AVR32765: AVR32 DSPLib Reference Manual 1 Introduction The AVR®32 DSP Library is a compilation of digital signal processing functions. All function availables in the DSP Library, from the AVR32 Software Framework. All the source code (C code and assembly optimized), software example and GCC and IARTM projects are released in the AVR32 UC3 Software Framework. 32-bit Microcontrollers The Atmel AVR32 DSPLib is a library which provides a useful set of digital signal processing functions. All the source code is available and fully compatible with GCC and IAR. This library provides optimized functions for the AT32UC family but also target-independent functions. This document is a listing of the functions currently implemented in the DSP Library and available in the AVR32 Software Framework. Application Note 2 Reference • AT32UC3 Series Software Framework: http://www.atmel.com/dyn/products/tools_card.asp?tool_id=4192 • AVR32718 : AT32UC3 Series Software Framework DSPLib: http://www.atmel.com/dyn/resources/prod_documents/doc32076.pdf Rev. 32120A-AVR32-04/09 3 Overview 3.1 What can I find in this document? Following are the main sections available in this document. • • • • • Basic APIs: Filtering, Operators, Signal generation, Transforms, Vectors and Windowing. Advanced APIs: Advanced. Data: Types, Macros and Constants. Configuration options: Optimization options, Q Format and Constant tables. A list of all functions available in the DSPLib (DSPLib functions' list). 3.2 Architecture The DSPLib is divided in 2 parts: • • The basic library: containing the basic functions which are sorted in subgroups: filters, windows, vector management functions, operators, transforms and signal generation functions. The advanced library: built on the first one and which contains more complex functions such as ADCPM encoder/decoder. Here is the directory architecture of the DSPLib (See /SERVICES/DSPLIB in the AVR32 Software Framework): • • • • • • Directory Architecture of the DSPLib • The AT32UC directory includes all the source code of the optimized functions available for the AT32UC targets and provided by the DSPLib (mainly assembly coded). The DOC directory includes the main documentations of the whole library. The EXAMPLES directory regroups a lot of examples showing a way to use the functions provided by both advanced and basic libraries. The GENERIC directory regroups all the target-independant source code of the DSPLib. The INCLUDE directory includes all the common include files for the optimized functions and the generic functions. The UTILS directory regroups useful tools and scripts for the DSP library. The readme.html file is the entry point of the HTML documentation of the library. It gives accesses to doxygen documentations and mainy others useful data about functions, utilities, scripts, etc. 3.3 Fixed Point Format All DSP types in the DSPLib include the notion of 16-bit and 32-bit fixed-point formats. It is important to understand this format in order to fastest and/or debug an application. See Q Format for more details on this format. 2 AVR32765 32120A-AVR32-04/09 AVR32765 3.4 Naming Convention Each function in the basic library of the DSPLib follows this naming convention rule: dspX_Y_Z(...) Where: • • • X is the type used (16 or 32) Y is category of the library (op, vect, trans, ...) Z is the short name of the function (cos, mul, ...) Example : dsp16_vect_mul is a function part of the DSP library. It works with 16-bit values and is used to multiply vectors. 3.5 Compilation Options The DSPLIB is made to fit the best the user needs. Therefore, many configuration constants can be set at the compilation of the library. Here is the list : • • • • • • DSP_OPTIMIZATION : used to optimize the algorithmic of the functions. This optimization can be for speed, size, accuracy or size and accuracy. It can be set in addition to the one provided by the compiler. FORCE_ALL_GENERICS : to use only the generic (target-independant) functions when you compile the library. FORCE_GENERIC_DSP16_Z : to use the 16-bit generic version of a function. The specified function is defined by replacing the Z letter with the short name of the function. See Naming Convention for more details on the short name of a function. FORCE_GENERIC_DSP32_Z : to use the 32-bit generic version of a function. The specified function is defined by replacing the Z letter with the short name of the function. See Naming Convention for more details on the short name of a function. DSP16_FORMAT: to specify the precision of the 16-bit Q format number used. (ie: to use Q3.13 numbers, define DSP16_FORMAT with the value 13). DSP32_FORMAT: to specify the precision of the 32-bit Q format number used. (ie: to use Q10.22 numbers, define DSP32_FORMAT with the value 22). All of these defines can be passed to the preprocessor at the compilation. Example: use -D DSP16_FORMAT=12 in command line with GCC to use formatted Q4.12 numbers. 3 32120A-AVR32-04/09 3.6 Deliveries Here are the possibilities to use the DSP Library: • The standalone library contained in the AVR32765.zip file. • The source code of the inside the Software Framework. • The AVR32 Studio Software Framework plug-in. 3.6.1 Library form The AVR32765.zip contains the compiled library with the correct header file to integrate this one inside a custom application. 3.6.2 Source Code The complete source code is available inside the zip package of the AVR32 Software Framework available to download here: http://www.atmel.com/dyn/products/tools_card.asp?tool_id=4192 3.6.3 AVR32 Studio Software Framework plug-in. The DSPLib library can be easily incorporated inside a custom application through the AVR32 Studio Software Framework plug-in. 4 AVR32765 32120A-AVR32-04/09 AVR32765 4 AVR32 – Fixed point DSP Library Modules Here is a list of all modules: • • Basic o Filtering o Operators o Signal generation o Transforms o Vectors o Windowing Advanced o IMA/DVI ADPCM o Signal re-sampling 5 32120A-AVR32-04/09 4.1 Filtering [Basic] All the filtering functions currently supported by the DSP library. • • • • • • • Finite Impulse Response Filter Infinite Impulse Response Filter Partial Infinite Impulse Response Filter Least Mean Square Filter Normalized Least Mean Square Filter Interpolation filter Lowpass FIR design 4.1.1 Standard Description Finite Impulse Response Filter This function computes a real FIR filter using the impulse response of the desire filter onto a fixed-length signal. It returns a signal of a length equals to (size - h_size + 1) elements. Here is the formula of the FIR filter: Note: The impulse response of the filter has to be scaled to avoid overflowing values. All the vectors have to be 32-bit aligned. Relative functions: • • dsp16_filt_fir dsp32_filt_fir Infinite Impulse Response Filter This function computes a real IIR filter using the coefficients of the desire filter onto a fixed-length signal. It returns a signal of a length equals to size elements. Here is the formula of the IIR filter: Note: The data have to be scaled to avoid overflowing values. All the vectors have to be 32-bit aligned. Relative functions: • • 6 dsp16_filt_iir dsp32_filt_iir AVR32765 32120A-AVR32-04/09 AVR32765 Partial Infinite Impulse Response Filter This function computes a real IIR filter using the coefficients of the desire filter onto a fixed-length signal. It returns a signal of a length equals to (size - num_size + 1) elements. Here is the formula of the IIR filter: Note: The data have to be scaled to avoid overflowing values. All the vectors have to be 32-bit aligned. Relative functions: • • dsp16_filt_iirpart dsp32_filt_iirpart 7 32120A-AVR32-04/09 Least Mean Square Filter This function computes an adaptive LMS filter. It returns a (size)-length signal. Here is the formula of the LMS filter: Note: The data have to be scaled to avoid overflowing values. All the vectors have to be 32-bit aligned. You can change the value of the mu coefficient of the LMS filter by defying DSP_LMS_MU, at the compilation, with the desired value. This value defines mu as follow: Relative functions: • • 8 dsp16_filt_lms dsp32_filt_lms AVR32765 32120A-AVR32-04/09 AVR32765 Normalized Least Mean Square Filter This function computes an adaptive NLMS filter. It returns a (size)-length signal. Here is the formula of the NLMS filter: Note: The data have to be scaled to avoid overflowing values. All the vectors have to be 32-bit aligned. You can change the value of the mu coefficient of the NLMS filter by defying DSP_NLMS_MU, at the compilation, with the desired value. This value defines mu as follow: Relative functions: • • dsp16_filt_nlms dsp32_filt_nlms 9 32120A-AVR32-04/09 Interpolation filter This function performs an interpolation over the input signal. It returns a (vect2_size * interpolation_ratio)-length signal. Here is the principle of the interpolation: Note: The data have to be scaled to avoid overflowing values. All the vectors have to be 32-bit aligned. Relative functions: • • dsp16_filt_interpolation_coefsort dsp16_filt_interpolation Lowpass FIR design This function uses a simple algorithm to calculate lowpass FIR filter's coefficients. Note: It does not take care of overflowing values. Relative functions: • 10 dsp16_filt_lpfirdesign AVR32765 32120A-AVR32-04/09 AVR32765 4.1.2 C Description Finite Impulse Response Filter Description: 16-bit fixed point version of the FIR Module: FILTERING Prototype: void dsp16_filt_fir ( dsp16_t *vect1, dsp16_t *vect2, int size, dsp16_t *h, dsp16_t h_size ); Arguments: vect1 : A pointer to a 16-bit fixed-point vector of (size – h_size + 1) elements corresponding to the output vector. vect2 : A pointer to a 16-bit fixed-point vector of size elements corresponding to the input vector. size: The length of the input vector (must be greater or equals to 4). h : A pointer to a 16-bit fixed-point vector of h_size elements corresponding to the vector containing the impulse response coefficients. h_size : The length of the impulse response of the filter (must be greater than 7). Return Value: NONE Notes: Due to its implementation, for the avr32-uc3 optimized version of the FIR,the output vector (vect1) have to have a length of 4*n elements to avoid overflows. You need the "Partial Convolution" module 11 32120A-AVR32-04/09 Description: 32-bit fixed point version of the FIR Module: FILTERING Prototype: void dsp32_filt_fir ( dsp32_t *vect1, dsp32_t *vect2, int size, dsp32_t *h, dsp32_t h_size ); Arguments: vect1 : A pointer to a 32-bit fixed-point vector of (size – h_size + 1) elements corresponding to the output vector. vect2 : A pointer to a 32-bit fixed-point vector of size elements corresponding to the input vector. size: The length of the input vector (must be greater or equals to 4). h : A pointer to a 32-bit fixed-point vector of h_size elements corresponding to the vector containing the impulse response coefficients. h_size : The length of the impulse response of the filter (must be greater than 7). Return Value: NONE Remarks: Due to its implementation, for the avr32-uc3 optimized version of the FIR,the output vector (vect1) have to have a length of 4*n elements to avoid overflows. You need the "Partial Convolution" module 12 AVR32765 32120A-AVR32-04/09 AVR32765 dsp32_filt_fir (See fir_example.c and fir_example.sce) Example: Using Scilab, compute of FIR low pass filter coefficients and filter signal: fir_coef = [-0.01559148806 -0.00894210585 … -0.00894210585 -0.01559148806] y = [-0.18257484962 -0.09404368788 … 0.00000000000 -0.03599992189] C source code using the DSPLib with the pre-calculated coefficients: A_ALIGNED dsp32_t fir_coef[FIR_COEF_SIZE] = { DSP32_Q(-0.01559148806), DSP32_Q(-0.00894210585), … DSP32_Q(-0.00894210585), DSP32_Q(-0.01559148806) } dsp32_filt_fir(x, y, SIZE, fir_coef, FIR_COEF_SIZE); y = [- 0.1825 - 0.0940 … 0 - 0.0359 ] 13 32120A-AVR32-04/09 Infinite Impulse Response Filter Description: 16-bit fixed point version of the IIR Module: FILTERING Prototype: void dsp16_filt_iir ( dsp16_t *y, dsp16_t *x, int size, dsp16_t *num, int num_size, dsp16_t *den, int den_size, int num_prediv, int den_prediv ); Arguments: y : A pointer to a 16-bit fixed-point vector of size elements corresponding to the output vector. x : A pointer to a 16-bit fixed-point vector of size elements corresponding to the input vector. size : The length of the input vector. num : A pointer to a 16-bit fixed-point vector of num_size elements corresponding to the vector containing the numerator's coefficients of the filter. num_size : The length of the numerator's coefficients of the filter (must be a multiple of 2). den : A pointer to a 16-bit fixed-point vector of den_size elements corresponding to the vector containing the denominator's coefficients of the filter. den_size : The length of the denominator's coefficients of the filter (must be a multiple of 2). num_prediv : The predivisor used to scale down the numerator's coefficients of the filter in order to avoid overflow values. den_prediv : The predivisor used to scale down the denominator's coefficients of the filter in order to avoid overflow values. Return Value: NONE Remarks: Due to its implementation, for the avr32-uc3 optimized version of the IIR, the output vector (vect1) have to have a length of 6*n elements to avoid overflows. . 