UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD PA6203 Preliminary CMOS IC 1.25-W MONO FULLY DIFFERENTIAL AUDIO POWER AMPLIFIER DESCRIPTION The UTC PA6203 is a mono fully-differential audio amplifier, capable of delivering 1.25W of continuous average power to an 8-Ω BTL load with less than 1% distortion from a 5V power supply. The UTC PA6203 is ideal for PDA/smart phone applications due to features such as -85-dB supply voltage rejection from 90Hz to 5kHz, improved RF rectification immunity and a fast start-up with minimal pop. The device operates from 2.5V to 5.5V, drawing only 1.7mA of quiescent supply current. FEATURES * 1.25W into 8Ω from a 5-V supply at THD=1% (Typ.) * 2.5V-5.5V operation * Low supply current: 1.7mA typ at 5V * Shutdown Control<10µA * Only five external components - Improved PSRR (90dB) for direct battery operation - Fully differential design reduces RF rectification - Improved CMRR eliminates two input coupling capacitors - C(BYPASS) is optional due to fully differential design and high PSRR APPLICATIONS * Designed for wireless or cellular handsets and PDAs ORDERING INFORMATION Ordering Number Lead Free Halogen Free PA6203L-SH2-T PA6203G-SH2-T PA6203L-SH2-R PA6203G-SH2-R Package Packing HSOP-8 HSOP-8 Tube Tape Reel PA6203L-SH2-T (1)Packing Type (1) T: Tube, R: Tape Reel (2)Package Type (2) SH2: HSOP-8 (3)Halogen Free (3) L: Lead Free, G: Halogen Free www.unisonic.com.tw Copyright © 2013 Unisonic Technologies Co., Ltd 1 of 6 QW-R502-A16.a PA6203 CMOS IC PIN CONFIGURATION SHUTDOWN 1 BYPASS 2 IN+ IN- 8 VO- 7 GND 3 6 VDD 4 5 VO+ GND PIN DESCRIPTION PIN NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Preliminary PIN NAME DESCRIPTION SHUTDOWN Shutdown terminal (active low logic) BYPASS IN+ INVO+ VDD GND VO− Mid-supply voltage, adding a bypass capacitor improves PSRR Positive differential input Negative differential input Positive BTL output Supply voltage terminal High-current ground Negative BTL output Connect to ground. Thermal Pad must be soldered down in all applications to properly Thermal Pad secure device on the PCB. BLOCK DIAGRAM C(BYPASS) 2 (optional) Bias Circuitry SHUTDOWN 1 IN- 4 - 5 VO+ IN+ 3 + 8 VO- 6 VDD 7 GND UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD www.unisonic.com.tw 2 of 6 QW-R502-A16.a PA6203 Preliminary CMOS IC ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATING (Over operating free-air temperature range, unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER Supply Voltage Input Voltage INx and SHUTDOWN Pins SYMBOL VDD RATINGS -0.3~6 UNIT V VI -0.3~VDD+0.3 V Continuous Total Power Dissipation PD Internally Limited Operating Free-air Temperature TA -40~85 Junction Temperature TJ -40~125 Storage Temperature TSTG -65~150 Lead Temperature From Case For 10 Seconds 260 Note: Absolute maximum ratings are those values beyond which the device could be permanently damaged. Absolute maximum ratings are stress ratings only and functional device operation is not implied. THERMAL DATA PARAMETER SYMBOL θJA θJC Junction to Ambient Junction to Case RATINGS 42.3 12 UNIT °C/W C/W RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS PACKAGE Supply Voltage SYMBOL VDD MIN 2.5 2 High-Level Input Voltage SHUTDOWN VIH Low-Level Input Voltage SHUTDOWN VIL Common-Mode Input Voltage V=2.5V, 5.5V, CMRR≤-60dB VIC 0.5 TA ZL -40 6.4 Operating Free-Air Temperature Load Impedance °C °C °C °C TYP MAX 5.5 UNIT V V 0.8 V VDD-0.8 V 85 °C Ω 8 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TA=25°C, Gain=1V/V, unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER Output Offset Voltage (Measured Differentially) Power Supply Rejection Radio Common Mode Rejection