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Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe Application Note MCU-AN-300037-E-V11 F²MC-8L/16LX/FR FAMILY 8/16/32-BIT MICROCONTROLLER ALL SERIES WITH LIN-USART LIN STEPPER MOTOR DRIVER APPLICATION NOTE LIN STEPPER MOTOR DRIVER Revision History Revision History Date 2007-01-15 2007-07-13 Issue V1.0 CSc/HWe, Initial Version V1.1 DGo/HWe, corrected reference file names This document contains 23 pages. This application note was kindly supported and released by courtesy of AMI Semiconductor Belgium BVBA, Belgium, MCU-AN-300037-E-V11 -2- © Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH LIN STEPPER MOTOR DRIVER Warranty and Disclaimer Warranty and Disclaimer To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH restricts its warranties and its liability for all products delivered free of charge (eg. software include or header files, application examples, target boards, evaluation boards, engineering samples of IC’s etc.), its performance and any consequential damages, on the use of the Product in accordance with (i) the terms of the License Agreement and the Sale and Purchase Agreement under which agreements the Product has been delivered, (ii) the technical descriptions and (iii) all accompanying written materials. In addition, to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH disclaims all warranties and liabilities for the performance of the Product and any consequential damages in cases of unauthorised decompiling and/or reverse engineering and/or disassembling. Note, all these products are intended and must only be used in an evaluation laboratory environment. 1. Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH warrants that the Product will perform substantially in accordance with the accompanying written materials for a period of 90 days form the date of receipt by the customer. Concerning the hardware components of the Product, Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH warrants that the Product will be free from defects in material and workmanship under use and service as specified in the accompanying written materials for a duration of 1 year from the date of receipt by the customer. 2. Should a Product turn out to be defect, Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH´s entire liability and the customer´s exclusive remedy shall be, at Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH´s sole discretion, either return of the purchase price and the license fee, or replacement of the Product or parts thereof, if the Product is returned to Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH in original packing and without further defects resulting from the customer´s use or the transport. However, this warranty is excluded if the defect has resulted from an accident not attributable to Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH, or abuse or misapplication attributable to the customer or any other third party not relating to Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH. 3. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH disclaims all other warranties, whether expressed or implied, in particular, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose for which the Product is not designated. 4. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH´s and its suppliers´ liability is restricted to intention and gross negligence. NO LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, in no event shall Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH and its suppliers be liable for any damages whatsoever (including but without limitation, consequential and/or indirect damages for personal injury, assets of substantial value, loss of profits, interruption of business operation, loss of information, or any other monetary or pecuniary loss) arising from the use of the Product. Should one of the above stipulations be or become invalid and/or unenforceable, the remaining stipulations shall stay in full effect © Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH -3- MCU-AN-300037-E-V11 LIN STEPPER MOTOR DRIVER Contents Contents REVISION HISTORY ............................................................................................................ 2 WARRANTY AND DISCLAIMER ......................................................................................... 