User Manual FieldForce TCM High Accuracy Electronic Compass Module Table of Contents 1 COPYRIGHT & WARRANTY INFORMATION ................................................. 1 2 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................... 2 3 SPECIFICATIONS ......................................................................................... 3 3.1 Performance Specifications .................................................................. 3 3.2 Operating Characteristics ..................................................................... 4 3.3 Mechanical Drawing ............................................................................. 5 4 SET-UP ....................................................................................................... 7 4.1 Electrical Connections ........................................................................... 7 4.2 Installation Location.............................................................................. 8 4.2.1 Operate within sensors’ linear regime ........................................ 8 4.2.2 Locate away from changing magnetic fields ............................... 8 4.2.3 Mount in a physically stable location .......................................... 8 4.2.4 Location-verification testing ........................................................ 8 4.3 Mechanical Mounting ........................................................................... 9 5 OPERATION WITH TCM STUDIO ............................................................... 10 5.1 Installation onto a Windows or Mac System ...................................... 10 5.2 Connection Tab ................................................................................... 11 5.2.1 Initial Connection ....................................................................... 11 5.2.2 Changing Baud Rate ................................................................... 11 5.2.3 Changing Modules ..................................................................... 12 5.3 Configuration Tab ............................................................................... 12 5.3.1 Mounting Options ...................................................................... 12 5.3.2 North Reference......................................................................... 13 5.3.3 Endianess ................................................................................... 13 5.3.4 Output ........................................................................................ 13 5.3.5 Enable 3D Model ........................................................................ 14 5.3.6 Filter Setting (Taps) .................................................................... 14 5.3.7 Acquisition Settings.................................................................... 14 5.3.8 HPR During Calibration .............................................................. 15 5.3.9 Calibration Settings .................................................................... 15 5.3.10 Default........................................................................................ 16 5.3.11 Retrieve ...................................................................................... 16 5.4 Calibration Tab .................................................................................... 17 5.4.1 Samples ...................................................................................... 17 5.4.2 Calibration Results ..................................................................... 18 5.4.3 Current Configuration ................................................................ 19 5.4.4 Options ....................................................................................... 19 5.4.5 Clear ........................................................................................... 19 5.5 Test Tab ............................................................................................... 20 5.5.1 Current Reading ......................................................................... 20 PNI Sensor Corporation TCM User Manual – June 2011 DOC#1014688 r05 Page i 5.5.2 3D Model.................................................................................... 20 5.5.3 Acquisition Settings.................................................................... 20 5.5.4 Sync Mode.................................................................................. 21 5.6 Data Logger Tab .................................................................................. 22 5.7 System Log Tab ................................................................................... 23 5.8 Graph Tab............................................................................................ 24 6 FIELD CALIBRATION ................................................................................. 25 6.1 Magnetic Field Calibration Theory...................................................... 26 6.1.1 Hard and Soft Iron Effects .......................................................... 26 6.1.2 Pitch and Roll ............................................................................. 26 6.2 Field Calibration Procedures ............................................................... 27 6.2.1 Full Range Calibration ................................................................ 28 6.2.2 2D Calibration ............................................................................ 31 6.2.3 Limited Tilt Range Calibration .................................................... 32 6.2.4 Hard Iron Only Calibration ......................................................... 33 6.2.5 Accelerometer Only Calibration ................................................ 33 6.2.6 Mag and Accel Calibration ......................................................... 35 6.3 Declination Value ................................................................................ 35 6.4 Other Considerations .......................................................................... 35 7 OPERATION WITH PNI BINARY PROTOCOL ............................................... 36 7.1 Datagram Structure ............................................................................ 36 7.2 Parameter Formats ............................................................................. 37 7.3 Commands & Communication Frames ............................................... 39 7.4 kGetModInfo (frame ID 1d) ................................................................ 40 7.4.1 kModInfoResp (frame ID 2d) ..................................................... 40 7.4.2 kSetDataComponents (frame ID 3d) .......................................... 40 7.4.3 kGetData (frame ID 4d) .............................................................. 42 7.4.4 kDataResp (frame ID 5d) ............................................................ 42 7.4.5 kSetConfig (frame ID 6d) ............................................................ 43 7.4.6 kGetConfig (frame ID 7d) ............................................................ 46 7.4.7 kConfigResp (frame ID 8d) .......................................................... 46 7.4.8 kSave (frame ID 9d) .................................................................... 46 7.4.9 kStartCal (frame ID 10d) ............................................................ 47 7.4.10 kStopCal (frame ID 11d) ............................................................. 48 7.4.11 kSetParam (frame ID 12d) .......................................................... 48 7.4.12 kGetParam (frame ID 13d).......................................................... 50 7.4.13 kParamResp (frame ID 14 d) ....................................................... 50 7.4.14 kPowerDown (frame ID 15 d) ..................................................... 50 7.4.15 kSaveDone (frame ID 16 d) ......................................................... 50 7.4.16 kUserCalSampCount (frame ID 17 d) .......................................... 51 7.4.17 kUserCalScore (frame ID 18 d) .................................................... 51 7.4.18 kSetConfigDone (frame ID 19 d) ................................................. 52 7.4.19 kSetParamDone (frame ID 20 d) ................................................. 52 TCM User Manual – June 2011 Page ii 7.4.20 kStartIntervalMode (frame ID 21 d) ........................................... 52 7.4.21 kStopIntervalMode (frame ID 22 d) ............................................ 52 7.4.22 kPowerUp (frame ID 23 d) .......................................................... 52 7.4.23 kSetAcqParams (frame ID 24 d) .................................................. 52 7.4.24 kGetAcqParams (frame ID 25 d) ................................................. 53 7.4.25 kAcqParamsDone (frame ID 26 d) .............................................. 54 7.4.26 kAcqParamsResp (frame ID 27 d) ............................................... 54 7.4.27 kPowerDownDone (frame ID 28 d) ............................................. 54 7.4.28 kFactoryUserCal (frame ID 29 d) ................................................. 54 7.4.29 kFactoryUserCalDone (frame ID 30 d) ........................................ 54 7.4.30 kTakeUserCalSample (frame ID 31 d) ......................................... 54 7.4.31 kFactoryInclCal (frame ID 36 d)................................................... 54 7.4.32 kFactoryInclCalDone (frame ID 37 d) .......................................... 54 7.4.33 kSetMode (frame ID 46 d)........................................................... 55 7.4.34 kSetModeResps (frame ID 47 d) ................................................. 55 7.4.35 kSyncRead (frame ID 49 d) .......................................................... 56 7.5 Code Examples .................................................................................... 57 7.5.1 Header File & CRC-16 Function .................................................. 57 7.5.2 CommProtocol.h File ................................................................. 60 7.5.3 CommProtocol.cpp File .............................................................. 62 7.5.4 TCM.h File .................................................................................. 66 7.5.5 TCM.cpp File............................................................................... 67 PNI Sensor Corporation TCM User Manual – June 2011 DOC#1014688 r05 Page iii List of Tables Table 3-1: Table 3-2: Table 3-3: Table 3-4: Table 3-5: Table 4-1: Table 5-1: Table 6-1: Table 6-2: Table 6-3: Table 6-4: Table 6-5: Table 6-6: Table 6-7: Table 7-1: Table 7-2: Table 7-3: Table 7-4: Table 7-5: Table 7-6: Performance Specifications I/O Characteristics Power Requirements Environmental Requirements Mechanical Characteristics TCM Pin Descriptions Mounting Orientations Calibration Mode Summary 12 Point North-Unaware Calibration Pattern 18 Point North-Aware Calibration Pattern 12 Point 2D Calibration Pattern 12 Point Limited Tilt Calibration Pattern 6 Point Hard Iron Only Calibration Pattern 18 Point Accelerometer Calibration Pattern UART Configuration Command Set Component Identifiers Configuration Identifiers Sample Points Recommended FIR Filter Tap Values 3 4 4 4 5 7 13 27 30 31 32 32 33 34 36 39 41 43 45 49 List of Figures Figure 3-1: Figure 3-2: Figure 3-3: Figure 4-1: Figure 6-1: Figure 6-2: Figure 6-3: Figure 6-4: Figure 7-1: TCM XB Mechanical Drawing TCM MB Mechanical Drawing PNI Pigtailed Cable Drawing Mounting Orientations Positive & Negative Roll and Pitch Definition Full Range Calibration with 12 Point North-Unaware Cal. Pattern Full Range Calibration with 18 Point North-Aware Cal. Pattern Accelerometer Calibration Starting Orientations Datagram Structure TCM User Manual – June 2011 5 6 6 9 27 29 30 34 36 Page iv 1 Copyright & Warranty Information © Copyright PNI Sensor Corporation 2009 All Rights Reserved. Reproduction, adaptation, or translation without prior written permission is prohibited, except as allowed under copyright laws. Revised May 2011. For most recent version visit our website at PNI Sensor Corporation 133 Aviation Blvd, Suite 101 Santa Rosa, CA 95403, USA Tel: (707) 566-2260 Fax: (707) 566-2261 Warranty and Limitation of Liability. PNI Sensor Corporation ("PNI") manufactures its TCM products (“Products”) from parts and components that are new or equivalent to new in performance. PNI warrants that each Product to be delivered hereunder, if properly used, will, for one year following the date of shipment unless a different warranty time period for such Product is specified: (i) in PNI’s Price List in effect at time of order acceptance; or (ii) on PNI’s web site ( at time of order acceptance, be free from defects in material and workmanship and will operate in accordance with PNI’s published specifications and documentation for the Product in effect at time of order. PNI will make no changes to the specifications or manufacturing processes that affect form, fit, or function of the Product without written notice to the OEM, however, PNI may at any time, without such notice, make minor changes to specifications or manufacturing processes that do not affect the form, fit, or function of the Product. This warranty will be void if the Products’ serial number, or other identification marks have been defaced, damaged, or removed. This warranty does not cover wear and tear due to normal use, or damage to the Product as the result of improper usage, neglect of care, alteration, accident, or unauthorized repair. THE ABOVE WARRANTY IS IN LIEU OF ANY OTHER WARRANTY, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR ANY WARRANTY OTHERWISE ARISING OUT OF ANY PROPOSAL, SPECIFICATION, OR SAMPLE. PNI NEITHER ASSUMES NOR AUTHORIZES ANY PERSON TO ASSUME FOR IT ANY OTHER LIABILITY. If any Product furnished hereunder fails to conform to the above warranty, OEM’s sole and exclusive remedy and PNI’s sole and exclusive liability will be, at PNI’s option, to repair, replace, or credit OEM’s account with an amount equal to the price paid for any such Product which fails during the applicable warranty period provided that (i) OEM promptly notifies PNI in writing that such Product is defective and furnishes an explanation of the deficiency; (ii) such Product is returned to