14 AVR32765 32120A-AVR32-04/09 AVR32765 dsp16_filt_iir (See iir_example.c and iir_example.sce) Example: Using Scilab, compute of butterworth coefficients and filter signal: num = [0.6537018 -3.2685088 … 3.2685088 -0.6537018] den = [1 -4.1534907 … 2.498365 -0.427326] y = [ … 0.0286757788249646 0.0456197560223300 0.0505215086706680 0.0420876554669111 0.0226018579517016] C source code using the DSPLib with the pre-calculated coefficients: A_ALIGNED dsp16_t num[NUM_SIZE] = { DSP16_Q(0.6537018/ (1 << NUM_PREDIV)), DSP16_Q(-3.2685088/ (1 << NUM_PREDIV)), ... } A_ALIGNED dsp16_t den[DEN_SIZE] = { DSP16_Q(-4.1534907/ (1 << DEN_PREDIV)), DSP16_Q(6.9612765 / (1 << DEN_PREDIV)), ... }; dsp16_filt_iir(&y[DEN_SIZE], &x[NUM_SIZE-1], SIZE, num, NUM_SIZE, den, DEN_SIZE, NUM_PREDIV, DEN_PREDIV); y = [… 0.00639704989 0.02903778954 0.04445382457 0.04819074617 0.03898097309 0.01909797642]; 15 32120A-AVR32-04/09 Description: 32-bit fixed point version of the IIR Module: FILTERING Prototype: void dsp32_filt_iir ( dsp32_t *y, dsp32_t *x, int size, dsp32_t *num, int num_size, dsp32_t *den, int den_size, int num_prediv, int den_prediv ); Arguments: y : A pointer to a 32-bit fixed-point vector of size elements corresponding to the output vector. x : A pointer to a 32-bit fixed-point vector of size elements corresponding to the input vector. size : The length of the input vector. num : A pointer to a 32-bit fixed-point vector of num_size elements corresponding to the vector containing the numerator's coefficients of the filter. num_size : The length of the numerator's coefficients of the filter (must be a multiple of 2). den : A pointer to a 32-bit fixed-point vector of den_size elements corresponding to the vector containing the denominator's coefficients of the filter. den_size : The length of the denominator's coefficients of the filter (must be a multiple of 2). num_prediv : The pre-divisor used to scale down the numerator's coefficients of the filter in order to avoid overflow values. den_prediv : The pre-divisor used to scale down the denominator's coefficients of the filter in order to avoid overflow values. Return Value: NONE Remarks: Due to its implementation, for the avr32-uc3 optimized version of the IIR, the output vector (vect1) have to have a length of 6*n elements to avoid overflows. 16 AVR32765 32120A-AVR32-04/09 AVR32765 Partial Infinite Impulse Response Filter Description: 16-bit fixed point version of the IIR Module: FILTERING Prototype: void dsp16_filt_iir_part ( dsp16_t *vect1, dsp16_t *vect2, int size, dsp16_t *num, int num_size, dsp16_t *den, int den_size, int num_prediv, int den_prediv ); Arguments: vect1 : A pointer to a 16-bit fixed-point vector of (size num_size + 1) elements corresponding to the output vector.. vect2 A pointer to a 16-bit fixed-point vector of size elements corresponding to the input vector. size The length of the input vector. num A pointer to a 16-bit fixed-point vector of num_size elements corresponding to the vector containing the numerator's coefficients of the filter. num_size The length of the numerator's coefficients of the filter. den A pointer to a 16-bit fixed-point vector of den_size elements corresponding to the vector containing the denominator's coefficients of the filter. den_size The length of the denominator's coefficients of the filter. num_prediv The pre-divisor used to scale down the numerator's coefficients of the filter in order to avoid overflow values. den_prediv The pre-divisor used to scale down the denominator's coefficients of the filter in order to avoid overflow values. Return Value: NONE Remarks: Due to its implementation, for the avr32-uc3 optimized version of the IIR, the output vector (vect1) have to have a length of 6*n elements to avoid overflows. 17 32120A-AVR32-04/09 Description: 32-bit fixed point version of the IIR Module: FILTERING Prototype: void dsp32_filt_iir_part ( dsp32_t *vect1, dsp32_t *vect2, int size, dsp32_t *num, int num_size, dsp32_t *den, int den_size, int num_prediv, int den_prediv ); Arguments: vect1 : A pointer to a 32-bit fixed-point vector of (size num_size + 1) elements corresponding to the output vector.. vect2 A pointer to a 32-bit fixed-point vector of size elements corresponding to the input vector. size The length of the input vector. num A pointer to a 32-bit fixed-point vector of num_size elements corresponding to the vector containing the numerator's coefficients of the filter. num_size The length of the numerator's coefficients of the filter. den A pointer to a 32-bit fixed-point vector of den_size elements corresponding to the vector containing the denominator's coefficients of the filter. den_size The length of the denominator's coefficients of the filter. num_prediv The pre-divisor used to scale down the numerator's coefficients of the filter in order to avoid overflow values. den_prediv The pre-divisor used to scale down the denominator's coefficients of the filter in order to avoid overflow values. Return Value: NONE Remarks: Due to its implementation, for the avr32-uc3 optimized version of the IIR, the output vector (vect1) have to have a length of 6*n elements to avoid overflows. 18 AVR32765 32120A-AVR32-04/09 AVR32765 dsp32_filt_iir_part (See iirpart_example.c and iirpart_example.sce files) Example: Using Scilab, compute of butterworth coefficients and filter signal: num = [0.0000274 0.0004939 … 0.0004939 0.0000274 ] den = [0.0000000000000001427 2.4446755 … -0.0000000000000000000 0.000000001506] y = [ … -0.00998044237 -0.00929886725 -0.00770704662] C source code using the DSPLib with the pre-calculated coefficients: A_ALIGNED dsp32_t num[NUM_SIZE] = { DSP16_Q(0.0000274/ (1 << PREDIV)), DSP16_Q(0.0004939/ (1 << PREDIV)), ... } A_ALIGNED dsp32_t den[DEN_SIZE] = { }; dsp32_filt_iir_part(&y[DEN_SIZE], &x[NUM_SIZE-1], SIZE, num, NUM_SIZE, den, DEN_SIZE, NUM_PREDIV, DEN_PREDIV); y = [… -0.00998368071, -0.00929394507, -0.00770432784]; 19 32120A-AVR32-04/09 Least Mean Square Filter Description: 16-bit fixed point version of the LMS filter Module: FILTERING Prototype: void dsp16_filt_lms ( dsp16_t *x, dsp16_t *w, int size, dsp16_t new_x, dsp16_t d, dsp16_t *y, dsp16_t *e ); Arguments: x A pointer to a 16-bit fixed-point vector of (size) elements that acts as a circular vector, filled with the input samples. The elements have to be initialized to zero and then you just need to insert this vector each time you call this functions whithout filling any of its values. w A pointer to a 16-bit fixed-point vector of size elements corresponding to the coefficients of the filter. Just initialize The elements to zero and after several iterations, this vector will be filled with the actual coefficients of the filter. size The length of the circular vector (x) and of the coefficient's vector (w). It must be a multiple of 4. new_x A 16-bit fixed-point value which contains a new input sample signal. d A 16-bit fixed-point value which contains the current sample of the reference's signal. y A pointer to a 16-bit fixed-point value corresponding to the current sample of the output signal. e A pointer to a 16-bit fixed-point value corresponding to the current sample of the output error signal. Return Value: NONE Remarks: NONE 20 AVR32765 32120A-AVR32-04/09 AVR32765 Description: 32-bit fixed point version of the LMS filter Module: FILTERING Prototype: void dsp32_filt_lms ( dsp32_t *x, dsp32_t *w, int size, dsp32_t new_x, dsp32_t d, dsp32_t *y, dsp32_t *e ); Arguments: x A pointer to a 32-bit fixed-point vector of (size) elements that acts as a circular vector, filled with the input samples. The elements have to be initialized to zero and then you just need to insert this vector each time you call this functions without filling any of its values. w A pointer to a 16-bit fixed-point vector of size elements corresponding to the coefficients of the filter. Just initialize The elements to zero and after several iterations, this vector will be filled with the actual coefficients of the filter. size The length of the circular vector (x) and of the coefficient's vector (w). It must be a multiple of 4. new_x A 32-bit fixed-point value which contains a new input sample signal. d A 16-bit fixed-point value which contains the current sample of the reference's signal. y A pointer to a 16-bit fixed-point value corresponding to the current sample of the output signal. e A pointer to a 16-bit fixed-point value corresponding to the current sample of the output error signal. Return Value: NONE Remarks: 21 32120A-AVR32-04/09 dsp16_filt_lms (See lms_example.c and lms_example.m files) Example: Using Matlab, Generate a x input signal made of a combination of 2 sinus. Filter this signal with an unknown process. The resulting signal is called d. Compute a LMS filter and check the output coefficients converge with the unknown process. The unknown process model is fir_coef = [ 0.0132, 0.0254), 0.0579), 0.1006), 0.1398), 0.1632), 0.1632), 0.1398), 0.1006), 0.0579), 0.0254), 0.0132) ] C source code using the DSPLib with the pre-calculated x and d signals. w 22 = [ 0.024536, 0.050109, 0.076080, 0.099517, 0.117767, 0.128936, 0.131835, 0.126739, 0.114013, 0.095642, 0.073516, 0.049316]; AVR32765 32120A-AVR32-04/09 AVR32765 Normalized Least Mean Square Filter Description: 16-bit fixed point version of the Normalized LMS filter Module: FILTERING Prototype: void dsp16_filt_nlms ( dsp16_t *x, dsp16_t *w, int size, dsp16_t new_x, dsp16_t d, dsp16_t *y, dsp16_t *e ); Arguments: x A pointer to a 16-bit fixed-point vector of (size) elements that acts as a circular vector, filled with the input samples. The elements have to be initialized to zero and then you just need to insert this vector each time you call this functions without filling any of its values. w A pointer to a 16-bit fixed-point vector of size elements corresponding to the coefficients of the filter. Just initialize The elements to zero and after several iterations, this vector will be filled with the actual coefficients of the filter. size The length of the circular vector (x) and of the coefficient's vector (w). It must be a multiple of 4. new_x A 16-bit fixed-point value which contains a new input sample signal. d A 16-bit fixed-point value which contains the current sample of the reference's signal. y A pointer to a 16-bit fixed-point value corresponding to the current sample of the output signal. e A pointer to a 16-bit fixed-point value corresponding to the current sample of the output error signal. Return Value: NONE Remarks: 23 32120A-AVR32-04/09 Description: 32-bit fixed point version of the Normalized LMS filter Module: FILTERING Prototype: void dsp32_filt_nlms ( dsp32_t *x, dsp32_t *w, int size, dsp32_t new_x, dsp32_t d, dsp32_t *y, dsp32_t *e ); Arguments: x A pointer to a 32-bit fixed-point vector of (size) elements that acts as a circular vector, filled with the input samples. The elements have to be initialized to zero and then you just need to insert this vector each time you call this functions without filling any of its values. w A pointer to a 16-bit fixed-point vector of size elements corresponding to the coefficients of the filter. Just initialize The elements to zero and after several iterations, this vector will be filled with the actual coefficients of the filter. size The length of the circular vector (x) and of the coefficient's vector (w). It must be a multiple of 4. new_x A 32-bit fixed-point value which contains a new input sample signal. d A 16-bit fixed-point value which contains the current sample of the reference's signal. y A pointer to a 16-bit fixed-point value corresponding to the current sample of the output signal. e A pointer to a 16-bit fixed-point value corresponding to the current sample of the output error signal. Return Value: NONE Remarks: 24 AVR32765 32120A-AVR32-04/09 AVR32765 dsp32_filt_nlms (See nlms_example.c and nlms_example.m files) Example: Using Matlab, Generate a x input signal made of a combination of 2 sinus. Filter this signal with an unknown process. The resulting signal is called d. Compute a LMS filter and check the output coefficients converge with the unknown process. The unknown process model is fir_coef = [ 0.0132, 0.0254), 0.0579), 0.1006), 0.1398), 0.1632), 0.1632), 0.1398), 0.1006), 0.0579), 0.0254), 0.0132) ] C source code using the DSPLib with the pre-calculated x and d signals. w = [0.08656555586, 0.11905200410, 0.17031530270, 0.20344278152, 0.22639864860, 0.22585131265, 0.20688786015, 0.16399965505, 0.10478496320, 0.02905859762, -0.05285281242, -0.13855776903] 25 32120A-AVR32-04/09 Interpolation filter Description: This function resort the coefficients of a FIR filter to be used with the function dsp16_filt_interpolation Module: FILTERING Prototype: void dsp16_filt_interpolation ( dsp16_t *vect1, dsp16_t *vect2, int vect2_size, dsp16_t *h, int h_size, int interpolation_ratio ); Arguments: vect1 A pointer to a 16-bit fixed-point vector where to store the result. It must be of a size (in sample) equals to the size of the input vector multiplied by the interpolation factor. vect2 A pointer to a 16-bit fixed-point vector containing the input samples. vect2_size The size of the input vector. h A pointer to a 16-bit fixed-point vector which contains the coefficients of the filter. These coefficients must be reorder with the function dsp16_filt_interpolation_coefsort before being used. h_size The size of this vector. interpolation_ratio The interpolation factor desired for this interpolation. Return Value: NONE Remarks: NONE 26 AVR32765 32120A-AVR32-04/09 AVR32765 Description: This function interpolates a vector. Module: FILTERING Prototype: void dsp16_filt_interpolation ( dsp16_t *vect1, dsp16_t *vect2, int vect2_size, dsp16_t *h, int h_size, int interpolation_ratio ); Arguments: vect1 A pointer to a 16-bit fixed-point vector where to store the result. It must be of a size (in sample) equals to the size of the input vector multiplied by the interpolation factor. vect2 A pointer to a 16-bit fixed-point vector containing the input samples. vect2_size The size of the input vector. h A pointer to a 16-bit fixed-point vector which contains the coefficients of the filter. These coefficients must be reorder with the function dsp16_filt_interpolation_coefsort before being used. h_size The size of this vector. interpolation_ratio The interpolation factor desired for this interpolation. Return Value: NONE Remarks: NONE 27 32120A-AVR32-04/09 Lowpass FIR design Description: 16-bit fixed point version of the low-pass FIR filter design. Module: FILTERING Prototype: void dsp16_filt_lpfirdesign ( dsp16_t *c, int fc, int fs, int order, dsp16_win_fct_t dsp16_win_fct, dsp_filt_design_options_t options ); Arguments: c A pointer to a 16-bit fixed-point vector of "order" size, used to store the coefficients of the filter designed. fc Cutoff frequency of the low-pass filter. fs Sample rate of the signal to filter. order Order of the filter to design. dsp16_win_fct A window to apply to the coefficients. If this parameter is NULL, then no window is applied. options Specific options for the design. Return Value: NONE Remarks: NONE 28 AVR32765 32120A-AVR32-04/09 AVR32765 4.2 Operators [Basic] All the fixed point operators functions currently implemented in the DSP library. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Multiplication Division Sine Cosine Arc sine Arc cosine Absolute Square root Natural logarithm Binary logarithm or base 2 logarithm Common logarithm or base 10 logarithm Exponential Power Random 4.2.1 Standard description Multiplication These functions multiply two fixed-point numbers. Relative functions: • • dsp16_op_mul dsp32_op_mul Division These functions divide two fixed-point numbers. Relative functions: • • dsp16_op_div dsp32_op_div Sine These functions compute the sine of the argument 'angle'. Note: Angle is scaled to fit in the range [-1; 1], where -1 corresponds to -pi and 1 to pi. Relative functions: • • dsp16_op_sin dsp32_op_sin 29 32120A-AVR32-04/09 Cosine These functions compute the cosine of the argument 'angle'. Angles are scale to fit in the range [-1; 1], where -1 corresponds to -pi and 1 to pi. Relative functions: • • dsp16_op_cos dsp32_op_cos Arc sine These functions compute the arc sine of the argument. Note: The output is scaled to fit in the range [-0.5; 0.5], where -0.5 corresponds to pi/2 and 0.5 to pi/2. Relative functions: • • dsp16_op_asin dsp32_op_asin Arc cosine These functions compute the arc cosine of the argument. Note: The output is scaled to fit in the range [0.; 1.], where 0. corresponds to 0. and 1. to pi. Relative functions: • • dsp16_op_acos dsp32_op_acos Absolute These functions compute the absolute value of the argument. Relative functions: • • dsp16_op_abs dsp32_op_abs Square root These functions compute the square root of the argument. Relative functions: • • 30 dsp16_op_sqrt dsp32_op_sqrt AVR32765 32120A-AVR32-04/09 AVR32765 Natural logarithm These functions compute the natural logarithm of the argument. Relative functions: • • dsp16_op_ln dsp32_op_ln Note: The output will be limit in the range of the fixed point format used. Binary logarithm or base 2 logarithm These functions compute the natural logarithm of the argument. Relative functions: • • dsp16_op_log2 dsp32_op_log2 Note: The output will be limit in the range of the fixed point format used. Common logarithm or base 10 logarithm These functions compute the common logarithm of the argument. Note: The output will be limit in the range of the fixed point format used. Relative functions: • • dsp16_op_log10 dsp32_op_log10 Exponential These functions compute the exponential of the argument. Note: The output will be limit in the range of the fixed point format used. Relative functions: • • dsp16_op_exp dsp32_op_exp Power These functions compute x^y. Note: The output will be limit in the range of the fixed point format used. Relative functions: • • dsp16_op_pow dsp32_op_pow 31 32120A-AVR32-04/09 Random These functions generate a pseudo-randomized number Relative functions: • • • 32 dsp_op_srand dsp16_op_rand dsp32_op_rand AVR32765 32120A-AVR32-04/09 AVR32765 4.2.2 C description Multiplication Description: 16-bit fixed point version of the multiplication function. Module: OPERATORS Prototype: inline static dsp16_t dsp16_op_mul ( dsp16_t num1, dsp16_t num2 ) Arguments: num1 The first argument of the multiplication. num2 The second argument of the multiplication. Return Value: The result of the multiplication. Remarks: NONE Description: 32-bit fixed point version of the multiplication function. Module: OPERATORS Prototype: inline static dsp32_t dsp32_op_mul ( dsp32_t num1, dsp32_t num2 ) Arguments: num1 The first argument of the multiplication. num2 The second argument of the multiplication. Return Value: The result of the multiplication. Remarks: NONE 33 32120A-AVR32-04/09 Division Description: 16-bit fixed point version of the division function. Module: OPERATORS Prototype: inline static dsp16_t dsp16_op_div ( dsp16_t num1, dsp16_t num2 ) Arguments: num1 The first argument of the division. num2 The second argument of the division. Return Value: The result of the division. Remarks: NONE Description: 32-bit fixed point version of the division function. Module: OPERATORS Prototype: inline static dsp32_t dsp32_op_div ( dsp32_t num1, dsp32_t num2 ) Arguments: num1 The first argument of the division. num2 The second argument of the division. Return Value: The result of the division. Remarks: NONE 34 AVR32765 32120A-AVR32-04/09 AVR32765 Sine Description: 16-bit fixed point version of the sine function. Module: OPERATORS Prototype: inline static dsp16_t dsp16_op_sin ( dsp16_t angle ) Arguments: angle The angle to compute Return Value: The sine of 'angle' is returned. Remarks: If you are using a number greater than 1 (or lower than -1) for the angle, the function will take the modulo 1 of this angle. Description: 32-bit fixed point version of the sine function. Module: OPERATORS Prototype: inline static dsp32_t dsp32_op_sin ( dsp32_t angle ) Arguments: angle The angle to compute Return Value: The sine of 'angle' is returned. Remarks: If you are using a number greater than 1 (or lower than -1) for the angle, the function will take the modulo 1 of this angle. 35 32120A-AVR32-04/09 Cosine Description: 16-bit fixed point version of the cosine function. Module OPERATORS Prototype: inline static dsp16_t dsp16_op_cos ( dsp16_t angle ) Arguments: angle The angle to compute Return Value: The cosine of 'angle' is returned. Remarks: If you are using a number greater than 1 (or lower than -1) for the angle, the function will take the modulo 1 of this angle. Description: 32-bit fixed point version of the cosine function. Module OPERATORS Prototype: inline static dsp32_t dsp32_op_sin ( dsp32_t angle ) Arguments: angle The angle to compute Return Value: The cosine of 'angle' is returned. Remarks: If you are using a number greater than 1 (or lower than -1) for the angle, the function will take the modulo 1 of this angle. 36 AVR32765 32120A-AVR32-04/09 AVR32765 Arc sine Description: 16-bit fixed point version of the arc sine function. Module: OPERATORS Prototype: inline static dsp16_t dsp16_op_asin ( dsp16_t number ) Arguments: number The input argument Return Value: The arc sine of 'number' is returned. Remarks: If you are using a number greater than 1 (or lower than -1) for the 'number’, the function will limit the output to the range [-0.5; 0.5]. Description: 32-bit fixed point version of the arc sine function. Module: OPERATORS Prototype: inline static dsp32_t dsp32_op_asin ( dsp32_t number ) Arguments: number The input argument Return Value: The arc sine of 'number' is returned. Remarks: If you are using a number greater than 1 (or lower than -1) for the 'number’, the function will limit the output to the range [-0.5; 0.5]. 37 32120A-AVR32-04/09 Arc cosine Description: 16-bit fixed point version of the arc cosine function. Module: OPERATORS Prototype: inline static dsp16_t dsp16_op_acos ( dsp16_t number ); Arguments: number The input argument Return Value: The arc cosine of 'number' is returned. Remarks: If you are using a number greater than 1 (or lower than -1) for the 'number', the function will limit the output to the range [0.; 1.]. Description: 32-bit fixed point version of the arc cosine function. Module: OPERATORS Prototype: inline static dsp32_t dsp32_op_acos ( dsp16_t number ); Arguments: number The input argument Return Value: The arc cosine of 'number' is returned. Remarks: If you are using a number greater than 1 (or lower than -1) for the 'number', the function will limit the output to the range [0.; 1.]. 38 AVR32765 32120A-AVR32-04/09 AVR32765 Absolute Description: 16-bit fixed point version of the absolute function. Module: OPERATORS Prototype: inline static dsp16_t dsp16_op_abs ( dsp16_t number ); Arguments: number The input argument Return Value: The absolute value of the number. Remarks: NONE Description: 32-bit fixed point version of the absolute function. Module: OPERATORS Prototype: inline static dsp32_t dsp32_op_abs ( dsp32_t number ); Arguments: number The input argument Return Value: The absolute value of the number. Remarks: NONE 39 32120A-AVR32-04/09 Square root Description: 16-bit fixed point version of the square root function. Module: OPERATORS Prototype: dsp16_t dsp16_op_sqrt ( dsp16_t number ); Arguments: number The input argument Return Value: The square root of 'number' is returned. Remarks: If you are using a number lower than 0 for the number, the function will return 0. Description: 32-bit fixed point version of the square root function. Module: OPERATORS Prototype: dsp32_t dsp32_op_sqrt ( dsp32_t number ); Arguments: number The input argument Return Value: The square root of 'number' is returned. Remarks: If you are using a number lower than 0 for the number, the function will return 0. 40 AVR32765 32120A-AVR32-04/09 AVR32765 Natural logarithm Description: 16-bit fixed point version of the natural logarithm function. Module: OPERATORS Prototype: dsp16_t dsp16_op_ln ( dsp16_t number ); Arguments: number The input argument Return Value: The natural logarithm of 'number' is returned. Remarks: If you are using a number lower than 0 for the number, the function will return DSP_Q_MIN(DSP16_QA, DSP16_QB). Description: 32-bit fixed point version of the natural logarithm function. Module: OPERATORS Prototype: dsp32_t dsp32_op_ln ( Dsp32_t number ); Arguments: number The input argument Return Value: The natural logarithm of 'number' is returned. Remarks: If you are using a number lower than 0 for the number, the function will return DSP_Q_MIN(DSP32_QA, DSP32_QB). 41 32120A-AVR32-04/09 Binary logarithm or base 2 logarithm Description: 16-bit fixed point version of the binary logarithm function. Module: OPERATORS Prototype: dsp16_t dsp16_op_log2 ( dsp16_t number ); Arguments: number The input argument Return Value: The binary logarithm of 'number' is returned. Remarks: If you are using a number lower than 0 for the number, the function will return DSP_Q_MIN(DSP16_QA, DSP16_QB). Description: 32-bit fixed point version of the binary logarithm function. Module: OPERATORS Prototype: dsp32_t dsp32_op_log2 ( dsp32_t number ); Arguments: number The input argument Return Value: The binary logarithm of 'number' is returned. Remarks: If you are using a number lower than 0 for the number, the function will return DSP_Q_MIN(DSP32_QA, DSP32_QB). 42 AVR32765 32120A-AVR32-04/09 AVR32765 Common logarithm or base 10 logarithm Description: 16-bit fixed point version of the common logarithm function. Module: OPERATORS Prototype: dsp16_t dsp16_op_log10 ( dsp16_t number ); Arguments: number The input argument Return Value: The common logarithm of 'number' is returned. Remarks: If you are using a number lower than 0 for the number, the function will return DSP_Q_MIN(DSP16_QA, DSP16_QB). Description: 32-bit fixed point version of the common logarithm function. Module: OPERATORS Prototype: dsp32_t dsp32_op_log10 ( dsp32_t number ); Arguments: number The input argument Return Value: The common logarithm of 'number' is returned. Remarks: If you are using a number lower than 0 for the number, the function will return DSP_Q_MIN(DSP32_QA, DSP32_QB). 