AN58 S i 3 2 2 0 / S i 3 2 2 5 P ROGRAMMER ’S G UIDE 1. Si3220/Si3225 RAM & Register Space The Si3220/Si3225 is a highly-programmable telephone linecard solution that uses internal registers and RAM to program operational parameters and modes. The register and RAM space are explained in this application note. The register summary and RAM summary are compressed listings for single-entry quick reference. The register descriptions and RAM descriptions give detailed information for each register or RAM location’s bits. All RAM locations are cleared upon hardware reset. All RAM locations that are listed as “INIT” must be initialized to a meaningful value for proper ProSLIC functionality. Bit 4 of the MSTRSTAT register indicates the clearing process is finished. This bit should be checked before initializing the RAM space. Follow the initialization instructions as detailed in “Dual ProSLIC Initialization” . Accessing register and RAM space is performed through the SPI. Register space is accessed by using the standard three-byte access as described in the Si3220/Si3225 data sheet. Bit 5 of the control byte specifies register access when set to 1. All register space is comprised of 8-bit data. 1.1. RAM Access by Register RAM space can be accessed by two different methods. One method utilizes three registers in sequence while monitoring RAMSTAT register (bit 0). These three registers are RAMADDR, RAMDATLO, and RAMDATHI. To read a RAM location in the Si3220/Si3225, check for register RAMSTAT (bit 0) to indicate the previous access is complete and RAM is ready (0). Then, write the RAM address to RAMADDR (RAMSTAT (bit 0) will set to 1). Once RAMSTAT (bit 0) is cleared to 0, the 16 bits of data can be read from the RAMDATLO and RAMDATHI registers. To write a RAM location in the Si3220/Si3225, check for register RAMSTAT (bit 0) to indicate the previous access is completed and RAM is ready (0). Then, write the 16 bits of RAM data to the RAMDATLO and RAMDATHI registers. Finally, write the RAM address to the RAMADDR register. Rev. 0.98 12/07 1.2. RAM Access by Pipeline An alternative method is a pipeline method that employs a 4-byte access plus a RAM status check. The control byte for the pipeline method has bit 6 cleared to 0 to indicate a RAM access. The control byte is followed by the RAM address byte, then the two data bytes. Reading RAM in the pipeline method requires “priming” the data. First, check for register RAMSTAT (bit 0) to indicate the previous access is complete and RAM is ready (0). Then, perform the 4-byte RAM access. The first read will yield unusable data. The data read on the subsequent read access is the data for the previous address read. A final address read yields the last previously-requested data. The RAM-ready information (RAMSTAT) must be read before every RAM access. To write a RAM location, check for register RAMSTAT (bit 0) to indicate the previous access is complete and RAM is ready (0). Then, write the RAM address and data in the 4-byte method. A write to the RAM location requires “priming” the data with subsequent accesses. This method is not more efficient than the access-byregister method. 1.3. Chip Select For register or RAM space access, there are three ways to use chip select: Byte-length, 16-bit length, and access duration length. The byte-length method releases chip select after every eight bits of communication with the Si3220/Si3225. The time between chip select assertions must be at least 220 ns. The 16-bit length chip select method is similar to the byte-length method except that 16 bits are communicated with the Si3220/Si3225. This means that Si3220/Si3225 communication consists of a control byte, address byte for one 16-bit access, and two data bytes for a second 16-bit access. In a single data byte communication (control byte, address byte, data byte), the data byte should be loaded into either the high byte or both bytes of the second 16-bit access for a write. The 8-bit data exists in the high and low byte of a 16-bit access for a read. The time between chip select assertions must be at least 220 ns. Access duration length allows chip select to be asserted low for the length of a number of Si3220/Si3225 accesses. There are two very specific rules to this type of communication. First, the SCLK must be of a Copyright © 2007 by Silicon Laboratories AN58 AN58 frequency that is less than 1/2 x 220 ns (<2.25 MHz). Second, access must be done in a 16-bit modulus. This 16-bit modulus follows the same rules as described above for 16-bit length access where 8-bit data is concerned. c.Set channel gain control (AUDGAIN). 1.4. Protected Register Bits g.Set tone detectors (TONDEN). The Si3220/Si3225 has protected register bits that are meant to retain the integrity of the Si3220/Si3225 circuit in the event of unintentional software register access. To access the user-protected bits, write the following sequence of data bytes to register address 87 (0x57): h.Set ringing configuration (RINGCON, RINGTxx). d.Set loop current limit (ILIM). e.Set PCM bus mode and clock slot (PCMMODE, PCMTX, PCMRX). f.Set tone oscillator parameters (O1Txx, O2Txx, OMODE). i.Set pulse metering generator (PMTxx). j.Set polarity reversal type (POLREV). k.Set SLIC bias (SBIAS). 0x10 10.Perform all calibrations except common mode, DAC offset, and ADC offset on each channel sequentially (CALR2 = 0x38, CALR1 = 0xBF). 0x12 11. Poll CALR1 for calibration complete (CALR1=0x00). 0x00 12.Common Mode Balance Calibration. Refer to “Dual ProSLIC Calibration” below. 0x02 Following the modification of any protected bit, the same sequence should be immediately written to return these bits to their protected state. Protected bits exist in registers RLYCON, SBIAS, and THERM. Protected bits can be read at any time. 1.5. Dual ProSLIC Initialization Certain commands must be issued to the Dual ProSLIC to prepare it for operation. The device ID should be read as reference for proper revision-specific operation. Appropriate initial values are then written to all 16-bit RAM locations. Alternate functional values can be written to 8-bit registers if desired. Interrupts are to be cleared and enabled. Finally, the calibration sequence should be followed to prepare the Dual ProSLIC for optimal operation. 1. Ensuring that the RESET pin is held low, apply power. 14.Clear and enable interrupts (IRQ1, IRQ2, IRQ3, IRQEN1, IRQEN2, IRQEN3). 15.Set to Active mode (LINEFEED, LCRRTP). 1.6. Dual ProSLIC Calibration The Dual ProSLIC calibration sequence consists of SLIC mode calibration, monitor ADC calibration, and audio path calibration. The calibration bits that are set in registers CALR1 and CALR2 are executed in order of MSB to LSB for each sequential register. CALR1, bit 7, starts the calibration sequence. CALR2 calibration bits should be set before the CALR1 is written. The reserved bit (bit 6) of CALR1 must always be cleared to 0. The interrupt bit, bit 7 of IRQ3, will report any error in the calibration process. The error could include the line becoming off-hook during the common mode balance calibration. During all calibrations, the calibration engine controls VTIP and VRING to provide the correct external voltage conditions for the calibration algorithm. The TIP and RING leads must not be connected to ground during any calibration. 2. Ensure enough time for the PCLK and FSYNC signals to be present and stable (>300 ms). 3. Preset CS to the high state. 4. CS must be de-asserted for 250 ns min. between accesses. 5. Release the RESET pin to high. 6. Verify PLL achieves lock within 5 ms by ensuring bits 2–4 in MSTRSTAT are set. 7. Read identification register of each device (ID). 8. Write operational values to all 16-bit RAM locations (RAMSTAT). 9. Write alternate values to 8-bit, initialization register locations. The leakage calibrations (CALR1, bits 4–5) can be done at regular intervals to provide optimal performance over temperature variations. The TIP/RING leakage calibrations can be performed every hour. Invoke these leakage calibrations, only during on-hook, by setting CALR1 to 0xB0. The leakage calibration takes 5 ms and interferes with dc feed and voice transmission during its process. a.Set power mode (THERM, PTH12, PLPFQ12) b.Set two-wire impedance synthesis filter (ZZ, ZRS, ZBxx, ZAxx). 2 Rev. 0.98 AN58 1.7. Dual ProSLIC Common Mode Calibration 7. Set Common Mode Balance Interrupt (IRQEN3 = 0x80). To optimize common mode (longitudinal) balance performance, it is recommended that the user perform the following steps when running the common mode calibration routine. 1. Write the RAM location values shown in Table 1. 2. Write the Registers values as shown in Table 2. These coefficient values select a 600 impedance synthesis. 3. Ensure phone line is on-hook. a.Set LINEFEED = ACTIVE. b.Set VOC = 0x2668. c.Read LCRRTP and ensure that the line is on-hook. Do not perform this calibration until the line is on-hook. 4. Discharge line a.Set VCM and VOC = 0x00. b.Wait until VTIP and VRING report 0x00. 5. Set LINEFEED = OPEN. 8. Set CALR2 = 0x01. This enables only the AC longitudinal balance calibration routine (CALCMBAL). 9. Set CALR1 = 0x80. This begins the calibration process. 10.Wait for the CALR1 register to clear to 0x00, indicating the longitudinal balance calibration is complete (up to 300ms). 11. Ensure that a common mode balance error interrupt from step 6 did not occur. Retry calibration if true. 12.Rewrite desired RAM and register values that were changed during this calibration. During all calibrations, the calibration engine controls VTIP and VRING to provide the correct external voltage conditions for the calibration algorithm. The TIP and RING leads must not be connected to ground during any calibration. Note that the channel being calibrated must be on-hook. 6. Set VOC = 0x2668 Rev. 0.98 3 AN58 Table 1. RAM Values for 600 Impedance, Test Filters and Test Signal 4 RAM Location Name Location (decimal) Value (hexadecimal) RXGAIN 71 0x4000 TXGAIN 72 0x4000 TXEQCO3 73 0x0050 TXEQCO2 74 0xF8A8 TXEQCO1 75 0x4978 TXEQCO0 76 0x0000 RXEQCO3 77 0x0118 RXEQCO2 78 0xFF30 RXEQCO1 79 0xFB20 RXEQCO0 80 0x5748 RXIIRPOL 81 0x3E08 ECCO1 82 0x06B0 ECCO2 83 0x19D0 ECCO3 84 0x1170 ECCO4 85 0xFF88 ECCO5 86 0xFFD8 ECCO6 87 0xFFA8 ECCO7 88 0xFFB0 ECCO0 89 0x0010 ECIIRB0 90 0xFFB8 ECIIRB1 91 0x0028 ECIIRA1 92 0x61E0 ECIIRA2 93 0xDD88 TXHPF1 163 0x3858 TXHPF2 164 0x7748 TXHPF3 165 0xC7A0 TESTB0H1 126 0x0138 TESTB0L1 125 0x3900 TESTB1H1 128 0x0000 TESTB1L1 127 0x0000 TESTB2H1 130 0xFEC0 TESTB2L1 129 0x4700 TESTA1H1 132 0x5568 TESTA1L1 131 0x0370 TESTA2H1 134 0xC430 Rev. 0.98 AN58 Table 1. RAM Values for 600 Impedance, Test Filters and Test Signal (Continued) TESTA2L1 133 0x2100 TESTB0H2 136 0x5568 TESTB0L2 135 0x0460 TESTB1H2 138 0x0000 TESTB1L2 137 0x0000 TESTB2H2 140 0x0000 TESTB2L2 139 0x0000 TESTA1H2 142 0x0000 TESTA1L2 141 0x0000 TESTA2H2 144 0x0000 TESTA2L2 141 0x0000 TESTB0H3 146 0x4000 TESTB0L3 145 0x0000 TESTB1H3 148 0x0000 TESTB1L3 147 0x0000 TESTB2H3 150 0x0000 TESTB2L3 149 0x0000 TESTA1H3 152 0x0000 TESTA1L3 151 0x0000 TESTA2H3 154 0x0000 TESTA2L3 153 0x0000 OSC1FREQ 94 0x2C30 OSC1AMP 95 0xD9 TESTWLN 157 0x0013 Rev. 0.98 5 AN58 Table 2. Register Values for CM Calibration (600 Impedance Synthesis) 6 Register Name Register Location (decimal) Register Value (hexadecimal) ZRS 33 0x05 ZZ 34 0x01 ZB0LO 35 0x93 ZB0MID 36 0x95 ZB0HI 37 0x0E ZB1LO 38 0xD6 ZB1MID 39 0x5F ZB1HI 40 0xF0 ZB2LO 41 0xD9 ZB2MID 42 0x8A ZB2HI 43 0xF4 ZB3LO 44 0xFD ZB3MID 45 0x7F ZB3HI 46 0x0C ZA1LO 47 0x44 ZA1MID 48 0x49 ZA1HI 49 0x0F ZA2LO 50 0xA5 ZA2MID 51 0xB6 ZA2HI 52 0xF8 OMODE 58 0x02 Rev. 0.98 AN58 1.8. Operation Modes The active state is the normal operating state of a Dual ProSLIC channel. The Dual ProSLIC automatically switches between active on-hook and active off-hook when the loop closure state has been detected and validated. This mode change occurs with appropriately programmed loop closure threshold (OFFHKTH, ONHKTH), debounce (LCRDBI) and low-pass filter (LCRLPF) values while in the active state. The loop closure low-pass filter normally defaults to 0 since no low-frequency metallic or differential component is expected to distort the loop closure measurement. The Dual ProSLIC can be monitored for indication of loop status in the LCRRTP register. The Dual ProSLIC can also be programmed to cause an interrupt upon any change of the loop status indicator. Ringing frequency, amplitude, and cadence during the RINGING state are fully-programmable to provide country-specific ringing modes. The ringing frequency and amplitude coefficients (RINGFREQ, RINGAMP) are calculated by using either the data sheet equations or the Dual ProSLIC LINC software. The ringing cadence can be controlled by the ringing timers, RINGTAx and RINGTIx. Regular cadence, a designated on time and a designated off time, is fully automatic when the timers are enabled during the ringing state. For example, North American ringing cadence is two seconds on and four seconds off. The timers can also be reloaded at specific intervals to create custom cadences. Refer to the Dual ProSLIC demonstration source code for examples of cadenced ringing. Call processing tones, including pulsed metering tones, are generated and controlled by the Dual ProSLIC. Frequency and amplitude coefficients (OSC1x, OSC2x) are used to program the tone parameters. These coefficients are calculated using the ProSLIC LINC software. On and off time can be controlled either manually or automatically. Automatic control is performed by enabling the oscillator timers in the OCON register. Each oscillator timer can be set to generate an interrupt upon expiration. Refer to the Dual ProSLIC demonstration source code for an example of tone generation. Ground key detection is accomplished using the ground key detector. This detector monitors longitudinal (common-mode) current (LNGS, LONGxTH) and reports detection in register LCRRTP with an optional interrupt (IRQ2). A debounce time constant (LONGDBI) and low-pass filter (LONGLPF) are also programmable to qualify ground key detection. The low-pass filter is typically programmed for 10 Hz to filter the effects of induced longitudinal power line frequency. 1.8.1. Dual ProSLIC Operation 1. Set operation mode (LINEFEED). 2. Poll loop status (LCRRTP). 3. Respond to interrupts (IRQ0, IRQ1, IRQ2, IRQ3). 4. Respond to DTMF and modem tone detection (TONDTMF, TONDET). 5. Generate FSK signaling (FSKDAT). 6. Generate call processing tones (OCON). 7. Generate pulse metering (PMCON). 1.8.2. Dual ProSLIC Diagnostics 1. Measure real-time line voltage and currents (Vxx, Ixx, Pxx). 2. Perform large-scale line voltage diagnostics 3. (DIAG, DIAGDCTH, DIAGDCCO, DIAGACTH, DIAGACCO, DIAGPK). 4. Perform voice band diagnostics 5. (DIAGxx, TESTxx, ADCHPF1, ADCHPF2, ADCHPF3). 6. Control voice path loop back modes (DIGCON). 7. Control tests relays (RELAYCON: bit 0 and 1). Rev. 0.98 7 AN58 2. 8-Bit Control Register Summary1,2 (Ordered alphabetically by mnemonic except in cases of high, medium, and low bytes which are ordered high to low.) Reg Addr3 Mnemonic Description Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Type R/W Def. Hex Init R/W 0x00 Audio 21 AUDGAIN Audio Gain Control ATXMUTE ARXMUTE Calibration 11 CALR1 Calibration Register 1 12 CALR2 Calibration Register 2 CAL CALOFFR CALOFFT CALOFFRN CALOFFTN CALDIFG CALCMG Init R/W 0x3F CALLKGR CALLKGT CALMADC CALDACO CALADCO CALCMBAL Init R/W 0x3F Diag R/W Diag R/W 0x00 Oper R/W 0x00 Init R 0x— Init R/W 0x05 Diagnostic Tools 13 DIAG Diagnostics Tool Enable IQ2HR IQ1HR TSTRING TXFILT SDIAG SDIAGIN[2:0] Digital Control and Loopback 22 DIGCON Digital Control and Loopback Enable CODECLB PCMLB HYBLB HYBDIS THPFDIS RHPFDIS DTXMUTE DRXMUTE FSK Data Byte 68 FSKDAT FSK Data Byte FSKDAT[7:0] Chip ID 0 ID PARTNUM[2:0]4,6 Chip ID REV[3:0]4,6 Loop Current Limit 10 ILIM Loop Current Limit ILIM[4:0] Interrupts 14 IRQ0 Interrupt Status 0 CLKIRQ4,6 IRQ3B4,6 IRQ2B4,6 IRQ1B4,6 IRQ3A4,6 IRQ2A4,6 IRQ1A4,6 Oper R 0x00 15 IRQ1 Interrupt Status 1 PULSTAS PULSTIS RINGTAS RINGTIS OS2TAS OS2TIS OS1TAS OS1TIS Oper R/W 0x00 16 IRQ2 Interrupt Status 2 RXMDMS TXMDMS RAMIRS DTMFS VOCTRKS LONGS LOOPS RTRIPS Oper R/W 0x00 17 IRQ3 Interrupt Status 3 CMBALS PQ6S PQ5S PQ4S PQ3S PQ2S PQ1S Oper R/W 0x00 18 IRQEN1 Interrupt Enable 1 PULSTAE PULSTIE RINGTAE RINGTIE OS2TAE OS2TIE OS1TAE OS1TIE Init R/W 0x00 19 IRQEN2 Interrupt Enable 2 RXMDME TXMDME RAMIRE DTMFE VOCTRKE LONGE LOOPE RTRIPE Init R/W 0x00 20 IRQEN3 Interrupt Enable 3 CMBALE PQ6E PQ5E PQ4E PQ3E PQ2E PQ1E Init R/W 0x00 VOCTST4 LONGHI4 RTP4 LCR4 Oper R 0x40 Oper R/W 0x00 Linefeed Control 9 LCRRTP Loop Closure/Ring Trip/ Ground Key Detection CMH4 6 LINEFEED Linefeed LFS[2:0]4 Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8 SPEED4 LF[2:0] Any register not listed is reserved and must not be written. Default hex value is loaded to register following any RESET. Only registers ID, MSTREN, MSTRSTAT, and IRQ0 are valid while the PLL is not locked (MSTRSTAT[PLOCK]). All data bits are accessed on a per-channel basis unless noted with a “6”. Reserved bit values are indeterminate. Register address is in decimal. Read only. Protected bits. Single-instance data valid for both channels when writing or reading to either channel. Si3220 only. Rev. 0.98 AN58 Reg Addr3 Mnemonic Description Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 SRCLR4,6 PLOCK4,6 FSDET4,6 Bit 1 Bit 0 Type R/W Def. Hex Init R/W 0x00 SPI 3 MSTRSTAT Master Initialization Status Oscillators 61 O1TAHI Oscillator 1 Active Timer— High Byte OSC1TA[15:8] Init R/W 0x00 60 O1TALO Oscillator 1 Active Timer— Low Byte OSC1TA[7:0] Init R/W 0x00 63 O1TIHI Oscillator 1 Inactive Timer— High Byte OSC1TI[15:8] Init R/W 0x00 62 O1TILO Oscillator 1 Inactive Timer— Low Byte OSC1TI[7:0] Init R/W 0x00 65 O2TAHI Oscillator 2 Active Timer— High Byte OSC2TA[15:8] Init R/W 0x00 64 O2TALO Oscillator 2 Active Timer— Low Byte OSC2TA[7:0] Init R/W 0x00 67 O2TIHI Oscillator 2 Inactive Timer— High Byte OSC2TI[15:8] Init R/W 0x00 66 O2TILO Oscillator 2 Inactive Timer— Low Byte OSC2TI[7:0] Init R/W 0x00 59 OCON Oscillator Control ENSYNC24 OSC2TAEN Oper R/W 0x00 58 OMODE Oscillator Mode Select FSKSSEN ZEROEN2 ROUT1[1:0] Init R/W 0x02 GCILINE6 PCLK2X6 PCMF[1:0] Init R/W 0x15 PCMRX[9:8] Init R/W 0x00 Init R/W 0x00 Init R/W 0x00 Init R/W 0x00 Oper R/W 0x00 OSC2TIEN OSC2EN ROUT2[1:0] ENSYNC14 OSC1TAEN OSC1FSK ZEROEN1 OSC1TIEN OSC1EN PCM Control 53 PCMMODE PCM Mode Select 57 PCMRXHI PCM RX Clock Slot— High Byte 56 PCMRXL0 PCM RX Clock Slot— Low Byte 55 PCMTXHI PCM TX Clock Slot— High Byte 54 PCMTXLO PCM TX Clock Slot— Low Byte PCMTRI6 ALAW[1:0]6 PCMEN PCMRX[7:0] PCMTX[9:8] PCMTX[7:0] Pulse Metering ENSYNC4,7 TAEN17 TIEN17 PULSE17 28 PMCON Pulse Metering Control 30 PMTAHI Pulse Metering Oscillator Active Timer— High Byte PULSETA[15:8]7 Init R/W 0x00 29 PMTALO Pulse Metering Oscillator Active Timer— Low Byte PULSETA[7:0]7 Init R/W 0x00 32 PMTIHI Pulse Metering Oscillator Inactive Timer— High Byte PULSETI[15:8]7 Init R/W 0x00 Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Any register not listed is reserved and must not be written. Default hex value is loaded to register following any RESET. Only registers ID, MSTREN, MSTRSTAT, and IRQ0 are valid while the PLL is not locked (MSTRSTAT[PLOCK]). All data bits are accessed on a per-channel basis unless noted with a “6”. Reserved bit values are indeterminate. Register address is in decimal. Read only. Protected bits. Single-instance data valid for both channels when writing or reading to either channel. Si3220 only. Rev. 0.98 9 AN58 Reg Addr3 Mnemonic Description 31 PMTILO Pulse Metering Oscillator Inactive Timer— Low Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 PULSETI[7:0]7 Type R/W Def. Hex Init R/W 0x00 Polarity Reversal 7 POLREV POLREV4 Polarity Reversal Settings VOCZERO PREN RAMP Init R/W RAM Access 103 RAMADDR RAM Address RAMADDR[7:0] Oper R/W 0x00 102 RAMDATHI RAM Data— High Byte RAMDAT[15:8] Oper R/W 0x00 101 RAMDATLO RAM Data— Low Byte RAMDAT[7:0] Oper R/W 0x00 4 RAMSTAT RAM Address Status RAMSTAT4 Init R 0x00 RESETB RESETA Init R/W 0x00 UNBPOLR TRAP Init R/W 0x18 Soft Reset 1 RESET Soft Reset Ringing ENSYNC4 RDACEN4 RINGEN4 23 RINGCON Ringing Configuration 25 RINGTAHI Ringing Oscillator Active Timer—High Byte RINGTA[15:8] Init R/W 0x00 24 RINGTALO Ringing Oscillator Active Timer—Low Byte RINGTA[7:0] Init R/W 0x00 27 RINGTIHI Ringing Oscillator Inactive Timer—High Byte RINGTI[15:8] Init R/W 0x00 26 RINGTILO Ringing Oscillator Inactive Timer—Low Byte RINGTI[7:0] Init R/W 0x00 Diag R/W 0xA3 Init R/W 0xE0 Oper R/W 0x45 PASSCNT[3:0]6 Oper R/W 0x00 DTMFDIGIT[3:0]4 Oper R 0x00 Init R/W 0x00 RINGUNB TAEN TIEN Relay Configuration 5 RLYCON 5 Relay Driver and Battery Switching Configuration INVRRO SLIC Bias Control 5 INVBSEL 5 BSEL5 RRAIL RDOE RRD/GPO TRD2 TRD1 SLIC Bias Control 8 SBIAS STDBY SQLCH5 CAPB5 BIASEN5 OBIAS[1:0]5 ABIAS[1:0]5 Si3200 Thermometer 72 THERM Si3200 Thermometer STAT4,6 SEL5,6 Tone Detection 70 TONDET Modem Tone Detection 69 TONDTMF DTMF Detection 71 TONDEN Tone Detection Enable FAILCNT[3:0]6 VALID4 VALTONE4 DTMF RXMDM TXMDM Impedance Synthesis Coefficients Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 10 Any register not listed is reserved and must not be written. Default hex value is loaded to register following any RESET. Only registers ID, MSTREN, MSTRSTAT, and IRQ0 are valid while the PLL is not locked (MSTRSTAT[PLOCK]). All data bits are accessed on a per-channel basis unless noted with a “6”. Reserved bit values are indeterminate. Register address is in decimal. Read only. Protected bits. Single-instance data valid for both channels when writing or reading to either channel. Si3220 only. Rev. 0.98 AN58 Reg Addr3 Mnemonic Description 49 ZA1HI Impedance Synthesis Coeff A1— High Byte 48 ZA1MID Impedance Synthesis Coeff A1—Middle Byte 47 ZA1LO Impedance Synthesis Coeff A1—Low Byte 52 ZA2HI Impedance Synthesis Coeff A2—High Byte 51 ZA2MID Impedance Synthesis Coeff A2—Middle Byte 50 ZA2LO 37 Type R/W Def. Hex Init R/W 0x0F COEFFA1[15:8]6 Init R/W 0x49 COEFFA1[7:0] Init R/W 0x44 Init R/W 0xF8 COEFFA2[15:8]6 Init R/W 0xB6 Impedance Synthesis Coeff A2—Low Byte COEFFA2[7:0]6 Init R/W 0xA5 ZB0HI Impedance Synthesis Coeff B0—High Byte COEFFB0[23:16]6 Init R/W 0x0E 36 ZB0MID Impedance Synthesis Coeff B0—Middle Byte COEFFB0[15:8]6 Init R/W 0x95 35 ZB0LO Impedance Synthesis Coeff B0—Low Byte COEFFB0[7:0]6 Init R/W 0x93 40 ZB1HI Impedance Synthesis Coeff B1—High Byte COEFFB1[23:16]6 Init R/W 0xF0 39 ZB1MID Impedance Synthesis Coeff B1—Middle Byte COEFFB1[15:8]6 Init R/W 0x5F 38 ZB1LO Impedance Synthesis Coeff B1— Low Byte COEFFB1[7:0]6 Init R/W 0xD6 43 ZB2HI Impedance Synthesis Coeff B2—High Byte COEFFB2[23:16]6 Init R/W 0xF4 42 ZB2MID Impedance Synthesis Coeff B2—Middle Byte COEFFB2[15:8]6 Init R/W 0x8A 41 ZB2LO Impedance Synthesis Coeff B2— Low Byte COEFFB2[7:0]6 Init R/W 0xD9 46 ZB3HI Impedance Synthesis Coeff B3—High Byte COEFFB3[23:16]6 Init R/W 0x0C 45 ZB3MID Impedance Synthesis Coeff B3—Middle Byte COEFFB3[15:8]6 Init R/W 0x7F 44 ZB3LO Impedance Synthesis Coeff B3—Low Byte COEFFB3[7:0]6 Init R/W 0xFD 33 ZRS Impedance Synthesis Analog Real Coeff Init R/W 0x05 34 ZZ Impedance Synthesis Analog Complex Coeff Init R/W 0x01 Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 COEFFA1[20:16]6 COEFFA2[20:16]6 RS[3:0]6 ZSDIS6 ZSOHT6 ZP[1:0]6 ZZ[1:0]6 Any register not listed is reserved and must not be written. Default hex value is loaded to register following any RESET. Only registers ID, MSTREN, MSTRSTAT, and IRQ0 are valid while the PLL is not locked (MSTRSTAT[PLOCK]). All data bits are accessed on a per-channel basis unless noted with a “6”. Reserved bit values are indeterminate. Register address is in decimal. Read only. Protected bits. Single-instance data valid for both channels when writing or reading to either channel. Si3220 only. Rev. 0.98 11 AN58 3. 