Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved. Rev. 01 — 06 January 2006 7 of 20 AN10421 Philips Semiconductors Power management for LPC2138 Table 6: Optimized pin configuration in power-down mode Optimized pin configuration Pins on port 0 are connected to VDD Pins on port 1[2] are connected to VDD Input[1] [1] Power Power consumption consumption [3] on VDD [µA] on VBAT [µA] Description ~60 ~18 Default setting [2] Internal pull-ups resistors on port 1, cannot be deactivated [3] VBAT = 3.3 V 2.3 Calculation examples for LPC2138 As an example, once the CCLK is chosen for a certain application need, let’s assume 60 MHz is required, the next step in design is to maximize the value of VPB divider or in other words to minimize the PCLK rate, which just perform above application’s required peripheral speed. For instance a clock rate of 15 MHz is adequate for user’s need, so VPBDIV can be set to 4. Therefore the reference clock rate for the core is 60 MHz (lookup Table 4) and for the peripherals it’s 15 MHz (lookup Table 5). Now it’s possible to calculate the total power consumption for a certain application by assuming the core uses Flash (see Table 2), the instructions are encoded in Thumb and only the vectored interrupts use ARM instructions. The results for this example are summarized in Table 7. Table 7: Calculation example Consumer load Core Timer Timer (PWM) ADC UART I2C SPI SSP Number Peripheral power Core power consumption consumption @ 15 MHz @ 60 MHz [mA] (CCLK) [mA] (PCLK) 2x 1x 2x 2x 2x 1x 1x 0.720 0.360 0.312 0.900 0.306 0.128 0.128 Total [mA] ~36.3 - ~39.2 Values refer to chapter 2.1.2 and 2.1.3 of this application note 3. Software code 3.1 Idle and power-down mode /****************************************/ /* */ /* Power Measurements: Idle/Power-Down */ /* */ AN10421_1 Application note © Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved. Rev. 01 — 06 January 2006 8 of 20 AN10421 Philips Semiconductors Power management for LPC2138 /****************************************/ #include <stdio.h> // standard I/O .h-file #include <LPC213x.H> // LPC213x definitions int main (void) { // Optimized pin configuration // Output configuration: (~40uA) // Port0: // output configuration no additional resistors are needed IODIR0 = 0xFFFFFFFF; // all output IOSET0 = 0xFFFFFFFF; // set to high // Additional to that, all pins on Port0 are shortcut to 3.3V!!! // Port1: has internal pull-ups, cannot switched off! IODIR1 = 0xFFFF0000; // all output (Pins P1.0-15 not available) IOSET1 = 0xFFFF0000; // set to high // Additional to that, all pins on Port1 are shortcut to 3.3V!!! /* // Input configuration: (~65uA) // Port0: // input configuration IODIR0 = 0x00000000; // all input // Additional to that, all pins on Port0 are shortcut to 3.3V!!! // Port1: has internal pull-ups, cannot switched off! IODIR1 = 0x00000000; // all intput (Pins P1.0-15 not available) // Additional to that, all pins on Port1 are shortcut to each other!!! */ PCONP = 0x00000000; // deactivate all peripherals while(1) // loop forever AN10421_1 Application note © Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved. Rev. 01 — 06 January 2006 9 of 20 AN10421 Philips Semiconductors Power management for LPC2138 { PCON |= 0x02; // set power-down mode or // PCON |= 0x01; // set idle mode } } 3.2 Core active mode /****************************************/ /* */ /* Power Measurements: Core Active Mode */ /* */ /****************************************/ #include <stdio.h> // standard I/O .h-file #include <LPC213x.H> // LPC213x definitions //#pragma arm // compile in ARM mode //#pragma thumb // compile in Thumb mode int main (void) { long i = 0; PCONP = 0x0000000; // deactivate all peripherals while(1) // loop forever { i++;… // … e.g. 300 times an iterative command (i++; i++; i++;…) i = 0; } } AN10421_1 Application note © Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved. Rev. 01 — 06 January 2006 10 of 20 AN10421 Philips Semiconductors Power management for LPC2138 3.3 Peripherals /****************************************/ /* */ /* Power Measurements: Peripherals */ /* */ /* Code example for CCLK = 