43 32120A-AVR32-04/09 Exponential Description: 16-bit fixed point version of the exponential function. Module: OPERATORS Prototype: dsp16_t dsp16_op_exp ( dsp16_t number ); Arguments: number The input argument Return Value: The exponential of 'number' is returned. Remarks: NONE Description: 32-bit fixed point version of the exponential function. Module: OPERATORS Prototype: dsp32_t dsp32_op_exp ( dsp32_t number ); Arguments: number The input argument Return Value: The exponential of 'number' is returned. Remarks: NONE 44 AVR32765 32120A-AVR32-04/09 AVR32765 Power Description: 16-bit fixed point version of the power function. Module: PROTOTYPE Prototype: dsp16_t dsp16_op_pow ( dsp16_t x, dsp16_t y ); Arguments: x The number from which the power has to be applied. y The power. Return Value: The x power y is returned. Remarks: if the argument x is negative: this would result in a complex number. Description: 32-bit fixed point version of the power function. Module: PROTOTYPE Prototype: dsp32_t dsp32_op_pow ( dsp32_t x, dsp32_t y ); Arguments: x The number from which the power has to be applied. y The power. Return Value: The x power y is returned. Remarks: if the argument x is negative: this would result in a complex number. 45 32120A-AVR32-04/09 Random Description: 16-bit fixed point version of the random operator. Module: OPERATORS Prototype: dsp16_t dsp16_op_rand(); Arguments: NONE Return Value: The random value Remarks: The number generated can be any 16-bit value in the range [1; 1[. Description: 32-bit fixed point version of the random operator. Module: OPERATORS Prototype: dsp32_t dsp32_op_rand(); Arguments: NONE Return Value: The random value Remarks: The number generated can be any 32-bit value in the range [1; 1[. 46 AVR32765 32120A-AVR32-04/09 AVR32765 4.3 Signal generation [Basic] All the signal generation functions currently supported by the DSP library. • • Periodic o Cosinusoidal o Sinusoidal o Square o Rectangular o Saw tooth o Dirac comb Non-periodic o Noise o Ramp o Step o Dirac 4.3.1 Standard description Sinusoidal This function generates a sinusoidal signal with a specified frequency, sampling frequency and phase. Note: The amplitude of the signal fits in the range [-1; 1]. The phase is scaled to fit in the range [-1; 1], where -1 corresponds to -pi and 1 to pi. Relative functions: • • dsp16_gen_sin dsp32_gen_sin 47 32120A-AVR32-04/09 Cosinusoidal This function generates a cosinusoidal signal with a specified frequency, sampling frequency and phase. Note: The amplitude of the signal fits in the range [-1; 1]. The phase is scaled to fit in the range [-1; 1], where -1 corresponds to pi and 1 to pi. Relative functions: • • dsp16_gen_cos dsp32_gen_cos Square This function generates a square signal. Note: The amplitude of the signal fits in the range [-1; 1]. Relative functions: • • 48 dsp16_gen_sqr dsp32_gen_sqr AVR32765 32120A-AVR32-04/09 AVR32765 Rectangular This function generates a rectangular signal. Note: The amplitude of the signal fits in the range [-1; 1]. Relative functions: • • dsp16_gen_rect dsp32_gen_rect Saw Tooth This function generates a saw tooth signal. Note: The amplitude of the signal fits in the range [-1; 1]. Relative functions: • • dsp16_gen_saw dsp32_gen_saw 49 32120A-AVR32-04/09 Dirac Comb This function generates a dirac comb signal. Note: The amplitude of the signal fits in the range [0; 1]. Relative functions: • • dsp16_gen_dcomb dsp32_gen_dcomb Noise This function generates a noise with a specified amplitude. Note: The amplitude of the signal fits in the range [-1; 1]. Relative functions: • • 50 dsp16_gen_noise dsp32_gen_noise AVR32765 32120A-AVR32-04/09 AVR32765 Ramp This function generates a ramp. Note: The amplitude of the signal fits in the range [0; 1]. Relative functions: • • dsp16_gen_ramp dsp32_gen_ramp Step This function generates a step. Relative functions: • • dsp16_gen_step dsp32_gen_step 51 32120A-AVR32-04/09 Dirac This function generates a dirac. Note: The amplitude of the signal fits in the range [0; 1]. Relative functions: • • 52 dsp16_gen_dirac dsp32_gen_dirac AVR32765 32120A-AVR32-04/09 AVR32765 4.3.2 C description Sinusoidal Description: 16-bit fixed point version of the sinusoidal signal generation. Module: SIGNAL_GENERATION Prototype: void dsp16_gen_sin ( dsp16_t *vect1, int size, int f, int fs, dsp16_t phase ); Arguments: vect1 A pointer to a 16-bit vector which is the output vector of this function. size The number of elements in the output vector. f The frequency of the output signal. fs The sampling frequency of the output signal. phase The phase of the output signal. Return Value: NONE Remarks: NONE 53 32120A-AVR32-04/09 Description: 32-bit fixed point version of the sinusoidal signal generation. Module: SIGNAL_GENERATION Prototype: void dsp32_gen_sin ( dsp32_t *vect1, int size, int f, int fs, dsp32_t phase ); Arguments: vect1 A pointer to a 32-bit vector which is the output vector of this function. size The number of elements in the output vector. f The frequency of the output signal. fs The sampling frequency of the output signal. phase The phase of the output signal. Return Value: NONE Remarks: NONE 54 AVR32765 32120A-AVR32-04/09 AVR32765 Cosinusoidal Description: 16-bit fixed point version of the co sinusoidal signal generation. Module: SIGNAL_GENERATION Prototype: void dsp16_gen_cos ( dsp16_t *vect1, int size, int f, int fs, dsp16_t phase ); Arguments: vect1 A pointer to a 16-bit vector which is the output vector of this function. size The number of elements in the output vector. f The frequency of the output signal. fs The sampling frequency of the output signal. phase The phase of the output signal. Return Value: NONE. Remarks: NONE. 55 32120A-AVR32-04/09 Description: 32-bit fixed point version of the co sinusoidal signal generation. Module: SIGNAL_GENERATION Prototype: void dsp32_gen_cos ( dsp32_t *vect1, int size, int f, int fs, dsp16_t phase ); Arguments: vect1 A pointer to a 32-bit vector which is the output vector of this function. size The number of elements in the output vector. f The frequency of the output signal. fs The sampling frequency of the output signal. phase The phase of the output signal. Return Value: NONE. Remarks: NONE. 56 AVR32765 32120A-AVR32-04/09 AVR32765 Square Description: 16-bit fixed point version of the square signal generation. Module: SIGNAL_GENERATION Prototype: inline static void dsp16_gen_sqr ( dsp16_t *vect1, int size, int f, int fs, dsp16_t delay ) Arguments: vect1 A pointer to a 16-bit vector which is the output vector of this function. size The number of elements in the output vector. f The frequency of the output signal. fs The sampling frequency of the output signal. delay The delay of the periodic waveform. The delay must fit in the range [0; 1] where 1 to T. Return Value: NONE Remarks: NONE 57 32120A-AVR32-04/09 Description: 32-bit fixed point version of the square signal generation. Module: SIGNAL_GENERATION Prototype: inline static void dsp32_gen_sqr ( dsp32_t *vect1, int size, int f, int fs, dsp32_t delay ) Arguments: vect1 A pointer to a 32-bit vector which is the output vector of this function. size The number of elements in the output vector. f The frequency of the output signal. fs The sampling frequency of the output signal. delay The delay of the periodic waveform. The delay must fit in the range [0; 1] where 1 to T. Return Value: NONE Remarks: NONE 58 AVR32765 32120A-AVR32-04/09 AVR32765 Rectangular Description: 16-bit fixed point version of the rectangular signal generation. Module: SIGNAL_GENERATION Prototype: void dsp16_gen_rect ( dsp16_t *vect1, int size, int f, int fs, dsp16_t duty, dsp16_t delay ); Arguments: vect1 A pointer to a 16-bit vector which is the output vector of this function. size The number of elements in the output vector. f The frequency of the output signal. fs The sampling frequency of the output signal. duty The duty cycle of the output signal. The duty cycle is a number in the range ]0; 1] which is the ratio between the pulse duration and the period of the waveform. delay The delay of the periodic waveform. The delay must fit in the range [0; 1] where 1 to T. Return Value: NONE Remarks: NONE 59 32120A-AVR32-04/09 Description: 32-bit fixed point version of the rectangular signal generation. Module: SIGNAL_GENERATION Prototype: void dsp32_gen_rect ( dsp32_t *vect1, int size, int f, int fs, dsp32_t duty, dsp32_t delay ); Arguments: vect1 A pointer of a 32-bit vector which is the output vector of this function. size The number of elements in the output vector. f The frequency of the output signal. fs The sampling frequency of the output signal. duty The duty cycle of the output signal. The duty cycle is a number in the range ]0; 1] which is the ratio between the pulse duration and the period of the waveform. delay The delay of the periodic waveform. The delay must fit in the range [0; 1] where 1 to T. Return Value: NONE Remarks: NONE 60 AVR32765 32120A-AVR32-04/09 AVR32765 Saw Tooth Description: 16-bit fixed point version of the saw tooth signal generation. Module: SIGNAL_GENERATION Prototype: void dsp16_gen_saw ( dsp16_t *vect1, int size, int f, int fs, dsp16_t duty, dsp16_t delay ); Arguments: vect1 A pointer to a 16-bit vector which is the output vector of this function. size The number of elements in the output vector. f The frequency of the output signal. fs The sampling frequency of the output signal. duty The duty cycle of the output signal. The duty cycle is a number in the range ]0; 1] which is the ratio between the pulse duration and the period of the waveform. delay The delay of the periodic waveform. The delay must fit in the range [0; 1] where 1 to T. Return Value: NONE Remarks: NONE 61 32120A-AVR32-04/09 Description: 32-bit fixed point version of the saw tooth signal generation. Module: SIGNAL_GENERATION Prototype: void dsp32_gen_saw ( dsp32_t *vect1, int size, int f, int fs, dsp32_t duty, dsp32_t delay ); Arguments: vect1 A pointer to a 32-bit vector which is the output vector of this function. size The number of elements in the output vector. f The frequency of the output signal. fs The sampling frequency of the output signal. duty The duty cycle of the output signal. The duty cycle is a number in the range ]0; 1] which is the ratio between the pulse duration and the period of the waveform. delay The delay of the periodic waveform. The delay must fit in the range [0; 1] where 1 to T. Return Value: NONE Remarks: NONE 62 AVR32765 32120A-AVR32-04/09 AVR32765 Dirac Comb Description: 16-bit fixed point version of the dirac comb signal generation. Module: SIGNAL_GENERATION Prototype: void dsp16_gen_dcomb ( dsp16_t *vect1, int size, int f, int fs, dsp16_t delay ); Arguments: vect1 A pointer to a 16-bit vector which is the output vector of this function. size The number of elements in the output vector. f The frequency of the output signal. fs The sampling frequency of the output signal. delay The delay of the periodic waveform. The delay must fit in the range [0; 1] where 1 to T. Return Value: NONE Remarks: NONE 63 32120A-AVR32-04/09 Description: 32-bit fixed point version of the dirac comb signal generation. Module: SIGNAL_GENERATION Prototype: void dsp32_gen_dcomb ( dsp32_t *vect1, int size, int f, int fs, dsp32_t delay ); Arguments: vect1 A pointer to a 32-bit vector which is the output vector of this function. size The number of elements in the output vector. f The frequency of the output signal. fs The sampling frequency of the output signal. delay The delay of the periodic waveform. The delay must fit in the range [0; 1] where 1 to T. Return Value: NONE Remarks: NONE 64 AVR32765 32120A-AVR32-04/09 AVR32765 Noise Description: 16-bit fixed point version of the noise generation. Module: SIGNAL_GENERATION Prototype: void dsp16_gen_noise ( dsp16_t *vect1, int size, dsp16_t amp ); Arguments: vect1 A pointer to a 16-bit vector which is the output vector of this function. size The number of elements in the output vector. amp The amplitude of the signal. Return Value: NONE Remarks: NONE Description: 32-bit fixed point version of the noise generation. Module: SIGNAL_GENERATION Prototype: void dsp32_gen_noise ( dsp32_t *vect1, int size, dsp32_t amp ); Arguments: vect1 A pointer to a 32-bit vector which is the output vector of this function. size The number of elements in the output vector. amp The amplitude of the signal. Return Value: NONE Remarks: NONE 65 32120A-AVR32-04/09 Ramp Description: 16-bit fixed point version of the ramp signal generation. Module: SIGNAL_GENERATION Prototype: void dsp16_gen_ramp ( dsp16_t *vect1, int size, dsp16_t increment ); Arguments: vect1 A pointer to a 16-bit vector which is the output vector of this function. size The number of elements in the output vector. increment The incrementation of the signal per vector's element. Return Value: NONE Remarks: NONE Description: 32-bit fixed point version of the ramp signal generation. Module: SIGNAL_GENERATION Prototype: void dsp32_gen_ramp ( dsp32_t *vect1, int size, dsp32_t increment ); Arguments: vect1 A pointer to a 32-bit vector which is the output vector of this function. size The number of elements in the output vector. increment The incrementation of the signal per vector's element. Return Value: NONE Remarks: NONE 66 AVR32765 32120A-AVR32-04/09 AVR32765 Step Description: 16-bit fixed point version of the dirac comb signal generation. Module: SIGNAL_GENERATION Prototype: void dsp16_gen_step ( dsp16_t *vect1, int size, dsp16_t intial_value, dsp16_t final_value, int step_index ); Arguments: vect1 A pointer to a 16-bit vector which is the output vector of this function. size The number of elements in the output vector. intial_value The initial value of the signal. final_value The final value of the signal. step_index The index in the vector, where the step appears. Return Value: NONE Remarks: NONE 67 32120A-AVR32-04/09 Description: 32-bit fixed point version of the dirac comb signal generation. Module: SIGNAL_GENERATION Prototype: void dsp32_gen_step ( dsp32_t *vect1, int size, dsp32_t intial_value, dsp32_t final_value, int step_index ); Arguments: vect1 A pointer to a 32-bit vector which is the output vector of this function. size The number of elements in the output vector. intial_value The initial value of the signal. final_value The final value of the signal. step_index The index in the vector, where the step appears. Return Value: NONE Remarks: NONE 68 AVR32765 32120A-AVR32-04/09 AVR32765 Dirac Description: 16-bit fixed point version of the dirac comb signal generation. Module: SIGNAL_GENERATION Prototype: void dsp16_gen_dirac ( dsp16_t *vect1, int size, int dirac_index ); Arguments: vect1 A pointer to a 16-bit vector which is the output vector of this function. size The number of elements in the output vector. dirac_index The index in the vector, where the dirac appears. Return Value: NONE Remarks: NONE Description: 32-bit fixed point version of the dirac comb signal generation. Module: SIGNAL_GENERATION Prototype: void dsp32_gen_dirac ( dsp32_t *vect1, int size, int dirac_index ); Arguments: vect1 A pointer to a 32-bit vector which is the output vector of this function. size The number of elements in the output vector. dirac_index The index in the vector, where the dirac appears. Return Value: NONE Remarks: NONE 69 32120A-AVR32-04/09 4.4 Transforms [Basic] All the transforms functions currently supported by the DSP library. • • • Complex Fast Fourier Transform Complex inverse Fast Fourier Transform Real to complex Fast Fourier Transform 4.4.1 Standard description Complex Fast Fourier Transform This function computes a complex FFT from an input signal. It uses the Radix-4 "Decimate In Time" algorithm and does not perform a calculation "in place" which means that the input vector has to be different from the output vector. Here is the formula of the FFT: Relative functions: • dsp16_trans_complexfft Complex Inverse Fast Fourier Transform This function computes a complex inverse FFT from an input signal. It uses the Radix-4 "Decimate In Time" algorithm and does not perform a calculation "in place" which means that the input vector has to be different from the output vector. Here is the formula of the iFFT: Relative functions: • dsp16_trans_complexifft Real to Complex Fast Fourier Transform This function computes a complex FFT from a real input signal. It uses the Radix-4 "Decimate In Time" algorithm and does not perform a calculation "in place" which means that the input vector has to be different from the output vector. Here is the formula of the FFT: Relative functions: • • 70 dsp16_trans_realcomplexfft dsp32_trans_realcomplexfft AVR32765 32120A-AVR32-04/09 AVR32765 4.4.2 C description Complex Fast Fourier Transform Description: 16-bit fixed point version of the complex FFT algorithm. Module: TRANSFORMATION Prototype: void dsp16_trans_complexfft ( dsp16_complex_t *vect1, dsp16_complex_t *vect2, int nlog ); Arguments: vect1 A pointer to a 16-bit complex vector which is the output vector of this function. vect2 A pointer to a 16-bit complex vector which is the input vector of this function. nlog It is the base-2-logarithm of the size of the input/output vector. Due to its implementation, this function computes only 4^n-point complex FFT. Therefore, the \b nlog argument has to be even. Return Value: NONE Remarks: The size of the output vector of the input vector. To avoid resulting vector amplitude is uses a static twiddle factors has to be the same as the size overflowing values, the scaled by 2^nlog. This function table. 71 32120A-AVR32-04/09 Complex Inverse Fast Fourier Transform Description: 16-bit fixed point version of the complex iFFT algorithm. Module: TRANSFORMATION Prototype: void dsp16_trans_complexifft ( dsp16_complex_t *vect1, dsp16_complex_t *vect2, int nlog ); Arguments: vect1 A pointer to a 16-bit complex vector which is the output vector of this function. vect2 A pointer to a 16-bit complex vector which is the input vector of this function. nlog It is the base-2-logarithm of the size of the input/output vector. Due to its implementation, this function computes only 4^n-point complex iFFT. Therefore, the nlog argument has to be even. Return Value: NONE Remarks: The size of the output vector of the input vector. To avoid resulting vector amplitude is uses a static twiddle factors 72 has to be the same as the size overflowing values, the scaled by 2^nlog. This function table. AVR32765 32120A-AVR32-04/09 AVR32765 Real to Complex Fast Fourier Transform Description: 16-bit fixed point version of the real to complex FFT algorithm. Module: TRANSFORMATION Prototype: void dsp16_trans_realcomplexfft ( dsp16_complex_t *vect1, dsp16_t *vect2, int nlog ); Arguments: vect1 A pointer to a 16-bit complex vector which is the output vector of this function. vect2 A pointer to a 16-bit real vector which is the input vector of this function. nlog It is the base-2-logarithm of the size of the input/output vector. Due to its implementation, this function computes only 4^n-point complex FFT. Therefore, the nlog argument has to be even. Return Value: NONE Remarks: The size of the output vector of the input vector. To avoid resulting vector amplitude is uses a static twiddle factors has to be the same as the size overflowing values, the scaled by 2^nlog. This function table. dsp16_trans_realcomplexfft (See complex_fft_example.c and complex_fft_example.sce files) Example: Using Scilab, Generate a x input signal made of a combinaison of 2 sinus. Compute FFT Transformation and store value in y vector: y = [-0.048306 0.000000 i … -0.138689 0.010377 i -0.058407 0.000356 i] C source code using the DSPLib with the pre-calculated x signal. vect1 = [-0.048370 + 0.i77563 … -0.138641 + 0.010375i -0.058349 + 0.000335i]; 73 32120A-AVR32-04/09 Description: 32-bit fixed point version of the real to complex FFT algorithm. Module: TRANSFORMATION Prototype: void dsp32_trans_realcomplexfft ( dsp32_complex_t *vect1, dsp32_t *vect2, int nlog ); Arguments: vect1 A pointer to a 32-bit complex vector which is the output vector of this function. vect2 A pointer to a 32-bit real vector which is the input vector of this function. nlog It is the base-2-logarithm of the size of the input/output vector. Due to its implementation, this function computes only 4^n-point complex FFT. Therefore, the nlog argument has to be even. Return Value: NONE Remarks: The size of the output vector of the input vector. To avoid resulting vector amplitude is uses a static twiddle factors 74 has to be the same as the size overflowing values, the scaled by 2^nlog. This function table. AVR32765 32120A-AVR32-04/09 AVR32765 4.5 Vectors [Basic] All the vector management functions currently supported by the DSP library. • • Real o Addition o Addition with a real o Subtraction o Subtraction with a real o Multiplication with a real o Division with a real o Dot multiplication o Dot division o Multiplication with an integer o Division with an integer o Power o Minimum o Maximum o Negate o Zero padding o Copy o Partial Convolution o Convolution Complex o Complex addition o Complex subtraction o Complex absolute o Complex conjugate 4.5.1 Standard description Addition This function adds two vectors and store the result into another one. Relative functions: • • dsp16_vect_add dsp32_vect_add Addition with a real This function adds each items of a vector with a real number and store the result into another vector. Relative functions: • • dsp16_vect_realadd dsp32_vect_realadd 75 32120A-AVR32-04/09 Subtraction This function subtracts two vectors and store the result into another one. Relative functions: • • dsp16_vect_sub dsp32_vect_sub Subtraction with a real This function subtracts each items of a vector with a real number and store the result into another vector. Relative functions: • • dsp16_vect_realsub dsp32_vect_realsub Multiplication with a real This function multiplies one vector with a real number and store the result into another vector. Relative functions: • • dsp16_vect_realmul dsp32_vect_realmul Division with a real This function divides one vector with a real number and store the result into another vector. Relative functions: • • dsp16_vect_realdiv dsp32_vect_realdiv Multiplication with an integer This function multiplies one vector with an integer and store the result into another vector. Relative functions: • • 76 dsp16_vect_intmul dsp32_vect_intmul AVR32765 32120A-AVR32-04/09 AVR32765 Division with an integer This function divides one vector with an integer and store the result into another vector. Relative functions: • • dsp16_vect_intdiv dsp32_vect_intdiv Dot multiplication This function multiplies two vectors point per point and store the result into another one. Relative functions: • • dsp16_vect_dotmul dsp32_vect_dotmul Dot division This function divides two vectors point per point and store the result into another one. Relative functions: • • dsp16_vect_dotdiv dsp32_vect_dotdiv Power These functions compute vect2^real. Note: The output will be limit in the range of the fixed point format used. Relative functions: • • dsp16_vect_pow dsp32_vect_pow Minimum This function retrieves the minimum of a vector. Relative functions: • • dsp16_vect_min dsp32_vect_min 77 32120A-AVR32-04/09 Maximum This function retrieves the maximum of a vector. Relative functions: • • dsp16_vect_max dsp32_vect_max Negate This function negate a vector. Relative functions: • • dsp16_vect_neg dsp32_vect_neg Zero padding This function zero pads the tail of the vector. Relative functions: • • dsp16_vect_zeropad dsp32_vect_zeropad Copy This function copy a vector into another vector. Relative functions: • • dsp16_vect_copy dsp32_vect_copy Partial Convolution This function performs a linear partial convolution between two discrete sequences. It returns a signal of a length equals to (vect2_size - vect3_size + 1) elements. Note: The two discrete sequences have to be scaled to avoid overflowing values. All the vectors have to be 32-bits aligned. Relative functions: • • 78 dsp16_vect_convpart dsp32_vect_convpart AVR32765 32120A-AVR32-04/09 AVR32765 Convolution This function performs a linear convolution between two discrete sequences. It returns a signal of a length equals to (vect2_size + vect3_size - 1) elements. Note: The two discrete sequences have to be scaled to avoid overflowing values. All the vectors have to be 32-bits aligned. Warning: The output vector of the function has to have at least a length of N + 2*M � 2 elements because of internal computations, where N is the length of the largest input vector and M, the length of the smallest input vector. Relative functions: • • dsp16_vect_conv dsp32_vect_conv Complex addition This function adds two complex vectors and store the result into another one. Relative functions: • • dsp16_vect_complex_add dsp32_vect_complex_add Complex subtraction This function sub two complex vectors and store the result into another one. Relative functions: • • dsp16_vect_complex_sub dsp32_vect_complex_sub Complex absolute This function returns the absolute value of a complex vector. Relative functions: • • dsp16_vect_complex_abs dsp32_vect_complex_abs Complex conjugate This function returns the conjugate complex vector of the input. Relative functions: • dsp16_vect_complex_conj 79 32120A-AVR32-04/09 4.5.2 C description Addition Description: 16-bit fixed point version of the vector addition function. Module: VECTORS Prototype: void dsp16_vect_add ( dsp16_t *vect1, dsp16_t *vect2, dsp16_t *vect3, int size ); Arguments: vect1 A pointer to the 16-bit real vector that will contain the result of the addition. vect2 A pointer to the 16-bit real vector that will be added with the other input vector (vect3). vect3 A pointer to the 16-bit real vector that will be added with the other input vector (vect2). size The size of the input vectors. Return Value: NONE Remarks: NONE 80 AVR32765 32120A-AVR32-04/09 AVR32765 Description: 32-bit fixed point version of the vector addition function. Module: VECTORS Prototype: void dsp32_vect_add ( dsp32_t *vect1, dsp32_t *vect2, dsp32_t *vect3, int size ); Arguments: vect1 A