8-Bit Control Descriptions Register 1. AUDGAIN: Audio Gain Control (Register Address 21) (Register type: Initialization) D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 Name ATXMUTE ARXMUTE Type R/W R/W Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name 7 Reserved Reserved bit. 6 ATXMUTE Analog Transmit Path Mute. 0 = Transmit signal passed. 1 = Transmit signal muted. 5:3 Reserved Reserved bit. 2 ARXMUTE 1:0 Reserved 12 Function Analog Receive Path Mute. 0 = Receive signal passed. 1 = Receive signal muted. Reserved bit. Rev. 0.98 D1 D0 AN58 Register 2. CALR1: Calibration 1 (Register Address 11) (Register type: Initialization) Bit D7 Name CAL Type R/W D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 CALOFFR CALOFFT CALOFFRN CALOFFTN CALDIFG R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W D0 CALCMG R/W Reset settings = 0x3F Bit Name Function 7 CAL 6 Reserved Reserved bit. 5 CALOFFR RING Offset Calibration. 0 = Normal operation or calibration complete. 1 = Calibration enabled or in progress. 4 CALOFFT TIP Offset Calibration. 0 = Normal operation or calibration complete. 1 = Calibration enabled or in progress. 3 CALOFFRN IRINGN Offset Calibration. 0 = Normal operation or calibration complete. 1 = Calibration enabled or in progress. 2 CALOFFTN ITIPN Offset Calibration. 0 = Normal operation or calibration complete. 1 = Calibration enabled or in progress. 1 CALDIFG Differential DAC Gain Calibration. 0 = Normal operation or calibration complete. 1 = Calibration enabled or in progress. 0 CALCMG Common Mode DAC Gain Calibration. 0 = Normal operation or calibration complete. 1 = Calibration enabled or in progress. Calibration Control/Status Bit. Begins system calibration routine. 0 = Normal operation or calibration complete. 1 = Calibration in progress. Rev. 0.98 13 AN58 Register 3. CALR2: Calibration 2 (Register Address 12) (Register type: Initialization) Bit D7 D6 D5 D4 Name CALLKGR CALLKGT Type R/W R/W D3 D1 D0 CALMADC CALDACO CALADCO CALCMBAL R/W Reset settings = 0x3F Bit Name 7:6 Reserved Reserved bit. 5 CALLKGR RING Leakage Calibration. 0 = Normal operation or calibration complete. 1 = Calibration enabled or in progress. 4 CALLKGT TIP Leakage Calibration. 0 = Normal operation or calibration complete. 1 = Calibration enabled or in progress. 3 CALMADC Monitor ADC Calibration. 0 = Normal operation or calibration complete. 1 = Calibration enabled or in progress. 2 CALDACO DAC Offset Calibration. Calibrates the audio DAC offset. 0 = Normal operation or calibration complete. 1 = Calibration enabled or in progress. 1 CALADCO ADC Offset Calibration. Calibrates the audio ADC offset. 0 = Normal operation or calibration complete. 1 = Calibration enabled or in progress. 0 CALCMBAL Common Mode Balance Calibration. Calibrates the ac longitudinal balance. 0 = Normal operation or calibration complete. 1 = Calibration enabled or in progress. 14 D2 Function Rev. 0.98 R/W R/W R/W AN58 Register 4. DIAG: Diagnostic Tools (Register Address 13) (Register type: Diagnostics) Bit D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 Name IQ2HR IQ1HR TSTRING TXFILT SDIAG SDIAGIN[2:0] Type R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 7 IQ2HR Monitor ADC IQ2 High Resolution Enable. Sets MADC to high resolution range for IQ2 conversion. 0 = MADC not set to high resolution. 1 = MADC set to high resolution. 6 IQ1HR Monitor ADC IQ1 High Resolution Enable. Sets MADC to high resolution range for IQ1 conversion. 0 = MADC not set to high resolution. 1 = MADC set to high resolution. 5 TSTRING 4 TXFILT Transmit Path Audio Diagnostics Filter Enable. Enables the transmit path diagnostics filters. 0 = Transmit audio path diagnostics filters disabled. 1 = Transmit audio path diagnostics filters enabled. 3 SDIAG SLIC Diagnostics Filter Enable. Enables the SLIC path diagnostics filters. 0 = SLIC diagnostics filters disabled. 1 = SLIC diagnostics filters enabled. (Voice path processing is disabled.) 2:0 SDIAGIN[2:0] Test Ringing Generator Enable. Enables the capability of generating a low level ringing signal for diagnostic purposes. 0 = Test ringing generator disabled. 1 = Test ringing generator enabled. SLIC Diagnostics Filter Input. Selects the input to the SLIC diagnostics filter for dc and low frequency line parameters. 000 = TIP voltage. 001 = RING voltage. 010 = Loop voltage, VTIP – VRING. 011 = Longitudinal voltage, (VTIP + VRING)/2. 100 = Loop (metallic) current. 101 = Longitudinal current. 110 = External ringing voltage (Si3225 only). 111 = External ringing current (Si3225 only). Rev. 0.98 15 AN58 Register 5. DIGCON: Digital Control and Loopback Enable (Register Address 22) (Register type: Diagnostic) Bit D7 Name CODECLB Type R/W D6 D5 D4 D3 PCMLB HYBLB HYBDIS R/W R/W R/W D2 D0 THPFDIS RHPFDIS DTXMUTE DRXMUTE R/W R/W Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name 7 CODECLB 6 PCMLB PCM Loopback Mode Enable. 0 = PCM loopback mode disabled. 1 = PCM loopback mode enabled. 5 HYBLB Hybrid Loopback Mode Enable. 0 = Hybrid loopback mode disabled. 1 = Hybrid loopback mode enabled. 4 HYBDIS Hybrid Balance Filter Disable. 0 = Hybrid balance enabled. 1 = Hybrid balance disabled. 3 THPFDIS Transmit Path High Pass Filter Disable. 0 = Transmit path HPF enabled. 1 = Transmit path HPF disabled. 2 RHPFDIS Receive Path High Pass Filter Disable. 0 = Receive path HPF enabled. 1 = Receive path HPF disabled. 1 DTXMUTE Digital Transmit Path Mute. 0 = Transmit signal passed. 1 = Transmit signal muted. 0 DRXMUTE Digital Receive Path Mute. 0 = Receive signal passed. 1 = Receive signal muted. 16 D1 Function Codec Loopback Mode Enable. 0 = Codec loopback mode disabled. 1 = Codec loopback mode enabled. Rev. 0.98 R/W R/W AN58 Register 6. FSKDAT: FSK Data Byte (Register Address 68) (Register type: Operational) Bit D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 Name FSKDAT[7:0] Type R/W D2 D1 D0 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name 7:0 FSKDAT[7:0] Function FSK Data Byte. This register contains the raw 8-bit FSK data. Register 7. ID: Chip Identification (Register Address 0) (Register type: Initialization/single value instance for both channels) Bit D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 Name PARTNUM[2:0] REV[3:0] Type R R Reset settings = 0xxx Bit Name 7 Reserved 6:4 3:0 Function Reserved bit. PARTNUM[2:0] Part Number Identification. 000 = Si3220 001 = Reserved 010 = Si3225 011–111 = Reserved REV[3:0] Revision Number Identification. 0001 = Revision A 0010 = Revision B 0011 = Revision C 0100 = Revision D 0101 = Revision E 0110 = Revision F Rev. 0.98 17 AN58 Register 8. ILIM: Loop Current Limit (Register Address 10) (Register type: Initialization) Bit D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 Name ILIM[4:0] Type R/W D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x05 Bit Name 7:5 Reserved Reserved bit. 4:0 ILIM[4:0] Loop Current Limit. The value written to this register sets the constant loop current. The value may be set between 18 mA (0x00) and 45 mA (0x20) in 0.875 mA steps. 18 Function Rev. 0.98 AN58 Register 9. IRQ0: Interrupt Status 0 (Register Address 14) (Register type: Operational/single value instance for both channels/Data includes information for individual channel) Bit D7 D6 D5 D4 Name CLKIRQ IRQ3B IRQ2B Type R R R D3 D2 D1 D0 IRQ1B IRQ3A IRQ2A IRQ1A R R R R Reset settings = 0x00 Read this interrupt to indicate which interrupt status byte, from which channel, has a pending interrupt. Bit Name Function 7 CLKIRQ Clock Failure Interrupt Pending. 0 = No interrupt pending. 1 = Clock failure interrupt pending. Clock failure status indicated in MSTRSTAT register, bits 7:5. 6 IRQ3B Interrupt Pending. 0 = No interrupt pending. 1 = Interrupt pending in interrupt status byte 3 (IRQ3) for channel B. 5 IRQ2B Interrupt Pending. 0 = No interrupt pending. 1 = Interrupt pending in interrupt status byte 2 (IRQ2) for channel B. 4 IRQ1B Interrupt Pending. 0 = No interrupt pending. 1 = Interrupt pending in interrupt status byte 1 (IRQ1) for channel B. 3 Reserved 2 IRQ3A Interrupt Pending. 0 = No interrupt pending. 1 = Interrupt pending in interrupt status byte 3 (IRQ3) for channel A. 1 IRQ2A Interrupt Pending. 0 = No interrupt pending. 1 = Interrupt pending in interrupt status byte 2 (IRQ2) for channel A. 0 IRQ1A Interrupt Pending. 0 = No interrupt pending. 1 = Interrupt pending in interrupt status byte 1 (IRQ1) for channel A. Reserved bit. Rev. 0.98 19 AN58 Register 10. IRQ1: Interrupt Status 1 (Register Address 15) (Register type: Operational/bits writable in GCI mode only) Bit D7 D6 D5 D4 Name PULSTAS PULSTIS RINGTAS RINGTIS Type R/W R/W R/W R/W D3 D2 D1 D0 OS2TAS OS2TIS OS1TAS OS1TIS R/W R/W R/W R/W Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name 7 PULSTAS Pulse Metering Active Timer Interrupt Pending. 0 = No interrupt pending. 1 = Interrupt pending. 6 PULSTIS Pulse Metering Inactive Timer Interrupt Pending. 0 = No interrupt pending. 1 = Interrupt pending. 5 RINGTAS Ringing Active Timer Interrupt Pending. 0 = No interrupt pending. 1 = Interrupt pending. 4 RINGTIS Ringing Inactive Timer Interrupt Pending. 0 = No interrupt pending. 1 = Interrupt pending. 3 OS2TAS Oscillator 2 Active Timer Interrupt Pending. 0 = No interrupt pending. 1 = Interrupt pending. 2 OS2TIS Oscillator 2 Inactive Interrupt Pending. 0 = No interrupt pending. 1 = Interrupt pending. 1 OS1TAS Oscillator 1 Active Timer Interrupt Pending. 0 = No interrupt pending. 1 = Interrupt pending. 0 OS1TIS Oscillator 1 Inactive Timer Interrupt Pending. 0 = No interrupt pending. 1 = Interrupt pending. 20 Function Rev. 0.98 AN58 Register 11. IRQ2: Interrupt Status 2 (Register Address 16) (Register type: Operational/bits writable in GCI mode only) Bit D7 D6 Name RXMDMS TXMDMS Type R/W R/W D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 RAMIRS DTMFS VOCTRKS LONGS LOOPS RTRIPS R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 7 RXMDMS Receive Path Modem Tone Detect Interrupt Pending. 0 = No interrupt pending. 1 = Interrupt pending. 6 TXMDMS Transmit Path Modem Tone Detect Interrupt Pending. 0 = No interrupt pending. 1 = Interrupt pending. 5 RAMIRS RAM Access Interrupt Pending. 0 = No interrupt pending. 1 = Interrupt pending. 4 DTMFS DTMF Tone Detect Interrupt Pending. 0 = No interrupt pending. 1 = Interrupt pending. 3 VOCTRKS 2 LONGS Ground Key Interrupt Pending. 0 = No interrupt pending. 1 = Interrupt pending. 1 LOOPS Loop Closure Interrupt Pending. 0 = No interrupt pending. 1 = Interrupt pending. 0 RTRIPS Ring Trip Interrupt Pending. 0 = No interrupt pending. 1 = Interrupt pending. VOC Tracking Interrupt Pending. 0 = No interrupt pending. 1 = Interrupt pending. Rev. 0.98 21 AN58 Register 12. IRQ3: Interrupt Status 3 (Register Address 17) (Register type: Operational/bits writable in GCI mode only) Bit D7 Name Type D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 CMBALS PQ6S PQ5S PQ4S PQ3S PQ2S PQ1S R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name 7 CMBALS Common Mode Balance Interrupt Pending. 0 = No interrupt pending. 1 = Interrupt pending. 6 Reserved Reserved bit. 5 PQ6S Power Alarm Q6 Interrupt Pending. 0 = No interrupt pending. 1 = Interrupt pending. 4 PQ5S Power Alarm Q5 Interrupt Pending. 0 = No interrupt pending. 1 = Interrupt pending. 3 PQ4S Power Alarm Q4 Interrupt Pending. 0 = No interrupt pending. 1 = Interrupt pending. 2 PQ3S Power Alarm Q3 Interrupt Pending. 0 = No interrupt pending. 1 = Interrupt pending. 1 PQ2S Power Alarm Q2 Interrupt Pending. 0 = No interrupt pending. 1 = Interrupt pending. 0 PQ1S Power Alarm Q1 Interrupt Pending. 0 = No interrupt pending. 1 = Interrupt pending. 22 Function Rev. 0.98 AN58 Register 13. IRQEN1: Interrupt Enable 1 (Register Address 18) (Register type: Initialization) Bit D7 D6 D5 D4 Name PULSTAE PULSTIE RINGTAE RINGTIE Type R/W R/W R/W R/W D3 D2 D1 D0 OS2TAE OS2TIE OS1TAE OS1TIE R/W R/W R/W R/W Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 7 PULSTAE Pulse Metering Active Timer Interrupt Enable. 0 = Interrupt masked. 1 = Interrupt enabled. 6 PULSTIE Pulse Metering Inactive Timer Interrupt Enable. 0 = Interrupt masked. 1 = Interrupt enabled. 5 RINGTAE Ringing Active Timer Interrupt Enable. 0 = Interrupt masked. 1 = Interrupt enabled. 4 RINGTIE Ringing Inactive Timer Interrupt Enable. 0 = Interrupt masked. 1 = Interrupt enabled. 3 OS2TAE Oscillator 2 Active Timer Interrupt Enable. 0 = Interrupt masked. 1 = Interrupt enabled. 2 OS2TIE Oscillator 2 Inactive Timer Interrupt Enable. 0 = Interrupt masked. 1 = Interrupt enabled. 1 OS1TAE Oscillator 1 Active Timer Interrupt Enable. 0 = Interrupt masked. 1 = Interrupt enabled. 0 OS1TIE Oscillator 1 Inactive Timer Interrupt Enable. 0 = Interrupt masked. 1 = Interrupt enabled. Rev. 0.98 23 AN58 Register 14. IRQEN2: Interrupt Enable 2 (Register Address 19) (Register type: Initialization) Bit D7 D6 Name RXMDME TXMDME Type R/W R/W D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 RAMIRE DTMFE VOCTRKE LONGE LOOPE RTRIPE R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name 7 RXMDME Receive Path Modem Tone Detect Interrupt Enable. 0 = Interrupt masked. 1 = Interrupt enabled. 6 TXMDME Transmit Path Modem Tone Detect Interrupt Enable. 0 = Interrupt masked. 1 = Interrupt enabled. 5 RAMIRE RAM Access Interrupt Enable. 0 = Interrupt masked. 1 = Interrupt enabled. 4 DTMFE DTMF Tone Detect Interrupt Enable. 0 = Interrupt masked. 1 = Interrupt enabled. 3 VOCTRKE 2 LONGE Ground Key Interrupt Enable. 0 = Interrupt masked. 1 = Interrupt enabled. 1 LOOPE Loop Closure Interrupt Enable. 0 = Interrupt masked. 1 = Interrupt enabled. 0 RTRIPE Ring Trip Interrupt Enable. 0 = Interrupt masked. 1 = Interrupt enabled. 24 Function VOC Tracking Interrupt Enable. 0 = Interrupt masked. 1 = Interrupt enabled. Rev. 0.98 AN58 Register 15. IRQEN3: Interrupt Enable 3 (Register Address 20) (Register type: Initialization) Bit D7 Name Type D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 CMBALE PQ6E PQ5E PQ4E PQ3E PQ2E PQ1E R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 7 CMBALE Common Mode Balance Interrupt Enable. 0 = Interrupt masked. 1 = Interrupt enabled. 6 Reserved Reserved bit. 5 PQ6E Power Alarm Q6 Interrupt Enable. 0 = Interrupt masked. 1 = Interrupt enabled. 4 PQ5E Power Alarm Q5 Interrupt Enable. 0 = Interrupt masked. 1 = Interrupt enabled. 3 PQ4E Power Alarm Q4 Interrupt Enable. 0 = Interrupt masked. 1 = Interrupt enabled. 2 PQ3E Power Alarm Q3 Interrupt Enable. 0 = Interrupt masked. 1 = Interrupt enabled. 1 PQ2E Power Alarm Q2 Interrupt Enable. 0 = Interrupt masked. 1 = Interrupt enabled. 0 PQ1E Power Alarm Q1 Interrupt Enable. 0 = Interrupt masked. 1 = Interrupt enabled. Rev. 0.98 25 AN58 Register 16. LCRRTP: Loop Closure/Ring Trip/Ground Key Detection (Register Address 9) (Register type: Operational) Bit D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Name CMH SPEED VOCTST LONGHI RTP LCR Type R R R R R R Reset settings = 0x40 Bit Name 7:6 Reserved 5 CMH 4 SPEED 3 VOCTST Function Reserved bit. Common Mode High Threshold. Indicates that common mode threshold has been exceeded. 0 = Common mode threshold no exceeded. 1 = Common mode threshold exceeded. Speedup Mode Enable. 0 = Speedup disabled. 1 = Automatic speedup. VOC Tracking Status. Indicates that battery voltage has dropped and VOC tracking is enabled. 0 = VOC tracking threshold not exceeded, VTR on-hook = VOC. 1 = VOC tracking threshold exceeded, VTR on-hook = VOCtrack. 2 LONGHI Ground Key Detect Flag. 0 = Ground key event has not been detected. 1 = Ground key event has been detected. 1 RTP Ring Trip Detect Flag. 0 = Ring trip event has not been detected. 1 = Ring trip event has been detected. 0 LCR Loop Closure Detect Flag. 0 = Loop closure event has not been detected. 1 = Loop closure event has been detected. Note: Detect bits are not sticky bits. Refer to interrupt status for interrupt bit history indication. 26 Rev. 0.98 AN58 Register 17. LINEFEED: Linefeed Control (Register Address 6) (Register type: Operational) Bit D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 Name LFS[2:0] LF[2:0] Type R R/W D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 7 Reserved Reserved bit. 6:4 LFS[2:0] Linefeed Shadow. This register reflects the actual realtime linefeed status. Automatic operations may cause actual linefeed state transitions regardless of the Linefeed register settings (e.g., when the Linefeed register is in the ringing state, the Linefeed Shadow register will be reflect the ringing state during ringing bursts and OHT state during silent periods between ringing bursts). 000 = Open 001 = Forward Active 010 = Forward On-hook Transmission (OHT) 011 = TIP Open 100 = Ringing 101 = Reverse Active 110 = Reverse On-hook Transmission 111 = RING Open 3 Reserved Reserved bit. 2:0 LF[2:0] Linefeed. Writing to this register sets the linefeed state. 000 = Open 001 = Forward Active 010 = Forward On-hook Transmission (OHT) 011 = TIP Open 100 = Ringing 101 = Reverse Active 110 = Reverse On-hook Transmission 111 = RING Open Rev. 0.98 27 AN58 Register 18. MSTRSTAT: Master Initialization Status (Register Address 3) (Register type: Initialization/single value instance for both channels) Bit D7 D6 D5 Name Type R/W R/W R/W D4 D3 D2 SRCLR PLOCK FSDET R R R D1 D0 R R Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 7:5 Reserved 4 SRCLR SRAM Clear Status Detect. 0 = SRAM clear operation not initiated or in progress. 1 = SRAM clear operation has completed. 3 PLOCK PLL Lock Detect. Indicates the internal PLL is locked relative to FSYNC. 0 = PLL has lost lock relative to FSYNC. 1 = PLL locked relative to FSYNC. 2 FSDET FSYNC to PCLK Ratio Detect. Indicates a valid FSYNC to PCLK ratio has been detected. 0 = Invalid FSYNC to PCLK ratio detected. 1 = Correct FSYNC to PCLK ratio present. 1:0 Reserved Reserved bit. Reserved bit. Register 19. O1TAHI: Oscillator 1 Active Timer—High Byte (Register Address 61) (Register type: Initialization) Bit D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 Name OSC1TA[15:8] Type R/W D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name 7:0 OSC1TA[15:8] 28 Function Oscillator 1 Active Timer—High Byte. This register contains the upper 8 bits of the 16-bit coefficient for the oscillator 1 active timer. Rev. 0.98 AN58 Register 20. O1TALO: Oscillator 1 Active Timer—Low Byte (Register Address 60) (Register type: Initialization) Bit D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 Name OSC1TA[7:0] Type R/W D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name 7:0 OSC1TA[7:0] Function Oscillator 1 Active Timer—Low Byte. This register contains the lower 8 bits of the 16-bit coefficient for the oscillator 1 active timer. 125 s/LSB Register 21. O1TIHI: Oscillator 1 Inactive Timer—High Byte (Register Address 63) (Register type: Initialization) Bit D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 Name OSC1TI[15:8] Type R/W D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 7:0 OSC1TI[15:8] Oscillator 1 Inactive Timer—High Byte. This register contains the upper 8 bits of the 16-bit coefficient for the oscillator 1 inactive timer. Register 22. O1TILO: Oscillator 1 Inactive Timer—Low Byte (Register Address 62) (Register type: Initialization) Bit D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 Name OSC1TI[7:0] Type R/W D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 7:0 OSC1TI[7:0] Oscillator 1 Inactive Timer—Low Byte. This register contains the lower 8 bits of the 16-bit coefficient for the oscillator 1 inactive timer. 