3 CONTENTS .......................................................................................................................... 4 1 INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................. 6 2 LIN-BUS........................................................................................................................... 7 2.1 Short LIN Specification ............................................................................................ 7 2.1.1 Identifier Field ............................................................................................ 8 2.1.2 Checksum.................................................................................................. 8 3 HARDWARE SETUP ....................................................................................................... 9 3.1 Block diagram ......................................................................................................... 9 3.2 Schematics............................................................................................................ 10 3.3 Short Description AMIS – 30621 ........................................................................... 11 3.4 Fujitsu’s MCU........................................................................................................ 11 4 CONTROLLING THE AMIS 30621 ................................................................................ 12 4.1 LIN Frames ........................................................................................................... 12 4.1.1 Dynamically assigned identifier................................................................ 12 4.2 Dummy Frame ...................................................................................................... 13 4.3 GetFullStatus ........................................................................................................ 14 4.4 SetMotorParam ..................................................................................................... 14 4.5 SetPosition ............................................................................................................ 15 4.6 Summary............................................................................................................... 15 5 SOFTWARE................................................................................................................... 16 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 LIN Protocol Handling ........................................................................................... 16 5.1.1 Interrupts during LIN frame ...................................................................... 16 5.1.2 State chart of the Interrupt Service Routine ............................................. 17 Generating LIN frames .......................................................................................... 19 5.2.1 Master sends LIN frame........................................................................... 19 5.2.2 Master requests LIN frame from Slave..................................................... 19 Implemented Features........................................................................................... 20 5.3.1 DoGetFullStatus ...................................................................................... 20 5.3.2 SetMotorParameter ................................................................................. 21 5.3.3 Set Dynamic Identifier.............................................................................. 21 User Menu............................................................................................................. 22 MCU-AN-300037-E-V11 -4- © Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH LIN STEPPER MOTOR DRIVER Contents 5.5 Example Project Structure..................................................................................... 22 5.6 Source Code ......................................................................................................... 22 6 APPENDIX ..................................................................................................................... 23 6.1 Figures .................................................................................................................. 