pointer to the 32-bit real vector that will contain the result of the addition. vect2 A pointer to the 32-bit real vector that will be added with the other input vector (vect3). vect3 A pointer to the 32-bit real vector that will be added with the other input vector (vect2). size The size of the input vectors. Return Value: NONE Remarks: NONE 81 32120A-AVR32-04/09 Addition with a real Description: 16-bit fixed point version of the vector addition with a real number. Module: VECTORS Prototype: void dsp16_vect_realadd ( dsp16_t *vect1, dsp16_t *vect2, int size, dsp16_t real ); Arguments: vect1 A pointer to the 16-bit real vector that will contain the result of the operation. vect2 A pointer to the 16-bit real vector that will be added with the real number. size The size of the vectors. real The real number to be added with the vector (vect2). Return Value: NONE Remarks: NONE 82 AVR32765 32120A-AVR32-04/09 AVR32765 Description: 32-bit fixed point version of the vector addition with a real number. Module: VECTORS Prototype: void dsp32_vect_realadd ( dsp32_t *vect1, dsp32_t *vect2, int size, dsp16_t real ); Arguments: vect1 A pointer to the 32-bit real vector that will contain the result of the operation. vect2 A pointer to the 32-bit real vector that will be added with the real number. size The size of the vectors. real The real number to be added with the vector (vect2). Return Value: NONE Remarks: NONE 83 32120A-AVR32-04/09 Subtraction Description: 16-bit fixed point version of the vector subtraction function. Module: VECTORS Prototype: void dsp16_vect_sub ( dsp16_t *vect1, dsp16_t *vect2, dsp16_t *vect3, int size ); Arguments: vect1 A pointer to the 16-bit real vector that will contain the result of the subtraction. vect2 A pointer to the 16-bit real vector that will be subtracted with the other input vector (vect3). vect3 A pointer to the 16-bit real vector that will be subtracted with the other input vector (vect2). size The size of the input vectors. Return Value: NONE Remarks: NONE 84 AVR32765 32120A-AVR32-04/09 AVR32765 Description: 32-bit fixed point version of the vector subtraction function. Module: VECTORS Prototype: void dsp32_vect_sub ( dsp32_t *vect1, dsp32_t *vect2, dsp32_t *vect3, int size ); Arguments: vect1 A pointer to the 32-bit real vector that will contain the result of the subtraction. vect2 A pointer to the 32-bit real vector that will be subtracted with the other input vector (vect3). vect3 A pointer to the 32-bit real vector that will be subtracted with the other input vector (vect2). size The size of the input vectors. Return Value: NONE Remarks: NONE 85 32120A-AVR32-04/09 Subtraction with a real Description: 16-bit fixed point version of the vector subtraction with a real number. Module: VECTORS Prototype: void dsp16_vect_realsub ( dsp16_t *vect1, dsp16_t *vect2, int size, dsp16_t real ); Arguments: vect1 A pointer to the 16-bit real vector that will contain the result of the operation. vect2 A pointer to the 16-bit real vector that will be subtracted with the real number. size The size of the vectors. real The real number to be subtracted with the vector (vect2). Return Value: NONE Remarks: NONE 86 AVR32765 32120A-AVR32-04/09 AVR32765 Description: 32-bit fixed point version of the vector subtraction with a real number. Module: VECTORS Prototype: void dsp32_vect_realsub ( dsp32_t *vect1, dsp32_t *vect2, int size, dsp32_t real ); Arguments: vect1 A pointer to the 32-bit real vector that will contain the result of the operation. vect2 A pointer to the 32-bit real vector that will be subtracted with the real number. size The size of the vectors. real The real number to be subtracted with the vector (vect2). Return Value: NONE Remarks: NONE 87 32120A-AVR32-04/09 Multiplication with a real Description: 16-bit fixed point version of the vector multiplication with a real number. Module: VECTORS Prototype: void dsp16_vect_realmul ( dsp16_t *vect1, dsp16_t *vect2, int size, dsp16_t real ); Arguments: vect1 A pointer to the 16-bit real vector that will contain the result of the operation. vect2 A pointer to the 16-bit real vector that will be multiplied with the real number. size The size of the vectors. real The real number to be multiplied with the vector (vect2). Return Value: NONE Remarks: NONE 88 AVR32765 32120A-AVR32-04/09 AVR32765 Description: 32-bit fixed point version of the vector multiplication with a real number. Module: VECTORS Prototype: void dsp32_vect_realmul ( dsp32_t *vect1, dsp32_t *vect2, int size, dsp32_t real ); Arguments: vect1 A pointer to the 32-bit real vector that will contain the result of the operation. vect2 A pointer to the 32-bit real vector that will be multiplied with the real number. size The size of the vectors. real The real number to be multiplied with the vector (vect2). Return Value: NONE Remarks: NONE 89 32120A-AVR32-04/09 Division with a real Description: 16-bit fixed point version of the vector division with a real number. Module: VECTORS Prototype: void dsp16_vect_realdiv ( dsp16_t *vect1, dsp16_t *vect2, int size, dsp16_t real ); Arguments: vect1 A pointer to the 16-bit real vector that will contain the result of the operation. vect2 A pointer to the 16-bit real vector that will be divided with the real number. size The size of the vectors. real The real number to be divided with the vector (vect2). Return Value: NONE Remarks: NONE 90 AVR32765 32120A-AVR32-04/09 AVR32765 Description: 32-bit fixed point version of the vector division with a real number. Module: VECTORS Prototype: void dsp32_vect_realdiv ( dsp32_t *vect1, dsp32_t *vect2, int size, dsp32_t real ); Arguments: vect1 A pointer to the 32-bit real vector that will contain the result of the operation. vect2 A pointer to the 32-bit real vector that will be divided with the real number. size The size of the vectors. real The real number to be divided with the vector (vect2). Return Value: NONE Remarks: NONE 91 32120A-AVR32-04/09 Multiplication with an integer Description: 16-bit fixed point version of the vector multiplication with an integer. Module: VECTORS Prototype: void dsp16_vect_intmul ( dsp16_t *vect1, dsp16_t *vect2, int size, int integer ); Arguments: vect1 A pointer to the 16-bit real vector that will contain the result of the operation. vect2 A pointer to the 16-bit real vector that will be multiplied with the integer. size The size of the vectors. integer The integer to be multiplied with the vector (vect2). Return Value: NONE Remarks: NONE 92 AVR32765 32120A-AVR32-04/09 AVR32765 Description: 32-bit fixed point version of the vector multiplication with an integer. Module: VECTORS Prototype: void dsp32_vect_intmul ( dsp32_t *vect1, dsp32_t *vect2, int size, int integer ); Arguments: vect1 A pointer to the 32-bit real vector that will contain the result of the operation. vect2 A pointer to the 32-bit real vector that will be multiplied with the integer. size The size of the vectors. integer The integer to be multiplied with the vector (vect2). Return Value: NONE Remarks: NONE 93 32120A-AVR32-04/09 Division with an integer Description: 16-bit fixed point version of the vector division with an integer. Module: VECTORS Prototype: void dsp16_vect_intdiv ( dsp16_t *vect1, dsp16_t *vect2, int size, int integer ); Arguments: vect1 A pointer to the 16-bit real vector that will contain the result of the operation. vect2 A pointer to the 16-bit real vector that will be divided with the integer. size The size of the vectors. integer The integer to be divided with the vector (vect2). Return Value: NONE Remarks: NONE 94 AVR32765 32120A-AVR32-04/09 AVR32765 Description: 32-bit fixed point version of the vector division with an integer. Module: VECTORS Prototype: void dsp32_vect_intdiv ( dsp32_t *vect1, dsp132_t *vect2, int size, int integer ); Arguments: vect1 A pointer to the 32-bit real vector that will contain the result of the operation. vect2 A pointer to the 32-bit real vector that will be divided with the integer. size The size of the vectors. integer The integer to be divided with the vector (vect2). Return Value: NONE Remarks: NONE 95 32120A-AVR32-04/09 Dot multiplication Description: 16-bit fixed point version of the vector dot multiplication function. Module: VECTORS Prototype: void dsp16_vect_dotmul ( dsp16_t *vect1, dsp16_t *vect2, dsp16_t *vect3, int size ); Arguments: vect1 A pointer to the 16-bit real vector that will recieved the result of the dot multiplication. vect2 A pointer to the 16-bit real vector that will be multiplied with the other input vector (vect3). vect3 A pointer to the 16-bit real vector that will be multiplied with the other input vector (vect2). size The size of the input vectors. Return Value: NONE Remarks: NONE 96 AVR32765 32120A-AVR32-04/09 AVR32765 Description: 32-bit fixed point version of the vector dot multiplication function. Module: VECTORS Prototype: void dsp32_vect_dotmul ( dsp32_t *vect1, dsp32_t *vect2, dsp32_t *vect3, int size ); Arguments: vect1 A pointer to the 32-bit real vector that will contain the result of the dot multiplication. vect2 A pointer to the 32-bit real vector that will be multiplied with the other input vector (vect3). vect3 A pointer to the 32-bit real vector that will be multiplied with the other input vector (vect2). size The size of the input vectors. Return Value: NONE Remarks: NONE 97 32120A-AVR32-04/09 Dot division Description: 16-bit fixed point version of the vector dot division function. Module: VECTORS Prototype: void dsp16_vect_dotdiv ( dsp16_t *vect1, dsp16_t *vect2, dsp16_t *vect3, int size ); Arguments: vect1 A pointer to the 16-bit real vector that will contain the result of the dot division. vect2 A pointer to the 16-bit real vector that will be divided with the other input vector (vect3). vect3 A pointer to the 16-bit real vector that will be divided with the other input vector (vect2). size The size of the input vectors. Return Value: NONE Remarks: NONE 98 AVR32765 32120A-AVR32-04/09 AVR32765 Description: 32-bit fixed point version of the vector dot division function. Module: VECTORS Prototype: void dsp32_vect_dotdiv ( dsp32_t *vect1, dsp32_t *vect2, dsp32_t *vect3, int size ); Arguments: vect1 A pointer to the 32-bit real vector that will contain the result of the dot division. vect2 A pointer to the 32-bit real vector that will be divided with the other input vector (vect3). vect3 A pointer to the 32-bit real vector that will be divided with the other input vector (vect2). size The size of the input vectors. Return Value: NONE Remarks: NONE 99 32120A-AVR32-04/09 Power Description: 16-bit fixed point version of the power function. Module: VECTORS Prototype: void dsp16_vect_pow ( dsp16_t *vect1, dsp16_t *vect2, int size, dsp16_t real ); Arguments: vect1 A pointer to the 16-bit real vector that will contain the result of the operation. vect2 A pointer to the 16-bit real vector that will be raised to the power 'real'. size The size of the vectors. real The real number used to raised to the power 'vect2'. Return Value: NONE Remarks: NONE Description: 32-bit fixed point version of the power function. Module: VECTORS Prototype: void dsp32_vect_pow ( dsp32_t *vect1, dsp32_t *vect2, int size, dsp32_t real ); Arguments: vect1 A pointer to the 32-bit real vector that will contain the result of the operation. vect2 A pointer to the 32-bit real vector that will be raised to the power 'real'. size The size of the vectors. real The real number used to raised to the power 'vect2'. Return Value: NONE Remarks: NONE 100 AVR32765 32120A-AVR32-04/09 AVR32765 Minimum Description: 16-bit fixed point version of the vector minimum function. Module: VECTORS Prototype: dsp16_t dsp16_vect_min ( dsp16_t *vect1, int size ); Arguments: vect1 A pointer to the 16-bit real vector that is used to find its minimum. size The size of the input vector. Return Value: The minimum of the vector (vect1). Remarks: NONE Description: 32-bit fixed point version of the vector minimum function. Module: VECTORS Prototype: dsp32_t dsp32_vect_min ( dsp32_t *vect1, int size ); Arguments: vect1 A pointer to the 32-bit real vector that is used to find its minimum. size The size of the input vector. Return Value: The minimum of the vector (vect1). Remarks: NONE 101 32120A-AVR32-04/09 Maximum Description: 16-bit fixed point version of the vector maximum function. Module: VECTORS Prototype: dsp16_t dsp16_vect_max ( dsp16_t *vect1, int size ); Arguments: vect1 A pointer to the 16-bit real vector that is used to find its maximum. size The size of the input vector. Return Value: The maximum of the vector (vect1). Remarks: NONE Description: 32-bit fixed point version of the vector maximum function. Module: VECTORS Prototype: dsp32_t dsp32_vect_max ( dsp32_t *vect1, int size ); Arguments: vect1 A pointer to the 32-bit real vector that is used to find its maximum. size The size of the input vector. Return Value: The maximum of the vector (vect1). Remarks: NONE 102 AVR32765 32120A-AVR32-04/09 AVR32765 Negate Description: 16-bit fixed point version of the vector negate function. Module: VECTORS Prototype: void dsp16_vect_neg ( dsp16_t *vect1, dsp16_t *vect2, int size ); Arguments: vect1 A pointer to the 16-bit real vector that will contain the result. vect2 A pointer to the 16-bit real vector that will be negate. size The size of the input vector. Return Value: NONE Remarks: NONE Description: 32-bit fixed point version of the vector negate function. Module: VECTORS Prototype: void dsp32_vect_neg ( dsp32_t *vect1, dsp32_t *vect2, int size ); Arguments: vect1 A pointer to the 32-bit real vector that will contain the result. vect2 A pointer to the 32-bit real vector that will be negate. size The size of the input vector. Return Value: NONE Remarks: NONE 103 32120A-AVR32-04/09 Zero padding Description: 16-bit fixed point version of the zero padding function. Module: VECTORS Prototype: inline static void dsp16_vect_zeropad ( dsp16_t *vect1, int size, int num_zero ); Arguments: vect1 A pointer to the 16 bits real vector that has to be padded with zeros. size The size of this vector. num_zero The number of zeros to pad at the end of the vector. Return Value: NONE Remarks: NONE Description: 32-bit fixed point version of the zero padding function. Module: VECTORS Prototype: inline static void dsp32_vect_zeropad ( dsp32_t *vect1, int size, int num_zero ); Arguments: vect1 A pointer to the 32 bits real vector that has to be padded with zeros. size The size of this vector. num_zero The number of zeros to pad at the end of the vector. Return Value: NONE Remarks: NONE 104 AVR32765 32120A-AVR32-04/09 AVR32765 Copy Description: 16-bit fixed point version of the copy function. Module: VECTORS Prototype: inline static void dsp16_vect_copy ( dsp16_t *vect1, dsp16_t *vect2, int size ) Arguments: vect1 A pointer to the 16 bits real vector that contains the data. vect2 A pointer to the 16 bits real vector to be copied to. size The size of those vectors. Return Value: NONE Remarks: NONE Description: 32-bit fixed point version of the copy function. Module: VECTORS Prototype: inline static void dsp32_vect_copy ( dsp32_t *vect1, dsp32_t *vect2, int size ) Arguments: vect1 A pointer to the 32 bits real vector that contains the data. vect2 A pointer to the 32 bits real vector to be copied to. size The size of those vectors. Return Value: NONE Remarks: NONE 105 32120A-AVR32-04/09 Partial Convolution Description: 16-bit fixed point version of the Partial Convolution. Module: VECTORS Prototype: void dsp16_vect_convpart ( dsp16_t *vect1, dsp16_t *vect2, int vect2_size, dsp16_t *vect3, int vect3_size ); Arguments: vect1 A pointer to a 16-bits vect2 A pointer to a 16-bits vect2_size The length of the greater or equal to 4). vect3 A pointer to a 16-bits vect3_size The length of the greater or equal to 8) fixed-point output vector. fixed-point input vector. first input vector (must be fixed-point input vector. second input vector (must be Return Value: NONE Remarks: Due to its implementation, for the avr32-uc3 optimized version of the FIR, the output vector (vect1) has to have a length of 4*n elements to avoid overflows. 106 AVR32765 32120A-AVR32-04/09 AVR32765 Convolution Description: 16-bit fixed point version of the Convolution. Module: VECTORS Prototype: void dsp16_vect_conv ( dsp16_t *vect1, dsp16_t *vect2, int vect2_size, dsp16_t *vect3, int vect3_size ); Arguments: vect1 A pointer to a 16-bits vect2 A pointer to a 16-bits vect2_size The length of the greater or equal to 8). vect3 A pointer to a 16-bits vect3_size The length of the greater or equal to 8) fixed-point output vector. fixed-point inout vector. first input vector (must be fixed-point input vector. second input vector (must be Return Value: NONE Remarks: Due to its implementation, for the avr32-uc3 optimized version of the FIR, the output vector (vect1) has to have a length of 4*n elements to avoid overflows. 107 32120A-AVR32-04/09 Description: 32-bit fixed point version of the Convolution. Module: VECTORS Prototype: void dsp32_vect_conv ( dsp32_t *vect1, dsp32_t *vect2, int vect2_size, dsp32_t *vect3, int vect3_size ); Arguments: vect1 A pointer to a 32-bits vect2 A pointer to a 32-bits vect2_size The length of the greater or equal to 8). vect3 A pointer to a 32-bits vect3_size The length of the greater or equal to 8) fixed-point output vector. fixed-point input vector. first input vector (must be fixed-point input vector. second input vector (must be Return Value: NONE Remarks: Due to its implementation, for the avr32-uc3 optimized version of the FIR, the output vector (vect1) has to have a length of 4*n elements to avoid overflows. dsp32_vect_conv (See convolution_example.c and convolution_example.sce files) Example: Using Scilab, Generate vect2 and vect3 input signals Compute a convolution of this two signals and obtains a vect1 vectors: vect1 = [-0 … 0.01246589690 0.00668038504] C source code using the DSPLib with the pre-calculated vect2 and vect3 signals. vect1 = 108 [0 … 0.012420 0.006652]; AVR32765 32120A-AVR32-04/09 AVR32765 Complex addition Description: 16-bit fixed point version of the complex vector addition function. Module: VECTORS Prototype: void dsp16_vect_complex_add ( dsp16_complex_t *vect1, dsp16_complex_t *vect2, dsp16_complex_t *vect3, int size ); Arguments: vect1 A pointer to the 16-bit complex result vector. vect2 A pointer to the first 16-bit complex input vector. vect3 A pointer to the second 16-bit complex input vector. size The size of the input vectors. Return Value: NONE Remarks: NONE 109 32120A-AVR32-04/09 Description: 32-bit fixed point version of the complex vector additon function. Module: VECTORS Prototype: void dsp32_vect_complex_add ( sp32_complex_t *vect1, dsp32_complex_t *vect2, dsp32_complex_t *vect3, int size ); Arguments: vect1 A pointer to the 32-bit complex result vector. vect2 A pointer to the first 32-bit complex input vector. vect3 A pointer to the second 32-bit complex input vector. size The size of the input vectors. Return Value: NONE Remarks: NONE 110 AVR32765 32120A-AVR32-04/09 AVR32765 Complex subtraction Description: 16-bit fixed point version of the complex vector subtraction function. Module: VECTORS Prototype: void dsp16_vect_complex_sub ( dsp16_complex_t *vect1, dsp16_complex_t *vect2, dsp16_complex_t *vect3, int size ); Arguments: vect1 A pointer to the 16-bit complex result vector. vect2 A pointer to the minuend 16-bit complex vector. vect3 A pointer to the subtrahend 16-bit complex vector. size The size of the input vectors. Return Value: NONE Remarks: NONE 111 32120A-AVR32-04/09 Description: 32-bit fixed point version of the complex vector subtraction function. Module: VECTORS Prototype: void dsp32_vect_complex_sub ( dsp32_complex_t *vect1, dsp32_complex_t *vect2, dsp32_complex_t *vect3, int size ); Arguments: vect1 A pointer to the 32-bit complex result vector. vect2 A pointer to the minuend 32-bit complex vector. vect3 A pointer to the subtrahend 32-bit complex vector. size The size of the input vectors. Return Value: NONE Remarks: NONE 112 AVR32765 32120A-AVR32-04/09 AVR32765 Complex absolute Description: 16-bit fixed point version of the complex vector absolute function. Module: VECTORS Prototype: void dsp16_vect_complex_abs ( dsp16_t *vect1, dsp16_complex_t *vect2, int size ); Arguments: vect1 A pointer to the 16-bit real vector that will contain the result. vect2 A pointer to the 16-bit complex input vector. size The size of the input vector. Return Value: NONE Remarks: NONE Description: 32-bit fixed point version of the complex vector absolute function. Module: VECTORS Prototype: void dsp32_vect_complex_abs ( dsp32_t *vect1, dsp32_complex_t *vect2, int size ); Arguments: vect1 A pointer to the 32-bit real vector that will contain the result. vect2 A pointer to the 32-bit complex input vector. size The size of the input vector. Return Value: NONE Remarks: NONE 113 32120A-AVR32-04/09 Complex conjugate Description: 16-bit fixed point version of the complex vector conjugate function. Module: VECTORS Prototype: void dsp16_vect_complex_conj ( dsp16_complex_t *vect1, dsp16_complex_t *vect2, int size ); Arguments: vect1 A pointer to the 16-bit complex vector that will contain the result. vect2 A pointer to the 16-bit complex input vector. size The size of the input vector. Return Value: NONE Remarks: NONE 114 AVR32765 32120A-AVR32-04/09 AVR32765 4.6 Windowing [Basic] All the windowing functions currently supported by the DSP library. • • • • • • • • Rectangular Bartlett Blackman Hamming Gauss Hann Kaiser Welch 4.6.1 Standard description Rectangular These functions generate a rectangular window that fits in the output vector. The rectangular window filled the output vector with 1. Relative functions: • • dsp16_win_rect dsp32_win_rect 115 32120A-AVR32-04/09 Bartlett Also known simply as the triangular windows, these functions generate a bartlett window that fits in the output vector. The amplitude of the signal is in the range [0; 1] Relative functions: • • dsp16_win_bart dsp32_win_bart Blackman These functions generate a Blackman window that fits in the output vector. The amplitude of the signal is in the range [0; 1] Relative functions: • • 116 dsp16_win_black dsp32_win_black AVR32765 32120A-AVR32-04/09 AVR32765 Hamming These functions generate a Hamming window that fits in the output vector. The amplitude of the signal is in the range [0; 1] Relative functions: • • dsp16_win_hamm dsp32_win_hamm 117 32120A-AVR32-04/09 Gauss These functions generate a gaussian window that fits in the output vector. The amplitude of the signal is in the range [0; 1] Note: You can change the value of the teta coefficient by defining DSP_GAUSS_TETA at the compilation with a value that fits in the range ]0; 0.5] Relative functions: • • dsp16_win_gauss dsp32_win_gauss Hann These functions generate a Hann window that fits in the output vector. The amplitude of the signal is in the range [0; 1] Relative functions: • • 118 dsp16_win_hann dsp32_win_hann AVR32765 32120A-AVR32-04/09 AVR32765 Kaiser These functions generate a Kaiser window that fits in the output vector. The amplitude of the signal is in the range [0; 1] Relative functions: • • dsp16_win_kaiser dsp32_win_kaiser Welch These functions generate a Welch window that fits in the output vector. The welch window is commonly used as a window for power spectral estimation. The amplitude of the signal is in the range [0; 1] Relative functions: • • dsp16_win_welch dsp32_win_welch 119 32120A-AVR32-04/09 4.6.2 C description Rectangular Description: 16-bit fixed point version of the rectangular windowing function. Module: WINDOWING Prototype: void dsp16_win_rect ( dsp16_t *vect1, int size ); Arguments: vect1 A pointer to the 16-bit real vector that will contain the window. size The size of the output vector. Return Value: NONE Remarks: NONE Description: 32-bit fixed point version of the rectangular windowing function. Module: WINDOWING Prototype: void dsp32_win_rect ( dsp32_t *vect1, int size ); Arguments: vect1 A pointer to the 32-bit real vector that will contain the window. size The size of the output vector. Return Value: NONE Remarks: NONE 120 AVR32765 32120A-AVR32-04/09 AVR32765 Bartlett Description: 16-bit fixed point version of the bartlett windowing function. Module: WINDOWING Prototype: void dsp16_win_bart ( dsp16_t *vect1, int size ); Arguments: vect1 A pointer to the 16-bit real vector that will contain the window. size The size of the output vector. Return Value: NONE Remarks: NONE Description: 32-bit fixed point version of the bartlett windowing function. Module: WINDOWING Prototype: void dsp32_win_bart ( dsp32_t *vect1, int size ); Arguments: vect1 A pointer to the 32-bit real vector that will contain the window. size The size of the output vector. Return Value: NONE Remarks: NONE 121 32120A-AVR32-04/09 Blackman Description: 16-bit fixed point version of the blackman windowing function. Module: WINDOWING Prototype: void dsp16_win_black ( dsp16_t *vect1, int size ); Arguments: vect1 A pointer to the 16-bit real vector that will contain the window. size The size of the output vector. Return Value: NONE Remarks: NONE Description: 32-bit fixed point version of the blackman windowing function. Module: WINDOWING Prototype: void dsp32_win_black ( dsp32_t *vect1, int size ); Arguments: vect1 A pointer to the 32-bit real vector that will contain the window. size The size of the output vector. Return Value: NONE Remarks: NONE 122 AVR32765 32120A-AVR32-04/09 AVR32765 Hamming Description: 16-bit fixed point version of the hamming windowing function. Module: WINDOWING Prototype: void dsp16_win_hamm ( dsp16_t *vect1, int size ); Arguments: vect1 A pointer to the 16-bit real vector that will contain the window. size The size of the output vector. Return Value: NONE Remarks: NONE Description: 32-bit fixed point version of the hamming windowing function. Module: WINDOWING Prototype: void dsp32_win_hamm ( dsp32_t *vect1, int size ); Arguments: vect1 A pointer to the 32-bit real vector that will contain the window. size The size of the output vector. Return Value: NONE Remarks: NONE 123 32120A-AVR32-04/09 Gauss Description: 16-bit fixed point version of the gaussian windowing function. Module: WINDOWING Prototype: void dsp16_win_gauss ( dsp16_t *vect1, int