125 s/LSB Rev. 0.98 29 AN58 Register 23. O2TAHI: Oscillator 2 Active Timer—High Byte (Register Address 65) (Register type: Initialization) Bit D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 Name OSC2TA[15:8] Type R/W D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name 7:0 OSC2TA[15:8] Function Oscillator 2 Active Timer—High Byte. This register contains the upper 8 bits of the 16-bit coefficient for the oscillator 2 active timer. Register 24. O2TALO: Oscillator 2 Active Timer—Low Byte (Register Address 64) (Register type: Initialization) Bit D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 Name OSC2TA[7:0] Type R/W D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name 7:0 OSC2TA[7:0] Function Oscillator 2 Active Timer—Low Byte. This register contains the lower 8 bits of the 16-bit coefficient for the oscillator 2 active timer. 125 s/LSB Register 25. O2TIHI: Oscillator 2 Inactive Timer—High Byte (Register Address 67) (Register type: Initialization) Bit D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 Name OSC2TI[15:8] Type R/W D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 7:0 OSC2TI[15:8] Oscillator 2 Inactive Timer—High Byte. This register contains the upper 8 bits of the 16-bit coefficient for the oscillator 2 inactive timer. 30 Rev. 0.98 AN58 Register 26. O2TILO: Oscillator 2 Inactive Timer—Low Byte (Register Address 66) (Register type: Initialization) Bit D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 Name OSC2TI[7:0] Type R/W D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 7:0 OSC2TI[7:0] Oscillator 2 Inactive Timer—Low Byte. This register contains the lower 8 bits of the 16-bit coefficient for the oscillator 2 inactive timer. 125 s/LSB Rev. 0.98 31 AN58 Register 27. OCON: Oscillator Control (Register Address 59) (Register type: Operational) Bit D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 Name ENSYNC2 OSC2TAEN OSC2TIEN OSC2EN ENSYNC1 OSC1TAEN Type R R/W R/W R/W R Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name 7 ENSYNC2 Reflects actual oscillator 2 enable status. 6 OSC2TAEN Oscillator 2 Active Timer Enable. 0 = Timer disabled. 1 = Timer enabled. 5 OSC2TIEN Oscillator 2 Inactive Timer Enable. 0 = Timer disabled. 1 = Timer enabled. 4 OSC2EN 3 ENSYNC1 Reflects actual oscillator 1 enable status. 2 OSC1TAEN Oscillator 1 Active Timer Enable. 0 = Timer disabled. 1 = Timer enabled. 1 OSC1TIEN Oscillator 1 Inactive Timer Enable. 0 = Timer disabled. 1 = Timer enabled. 0 OSC1EN 32 Function Oscillator 2 Enable. 0 = Oscillator 2 disabled. 1 = Oscillator 2 enabled. Oscillator 1 Enable. 0 = Oscillator 1 disabled. 1 = Oscillator 1 enabled. Rev. 0.98 R/W D1 D0 OSC1TIEN OSC1EN R/W R/W AN58 Register 28. OMODE: Oscillator Mode Select (Register Address 58) (Register type: Initialization) Bit D7 D6 Name FSKSSEN ZEROEN2 Type R/W R/W D5 D4 ROUT2[1:0] R/W D3 D2 D1 OSC1FSK ZEROEN1 R/W R/W D0 ROUT1[1:0] R/W Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 7 FSKSSEN FSK 8-bit Mode Select. Sends 8-bit FSK data with start and stop bits when enabled. 1 = No start or stop bits send with FSK data. 0 = FSK data sent with start and stop bits. 6 ZEROEN2 Zero Voltage Turn Off. 0 = Oscillator 2 turn off instantly at given phase and voltage. 1 = Oscillator 2 turn off on zero voltage level when disabled manually or by active timer expiration. 5:4 ROUT2[1:0] 3 OSC1FSK FSK Mode Enable for Oscillator 1. 0 = Oscillator 1 is in normal voice band mode. 1 = Oscillator 1 is in FSK mode. 2 ZEROEN1 Zero Voltage Turn Off. 0 = Oscillator 1 turn off instantly at given phase and voltage. 1 = Oscillator 1 turn off on zero voltage level when disabled manually or by active timer expiration. 1:0 ROUT1[1:0] 00 = Oscillator 2 not directed to either path. 01 = Oscillator 2 directed toward PCM interface (TX path). 10 = Oscillator 2 directed toward 2-wire interface (RX path). 11 = Oscillator 2 directed toward PCM and 2-wire interface (TX and RX path). 00 = Oscillator 1 not directed to either path. 01 = Oscillator 1 directed toward PCM interface (TX path). 10 = Oscillator 1 directed toward 2-wire interface (RX path). 11 = Oscillator 1 directed toward PCM and 2-wire interface (TX and RX path). Rev. 0.98 33 AN58 Register 29. PCMMODE: PCM Mode Select (Register Address 53) (Register type: Initialization) Bit D7 D6 D5 Name GCILINE* PCLK2X* PCMTRI* Type R/W R/W R/W D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 PCMEN ALAW[1:0]* PCMF[1:0] R/W R/W R/W Reset settings = 0x05 Bit Name Function 7 GCILINE GCI Linefeed State Transition Control. Enables the ability to control linefeed state transitions using the C/I bits in the downstream SC channel byte. See the “Automatic Linefeed State Transitions” table in the Si3220/Si3225 data sheet for automatic linefeed state transitions. 0 = Automatic linefeed state transitions enable. 1 = Downstream C/I bits control all linefeed state transitions. 6 PCLK2X 2X PCLK Enable. Enables 2X PCLK mode when GCI interface is selected. 0 = 2X PCLK mode disabled. 1 = 2X PCLK mode enabled. 5 PCMTRI PCM Tristate. 0 = DTX tristates on positive edge of PCLK. 1 = DTX tristates on negative edge of PCLK. 4 PCMEN PCM Enable. 0 = PCM bus disabled. 1 = PCM bus enabled. 3:2 ALAW[1:0] A-Law Bit Inversion Format. Selects bit inversion format when using A-law compression. 00 = No bit inversion. 01 = Invert even bits. 10 = Invert odd bits. 11 = Invert all bits. 1:0 PCMF[1:0] PCM Format. Selects PCM compression format. 00 = 8-bit A-law. 01 = 8-bit -law. 10 = 8-bit linear. 11 = 16-bit linear. *Note: Bits are single instance for both channels; read from either channel yields same value. 34 Rev. 0.98 AN58 Register 30. PCMRXHI: PCM Highway Receive Clock Slot—High Byte (Register Address 57) (Register type: Initialization) Bit D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Name PCMRX[9:8] Type R/W Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name 7:2 Reserved 1:0 PCMRX[9:8] Function Reserved bit. PCM Highway Receive Clock Slot—High Byte. This register contains the upper 2 bits of the 10-bit clock slot for the receive channel of the PCM highway. This register should be set to a static value during initialization. Register 31. PCMRXLO: PCM Highway Receive Clock Slot—Low Byte (Register Address 56) (Register type: Initialization) Bit D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 Name PCMRX[7:0] Type R/W D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name 7:0 PCMRX[7:0] Function PCM Highway Receive Clock Slot—High Byte. This register contains the lower 8 bits of the 10-bit clock slot for the receive channel of the PCM highway. This register should be set to a static value during initialization. Rev. 0.98 35 AN58 Register 32. PCMTXHI: PCM Highway Transmit Clock Slot—High Byte (Register Address 55) (Register type: Initialization) Bit D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Name PCMTX[9:8] Type R/W Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name 7:2 Reserved 1:0 PCMTX[9:8] Function Reserved bit. PCM Highway Transmit Clock Slot—High Byte. This register contains the upper 2 bits of the 10-bit clock slot for the transmit channel of the PCM highway. Register 33. PCMTXLO: PCM Highway Transmit Clock Slot—High Byte (Register Address 54) (Register type: Initialization) Bit D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 Name PCMTX[7:0] Type R/W D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 7:0 PCMTX[7:0] PCM Highway Transmit Clock Slot—Low Byte. This register contains the lower 8 bits of the 10-bit clock slot for the transmit channel of the PCM highway. 36 Rev. 0.98 AN58 Register 34. PMCON: Pulse Metering Control (Register Address 28) (Register type: Operational) Bit D7 D6 D5 Name ENSYNC Type R D4 D3 D2 TAEN1 TIEN1 PULSE1 R/W R/W R/W D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 7 ENSYNC Pulse Metering Waveform Present Flag. Indicates a pulse metering waveform is present. 0 = No pulse metering waveform present. 1 = Pulse metering waveform present. 6:5 Reserved Reserved bit. 4 TAEN1 Pulse Metering Active Timer Enable. 0 = Timer disabled. 1 = Timer enabled. 3 TIEN1 Pulse Metering Inactive Timer Enable. 0 = Timer disabled. 1 = Timer enabled. 2 PULSE1 Pulse Metering Enable. 0 = Pulse metering disabled. 1 = Pulse metering enabled. 1:0 Reserved Reserved bit. Register 35. PMTAHI: Pulse Metering Oscillator Active Timer—High Byte (Register Address 30) (Register type: Initialization) Bit D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 Name PULSETA[15:8] Type R/W D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit 7:0 Name Function PULSETA[15:8] Pulse Metering Oscillator Active Timer. This register contains the upper 8 bits of the pulse metering oscillator active timer. Register 29 contains the lower 8 bits of this value. Rev. 0.98 37 AN58 Register 36. PMTALO: Pulse Metering Oscillator Active Timer—Low Byte (Register Address 29) (Register type: Initialization) Bit D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 Name PULSETA[7:0] Type R/W D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name 7:0 PULSETA[7:0] Function Pulse Metering Oscillator Active Timer. This register contains the lower 8 bits of the pulse metering oscillator active timer. Register 30 contains the upper 8 bits of this value. 125s/LSB Register 37. PMTIHI: Pulse Metering Oscillator Inactive Timer—High Byte (Register Address 32) (Register type: Initialization) Bit D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 Name PULSETI[15:8] Type R/W D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit 7:0 Name Function PULSETI[15:8] Pulse Metering Oscillator Inactive Timer. This register contains the upper 8 bits of the pulse metering oscillator inactive timer. Register 29 contains the lower 8 bits of this value. Register 38. PMTILO: Pulse Metering Oscillator Inactive Timer—Low Byte (Register Address 31) (Register type: Initialization) Bit D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 Name PULSETI[7:0] Type R/W D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name 7:0 PULSETI[7:0] 38 Function Pulse Metering Oscillator Inactive Timer. This register contains the lower 8 bits of the pulse metering oscillator inactive timer. Register 30 contains the upper 8 bits of this value. 125s/LSB Rev. 0.98 AN58 Register 39. POLREV: Polarity Reversal Settings (Register Address 7) (Register type: Initialization) Bit D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Name POLREV VOCZERO PREN RAMP Type R R/W R/W R/W Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 7:4 Reserved Reserved bit. 3 POLREV Polarity Reversal Status. 0 = Forward polarity. 1 = Reverse polarity. 2 VOCZERO 1 PREN Smooth Polarity Reversal Enable. 0 = Disabled. 1 = Enabled. 0 RAMP Smooth Polarity Reversal Ramp Rate. 0 = 1 V/125 µs ramp rate. 1 = 2 V/125 µs ramp rate. Wink Function Control. Enables a wink function by decrementing the open circuit voltage to zero. 0 = Maintain current VOC value. 1 = Decrement VOC voltage to 0 V. Register 40. RAMADDR: RAM Address (Register Address 103) (Register type: Operational/single value instance for both channels) Bit D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 Name RAMADDR[7:0] Type R/W D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit 7:0 Name Function RAMADDR[7:0] RAM Data—Low Byte. A write to RAMDAT followed by a write to RAMADDR places the contents of RAMDAT into a RAM location specified by the RAMADDR at the next memory update (WRITE operation). Writing RAMADDR loads the data stored in RAMADDR into RAMDAT only at the next memory update (READ operation). Rev. 0.98 39 AN58 Register 41. RAMDATHI: RAM Data—High Byte (Register Address 102) (Register type: Operational/single value instance for both channels) Bit D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 Name RAMDAT[15:8] Type R/W D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit 7:0 Name Function RAMDAT[15:8] RAM Data—High Byte. A write to RAMDAT followed by a write to RAMADDR places the contents of RAMDAT into a RAM location specified by the RAMADDR at the next memory update (WRITE operation). Writing RAMADDR loads the data stored in RAMADDR into RAMDAT only at the next memory update (READ operation). Register 42. RAMDATLO: RAM Data—Low Byte (Register Address 101) (Register type: Operational/single value instance for both channels) Bit D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 Name RAMDAT[7:0] Type R/W D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 7:0 RAMDAT[7:0] RAM Data—Low Byte. A write to RAMDAT followed by a write to RAMADDR places the contents of RAMDAT into a RAM location specified by the RAMADDR at the next memory update (WRITE operation). Writing RAMADDR loads the data stored in RAMADDR only into RAMDAT at the next memory update (READ operation). 40 Rev. 0.98 AN58 Register 43. RAMSTAT: RAM Address Status (Register Address 4) (Register type: Operational/Single value instance for both channels) Bit D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Name RAMSTAT Type R Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 7:1 Reserved Reserved bit. 0 RAMSTAT RAM Address Status. 0 = RAM ready for access. 1 = RAM access pending internally (busy). Register 44. RESET: Soft Reset (Register Address 1) (Register type: Initialization/Single value instance for both channels, includes data for individual channel) Bit D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Name RESETB RESETA Type R/W R/W Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 7:2 Reserved Reserved bit. 1 RESETB Soft Reset, Channel B. 0 = Normal operation. 1 = Initiate soft reset to channel B. 0 RESETA Soft Reset, Channel A. 0 = Normal operation. 1 = Initiate soft reset to channel A. Note: Soft reset set to a single channel of a given device causes all register space to reset to default values for that channel. Soft reset set to both channels of a given device causes a hardware reset including PLL reinitialization and RAM clear. Rev. 0.98 41 AN58 Register 45. RINGCON: Ringing Configuration (Register Address 23) (Register type: Initialization) Bit D7 D6 D5 Name ENSYNC RDACEN RINGUNB Type R R R/W D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 TAEN TIEN RINGEN UNBPOLR TRAP R/W R/W R R/W R/W Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name 7 ENSYNC Ringing Waveform Present Flag. 0 = No ringing waveform present. 1 = Ringing waveform present. 6 RDACEN Ringing Waveform Sent to Differential DAC. 0 = Ringing waveform not sent to differential DAC. 1 = Ringing waveform set to differential DAC. 5 RINGUNB Unbalanced Ringing Enable. Enables internal unbalanced ringing generation. 0 = Unbalanced ringing not enabled. 1 = Unbalanced ringing enabled. 4 TAEN Ringing Active Timer Enable. 0 = Ringing active timer disabled. 1 = Ringing active timer enabled. 3 TIEN Ringing Inactive Timer Enable. 0 = Ringing inactive timer disabled. 1 = Ringing inactive timer enabled. 2 RINGEN 1 UNBPOLR 0 TRAP 42 Function Ringing Oscillator Enable Monitor. This bit will toggle when the ringing oscillator is enabled and disabled. 0 = Ringing oscillator is disabled. 1 = Ringing oscillator is enabled. Reverse Polarity Unbalanced Ringing Select. The RING of RAM location must be modified from its normal ringing polarity setting. Refer to data sheet for use. 0 = Normal polarity ringing. 1 = Reverse polarity ringing. Ringing Waveform Selection. 0 = Sinusoid waveform. 1 = Trapezoid waveform. Rev. 0.98 AN58 Register 46. RINGTAHI: Ringing Oscillator Active Timer—High Byte (Register Address 25) (Register type: Initialization) Bit D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 Name RINGTA[15:8] Type R/W D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 7:0 RINGTA[15:8] Ringing Oscillator Active Timer. This register contains the upper 8 bits of the ringing oscillator active timer (the on-time of the ringing burst). Register 24 contains the upper 8 bits of this value. Register 47. RINGTALO: Ringing Oscillator Active Timer—Low Byte (Register Address 24) (Register type: Initialization) Bit D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 Name RINGTA[7:0] Type R/W D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 7:0 RINGTA[7:0] Ringing Oscillator Active Timer. This register contains the lower 8 bits of the ringing oscillator active timer (the on-time of the ringing burst). Register 25 contains the upper 8 bits of this value. 125 s/LSB. Register 48. RINGTIHI: Ringing Oscillator Inactive Timer—High Byte (Register Address 27) (Register type: Initialization) Bit D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 Name RINGTI[15:8] Type R/W D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name 7:0 RINGTI[15:8] Function Ringing Oscillator Inactive Timer. This register contains the upper 8 bits of the ringing oscillator inactive timer (the silent period between ringing bursts). Register 26 contains the upper 8 bits of this value. Rev. 0.98 43 AN58 Register 49. RINGTILO: Ringing Oscillator Inactive Timer—Low Byte (Register Address 26) (Register type: Initialization) Bit D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 Name RINGTI[7:0] Type R/W D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 7:0 RINGTI[7:0] Ringing Oscillator Inactive Timer. This register contains the lower 8 bits of the ringing oscillator inactive timer (the silent time between ringing bursts). Register 27 contains the upper 8 bits of this value. 125 s/LSB. 44 Rev. 0.98 AN58 Register 50. RLYCON: Relay Driver and Battery Switching Configuration (Register Address 5) (Register type: Diagnostic) Bit D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Name INVRRD INVBSEL BSEL RRAIL RDOE RRD/GPO TRD2 TRD1 Type R/W–P R/W–P R/W–P R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W Reset settings = 0xA3 Bit Name Function 7 INVRRD Inverts the polarity of the RRD pin relative to the RRD bit setting. 0 = Active high. 1 = Active low. 6 INVBSEL Inverts the polarity of the BSEL pin relative to the BSEL bit setting. 0 = Active high. 1 = Active low. 5 BSEL Battery Select Indicator. 0 = BATSEL pin is output low. (Si3200 internal battery switch open) 1 = BATSEL pin is output high.(Si3200 internal battery switch closed) 4 RRAIL Additional Ringing Rail Present (Si3200, Third Battery). 0 = Ringing rail not present. 1 = Ringing rail present. For Si3220, RRD/GPO toggles with LINEFEED ringing cadence. 3 RDOE Relay Driver Output Enable. 0 = Disabled. 1 = Enabled. 2 RRD/GPO 1 TRD2 Test Relay Driver 2 Output. 0 = TRD2 output low. 1 = TRD2 output high. 0 TRD1 Test Relay Driver 1 Output. 0 = TRD1 output low. 1 = TRD1 output high. Ringing Relay Driver Output/General Purpose Output. 0 = RRD/GPO output low. (Default output at pin is high due to INVRRD = 1 default) 1 = RRD/GPO output high. Note: Bit type “P” = user-protected bits. Refer to the protected register bit section in the text of this application note. Rev. 0.98 45 AN58 Register 51. SBIAS: SLIC Bias Control (Register Address 8) (Register type: Initialization/protected register bits) Bit D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Name STDBY SQLCH CAPB BIASEN OBIAS[1:0] ABIAS[1:0] Type R/W–P R/W–P R/W–P R/W–P R/W–P R/W–P Reset settings = 0xE0 Bit Name Function 7 STDBY Low-power Standby Status. Writing to this bit causes temporary manual control of this bit until a subsequent on-hook or off-hook transition. 0 = low-power mode off (i.e., Active off-hook). 1 = = low-power mode on (i.e., Active on-hook). 6 SQLCH Audio Squelch Control. Indicates squelch of audio during the setting time set by the SPEEDUP RAM coefficient. Writing to this bit causes temporary manual override until a speedup event occurs. 0 = Squelch off. 1 = Squelch on. 5 CAPB Audio Filter Capacitor Bypass. Indicates filter capacitor pass during the setting time set by the SPEEDUP RAM coefficient. Writing to this bit causes temporary manual override until a speedup event occurs. 0 = Capacitors not bypassed. 1 = Capacitors bypassed. 4 BIASEN SLIC Bias Enable. Writing to this bit causes temporary manual control of SLIC bias until a subsequent onhook or off-hook state. 0 = SLIC bias off (i.e., Active on-hook). 1 = = SLIC bias on (i.e., Active off-hook). 3:2 OBIAS[1:0] SLIC Bias Level, On-Hook Transmission State. DC bias current flowing in the SLIC circuit during on-hook transmission state. Increasing this value increases the ability of the SLIC to withstand longitudinal current artifacts. 00 = 4 mA per lead. 01 = 8 mA per lead. 10 = 12 mA per lead. 11 = 16 mA per lead. 1:0 ABIAS[1:0] SLIC Bias Level, Active State. DC bias current flowing in the SLIC circuit during the active off-hook state. Increasing this value increases the ability of the SLIC to withstand longitudinal current artifacts. 00 = 4 mA per lead. 01 = 8 mA per lead. 10 = 12 mA per lead. 11 = 16 mA per lead. Note: Bit type “P” = user-protected bits. Refer to the protected register bit section in the text of this application note. 46 Rev. 0.98 AN58 Register 52. THERM: Si3200 Thermometer (Register Address 72) (Register type: Diagnostic/single value instance for both channels) Bit D7 D6 Name STAT SEL Type R P D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x45 Bit Name Function 7 STAT Si3200 Thermometer Status. Reads whether the Si3200 has shut down due to an over-temperature event. 