BL8566 REV1.1-Revised Jul 2009 Dual 300mA High PSRR Linear Regulator DESCRIPTION FEATURES BL8566 dual, low-noise, low-dropout regulator delivers at least 300mA of continuous output current. The output voltage for each regulator is set independently by trimming. Output voltages are selectable in 100mV steps within a range of 1.2V to 3.5V.Typical output noise is 47uVrms, and PSRR is 73dB at 100Hz. The BL8566 includes two independent logiccontrolled shutdown inputs and allows the output of each regulator to be turned of independently. • • • • • • • • • • • • BL8566 includes high accuracy voltage reference, error amplifier, current limit circuit and output driver module. Two low dropout voltage regulators 300mA output current for each LDO 25uA operating supply current per LDO Low 47uVRMS output noise Standby Mode: 0.1uA Low 160mV dropout at 300mA load 73dB PSRR at 100Hz Excellent Line regulation: 0.05%/V Independent Shutdown controls 1.2V to 3.5V Factory-Preset Output Output Current Limit Highly Accurate: ±2% (±1% customized) APPLICATIONS • • BL8566 has excellent load and line transient response and good temperature characteristics, which can assure the stability of chip and power system. And it uses trimming technique to guarantee output voltage accuracy within±2%. • • • • Cellular phones Cordless phones and radio communication equipment Battery Powered equipment Notebook and hand-hold equipment Wireless LAN GPS receivers BL8566 is available in SOT-23-6 package which is lead(Pb)-free TYPICAL APPLICATION ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS PSRR 80 70 PSRR(dB) 60 Vout=3.3V 50 40 30 20 APPLICATION HINTS 10 NOTE: Input capacitor (Cin=1uF) and Output capacitor (Cout=1uF/3.3uF) are recommended in all application circuit. 0 0.01 0.1 1 10 Freq(KHz) 1 100 1000 BL8566 ORDERING INFORMATION PIN CONFIGURATION BL8566- □ 1 □ 2 □ 3 Code Marking Description Output Voltage: B:1.5/2.8V,C:1.5/3.0V… f:2.8/3.3V ,g:1.3/2.8V Temperature&Rohs: P:-40~85°C ,Pb Free Rohs Std Package type: R6:SOT-23-6 D6: SOT23-6 D-type Pin Out 1 □ 2 □ 3 □ LXZZ LXZZ| “|” for D-type MARKING DESCRIPTON L: Product Code Vss Vin Vout1 CE1 CE2 Vout2 X: Output Voltage Code B C D E G H I J a c e g Vout1 1.5V 1.5V 1.5V 1.5V 1.8V 1.8V 1.8V 1.8V 1.2V 2.8V 2.5V 1.3V Vout2 2.8V 3.0V 3.3V 4.0V 2.5V 2.8V 3.0V 3.3V 2.5V 1.3V 3.3V 2.8V Code M O P Q R S T U b d f Vout1 2.8V 2.8V 2.8V 3.0V 3.0V 3.0V 3.3V 3.3V 2.8V 2.5V 2.8V Vout2 1.8V 2.8V 3.0V 2.5V 3.0V 3.3V 1.8V 3.3V 1.2V 2.8V 3.3V L: Product Code X: Output Voltage ZZ: Date Code L:Product Code X:Output Voltage BL8566-XPR6 BL8566-XPD6 ZZ: Date Code Ground Pin Supply Voltage Input CH1 Output Voltage Chip Enable1 Chip Enable2 CH2 Output Voltage ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATING Z: The Year of manufacturing,”7” stands for year 2007,”8” stands for year 2008,and “ 0 ” stands for year 2010. Z: The week of manufacturing. ”A” stands for week 1,”Z” stands for week 26,” A ” stands for week 27,” Z ” stands for week 52. Parameter Value Max Input Voltage Operating Junction Temperature(Tj) Ambient Temperature(Ta) Power SOT-23-6 Dissipation Storage Temperature(Ts) Lead Temperature & Time 8V 125°C -40°C -85°C 250mW -40°C -150°C 260°C,10S Note: Exceed these limits to damage to the device. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions may affect device reliability. RECOMMENDED WORK CONDITIONS Parameter Input Voltage Range Ambient Temperature 2 Value Max. 6V -40°C –85°C BL8566 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Test Conditions: Cin=1uF,Cout=3.3uF,TA=25°C, unless otherwise specified. ) BL8566, For Arbitrary Output Voltage Symbol Parameter Vin Input Voltage Conditions Min Typ Vout1 Vout Output Voltage Vin=Set Vout+1V 1mA≤Iout≤30mA Vout x0.98 Iout (Max.) Maximun Output Current Vin-Vout=1V 300 Vdrop Dropout Voltage,Vout≥2.8V ∆Vout ∆Vin ⋅ Vout Line Regulation ∆Vout / ∆Iout Load Regulation Iss ∆Vout ∆T ⋅ Vout Supply Current Supply Current (Standby) Output Voltage Temperature Coefficiency PSRR Ripple Rejection Ilim Vceh Vcel en Short Current Limit CE Input Voltage “H” CE Input Voltage “L” Output Noise Istandby Max 6 Vout X1.02 Units V V mA Iout=100mA 50 80 mV Iout=300mA 160 220 mV Iout=40mA 2.8V≤Vin≤6V 0.05 0.2 %/V 30 50 mV 50 100 uA 0.1 1.0 uA Vin=Set Vout+1V 1mA≤Iout≤300mA Vin=Set Vout+1V Vin=Set Vout+1V Vce=GND Iout=30mA F=100Hz, Ripple=0.5Vp-p Vin=Set Vout+1V Vout=0V ±100 ppm/°C 70 dB 500 1.5 0 BW=10Hz~100kHz 3 Vin 0.25 47 mA V V uVrms BL8566 BLOCK DIAGRAM Explanation BL8566 series are highly accurate, dual, low noise, CMOS low dropout voltage regulators. The output voltage for each regulator is set independently by trimming. Voltages are selectable in 100mV steps within a range of 1.2V to 3.5V. It also can be customized on command. BL8566 includes high accuracy voltage reference, error amplifier, current limit circuit and output driver module. BL8566 has excellent load and line transient response and good temperature characteristics, which can assure the stability of chip and power system. And it uses trimming technique to guarantee output voltage accuracy within±2%. 4 BL8566 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS 1) Output Voltage vs. Output Current (with output short protection) 2) Output Voltage vs. Input Voltage Line Regulation Current limit Vs. Vout 3.5 3.313 3 3.3125 VOUT(V) Vout(V) 2.5 2 3.312 3.3115 1.5 3.311 1 3.3105 0.5 3 3.5 4 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 5 5.5 6 1600 Iload(mA) Iout=14(mA) 3) Dropout Voltage vs. Output Current 4) Ripple rejection vs. Frequency PSRR Dropout & Iout 80 180 160 70 Vout=3.3V 140 60 120 PSRR(dB) Dropout(mV) 4.5 VIN(V) 100 80 60 50 40 30 40 20 20 10 0 0 50 100 150 200 Iout(mA) 250 300 0 0.01 350 Vout=3.3V 0.1 1 10 Freq(KHz) 5 100 1000 BL8566 5) Line transient response Cin=Cout=1uF Iout=25mA vout=3.3V 5V 5V Vin 4V Vin Vout 4V Vout 6) Load transient response Cin=Cout=1uF Vin=4.5v Vout=3.3V 50mA 50mA 1mA Output Current Output Current 1mA Output Voltage Output Voltage 7) Start up from EN 8) Shut down from EN Output Output EN EN 6 BL8566 PACKAGE LINE Package SOT-23-6 Devices per reel Package dimension: 7 3000Pcs Unit mm