23 6.2 Information in the WWW........................................................................................ 23 © Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH -5- MCU-AN-300037-E-V11 LIN STEPPER MOTOR DRIVER Chapter 1 Introduction 1 Introduction This application note describes how to use the Fujitsu’s LIN USART to control LIN devices. The software example is based on a 16-bit microcontroller of the MB90350 Series1, acting as a LIN master that will be connected to a Stepper Motor Driver IC from the company AMI Semiconductor. The AMIS-30621 is a bipolar 2-Phase stepper motor driver with position controller and LIN control/diagnostics interface integrated in a single chip. The AMIS-30621 acts as a slave on the bus and the master can fetch specific status information like actual position, error flags, etc. from each individual slave node. The basics of the LIN bus protocol will be explained within this application note. 1 The software example can easily be adapted to all 8-, 16- and 32-bit MCUs with LIN-USART. MCU-AN-300037-E-V11 -6- © Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH LIN STEPPER MOTOR DRIVER Chapter 2 LIN-Bus 2 LIN-Bus SHORT SPECIFICATION 2.1 Short LIN Specification LIN uses NRZ-8N1L data format in a baud rate range from 9600 Bit/s to 19200 Bit/s. A LIN bus is a 1 master to n slaves bus. A LIN message frame consists of a header and a response like in the graphic below: LIN Message Frame Message Frame Header Synch Break Response Synch Field Ident Field Data Field(s) In-frame response space Data Field Checksum Field Interbyte space Except for the Synchronization Break all Fields are simple 8N1L data, this means 1 start bit, 8 data bits (LSB first), no parity, 1 stop bit The Synchronization Field is a simple 0x55 byte (LSB first). Thus it consists of alternately 5 dominant and 5 recessive bits: SYNCH FIELD 8 Tbit START BIT 0 1 2 © Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH 3 4 -7- 5 6 7 STOP BIT MCU-AN-300037-E-V11 LIN STEPPER MOTOR DRIVER Chapter 2 LIN-Bus 2.1.1 Identifier Field The Identifier filed consists of 6 ID bits and 2 parity bits: The Parity bits are calculated by: P 0 = ID 0 ID1 ID 2 ID 4 P1 = ID1 ID3 ID 4 ID5 The identifiers 0x3C, 0x3D, 0x3E, and 0x3F with their respective IDENTIFIER FIELDS 0x3C, 0x7D, 0xFE, and 0xBF (all 8-byte messages) are reserved for command frames (e.g. sleep mode) and extended frames The identifier 0x3C is a Master Request-frame to send commands and data from the master to the slave node. The identifier 0x3D is an Slave Response frame that triggers one slave node (being addressed by a prior download-frame) to send data to the master node. 2.1.2 Checksum The checksum is calculated over all data bytes (LIN 1.3) or over all data bytes and the identifier byte (LIN 2.0). The calculation is the inverted sum with carry. This means, if the new sum over the last sum is greater than 255 an additional “1” is added. After the last addition, the result is inverted. The formula for this calculation is: n Checksum = 0 xFF n i =1 datai mod 0 x100 + i =1 datai 0 x100 Note, that in LIN 2.0 datai also contain the identifier field. For more Information about Using the LIN-Bus check our Application Note mcu-an-390088e-uart_lin.pdf or see the LIN Specification on the Internet: MCU-AN-300037-E-V11 -8- © Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH LIN STEPPER MOTOR DRIVER Chapter 3 Hardware Setup 3 Hardware Setup This Chapter describes a minimal Hardware Setup 3.1 Block diagram This diagram shows a simple configuration of the functional blocks Optional UART MCU LIN-MASTER LIN-BUS LIN-SLAVES AMIS AMIS AMIS SM SM SM Figure 3-1 Block diagram © Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH -9- MCU-AN-300037-E-V11 LIN STEPPER MOTOR DRIVER Chapter 3 Hardware Setup 3.2 Schematics The Schematic shows the MCU Part including UART- and LIN-Transceivers and the Part of the AMIS Motor Driver. In each case a basic setup is presented. C2+ V- C2 - GND 35 LIN VS 6 8 220p BUS TXD INH GND 64 2 MD0 MD1 1 44 4 44 SIN2 MD2 2k 2k 23 22 21 SOT2 GND 5 GND TLE7259 18 22:/25V100n RXD RST R30 4k7 2k 45 GND AVss 7 2k JP61 LIN enable Default open 100n GND U11 3 2 WAKE EN D25 1N4148 Default open VCC MB90F350 VCC Master 48 1 D26 1N4002 X1 Vss 1k Q1 4MHZ 22 pF GND VCC C67 C69 1n R28 22 pF SOT3 15 GND JP57 VBAT 47 SIN3 GND 6 MAX3232CSE VBat X0 34 C61 100n 100n 5 G 12 9 11 10 R1 IN R1 OUT R2 IN R2 OUT T1 OUT T1 IN T2 OUT T2 IN 4 GND 3 C1 - MCU AVRH V+ 13 8 14 7 Vcc C109 100n Vss GND 1 C1+ 48 5 9 4 8 3 7 2 6 1 UART VCC 49 16 C57 100n 2 100n GND G GND VCC UART