size ); Arguments: vect1 A pointer to the 16-bit real vector that will contain the window. size The size of the output vector. Return Value: NONE Remarks: NONE Description: 32-bit fixed point version of the gaussian windowing function. Module: WINDOWING Prototype: void dsp32_win_gauss ( dsp32_t *vect1, int size ); Arguments: vect1 A pointer to the 32-bit real vector that will contain the window. size The size of the output vector. Return Value: NONE Remarks: NONE 124 AVR32765 32120A-AVR32-04/09 AVR32765 Hann Description: 16-bit fixed point version of the hann windowing function. Module: WINDOWING Prototype: void dsp16_win_hann ( dsp16_t *vect1, int size ); Arguments: vect1 A pointer to the 16-bit real vector that will contain the window. size The size of the output vector. Return Value: NONE Remarks: NONE Description: 32-bit fixed point version of the hann windowing function. Module: WINDOWING Prototype: void dsp32_win_hann ( dsp32_t *vect1, int size ); Arguments: vect1 A pointer to the 32-bit real vector that will contain the window. size The size of the output vector. Return Value: NONE Remarks: NONE 125 32120A-AVR32-04/09 Kaiser Description: 16-bit fixed point version of the kaiser windowing function. Module: WINDOWING Prototype: void dsp16_win_kaiser ( dsp16_t *vect1, int size, int alpha ); Arguments: vect1 A pointer to the 16-bit real vector that will contain the window. size The size of the output vector. alpha The alpha coefficient which must be greater than 0. Return Value: NONE Remarks: NONE Description: 32-bit fixed point version of the kaiser windowing function. Module: WINDOWING Prototype: void dsp32_win_kaiser ( dsp32_t *vect1, int size, int alpha ); Arguments: vect1 A pointer to the 32-bit real vector that will contain the window. size The size of the output vector. alpha The alpha coefficient which must be greater than 0. Return Value: NONE Remarks: NONE 126 AVR32765 32120A-AVR32-04/09 AVR32765 Welch Description: 16-bit fixed point version of the welch windowing function. Module: WINDOWING Prototype: void dsp16_win_welch ( dsp16_t *vect1, int size ); Arguments: vect1 A pointer to the 16-bit real vector that will contain the window. size The size of the output vector. Return Value: NONE Remarks: NONE Description: 32-bit fixed point version of the welch windowing function. Module: WINDOWING Prototype: void dsp32_win_welch ( dsp32_t *vect1, int size ); Arguments: vect1 A pointer to the 32-bit real vector that will contain the window. size The size of the output vector. Return Value: NONE Remarks: NONE 127 32120A-AVR32-04/09 4.7 Advanced API This group regroups all the functions available in the advanced library. • • ADPCM Re-Sampling 4.7.1 Standard description Re-Sampling All the signal re-sampling functions implemented in the DSP advanced library. Following is a brief description of the frequency re-sampling algorithm used in this module. It is aimed for anybody so no specifics digital signal processing knowledges are required to understand this presentation. • Summary The principle is simple, it consists in 2 main stages, up-sampling the signal frequency by an integer value (L), this action is also called interpolation, and then downsampling it by another integer value (M), also known as decimation. • L and M calculation L and M are 2 integers that are calculated by getting the GCD (Greatest Common Divisor) of the input (Fsin) and the output (Fsout) frequencies. The number resulting will divide Fsin and Fsout to respectively give M and L. • Interpolation (frequency up-sampling) This process up samples the frequency of the input signal by an integer factor. The factor used at this stage of the process by the re-sampling algorithm will be the precalculated "interpolation factor" L. Which means, if we consider this process as a black box with 1 input (u) and 1 output (v), the output signal sampling frequency (Fs(v)) will be equals to the input signal sampling frequency (Fs(u)) multiplied by L. The following describes the algorithm used to implement the interpolation. The method consists in extending the signal by filling "blank spaces" with zeros, in order to obtain a signal with the desired sampling rate. Then this signal goes through a filter in order to remove the highest frequencies, to give it back its original shape. The cut off frequency is calculated according to the input frequency of the signal. The filter used in this algorithm, is most likely a lowpass FIR filter, which is used as a poly-phase filter. This optimizes greatly the performances of this process because 128 AVR32765 32120A-AVR32-04/09 AVR32765 poly-phase filters are simply, classical filters cut into pieces. And in this case, the aim is to have one piece with the original samples and the other with the zeros used to up sample the signal. Then, by re-ordering the coefficients in a certain way, this process is equivalent to apply a filter only on the original sample parts since the result of filtering a null signal is a null signal. Now, the signal is interpolated, it needs to be down sampled. • Decimation (frequency down-sampling) This process is much simpler than the interpolation. It just consists in removing samples in order to keep the same signal wave form but with a lower sampling rate. Therefore, to obtain the desired output sampling frequency, the signal has to be down sampled by M (decimation factor). Every M samples are kept from the input signal and all the others are removed. • Conclusion By processing these 2 main stages, the signal is re-sampled by a factor equals to L/M. Therefore, the smaller the 2 frequencies have their GCD (Greatest Common Divisor), the more memory it will need (to store the FIR filter coefficients). This method is one of the most used in digital signal processing systems. It will generate a clean signal and evaluate at best the waveform of the output signal. • Frequency response The signal is attenuated on high frequencies. Following are traces showing the frequency response of the re-sampling algorithm over different sampling rate conversions. 129 32120A-AVR32-04/09 Frequency response from 32KHz to 44.1KHz Frequency response from 48KHz to 48.51KHz 130 AVR32765 32120A-AVR32-04/09 AVR32765 4.7.2 C description ADPCM Description: IMA/DVI ADPCM sample encoder. Module: ADVANCED Prototype: S8 dsp_adpcm_ima_encode_nibble ( S16 nibble, S16 *step_index, S16 *predicted_value ); Arguments: nibble The sample to encode. step_index A pointer to a 16 bits data which contains the current step index of the ADPCM algorithm. predicted_value A pointer to a 16 bits data which contains the current predicted value of the ADPCM algorithm. Return Value: A 4-bit data that corresponds to the sample encoded. Remarks: NONE Description: IMA/DVI ADPCM sample decoder. Module: ADVANCED Prototype: S16 dsp_adpcm_ima_decode_nibble ( S8 nibble, S16 *step_index, S16 *predicted_value ); Arguments: nibble The sample to decode. step_index A pointer to a 16 bits data which contains the current step index of the ADPCM algorithm. predicted_value A pointer to a 16 bits data which contains the current predicted value of the ADPCM algorithm. Return Value: A 4-bit data that corresponds to the sample encoded. Remarks: NONE 131 32120A-AVR32-04/09 Description: IMA/DVI ADPCM encoder. Module: ADVANCED Prototype: void dsp_adpcm_ima_encode ( void *out, S16 *in, int size, S16 *step_index, S16 *predicted_value ); Arguments: out A 4-bit data vector that will contain the encoded data. in A 16-bit data vector that contains the data to encode. size The number of data to encode. step_index A pointer to a 16 bits data which contains the current step index of the ADPCM algorithm. predicted_value A pointer to a 16 bits data which contains the current predicted value of the ADPCM algorithm. Return Value: NONE Remarks: Can be performed "in-place". 132 AVR32765 32120A-AVR32-04/09 AVR32765 Description: IMA/DVI ADPCM decoder. Module: ADVANCED Prototype: void dsp_adpcm_ima_decode ( S16 *out, void *in, int size, S16 *step_index, S16 *predicted_value ); Arguments: out A 4-bit data vector that will contain the decoded data. in A 16-bit data vector that contains the data to decode. size The number of data to encode. step_index A pointer to a 16 bits data which contains the current step index of the ADPCM algorithm. predicted_value A pointer to a 16 bits data which contains the current predicted value of the ADPCM algorithm. Return Value: NONE Remarks: Can be performed "in-place". 133 32120A-AVR32-04/09 Re-Sampling Description: This function is the 16-bit signal resampling setup function. Module: ADVANCED Prototype: dsp_resampling_t *dsp16_resampling_setup ( int input_sample_rate, int output_sample_rate, int buffer_size, int filter_order, int nb_channels, malloc_fct_t malloc_fct, dsp_resampling_options_t options ); Arguments: input_sample_rate The sample rate of the input signal. output_sample_rate The sample rate of the output signal. buffer_size The size of the input vectors. filter_order The order of the filter to be used. malloc_fct A pointer to a memory allocation function. nb_channels The number of channels to compute. options Add specific options to the algorithm. Return Value: A pointer to a structure containing the context that will be used during the re-sampling process. Remarks: It has to be called only once at the initialization of the resampling process. The output must be freed with the dsp16_resampling_free function once the re-sampling process is completed. 134 AVR32765 32120A-AVR32-04/09 AVR32765 Description: Function used to free the previously allocted structure issued by the dsp16_resampling_setup function. Module: ADVANCED Prototype: void dsp16_resampling_free ( dsp_resampling_t *dsp_resampling, free_fct_t free_fct ); Arguments: dsp_resampling The re-sampling context structure to be freed. free_fct A pointer to the free function to be used. Return Value: NONE Remarks: NONE Description: Returns the maximal length in sample of the output signal. Module: ADVANCED Prototype: int dsp16_resampling_get_output_max_buffer_size ( dsp_resampling_t *dsp_resampling ); Arguments: dsp_resampling The re-sampling context structure associated. Return Value: NONE Remarks: NONE 135 32120A-AVR32-04/09 Description: Returns the maximal length in sample of the output signal. Module: ADVANCED Prototype: int dsp16_resampling_get_output_current_buffer_size ( dsp_resampling_t *dsp_resampling ); Arguments: dsp_resampling The re-sampling context structure associated. Return Value: NONE Remarks: NONE Description: The re-sampling computation function. Module: ADVANCED Prototype: void dsp16_resampling_compute ( dsp_resampling_t *dsp_resampling, dsp16_t *output, dsp16_t *input, int channel ); Arguments: dsp_resampling The re-sampling context structure associated. output A pointer to a 16-bit vector used to store output data. The length of this vector is defined by the output of the dsp16_resampling_get_output_current_buffer_size function. input A pointer to a 16-bit vector used as an input to the re-sampling process. It has to be of a length defined to the dsp16_resampling_setup function as for its sampling rate. channel The channel input argument (starting from 0 to nb_channels – 1 refered in dsp16_resampling_setup) Return Value: NONE Remarks: NONE 136 AVR32765 32120A-AVR32-04/09 AVR32765 137 32120A-AVR32-04/09 Disclaimer Headquarters International Atmel Corporation 2325 Orchard Parkway San Jose, CA 95131 USA Tel: 1(408) 441-0311 Fax: 1(408) 487-2600 Atmel Asia Unit 1-5 & 16, 19/F BEA Tower, Millennium City 5 418 Kwun Tong Road Kwun Tong, Kowloon Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2245-6100 Fax: (852) 2722-1369 Atmel Europe Le Krebs 8, Rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud BP 309 78054 Saint-Quentin-enYvelines Cedex France Tel: (33) 1-30-60-70-00 Fax: (33) 1-30-60-71-11 Atmel Japan 9F, Tonetsu Shinkawa Bldg. 1-24-8 Shinkawa Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0033 Japan Tel: (81) 3-3523-3551 Fax: (81) 3-3523-7581 Technical Support [email protected] Sales Contact www.atmel.com/contacts Product Contact Web Site www.atmel.com Literature Request www.atmel.com/literature Disclaimer: The information in this document is provided in connection with Atmel products. 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Atmel makes no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this document and reserves the right to make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time without notice. Atmel does not make any commitment to update the information contained herein. Unless specifically provided otherwise, Atmel products are not suitable for, and shall not be used in, automotive applications. Atmel’s products are not intended, authorized, or warranted for use as components in applications intended to support or sustain life. © 2009 Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. Atmel®, Atmel logo and combinations thereof, AVR®, AVR Studio® and others, are the registered trademarks or trademarks of Atmel Corporation or its subsidiaries. Other terms and product names may be trademarks of others. 32120A-AVR32-04/09