60MHz */ /* */ /****************************************/ #include <stdio.h> /* standard I/O .h-file */ #include <LPC213x.H> /* LPC213x definitions */ void I2C0_ISR_Handler(void) __irq { // NOTE: SI bit is set after each STAT register change exept the 0xF8 status // STATUS: a START condition has been transmitted (Bus was free) // NEXT: load SLA and write bit if (I20STAT == 0x08) { I20DAT = 0x0000000E; I20CONCLR = 0x00000020; // 7 bit Slave Adress plus LSB = 0 for write // Reset the START bit } // STATUS: SLA and Write has been transmitted, but not Acknowledge bit received // NEXT: repeat START if (I20STAT == 0x20) { I20CONSET = 0x00000020; // Set the STA bit I20CONCLR = 0x00000020; // Reset the START bit } AN10421_1 Application note © Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved. Rev. 01 — 06 January 2006 11 of 20 AN10421 Philips Semiconductors Power management for LPC2138 // STATUS: A repeated START has bee transmitted // NEXT: load SLA and write bit if (I20STAT == 0x10) { I20DAT = 0x0000000E; // repeat Slave Adress and write I20CONCLR = 0x00000020; // Reset the START bit } // STAUS: SLA and Write has been transmitted and Acknowledge bit received // NEXT: load first Data byte if (I20STAT == 0x18) { I20DAT = 0x000000AA; // Data master transmits } // STATUS: Data byte has been transmitted and Acknowledged bit received // NEXTE: load next Data byte if (I20STAT == 0x28) { I20DAT = 0x000000AA; // Data master transmits } // STATUS: Data byte has been transmitted, but no Acknowledged bit received // NEXT: repeat START if (I20STAT == 0x30) { I20CONSET = 0x00000020; // Set the STA bit } I20CONCLR = 0x00000008; VICVectAddr = 0x00000000; // Reset the SI bit to continue // Acknowledge register } void I2C1_ISR_Handler(void) __irq AN10421_1 Application note © Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved. Rev. 01 — 06 January 2006 12 of 20 AN10421 Philips Semiconductors Power management for LPC2138 { // NOTE: SI bit is set after each STAT register change exept the 0xF8 status // STATUS: a START condition has been transmitted (Bus was free) // NEXT: load SLA and write bit if (I21STAT == 0x08) { I21DAT = 0x0000000E; I21CONCLR = 0x00000020; // 7 bit Slave Adress plus LSB = 0 for write // Reset the START bit } // STATUS: SLA and Write has been transmitted, but not Acknowledge bit received // NEXT: repeat START if (I21STAT == 0x20) { I21CONSET = 0x00000020; // Set the STA bit I21CONCLR = 0x00000020; // Reset the START bit } // STATUS: A repeated START has bee transmitted // NEXT: load SLA and write bit if (I21STAT == 0x10) { I21DAT = 0x0000000E; I21CONCLR = 0x00000020; // repeat Slave Adress and write // Reset the START bit } // STAUS: SLA and Write has been transmitted and Acknowledge bit received // NEXT: load first Data byte if (I21STAT == 0x18) { I21DAT = 0x000000AA; // Data master transmits } AN10421_1 Application note © Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved. Rev. 01 — 06 January 2006 13 of 20 AN10421 Philips Semiconductors Power management for LPC2138 // STATUS: Data byte has been transmitted and Acknowledged bit received // NEXTE: load next Data byte if (I21STAT == 0x28) { I21DAT = 0x000000AA; // Data master transmits } // STATUS: Data byte has been transmitted, but no Acknowledged bit received // NEXT: repeat START if (I21STAT == 0x30) { I21CONSET = 0x00000020; // Set the STA bit } I21CONCLR = 0x00000008; VICVectAddr = 0x00000000; // Reset the SI bit to continue // Acknowledge register } int main (void) { /* Turn on Peripherals: PCONP bit 0 - reserved 0x00000001 bit 1 - Timer0 0x00000002 bit 2 - Timer1 0x00000004 bit 3 - UART0 0x00000008 bit 4 - UART1 0x00000010 bit 5 - PWM0 0x00000020 bit 6 - reserved 0x00000040 bit 7 - I2C zero 0x00000080 bit 8 - SPI0 0x00000100 bit 9 - Real Time Clock 0x00000200 AN10421_1 Application note © Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved. Rev. 01 — 06 January 2006 14 of 20 AN10421 Philips Semiconductors Power management for LPC2138 bit 10- SSP/SPI1 0x00000400 bit 11- reserved 0x00000800 bit 12- ADC0 0x00001000 bit 13- reserved 0x00002000 bit 14- reserved 0x00004000 bit 15- reserved 0x00008000 bit 