PNI’s service facility at OEM’s risk and expense; and (iii) PNI is satisfied that claimed deficiencies exist and were not caused by accident, misuse, neglect, alteration, repair, improper installation, or improper testing. If a Product is defective, transportation charges for the return of the Product to OEM within the United States and Canada will be paid by PNI. For all other locations, the warranty excludes all costs of shipping, customs clearance, and other related charges. PNI will have a reasonable time to make repairs or to replace the Product or to credit OEM’s account. PNI warrants any such repaired or replacement Product to be free from defects in material and workmanship on the same terms as the Product originally purchased. Except for the breach of warranty remedies set forth herein, or for personal injury, PNI shall have no liability for any indirect or speculative damages (including, but not limited to, consequential, incidental, punitive and special damages) relating to the use of or inability to use this Product, whether arising out of contract, negligence, tort, or under any warranty theory, or for infringement of any other party’s intellectual property rights, irrespective of whether PNI had advance notice of the possibility of any such damages, including, but not limited to, loss of use, revenue or profit. In no event shall PNI’s total liability for all claims regarding a Product exceed the price paid for the Product. PNI neither assumes nor authorizes any person to assume for it any other liabilities. Some states and provinces do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may have other rights that vary by state or province. PNI Sensor Corporation TCM User Manual – June 2011 DOC#1014688 r05 Page 1 2 Introduction Thank you for purchasing PNI Sensor Corporation’s FieldForce TCM XB (pn 12810) or FieldForce TCM MB (pn 13095) tilt-compensated 3-axis digital compass. The TCM is a highperformance, low-power consumption, tilt-compensated electronic compass module that incorporates PNI’s advanced magnetic distortion compensation and calibration scoring algorithms to provide industry-leading heading accuracy. The TCM combines PNI’s patented magneto-inductive sensors and measurement circuit technology with a 3-axis MEMS accelerometer for unparalleled cost effectiveness and performance. PNI recognizes not all applications allow for significant tilt during calibration, so multiple calibration methods are available to ensure optimized performance can be obtained in the real world. These include Full Range Calibration, when ≥45° of tilt is possible during calibration, 2D Calibration when constrained to calibration in a horizontal or near-horizontal plane, and Limited Tilt Calibration when tilt is constrained to <45° but >5° of tilt is possible. PNI also recognizes conditions may change over time, and to maintain superior heading accuracy it may be necessary to recalibrate the compass. So the TCM incorporates Hard Iron Only Calibration to easily account for gradual changes in the local magnetic distorting components. And the accelerometers can be recalibrated in the field if desired. These advantages make PNI’s TCM the choice for applications that require the highest accuracy and performance anywhere in the world under a wide range of conditions. Applications for the TCM include: Unmanned vehicles – underwater (UUV), ground (UGV), & aerial (UAV) Far target locaters and laser range finders Dead reckoning systems Systems in which the tilt angles used for calibration are physically constrained With its many applications, the TCM incorporates a flexible and adaptable command set. Many parameters are user-programmable, including reporting units, a wide range of sampling configurations, output damping, and more. We’re sure the TCM will help you to achieve the greatest performance from your system. Thank you for selecting the TCM. TCM User Manual r05 Page 2 3 Specifications 3.1 Performance Specifications Table 3-1: Performance Specifications1 Parameter Value Accuracy Heading <0.3° rms ≤80° of tilt after full range calibration <0.5° rms ≤5° of tilt after 2D calibration <2.0° rms ≤2 times the calibration tilt angle when using limited-tilt calibration2 <2.0° rms Resolution 0.1° Repeatability 0.05° rms Range Tilt (Pitch & Roll) ≤65° of tilt after full range calibration Accuracy Pitch ± 90° Roll ± 180° Pitch 0.2° rms Roll ≤65° of pitch 0.2° rms ≤80° of pitch 0.4° rms ≤86° of pitch 1.0° rms Resolution 0.01° Repeatability Maximum Operational Dip Angle Magnetometers 0.05° rms 3 85° Calibrated Field Range ± 125 µT Resolution 0.05 µT Repeatability ± 0.1 µT Footnotes: 1. Specifications are subject to change. Assumes the TCM is motionless and the local magnetic field is clean relative to the calibration. 2. For example, if the calibration was performed over ±10° of tilt, then the TCM would provide <2° rms accuracy over ±20° of tilt. 3. Performance at maximum operational dip angle will be somewhat degraded. PNI Sensor Corporation TCM User Manual – June 2011 DOC#1014688 r05 Page 3 3.2 Operating Characteristics Table 3-2: I/O Characteristics Parameter Value TCM XB Communication Interface TCM MB Communication Rate Maximum Sample Rate1 Initial power up Time to Initial 2 Good Data Sleep mode recovery Binary RS232 UART Binary CMOS/TTL UART 300 to 115200 baud ≈30 samples/sec <210 ms <80 ms Footnotes: 1. The maximum sample rate is dependent on the strength of the magnetic field, and typically will be from 25 to 32 samples/sec. 2. FIR taps set to “0”. Table 3-3: Power Requirements Parameter Supply Voltage Value TCM XB TCM MB @ max. sample rate @ 8 Hz sample rate Average Current Draw @ max. sample rate TCM MB @ 8 Hz sample rate During application of external power Peak Current Draw During logical power up/down or Sync Trigger Sleep Mode Current Draw TCM XB 3.6 to 5 VDC (unregulated) 3.3 to 5 VDC (unregulated) 20 mA typical 16 mA typical 17 mA typical 13 mA typical 120 mA pk, 60 mA avg over 2 ms 100 mA pk, 60 mA avg over 4 ms 0.3 mA typical Table 3-4: Environmental Requirements Parameter Operating Temperature Storage Temperature Value 1 -40C to +85C -40C to +85C Footnote: 1. To meet performance specifications, recalibration may be necessary as temperature varies. TCM User Manual r05 Page 4 Table 3-5: Mechanical Characteristics Parameter Dimensions (l x w x h) Weight Connector Value TCM XB TCM MB TCM XB TCM MB TCM XB TCM MB Mounting Options 3.3 3.5 x 4.3 x 1.3 cm 3.3 x 3.1 x 1.3 cm 6.8 gm 5.3 gm 9-pin Molex, pn 53780-0970 4-pin MIL-MAX, pn 850-10-004-10-001000 Screw mounts/standoffs, horizontal or vertical Mechanical Drawing The default orientation for the TCM is for the silk-screened arrow to point in the “forward” direction. Figure 3-1: TCM XB Mechanical Drawing PNI Sensor Corporation TCM User Manual – June 2011 DOC#1014688 r05 Page 5 The default orientation for the TCM is for the silk-screened arrow to point in the “forward” direction. Figure 3-2: TCM MB Mechanical Drawing Figure 3-3: PNI Pigtailed Cable Drawing TCM User Manual r05 Page 6 4 Set-Up This section describes how to configure the TCM in your host system. To install the TCM into your system, follow these steps: Make electrical connections to the TCM Evaluate the TCM using TCM Studio (TCM XB only) or a terminal emulation program, such as HyperTerminal, to ensure the compass generally works correctly Choose a mounting location Mechanically mount the TCM in the host system Perform a field calibration 4.1 Electrical Connections The TCM XB incorporates a 9 pin Molex connector, part number 53780-0970, which mates with Molex part 51146-0900 or equivalent. The TCM MB incorporates a 4 pin Mil-Max connector, part number 850-10-004-10-001000, which mates with Mill-Max part 851-XX004-10-001000 or equivalent. The pin-out is given below in Table 4-1. Table 4-1: TCM Pin Descriptions Pin Number1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 TCM XB TCM MB 9 Pin Connector Pigtailed Cable Wire Color 4 Pin Connector* GND GND GND NC NC NC UART Tx UART Rx +5 VDC Black Gray Green Orange Violet Brown Yellow Blue Red GND +5 VDC UART Tx UART Rx Footnote: 1. For the TCM XB, pin #1 is indicated on Figure 3-1. For the TCM MB, pin #1 is the pin closest to the corner. After making the electrical connections, it is a good idea to perform some simple tests to ensure the TCM is working as expected. See Section 5 for how to operate the TCM XB with TCM Studio or Section 7 for how to operate the TCM XB or TCM MB via the UART and PNI binary protocol. PNI Sensor Corporation TCM User Manual – June 2011 DOC#1014688 r05 Page 7 4.2 Installation Location The TCM’s wide dynamic range and sophisticated calibration algorithms allow it to operate in many environments. For optimal performance however, you should mount the TCM with the following considerations in mind: 4.2.1 Operate within sensors’ linear regime The TCM can be field calibrated to correct for large static magnetic fields created by the host system. However, each axis of the TCM has a maximum calibrated dynamic range of ±125 µT: if the total field exceeds this value for any axis, the TCM may not give accurate heading information. When mounting the TCM, consider the effect of any sources of magnetic fields in the host environment that, when added to the earth’s field, may take the sensors out of their linear regime. For example, large masses of ferrous metals such as transformers and vehicle chassis, large electric currents, permanent magnets such as electric motors, and so on. 4.2.2 Locate away from changing magnetic fields It is not possible to calibrate for changing magnetic anomalies. Thus, for greatest accuracy, keep the TCM away from sources of local magnetic distortion that will change with time; such as electrical equipment that will be turned on and off, or ferrous bodies that will move. Make sure the TCM is not mounted close to cargo or payload areas that may be loaded with large sources of local magnetic fields. 4.2.3 Mount in a physically stable location Choose a location that is isolated from excessive shock, oscillation, and vibration. The TCM works best when stationary. Any non-gravitational acceleration results in a distorted reading of Earth’s gravitational vector, which affects the heading measurement. 4.2.4 Location-verification testing Location-verification testing should be performed at an early stage of development to understand and accommodate the magnetic distortion contributors in a host system. Determine the distance range of field distortion. Place the compass in a fixed position, then move or energize suspect components while observing the output to determine when they are an influence. TCM User Manual r05 Page 8 Determine if the maximum field is within the linear range of the compass. With the compass mounted, rotate and tilt the system in as many positions as possible. While doing so, monitor the magnetometer outputs, observing if the maximum linear range is exceeded. 4.3 Mechanical Mounting Refer to Section 3.3 for dimensions, hole locations, and the reference frame orientation. The TCM is factory calibrated with respect to its mounting holes. It must be aligned within the host system with respect to these mounting holes. Ensure any stand-offs or screws used to mount the module are non-magnetic. The TCM can be mounted in various orientations, as shown in Figure 4-1. All reference points are based on the white silk-screened arrow on the top side of the board. The orientation should be programmed in the TCM using the kSetConfig command and the kMountingRef setting, as described in Section 7.4.5 Note that the Z axis sensor and Molex connector are on the top surface of the module. Figure 4-1: Mounting Orientations PNI Sensor Corporation TCM User Manual – June 2011 DOC#1014688 r05 Page 9 5 Operation with TCM Studio The TCM Studio evaluation software communicates with the TCM XB through the RS232 serial port of a computer. The TCM MB is not compatible with TCM Studio because it is not compatible with an RS232-protocol serial port. TCM Studio puts an easy-to-use, graphical-user interface (GUI) onto the binary command language used by the TCM. Instead of manually issuing command codes, the user can use buttons, check boxes, and dialog boxes to control the TCM and obtain data. It reads the binary responses of the TCM output and formats this into labeled and easy-to-read data fields. TCM Studio also includes the ability to log and save the outputs of the TCM to a file. All of this allows you to begin understanding the capabilities of the TCM while using the TCM Studio program’s friendly interface. Anything that can be performed using TCM Studio can also be performed using the RS232 interface and associated protocol. Check the PNI website for the latest TCM Studio updates at Note: TCM Studio version 3.X is compatible with the TCM XB and the legacy TCM 6, but not other legacy TCM models. Conversely, legacy TCM Studio programs will not function properly with the TCM XB. The TCM XB model is the current RS232-version TCM with PNI’s binary communication protocol. The version number of TCM Studio is identified in the upper left corner of the GUI. 5.1 Installation onto a Windows or Mac System TCM Studio is provided as an executable program which can be downloaded from PNI’s website. It will work with Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, and Mac OS X operating systems. Check the PNI web page at for the latest version. For Windows computers, copy the TCMStudio.msi file onto your computer. Then, open the file and step through the Setup Wizard. For Mac computers, copy the file onto your computer. This automatically places the application in the working directory of your computer. The Quesa plug-in, also in the .zip file, needs to be moved to /Library/CFMSupport, if it is not already there. TCM User Manual r05 Page 10 5.2 Connection Tab 5.2.1 Initial Connection If using the PNI dual-connectorized cable, ensure the batteries are well-charged. Select the serial port the module is plugged into, which is generally COM 1. Select 38400 as the baud rate. Click the <Connect> button if the connection is not automatic. Once a connection is made the “Connected” light will turn green and the module’s firmware version, serial number, and PCA version will be displayed in the upper left next to the PNI logo. 5.2.2 Changing Baud Rate To change the baud rate: In the Module window, select the new baud rate for the module. Click the <Power Down> button. The button will change to read <Power Up>. In the Computer window, select same baud rate for the computer. Click the <Power Up> button. The button will revert back to <Power Down>. Note: While it is possible to select a baud rate of 230400, the serial port will not operate this fast. PNI Sensor Corporation TCM User Manual – June 2011 DOC#1014688 r05 Page 11 5.2.3 Changing Modules Once a connection has been made, TCM Studio will recall the last settings. If a different module is used, click the <Connect> button once the new module is attached. This will reestablish a connection, assuming the module baud rate is unchanged. 