U8 AVcc VCC C52 LIN GND G GND X6 Optional to connect more devices G GND LIN B (female) 1 6 2 7 3 8 4 9 5 LIN GND U2 LIN 6 LIN-Bus[0..1] AMIS-30621 Motor Driver LIN J1 GND GND TST C2 100 nF C3 GND HW0 R2 HW1 1k GND GND GND HW2 C8 2.7 nF GND C6 1k C7 2.7 nF GND 220 nF X2 D1 VBB Vbat C10 Diode 100 uF GND MOTOR COIL Y R1 20 CPP VCP CPN C5 100 nF 220 nF 1 2 DCIN 3 1 C4 100 nF GND 4 JP_HW2 default 2-3 VBB 15 13 2 JP_HW1 default 2-3 VDD MOTOR COIL X 10 19 GND JP_HW0 default 2-3 VDD SWI 11 9 100 nF MOTYP MOTYN VBB C9 7 4 5 1 2 J2 VDD 12 C1 3 MOTXP MOTXN 18 16 AMIS 30621 GND GND 1 uF tantal HW0 HW1 HW2 17 14 HW0 1 HW1 2 HW2 8 VBB GND GND Figure 3-2 Schematic MCU-AN-300037-E-V11 - 10 - © Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH LIN STEPPER MOTOR DRIVER Chapter 3 Hardware Setup 3.3 Short Description AMIS – 30621 The AMIS – 30621 LIN Microstepping Motordriver is able to drive a bipolar stepper motor with up to 800 mA. The used motors need to have low impedance. A minimal current of 59 mA have to be drawn by the motor, otherwise the AMIS driver detects an open loop and switches off the output. The motor is current controlled by a 20 kHz PWM and it can be chosen between several stepping modes. (Half Stepping to 1/16 micro stepping) It supports LIN rev. 1.3 with 19.2 kbaud and acts as a slave on the bus. 128 node addresses can be used. The address is set by programming 5 bits of the address internal and setting 3 hardwired bits external (HW0 to HW2). It features protection functions and several positioning and driving configurations. The AMIS - 30621 needs an 8V to 29V supply voltage. An internal 5V regulator produces the voltage for the control logic. No further power supply is needed. 3.4 Fujitsu’s MCU The MCU controls the Stepper motor driver over the LIN-Bus. It acts as Master. In this example a 16bit MCU the MB90F352 is used, but you can use any controller that has at least one LIN_UART Interface. To connect the MCU physically to the Bus Line, you need a LIN Transceiver. Here a TLE7259 is used. The PC Communication is realized via UART. © Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH - 11 - MCU-AN-300037-E-V11 LIN STEPPER MOTOR DRIVER Chapter 4 Controlling the AMIS 30621 4 Controlling the AMIS 30621 This Chapter describes some basic commands of the AMIS 30621 4.1 LIN Frames The AMIS 30621 uses 8 Types of LIN frames that are subdivided into Writing-, Reading-, and Preparing-Frames. • A writing frame is sent by the LIN Master to send commands and/or information to the Slave nodes. In the example type 4 is used for writing frames. It starts with 0x3C Identifier followed by a Command Indicator, the Command itself, the physical address and parameters. Figure 4-1 Writing frame type 4 AppCMD : 0x80 indicates that Data2 contains an application command byte CMD[6:0]: Command byte AD[6:0] : Slave node’s physical address • • A preparing frame is a writing frame that warns a particular slave node that it will have to answer in the next frame (hence a reading frame). A reading frame uses an in-frame response mechanism. That is: the master initiates the frame (synchronization field + identifier field), and one slave sends back the data field together with the check field. Figure 4-2 Preparing frame type 8 4.1.1 Dynamically assigned identifier The above mentioned frames use the identifiers 0x3C (writing) and 0x3F (reading). Apart from these identifiers the LIN specification does not indicate how identifier can be allocated. To keep slave nodes adaptable to a given LIN Network, the idea is to implement a dynamic assignment of the identifier by the LIN Master. This is done at start-up by writing identifier and the desired corresponding command in the slave’s RAM. Figure 4-3 Dynamic ID assignment MCU-AN-300037-E-V11 - 12 - © Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH LIN STEPPER MOTOR DRIVER Chapter 4 Controlling the AMIS 30621 The LIN frame shown above uses the 0x3C identifier and links four dynamic IDs to four ROM pointers that represent the actual command. The AMIS 30621 has nine ROM pointers, so nine commands can be used via dynamic IDs. So for example if you want to perform a GetStatus Command you have to set ID1[5:0] = 000000 and ROMp1[3:0] = 0011. Same commands are only available via dynamic IDs. Most of them use General purpose 2 Data bytes. So again you have to link the ID with the ROM pointer (e.g. ID4[5:0] = 011000 and ROMp4[3:0] = 0000) and then the command is sent as part of the LIN frame. A HardStop command then looks like this: The bits 6 and 7 are set to one according to parity computation. 