16- reserved 0x00010000 bit 17- reserved 0x00020000 bit 18- reserved 0x00040000 bit 19- I2C one 0x00080000 bit 20- ADC1 0x00100000 bit 21-31 reserved */ PCONP = 0x00000080; // I2C0 -> master transmitter mode (400kHz) PCONP |= 0x00080000; // I2C1 -> master transmitter mode (400kHz) PCONP |= 0x00000002; // Timer0 -> count continuously with P_CLK PCONP |= 0x00000004; // Timer1 -> count continuously with P_CLK PCONP |= 0x00000020; // PWM -> use PWM as timer and counting with P_CLK PCONP |= 0x00000008; // UART0 -> receiver mode (Divider = 16, max speed) PCONP |= 0x00000010; // UART1 -> receiver mode (Divider = 16, max speed) PCONP |= 0x00001000; // ADC0 -> burst mode conversion 10bit/11clock (400k s_rate) PCONP |= 0x00100000; // ADC1 -> burst mode conversion 10bit/11clock (400k s_rate) PCONP |= 0x00000100; // SPI0 -> slave receiver mode (Divider = 8, max speed) PCONP |= 0x00000400; // SSP, SPI1 -> slave receiver mode (Divider = 2, max speed) // ISR for I2C0 transmitter VICIntEnable = 0x00000200; // set bit 9 VICVectCntl0 = 0x00000029; VICVectAddr0 = (unsigned long) I2C0_ISR_Handler; AN10421_1 Application note © Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved. Rev. 01 — 06 January 2006 15 of 20 AN10421 Philips Semiconductors Power management for LPC2138 // ISR for I2C1 transmitter VICIntEnable |= 0x00080000; // set bit 19 VICVectCntl1 = 0x00000033; VICVectAddr1 = (unsigned long) I2C1_ISR_Handler; // Initialize I2C0 PINSEL0 = 0x00000050; // Enable SCL0 and SDA0 on P0.2 and P0.3 I20CONSET = 0x00000040; // Master mode configuration, I2EN bit set I20SCLH = 0x00000000; // f_bit = f_clk / (I2SCLH + I2SCLL) <= 400kHz I20SCLL = 0x00000096; // Init Master data counter = 400kHz @ 60MHz // Initialize I2C1 PINSEL0 |= 0x30C00000; // Enable SCL1 and SDA1 on P0.11 and P0.14 I21CONSET = 0x00000040; // Master mode configuration, I2EN bit set I21SCLH = 0x00000000; // f_bit = f_clk / (I2SCLH + I2SCLL) <= 400kHz I21SCLL = 0x00000096; // Init Master data counter = 400kHz @ 60MHz // Timer0 Settings T0TC = 0x00000000; // set Timer0 to 0 T0MCR = 0x00000000; // continuous operation // Timer1 Settings T1TC = 0x00000000; // set Timer1 to 0 T1MCR = 0x00000000; // continuous operation // PWM Settings PWMTC = 0x00000000; // set PWM Timer to 0 PWMMCR = 0x00000000; // continuous operation AN10421_1 Application note © Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved. Rev. 01 — 06 January 2006 16 of 20 AN10421 Philips Semiconductors Power management for LPC2138 // Initialize the UART0 PINSEL0 |= 0x00000005; // Enable RxD0 and TxD0 on P0.1 and P0.0 U0LCR = 0x00000083; // 8 bits, no Parity, 1 Stop bit U0DLL = 0x00000000; // on Maximum Speed U0DLM = 0x00000000; // Divider is const = 16 U0LCR = 0x00000003; // DLAB = 0 U0FCR = 0x00000007; // Enable FIFO and receiver water mark // Initialize the UART1 PINSEL0 |= 0x00050000; // Enable RxD0 and TxD0 on P0.9 and P0.8 U0LCR = 0x00000083; // 8 bits, no Parity, 1 Stop bit U0DLL = 0x00000000; // on Maximum Speed U0DLM = 0x00000000; // Divider is const = 16 U0LCR = 0x00000003; // DLAB = 0 U0FCR = 0x00000007; // Enable FIFO and receiver water mark // Initializes the ADC0 // Using Channel 5, which is reserved on P0.26 AD0CR = 0x00210E20; // CLKDIV = 15 @ 60 MHz -> 400k sample rate // Initializes the ADC1 // Using Channel 5, which have to be selected on P0.15 PINSEL0 |= 0xC0000000; // Enable AD1.5 on P0.15 AD1CR // CLKDIV = 15 @ 60 MHz -> 400k sample rate = 0x00210E20; // Initializes the SPI0 PINSEL0 = 0x00005500; // Select SCK, MISO, MOSI, SSEL on P0.4,...P0.7 S0SPCR = 0x18; // CPOL = 1, CPHA = 1, slave mode S0SPCCR = 0x08; // min. CLK Divider AN10421_1 Application note © Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved. Rev. 01 — 06 January 2006 17 of 20 AN10421 Philips Semiconductors Power management for LPC2138 // Initializes the SSP, SPI1 PINSEL1 = 0x000002C8; SSPCR0 = 0x00C7; // Select SCK, MISO, MOSI, SSEL on P0.17,...P0.20 // SCR = 1, CPOL = 1, CPHA = 1, SPI mode, 8 bits SSPCR1 = 0x04; // slave mode, MISO active SSPCPSR = 0x02; // min. CLK Divider // Start I2C0 transmission I20CONSET = 0x00000020; // Start I2C1 transmission I21CONSET = 0x00000020; // Start