5.3 Configuration Tab Note: No settings will be changed in the module until the <SAVE> button has been selected. 5.3.1 Mounting Options TCM Studio supports 16 mounting orientations, as illustrated previously in Figure 4-1. The descriptions in TCM Studio are slightly different from those shown in Figure 4-1, and the relationship between the two sets of descriptions is given below. TCM User Manual r05 Page 12 Table 5-1: Mounting Orientations TCM Studio Description Figure 4-1 Description TCM Studio Description Figure 4-1 Description Standard Standard 90 Degrees Standard 180 Degrees Standard 270 Degrees X Sensor Up X Sensor Up Plus 90 Degrees X Sensor Up Plus 180 Degrees X Sensor Up Plus 270 Degrees STD 0° Y Sensor Up Y Sensor Up Plus 90 Degrees Y Sensor Up Plus 180 Degrees Y Sensor Up Plus 270 Degrees Z Sensor Down Z Sensor Down Plus 90 Degrees Z Sensor Down Plus 180 Degrees Z Sensor Up Plus 270 Degrees “Y” Up 0° 5.3.2 STD 90° STD 180° STD 270° “X” Up 0° “X” Up 90° “X” Up 180° “X” Up 270° “Y” Up 90° “Y” Up 180° “Y” Up 270° “Z” Down 0° “Z” Down 90° “Z” Down 180° “Z” Down 270° North Reference Magnetic When the <Magnetic> button is selected, heading will be relative to magnetic north. True When the <True> button is selected, heading will be relative to true north. In this case, the declination needs to be set in the “Declination” window. Refer to Section 6.3 for more information. 5.3.3 Endianess Select either the <Big> or <Little> Endian button. The default setting is <Big>. See Sections 7.2 and 7.3 for additional information. 5.3.4 Output The TCM module can output heading, pitch, and roll in either degrees or mils. Click either the <Degrees> or <Mils> button. The default is <Degrees>. (There are 6400 mils in a circle, such that 1 degree = 17.7778 mils and 1 mil = 0.05625 degree.) PNI Sensor Corporation TCM User Manual – June 2011 DOC#1014688 r05 Page 13 5.3.5 Enable 3D Model TCM Studio’s Test tab includes a live-action 3-D rendering of a helicopter. Some computer systems may not have the graphics capability to render the 3D Model, for this reason it may be necessary to turn off this feature. 5.3.6 Filter Setting (Taps) The TCM incorporates a finite impulse response (FIR) filter to effectively provide a more stable heading reading. The number of taps (or samples) represents the amount of filtering to be performed. The user should select either 0, 4, 8, 16, or 32 taps, with zero taps representing no filtering. Note that selecting a larger number of taps can significantly slow the time for the initial sample reading and, if “Flush Filters” is selected, the rate at which data is output. The default setting is 32. 5.3.7 Acquisition Settings Mode “Poll” mode should be selected when the host system will poll the TCM for data. TCM Studio allows the user to simulate this on their PC. In this case, TCM Studio requests data from the TCM module at a relatively fixed basis. “Push” mode should be selected if the user will have the TCM output data at a relatively fixed rate to the host system. In this case the TCM module is pushing data out to TCM Studio at a relatively fixed rate. Poll Delay The Poll Delay is relevant when Poll Mode is selected, and is the time delay, in seconds, between the completion of TCM Studio receiving one set of sampled data and requesting the next sample set. If the time is set to “0”, then TCM Studio requests new data as soon as the previous request has been fulfilled. Note that the inverse of the Poll Delay is somewhat greater than the sample rate, since the Poll Delay does not include actual acquisition time. Interval Delay The Interval Delay is relevant when Push Mode is selected, and is the time delay, in seconds, between completion of the TCM module sending one set of sampled data and the start of sending the next sample set. If the time is set to 0 then the TCM will begin sending new data as soon as the previous data set has been sent. Note that the inverse of the Interval Delay is somewhat greater than the sample rate, since the Interval Delay does not include actual acquisition time. TCM User Manual r05 Page 14 Acquire Delay The Acquire Delay sets the time between samples taken by the module, in seconds. This is an internal setting that is NOT tied to the time with which the module transmits data to TCM Studio or the host system. Generally speaking, the Acquire Delay is either set to 0, in which case the TCM is constantly sampling or set to equal either the Poll Delay or Interval Delay values. The advantage of running with an Acquire Delay of 0 is that the FIR filter can run with a relatively high Tap value to provide stable and timely data. The advantage of using a greater Acquire Delay is that power consumption can be reduced, assuming the Interval or Poll Delay are no less than the Acquire Delay. Flush Filters The filtering is set to only update the filter with the last sample taken, for example once the initial 32 samples are taken (assuming Taps is set to the default value of 32) any new sample is added to the end with the first sample being dropped. In the case where the “Acquire Time” is set to a value it would be prudent to set the module to flush the filter prior to calculating the heading. This flushing will require the module to take 32 new samples to use for the calculation. Note: If the “Flush Filters” checkbox is checked, it will take longer for the module to output updated data. 5.3.8 HPR During Calibration When the <On> button is selected, heading, pitch, and roll will be output on the Calibration tab during a calibration. 5.3.9 Calibration Settings Automatic Sampling When selected the module will take a sample point once minimum change and stability requirements have been satisfied. If the user wants to have more control over when the point will be taken then Auto Sampling should be deselected. Once deselected, the <Take Sample> button on the Calibration tab will be active. Selecting the <Take Sample> button will indicate to the module to take a sample once the minimum requirements are met. Calibration Points The user can select the number of points to take during a calibration. The minimum number of points needed for an initial calibration is 10, although a hard-iron only (re)calibration can be performed with only 4 samples. The module will need to be PNI Sensor Corporation TCM User Manual – June 2011 DOC#1014688 r05 Page 15 rotated through at least 180 degrees in the horizontal plane with a minimum of at least 1 positive and 1 negative Pitch and at least 1 positive and 1 negative Roll as part of the 12 points. Calibration Method Buttons Full Range Calibration - recommended calibration method when >45° of tilt is possible. The minimum recommended number of calibration points is 12. Hard Iron Only Calibration - serves as a hard iron recalibration to a prior calibration. If the hard iron distortion around the module has changed, this calibration can bring the module back into specification. The minimum recommended number of calibration points is 6. Limited Tilt Range Calibration - recommended calibration method when >5° of tilt calibration is available, but tilt is restricted to <45°. (i.e. full range calibration is not possible.) The minimum recommended number of calibration points is 12. 2D Calibration - recommended when the available tilt range is limited to ≤5°. The minimum recommended number of calibration points is 12. Accel Calibration Only – The user should select this when accelerometer calibration will be performed. The minimum recommended number of calibration points is 18. Accel Calibration w/Mag – The user should select this when magnetometer and accelerometer calibration will be performed simultaneously. The minimum recommended number of calibration points is 18. 5.3.10 Default Clicking this button reverts TCM Studio program to the factory default settings. 5.3.11 Retrieve Clicking on this button causes TCM Studio to read the settings from the module and display them on the screen. TCM User Manual r05 Page 16 5.4 Calibration Tab Note: The default settings of the module are recommended for the highest accuracy and quality of calibration. 5.4.1 Samples Before proceeding, refer to Section 6.2 for the recommended calibration procedure corresponding to the calibration method selected on the Configuration tab. Clicking the <Start> button begins the calibration process. If “Automatic Sampling” is not checked on the Configuration tab, it is necessary to click the <Take Sample> button to take a calibration sample point. This should be repeated until the total number of samples (as set on the Configuration tab) is taken, changing the orientation of the module between samples as discussed in Section 6.2. If “Automatic Sampling” is checked, the module will need to be held steady for a short time and then a sample automatically will be taken. Once the window indicates the next number, the module’s orientation should be changed and held steady for the next sample. Once the pre-set number of samples has been taken (as set on the Configuration tab) the calibration is complete. PNI Sensor Corporation TCM User Manual – June 2011 DOC#1014688 r05 Page 17 5.4.2 Calibration Results Once the calibration is complete the “Calibration Results” window will indicate the quality of the calibration. This may take a few seconds. The primary purpose of these scores is to demonstrate that the field calibration was successful, as demonstrated by a low CalScore. The other parameters provide information that may assist in improving the CalScore should it be unacceptably high. Mag CalScore Represents the over-riding indicator of the quality of the magnetometer calibration. Acceptable scores will be <1 for Full Range Calibration, <2 for other methods. Note that it is possible to get acceptable scores for Dist Error and Tilt Error and still have a rather high Mag CalScore value. The most likely reason for this is the TCM is close to a source of local magnetic distortion that is not fixed with respect to the module. Dist Error Indicates the quality of the sample point distribution, primarily looking for an even yaw distribution. Significant clumping or a lack of sample points in a particular section can result in a poor score. The score should be <1 and close to 0. Tilt Error Indicates the contribution to the CalScore caused by tilt or lack thereof, and takes into account the calibration method. The score should be <1 and close to 0. Tilt Range This reports the larger of either half the full pitch range or half the full roll range of sample points. For example, if the module is pitched +10° to -20º, and rolled +25º to -15º, the Tilt Range value would be 20º (as derived from [+25º - {-15º}]/2). For Full Range Calibration and Hard Iron Only Calibration, this should be ≥45°. For 2D Calibration, this ideally should be ≈2°. For Limited Tilt Range Calibration the value should be as large a possible given the user’s constraints. Accel CalScore Represents the over-riding indicator of the quality of the accelerometer calibration. Acceptable scores will be <1. If either CalScore is too high, click the <Start> button to begin a new calibration. If the calibration is acceptable, then click the <Save> button in the “Calibration Results” window to save the calibration to the module’s flash. If this button is not selected then the module will need to be recalibrated after a power cycle. TCM User Manual r05 Page 18 Note: If a calibration is aborted, all the score’s will read “179.80”, and the calibration coefficients will not be changed. (Clicking the <Save> button will not change the calibration coefficients.) 5.4.3 Current Configuration These indicators mimic the pertinent selections made on the Configuration tab. 5.4.4 Options This window indicates how many samples are to be taken and provides real time heading, pitch, and roll information if “HPR During Calibration” is set to <On>, both as defined on the Configuration tab. Audible Feedback If selected TCM Studio will give an audible signal once a calibration point has been taken. Note that an audible signal also will occur when the <Start> button is clicked, but no data will be taken. 5.4.5 Clear Clear Mag Cal to Factory This button clears the user’s calibration of the magnetometers. Once selected, the module reverts to its factory magnetometer calibration. To save this action in nonvolatile memory, click the <Save> button. It is not necessary to clear the current calibration in order to perform a new calibration. Clear Accel Cal to Factory This button clears the user’s calibration of the accelerometers. Once selected, the module reverts back to its factory accelerometer calibration. To save this action in non-volatile memory, click the <Save> button. It is not necessary to clear the current calibration in order to perform a new calibration. PNI Sensor Corporation TCM User Manual – June 2011 DOC#1014688 r05 Page 19 5.5 Test Tab 5.5.1 Current Reading Once the <Go> button is selected the module will begin outputting heading, pitch and roll information. Selecting the <Stop> button or changing tabs will halt the output of the module. Contrast Selecting this box sets the “Current Readings” window to have yellow lettering on a black background, rather than black lettering on a white background. 