4.2 Dummy Frame According to LIN Spec Rev 1.3 the Slave assumes a bus sleep state if there is no activity on the bus for 25000 Tbit (1.3 s @19.2 kbaud). In sleep mode the AMIS 30621 drives the motor to the secure position and goes to Shutdown Mode. To leave the Shutdown mode you have to send a “GetFullStatus” – Command. To prevent this you have to send a dummy frame that keeps the driver awake. In the example a reload timer is used to trigger a LIN message every 400 ms. To use this needed traffic, the periodic message is used for a GetStatus Command. The Slave (AMIS device) answers with some status flags, like the state of the external Switch Input (ESW). © Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH - 13 - MCU-AN-300037-E-V11 LIN STEPPER MOTOR DRIVER Chapter 4 Controlling the AMIS 30621 4.3 GetFullStatus This command is provided to the circuit by the LIN Master to get a complete status of the circuit and of the Stepper motor. It corresponds to one preparing frame and two successive LIN in-frame responses with 0x3D indirect ID. The response frames contain the actual status and parameters of the motor driver according to the following figure: Figure 4-4 Status Response Frames The parameters and flags are explained in the AMIS-30621 Datasheet 4.4 SetMotorParam This command is used to set the values for the Stepper motor parameters. It corresponds to a LIN writing frame type 4. The most important parameters are: • • • • • • Irun [3:0] Peak operating current Ihold [3:0] Hold current Vmax [3:0] Maximum velocity Vmin [3:0] Minimum velocity Shaft Direction of movement for positive velocity StepMode [1:0] Stepping mode (Half stepping, ¼ micro step, 1/8 micro step, 1/16 micro step) The Irun and Ihold parameter have to be set according to the used stepper motor. By Irun the highest current is defined, that is allowed to drive the motor in case of maximum load. The Ihold parameter defines the motor current in stop mode. Note that if this value can not be reached, because the impedance of the motor is too high, or the voltage too low, the AMIS 30621 interprets this as an open loop and switches off the output. The current values can be set to 16 different levels that go from 59 mA to 800 mA. To set the parameters to the LIN frame format required by the motor driver, the SetMotorParameter() function is used. See section 5.3.2 MCU-AN-300037-E-V11 - 14 - © Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH LIN STEPPER MOTOR DRIVER Chapter 4 Controlling the AMIS 30621 4.5 SetPosition This command is provided to the circuit by the LIN Master to drive one or two motors to a given absolute position. The used frame type is of type 4 and contains the address and the new position of one or two motors. Figure 4-5 SetPosition LIN frame For example and according to figure 4-5 a message containing the following bytes: ( 0x3C | 0x80 | 0x8B | 0x80 | 0x01 | 0x00 | 0x81 | 0x00 | 0x00) drives the Motor at address 0 to Position 0x0100 and if connected a motor at address 1 to position 0x0000. 4.6 Summary This chapter showed the principles of controlling the AMIS 30621. The format of the LIN frames depends on the task and the used command. To get a first movement of the stepper motor you have to follow three steps: 1. Wake up the device via GetFullStatus 2. Set the appropriate motor values with SetMotorParam 3. Set a new Position different from zero with SetPosition 4. (Keep the device awake with periodic frames) For further ways of programming the AMIS 30621 and a complete command list check the AMIS Datasheet. © Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH - 15 - MCU-AN-300037-E-V11 LIN STEPPER MOTOR DRIVER Chapter 5 Software 5 Software This Chapter describes the Software Principles and its Implementation The complete software source code can be found in the zip file This chapter describes only the most important parts. 5.1 LIN Protocol Handling The communication according to the LIN Protocol is realized by one Interrupt Service Routine. This Routine is called when a LIN Break is detected via Master Read back. The same Routine is used for sending and receiving LIN messages. It is subdivided into 6 states: 0. Bus is idle. Ready to send synch break. 