0 = Si3200 operating within normal operating temperature range. 1 = Si3200 has exceeded maximum operating temperature. 6 SEL Sensing Mode Selection. Power sensing mode selection when using the Si3200. (Protected Register Bit) 0 = Transistor power sum used for power sensing (PSUM vs. threshold in PTH12). 1 = Si3200 therm diode used for power sensing. 5:0 Reserved Reserved bit. Note: Bit type “P” = User-protected bit. Refer to the register bit section in the text of this application note. Register 53. TONDET: Modem Tone Detection (Register Address 70) (Register type: Operational/single value instance for both channels) Bit D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 Name FAILCNT[3:0] PASSCNT[3:0] Type R/W R/W D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 7:4 FAILCNT[3:0] Tone detection failure count threshold –66.25 ms/LSB. 3:0 PASSCNT[3:0] Tone detection pass count threshold –66.25 ms/LSB Rev. 0.98 47 AN58 Register 54. TONDTMF: DTMF Detection (Register Address 69) (Register type: Operational) Bit D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 Name VALID VALTONE DTMFDIGIT[3:0] Type R R R Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name 7:6 Reserved 5 VALID 4 VALTONE 3:0 48 Function Reserved bit. 0 = valid DTMF digit not pending. 1 = valid DTMF digit pending. 0 = No validated DTMF digit. 1 = Validated DTMF digit. DTMFDIGIT[3:0] Binary value of latest validated DTMF digit. Rev. 0.98 D1 D0 AN58 Register 55. TONDEN: Tone Detection Enable (Register Address 71) (Register type: Initialization) Bit D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Name DTMF RXMDM TXMDM Type R/W R/W R/W Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 7:3 Reserved 2 DTMF 1 RXMDM Receive Path Modem Detection Disable. 0 = Receive path modem tone detection enabled. 1 = Receive path modem tone detection disabled. 0 TXMDM Transmit Path Modem Detection Disable. 0 = Transmit path modem tone detection enabled. 1 = Transmit path modem tone detection disabled. Reserved bit. DTMF Detection Disable. 0 = DTMF detection enabled. 1 = DTMF detection disabled. Register 56. ZA1HI: Impedance Synthesis Coefficient A1—High Byte (Register Address 49) (Register type: Initialization/single value instance for both channels) Bit D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 Name COEFFA1[20:16] Type R/W D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name 7:5 Reserved 4:0 Function Reserved bit. COEFFA1[20:16] Impedance Synthesis Coefficient A1—High Byte. This register contains the upper 8 bits of the 21-bit A1 impedance synthesis coefficient. Refer to coefficient generation program. Rev. 0.98 49 AN58 Register 57. ZA1MID: Impedance Synthesis Coefficient A1—Middle Byte (Register Address 48) (Register type: Initialization/single value instance for both channels) Bit D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 Name COEFFA1[15:8] Type R/W D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit 7:0 Name Function COEFFA1[15:8] Impedance Synthesis Coefficient A1—Middle Byte. This register contains the middle 8 bits of the 21-bit A1 impedance synthesis coefficient. Refer to coefficient generation program. Register 58. ZA1LO: Impedance Synthesis Coefficient A1—Low Byte (Register Address 47) (Register type: Initialization/single value instance for both channels) Bit D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 Name COEFFA1[7:0] Type R/W D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 7:0 COEFFA1[7:0] Impedance Synthesis Coefficient A1—Low Byte. This register contains the lower 8 bits of the 21-bit A1 impedance synthesis coefficient. Refer to coefficient generation program. 50 Rev. 0.98 AN58 Register 59. ZA2HI: Impedance Synthesis Coefficient A2—High Byte (Register Address 52) (Register type: Initialization/single value instance for both channels) Bit D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 Name COEFFA2[20:16] Type R/W D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name 7:5 Reserved 4:0 Function Reserved bit. COEFFA2[20:16] Impedance Synthesis Coefficient A2—High Byte. This register contains the upper 5 bits of the 21-bit A2 impedance synthesis coefficient. Refer to coefficient generation program. Register 60. ZA2MID: Impedance Synthesis Coefficient A2—Middle Byte (Register Address 51) (Register type: Initialization/single value instance for both channels) Bit D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 Name COEFFA2[15:8] Type R/W D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit 7:0 Name Function COEFFA2[15:8] Impedance Synthesis Coefficient A2—Middle Byte. This register contains the middle 8 bits of the 21-bit A2 impedance synthesis coefficient. Refer to coefficient generation program. Rev. 0.98 51 AN58 Register 61. ZA2LO: Impedance Synthesis Coefficient A2—Low Byte (Register Address 50) (Register type: Initialization/single value instance for both channels) Bit D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 Name COEFFA2[7:0] Type R/W D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 7:0 COEFFA2[7:0] Impedance Synthesis Coefficient A2—Low Byte. This register contains the lower 8 bits of the 21-bit A2 impedance synthesis coefficient. Refer to coefficient generation program. Register 62. ZB0HI: Impedance Synthesis Coefficient B0—High Byte (Register Address 37) (Register type: Initialization/single value instance for both channels) Bit D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 Name COEFFB0[23:16] Type R/W D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit 7:0 Name Function COEFFB0[23:16] Impedance Synthesis Coefficient B0—High Byte. This register contains the upper 8 bits of the 24-bit B0 impedance synthesis coefficient. Refer to coefficient generation program. Register 63. ZB0MID: Impedance Synthesis Coefficient B0—Middle Byte (Register Address 36) (Register type: Initialization/single value instance for both channels) Bit D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 Name COEFFB0[15:8] Type R/W D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit 7:0 52 Name Function COEFFB0[15:8] Impedance Synthesis Coefficient B0—Middle Byte. This register contains the middle 8 bits of the 24-bit B0 impedance synthesis coefficient. Refer to coefficient generation program. Rev. 0.98 AN58 Register 64. ZB0LO: Impedance Synthesis Coefficient B0—Low Byte (Register Address 35) (Register type: Initialization/single value instance for both channels) Bit D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 Name COEFFB0[7:0] Type R/W D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name 7:0 Function COEFFB0[7:0] Impedance Synthesis Coefficient B0—Low Byte. This register contains the lower 8 bits of the 24-bit B0 impedance synthesis coefficient. Refer to coefficient generation program. Register 65. ZB1HI: Impedance Synthesis Coefficient B1—High Byte (Register Address 40) (Register type: Initialization/single value instance for both channels) Bit D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 Name COEFFB1[23:16] Type R/W D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit 7:0 Name Function COEFFB1[23:16] Impedance Synthesis Coefficient B1—High Byte. This register contains the upper 8 bits of the 24-bit B1 impedance synthesis coefficient. Refer to coefficient generation program. Register 66. ZB1MID: Impedance Synthesis Coefficient B1—Middle Byte (Register Address 39) (Register type: Initialization/single value instance for both channels) Bit D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 Name COEFFB1[15:8] Type R/W D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit 7:0 Name Function COEFFB1[15:8] Impedance Synthesis Coefficient B1—Middle Byte. This register contains the middle 8 bits of the 24-bit B1 impedance synthesis coefficient. Refer to coefficient generation program. Rev. 0.98 53 AN58 Register 67. ZB1LO: Impedance Synthesis Coefficient B1—Low Byte (Register Address 38) (Register type: Initialization/single value instance for both channels) Bit D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 Name COEFFB1[7:0] Type R/W D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 7:0 COEFFB1[7:0] Impedance Synthesis Coefficient B1—Low Byte. This register contains the lower 8 bits of the 24-bit B1 impedance synthesis coefficient. Refer to coefficient generation program. Register 68. ZB2HI: Impedance Synthesis Coefficient B2—High Byte (Register Address 43) (Register type: Initialization/single value instance for both channels) Bit D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 Name COEFFB2[23:16] Type R/W D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit 7:0 Name Function COEFFB2[23:16] Impedance Synthesis Coefficient B2—High Byte. This register contains the upper 8 bits of the 24-bit B2 impedance synthesis coefficient. Refer to coefficient generation program. Register 69. ZB2MID: Impedance Synthesis Coefficient B2—Middle Byte (Register Address 42) (Register type: Initialization/single value instance for both channels) Bit D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 Name COEFFB2[15:8] Type R/W D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit 7:0 54 Name Function COEFFB2[15:8] Impedance Synthesis Coefficient B2—Middle Byte. This register contains the middle 8 bits of the 24-bit B2 impedance synthesis coefficient. Refer to coefficient generation program. Rev. 0.98 AN58 Register 70. ZB2LO: Impedance Synthesis Coefficient B2—Low Byte (Register Address 41) (Register type: Initialization/single value instance for both channels) Bit D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 Name COEFFB2[7:0] Type R/W D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 7:0 COEFFB2[7:0] Impedance Synthesis Coefficient B2—Low Byte. This register contains the lower 8 bits of the 24-bit B2 impedance synthesis coefficient. Refer to coefficient generation program. Register 71. ZB3HI: Impedance Synthesis Coefficient B3—High Byte (Register Address 46) (Register type: Initialization/single value instance for both channels) Bit D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 Name COEFFB3[23:16] Type R/W D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit 7:0 Name Function COEFFB3[23:16] Impedance Synthesis Coefficient B3—High Byte. This register contains the upper 8 bits of the 24-bit B3 impedance synthesis coefficient. Refer to coefficient generation program. Register 72. ZB3MID: Impedance Synthesis Coefficient B3—Middle Byte (Register Address 45) (Register type: Initialization/single value instance for both channels) Bit D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 Name COEFFB3[15:8] Type R/W D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit 7:0 Name Function COEFFB3[15:8] Impedance Synthesis Coefficient B3—Middle Byte. This register contains the middle 8 bits of the 24-bit B3 impedance synthesis coefficient. Refer to coefficient generation program. Rev. 0.98 55 AN58 Register 73. ZB3LO: Impedance Synthesis Coefficient B3—Low Byte (Register Address 44) (Register type: Initialization/single value instance for both channels) Bit D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 Name COEFFB3[7:0] Type R/W D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name 7:0 COEFFB3[7:0] Function Impedance Synthesis Coefficient B3—Low Byte. This register contains the lower eight bits of the 24-bit B3 impedance synthesis coefficient. Refer to coefficient generation program. Register 74. ZRS: Impedance Synthesis—Analog Real Coefficient (Register Address 33) (Register type: Initialization/single value instance for both channels) Bit D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 Name RS[3:0] Type R/W Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name 7:4 Reserved 3:0 RS[3:0] 56 Function Reserved bit. Impedance Synthesis Analog Real Coefficient. Refer to coefficient generation program. Rev. 0.98 D0 AN58 Register 75. ZZ: Impedance Synthesis—Analog Complex Coefficient (Register Address 34) (Register type: Initialization/single value instance for both channels) Bit D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Name ZSDIS ZSOHT ZP[1:0] ZZ[1:0] Type R/W R/W R/W R/W Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name 7 ZSDIS 6 ZSOHT 5:4 ZP[1:0] 3:2 Reserved 1:0 ZZ[1:0] Function Analog Impedance Synthesis Coefficient Disable. Enables/disables RS, ZSOHT, ZP, and ZZ coefficients. 0 = Analog ZSYNTH coefficients enabled. 1 = Analog ZSYNTH coefficients disabled. Impedance Synthesis Analog Complex Coefficient. Refer to coefficient generation program. Rev. 0.98 57 AN58 4. Internal 16-Bit RAM Summary1 (ordered alphabetically by mnemonic) RAM Addr Mnemonic Description 31 BATHTH High Battery Switch Threshold 34 BATLPF Battery Tracking Filter Coeff 32 BATLTH Low Battery Switch Threshold 33 BSWLPF RING Voltage Filter Coeff Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Type Ex. Hex Ex. Dec Unit Init 0E54 18 V Init 0A08 10 Hz Init 0D88 17 V Init 0A08 10 Hz Battery Selection and VOC Tracking BATHTH[14:7]2 BATLPF[15:3] BATLTH[14:7]2 BSWLPF[15:3] Speedup 36 CMHITH Speedup High Threshold CMHITH[15:0] Init 00CB 1 V 35 CMLOTH Speedup Low Threshold CMLOTH[15:0] Init 07F5 10 V 53 DIAGAC SLIC Diags AC Detector Threshold 54 DIAGACCO SLIC Diags AC Filter Coeff SLIC Diagnostics Filter DIAGAC[15:0] DIAGACCO[15:3] DIAGDC[15:0] Diag Diag V 7FF8 127.3 Hz 0A08 10 Hz 51 DIAGDC SLIC Diags DC Output 52 DIAGDCCO SLIC Diags DC Filter Coeff 55 DIAGPK SLIC Diags Peak Detector 118 DTCOL2HTH DTMF Column Second Harmonic Threshold DTCOL2HTH[15:3] Init 1013 — 116 DTCOLRTH DTMF Column Ratio Threshold DTCOLRTH[15:3] Init 0CC5 — 112 DTCOLTH DTMF Column Peak Threshold DTCOLTH[15:3] Init 1999 — 113 DTFTWTH DTMF Forward Twist Threshold DTFTWTH[15:3] Init 1013 — 120 DTHOTTH DTMF Hot Limit Threshold DTHOTTH[15:0] Init 0A1C — 119 DTMINPTH DTMF Minimum Power Threshold DTMINPTH[15:0] Init 00E5 — 108 DTROW0TH DTMF Row 0 Peak Threshold DTROW0TH[15:3] Init 2AE1 — 109 DTROW1TH DTMF Row 1 Peak Threshold DTROW1TH[15:3] Init 28F3 — 117 DTROW2HTH DTMF Row Second Harmonic Threshold DTROW2HTH[15:3] Init 308C — 110 DTROW2TH DTMF Row 2 Peak Threshold DTROW2TH[15:3] Init 25C2 — 111 DTROW3TH DTMF Row 3 Peak Threshold DTROW3TH[15:3] Init 249B — 115 DTROWRTH DTMF Row Ratio Threshold DTROWRTH[15:3] Init 0CC5 — 114 DTRTWTH DTMF Reverse Twist Threshold DTRTWTH[15:3] Init 1013 — DIAGDCCO[15:3] DIAGPK[15:0] Diag Diag V Diag V DTMF Detection Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. RAM values are 2’s complement unless otherwise noted. Any register not listed is reserved and must not be written. Only positive input values are valid for these RAM addresses. Si3225 only. Si3220 only. For the Si3220, the RINGFRHI RAM address location is used to store the high byte of the internal ringing signal frequency. For the Si3225, this address location (RINGFRHI[14:0]) stores the desired time delay between when the relay opens and when the LFS register transitions out of the ringing state. For the Si3220, the RINGAMP RAM address location is used to store the amplitude of the internal ringing signal. For the Si3225, this address location stores the desired time relay between the last zero current crossing and the next opportunity to open the ringing relay. RAM address in decimal. For the Si3225, RINGPHAS[15:0], see description. Silicon Laboratories recommends using the power sum mode when using the Si3200. Please refer to the initialization procedure for information on configuring the therm register to this mode. In this mode, PTH12 and PLPF12 represent the entire power dissipated, and PTH34/56 and PLPF 34/56 are unused. The values above represent the power sum mode. 58 Rev. 0.98 AN58 RAM Addr Mnemonic Description Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Type Ex. Hex Ex. Dec — Unit Echo Cancellation 89 ECCO0 Echo Cancellation Coeff 0 ECCO0[15:3] Init 0010 82 ECCO1 Echo Cancellation Coeff 1 ECCO1[15:3] Init 06B0 — 83 ECCO2 Echo Cancellation Coeff 2 ECCO2[15:3] Init 19D0 — 84 ECCO3 Echo Cancellation Coeff 3 ECCO3[15:3] Init 1178 — 85 ECCO4 Echo Cancellation Coeff 4 ECCO4[15:3] Init FF88 — 86 ECCO5 Echo Cancellation Coeff 5 ECCO5[15:3] Init FFD8 — 87 ECCO6 Echo Cancellation Coeff 6 ECCO6[15:3] Init FFA8 — 88 ECCO7 Echo Cancellation Coeff 7 ECCO7[15:3] Init FFB0 — 92 ECIIRA1 Echo Cancel IIR Filter Coeff A1 ECIIRA1[15:3] Init 61E0 — 93 ECIIRA2 Echo Cancel IIR Filt Coeff A2 ECIIRA2[15:3] Init DD88 — 90 ECIIRB0 Echo Cancel IIR Filt Coeff B0 ECIIRB0[15:3] Init FFB8 — 91 ECIIRB1 Echo Cancel IIR Filt Coeff B1 ECIIRB1[15:3] Init 0028 — 102 FSKAMP0 FSK Amplitude for Space FSKAMP0[15:3] Init 222 .22 Vrms 103 FSKAMP1 FSK Amplitude for Mark FSKAMP1[15:3] Init 123 .22 Vrms 100 FSKFREQ0 FSK Frequency for Space FSKFREQ0[15:3] Init 3CE0 1200 Hz 101 FSKFREQ1 FSK Frequency for Mark FSKFREQ1[15:3] Init 35B0 2200 Hz 104 FSK01HI FSK 0-1 Transition Freq— High FSK01HI[15:3] Init 1118 105 FSK01LO FSK 0-1 Transition Frequency—Low FSK01LO[15:3] Init 1D88 106 FSK10HI FSK 1-0 Transition Frequency—High FSK10HI[15:3] Init 3BE0 107 FSK10LO FSK 1-0 Transition Frequency—Low FSK10LO[15:3] Init 1330 9 ILONG Longitudinal Current Sense Value ILONG[15:0]2 DIag FSK Generation Loop Currents mA 8 ILOOP Loop Current Sense Value ILOOP[15:0]2 Diag mA 18 IRING Q5 Current Measurement IRING[15:0] Diag mA 16 IRINGN Q3 Current Measurement IRINGN[15:0] Diag mA 15 IRINGP Q2 Current Measurement IRINGP[15:0] Diag mA 21 IRNGNG External Ringing Generator Current Measurement IRNGNG[15:0]3 Diag mA 19 ITIP Q6 Current Measurement ITIP[15:0] Diag mA 17 ITIPN Q4 Current Measurement ITIPN[15:0] Diag mA 14 ITIPP Q1 Current Measurement ITIPP[15:0] Diag mA Loop Closure Detection 24 LCRDBI Loop Closure Detection Debounce Interval 25 LCRLPF Loop Closure Filter Coefficient Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. LCRDBI[15:0]2 LCRLPF[15:3] Init 000C 15 ms Init 0A10 10 Hz RAM values are 2’s complement unless otherwise noted. Any register not listed is reserved and must not be written. Only positive input values are valid for these RAM addresses. Si3225 only. Si3220 only. For the Si3220, the RINGFRHI RAM address location is used to store the high byte of the internal ringing signal frequency. For the Si3225, this address location (RINGFRHI[14:0]) stores the desired time delay between when the relay opens and when the LFS register transitions out of the ringing state. For the Si3220, the RINGAMP RAM address location is used to store the amplitude of the internal ringing signal. For the Si3225, this address location stores the desired time relay between the last zero current crossing and the next opportunity to open the ringing relay. RAM address in decimal. For the Si3225, RINGPHAS[15:0], see description. Silicon Laboratories recommends using the power sum mode when using the Si3200. Please refer to the initialization procedure for information on configuring the therm register to this mode. In this mode, PTH12 and PLPF12 represent the entire power dissipated, and PTH34/56 and PLPF 34/56 are unused. The values above represent the power sum mode. Rev. 0.98 59 AN58 RAM Addr Mnemonic Description 26 LCRMASK Loop Closure Mask Interval Coeff 166 LCRMSKPR 22 Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Type Ex. Hex Ex. Dec Unit LCRMASK[15:0]2 Init 0040 80 ms LCR Mask During Polarity Reversal LCRMSKPR[15:0] Init 0040 80 ms LCROFFHK Off-Hook Detect Threshold LCROFFHK[15:0]2 Init 0F92 12 mA 23 LCRONHK On-Hook Detect Threshold LCRONHK[15:0]2 Init 0C9C 10 mA 29 LONGDBI Ground Key Detection Debounce Interval LONGDBI[15:0]2 Init 0020 40 ms 27 LONGHITH Ground Key Detection Threshold LONGHITH[15:0]2 Init 0A17 8 mA 28 LONGLOTH Ground Key Removal Detection Threshold LONGLOTH[15:0]2 Init 08D4 7 mA 30 LONGLPF Ground Key Filter Coefficient Init 0A08 10 Hz 95 OSC1AMP Oscillator 1 Amplitude Init 00D9 0.0687 Vrms 94 OSC1FREQ Oscillator 1 Frequency Init 2C30 1030 Hz 96 OSC1PHAS Oscillator 1 Initial Phase OSC1PHAS[15:0] Init 0000 OSC2AMP[15:0] Init 0063 0.0775 Vrms Init 3C38 440 Hz Init 0000 Longitudinal Current Detection LONGLPF[15:3] Oscillator Coefficients 98 OSC2AMP Oscillator 2 Amplitude 97 OSC2FREQ Oscillator 2 Frequency 99 OSC2PHAS Oscillator 2 Initial Phase OSC1AMP[15:0] OSC1FREQ[15:3] OSC2FREQ[15:3] OSC2PHAS[15:0] Power Calculations 40 PLPF12 Q1/Q2 Thermal Low-Pass Filter Coeff PLFP12[15:3] Init 0068 .4 s 41 PLFP34 Q3/Q4 Thermal Low-Pass Filter Coeff PLPF34[15:3] Init 0088 .3 s 42 PLPF56 Q5/Q6 Thermal Low-Pass Filter Coeff PLPF56[15:3] Init 000E 3 s 68 PMAMPL Pulse Metering Amplitude PMAMPL[15:0]4 Init 0880 0.2 V 70 PMAMPTH Pulse Metering AGC Amplitude Threshold PMAMPTH[15:0]4 Init 1562 0.5 V 67 PMFREQ Pulse Metering Frequency Init C3EC 12 kHz 69 PMRAMP Pulse Metering Ramp Rate Init 008A 17 ms Pulse Metering PMFREQ[15:3]4 PMRAMP[15:0]4 Power Calculations 44 PQ1DH Q1 Calculated Power PQ1DH[15:0] Diag W 45 PQ2DH Q2 Calculated Power PQ2DH[15:0] Diag W 46 PQ3DH Q3 Calculated Power PQ3DH[15:0] Diag W 47 PQ4DH Q4 Calculated Power PQ4DH[15:0] Diag W 48 PQ5DH Q5 Calculated Power PQ5DH[15:0] Diag W 49 PQ6DH Q6 Calculated Power PQ6DH[15:0] Diag W 50 PSUM Total Calculated Power PSUM[15:0] Diag 37 PTH12 Q1/Q2 Power Threshold PTH12[15:0]2 Init 054C9 1.44 W 38 PTH34 Q3/Q4 Power Threshold PTH34[15:0]2 Init 003C .17 W Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. W RAM values are 2’s complement unless otherwise noted. Any register not listed is reserved