5.5.2 3D Model The helicopter will follow the movement of the TCM and give a visual representation of the module’s orientation, assuming the “Enable 3D Model Display” box is selected on the Configuration tab. 5.5.3 Acquisition Settings These indicators mimic the pertinent selections made on the Configuration tab. TCM User Manual r05 Page 20 5.5.4 Sync Mode Sync Mode enables the module to stay in sleep mode until the user’s system sends a trigger to report data. When so triggered, the TCM will wake up, report data once, then return to sleep mode. One application of this is to lower power consumption. Another use of the Sync Mode is to trigger a reading during an interval when local magnetic sources are well understood. For instance, if a system has considerable magnetic noise due to nearby motors, the Synch Mode can be used to take measurements when the motors are turned off. Enter Sync Mode On the Test tab, above the tabs and 3D model, click the “Sync Mode” check box to enter Sync Mode. Sync Mode Output To retrieve the first reading, click the <Sync Read> button. Heading, pitch and roll information will be displayed on Current Reading window. If the “Enable 3D Model Display” box is selected on the Configuration tab, then the helicopter will follow the movement as well. The module will enter sleep mode after outputting the heading, pitch, and roll information. To obtain subsequent readings, the user should first click on the <Sync Trigger> button to wake up the module and then click on the <Sync Read> button to get the readings, after which the module will return to sleep. Exit Sync Mode Click on the <Sync Trigger> button and then uncheck the “Sync Mode” check box to exit Sync Mode. Note that <Sync Trigger> sends a 0xFF signal as an external interrupt to wake up the module. This is not done for the first reading as the module is already awake. PNI Sensor Corporation TCM User Manual – June 2011 DOC#1014688 r05 Page 21 5.6 Data Logger Tab TCM Studio can capture measurement data and then export it to a text file. To acquire data and export it, follow the procedure below: Select the parameters you wish to log in the “Data” window. Use Shift-Ctrl-Click and Ctrl-Click to select multiple items. (In the screen shot above, “Heading”, “MX (kXAligned)”, “MY (kYAligned)”, and “MZ (kZAligned)” were selected.) Click the <Go> button to start logging. The <Go> button changes to a <Stop> button after data logging begins. Click the <Stop> button to stop logging data. Click the <Export> button to save the data to a file. Click the <Clear> button to clear the data from the window. Note: The data logger use ticks for time reference. A tick is 1/60 second. TCM User Manual r05 Page 22 5.7 System Log Tab The System Log tab shows all communication between TCM Studio and the TCM module since TCM Studio was opened. Closing TCM Studio will erase the system log. Select the <Export> button, at the bottom right of the screen, to save the system log to a text file. PNI Sensor Corporation TCM User Manual – June 2011 DOC#1014688 r05 Page 23 5.8 Graph Tab The graph provides a 2-axis (X,Y) plot of the measured field strength. The graph can be used to visually see hard and soft iron effects within the environment measured by the TCM module as well as corrected output after a user calibration has been performed. (The screen shot shows the MX and MY readings as the module was held horizontally and rotated through 360º in the horizontal plane, then held in a vertical orientation and rotated 360º in the vertical plane.) TCM User Manual r05 Page 24 6 Field Calibration The magnetic sensors and accelerometers in the TCM are calibrated at PNI’s factory. However, this is done in a magnetically controlled environment. Consequently, sources of magnetic distortion positioned near the TCM in the user’s system will distort Earth’s magnetic field and should be compensated for in the host system. Examples of such sources include ferrous metals and alloys (ex. iron, nickel, non-stainless steel, etc.), batteries, audio speakers, current-carrying wires, and electric motors. Compensation is accomplished by calibrating the module while mounted in the user’s system. It is expected that the sources of magnetic distortion will remain fixed relative to the module’s position within the user’s system. By performing a field calibration, the TCM identifies the local sources of magnetic distortion and negates their effects from the overall reading to provide an accurate compass heading. Additionally, the TCM’s MEMS accelerometers gradually may change over time, and it may be desirable to recalibrate the accelerometers from time-to-time. The accelerometer calibration procedure corrects for changes in accelerometer gain and offset. Unlike the magnetometers, the accelerometers may be calibrated outside the host system. Accelerometer calibration is more sensitive to noise or hand jitter than magnetometer calibration, especially for subsequent use at high tilt angles. Because of this, a stabilized fixture is recommended for accelerometer calibration, although resting the unit against a stable surface often is sufficient. Alternatively, the TCM can be returned to PNI for accelerometer recalibration. Key Points: Accelerometer calibration requires rotating the TCM through a full sphere of coverage. But the TCM does need to be incorporated into the user’s system during calibration. Magnetometer calibration requires incorporating the module into the user’s system such that the magnetic components of the user’s system can be compensated for. Magnetometer and accelerometer calibrations can be performed simultaneously. But it may be easier to perform them separately since the requirements of each calibration are significantly different. (Magnetometer calibration requires the module be incorporated in the user’s system, while accelerometer calibration requires full sphere coverage.) Full Range (magnetometer) Calibration provides the highest heading accuracy, but often performing a Full Range Calibration is not practical. 2D and Limited Tilt Calibration allow for good calibration when the range of allowable motion is limited. Hard Iron Only Calibration relatively easily updates the hard-iron compensation coefficients. The number of calibration sample points and the calibration pattern is dependent on the calibration method, and these are discussed in Section 6.2. Pay attention to the calibration scores. See Section 5.4.2 or Section 7.4.17. PNI Sensor Corporation TCM User Manual – June 2011 DOC#1014688 r05 Page 25 6.1 Magnetic Field Calibration Theory The main objective of a magnetic field calibration is to compensate for distortions to the magnetic field caused by the host system. To that end, the TCM needs to be mounted within the host system and the entire host system needs to be moved as a single unit during the calibration. The TCM allows the user to perform a calibration only in a 2D plane (2D Calibration Method) or with limited tilt, but provides the greatest accuracy if the user can rotate through a full sphere. 6.1.1 Hard and Soft Iron Effects Hard iron distortions are caused by permanent magnets and magnetized steel or iron objects within close proximity to the sensors. This type of distortion remains constant and in a fixed location relative to the sensors for all heading orientations. Hard-iron distortions add a constant magnitude field component along each axis of sensor output. Soft-iron distortions are the result of interactions between the Earth’s magnetic field and any magnetically “soft” material within close proximity to the sensors. In technical terms, soft materials have a high permeability. The permeability of a given material is a measure of how well it serves as a path for magnetic lines of force, relative to air, which has an assigned permeability of one. Unlike hard-iron distortion, soft-iron distortion changes as the host system’s orientation changes, making it more difficult to compensate. The TCM 3-axis digital compass features both soft-iron and hard-iron correction. 6.1.2 Pitch and Roll The TCM uses MEMS accelerometers to measure the tilt angle of the compass. This data is output as pitch and roll data, and is also used in conjunction with the magnetometers to provide a tilt-compensated heading reading. The TCM utilizes Euler angles as the method for determining accurate orientation. This method is the same used in aircraft orientation where the outputs are Heading (Yaw), Pitch and Roll. When using Euler angles, roll is defined as the angle rotated around an axis through the center of the fuselage while pitch is rotation around an axis through the center of the wings. These two rotations are independent of each other since the rotation axes rotate with the plane body. For the TCM a positive pitch is when the front edge of the board is rotated upward and a positive roll is when the right edge of the board is rotated downward. TCM User Manual r05 Page 26 Figure 6-1: Positive & Negative Roll and Pitch Definition 6.2 Field Calibration Procedures Below are instructions for performing both magnetic and accelerometer field calibrations of the TCM module. Calibration of the TCM XB may be performed using TCM Studio or using the PNI binary protocol, while the calibration of the TCM MB must be performed using the PNI binary protocol. The calibration sequences described in the following sections demonstrate a good distribution of the recommended minimum sample points. Note that during calibration it is recommended that the location of the module remains fairly constant while the orientation is changed. Table 6-1: Calibration Mode Summary Calibration Mode Sensors Calibrated Accuracy Tilt Range during Calibration Number of Samples Full Range 2D Calibration Limited Tilt Range Hard Iron Only Accelerometer Only Magnetic Sensors Magnetic Sensors Magnetic Sensors Magnetic Sensors 0.3° rms <2° <2° over 2x tilt range Restores prior accuracy >±45° <±5° ±5° to ±45° >±3° 10 to 32 10 to 32 10 to 32 4 to 32 Accelerometers Restores prior accuracy ±180° 12 to 32 Magnetic Sensors & Accelerometers 0.3° rms ±180° 12 to 32 Accel and Mag Before proceeding with a calibration, ensure the TCM module is properly installed in the host system. The module should be properly installed, as discussed in Section 4, and the software should be properly configured with respect to the mounting orientation, Endianness, magnetic vs. true north, etc. PNI Sensor Corporation TCM User Manual – June 2011 DOC#1014688 r05 Page 27 Sections 5.3 and 5.4 outline how to perform a calibration using TCM Studio. To perform a calibration using the PNI binary protocol, follow the steps listed below. Refer to Section 7 for information on how to implement the commands listed. Using the kSetParam command, set the number of tap filters to 32. Using the kSetConfig command, set kUserCalAutoSampling. “False” is generally recommended, but “True” may be more convenient. Using the kSetConfig command, set kCoeffCopySet (magnetometer calibration) and/or kAccelCoeffCopySet (accelerometer calibration). These fields allow the user to save multiple sets of calibration coefficients. “0” is the default. Using the kSetConfig command again, set kUserCalNumPoints to the appropriate number of calibration points. The number of calibration points should be at least 12 for Full Range Calibration, Limited Tilt Range Calibration and 2D Calibration; at least 6 for Hard Iron Only Calibration; and at least 18 for Accel Only Calibration and Accel and Mag Calibration. Initiate a calibration using the kStartCal command. Note that this command requires indentifying the type of calibration procedure (i.e. Full Range, 2D, etc.). Follow the appropriate calibration procedure discussed in Sections 6.2.1 to 6.2.6. If kUserCalAutoSampling was set to “False”, then send a kTakeUserCalSample command when ready to take a calibration point. If kUserCalAutoSampling was set to “True”, then look for kUserCalSampCount to confirm when a calibration point has been taken. During the calibration process, heading, pitch, and roll information will be output from the module, and this can be monitored using kDataResp. When the final calibration point is taken, the module will present the calibration score using kUserCalScore. If the calibration is acceptable (see Section 7.4.17), save the calibration coefficients using kSave. 6.2.1 Full Range Calibration This calibration method is appropriate when the module can be tilted ±45° or more. The Full Range Calibration option calibrates out hard and soft iron effects in three dimensions, and allows for the highest accuracy readings. Two calibration patterns are discussed below. The 12 Point North-Unaware Calibration Pattern is a series of 3 circles of evenly spaced points, with as much tilt variation as expected during use. This calibration pattern does not require knowing which direction the module is facing nor does it require turning the module upside down. The 18 Point North-Aware Calibration Pattern can provide TCM User Manual r05 Page 28 superior results, especially at high dip angles (associated with high latitudes), but is more complicated and requires: 1) knowing the direction of north prior to calibration, 2) turning the module upside down, and 3) 18 calibration points. 