Ratio Low-Level Output Voltage High-Level Output Voltage SYMBOL |VOO| TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT 9 mV -90 -70 dB -70 -65 -62 0.30 0.22 0.19 5.12 3.28 2.24 -55 0.46 VI=0V, VDD=2.5V~5.5V PSRR VDD=2.5V~5.5V VDD=3.6V~5.5V, CMRR VIC=0.5V~VDD-0.8 VDD=2.5V, VIC=0.5V~1.7V VDD=5.5V RL=8Ω, VIN+=VDD, VIN-=0V or VIN+=0V, VDD=3.6V VOL VIN-=VDD VDD=2.5V VDD=5.5V RL=8Ω, VIN+=VDD, VIN-=0V or VIN+=0V, VDD=3.6V VOH VIN-=VDD VDD=2.5V 4.8 2.1 dB V 0.26 V High-Level Input Current |IIH| VDD=5.5V, VI=5.8V 1.2 μA Low-Level Input Current |IIL| VDD=5.5V, VI=-0.3V 1.2 μA Supply Current IDD 1.7 2 mA 0.01 0.9 μA Supply Current in Shutdown Mode IDD(SD) SHUTDOWN=2V, VDD=2.5V~5.5V, No Load SHUTDOWN=0.8V, VDD=2.5V~5.5V, No Load UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD www.unisonic.com.tw 3 of 6 QW-R502-A16.a PA6203 Preliminary CMOS IC OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS (TA=25°C, Gain=1V/V, RL=8Ω) PARAMETER Output Power Total Harmonic Distortion Plus Noise Supply Ripple Rejection Ratio Signal-To-Noise Radio Output Voltage Noise Common Mode Rejection Radio Input Impedance Output Impedance Shutdown Attenuation SYMBOL TEST CONDITIONS MIN VDD=5V PO THD+N=1%, f=1kHz VDD=3.6V VDD=2.5V VDD=5V, PO=1W, f=1kHz THD+N VDD=3.6V, PO=0.5W, f=1kHz VDD=2.5V, PO=200mW, f=1kHz C(BYPASS)=0.47μF, f=217Hz~2kHz, VDD=3.6V~5.5V, Inputs VRIPPLE=200mVPP Ac-Grounded with CI=2µF C(BYPASS)=0.47μF, f=217Hz~2kHz, KSVR VDD=2.5V~3.6V, Inputs VRIPPLE=200mVPP Ac-Grounded with CI=2µF C(BYPASS)=0.47μF, f=40Hz~20kHz, VDD=2.5V~5.5V, Inputs VRIPPLE=200mVPP Ac-Grounded with CI=2µF SNR VDD=5V, PO=1W No Weighting VN f=20Hz~20kHz A Weighting VDD=2.5V~5.5V, Resistor f=20Hz~1kHz CMRR Tolerance=0.1%, Gain=4V/V, VICM=200mVPP f=20Hz~20kHz ZI ZO Shutdown Mode >10k f=20Hz~20kHz, RF=RI=20kΩ UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD www.unisonic.com.tw TYP 1.25 0.63 0.3 0.06 0.07 0.08 MAX UNIT W W W % -87 dB -82 dB ≤-74 dB 104 17 13 dB µVRMS ≤-85 dB ≤-74 dB 2 MΩ -80 dB 4 of 6 QW-R502-A16.a PA6203 Preliminary CMOS IC TYPICAL APPLICATION CIRCUIT Table 1. Typical Component Values COMPONENT RI RF C(BYPASS) (Note 1) CS CI Note: 1. C(BYPASS) is optional VALUE 10 10 0.22 1 0.22 C(BYPASS) (optional) 2 Bias Circuitry 1 SHUTDOWN UNIT kΩ kΩ µF µF µF VDD 6 RF In From DAC To Battery CS - RI 4 IN- + RI 3 IN+ + RF VO+ 5 VO- 8 GND 7 Figure 1. Typical Differential Input Application Schematic C(BYPASS) (optional) 2 Bias Circuitry 1 SHUTDOWN VDD 6 RF - CI + CS RI 4 IN- RI 3 IN+ CI To Battery RF + VO+ 5 VO- 8 GND 7 Figure 2. Differential Input Application Schematic Optimized With Input Capacitors UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD www.unisonic.com.tw 5 of 6 QW-R502-A16.a PA6203 Preliminary CMOS IC TYPICAL APPLICATION CIRCUIT(Cont.) Figure 3. Single-Ended Input Application Schematic UTC assumes no responsibility for equipment failures that result from using products at values that exceed, even momentarily, rated values (such as maximum ratings, operating condition ranges, or other parameters) listed in products specifications of any and all UTC products described or contained herein. UTC products are not designed for use in life support appliances, devices or systems where malfunction of these products can be reasonably expected to result in personal injury. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without the prior written consent of the copyright owner. The information presented in this document does not form part of any quotation or contract, is believed to be accurate and reliable and may be changed without notice. UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD www.unisonic.com.tw 6 of 6 QW-R502-A16.a