and must not be written. Only positive input values are valid for these RAM addresses. Si3225 only. Si3220 only. For the Si3220, the RINGFRHI RAM address location is used to store the high byte of the internal ringing signal frequency. For the Si3225, this address location (RINGFRHI[14:0]) stores the desired time delay between when the relay opens and when the LFS register transitions out of the ringing state. For the Si3220, the RINGAMP RAM address location is used to store the amplitude of the internal ringing signal. For the Si3225, this address location stores the desired time relay between the last zero current crossing and the next opportunity to open the ringing relay. RAM address in decimal. For the Si3225, RINGPHAS[15:0], see description. Silicon Laboratories recommends using the power sum mode when using the Si3200. Please refer to the initialization procedure for information on configuring the therm register to this mode. In this mode, PTH12 and PLPF12 represent the entire power dissipated, and PTH34/56 and PLPF 34/56 are unused. The values above represent the power sum mode. 60 Rev. 0.98 AN58 RAM Addr Mnemonic Description 39 PTH56 Q5/Q6 Power Threshold 43 RB56 Q5/Q6 Base Resistor Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Type Ex. Hex Ex. Dec Unit PTH56[15:0]2 Init 002A 1.28 W RB56[15:0] Init Ringing 59 RINGAMP Ringing Amplitude/Zero Crossing Delay 57 RINGFRHI Ringing Frequency—High Byte/Linefeed Status Delay 58 RINGFRLO Ringing Frequency— Low Byte 56 RINGOF Ringing Waveform DC Offset 60 RINGPHAS Ringing Oscillator Initial Phase 66 RTACDB AC Ring Trip Debounce Interval 64 RTACTH 61 RINGAMP[15:0]6/ZERDELAY[15:0] Init 00CB 45 Vrms RINGFRHI[14:3]5/LFSDELAY[14:3] Init 3F78 20 Hz RINGFRLO[14:3]4 Init 6CE8 20 Hz Init 0000 0 V Init 0000 RTACDB[15:0] Init 0003 75 ms AC Ring Trip Detect Threshold RTACTH[15:0] Init 0FD2 45 mA RTCOUNT Ring Trip Timeout Counter RTCOUNT[15:0] Init 0400 128 ms 65 RTDCDB DC Ring Trip Debounce Interval RTDCDB[15:0] Init 0003 75 ms 62 RTDCTH DC Ring Trip Detect Threshold RTDCTH[15:0] Init 7FFF mA 63 RTPER Ring Trip Low-Pass Filter Coeff Period RTPER[15:0] Init 0028 40 Hz 81 RXIIRPOL RX IIR Filter Pole Coeff RXIIRPOL[15:3] Init 3E08 — 80 RXEQCO0 RX Equalizer Coeff 0 RXEQCO0[15:3] Init 5748 — 79 RXEQCO1 RX Equalizer Coeff 1 RXEQCO1[15:3] Init FB20 — 78 RXEQCO2 RX Equalizer Coeff 2 RXEQCO2[15:3] Init FF30 — 77 RXEQCO3 RX Equalizer Coeff 3 RXEQCO3[15:3] Init 0018 — 4000 0 dB RINGOF[14:0]4 RINGPHAS[15:3]8 Ring Trip Detection Receive Path Gain and Filters 71 RXGAIN RX Gain Setting RXGAIN[15:3] Init 123 RXMODPWR RX Path Modem Tone Power RXMODPWR[15:3] Init 121 RXPWR RX Path Input Signal Power 168 SPEEDUP DC Speedup Timer SPEEDUP[15:0]2 Init 0000 60 ms 169 SPEEDUPR Ring Speedup Timer SPEEDUPR[15:0]2 Init 0000 60 ms 132 TESTA1H1 TX Diag Filter Coeff A1H1 TESTA1H1[15:3] Diag 5568 — 142 TESTA1H2 TX Diag Filter Coeff A1H2 TESTA1H2[15:3] Diag 0000 — 152 TESTA1H3 TX Diag Filter Coeff A1H3 TESTA1H3[15:3] Diag 0000 — 131 TESTA1L1 TX Diag Filter Coeff A1L1 TESTA1L1[15:3] Diag 0376 — 141 TESTA1L2 TX Diag Filter Coeff A1L2 TESTA1L2[15:3] Diag 0000 — RXPWR[15:0] Init DC Speedup Test Diagnostic Filters Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. RAM values are 2’s complement unless otherwise noted. Any register not listed is reserved and must not be written. Only positive input values are valid for these RAM addresses. Si3225 only. Si3220 only. For the Si3220, the RINGFRHI RAM address location is used to store the high byte of the internal ringing signal frequency. For the Si3225, this address location (RINGFRHI[14:0]) stores the desired time delay between when the relay opens and when the LFS register transitions out of the ringing state. For the Si3220, the RINGAMP RAM address location is used to store the amplitude of the internal ringing signal. For the Si3225, this address location stores the desired time relay between the last zero current crossing and the next opportunity to open the ringing relay. RAM address in decimal. For the Si3225, RINGPHAS[15:0], see description. Silicon Laboratories recommends using the power sum mode when using the Si3200. Please refer to the initialization procedure for information on configuring the therm register to this mode. In this mode, PTH12 and PLPF12 represent the entire power dissipated, and PTH34/56 and PLPF 34/56 are unused. The values above represent the power sum mode. Rev. 0.98 61 AN58 RAM Addr Mnemonic Description 151 TESTA1L3 TX Diag Filter Coeff A1L3 134 TESTA2H1 144 TESTA2H2 154 133 Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 Bit 7 Bit 6 Type Ex. Hex Ex. Dec TESTA1L3[15:3] Diag 0000 — TX Diag Filter Coeff A2H1 TESTA2H1[15:3] Diag C430 — TX Diag Filter Coeff A2H2 TESTA2H2[15:3] Diag 0000 — TESTA2H3 TX Diag Filter Coeff A2H3 TESTA2H3[15:3] Diag 0000 — TESTA2L1 TX Diag Filter Coeff A2L1 TESTA2L1[15:3] Diag 2100 — 143 TESTA2L2 TX Diag Filter Coeff A2L2 TESTA2L2[15:3] Diag 0000 — 153 TESTA2L3 TX Diag Filter Coeff A2L3 TESTA2L3[15:3] Diag 0000 — 156 TESTAVO TX Diag Filter Avg Output 158 TESTAVBW TX Diag Filter Avg Bandwidth TESTAVBW[15:3] Diag 160 TESTAVFL TX Diag Filter Average Flag TESTAVFL[15:3] Diag 162 TESTAVTH TX Diag Filter Avg Threshold TESTAVTH[15:3] Diag 126 TESTB0H1 TX Diag Filter Coeff B0H1 TESTB0H1[15:3] Diag 0138 — 136 TESTB0H2 TX Diag Filter Coeff B0H2 TESTB1H2[15:3] Diag 5568 — 146 TESTB0H3 TX Diag Filter Coeff B0H3 TESTB0H3[15:3] Diag 4000 — 125 TESTB0L1 TX Diag Filter Coeff B0L1 TESTB0L1[15:3] Diag 3900 — 135 TESTB0L2 TX Diag Filter Coeff B0L2 TESTB0L2[15:3] Diag 0460 — 145 TESTB0L3 TX Diag Filter Coeff B0L3 TESTB0L3[15:3] Diag 0000 — 128 TESTB1H1 TX Diag Filter Coeff B1H1 TESTB1H1[15:3] Diag 0000 — 138 TESTB1H2 TX Diag Filter Coeff B1H2 TESTB1H2[15:3] Diag 0000 — 148 TESTB1H3 TX Diag Filter Coeff B1H3 TESTB1H3[15:3] Diag 0000 — 127 TESTB1L1 TX Diag Filter Coeff B1L1 TESTB1L1[15:3] Diag 0000 — 137 TESTB1L2 TX Diag Filter Coeff B1L2 TESTB1L2[15:3] Diag 0000 — 147 TESTB1L3 TX Diag Filter Coeff B1L3 TESTB1L3[15:3] Diag 0000 — 130 TESTB2H1 TX Diag Filter Coeff B2H1 TESTB2H1[15:3] Diag FEC0 — 140 TESTB2H2 TX Diag Filter Coeff B2H2 TESTB2H2[15:3] Diag 0000 — 150 TESTB2H3 TX Diag Filter Coeff B2H3 TESTB2H3[15:3] Diag 0000 — 129 TESTB2L1 TX Diag Filter Coeff B2L1 TESTB2L1[15:3] Diag 4700 — 139 TESTB2L2 TX Diag Filter Coeff B2L2 TESTB2L2[15:3] Diag 0000 — 149 TESTB2L3 TX Diag Filter Coeff B2L3 TESTB2L3[15:3] Diag 0000 — 159 TESTPKFL TX Diag Filter Peak Flag TESTPKFL[15:3] Diag 155 TESTPKO TX Diag Filter Peak Output TESTPKO[15:3] Diag 161 TESTPKTH TX Diag Filter Peak Threshold TESTPKTH[15:3] Diag 157 TESTWLN TX Diag Filter TESTWLN[15:3] Diag 0013 — TESTAVO[15:0] Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Diag Unit V V Transmit Path Gain and Filters 76 TXEQCO0 TX Equalizer Coefficient 0 TXEQCO0[15:3] Init 0000 — 75 TXEQCO1 TX Equalizer Coefficient 1 TXEQCO1[15:3] Init 4978 — Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. RAM values are 2’s complement unless otherwise noted. Any register not listed is reserved and must not be written. Only positive input values are valid for these RAM addresses. Si3225 only. Si3220 only. For the Si3220, the RINGFRHI RAM address location is used to store the high byte of the internal ringing signal frequency. For the Si3225, this address location (RINGFRHI[14:0]) stores the desired time delay between when the relay opens and when the LFS register transitions out of the ringing state. For the Si3220, the RINGAMP RAM address location is used to store the amplitude of the internal ringing signal. For the Si3225, this address location stores the desired time relay between the last zero current crossing and the next opportunity to open the ringing relay. RAM address in decimal. For the Si3225, RINGPHAS[15:0], see description. Silicon Laboratories recommends using the power sum mode when using the Si3200. Please refer to the initialization procedure for information on configuring the therm register to this mode. In this mode, PTH12 and PLPF12 represent the entire power dissipated, and PTH34/56 and PLPF 34/56 are unused. The values above represent the power sum mode. 62 Rev. 0.98 AN58 RAM Addr Mnemonic Description 74 TXEQCO2 TX Equalizer Coefficient 2 73 TXEQCO3 TX Equalizer Coefficient 3 Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Type Ex. Hex Ex. Dec TXEQCO2[15:3] Init F8A8 — TXEQCO3[15:3] Init 0050 — 72 TXGAIN TX Gain Setting TXGAIN[15:3] Init 4000 0 163 TXHPF1 TX HPF Coefficient 1 TXHPF1[15:3] Diag 3858 — 164 TXHPF2 TX HPF Coefficient 2 TXHPF2[15:3] Diag 7748 — 165 TXHPF3 TX HPF Coefficient 3 TXHPF3[15:3] Diag C7A0 — 124 TXMODPWR TX Path Modem Tone Power TXMODPWR[15:3] Init 122 TXPWR TX Path Input Signal Power TXPWR[15:0] Unit dB Init Loop Voltages 13 VBAT Scaled Battery Voltage Measurement 4 VCM Common Mode Voltage VBAT[15:0] Diag VCM[14:0]2 Init 0268 3 V 7 VLOOP Loop Voltage 0 VOC Open Circuit Voltage VOC[14:0]2 Init 2668 48 V 1 VOCDELTA VOC Delta for Off-Hook VOCDELTA[14:0]2 Init 0592 7 V 3 VOCHTH VOC Delta Upper Threshold VOCHTH[15:0]2 Init 0197 2 V 2 VOCLTH VOC Delta Lower Threshold VOCLTH[15:0]2 Init F9A2 –8 V 10 VOCTRACK Battery Tracking Open Circuit Voltage VOCTRACK[15:0]2 Diag 5 VOV Overhead Voltage VOV[14:0]2 Init 032F 4 V 6 VOVRING Ringing Overhead Voltage VOVRING[14:0]2 Init 0000 0 V 12 VRING Scaled RING Voltage Measurement 20 VRNGNG External Ringing Generator Voltage Measurement 11 VTIP Scaled TIP Voltage Measurement Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. VLOOP[15:0] 2 V VRING[15:0] VRNGNG[14:7]3 VTIP[15:0] Diag V V Diag V Diag V Diag V RAM values are 2’s complement unless otherwise noted. Any register not listed is reserved and must not be written. Only positive input values are valid for these RAM addresses. Si3225 only. Si3220 only. For the Si3220, the RINGFRHI RAM address location is used to store the high byte of the internal ringing signal frequency. For the Si3225, this address location (RINGFRHI[14:0]) stores the desired time delay between when the relay opens and when the LFS register transitions out of the ringing state. For the Si3220, the RINGAMP RAM address location is used to store the amplitude of the internal ringing signal. For the Si3225, this address location stores the desired time relay between the last zero current crossing and the next opportunity to open the ringing relay. RAM address in decimal. For the Si3225, RINGPHAS[15:0], see description. Silicon Laboratories recommends using the power sum mode when using the Si3200. Please refer to the initialization procedure for information on configuring the therm register to this mode. In this mode, PTH12 and PLPF12 represent the entire power dissipated, and PTH34/56 and PLPF 34/56 are unused. The values above represent the power sum mode. Rev. 0.98 63 AN58 5. 16-Bit Control Descriptions Register 76. BATHTH: High Battery Switch Threshold (RAM Address 31) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 Name BATHTH[7:0] Type R/W D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 14:7 BATHTH[7:0] High Battery Switch Threshold. Programs the voltage threshold for selecting the high battery supply (VBATH). The threshold is compared to the voltage of the most negative lead (when in forward active). 0 to 160.173 V range, 628 mV/LSB, LSB = bit 7. Register 77. BATLPF: Battery Tracking Filter Coefficient (RAM Address 34) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name BATLPF[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit 15:3 Name BATLPF[12:0] Function Battery Tracking Filter Coefficient. Programs the digital low-pass filter block that filters the voltage measured on the RING lead when battery tracking is enabled. Register 78. BATLTH: Low Battery Switch Threshold (RAM Address 32) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 BATLTH[7:0] Name Type R/W Reset settings = 0x00 Bit 14:7 64 Name BATLTH[7:0] Function Low Battery Switch Threshold. Programs the voltage threshold for selecting the low battery supply (VBATL). The threshold is compared to the voltage of the most negative lead (usually ring when in forward active). 0 to 160.173 V range, 628 mV/LSB, LSB = bit 7. Rev. 0.98 AN58 Register 79. BSWLPF: RING Voltage Filter Coefficient (RAM Address 33) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name BSWLPF[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:3 BSWLPF[12:0] RING Voltage Filter Coefficient. Programs the digital low-pass filter block that filters the voltage measured on the RING lead used to determine battery switching threshold. Register 80. CMHITH: Speedup Upper Threshold (RAM Address 36) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 Name CMHITH[15:0] Type R/W D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:0 CMHITH[15:0] Speedup Upper Threshold. Programs the upper threshold of VTIP at which speedup mode is enabled. 0 to 160.173 V range, 4.907 mV/LSB, 628 mV effective resolution (251 mV effective resolution for VBAT < 63.3 V). Register 81. CMLOTH: Speedup Lower Threshold (RAM Address 35) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 Name CMLOTH[15:0] Type R/W D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:0 CMLOTH[15:0] Speedup Threshold. Programs the lower threshold of VTIP at which speedup mode is enabled. 0 to 160.173 V range, 4.907 mV/LSB, 628 mV effective resolution (251 mV effective resolution for VBAT < 63.3 V). Rev. 0.98 65 AN58 Register 82. DIAGAC: SLIC Diagnostics AC Output (RAM Address 53) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 Name DIAGAC[15:0] Type R/W D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:0 DIAGAC[15:0] SLIC Diagnostic AC Output. Provides filtered value that reflects the ac rms value from the output of the monitor ADC. The input to the monitor ADC is selected by the setting in the SDIAG register (Register 13). The DIAGACCO RAM location determines the rms filter coefficient used. This register should be used for frequencies < 300 Hz. Register 83. DIAGACCO: SLIC Diagnostics AC Filter Coefficient (RAM Address 54) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name DIAGACCO[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:3 DIAGACCO[12:0] SLIC Diagnostics AC Filter Coefficient. Programs the rms filter coefficient used in the ac measurement result from the monitor ADC. Register 84. DIAGDC: SLIC Diagnostics DC Output (RAM Address 51) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 Name DIAGDC[15:0] Type R/W D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:0 DIAGDC[15:0] SLIC Diagnostic DC Output. Provides a low-pass filtered value that reflects the dc value from the output of the monitor ADC. The input to the monitor ADC is selected by the setting in the SDIAG register (Register 13). The DIAGDCCO RAM location determines the low-pass filter coefficient used. 66 Rev. 0.98 AN58 Register 85. DIAGDCCO: SLIC Diagnostics DC Filter Coefficient (RAM Address 52) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name DIAGDCCO[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:3 DIAGDCCO[12:0] SLIC Diagnostics DC Filter Coefficient. Programs the low-pass filter coefficient used in the dc measurement result from the monitor ADC. Register 86. DIAGPK: SLIC Diagnostics Peak Detector (RAM Address 55) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 Name DIAGPK[15:0] Type R/W D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:0 DIAGPK[15:0] SLIC Diagnostic Peak Detector. Provides filtered value that reflects the peak amplitude from the output of the monitor ADC. The input to the monitor ADC is selected by the setting in the SDIAG register (Register 13). Register 87. DTCOL2HTH: DTMF Column Second Harmonic Threshold (RAM Address 118) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name DTCOL2HTH[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit 15:3 Name Function DTCOL2HTH[12:0] DTMF Column Second Harmonic Threshold. Programs the threshold for the power ratio of peak column tone to its second harmonic. Rev. 0.98 67 AN58 Register 88. DTCOLRTH: DTMF Column Ratio Threshold (RAM Address 116) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name DTCOLRTH[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:3 DTCOLRTH[12:0] DTMF Column Ratio Threshold. Programs the threshold for the power ratio of highest power column to the other columns. Register 89. DTCOLTH: DTMF Column Peak Threshold (RAM Address 112) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name DTCOLTH[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:3 DTCOLTH[12:0] DTMF Column Peak Threshold. Programs the minimum power threshold for column DTMF detection. All columns use the same threshold. If the ratio of power in a particular column to total power in the column band exceeds COLTH, then a column detect for that particular column signal is detected. Register 90. DTFTWTH: DTMF Forward Twist Threshold (RAM Address 113) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name DTFTWTH[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name 15:3 DTFTWTH[12:0] 68 Function DTMF Forward Twist Threshold. Programs the threshold for the power ratio of row power to column power. Rev. 0.98 D0 AN58 Register 91. DTHOTTH: DTMF Hot Limit Threshold (RAM Address 120) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 Name DTHOTTH[15:0] Type R/W D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:0 DTHOTTH[15:0] DTMF Hot Limit Threshold. Programs the two-step AGC in the DTMF detection path. Register 92. DTMINPTH: DTMF Minimum Power Threshold (RAM Address 119) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 Name DTMINPTH[15:0] Type R/W D5 D4 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:0 DTMINPTH[15:0] DTMF Minimum Power Threshold. Programs the threshold for the minimum total power in the DTMF calculation, under which the calculation is ignored. Register 93. DTROW0TH: DTMF Row 0 Peak Threshold (RAM Address 108) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name DTROW0TH[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:3 DTROW0TH[12:0] DTMF Row 0 Peak Threshold. Programs the minimum power threshold for row 0 DTMF detection. If the ratio of power in row 0 to total power in the row band exceeds ROW0TH, then a row 0 signal is detected. Rev. 0.98 69 AN58 Register 94. DTROW1TH: DTMF Row 1 Peak Threshold (RAM Address 109) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name DTROW1TH[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:3 DTROW1TH[12:0] DTMF Row 1 Peak Threshold. Programs the minimum power threshold for row 1 DTMF detection. If the ratio of power in row 1 to total power in the row band exceeds ROW1TH, then a row 1 signal is detected. Register 95. DTROW2HTH: DTMF Row Second Harmonic Threshold (RAM Address 117) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name DTROW2HTH[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:3 DTROW2HTH[12:0] DTMF Row Second Harmonic Threshold. Programs the threshold for the power ratio of peak row tone to its second harmonic. Register 96. DTROW2TH: DTMF Row 2 Peak Threshold (RAM Address 110) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name DTROW2TH[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:3 DTROW2TH[12:0] DTMF Row 2 Peak Threshold. Programs the minimum power threshold for row 2 DTMF detection. If the ratio of power in row 2 to total power in the row band exceeds ROW2TH, then a row 2 signal is detected. 