12 Point North-Unaware Calibration Pattern Move the module to the following positions noting that these are not absolute heading directions but rather relative heading changes referenced to your first heading sample. You do not need to know actual true or magnetic north. While Figure 6-2 shows the location of the module changing, this is for illustration purposes and it is best for the location of the module to remain fairly constant while only the orientation is changed. Figure 6-2: Full Range Calibration with 12 Point North-Unaware Cal. Pattern PNI Sensor Corporation TCM User Manual – June 2011 DOC#1014688 r05 Page 29 Table 6-2: 12 Point North-Unaware Calibration Pattern Sample # Yaw Pitch Roll 0° 90° 180° 270° ±5° ±5° ±5° ±5° 30° to 40° -30° to -40° 30° to 40° -30° to -40° 30° 120° 210° 300° > +45° > +45° > +45° > +45° 30° to 40° -30° to -40° 30° to 40° -30° to -40° 60° 150° 240° 330° < -45° < -45° < -45° < -45° 30° to 40° -30° to -40° 30° to 40° -30° to -40° First Circle 1 2 3 4 Second Circle 5 6 7 8 Third Circle 9 10 11 12 18 Point North-Aware Calibration Pattern The pattern consists of three rotations of the module, with 6 calibration points taken for each rotation. The first rotation starts with the module horizontal and pointing north, then rotating about the module’s y axis. The second rotation starts with the module horizontal and pointing east, then rotating about the module’s x axis. The third rotation starts with the module vertical and pointing north, then rotating about the module’s z axis. Figure 6-3: Full Range Calibration with 18 Point North-Aware Cal. Pattern TCM User Manual r05 Page 30 Table 6-3: 18 Point North-Aware Calibration Pattern Sample # Heading Pitch Roll 0° 0° 180° 180° 180° 0° 0° -60° -60° 0° 60° 60° 0° 0° 180° 180° 180° 0° 90° 90° 90° 90° 90° 90° 0° 0° 0° 0° 0° 0° 0° 60° 120° 180° -120° -60° 0° 0° 180° 180° 180° 0° 0° -60° -60° 0° 60° 60° -90° -90° 90° 90° 90° -90° First Rotation 1 2 3 4 5 6 Second Rotation 7 8 9 10 11 12 Third Rotation 13 14 15 16 17 18 6.2.2 2D Calibration This calibration procedure is used for very low tilt operation (< 5°) where calibrating the module with greater tilt is not practical. The 2D Calibration procedure calibrates for hard and soft iron effects in only two dimensions, and in general is effective for operation and calibration in the tilt range of -5° to +5°. The recommended calibration pattern is a circle of evenly spaced points. Results will be optimized if the tilt in the calibration procedure can match the actual tilt experienced when in service. For example, if the TCM will be restrained to a level plane in service, best results are obtained if calibration is exclusively in a plane, where “maximum…tilt” below would be 0°. PNI recommends 12 to 32 calibration points for 2D Calibration, although 10 points are acceptable but less likely to yield good results. PNI Sensor Corporation TCM User Manual – June 2011 DOC#1014688 r05 Page 31 Table 6-4: 12 Point 2D Calibration Pattern 6.2.3 Sample # Yaw Pitch Roll 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 0° 30° 60° 90° 120° 150° 180° 210° 240° 270° 300° 330° 0° max. negative 0° max. positive 0° max. negative 0° max. positive 0° max. negative 0° max. positive 0° max. negative 0° max. positive 0° max. negative 0° max. positive 0° max. negative 0° max. positive Limited Tilt Range Calibration This procedure is recommended when 45° of tilt isn’t feasible, but >5° of tilt is possible. It provides both hard iron and soft iron distortion correction. The recommended calibration pattern is a series of 3 circles of evenly spaced points, with as much tilt variation as expected during use. PNI recommends 12 to 32 calibration points for a Limited Tilt Range Calibration, although 10 calibration points is acceptable but less likely to yield good results. Table 6-5: 12 Point Limited Tilt Calibration Pattern Sample # First Circle 1 2 3 6 Second Circle 7 8 11 12 Third Circle 13 14 17 18 TCM User Manual r05 Yaw Pitch Roll 0° 90° 180° 270° 0° 0° 0° 0° 0° 0° 0° 0° 45° 135° 225° 315° > +5° > +5° > +5° > +5° > +5° > +5° > +5° > +5° 45° 135° 225° 315° < -5° < -5° < -5° < -5° < -5° < -5° < -5° < -5° Page 32 Note that a similar and acceptable alternative pattern would be to follow the recommended 12 point North-Unaware Full Range Calibration pattern, but substituting the >±45° of pitch with whatever pitch can be achieved and the ±10° to ±20° or roll with whatever roll can be achieved up to these limits. (See Section 6.2.1) 6.2.4 Hard Iron Only Calibration Over time the magnetic distortions around the TCM may change for a variety of reasons. The Hard Iron Only Calibration allows for quick recalibration of the module for hard iron effects, and generally is effective for operation and calibration in the tilt range of 3° or more (≥45° is preferred). The recommended calibration pattern is a circle of alternately tilted, evenly spaced points, with as much tilt as expected during use. PNI recommends ≥6 calibration points for a Hard Iron Only Calibration, although 4 points is acceptable. Table 6-6: 6 Point Hard Iron Only Calibration Pattern 6.2.5 Sample # Yaw Pitch Roll 1 2 3 4 5 6 0° 60° 120° 180° 240° 300° -45° +45° -45° +45° -45° +45° -45° +45° -45° +45° -45° +45° Accelerometer Only Calibration The requirements for a good accelerometer calibration differ from the requirements for a good magnetometer calibration. For instance, a level yaw sweep, no matter how many points are acquired, is effectively only 1 accelerometer calibration point. PNI recommends 18 to 32 calibration points for accelerometer calibration, although 12 calibration points is acceptable. Figure 6-4 shows the two basic starting positions for the Accelerometer Only Calibration. Calibration can occur within the user’s system or with the module alone. It is not necessary to place the TCM on a hard surface as shown, but the it must be held very still during calibration, and holding it against a hard surface is one method to help ensure this. Starting with the module as shown on the left in Figure 6-4, rotate the module such that it sits on each of its 6 faces. Take a calibration point on each face. Starting with the module as shown on the right, take a calibration point with it being vertical (0°). Now tilt the module back 45° and take another calibration point (+45°), then tilt the module forward 45° and take another calibration point (-45°). Repeat this 3 point calibration process for the module with it resting on each of its 4 corners. PNI Sensor Corporation TCM User Manual – June 2011 DOC#1014688 r05 Page 33 Figure 6-4: Accelerometer Calibration Starting Orientations Table 6-7: 18 Point Accelerometer Calibration Pattern Sample # Yaw Pitch Roll 0° 0° 180° 0° 0° 0° 0° 90° 0° -90° 0° 0° 90° 90° -90° 90° 0° 180° 0° 90° 180° ±5° ±5° ±5° 10° to 20° -10° to -20° 10° to 20° 270° 30° 120° ±5° > +45° > +45° -10° to -20° 10° to 20° -10° to -20° 210° 300° 60° > +45° > +45° < -45° 10° to 20° -10° to -20° 10° to 20° 150° 240° 330° < -45° < -45° < -45° -10° to -20° 10° to 20° -10° to -20° Sides 1 2 3 4 5 6 First Corner 7 8 9 Second Corner 10 11 12 Third Corner 13 14 15 Fourth Corner 16 17 18 TCM User Manual r05 Page 34 6.2.6 Mag and Accel Calibration The TCM allows for a simultaneous magnetometer and accelerometer calibration. This requires a good calibration pattern, stable measurements (not handheld), and installation in the user’s system such that the appropriate local magnetic environment is present. PNI recommends 18 to 32 calibration points for a Mag and Accel Calibration, although 12 points is acceptable but less likely to yield good results. The Accelerometer Only Calibration pattern discussed in Section 6.2.5 will work for a Mag and Accel Calibration. Optimal performance is obtained when all rotations of the cube are performed towards magnetic north to achieve the widest possible magnetic field distribution. Note that combining calibrations only makes sense if all the host system’s magnetic distortions (steel structures or batteries, for instance) are present and fixed relative to the module when calibrating. If the Accelerometer Only Calibration is performed, the user’s system distortions are not relevant, which allows the TCM to be removed from the host system in order to perform the Accelerometer Only Calibration. 6.3 Declination Value Declination, also called magnetic variation, is the difference between true and magnetic north. It is measured in degrees east or west of true north. Correcting for declination is accomplished by storing the correct declination angle, and then changing the heading reference from magnetic north to true north. Declination angles vary throughout the world, and change very slowly over time. For the greatest possible accuracy, go to the National Geophysical Data Center web page below to get the declination angle based on your latitude and longitude: 6.4 Other Considerations The TCM measures the total magnetic field within its vicinity, and this is a combination of Earth’s magnetic field and local magnetic sources. The TCM can compensate for local static magnetic sources. However, a magnetic source which is not static can create errors (such as a motor which turns on/off), and it is not possible to compensate for such a dynamic nature. In such cases, moving the TCM away from dynamic magnetic fields is recommended, or taking measurements only when the state of the magnetic field is know (ex. only take measurements when a nearby motor is turned off). PNI Sensor Corporation TCM User Manual – June 2011 DOC#1014688 r05 Page 35 7 Operation with PNI Binary Protocol The TCM utilizes a binary protocol that is transmitted over an RS232 UART (TCM XB) or a TTL UART (TCM MB). The parameters should be set as follows: Table 7-1: UART Configuration 7.1 Parameter Value Number of Data Bits Start Bits Stop Bits Parity 8 1 1 none Datagram Structure The data structure is shown below: ByteCount (UInt16) Packet Frame (1 - 4092 UInt8) Frame ID (UInt8) CRC-16 (UInt16) Payload (1 - 4091 UInt8) Figure 7-1: Datagram Structure The ByteCount is the total number of bytes in the packet including the CRC-16 (checksum). CRC-16 is calculated starting from the ByteCount to the last byte of the Packet Frame. The ByteCount and CRC-16 are always transmitted in big Endian. Two examples follow. Example: The complete packet for the kGetModInfo command, which has no payload is: 00 05 01 EF D4 ByteCount Frame ID Checksum Example: Below is a complete sample packet to start a 2D Calibration (kStartCal): 00 09 0A 00 00 00 14 5C F9 ByteCount Frame ID CalOption CalOption (2D Calibration) Checksum TCM User Manual r05 Page 36 7.2 Parameter Formats Note: Floating-point based parameters conform to ANSI/IEEE Std 754-1985. Please refer to the Standard for more information. PNI also recommends the user refer to the compiler’s instructions to understand how the compiler implements floating-point format. 64 Bit Floating Point (Float64) Below is the 64 bit float format in big Endian. In little Endian, the bytes are in reverse order in 4 byte groups. (eg. big Endian: ABCD EFGH; little Endian: DCBA HGFE). 63 62 S 52 51 0 Exponent Mantissa The value (v) is determined as (if and only if 0 < Exponent < 2047): v = (-1)S * 2(Exponent-1023) * 1.Mantissa 32 Bit Floating Point (Float32) Shown below is the 32 bit float format in big Endian. In little Endian format, the 4 bytes are in reverse order (LSB first). 3130 S 23 22 0 Exponent Mantissa The value (v) is determined as (if and only if 0 < Exponent < 255): v = (-1)S * 2(Exponent-127) * 1.Mantissa Signed 32 Bit Integer (SInt32) SInt32-based parameters are signed 32 bit numbers (2’s compliment). represents the sign of the value (0=positive, 1=negative) 31 24 23 16 15 8 7 msb Bit 31 0 lsb Big Endian 7 0 15 8 23 lsb 16 31 24 msb Little Endian PNI Sensor Corporation TCM User Manual – June 2011 DOC#1014688 r05 Page 37 Signed 16 Bit Integer (SInt16) SInt16-based parameters are signed 16 bit numbers (2’s compliment). represents the sign of the value (0=positive, 1=negative) 15 8 7 msb 0 7 0 15 8 lsb lsb Bit 15 msb Little Endian Big Endian Signed 8 Bit Integer (SInt8) UInt8-based parameters are unsigned 8-bit numbers. Bit 7 represents the sign of the value (0=positive, 1=negative) 7 0 byte Unsigned 32 Bit Integer (UInt32) UInt32-based parameters are unsigned 32 bit numbers. 31 24 23 16 15 8 7 msb 0 lsb Big Endian 7 0 15 8 23 16 31 lsb 24 msb Little Endian Unsigned 16 Bit Integer (UInt16) UInt16-based parameters are unsigned 16 bit numbers. 15 8 7 msb 0 lsb 7 0 15 lsb Big Endian 8 msb Little Endian Unsigned 8 Bit Integer (UInt8) UInt8-based parameters are unsigned 8-bit numbers. TCM User Manual r05 Page 38 7 0 byte Boolean Boolean is a 1-byte parameter that MUST have the value 0 (FALSE) or 1 (TRUE). 7 0 byte 7.3 Commands & Communication Frames Table 7-2: Command Set Frame Command IDd 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 kGetModInfo kModInfoResp kSetDataComponents kGetData kDataResp kSetConfig kGetConfig kConfigResp kSave kStartCal kStopCal 12 kSetParam 13 kGetParam 14 kParamResp 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 kPowerDown kSaveDone kUserCalSampCount kUserCalScore kSetConfigDone kSetParamDone kStartIntervalMode kStopIntervalMode kPowerUp kSetAcqParams PNI Sensor Corporation TCM User Manual – June 2011 Description Queries the modules type and firmware revision number. Response to kGetModInfo Sets the data components to be output. Queries the module for data Response to kGetData Sets internal configurations in the module Queries the module for the current internal configuration value Response to kGetConfig Commands the module to save internal and user calibration Commands the module to start user calibration Commands the module to stop user calibration Sets the FIR filter settings for the magnetometer & accelerometer sensors. Queries for the FIR filter settings for the magnetometer & accelerometer sensors. Contains the FIR filter settings for the magnetometer & accelerometer sensors. Used to completely power-down the module Response to kSave Sent from the module after taking a calibration sample point Contains the calibration score Response to kSetConfig Response to kSetParam Commands the module to output data at a fixed interval Commands the module to stop data output at a fixed interval Sent after wake up from power down mode Sets the sensor acquisition parameters DOC#1014688 r05 Page 39 25 26 27 28 29 30 kGetAcqParams kAcqParamsDone kAcqParamsResp kPowerDownDone kFactoryUserCal kFactorUserCalDone 31 kTakeUserCalSample 36 37 46 47 49 kFactoryInclCal kFactoryInclCalDone kSetMode kSetModeResp kSyncRead 7.4 Queries for the sensor acquisition parameters Response to kSetAcqParams Response to kGetAcqParams Response to kPowerDown Clears user magnetometer calibration coefficients Response to kFactoryUserCal Commands the module to take a sample during user calibration Clears user accelerometer calibration coefficients Respond to kFactoryInclCal Sets the mode of operation of the system Response to kSetMode Queries the module for data in Sync Mode kGetModInfo (frame ID 1d) This frame queries the module's type and firmware revision number. The frame has no payload. 