DIPLEXER FILTER MODULES Cable Modem / Set Top Box Diplexers • Optimized for use in cable modems, cable TV set top boxes, and gateway applications • Designed to meet Data Over Cable Services Interface Specifications (DOCSIS & EuroDOCSIS 2.0) • Excellent insertion loss and return loss characteristics • Pre-tuned shielded modules with integral coaxial F connector • Metal housing minimizes EMI for superior performance • Many F connector variants available (round, single-D, double-D) Part Number Region of Application Passband Low MHz Passband High MHz F Connector 0806-5400-01-F North America 5 - 44 54 - 860 Yes 0806-5400-02-F Europe, China 5 - 67 88 - 860 Yes 0806-5400-03-F North America 5 - 44 54 - 860 Yes Yes 0806-5400-04-F Europe, China 5 - 67 88 - 860 Yes Yes 0806-5400-11-F Japan 5 - 57 70 - 860 Yes Yes 0806-5400-18-F North America 5 - 42 54 - 860 Yes Yes 0806-5400-20-F North America 5 - 42 54 - 860 Yes Yes 0806-5400-24-F Europe, China 5 - 67 88 - 860 Yes 0806-5400-25-F North America 5 - 44 54 - 860 Yes 0806-5400-26-F Europe, China 5 - 67 88 - 860 Yes Yes 0806-5400-34 Europe, China 5 - 67 88 - 860 Yes Yes Yes 0806-5400-35 North America 5 - 42 88 - 860 Yes Yes Yes 0806-5400-39 Japan 5 - 57 71 - 860 Yes Yes Yes 1. Surge protection per IEC 61000-4-5 Class 4 2. UL60950-1 compliant Surge Protection1 UL Compliance2 For detailed specs and design assistance email techhelp@belfuse.com ©2009 Bel Fuse Inc. Bel Fuse Inc. 206 Van Vorst Street, Jersey City, NJ 07302 • Tel 201-432-0463 • Fax 201-432-9542 • www.belfuse.com Specifications subject to change without notice. 07.09