70 Rev. 0.98 AN58 Register 97. DTROW3TH: DTMF Row 3 Peak Threshold (RAM Address 111) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name DTROW3TH[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:3 DTROW3TH[12:0] DTMF Row 3 Peak Threshold. Programs the minimum power threshold for row 3 DTMF detection. If the ratio of power in row 3 to total power in the row band exceeds ROW3TH, then a row 3 signal is detected. Register 98. DTROWRTH: DTMF Row Ratio Threshold (RAM Address 115) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name DTROWRTH[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit 15:3 Name Function DTROWRTH[12:0] DTMF Row Ratio Threshold. Programs the threshold for the power ratio of highest power row to the other rows. Register 99. DTRTWTH: DTMF Reverse Twist Threshold (RAM Address 114) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name DTRTWTH[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name 15:3 DTRTWTH[12:0] Function DTMF Reverse Twist Threshold. Programs the threshold for the power ratio of column power to row power. Rev. 0.98 71 AN58 Register 100. ECCO0: Echo Cancellation Filter Coefficient 0 (RAM Address 89) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name ECCO0[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:3 ECCO0[12:0] Echo Cancellation Filter Coefficient 0. Programs the eighth tap of the 8-tap FIR transhybrid balance network filter. Register 101. ECCO1: Echo Cancellation Filter Coefficient 1 (RAM Address 82) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name ECCO1[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:3 ECCO1[12:0] Echo Cancellation Filter Coefficient 1. Programs the first tap of the 8-tap FIR transhybrid balance network filter. Register 102. ECCO2: Echo Cancellation Filter Coefficient 2 (RAM Address 83) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name ECCO2[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name 15:3 ECCO2[12:0] 72 Function Echo Cancellation Filter Coefficient 2. Programs the second tap of the 8-tap FIR transhybrid balance network filter. Rev. 0.98 AN58 Register 103. ECCO3: Echo Cancellation Filter Coefficient 3 (RAM Address 84) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name ECCO3[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:3 ECCO3[12:0] Echo Cancellation Filter Coefficient 3. Programs the third tap of the 8-tap FIR transhybrid balance network filter. Register 104. ECCO4: Echo Cancellation Filter Coefficient 4 (RAM Address 85) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name ECCO4[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:3 ECCO4[12:0] Echo Cancellation Filter Coefficient 4. Programs the fourth tap of the 8-tap FIR transhybrid balance network filter. Register 105. ECCO5: Echo Cancellation Filter Coefficient 5 (RAM Address 86) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name ECCO5[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name 15:3 ECCO5[12:0] Function Echo Cancellation Filter Coefficient 5. Programs the fifth tap of the 8-tap FIR transhybrid balance network filter. Rev. 0.98 73 AN58 Register 106. ECCO6: Echo Cancellation Filter Coefficient 6 (RAM Address 87) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name ECCO6[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:3 ECCO6[12:0] Echo Cancellation Filter Coefficient 6. Programs the sixth tap of the 8-tap FIR transhybrid balance network filter. Register 107. ECCO7: Echo Cancellation Filter Coefficient 7 (RAM Address 88) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name ECCO7[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:3 ECCO7[12:0] Echo Cancellation Filter Coefficient 7. Programs the seventh tap of the 8-tap FIR transhybrid balance network filter. Register 108. ECIIRA1: Echo Cancellation IIR Filter Coefficient A1 (RAM Address 92) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name ECIIRA1[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name 15:3 ECIIRA1[12:0] 74 Function Echo Cancellation IIR Filter Coefficient A1. Programs the A1 coefficient of the second-order IIR filter. Rev. 0.98 D3 D2 D1 D0 AN58 Register 109. ECIIRA2: Echo Cancellation IIR Filter Coefficient A2 (RAM Address 93) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name ECIIRA2[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 D2 D1 D0 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:3 ECIIRA2[12:0] Echo Cancellation IIR Filter Coefficient A2. Programs the A2 coefficient of the second-order IIR filter. Register 110. ECIIRB0: Echo Cancellation IIR Filter Coefficient B0 (RAM Address 90) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name ECIIRB0[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:3 ECIIRB0[12:0] Echo Cancellation IIR Filter Coefficient B0. Programs the B0 coefficient of the second-order IIR filter. Register 111. ECIIRB1: Echo Cancellation IIR Filter Coefficient B1 (RAM Address 91) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name ECIIRB1[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name 15:3 ECIIRB1[12:0] Function Echo Cancellation IIR Filter Coefficient B1. Programs the B1 coefficient of the second-order IIR filter. Rev. 0.98 75 AN58 Register 112. FSKAMP0: FSK Amplitude for Space (RAM Address 102) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name FSKAMP0[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:3 FSKAMP0[12:0] FSK Amplitude for Space. Programs the amplitude to be used when generating a space or 0. When the active timer (OSC1T1) expires, the value of this register is loaded into oscillator 1. Register 113. FSKAMP1: FSK Amplitude for Mark (RAM Address 103) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name FSKAMP1[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:3 FSKAMP1[12:0] FSK Amplitude for Mark. Programs the amplitude to be used when generating a mark or 1. When the active timer (OSC1T1) expires, the value of this register is loaded into oscillator 1. Register 114. FSKFREQ0: FSK Frequency for Space (RAM Address 100) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name FSKFREQ0[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:3 FSKFREQ0[12:0] FSK Frequency for Space. Programs the frequency to be used when generating a space or 0. When the active timer (OSC1T1) expires, the value of this register is loaded into oscillator 1. 76 Rev. 0.98 AN58 Register 115. FSKFREQ1: FSK Frequency for Mark (RAM Address 101) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name FSKFREQ1[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:3 FSKFREQ1[12:0] FSK Frequency for Mark. Programs the frequency to be used when generating a mark or 1. When the active timer (OSC1T1) expires, the value of this register is loaded into oscillator 1. Register 116. FSK01HI: FSK 0-1 Transition Frequency—High Byte (RAM Address 104) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name FSK01HI[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:3 FSK01HI[12:0] FSK 0-1 Transition Frequency—High Byte. Contains the upper byte of a gain correction factor applied to the FSK signal amplitude when transitioning from a space (0) to a mark (1). Register 117. FSK01LO: FSK 0-1 Transition Frequency—Low Byte (RAM Address 105) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name FSK01LO[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name 15:3 FSK01LO[12:0] Function FSK 0-1 Transition Frequency—Low Byte. Contains the lower byte of a gain correction factor applied to the FSK signal amplitude when transitioning from a space (0) to a mark (1). Rev. 0.98 77 AN58 Register 118. FSK10HI: FSK1-0 Transition Frequency—High Byte (RAM Address 106) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name FSK10HI[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:3 FSK10HI[12:0] FSK 1-0 Transition Frequency—High Byte. Contains the upper byte of a gain correction factor applied to the FSK signal amplitude when transitioning from a mark (1) to a space (0). Register 119. FSK10L0: FSK 1-0 Transition Frequency—Low Byte (RAM Address 107) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name FSKT10LO[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:3 FSKT10LO[12:0] FSK 1-0 Transition Frequency—Low Byte. Contains the lower byte of a gain correction factor applied to the FSK signal amplitude when transitioning from a mark (1) to a space (0). Register 120. ILONG: Longitudinal Current Sense Value (RAM Address 9) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 Name ILONG[15:0] Type R/W D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:0 ILONG[15:0] Longitudinal Current Sense Value. Holds the realtime measured longitudinal current. 0 to 101.09 mA measurement range, 3.097 A/LSB, 500 A effective resolution (500 A effective resolution for ILONG < 50.54 mA). Updated at an 800 Hz rate, signed/magnitude. 78 Rev. 0.98 AN58 Register 121. ILOOP: Loop Current Sense Value (RAM Address 8) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 Name ILOOP[15:0] Type R/W D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name 15:0 ILOOP[15:0] Function Loop Current Sense Value. Holds the realtime measured loop current. 0 to 101.09 mA measurement range, 3.097 A/LSB, 500 A effective resolution (250 A effective resolution for ILOOP < 50.54 mA). Updated at an 800 Hz rate, signed/magnitude. Register 122. IRING: (Transistor Q5) Current Measurement (RAM Address 18) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 Name IRING[15:0] Type R/W D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:0 IRING[15:0] IRING (Transistor Q5) Current Measurement. Reflects the current flowing into the IRING pin of the Si3200 (transistor Q5 of a discrete circuit). 3.097 A/LSB, 2’s complement. Register 123. IRINGN: (Transistor Q3) Current Measurement (RAM Address 16) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 Name IRINGN[15:0] Type R/W D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:0 IRINGN[15:0] IRINGN (Transistor Q3) Current Measurement. Reflects the current flowing into the IRINGN pin of the Si3200 (transistor Q3 of a discrete circuit). 195.3 nA/LSB, 2’s complement. Effective resolution of 10 A for Si3200 and 25 A for discretes. Rev. 0.98 79 AN58 Register 124. IRINGP: (Transistor Q2) Current Measurement (RAM Address 15) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 Name IRINGP[15:0] Type R/W D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:0 IRINGP[15:0] IRINGP (Transistor Q2) Current Measurement. Reflects the current flowing into the IRINGP pin of the Si3200 (transistor Q2 of a discrete circuit). 3.097 A/LSB, 2’s complement. Effective resolution of 198.2 A. Effective resolution of 396.4 A for ILOOP > 50 mA Register 125. IRNGNG: External Ringing Generator Current Measurement (RAM Address 21) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 Name IRNGNG[15:0] Type R/W D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:0 IRNGNG[15:0] External Ringing Generator Current Measurement. Reflects the current generated by the external ringing generator. This location is only available on the Si3225. 10,156/RRNGNG A/LSB, 2’s complement. Effective resolution of 1.3 V/RRNGNG A/LSB. Register 126. ITIP: (Transistor Q6) Current Measurement (RAM Address 19) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 Name ITIP[15:0] Type R/W D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:0 ITIP[15:0] ITIP (Transistor Q6) Current Measurement. Reflects the current flowing into the ITIP pin of the Si3200 (transistor Q6 of a discrete circuit). 3.097 A/LSB, 2’s complement. 80 Rev. 0.98 AN58 Register 127. ITIPN: (Transistor Q4) Current Measurement (RAM Address 17) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 Name ITIPN[15:0] Type R/W D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:0 ITIPN[15:0] ITIPN (Transistor Q4) Current Measurement. Reflects the current flowing into the ITIPN pin of the Si3200 (transistor Q4 of a discrete circuit). 195.3 nA/LSB, 2’s complement. Effective resolution of 10 A for Si3200 and 25 A for discretes. Register 128. ITIPP: (Transistor Q1) Current Measurement (RAM Address 14) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 Name ITIPP[15:0] Type R/W D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:0 ITIPP[15:0] ITIPP (Transistor Q1) Current Measurement. Reflects the current flowing into the ITIPP pin of the Si3200 (transistor Q1 of a discrete circuit). 3.097 A/LSB, 2’s complement. Effective resolution of 198.21 A. Effective resolution of 396.4 A for Iloop > 50 mA. Register 129. LCRDBI: Loop Closure Detection Debounce Interval (RAM Address 24) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 Name LCRDBI[15:0] Type R/W D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:0 LCRDBI[15:0] Loop Closure Detection Debounce Interval. Programs the debounce interval during the loop closure detection process. Programmable range is 0 to 40.96 s at 1.25 ms/LSB. Rev. 0.98 81 AN58 Register 130. LCRLPF: Loop Closure Filter Coefficient (RAM Address 25) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name LCRLPF[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:3 LCRLPF[12:0] Loop Closure Filter Coefficient. Programs the digital low-pass filter block in the loop closure detection circuit. Refer to data sheet for calculation. Register 131. LCRMASK: Loop Closure Mask Interval Coefficient (RAM Address 26) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 Name LCRMASK[15:0] Type R/W D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:0 LCRMASK[15:0] Loop Closure Mask Interval Coefficient. Programs the loop closure detection mask interval. Programmable range is 0 to 40.96 s at 1.25 ms/LSB. Register 132. LCRMSKPR: LCR Mask During Polarity Reversal (RAM Address 166) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 Name LCRMSKPR[15:0] Type R/W D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name 15:0 LCRMSKPR[15:0] 82 Function LCR Mask During Polarity Reversal. Programs the loop closure detection mask interval during a polarity reversal. Programmable range is 0 to 40.96 s at 1.25 ms/LSB. Rev. 0.98 D0 AN58 Register 133. LCROFFHK: Loop Closure Detection Threshold—On-Hook to Off-Hook Transition (RAM Address 22) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 Name LCROFFHK[15:0] Type R/W D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:0 LCROFFHK[15:0] Loop Closure Detection Threshold—On-Hook to Off-Hook Transition. Programs the loop current threshold at which a valid loop closure is detected when transitioning from on-hook to off-hook. Hysteresis is provided by programming the LCRONHK RAM location to a different value that detects the off-hook to on-hook transition threshold. 0 to 101.09 mA programmable range, 3.097 A/LSB, 396.4 A effective resolution. Usable range is 0 to 61 mA. Register 134. LCRONHK: Loop Closure Detection Threshold—Off-Hook to On-Hook Transition (RAM Address 23) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 Name LCRONHK[15:0] Type R/W D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:0 LCRONHK[15:0] Loop Closure Detection Threshold—Off-Hook to On-Hook Transition. Programs the loop current threshold at which a valid loop closure event has been terminated (the off-hook to on-hook transition). LCRONHK provides hysteresis to a loop closure event when set approximately 1 mA lower than the LCROFFHK threshold. 0 to 101.09 mA programmable range, 3.097 A/LSB, 396.4 A effective resolution. Usable range is 0 to 61 mA. Rev. 0.98 83 AN58 Register 135. LONGDBI: Ground Key Detection Debounce Interval (RAM Address 29) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 Name LONGDBI[15:0] Type R/W D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:0 LONGDBI[15:0] Ground Key Detection Debounce Interval. Programs the debounce interval during the ground key detection process. Programmable range is 0 to 40.96 s at 1.25 ms/LSB. Register 136. LONGHITH: Ground Key Detection Threshold (RAM Address 27) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 Name LONGHITH[15:0] Type R/W D5 D4 D3 D2 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:0 LONGHITH[15:0] Ground Key Detection Threshold. Programs the longitudinal current threshold at which a valid ground key event is detected. Hysteresis is provided by programming the LONGLOTH RAM location to a different value that detects the removal of a ground key event. 0 to 101.09 mA programmable range, 3.097 A/LSB, 396.4 A effective resolution. Usable range is 0 to 16 mA. Register 137. LONGLOTH: Ground Key Removal Detection Threshold (RAM Address 28) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 Name LONGLOTH[15:0] Type R/W D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name 15:0 LONGLOTH[15:0] 84 Function Ground Key Removal Detection Threshold. Programs the longitudinal current threshold at which it is determined that a ground key event has been terminated. 0 to 101.09 mA programmable range, 3.097 A/ LSB, 396.4 A effective resolution. Usable range is 0 to 16 mA. Rev. 0.98 AN58 Register 138. LONGLPF: Ground Key Filter Coefficient (RAM Address 30) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name LONGLPF[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:3 LONGLPF[12:0] Ground Key Filter Coefficient. Programs the digital low-pass filter block in the ground key detection circuit. Refer to data sheet for calculation. Register 139. OSC1AMP: Oscillator 1 Amplitude (RAM Address 95) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 Name OSC1AMP[15:0] Type R/W D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:0 OSC1AMP[15:0] Oscillator 1 Amplitude. Programs tone generator 1 amplitude. Refer to data sheet for use. Register 140. OSC1FREQ: Oscillator 1 Frequency (RAM Address 94) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name OSC1FREQ[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name 15:3 OSC1FREQ[12:0] Function Oscillator 1 Frequency. Programs the frequency of tone generator 1. Refer to data sheet for use. Rev. 0.98 85 AN58 Register 141. OSC1PHAS: Oscillator 1 Initial Phase (RAM Address 96) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 Name OSC1PHAS[15:0] Type R/W D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:0 OSC1PHAS[15:0] Oscillator 1 Initial Phase. Programs the initial phase of tone generator 1. Register 142. OSC2AMP: Oscillator 2 Amplitude (RAM Address 98) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 Name OSC2AMP[15:0] Type R/W Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:0 OSC2AMP[15:0] Oscillator 2 Amplitude. Programs tone generator 2 amplitude. Register 143. OSC2FREQ: Oscillator 2 Frequency (RAM Address 97) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name OSC2FREQ[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name 15:3 OSC2FREQ[12:0] 86 Function Oscillator 2 Frequency. Programs the frequency of tone generator 2. Rev. 0.98 AN58 Register 144. OSC2PHAS: Oscillator 2 Initial Phase (RAM Address 99) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 Name OSC2PHAS[15:0] Type R/W D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:0 OSC2PHAS[15:0] Oscillator 2 Initial Phase. Programs the initial phase of tone generator 2. Register 145. PLPF12: Q1/Q2 Thermal Low-Pass Filter Coefficient (RAM Address 40) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 Name D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 PLPF12[12:0] Type R/W Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:3 PLPF12[12:0] Q1/Q2 Thermal Low-Pass Filter Coefficient. Programs the thermal low-pass filter value used to calculate the power in transistors Q1 and Q2. Also used to set thermal LPF when using Si3200. Refer to data sheet for use. Register 146. PLPF34: Q3/Q4 Thermal Low-Pass Filter Coefficient (RAM Address 41) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name PLPF34[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:3 PLPF34[12:0] Q3/Q4 Thermal Low-Pass Filter Coefficient. Programs the thermal low-pass filter value used to calculate the power in transistors Q3 and Q4. Refer to data sheet for use. Rev. 0.98 87 AN58 Register 147. PLPF56: Q5/Q6 Thermal Low-Pass Filter Coefficient (RAM Address 42) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name PLPF56[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:3 PLPF56[12:0] Q5/Q6 Thermal Low-Pass Filter Coefficient. Programs the thermal low-pass filter value used to calculate the power in transistors Q5 and Q6. Refer to data sheet for use. Register 148. PMAMPL: Pulse Metering Amplitude (RAM Address 68) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 Name PMAMPL[15:0] Type R/W D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:0 PMAMPL[15:0] Pulse Metering Amplitude. Programs the voltage amplitude of the pulse metering signal. This function is only valid for Si3220. Refer to data sheet for use. Register 149. PMAMPTH: Pulse Metering AGC Amplitude Threshold (RAM Address 70) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 Name PMAMPTH[15:0] Type R/W D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:0 PMAMPTH[15:0] Pulse Metering AGC Amplitude Threshold. Programs the voltage threshold for the automatic gain control (AGC) stage in the transmit audio path. This function is only valid for Si3220. Refer to data sheet for use. 88 Rev. 0.98 AN58 Register 150. PMFREQ: Pulse Metering Frequency (RAM Address 67) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name PMFREQ[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:0 PMFREQ[12:0] Pulse Metering Frequency. Programs the frequency of the pulse metering signal. This function is only valid for Si3220. Refer to data sheet for use. Register 151. PMRAMP: Pulse Metering Ramp Rate (RAM Address 69) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 Name PMRAMP[15:0] Type R/W D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:0 PMRAMP[15:0] Pulse Metering Ramp Rate. Programs the attack and decay rate of the pulse metering signal. This function is only valid for Si3220. Programmable range is 0 to 4.096 s at 0.125 ms/LSB (15 bit). Register 152. PQ1DH: Q1 Calculated Power (RAM Address 44) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 Name PQ1DH[15:0] Type R/W D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:0 PQ1DH[15:0] Q1 Calculated Power. Provides the calculated power in transistor Q1. Used with discrete linefeed circuitry. 0 to 16.319 W range, 498 W/LSB. Rev. 0.98 89 AN58 Register 153. PQ2DH: Q2 Calculated Power (RAM Address 45) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 Name PQ2DH[15:0] Type R/W D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:0 PQ2DH[15:0] Q2 Calculated Power. Provides the calculated power in transistor Q2. Used with discrete linefeed circuitry. 0 to 16.319 W range, 498 W/LSB. Register 154. PQ3DH: Q3 Calculated Power (RAM Address 46) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 Name PQ3DH[15:0] Type R/W D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:0 PQ3DH[15:0] Q3 Calculated Power. Provides the calculated power in transistor Q3. Used with discrete linefeed circuitry. 0 to 1.03 W range, 31.4 W/LSB. Register 155. PQ4DH: Q4 Calculated Power (RAM Address 47) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 Name PQ4DH[15:0] Type R/W D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:0 PQ4DH[15:0] Q4 Calculated Power. Provides the calculated power in transistor Q4. Used with discrete linefeed circuitry. 0 to 1.03 W range, 31.4 W/LSB. 90 Rev. 0.98 AN58 Register 156. PQ5DH: Q5 Calculated Power (RAM Address 48) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 Name PQ5DH[15:0] Type R/W D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:0 PQ5DH[15:0] Q5 Calculated Power. Provides the calculated power in transistor Q5. Used with discrete linefeed circuitry. 