7.4.1 kModInfoResp (frame ID 2d) This frame is the response to kGetModInfo frame. The payload contains the module type identifier followed by the firmware revision number. Payload Type Revision UInt32 UInt32 Note that the Type and Revision can be decoded from the binary format to character format using the ASCII standard. For example, the hex string “00 0D 02 54 43 4D 35 31 32 30 38 C7 87” can be decoded to read “TCM5 1208”. Also, the TCM XB is referenced as Type “TCM6” since the number of Type characters is limited to 4. 7.4.2 kSetDataComponents (frame ID 3d) This frame sets the data components in the module's data output. This is not a query for the module's data (see kGetModInfo). The first byte of the payload indicates the number of data components followed by the data component IDs. Payload Count ID1 ID2 ID3 IDCount UInt8 UInt8 UInt8 UInt8 UInt8 TCM User Manual r05 Page 40 Example: To query the heading and pitch, the payload should contain Payload 3 2 5 24 Frame ID ID Count Heading ID Pitch ID When querying for data (kGetData frame), the sequence of the data component output follows the sequence of the data component IDs as set in this frame. Table 7-3: Component Identifiers Component Component Format IDd Units Range 0.0˚ to 359.9˚ kHeading 5 Float32 kTemperature 7 Float32 degrees (default) or mils ˚ Celsius kDistortion 8 Boolean True or False kCalStatus 9 Boolean True or False kPAligned KRAligned kIZAligned kPAngle 21 22 23 24 Float32 Float32 Float32 Float32 G G G degrees kRAngle 25 Float32 degrees KXAligned KYAligned KZAligned 27 28 29 Float32 Float32 Float32 T T T -40˚ to 85˚ False (Default) = no distortion False (Default) = not calibrated -1.0 to 1.0 -1.0 to 1.0 -1.0 to 1.0 -90.0˚ to 90.0˚ -180.0˚ to 180.0˚ Component types are listed below. All are read-only values. kHeading (Component ID 5d) Provides compass heading (i.e. yaw or azimuth) output. The units default to degrees, but can be set to mils using kMilOutput kTemperature (Component ID 7d) This value is provided by the module’s internal temperature sensor. Its value is in ° Celsius and has an accuracy of ±3° C. kDistortion (Component ID 8d) This flag indicates at least one magnetometer axis reading is beyond ±125 µT. PNI Sensor Corporation TCM User Manual – June 2011 DOC#1014688 r05 Page 41 kCalStatus (Component ID 9d) This flag indicates the user calibration status. False (default) = not calibrated. kPAligned, kRAligned & kIZAligned (Component IDs 21d, 22d, 23d) These values represent Earth’s calibrated acceleration vector (G) components. The default values are the factory calibrated values. Up to three (3) sets of values can be stored using kAccelCoeffCopySet (see Section 7.4.5), and this command references whichever set currently is being used. kPAngle, kRAngle (Component IDs 24d, 25d) These outputs provide pitch and roll angles. The pitch range is -90.0˚ to +90.0˚, and the roll range is to -180.0˚ to +180.0˚. kXAligned, kYAligned, kZAligned (Component IDs 27d, 28d, 29d) These values represent Earth’s calibrated magnetic field (M) vector components. The default values are the factory-calibrated values. Note that up to eight (8) sets of values can be stored using kCoeffCopySet (see Section 7.4.5), and this command references whichever set currently is being used. 7.4.3 kGetData (frame ID 4d) This frame queries the module for data, as established in kSetDataComponents. The frame has no payload. The complete packet for the kGetData command is: 00 05 04 BF71 Where “00 05” is the byte count, “04” is the kGetData command, and “BF 71” is the CRC-16 checksum. 7.4.4 kDataResp (frame ID 5d) This frame is the response to the kGetData frame. The first byte of the payload indicates the number of data components, followed by the data component ID-value pairs. The sequence of component IDs follows the sequence set in the kSetDataComponents frame. Payload Count ID1 ValueID1 ID2 ValueID2 IDCount ValueIDCount UInt8 UInt8 ID Specific UInt8 ID Specific UInt8 ID Specific TCM User Manual r05 Page 42 Example: If the response contains heading and pitch, the payload would look like: 2 5 359.9 24 10.5 ID Count Heading ID Heading Output (Float32) Pitch ID Pitch Output (Float32) 7.4.5 kSetConfig (frame ID 6d) This frame sets internal configurations in the module. The first byte of the payload is the configuration ID followed by a format-specific value. These configurations can only be set one at time. Payload Config ID Value UInt8 ID Specific Example: To configure the declination, the payload would look like: 1 10.0 Declination ID Declination Angle (Float32) Table 7-4: Configuration Identifiers Settings Config. IDd Format Values / Range Default kDeclination kTrueNorth kBigEndian 1 2 6 Float32 Boolean Boolean 0˚ False True kMountingRef* 10 UInt8 kUserCalNumPoints 12 UInt32 -180˚ to +180˚ True or False True or False 1 = STD 0° 2 = X UP 0° 3 = Y UP 0° 4 = STD 90° 5 = STD 180° 6 = STD 270° 7 = Z DOWN 0° 8 = X UP 90° 9 = X UP 180° 10 = X UP 270° 11 = Y UP 90° 12 = Y UP 180° 13 = Y UP 270° 14 = Z DOWN 90° 15 = Z DOWN 180° 16 = Z DOWN 270° 4 – 32 PNI Sensor Corporation TCM User Manual – June 2011 1 12 DOC#1014688 r05 Page 43 kUserCalAutoSampling 13 Boolean True or False 0 – 300 1 – 600 2 – 1200 3 – 1800 4 – 2400 5 – 3600 6 – 4800 kBaudRate 14 UInt8 7 – 7200 8 – 9600 9 – 14400 10 – 19200 11 – 28800 12 – 38400 13 – 57600 14 - 115200 kMilOutput 15 Boolean True or False kDataCal 16 Boolean True or False kCoeffCopySet 18 UInt32 0-7 kAccelCoeffCopySet 19 UInt32 0-2 *Refer to Figure 4-1 for additional information on mounting orientations. True 12 False True 0 0 Configuration parameters and settings for kSetConfig: kDeclination (Config. ID 1d) This sets the declination angle to determine True North heading. Positive declination is easterly declination and negative is westerly declination. This is not applied until kTrueNorth is set to TRUE. kTrueNorth (Config. ID 2d) Flag to set compass heading output to true north heading by adding the declination angle to the magnetic north heading. kBigEndian (Config. ID 6d) Sets the Endianness of packets. TRUE is Big Endian. FALSE is Little Endian. kMountingRef (Config. ID 10d) This sets the reference orientation for the module. Please refer to and Figure 4-1 for additional information kUserCalNumPoints (Config. ID 12d) The user must select the number of points to take during a calibration. The number of sample points must be within the listed “Allowable Range” or the module may not work properly. Calibration generally is not as good if less than the “Minimum Recommended” is selected, but may be acceptable. See Section 6.2 for additional information. TCM User Manual r05 Page 44 Table 7-5: Sample Points Number of Samples Calibration Mode Allowable Range Minimum Recommended Full Range 2D Calibration Limited Tilt Range Hard Iron Only Accelerometer Only Accel and Mag 10 to 32 10 to 32 10 to 32 4 to 32 12 to 32 12 to 32 12 12 12 6 18 18 kUserCalAutoSampling (Config. ID 13d) This flag is used during user calibration. If set to TRUE, the module automatically takes calibration sample points once the minimum change requirement is met. If set to FALSE, the module waits for kTakeUserCalSample to take a sample with the condition that a magnetic field vector component delta is greater than 5 µT from the last sample point. If the user wants to have maximum control over when the calibration sample point are taken then this flag should be set to FALSE. kBaudRate (Config. ID 14d) Baud rate index value. A power-down power-up cycle is required when changing the baud rate. kMilOutput (Config. ID 15d) This flag sets the heading, pitch and roll output to mils. By default, kMilOutput is set to FALSE and the heading, pitch and roll output are in degrees. Note that 360 degrees = 6400 mils, such that 1 degree = 17.778 mils or 1 mil = 0.05625 degree. kDataCal (Config. ID 16d) This flag sets whether or not heading, pitch, and roll data are output simultaneously while the TCM is being calibrated. The default is TRUE, such that heading, pitch, and roll are output during calibration. FALSE disables simultaneous output. kCoeffCopySet (Config. ID 18d) This command provides the flexibility to store up to eight (8) sets of magnetometer calibration coefficients in the module. The default is set number 0. To store a set of coefficients, first establish the set number (number 0 to 7) using kCoeffCopySet, then perform the magnetometer calibration. The coefficient values will be stored in the defined set number. This feature is useful if the compass will be placed in multiple locations that have different local magnetic field properties. PNI Sensor Corporation TCM User Manual – June 2011 DOC#1014688 r05 Page 45 kAccelCoeffCopySet (Config. ID 19d) This command provides the flexibility to store up to three (3) sets of accelerometer calibration coefficients in the module. The default is set number 0. To store a set of coefficients, first establish the set number (number 0 to 2) using kAccelCoeffCopySet, then perform the accelerometer calibration. The coefficient values will be stored in the defined set number. 7.4.6 kGetConfig (frame ID 7d) This frame queries the module for the current internal configuration value. The payload contains the configuration ID requested. Payload Config ID UInt8 7.4.7 kConfigResp (frame ID 8d) This frame is the response to kGetConfig frame. The payload contains the configuration ID and value. Payload Config ID Value UInt8 ID Specific Example: If a request to get the set declination angle, the payload would look like: 1 10.0 Declination ID Declination Angle (Float32) 7.4.8 kSave (frame ID 9d) This frame commands the module to save internal configurations and user calibration to non-volatile memory. Internal configurations and user calibration is restored on power up. The frame has no payload. This is the ONLY command that causes the module to save information into non-volatile memory. TCM User Manual r05 Page 46 7.4.9 kStartCal (frame ID 10d) This frame commands the module to start user calibration with the current sensor acquisition parameters, internal configurations and FIR filter settings. After sending this command, the module ensures the stability condition is met, takes the first calibration point, and then responds with kUserCalSampCount. kUserCalSampCount will continue to be sent after each sample is taken. (Subsequent samples will be taken when autosampling when the minimum change and stability conditions are met, or manually after the kTakeUserCalSample is sent and the stability condition is met.) See Section 6.2 for more information on the various calibration procedures. Note: The payload needs to be 32 bit (4 byte). If no payload is entered or if less than 4 bytes are entered, the unit will default to the previous calibration method. Payload Cal Option UInt32 The CalOption values are given below, along with basic descriptions of the options. Full Range Calibration - magnetic only (10d = 0Ah) Recommended calibration method when >45° of tilt is possible. 2D Calibration - magnetic only (20d = 14h) Recommended when the available tilt range is limited to ≤5°. Hard Iron Only Calibration - magnetic only (30d = 1Eh) Recalibrates the hard iron offset for a prior calibration. If the local field hard iron distortion has changed, this calibration can bring the module back into specification. Limited Tilt Range Calibration – magnetic only (40d = 28h) Recommended calibration method when >5° of tilt calibration is available, but tilt is restricted to <45°. (i.e. full range calibration is not possible.) Accelerometer Only Calibration (100d = 64h) Select this when only accelerometer calibration will be performed. Accelerometer and Magnetic Calibration (110d = 6Eh = ) Selected when magnetic and accelerometer calibration will be done simultaneously. Below is a complete sample frame for a 2D Calibration: 00 09 0A 00 00 00 14 5C F9 PNI Sensor Corporation TCM User Manual – June 2011 DOC#1014688 r05 Page 47 Heading, pitch and roll information a output via the kDataResp frame during the calibration process. This feature provides guidance during the calibration regarding calibration sample point coverage. During calibration, in the kDataResp frame, the number of data components is set to be 3 and then followed by the data component IDvalue pairs. The sequence of the component IDs are kHeading, kPAngle and kRAngle. 7.4.10 kStopCal (frame ID 11d) This command aborts the calibration process and is not required to generally stop a calibration process. Assuming the minimum number of sample points for the calibration (as defined in Table 7-5) is not acquired prior to sending kStopCal, the prior calibration results are retained. If the acquired number of sample points prior to sending kStopCal si within the allowable range of kUserCalNumPoints, then new calibration coefficients and a new score will be generated. For instance, if kUserCalNumPoints is set to 32 for a full range calibration, and kStopCal is sent after taking the 12th sample point, then a new set of coefficients will be generated based on the 12 sample points that were taken. 