1. After a LIN break is detected, the flag is cleared, the Synch field is sent and the Reception is enabled. 2. With the next interrupt the Synch field is read back and checked. Then the LIN Header (Identifier Field) is sent. 3. Again the LIN Header is read back and checked. If the master wants to send, the first data Byte is sent and added to the Checksum Calculation. 4. In State 4 the Master sends the 2nd to last data byte or receives data bytes from the slave. If the last byte is sent or received, the checksum is sent or checked. 5. Read back of the Checksum. All interrupts handled by the LIN ISR are reception Interrupts. 5.1.1 Interrupts during LIN frame The following illustration gives an overview about the interrupt effort when LIN-UART is bus master: LIN State: 0 1 2 3 4 Master Frame 5 Slave Respond LIN-Bus Set LBR TDR=0x55 IRQ: RDRF IRQ: RDRF RDR=”synch” RDR=”header” Reception-IRQ: RDRF Reception-IRQ: LBD Reception-IRQ: RDRF RXE = 1 RDR=”data” MCU-AN-300037-E-V11 - 16 - RDR=”checksum” RXE = 0 © Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH LIN STEPPER MOTOR DRIVER Chapter 5 Software 5.1.2 State chart of the Interrupt Service Routine Reception Interrupt State 0 User Activation Checksum is read back State 1 State 5 Reception Interrupt and last Data sent IRQ LIN Break Error Last Data is read back Send Checksum Enable Reception Send Synch Field Checksum = 0; Reception Interrupt Data is read back Send LIN Data Add Data to Checksum Calculation State 4 State 2 Reception Interrupt Synch Field is read back Send Header Field Reception Interrupt State 3 Header Field is read back Send LIN Data Add Data to Checksum Calculation Every unexpected IRQ or wrong data read on bus leads to the Error State Figure 5-1 ISR State chart /*--------------------- INTERRUPT SERVICE ROUTINE ---------------------------*/ __interrupt void RxIRQHandler(void) { if (ESCR2_LBD) { ESCR2_LBD = 0; // LIN Break Detection (Read back)? // Clear flag if (LIN_State == 1) { SCR2_RXE = 1; TDR2 = 0x55; LIN_State = 2; LIN_Checksum = 0; } else Rx_Error = 1; // Enable reception // Send Synchfield // Unexpected reception of break } else if (SSR2_RDRF) { Rx_Data = RDR2; // Reception? // Get reception data if (SSR2_ORE || SSR2_FRE) Rx_Error = 2; © Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH - 17 - // Reception errors? MCU-AN-300037-E-V11 LIN STEPPER MOTOR DRIVER Chapter 5 Software else if (LIN_State == 2) { if (Rx_Data != 0x55) Rx_Error = 3; else { TDR2 = LIN_Header; LIN_State = 3; } } // Synch field read back? // Send LIN_Header else if (LIN_State == 3) { // Header read back? if (Rx_Data != LIN_Header) Rx_Error = 4; else { if (Master_Send) { // Master wants to send? TDR2 = LIN_Data[LIN_Count]; // Send LIN Data LIN_Checksum = LIN_Data[LIN_Count]; } LIN_State = 4; } } else if (LIN_State == 4) { // LIN Data read back / Slave Data if (Master_Send) { // Master sent data? if (Rx_Data != LIN_Data[LIN_Count]) Rx_Error = 5; LIN_Count++; if (LIN_Count == DATALENGTH) { // End of message reached? LIN_Count = 0; LIN_State = 5; LIN_Checksum = LIN_Checksum ^ 0xFF; TDR2 = LIN_Checksum; } else { TDR2 = LIN_Data[LIN_Count]; // Send next LIN Data LIN_Checksum = LIN_Checksum + LIN_Data[LIN_Count]; if (LIN_Checksum > 0xFF) LIN_Checksum -=0xFF; } } else { // Receive Data from Slave LIN_Data[LIN_Count] = Rx_Data; LIN_Checksum = LIN_Checksum + Rx_Data; if (LIN_Checksum > 0xFF) LIN_Checksum -=0xFF; LIN_Count++; if (LIN_Count == (reply_count+1)*DATALENGTH) { // End of message reached? LIN_Count = reply_count*DATALENGTH; LIN_State = 5; LIN_Checksum = LIN_Checksum ^ 0xFF; } } } else if (LIN_State == 5) { if (Rx_Data != LIN_Checksum) } // LIN Checksum read back / Slave Checksum Rx_Error = 6; SCR2_RXE = 0; LIN_State = 0; reply_count = 0; } else { // Not recognized interrupt cause Rx_Error = 7; SSR2_RIE = 0; // disable reception interrupt } } //end of ISR The static char array LIN_Data[] is used to store incoming and outgoing data. After the LIN Header is sent, the variable Master_Send decides if the ISR will send data (Master_Send == 1) or if the ISR will store the incoming data from a slave (Master_Send == 0). MCU-AN-300037-E-V11 - 18 - © Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH LIN STEPPER MOTOR DRIVER Chapter 5 Software 5.2 Generating LIN frames 5.2.1 Master sends LIN frame According to the software example you have to follow these steps to send a LIN frame from master to slave: 0. Set LIN Header 1. Set Master_Send = 1 2. Set Number of data bytes. (Note that the Identifier field contains the maximum number of data bytes) 3. Write the data bytes in LIN_Data[]. In Start_LIN_Message() LIN Break is generated. 