0 to 16.319 W range, 498 W/LSB. Register 157. PQ6DH: Q6 Calculated Power (RAM Address 49) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 Name PQ6DH[15:0] Type R/W D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:0 PQ6DH[15:0] Q6 Calculated Power. Provides the calculated power in transistor Q6. Used with discrete linefeed circuitry. 0 to 16.319 W range, 498 W/LSB. Register 158. PSUM: Total Calculated Power (RAM Address 50) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 Name PSUM[15:0] Type R/W D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:0 PSUM[15:0] Total Calculated Power. Provides the total calculated power in transistors Q1 through Q6. Using the Si3200, this RAM location reflects the total power dissipated in the Si3200 package. 0 to 34.72 W range, 1059.6 W/LSB. Rev. 0.98 91 AN58 Register 159. PTH12: Q1/Q2 Power Alarm Threshold (RAM Address 37) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 Name PTH12[15:0] Type R/W D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:0 PTH12[15:0] Q1/Q2 Power Alarm Threshold. Programs the power threshold in transistors Q1 and Q2 at which a power alarm is triggered. Also programs the total power threshold when using the Si3200. 0 to 16.319 W programmable range, 498 W/LSB (0 to 34.72 W range, 1059.6 W/LSB in Si3200 mode). Refer to data sheet for use. Register 160. PTH34: Q3/Q4 Power Alarm Threshold (RAM Address 38) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 Name PTH34[15:0] Type R/W D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:0 PTH34[15:0] Q3/Q4 Power Alarm Threshold. Programs the power threshold in transistors Q3 and Q4 at which a power alarm is triggered. 0 to 1.03 W programmable range, 31.4 W/LSB. Refer to data sheet for use. Register 161. PTH56: Q5/Q6 Power Alarm Threshold (RAM Address 39) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 Name PTH56[15:0] Type R/W D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:0 PTH56[15:0] Q5/Q6 Power Alarm Threshold. Programs the power threshold in transistors Q5 and Q6 at which a power alarm is triggered. 0 to 16.319 W programmable range, 498 W/LSB. Refer to data sheet for use. 92 Rev. 0.98 AN58 Register 162. RB56: Q5/Q6 Base Resistance (RAM Address 43) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 Name RB56[15:0] Type R/W D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:0 RB56[15:0] Q5/Q6 Base Resistance. Programs the base resistance feeding transistors Q5 and Q6. Register 163. RINGAMP: Ringing Amplitude/Zero Crossing Delay (RAM Address 59) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 Name RINGAMP[15:0]/ZERDELAY[15:0] Type R/W D4 D3 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:0 RINGAMP[15:0]/ ZERDELAY[15:0] Ringing Amplitude/Zero Crossing Delay. For the Si3220, this RAM location programs the peak ringing amplitude. For the Si3225, this RAM location stores the desired delay between the last zero current crossing event and the next opportunity to open the ringing relay. Refer to data sheet for use. Reset settings = 0x00 Rev. 0.98 93 AN58 Register 164. RINGFRHI: Ringing Frequency High Byte/Linefeed Status Delay (RAM Address 57) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 Name D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 RINGFRHI[11:0]/LFSDELAY[11:0] Type R/W Bit Name Function 14:3 RINGFRHI[11:0]/ LFSDELAY[11:0] Ringing Frequency High Byte/Linefeed Status Delay. For the Si3220, this RAM location programs the upper byte of the ringing frequency coefficient. The RINGFRLO RAM location holds the lower byte. For the Si3225, this RAM location programs the amount of delay between when the ringing relay opens and when the linefeed status (LFS) register transitions out of the ringing state. Refer to data sheet for use. Register 165. RINGFRLO: Ringing Frequency Low Byte (RAM Address 58) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 RINGFRLO[11:0] Name Type R/W Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 14:3 RINGFRLO[11:0] Ringing Frequency Low Byte. For the Si3220, this RAM location programs the lower byte of the ringing frequency coefficient. The RINGFRHI RAM location holds the upper byte. For the Si3225, this RAM location is not used. Refer to data sheet for use. Register 166. RINGOF: Ringing Waveform DC Offset (RAM Address 56) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 RINGOF[14:0] Name Type R/W Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 14:0 RINGOF[14:0] Ringing Waveform DC Offset. Programs the amount of dc offset that is added to the ringing waveform during ringing mode. 0 to 63.3 V programmable range, 4.907 mV/LSB, 1.005 V effective resolution. Refer to data sheet for use. 94 Rev. 0.98 AN58 Register 167. RINGPHAS: Ringing Oscillator Initial Phase (RAM Address 60) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name RINGPHAS[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit 15:3 Name RINGPHAS[12:0] Function RInging Oscillator Initial Phase. Programs the initial phase of the ringing oscillator. 0 to 1.024 s range, 31.25 s/LSB for Si3220 with trapezoidal ringing. For the Si3225, programs zero current cross hysteresis value. (0 to 662.83 mA range, 20.3 A/LSB, 2.6 A effective resolution). Used for filtering Ringtrip current measurements. Register 168. RTACDB: AC Ring Trip Debounce Interval (RAM Address 66) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 Name RTACDB[15:0] Type R/W D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:0 RTACDB[15:0] AC Ring Trip Debounce Interval. Programs the debounce interval for the ac loop current detection circuit. Refer to the Si3220/25 data sheet for calculation. Register 169. RTACTH: AC Ring Trip Detect Threshold (RAM Address 64) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 Name RTACTH[15:0] Type R/W D5 D4 D3 D2 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name 15:0 RTACTH[15:0] Function AC Ring Trip Detect Threshold. Programs the ac loop current threshold value above which a valid ring trip event is detected. See Si3220/Si3225 data sheet for recommended values. Rev. 0.98 95 AN58 Register 170. RTCOUNT: Ring Trip Timeout Counter (RAM Address 61) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 Name RTCOUNT[15:0] Type R/W D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:0 RTCOUNT[15:0] Ring Trip Timeout Counter. Programs the timeout value that, when reached, will force the ringing relay to open regardless of whether a zero current crossing has been detected. 125 s/LSB. See Si3220/Si3225 data sheet for recommended values. Register 171. RTDCDB: DC Ring Trip Debounce Interval (RAM Address 65) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 Name RTDCDB[15:0] Type R/W D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:0 RTDCDB[15:0] DC Ring Trip Debounce Interval. Programs the debounce interval for the dc loop current detection circuit. Refer to the Si3220/25 data sheet for calculation Register 172. RTDCTH: DC Ring Trip Detect Threshold (RAM Address 62) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 Name RTDCTH[15:0] Type R/W D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name 15:0 RTDCTH[15:0] 96 Function DC Ring Trip Detect Threshold. Programs the dc loop current threshold value above which a valid ring trip event is detected. See Si3220/Si3225 data sheet for recommended values. Rev. 0.98 AN58 Register 173. RTPER: Ring Trip Sample Period (RAM Address 63) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 Name RTPER[15:0] Type R/W D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:0 RTPER[15:0] Ring Trip Sample Period. Programs the sample period used in the ring trip detection circuit. See Si3220/ Si3225 data sheet for recommended values. Register 174. RXIIRPOL: Receive IIR Filter Pole Coefficient (RAM Address 81) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name RXIIRPOL[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:3 RXIIRPOL[12:0] Receive IIR Filter Pole Coefficient. Programs the pole of the receive IIR filter. Register 175. RXEQCO0: Receive Equalizer Coefficient 0 (RAM Address 80) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name RXEQCO0[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name 15:3 RXEQCO0[12:0] Function Receive Equalizer Coefficient 0. Programs the one of the four receive equalizer coefficients. Rev. 0.98 97 AN58 Register 176. RXEQCO1: Receive Equalizer Coefficient 1 (RAM Address 79) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name RXEQCO1[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 D3 D2 D1 D0 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:3 RXEQCO1[12:0] Receive Equalizer Coefficient 1. Programs the one of the four receive equalizer coefficients. Register 177. RXEQCO2: Receive Equalizer Coefficient 2 (RAM Address 78) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name RXEQCO2[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:3 RXEQCO2[12:0] Receive Equalizer Coefficient 2. Programs the one of the four receive equalizer coefficients. Register 178. RXEQCO3: Receive Equalizer Coefficient 3 (RAM Address 77) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name RXEQCO3[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name 15:3 RXEQCO3[12:0] 98 Function Receive Equalizer Coefficient 3. Programs the one of the four receive equalizer coefficients. Rev. 0.98 AN58 Register 179. RXGAIN: Receive Gain Control (RAM Address 71) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name RXGAIN[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:3 RXGAIN[12:0] Receive Gain Control. Programs the gain/attenuation for the receive path. The digital signal is effectively multiplied by RXGAIN to achieve gain/attenuation. RXGAIN is a 13-bit linear, 0 to 2, gain block. A value of 0x00 corresponds to – dB gain (mute). A value of 0x4000 corresponds to unity gain. A value of 0x7FF8 corresponds to a gain of 6 dB. Register 180. RXMODPWR: Receive Path Modem Tone Power (RAM Address 123) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name RXMODPWR[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit 15:3 Name Function RXMODPWR[12:0] Receive Path Modem Tone Power. Reports the receive path signal power of the 2100 Hz modem initialization tone. Register 181. RXPWR: Receive Path Input Signal Power (RAM Address 121) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 Name RXPWR[15:0] Type R/W D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name 15:0 RXPWR[15:0] Function Receive Path Input Signal Power. Reports the total power of the receive path input signal. Rev. 0.98 99 AN58 Register 182. SPEEDUP: DC Settling Speedup Timer (RAM Address 168) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 Name SPEEDUP[15:0] Type R/W D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:0 SPEEDUP[15:0] DC Settling Speedup Timer. Programs the dc speedup timer that allows quicker settling during loop transitions. This timer is invoked by the common mode threshold detectors (CMHITH and CMLOTH). 1.25 ms/LSB, exception: 0x0000 = 60 ms (default). Register 183. SPEEDUPR: DC Settling Speedup Timer after Ringing (RAM Address 169) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 Name SPEEDUPR[15:0] Type R/W D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:0 SPEEDUPR[15:0] DC Settling Speedup Timer for Ringing. Programs the dc speedup timer that allows quicker settling following a Ringing burst. This timer is invoked by any mode change from the Ring state. 1.25 ms/LSB, exception: 0x0000 = 60 ms (default). 40.96 s range. Register 184. TESTA1H1: Transmit Path Diagnostics Filter 1 Coefficient A1—High Byte (RAM Address 132) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name TESTA1H1[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:3 TESTA1H1[12:0] Transmit Path Diagnostics Filter 1 Coefficient A1—High Byte. Programs the upper 13 bits of the A1 coefficient in the first second-order IIR transmit path diagnostics filter. 100 Rev. 0.98 AN58 Register 185. TESTA1H2: Transmit Path Diagnostics Filter 2 Coefficient A1—High Byte (RAM Address 142) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name TESTA1H2[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:3 TESTA1H2[12:0] Transmit Path Diagnostics Filter 2 Coefficient A1—High Byte. Programs the upper 13 bits of the A1 coefficient in the second second-order IIR transmit path diagnostics filter. Register 186. TESTA1H3: Transmit Path Diagnostics Filter 3 Coefficient A1—High Byte (RAM Address 152) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name TESTA1H3[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:3 TESTA1H3[12:0] Transmit Path Diagnostics Filter 3 Coefficient A1—High Byte. Programs the upper 13 bits of the A1 coefficient in the third second-order IIR transmit path diagnostics filter. Register 187. TESTA1L1: Transmit Path Diagnostics Filter 1 Coefficient A1—Low Byte (RAM Address 131) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name TESTA1L1[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:3 TESTA1L1[12:0] Transmit Path Diagnostics Filter 1 Coefficient A1—Low Byte. Programs the lower 13 bits of the A1 coefficient in the first second-order IIR transmit path diagnostics filter. Rev. 0.98 101 AN58 Register 188. TESTA1L2: Transmit Path Diagnostics Filter 2 Coefficient A1—Low Byte (RAM Address 141) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name TESTA1L2[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:3 TESTA1L2[12:0] Transmit Path Diagnostics Filter 2 Coefficient A1—Low Byte. Programs the lower 13 bits of the A1 coefficient in the second second-order IIR transmit path diagnostics filter. Register 189. TESTA1L3: Transmit Path Diagnostics Filter 3 Coefficient A1—Low Byte (RAM Address 151) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name TESTA1L3[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:3 TESTA1L3[12:0] Transmit Path Diagnostics Filter 3 Coefficient A1—Low Byte. Programs the lower 13 bits of the A1 coefficient in the third second-order IIR transmit path diagnostics filter. Register 190. TESTA2H1: Transmit Path Diagnostics Filter 1 Coefficient A2—High Byte (RAM Address 134) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name TESTA2H1[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:3 TESTA2H1[12:0] Transmit Path Diagnostics Filter 1 Coefficient A2—High Byte. Programs the upper 13 bits of the A2 coefficient in the first second-order IIR transmit path diagnostics filter. 102 Rev. 0.98 AN58 Register 191. TESTA2H2: Transmit Path Diagnostics Filter 2 Coefficient A2—High Byte (RAM Address 144) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name TESTA2H2[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:3 TESTA2H2[12:0] Transmit Path Diagnostics Filter 2 Coefficient A2—High Byte. Programs the upper 13 bits of the A2 coefficient in the second second-order IIR transmit path diagnostics filter. Register 192. TESTA2H3: Transmit Path Diagnostics Filter 3 Coefficient A2—High Byte (RAM Address 154) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name TESTA2H3[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:3 TESTA2H3[12:0] Transmit Path Diagnostics Filter 3 Coefficient A2—High Byte. Programs the upper 13 bits of the A2 coefficient in the third second-order IIR transmit path diagnostics filter. Register 193. TESTA2L1: Transmit Path Diagnostics Filter 1 Coefficient A2—Low Byte (RAM Address 133) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name TESTA2L1[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:3 TESTA2L1[12:0] Transmit Path Diagnostics Filter 1 Coefficient A2—Low Byte. Programs the lower 13 bits of the A2 coefficient in the first second-order IIR transmit path diagnostics filter. Rev. 0.98 103 AN58 Register 194. TESTA2L2: Transmit Path Diagnostics Filter 2 Coefficient A2—Low Byte (RAM Address 143) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name TESTA2L2[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:3 TESTA2L2[12:0] Transmit Path Diagnostics Filter 2 Coefficient A2—Low Byte. Programs the lower 13 bits of the A2 coefficient in the second second-order IIR transmit path diagnostics filter. Register 195. TESTA2L3: Transmit Path Diagnostics Filter 3 Coefficient A2—Low Byte (RAM Address 153) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name TESTA2L3[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:3 TESTA2L3[12:0] Transmit Path Diagnostics Filter 3 Coefficient A2—Low Byte. Programs the lower 13 bits of the A2 coefficient in the third second-order IIR transmit path diagnostics filter. Register 196. TESTAVO: Transmit Path Diagnostics Filter Average Output (RAM Address 156) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 Name TESTAVO[15:0] Type R/W D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name 15:0 TESTAVO[15:0] 104 Function Transmit Path Diagnostics Filter Average Output. Reflects the average output of the transmit path diagnostics filters, updated at the end of each window defined by the TESTWLN RAM location. Rev. 0.98 AN58 Register 197. TESTAVBW: Transmit Path Diagnostics Filter Average Bandwidth (RAM Address 158) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name TESTAVBW[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:3 TESTAVBW[12:0] Transmit Path Diagnostics Filter Average Bandwidth. Programs the bandwidth to be used when determining the average output measurement stored in the TESTAVO RAM location. Register 198. TESTAVFL: Transmit Path Diagnostics Filter Average Flag (RAM Address 160) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name TESTAVFL[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:3 TESTAVFL[12:0] Transmit Path Diagnostics Filter Peak Flag. Represents a flag that signals the average power is higher than the average power threshold RAM location (TESTAVTH). Register 199. TESTAVTH: Transmit Path Diagnostics Filter Average Threshold (RAM Address 162) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name TESTAVTH[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name 15:3 TESTAVTH[12:0] Function Transmit Path Diagnostics Filter Average Threshold. Programs the average power threshold that will trip the TESTAVFL flag in RAM location 160. Rev. 0.98 105 AN58 Register 200. TESTB0H1: Transmit Path Diagnostics Filter 1 Coefficient B0—High Byte (RAM Address 126) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name TESTB0H1[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:3 TESTB0H1[12:0] Transmit Path Diagnostics Filter 1 Coefficient B0—High Byte. Programs the upper 13 bits of the B0 coefficient in the first second-order IIR transmit path diagnostics filter. Register 201. TESTB0H2: Transmit Path Diagnostics Filter 2 Coefficient B0—High Byte (RAM Address 136) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name TESTB0H2[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:3 TESTB0H2[12:0] Transmit Path Diagnostics Filter 2 Coefficient B0—High Byte. Programs the upper 13 bits of the B0 coefficient in the second second-order IIR transmit path diagnostics filter. Register 202. TESTB0H3: Transmit Path Diagnostics Filter 3 Coefficient B0—High Byte (RAM Address 146) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name TESTB0H3[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:3 TESTB0H3[12:0] Transmit Path Diagnostics Filter 3 Coefficient B0—High Byte. Programs the upper 13 bits of the B0 coefficient in the third second-order IIR transmit path diagnostics filter. 106 Rev. 0.98 AN58 Register 203. TESTB0L1: Transmit Path Diagnostics Filter 1 Coefficient B0—Low Byte (RAM Address 125) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name TESTB0L1[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:3 TESTB0L1[12:0] Transmit Path Diagnostics Filter 1 Coefficient B0—Low Byte. Programs the lower 13 bits of the B0 coefficient in the first second-order IIR transmit path diagnostics filter. Register 204. TESTB0L2: Transmit Path Diagnostics Filter 2 Coefficient B0—Low Byte (RAM Address 135) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name TESTB0L2[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:3 TESTB0L2[12:0] Transmit Path Diagnostics Filter 2 Coefficient B0—Low Byte. Programs the lower 13 bits of the B0 coefficient in the second second-order IIR transmit path diagnostics filter. Register 205. TESTB0L3: Transmit Path Diagnostics Filter 3 Coefficient B0—Low Byte (RAM Address 145) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name TESTB0L3[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:3 TESTB0L3[12:0] Transmit Path Diagnostics Filter 3 Coefficient B0—Low Byte. Programs the lower 13 bits of the B0 coefficient in the third second-order IIR transmit path diagnostics filter. Rev. 0.98 107 AN58 Register 206. TESTB1H1: Transmit Path Diagnostics Filter 1 Coefficient B1—High Byte (RAM Address 128) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name TESTB1H1[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:3 TESTB1H1[12:0] Transmit Path Diagnostics Filter 1 Coefficient B1—High Byte. Programs the upper 13 bits of the B1 coefficient in the first second-order IIR transmit path diagnostics filter. Register 207. TESTB1H2: Transmit Path Diagnostics Filter 2 Coefficient B1—High Byte (RAM Address 138) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name TESTB1H2[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:3 TESTB1H2[12:0] Transmit Path Diagnostics Filter 2 Coefficient B1—High Byte. Programs the upper 13 bits of the B1 coefficient in the second second-order IIR transmit path diagnostics filter. Register 208. TESTB1H3: Transmit Path Diagnostics Filter 3 Coefficient B1—High Byte (RAM Address 148) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name TESTB1H3[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:3 TESTB1H3[12:0] Transmit Path Diagnostics Filter 3 Coefficient B1—High Byte. Programs the upper 13 bits of the B1 coefficient in the third second-order IIR transmit path diagnostics filter. 