7.4.11 kSetParam (frame ID 12d) The TCM incorporates a finite impulse response (FIR) filter to provide a more stable heading reading. The number of taps (or samples) represents the amount of filtering to be performed. Selecting a larger number of taps can significantly slow the time for the initial sample reading and, if “Flush Filters” is selected, the rate at which data is output. Payload Parameter ID Axis ID Count Value1 Value2 Value3 ValueCount UInt8 UInt8 UInt8 ID Specific ID Specific ID Specific ID Specific Parameter ID should be set to 3 and the Axis ID should be set to 1. The third payload byte indicates the number of FIR taps to use, which can be 0 (no filtering), 4, 8, 16, or 32. This is followed by the tap values (0 to 32 total Values can be in the payload), with each Value being a Float64, and suggested values given in Table 7-6. TCM User Manual r05 Page 48 Table 7-6: Recommended FIR Filter Tap Values Count 4 Tap Filter 8 Tap Filter 16 Tap Filter 32 Tap Filter 1 04.6708657655334e-2 01.9875512449729e-2 07.9724971069144e-3 01.4823725958818e-3 2 04.5329134234467e-1 06.4500864832660e-2 01.2710056429342e-2 02.0737124095482e-3 3 04.5329134234467e-1 01.6637325898141e-1 02.5971390034516e-2 03.2757326624196e-3 4 04.6708657655334e-2 02.4925036373620e-1 04.6451949792704e-2 05.3097803863757e-3 5 02.4925036373620e-1 07.1024151197772e-2 08.3414139286254e-3 6 01.6637325898141e-1 09.5354386848804e-2 01.2456836057785e-2 7 06.4500864832660e-2 01.1484431942626e-1 01.7646051430536e-2 8 01.9875512449729e-2 01.2567124916369e-1 02.3794805168613e-2 9 01.2567124916369e-1 03.0686505921968e-2 10 01.1484431942626e-1 03.8014333463472e-2 11 09.5354386848804e-2 04.5402682509802e-2 12 07.1024151197772e-2 05.2436112653103e-2 13 04.6451949792704e-2 05.8693165018301e-2 14 02.5971390034516e-2 06.3781858267530e-2 15 01.2710056429342e-2 06.7373451424187e-2 16 07.9724971069144e-3 06.9231186101853e-2 17 06.9231186101853e-2 18 06.7373451424187e-2 19 06.3781858267530e-2 20 05.8693165018301e-2 21 05.2436112653103e-2 22 04.5402682509802e-2 23 03.8014333463472e-2 24 03.0686505921968e-2 25 02.3794805168613e-2 26 01.7646051430536e-2 27 01.2456836057785e-2 28 08.3414139286254e-3 29 05.3097803863757e-3 30 03.2757326624196e-3 31 02.0737124095482e-3 32 01.4823725958818e-3 PNI Sensor Corporation TCM User Manual – June 2011 DOC#1014688 r05 Page 49 7.4.12 kGetParam (frame ID 13d) This frame queries the FIR filter settings for the sensors. Parameter ID should be set to 3 and the Axis ID should be set to 1. Payload Parameter ID Axis ID UInt8 UInt8 7.4.13 kParamResp (frame ID 14 d) This frame contains the current FIR filter settings. The format and values will the same as defined by kSetParam. Payload Parameter ID Axis ID Count Value1 Value2 Value3 ValueCount UInt8 UInt8 UInt8 Filter Top Value ID Specific ID Specific ID Specific 7.4.14 kPowerDown (frame ID 15 d) This frame is used to completely power-down the module, which is referred to as putting the module in Sleep Mode. The frame has no payload. The module will power down all peripherals including the RS-232 driver but the driver chip has the feature to keep the Rx line enabled. Any character sent to the module causes it to exit power down mode. It is recommended to send the byte oxFFh. 7.4.15 kSaveDone (frame ID 16 d) This frame is the response to kSave frame. The payload contains a UInt16 error code, 0000h indicates no error, 0001h indicates error when attempting to save data into nonvolatile memory. Payload Error code UInt16 TCM User Manual r05 Page 50 7.4.16 kUserCalSampCount (frame ID 17 d) This frame is sent from the module after taking a calibration sample point. The payload contains the sample count with the range of 1 to 32. Payload Sample count UInt32 7.4.17 kUserCalScore (frame ID 18 d) This frame's payload contains the calibration score, which is a series of Float32 values: CalScore, Calparam2,Calparam3,DistErr,TiltErr,TiltRange. Payload CalScore Calparam2 Accel CalScore DistErr TiltErr TiltRange Float32 Float32 Float32 Float32 Float32 Float32 CalScore (Mag CalScore): Represents the over-riding indicator of the quality of the magnetometer calibration. Acceptable scores will be ≤1 for full range calibration, ≤2 for other methods. Note that it is possible to get acceptable scores for DistErr and TiltErr and still have a rather high Mag CalScore value. The most likely reason for this is the TCM is close to a source of local magnetic distortion that is not fixed with respect to the module. Calparam2: Reserved values for PNI use. Calparam3 (Accel CalScore): Represents the over-riding indicator of the quality of the accelerometer calibration. An acceptable score is ≤1. DistErr: Indicates the quality of the sample point distribution, primarily looking for an even yaw distribution. Significant clumping or a lack of sample points in a particular section can result in a poor score. The score should be ≤1. TiltErr: Indicates the contribution to the CalScore caused by tilt or lack thereof. The score takes into account the calibration method. The score should be ≤1. PNI Sensor Corporation TCM User Manual – June 2011 DOC#1014688 r05 Page 51 TiltRange: This reports the larger of either half the full pitch range or half the full roll range of sample points. For example, if the module is pitched +10° to -20º, and rolled +25º to -15º, the Tilt Range value would be 20º (as derived from [+25º - {-15º}]/2). For Full Range Calibration and Hard Iron Only Calibration, this should be ≥45°. For 2D Calibration, this ideally should be ≈2°. For Limited Tilt Range Calibration the value should be as large a possible given the user’s constraints. 7.4.18 kSetConfigDone (frame ID 19 d) This frame is the response to kSetConfig frame. The frame has no payload. 7.4.19 kSetParamDone (frame ID 20 d) This frame is the response to kSetParam frame. The frame has no payload. 7.4.20 kStartIntervalMode (frame ID 21 d) This frame commands the module to output data at a fixed time interval, otherwise known as Push mode. See kSetAcqParams. The frame has no payload. 7.4.21 kStopIntervalMode (frame ID 22 d) This frame commands the module to stop data output when in Push mode. The frame has no payload. 7.4.22 kPowerUp (frame ID 23 d) This frame is sent from the module after waking up from Sleep Mode. The frame has no payload. Since the module was previously powered down which drives the RS-232 driver TX line low (break signal), it is recommended to disregard the first byte. 7.4.23 kSetAcqParams (frame ID 24 d) This frame sets the sensor acquisition parameters in the module. The payload should contain the following: Payload PollingMode FlushFilter SensorAcqTime IntervalRespTime UInt8 UInt8 Float32 Float32 TCM User Manual r05 Page 52 PollingMode: This flag sets whether output will be presented in Poll or Push mode. Poll mode is TRUE and is the default. Poll mode should be selected when the host system will poll the TCM for data. Push mode should be selected if the user will have the TCM output data at a relatively fixed rate to the host system. See kStartIntervalMode for starting a Push Mode command. FlushFilter: Setting this flag to TRUE will result in the FIR filters being flushed (reset) after every sample. The default is FALSE (no flushing). The filtering is set to only update the filter with the last sample taken, for example once the initial 32 samples are taken (assuming FIR Taps is set to the default value of 32) any new sample is added to the end with the first sample being dropped. In the case where SensorAcqTime is set to a value it would be prudent to set the module to flush the filter prior to calculating the heading. This flushing will require the module to take 32 new samples to use for the calculation. SensorAcqTime: The SensorAcqTime sets the time between samples taken by the module, in seconds. The default is 0.0 seconds, which means that the module will reacquire data immediately after the last acquisition. This is an internal setting that is NOT tied to the time with which the module transmits data to the host system. Generally speaking, the SensorAcqTime is either set to 0, in which case the TCM is constantly sampling, or set to equal the IntervalRespTime value. The advantage of running with an SensorAcqTime of 0 is the FIR filter can run with a relatively high FIR Tap value to provide stable and timely data. The advantage of using a greater SensorAcqTime is power consumption can be reduced, assuming the IntervalRespTime is no less than the SensorAcqTime. IntervalRespTime: The IntervalRespTime is relevant when Push Mode is selected, and is the time delay, in seconds, between completion of the TCM module sending one set of sampled data and the start of sending the next sample set. The default is 0.0 seconds, which means the TCM will begin sending new data as soon as the previous data set has been sent. Note that the inverse of the IntervalRespTime is somewhat greater than the sample rate, since the IntervalRespTime does not include actual acquisition time 7.4.24 kGetAcqParams (frame ID 25 d) This frame queries the unit for acquisition parameters. The frame has no payload. PNI Sensor Corporation TCM User Manual – June 2011 DOC#1014688 r05 Page 53 7.4.25 kAcqParamsDone (frame ID 26 d) This frame is the response to kSetAcqParams frame. The frame has no payload. 7.4.26 kAcqParamsResp (frame ID 27 d) This frame is the response to kGetAcqParams frame. The payload should contain the same payload as the kSetAcqParams frame. 7.4.27 kPowerDownDone (frame ID 28 d) This frame is the response to kPowerDown frame. This indicates that the module successfully received the kPowerDone frame and is in the process of powering down. The frame has no payload. 7.4.28 kFactoryUserCal (frame ID 29 d) This frame clears the user magnetometer calibration coefficients. The frame has no payload. This frame must be followed by the kSave frame to change in non-volatile memory. 7.4.29 kFactoryUserCalDone (frame ID 30 d) This frame is the response to kFactoryUserCal frame. The frame has no payload. 7.4.30 kTakeUserCalSample (frame ID 31 d) This frame commands the module to take a sample during user calibration. The frame has no payload. 7.4.31 kFactoryInclCal (frame ID 36 d) This frame clears the user accelerometer calibration coefficients. The frame has no payload. This frame must be followed by the kSave frame to change in non-volatile memory. 7.4.32 kFactoryInclCalDone (frame ID 37 d) This frame is the response to kFactoryInclCal frame. The frame has no payload. TCM User Manual r05 Page 54 7.4.33 kSetMode (frame ID 46 d) Note: When Sync Mode is selected, the TCM will acknowledge the change in mode and immediately trigger the Sync Mode and send a data frame. This frame allows the module to be placed in Sync Mode. When in Sync Mode the module will stay in Sleep Mode until the user’s system sends a trigger to report data. When so triggered, the TCM will wake up, report data once, then return to Sleep Mode. One application of this is to lower power consumption. Another use of the Sync Mode is to trigger a reading during an interval when local magnetic sources are well understood. For instance, if a system has considerable magnetic noise due to nearby motors, the Synch Mode can be used to take measurements when the motors are turned off. The payload contains the Mode ID requested, as given below. Payload Mode ID: Mode ID Normal Mode = 0 Sync Mode = 100 UInt8 If the module is in Sync Mode and the user desires to switch back to Normal Mode, an “FFh” string first must be sent, followed by some minimum delay time prior to sending the kSetMode frame. The minimum delay time is dependent on the baud rate, and for a baud rate equal to or slower than 9600 there is no delay. For baud rates greater than 9600 the minimum delay is equal to: Minimum delay after sending “FFh” (in seconds) = 7E-3 – (10/baud rate) For example, with a baud rate of 38400, the minimum delay after sending “FFh” is: Minimum delay at 38400 baud = 7E-4 – (10/38400) = 4.4E-4 seconds = 440 µs Sync Mode generally is intended for applications in which sampling does not occur frequently. For applications where Sync Mode sampling will be at a frequency of 1 Hz or higher, there is a minimum allowable delay between taking samples. This minimum delay between samples (approximately inverse to the maximum sample rate) varies from 100 msec to 1.06 second and is a function of the number of FIR filter taps, as defined by the following formula: Minimum Delay between Samples (in seconds) = 0.1 + 0.03*(number of Taps) 7.4.34 kSetModeResps (frame ID 47 d) This frame is the response to kSetMode frame. The payload contains the Mode ID requested. PNI Sensor Corporation TCM User Manual – June 2011 DOC#1014688 r05 Page 55 Payload Mode ID UInt8 7.4.35 kSyncRead (frame ID 49 d) This frame requests a reading from the module when the unit is in Sync Mode. This frame has no payload. The response to this frame is kDataResp, with heading, pitch, and roll set as the sequence of data component IDs. Prior to sending the kSyncRead frame, the user’s system must first send an “FFh” string which wakes up the system, then wait some minimum delay time before sending the kSyncRead frame. The minimum delay time is dependent on the baud rate, and for a baud rate equal to or slower than 9600 there is no delay. The minimum delay is defined by the same formula given for switching from Sync Mode to Normal Mode in kSetMode. TCM User Manual r05 Page 56 7.5 Code Examples The following example files, CommProtocol.h, CommProtocol.cp, TCM.h and TCM.cp would be used together for proper communication with a TCM module. Note: The following files are not included in the sample codes and need to be created by the user: Processes.h & TickGenerator.h. The comments in the code explain what is needed to be sent or received from these functions so the user can write this section for the user’s platform. For example, with the TickGenerator.h, the user needs to write a routing that generates 10 msec ticks. 