Timer0 T0TCR = 0x00000001; // Start Timer1 T1TCR = 0x00000001; // Start PWM counter PWMTCR = 0x00000001; // Start ADC0 conversion (burst mode) AD0CR |= 0x01000000; // Start ADC1 conversion (burst mode) AD1CR |= 0x01000000; while (1) // Loop forever { PCON |= 0x01; // set idle mode } AN10421_1 Application note © Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved. Rev. 01 — 06 January 2006 18 of 20 AN10421 Philips Semiconductors Power management for LPC2138 4. Disclaimers Life support — These products are not designed for use in life support appliances, devices, or systems where malfunction of these products can reasonably be expected to result in personal injury. Philips Semiconductors customers using or selling these products for use in such applications do so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Philips Semiconductors for any damages resulting from such application. Right to make changes — Philips Semiconductors reserves the right to make changes in the products - including circuits, standard cells, and/or software - described or contained herein in order to improve design and/or performance. When the product is in full production (status ‘Production’), relevant changes will be communicated via a Customer Product/Process Change Notification (CPCN). Philips Semiconductors assumes no responsibility or liability for the use of any of these products, conveys no licence or title under any patent, copyright, or mask work right to these products, and makes no representations or warranties that these products are free from patent, copyright, or mask work right infringement, unless otherwise specified. Application information — Applications that are described herein for any of these products are for illustrative purposes only. Philips Semiconductors make no representation or warranty that such applications will be suitable for the specified use without further testing or modification. 5. Trademarks Notice — All referenced brands, product names, service names and trademarks are the property of the respective owners. AN10421_1 Application note © Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved. Rev. 01 — 06 January 2006 19 of 20 AN10421 Philips Semiconductors Power management for LPC2138 6. Contents 1. Introduction .........................................................3 2. 2.1 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.2 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.3 3. 3.1 3.2 3.3 4. LPC2138 Power Management.............................3 LPC2138 Power Measurement ...........................3 Clocks and PLL...................................................4 Core Power Consumption ...................................4 Peripheral Power Consumption ..........................6 Power Saving Modes ..........................................6 Idle Mode ............................................................7 Power-down mode ..............................................7 Calculation examples for LPC2138.....................8 Software code......................................................8 Idle and Power-Down Mode................................8 Core Active Mode .............................................10 Peripherals........................................................11 Disclaimers ........................................................19 5. Trademarks ........................................................19 6. Contents.............................................................20 © Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006 All rights are reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without the prior written consent of the copyright owner. The information presented in this document does not form part of any quotation or contract, is believed to be accurate and reliable and may be changed without notice. No liability will be accepted by the publisher for any consequence of its use. Publication thereof does not convey nor imply any license under patent- or other industrial or intellectual property rights. Date of release:06 January 2006 Document number: AN10421_1 Published in The Netherlands