108 Rev. 0.98 AN58 Register 209. TESTB1L1: Transmit Path Diagnostics Filter 1 Coefficient B1—Low Byte (RAM Address 127) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name TESTB1L1[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:3 TESTB1L1[12:0] Transmit Path Diagnostics Filter 1 Coefficient B1—Low Byte. Programs the lower 13 bits of the B1 coefficient in the first second-order IIR transmit path diagnostics filter. Register 210. TESTB1L2: Transmit Path Diagnostics Filter 2 Coefficient B1—Low Byte (RAM Address 137) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name TESTB1L2[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:3 TESTB1L2[12:0] Transmit Path Diagnostics Filter 2 Coefficient B1—Low Byte. Programs the lower 13 bits of the B1 coefficient in the second second-order IIR transmit path diagnostics filter. Register 211. TESTB1L3: Transmit Path Diagnostics Filter 3 Coefficient B1—Low Byte (RAM Address 147) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name TESTB1L3[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:3 TESTB1L3[12:0] Transmit Path Diagnostics Filter 3 Coefficient B1—Low Byte. Programs the lower 13 bits of the B1 coefficient in the third second-order IIR transmit path diagnostics filter. Rev. 0.98 109 AN58 Register 212. TESTB2H1: Transmit Path Diagnostics Filter 1 Coefficient B2—High Byte (RAM Address 130) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name TESTB2H1[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:3 TESTB2H1[12:0] Transmit Path Diagnostics Filter 1 Coefficient B2—High Byte. Programs the upper 13 bits of the B2 coefficient in the first second-order IIR transmit path diagnostics filter. Register 213. TESTB2H2: Transmit Path Diagnostics Filter 2 Coefficient B2—High Byte (RAM Address 140) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name TESTB2H2[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:3 TESTB2H2[12:0] Transmit Path Diagnostics Filter 2 Coefficient B2—High Byte. Programs the upper 13 bits of the B2 coefficient in the second second-order IIR transmit path diagnostics filter. Register 214. TESTB2H3: Transmit Path Diagnostics Filter 3 Coefficient B2—High Byte (RAM Address 150) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name TESTB2H3[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:3 TESTB2H3[12:0] Transmit Path Diagnostics Filter 3 Coefficient B2—High Byte. Programs the upper 13 bits of the B2 coefficient in the third second-order IIR transmit path diagnostics filter. 110 Rev. 0.98 AN58 Register 215. TESTB2L1: Transmit Path Diagnostics Filter 1 Coefficient B2—Low Byte (RAM Address 129) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name TESTB2L1[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:3 TESTB2L1[12:0] Transmit Path Diagnostics Filter 1 Coefficient B2—Low Byte. Programs the lower 13 bits of the B2 coefficient in the first second-order IIR transmit path diagnostics filter. Register 216. TESTB2L2: Transmit Path Diagnostics Filter 2 Coefficient B2—Low Byte (RAM Address 139) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name TESTB2L2[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:3 TESTB2L2[12:0] Transmit Path Diagnostics Filter 2 Coefficient B2—Low Byte. Programs the lower 13 bits of the B2 coefficient in the second second-order IIR transmit path diagnostics filter. Register 217. TESTB2L3: Transmit Path Diagnostics Filter 3 Coefficient B2—Low Byte (RAM Address 149) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name TESTB2L3[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:3 TESTB2L3[12:0] Transmit Path Diagnostics Filter 3 Coefficient B2—Low Byte. Programs the lower 13 bits of the B2 coefficient in the third second-order IIR transmit path diagnostics filter. Rev. 0.98 111 AN58 Register 218. TESTPKFL: Transmit Path Diagnostics Filter Peak Flag (RAM Address 159) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name TESTPKFL[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:3 TESTPKFL[12:0] Transmit Path Diagnostics Filter Peak Flag. Represents a flag that signals the peak power is higher than the peak power threshold RAM location (TESTPKTH). Register 219. TESTPKO: Transmit Path Diagnostics Filter Peak Output (RAM Address 155) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name TESTPKO[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:3 TESTPKO[12:0] Transmit Path Diagnostics Filter Peak Output. Reflects the peak output of the transmit path diagnostics filters, updated at the end of each window defined by the TESTWLN RAM location. Register 220. TESTPKTH: Transmit Path Diagnostics Filter Peak Threshold (RAM Address 161) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name TESTPKTH[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:3 TESTPKTH[12:0] Transmit Path Diagnostics Filter Peak Flag. Programs the peak power threshold that will trip the TESTPKFL flag in RAM location 159. 112 Rev. 0.98 AN58 Register 221. TESTWLN: Transmit Path Diagnostics Filter Window Length (RAM Address 157) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name TESTWLN[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:3 TESTWLN[12:0] Transmit Path Diagnostics Filter Window Length. Programs the window length used for the peak output measurement stored in the TESTPKO RAM location. Register 222. TXEQCO0: Transmit Equalizer Coefficient 0 (RAM Address 76) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name TXEQCO0[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:3 TXEQCO0[12:0] Transmit Equalizer Coefficient 0. Programs one of the four transmit equalizer coefficients. Register 223. TXEQCO1: Transmit Equalizer Coefficient 1 (RAM Address 75) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name TXEQCO1[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name 15:3 TXEQCO1[12:0] Function Transmit Equalizer Coefficient 1. Programs one of the four transmit equalizer coefficients. Rev. 0.98 113 AN58 Register 224. TXEQCO2: Transmit Equalizer Coefficient 2 (RAM Address 74) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name TXEQCO2[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 D3 D2 D1 D0 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:3 TXEQCO2[12:0] Transmit Equalizer Coefficient 2. Programs one of the four transmit equalizer coefficients. Register 225. TXEQCO3: Transmit Equalizer Coefficient 3 (RAM Address 73) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name TXEQCO3[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:3 TXEQCO3[12:0] Transmit Equalizer Coefficient 3. Programs one of the four transmit equalizer coefficients. Register 226. TXGAIN: Transmit Gain Control (RAM Address 72) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name TXGAIN[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name 15:3 TXGAIN[12:0] 114 Function Transmit Gain Control. Programs the gain/attenuation for the transmit path. The digital signal is effectively multiplied by TXGAIN to achieve gain/attenuation. TXGAIN is a 13-bit linear, 0 to 2 gain block. A value of 0x00 corresponds to – dB gain (mute). A value of 0x4000 corresponds to unity gain. A value of 0x7FF8 corresponds to a gain of 6 dB. Rev. 0.98 AN58 Register 227. TXHPF1: Transmit High Pass Filter Coefficient 1 (RAM Address 163) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name TXHPF1[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 D3 D2 D1 D0 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:3 TXHPF1[12:0] Transmit High Pass Filter Coefficient 1. Programs the first transmit high pass filter coefficient. Register 228. TXHPF2: Transmit High Pass Filter Coefficient 2 (RAM Address 164) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name TXHPF2[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:3 TXHPF2[12:0] Transmit High Pass Filter Coefficient 2. Programs the second transmit high pass filter coefficient. Register 229. TXHPF3: Transmit High Pass Filter Coefficient 3 (RAM Address 165) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name TXHPF3[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name 15:3 TXHPF3[12:0] Function Transmit High Pass Filter Coefficient 3. Programs the third transmit high pass filter coefficient. Rev. 0.98 115 AN58 Register 230. TXMODPWR: Transmit Path Modem Tone Power (RAM Address 124) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name TXMODPWR[12:0] Type R/W D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit 15:3 Name Function TXMODPWR[12:0] Transmit Path Modem Tone Power. Reports the transmit path signal power of the 2100 Hz modem initialization tone. Register 231. TXPWR: Transmit Path Input Signal Power (RAM Address 122) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 Name TXPWR[15:0] Type R/W D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:0 TXPWR[15:0] Transmit Path Input Signal Power. Reports the total power of the transmit path input signal. Register 232. VBAT: Scaled Battery Voltage Measurement (RAM Address 13) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 Name VBAT[15:0] Type R/W D6 D5 D4 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name 15:0 VBAT[15:0] 116 Function Scaled Battery Voltage Measurement. Reflects the battery voltage measured through the monitor ADC. 0 to 160.173 V range, 4.907 mV/LSB, 628 mV effective resolution (251 mV effective resolution for VBAT < 63.3 V). Rev. 0.98 AN58 Register 233. VCM: Common Mode Voltage (RAM Address 4) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 Name VCM[14:0] Type R/W D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name 14:0 VCM[14:0] Function Common Mode Voltage. Programs the common mode voltage between the TIP lead and ground in normal polarity (between RING and ground in reverse polarity). The recommended default value is 3 V, but can be programmed between 0 and 63.3 V. 4.907 mV/LSB, 1.005 V effective resolution. Register 234. VLOOP: Loop Voltage Sense Value (RAM Address 7) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 Name VLOOP[15:0] Type R/W D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name 15:0 VLOOP[15:0] Function Loop Voltage Sense Value. Holds the realtime measured loop voltage across TIP-RING. 0 to 160.173 V range, 4.907 mV/LSB, 628 mV effective resolution (251 mV effective resolution for VLOOP < 64.07 V). Updated at an 800 Hz rate, signed/magnitude. Register 235. VOC: Open Circuit Voltage (RAM Address 0) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 Name VOC[14:0] Type R/W D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 14:0 VOC[14:0] Open Circuit Voltage. Programs the TIP-RING voltage during on-hook conditions. The recommended default value is 48 V but can be programmed between 0 and 63.3 V. 4.907 mV/LSB, 1.005 V effective resolution. Rev. 0.98 117 AN58 Register 236. VOCDELTA: Open Circuit Off-Hook Offset Voltage (RAM Address 1) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Name D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 VOCDELTA[14:0] Type R/W Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 14:0 VOCDELTA[14:0] Open Circuit Off-Hook Offset Voltage. Programs the amount of offset that is added to the VOC RAM value when the device transitions to off-hook. The recommended default value is 7 V. 0 to 63.3 V programmable range, 4.907 mV/LSB, 1.005 V effective resolution. Register 237. VOCHTH: VOC Delta Upper Threshold (RAM Address 3) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 Name VOCHTH[15:0] Type R/W D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name 15:0 VOCHTH[15:0] Function VOC Delta Upper Threshold. Programs the voltage delta above the VOC value at which the VOCDELTA offset voltage is removed. This threshold is only applicable during the off-hook to on-hook transition, and the VOCTHDL RAM location determines the threshold voltage during the onhook to off-hook transition. Default value is 2 V. 0 to 63.3 V programmable range, 4.907 mV/LSB, 1.005 V effective resolution. 118 Rev. 0.98 AN58 Register 238. VOCLTH: VOC Delta Lower Threshold (RAM Address 2) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 Name VOCLTH[15:0] Type R/W D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:0 VOCLTH[15:0] VOC Delta Lower Threshold. Programs the voltage delta below the VOC value at which the VOCDELTA offset voltage is added. This threshold is only applicable during the on-hook to off-hook transition, and the VOCTHDH RAM location determines the threshold voltage during the off-hook to on-hook transition. Default value is –8 V. 0 to 63.3 V programmable range, 4.907 mV/LSB, 1.005 V effective resolution. Register 239. VOCTRACK: Battery Tracking Open Circuit Voltage (RAM Address 10) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 Name VOCTRACK[15:0] Type R/W D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 15:0 VOCTRACK[15:0] Battery Tracking Open Circuit Voltage. Reflects the TIP-RING voltage during on-hook conditions when the battery supply has dropped below the point where the VOC setting cannot be maintained. 0 to 63.3 V programmable range, 4.907 mV/LSB, 1.005 V effective resolution. Rev. 0.98 119 AN58 Register 240. VOV: Overhead Voltage (RAM Address 5) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 Name VOV[14:0] Type R/W D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name Function 14:0 VOV[14:0] Overhead Voltage. Programs the overhead voltage between the RING lead and the voltage on the VBAT pin in normal polarity (between TIP and ground in reverse polarity). This value will increase or decrease as the battery voltage changes to maintain a constant open circuit voltage, but will maintain its user-defined setting to ensure sufficient overhead for audio transmission when the battery voltage decreases. 0 to 63.3 V programmable range, 4.907 mV/LSB, 1.005 V effective resolution. Register 241. VOVRING: Ringing Overhead Voltage (RAM Address 6) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 VOVRING[14:0] Name Type R/W Reset settings = 0x00 Bit 14:0 120 Name Function VOVRING[14:0] Ringing Overhead Voltage. Programs the overhead voltage between the peak negative ringing level and VBATH. This value increases or decreases as the battery voltage changes in order to maintain a constant open circuit voltage, but maintains its user-defined setting to ensure sufficient overhead for audio transmission when the battery voltage decreases. 0 to 63.3 V programmable range, 4.907 mV/LSB, 1.005 V effective resolution. Rev. 0.98 AN58 Register 242. VRING: Scaled RING Voltage Measurement (RAM Address 12) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 Name VRING[15:0] Type R/W Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name 15:0 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Function VRING[15:0] Scaled RING Voltage Measurement. Reflects the RING to ground voltage measured through the monitor ADC. 0 to 160.173 V range, 4.907 mV/LSB, 628 mV effective resolution (251 mV effective resolution for VRING < 64.07 V). Updated at 800 Hz rate 2’s complement. Register 243. VRNGNG: External Ringing Generator Voltage Measurement (RAM Address 20) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 VRNGNG[7:0] Name Type R/W Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name 14:7 D6 Function VRNGNG[7:0] External Ringing Generator Voltage Measurement. Reflects the voltage generated by the external ringing generator. This location is only available on the Si3225. 0 to 332.04 V range, 10.172 mV/LSB, 2’s complement, LSB = bit 7. (1.302 V effective resolution) Register 244. VTIP: Scaled TIP Voltage Measurement (RAM Address 11) Bit D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 Name VTIP[15:0] Type R/W Reset settings = 0x00 Bit Name 15:0 VTIP[15:0] D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Function Scaled TIP Voltage Measurement. Reflects the TIP to ground voltage measured through the monitor ADC. 0 to 160.173 V range, 4.907 mV/LSB, 628 mV effective resolution (251 mV effective resolution for VTIP < 64.07 V). Updated at an 800 Hz rate, 2’s complement. Rev. 0.98 121 AN58 DOCUMENT CHANGE LIST "LCROFFHK: Loop Closure Detection Threshold— On-Hook to Off-Hook Transition (RAM Address 22)‚" on page 83 updated. "LCRONHK: Loop Closure Detection Threshold— Off-Hook to On-Hook Transition (RAM Address 23)‚" on page 83 updated. "SPEEDUPR: DC Settling Speedup Timer after Ringing (RAM Address 169)‚" on page 100 added. Revision 0.9 to Revision 0.95 "RAM Access by Pipeline‚" on page 1 updated. "Protected Register Bits‚" on page 2 updated. "Dual ProSLIC Initialization‚" on page 2 added. "Dual ProSLIC Calibration‚" on page 2 added. Table 1 on page 4 added. Table 2 on page 6 added. Revision 0.95 to Revision 0.96 "8-Bit Control Register Summary1,2‚" on page 8 updated. "ID: Chip Identification (Register Address 0)‚" on page 17 updated. "PCMMODE: PCM Mode Select (Register Address 53)‚" on page 34 updated. "RAMSTAT: RAM Address Status (Register Address 4)‚" on page 41 updated. "RINGCON: Ringing Configuration (Register Address 23)‚" on page 42 updated. "RLYCON: Relay Driver and Battery Switching Configuration (Register Address 5)‚" on page 45 updated. "SBIAS: SLIC Bias Control (Register Address 8)‚" on page 46 updated. "ZA2HI: Impedance Synthesis Coefficient A2—High Byte (Register Address 52)‚" on page 51 updated. "THERM: Si3200 Thermometer (Register Address 72)‚" on page 47 updated. Updated "Internal 16-Bit RAM Summary1‚" on page 58. Revision 0.96 to Revision 0.97 1 "Internal 16-Bit RAM Summary ‚" on page 58 updated. "PQ1DH: Q1 Calculated Power (RAM Address 44)‚" on page 89 updated. "PQ2DH: Q2 Calculated Power (RAM Address 45)‚" on page 90 updated. "PQ3DH: Q3 Calculated Power (RAM Address 46)‚" on page 90 updated. "PQ4DH: Q4 Calculated Power (RAM Address 47)‚" on page 90 updated. "PQ5DH: Q5 Calculated Power (RAM Address 48)‚" on page 91 updated. "PQ6DH: Q6 Calculated Power (RAM Address 49)‚" on page 91 updated. "PSUM: Total Calculated Power (RAM Address 50)‚" on page 91 updated. "PTH12: Q1/Q2 Power Alarm Threshold (RAM Address 37)‚" on page 92 updated. "RINGOF: Ringing Waveform DC Offset (RAM Address 56)‚" on page 94 updated. 122 Updated "8-Bit Control Register Summary1,2‚" on page 8. Updated "Internal 16-Bit RAM Summary1‚" on page 58. Updated "Dual ProSLIC Initialization‚" on page 2. Updated Table 1, “RAM Values for 600 Impedance, Test Filters and Test Signal,” on page 4. Updated Register 18, “MSTRSTAT: Master Initialization Status (Register Address 3),” on page 28. Updated Register 76, “BATHTH: High Battery Switch Threshold (RAM Address 31),” on page 64. Updated Register 78, “BATLTH: Low Battery Switch Threshold (RAM Address 32),” on page 64 Deleted Register “MSTREN: Master Initialization Enable (Register Address 2)”. Updated Register 230, “TXMODPWR: Transmit Path Modem Tone Power (RAM Address 124),” on page 116. Revision 0.97 to Revision 0.98 Updated "Dual ProSLIC Common Mode Calibration‚" on page 3. Updated “8-Bit Control Register Summary1,2” on page 10. Updated "PCMMODE: PCM Mode Select (Register Address 53)‚" on page 34. Updated "POLREV: Polarity Reversal Settings (Register Address 7)‚" on page 39. Updated "THERM: Si3200 Thermometer (Register Address 72)‚" on page 47. Rev. 0.98 Updated “Internal 16-Bit RAM Summary1” on page 59. Updated “Internal 16-Bit RAM Summary1” on page 60. AN58 Updated “RXGAIN: Receive Gain Control (RAM Address 71)” on page 99. Updated "TXGAIN: Transmit Gain Control (RAM Address 72)‚" on page 114. Rev. 0.98 123 AN58 CONTACT INFORMATION Silicon Laboratories Inc. 400 West Cesar Chavez Austin, TX 78701 Tel: 1+(512) 416-8500 Fax: 1+(512) 416-9669 Toll Free: 1+(877) 444-3032 Email: [email protected] Internet: The information in this document is believed to be accurate in all respects at the time of publication but is subject to change without notice. Silicon Laboratories assumes no responsibility for errors and omissions, and disclaims responsibility for any consequences resulting from the use of information included herein. Additionally, Silicon Laboratories assumes no responsibility for the functioning of undescribed features or parameters. Silicon Laboratories reserves the right to make changes without further notice. Silicon Laboratories makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does Silicon Laboratories assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation consequential or incidental damages. Silicon Laboratories products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use in applications intended to support or sustain life, or for any other application in which the failure of the Silicon Laboratories product could create a situation where personal injury or death may occur. Should Buyer purchase or use Silicon Laboratories products for any such unintended or unauthorized application, Buyer shall indemnify and hold Silicon Laboratories harmless against all claims and damages. Silicon Laboratories and Silicon Labs are trademarks of Silicon Laboratories Inc. Other products or brandnames mentioned herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. 124 Rev. 0.98