7.5.1 Header File & CRC-16 Function // type declarations typedef struct { UInt8 pollingMode, flushFilter; Float32 sensorAcqTime, intervalRespTime; } __attribute__ ((packed)) AcqParams; typedef struct { Float32 MagCalScore; Float32 reserve1; Float32 AccelCalScore; Float32 DistErr; Float32 TiltErr; Float32 TiltRange; } __attribute__ ((packed)) CalScore; enum { // Frame IDs (Commands) kGetModInfo = 1, // 1 kModInfoResp, // 2 kSetDataComponents, // 3 kGetData, // 4 kDataResp, // 5 kSetConfig, // 6 kGetConfig, // 7 kConfigResp, // 8 kSave, // 9 kStartCal, // 10 kStopCal, // 11 kSetParam, // 12 kGetParam, // 13 kParamResp, // 14 kPowerDown, // 15 kSaveDone, // 16 kUserCalSampCount, // 17 kUserCalScore, // 18 kSetConfigDone, // 19 kSetParamDone, // 20 PNI Sensor Corporation TCM User Manual – June 2011 DOC#1014688 r05 Page 57 kStartIntervalMode, kStopIntervalMode, kPowerUp, // 23 kSetAcqParams, // 24 kGetAcqParams, // 25 kAcqParamsDone, // 26 kAcqParamsResp, // 27 kPowerDoneDown, // 28 kFactoryUserCal, // 29 kFactoryUserCalDone, kTakeUserCalSample, kFactoryInclCal = 36, kFactoryInclCalDone, kSetMode = 46, // 46 kSetModeDone, // 47 kSyncRead = 49, // 49 // 21 // 22 // // // // 30 31 36 37 // Cal Option IDs kFullRangeCal = 10, // 10 - type Float32 k2DCal = 20, // 20 - type Float32 kHIOnlyCal = 30, // 30 - type Float32 kLimitedTiltCal = 40, // 40 - type Float32 kAccelCalOnly = 100, // 100 - type Float32 kAccelCalwithMag = 110, // 110 - type Float32 // Param IDs kFIRConfig = 3, // 3- AxisID(UInt8)+Count(UInt8)+Value(Float64)+... // Data Component IDs kHeading = 5, // 5 - type Float32 kTemperature = 7, // 7 - type Float32 kDistortion = 8, // 8 - type boolean kPAligned = 21, // 21 - type Float32 kRAligned, // 22 - type Float32 kIZAligned, // 23 - type Float32 kPAngle, // 24 - type Float32 kRAngle, // 25 - type Float32 kXAligned = 27, // 27 - type Float32 kYAligned, // 28 - type Float32 kZAligned, // 29 - type Float32 // Configuration Parameter IDs kDeclination = 1, // 1 - type Float32 kTrueNorth, // 2 - type boolean kMountingRef = 10, // 10 - type UInt8 kUserCalStableCheck, // 11 - type boolean kUserCalNumPoints, // 12 - type UInt32 kUserCalAutoSampling, // 13 - type boolean kBaudRate, // 14 - UInt8 kMilOutPut = 15, // 15 - type Boolean kDataCal // 16 - type Boolean kCoeffCopySet = 18, // 18 - type UInt32 kAccelCoeffCopySet, // 19 - type UInt32 TCM User Manual r05 Page 58 // Mounting Reference IDs kMountedStandard = 1, // kMountedXUp, // 2 kMountedYUp, // 3 kMountedStdPlus90, // kMountedStdPlus180, // kMountedStdPlus270, // kMountedZDown // 7 kMountedXUpPlus90 // 8 kMountedXUpPlus180 // kMountedXUpPlus270 // kMountedYUpPlus90 // 11 kMountedYUpPlus180 // kMountedYUpPlus270 // kMountedZDownPlus90 // kMountedZDownPlus180 // kMountedZDownPlus270 // // Result IDs kErrNone = 0, kErrSave, // 1 1 4 5 6 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 // 0 }; // function to calculate CRC-16 UInt16 CRC(void * data, UInt32 len) { UInt8 * dataPtr = (UInt8 *)data; UInt32 index = 0; // Update the CRC for transmitted and received data using // the CCITT 16bit algorithm (X^16 + X^12 + X^5 + 1). UInt16 crc = 0; while(len--) { crc = (unsigned char)(crc >> 8) | (crc << 8); crc ^= dataPtr[index++]; crc ^= (unsigned char)(crc & 0xff) >> 4; crc ^= (crc << 8) << 4; crc ^= ((crc & 0xff) << 4) << 1; } return crc; } PNI Sensor Corporation TCM User Manual – June 2011 DOC#1014688 r05 Page 59 7.5.2 CommProtocol.h File #pragma once #include "SystemSerPort.h" #include "Processes.h" // //CommHandler is a base class that provides a callback for //incoming messages. // class CommHandler { public: // Call back to be implemented in derived class. virtual void HandleComm(UInt8 frameType, void * dataPtr = NULL, UInt16 dataLen = 0) {} }; // // CommProtocol handles the actual serial communication with the // module. // Process is a base class that provides CommProtocol with // cooperative parallel processing. The Control method will be // called by a process manager on a continuous basis. // class CommProtocol : public Process { public: enum { // Frame IDs (Commands) kGetModInfo = 1, // 1 kModInfoResp, // 2 kSetDataComponents, // 3 kGetData, // 4 kDataResp, //5 // Data Component IDs kHeading = 5, kTemperature = 7, kPAligned = 21, kRAligned, kIZAligned, kPAngle, kRAngle, // // // // // // // 5 - type Float32 7 - type Float32 21 - type Float32 22 - type Float32 23 - type Float32 24 - type Float32 25 - type Float32 }; enum { kBufferSize = 512, TCM User Manual r05 Page 60 // maximum size of our input buffer kPacketMinSize = 5 // minimum size of a serial packet }; // SerPort is a serial communication object abstracting // the hardware implementation CommProtocol(CommHandler * handler = NULL, serPort = NULL); SerPort * void Init(UInt32 baud = 38400); void SendData(UInt8 frame, void * dataPtr = NULL, UInt32 len = 0); void SetBaud(UInt32 baud); protected: CommHandler * mHandler; SerPort * mSerialPort; UInt8 mOutData[kBufferSize], mInData[kBufferSize]; UInt16 mExpectedLen; UInt32 mOutLen, mOldInLen, mTime, mStep; UInt16 CRC(void * data, UInt32 len); void Control(); }; PNI Sensor Corporation TCM User Manual – June 2011 DOC#1014688 r05 Page 61 7.5.3 CommProtocol.cpp File #include "CommProtocol.h" // import an object that will provide a 10mSec tick count through // a function called Ticks() #include "TickGenerator.h" // SerPort is an object that controls the physical serial // interface. It handles sending out // the characters, and buffers the characters read in until // we are ready for them. // CommProtocol::CommProtocol(CommHandler * handler, SerPort * serPort) : Process("CommProtocol") { mHandler = handler; // store the object that will parse the data when it is fully // received mSerialPort = serPort; Init(); } // Initialize the serial port and variables that will control // this process void CommProtocol::Init(UInt32 baud) { SetBaud(baud); mOldInLen = 0; // no data previously received mStep = 1; // goto the first step of our process } // // Put together the frame to send to the module // void CommProtocol::SendData(UInt8 frameType, void * dataPtr, UInt32 len) { UInt8 * data = (UInt8 *)dataPtr; // the data to send UInt32 index = 0; // our location in the frame we are putting together UInt16 crc; // the CRC to add to the end of the packet UInt16 count; // the total length the packet will be count = (UInt16)len + kPacketMinSize; // exit without sending if there is too much data to fit // inside our packet TCM User Manual r05 Page 62 if(len > kBufferSize - kPacketMinSize) return; // // // // Store the total len of the packet including the len bytes (2), the frame ID (1), the data (len), and the crc (2). If no data is sent, the min len is 5 mOutData[index++] = count >> 8; mOutData[index++] = count & 0xFF; // store the frame ID mOutData[index++] = frameType ; // copy the data to be sent while(len--) mOutData[index++] = *data++; // compute and add the crc crc = CRC(mOutData, index); mOutData[index++] = crc >> 8 ; mOutData[index++] = crc & 0xFF ; // Write block will copy and send the data out the serial port mSerialPort->WriteBlock(mOutData, index); } // // Call the functions in serial port necessary to change the // baud rate // void CommProtocol::SetBaud(UInt32 baud) { mSerialPort->SetBaudRate(baud); mSerialPort->InClear(); // clear any data that was already waiting in the buffer } // // Update the CRC for transmitted and received data using the // CCITT 16bit algorithm (X^16 + X^12 + X^5 + 1). // UInt16 CommProtocol::CRC(void * data, UInt32 len) { UInt8 * dataPtr = (UInt8 *)data; UInt32 index = 0; UInt16 crc = 0; while(len--) { crc = (unsigned char)(crc >> 8) | (crc << 8); crc ^= dataPtr[index++]; crc ^= (unsigned char)(crc & 0xff) >> 4; crc ^= (crc << 8) << 4; PNI Sensor Corporation TCM User Manual – June 2011 DOC#1014688 r05 Page 63 crc ^= ((crc & 0xff) << 4) << 1; } return crc; } // // This is called each time this process gets a turn to execute. // void CommProtocol::Control() { // InLen returns the number of bytes in the input buffer of //the serial object that are available for us to read. UInt32 inLen = mSerialPort->InLen(); // // // // switch(mStep) { case 1: { wait for length bytes to be received by the serial object if(inLen >= 2) { Read block will return the number of requested (or available) bytes that are in the serial objects input buffer. read the byte count mSerialPort->ReadBlock(mInData, 2); // byte count is ALWAYS transmitted in big endian, copy byte // count to mExpectedLen to native endianess mExpectedLen = (mInData[0] << mInData[1]; 8) | // Ticks is a timer function. 1 tick = 10msec. // wait up to 1/2s for the complete frame (mExpectedLen) to be // received mTime = Ticks() + 50 ; mStep++ ; // goto the next step in the process } break ; } case 2: { // wait for msg complete or timeout if(inLen >= mExpectedLen - 2) { UInt16 crc, crcReceived; // calculated and received crcs. // Read block will return the number of // requested (or available) bytes that are in the // serial objects input buffer. mSerialPort->ReadBlock(&mInData[2], mExpectedLen - 2); TCM User Manual r05 Page 64 // in CRC verification, don't include the CRC in the recalculation (-2) crc = CRC(mInData, mExpectedLen - 2); // CRC is also ALWAYS transmitted in big endian crcReceived = (mInData[mExpectedLen - 2] << 8) | mInData[mExpectedLen - 1] ; if(crc == crcReceived) { // the crc is correct, so pass the frame up for processing. if(mHandler) mHandler>HandleComm(mInData[2], &mInData[3], mExpectedLen - kPacketMinSize); } else { // crc's don't match so clear everything that is currently in the // input buffer since the data is not reliable. mSerialPort->InClear(); } // go back to looking for the length bytes. mStep = 1 ; } else { // Ticks is a timer function. 1 tick = 10msec. if(Ticks() > mTime) { // Corrupted message. We did not get the length we were // expecting within 1/2sec of receiving the length bytes. Clear // everything in the input buffer since the data is unreliable mSerialPort->InClear(); mStep = 1 ; // Look for the next length bytes } } break ; } default: break ; } } PNI Sensor Corporation TCM User Manual – June 2011 DOC#1014688 r05 Page 65 7.5.4 TCM.h File #pragma once #include "Processes.h" #include "CommProtocol.h" // // This file contains the object providing communication to the // TCM. It will set up the module and parse packets received // Process is a base class that provides TCM with cooperative // parallel processing. The Control method will be // called by a process manager on a continuous basis. // class TCM : public Process, public CommHandler { public: TCM(SerPort * serPort); ~TCM(); protected: CommProtocol * mComm; UInt32 mStep, mTime, mResponseTime; void UInt16 dataLen = void UInt16 dataLen = HandleComm(UInt8 frameType, void * dataPtr = NULL, 0); SendComm(UInt8 frameType, void * dataPtr = NULL, 0); void Control(); }; TCM User Manual r05 Page 66 7.5.5 TCM.cpp File #include "TCM.h" #include "TickGenerator.h" const UInt8 kDataCount = 4; // We will be requesting 4 componets (Heading, pitch, roll, // temperature) // // This object polls the TCM module once a second for // heading, pitch, roll and temperature. // TCM::TCM(SerPort * serPort) : Process("TCM") { // Let the CommProtocol know this object will handle any // serial data returned by the module mComm = new CommProtocol(this, serPort); mTime = 0; mStep = 1; } TCM::~TCM() { } // // Called by the CommProtocol object when a frame is completely // received // void TCM::HandleComm(UInt8 frameType, void * dataPtr, UInt16 dataLen) { UInt8 * data = (UInt8 *)dataPtr; switch(frameType) { case CommProtocol::kDataResp: { // Parse the data response UInt8 count = data[0]; // The number of data elements returned UInt32 pntr = 1; // Used to retrieve the returned elements // The data elements we requested Float32 heading, pitch, roll, temperature; if(count != kDataCount) { PNI Sensor Corporation TCM User Manual – June 2011 DOC#1014688 r05 Page 67 // Message is a function that displays a C formatted string // (similar to printf) Message("Received %u data elements instead of the %u requested\r\n", (UInt16)count, (UInt16)kDataCount); return; } // loop through and collect the elements while(count) { // The elements are received as {type (ie. kHeading), data} switch(data[pntr++]) // read the type and go to the first byte of the data { // Only handling the 4 elements we are looking for case CommProtocol::kHeading: { // Move(source, destination, size (bytes)). Move copies the // specified number of bytes from the source pointer to the // destination pointer. Store the heading. Move(&(data[pntr]), &heading, sizeof(heading)); // increase the pointer to point to the next data element type pntr += sizeof(heading); break; } case CommProtocol::kPAngle: { // Move(source, destination, size (bytes)). Move copies the // specified number of bytes from the source pointer to the // destination pointer. Store the pitch. Move(&(data[pntr]), &pitch, sizeof(pitch)); // increase the pointer to point to the next data element type pntr += sizeof(pitch); break; } case CommProtocol::kRAngle: { // Move(source, destination, size (bytes)). Move copies the // specified number of bytes from the source pointer to the // destination pointer. Store the roll. Move(&(data[pntr]), &roll, sizeof(roll)); // increase the pointer to point to the next data element type pntr += sizeof(roll); break; } TCM User Manual r05 Page 68 case CommProtocol::kTemperature: { // Move(source, destination, size (bytes)). Move copies the // specified number of bytes from the source pointer to the // destination pointer. Store the heading. Move(&(data[pntr]), &temperature, sizeof(temperature)); // increase the pointer to point to the next data element type pntr += sizeof(temperature); break; } default: // Message is a function that displays a formatted string // (similar to printf) Message("Unknown type: %02X\r\n", data[pntr - 1]); // unknown data type, so size is unknown, so skip everything return; break; } count--; // One less element to read in } // Message is a function that displays a formatted string // (similar to printf) Message("Heading: %f, Pitch: %f, Roll: Temperature: %f\r\n", heading, pitch, roll, temperature); mStep--; // send next data request break; } %f, default: { // Message is a function that displays a formatted string // (similar to printf) Message("Unknown frame %02X received\r\n", (UInt16)frameType); break; } } } // // Have the CommProtocol build and send the frame to the module. // void TCM::SendComm(UInt8 frameType, void * dataPtr, UInt16 dataLen) { PNI Sensor Corporation TCM User Manual – June 2011 DOC#1014688 r05 Page 69 if(mComm) mComm->SendData(frameType, dataPtr, dataLen); // Ticks is a timer function. 1 tick = 10msec. mResponseTime = Ticks() + 300; // Expect a response within 3 seconds } // // This is called each time this process gets a turn to execute. // void TCM::Control() { switch(mStep) { case 1: { UInt8 pkt[kDataCount + 1]; // the compents we are requesting, preceded by the number of // components being requested pkt[0] pkt[1] pkt[2] pkt[3] pkt[4] = = = = = kDataCount; CommProtocol::kHeading; CommProtocol::kPAngle; CommProtocol::kRAngle; CommProtocol::kTemperature; SendComm(CommProtocol::kSetDataComponents, pkt, kDataCount + 1); // Ticks is a timer function. 1 tick = 10msec. mTime = Ticks() + 100; // Taking a sample in 1s. mStep++; // go to next step of process break; } case 2: { // Ticks is a timer function. 1 tick = 10msec. if(Ticks() > mTime) { // tell the module to take a sample SendComm(CommProtocol::kGetData); mTime = Ticks() + 100; // take a sample every second mStep++; } break; } case 3: { // Ticks is a timer function. 1 tick = 10msec. if(Ticks() > mResponseTime) { TCM User Manual r05 Page 70 Message("No response from the module. connection and try again\r\n"); mStep = 0; } break; } Check default: break; } } PNI Sensor Corporation TCM User Manual – June 2011 DOC#1014688 r05 Page 71