4. Call Start_LIN_Message() the After the LIN Break is generated, the ISR controls the Handling of the LIN message. void Start_LIN_Message(void) { while (LIN_State >0); //waits until all messages are handled without error Rx_Error = 0; LIN_State = 1; LIN_Count = DATALENGTH; ESCR2_LBD = 0; ESCR2_LBIE = 1; // clear possible LIN-Break detection // enable LIN Break detection (for read back) ECCR2 = 0x40; // Set LIN-Break via byte access } The Send_frame() function is not used in the software example. It just shows the structure of all Functions that are used to send LIN frames. void Send_frame() { LIN_Header Master_Send DATALENGTH = 0x3C; = 1; = 8; Set_LIN_Data_Bytes(0x80, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF); Start_LIN_Message(); } 5.2.2 Master requests LIN frame from Slave To get a desired response from the Slave, you have to initiate a Slave Response frame. This is done by the reserved Identifier 0x3D (according to the Parity bits, the ID Field is 0x7D). The Slave is addressed by a prior Master Request frame. Like in the example above, you have to set LIN Header, reset Master_Send and generate a LIN Break: 0. 1. 2. 3. Set LIN Header (0x7D) Set Master_Send = 0 Set Number of data bytes Call Start_LIN_Message() 4. The incoming data bytes will be stored in LIN_Data[]. © Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH - 19 - MCU-AN-300037-E-V11 LIN STEPPER MOTOR DRIVER Chapter 5 Software 5.3 Implemented Features The Example Software provides the following features: • Periodical sending of Dummy Frame (GetStatus) • Stall Detection with automatic stop • Setting Motor Parameters individually: < Changing Speed < Changing max Operation Current (Irun) < Changing Hold Current (Ihold) < Toggle Direction < Setting Step Mode • Reading the Full Status • Setting a new Position 5.3.1 DoGetFullStatus This function uses a master request frame to get two response frames from the AMIS Device. The Data is stored in LIN_Data[0 to 7] and LIN_Data[8 to 15]. #define MASTERSEND = 0x3C #define SLAVESEND = 0x7D void DoGetFullStatus () { DATALENGTH = 8; reply_count = 0; Set_LIN_Data_Bytes(AppCMD,GetFullStatus,AD,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF); LIN_Header = MASTERSEND; // Master sends data to slave Master_Send = 1; Start_LIN_Message(); if (!Rx_Error) { wait(10000); reply_count = 0; LIN_Header = SLAVESEND; Master_Send = 0; Start_LIN_Message(); } if (!Rx_Error) { wait(10000); reply_count = 1; LIN_Header = SLAVESEND; Master_Send = 0; Start_LIN_Message(); } // Master wants data from slave // Master wants data from slave while (LIN_State > 0); // all information stored in LIN_Data[] now MCU-AN-300037-E-V11 - 20 - © Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH LIN STEPPER MOTOR DRIVER Chapter 5 Software 5.3.2 SetMotorParameter This function is used to set the motor parameters. According to the AMIS Datasheet some data bytes contain more than one parameter. These are placed to the appropriate Bit positions. At the end all parameter are send via one LIN frame. BYTE SetMotorParameter(BYTE adress, BYTE Irun, BYTE Ihold, BYTE Vmax, BYTE Vmin, unsigned short SecPos, BYTE Shaft, BYTE Acc, BYTE AccShape, BYTE StepMode) { BYTE data4, data5, data6, data7, data8; if ((Motion & 0x03) > 0) return 0; // if motor is in motion break else { data4 = (Irun << 4) + Ihold; data5 = (Vmax << 4) + Vmin; data6 = (BYTE)((SecPos & 0x0700) >> 3) + (Shaft << 4) + (Acc & 0x0F); data7 = (BYTE)(SecPos & 0x00FF); data8 = 0xE3 + (AccShape<<4) + (StepMode << 2); Set_LIN_Data_Bytes(AppCMD,SetMotorParam,adress,data4, data5,data6,data7,data8); reply_count = 0; DATALENGTH = 8; LIN_Header = MASTERSEND; // Master sends data to slave Master_Send = 1; } Start_LIN_Message(); while (LIN_State > 0); return 1; } // process complete 5.3.3 Set Dynamic Identifier In the example four dynamic Identifiers are used: GetStatus, SetPosition (16-bit), General Purpose 2 Data bytes and General Purpose 4 Data bytes. The following source code shows how these IDs are linked to the appropriate ROM pointers void Set_Dynamic_ID() { LIN_Header = MASTERSEND; Master_Send = 1; DATALENGTH = 8; LIN_Data[0] = AppCMD; LIN_Data[1] = DynamicIDassignment; LIN_Data[2] = 0x80; //AD = 0, non broad LIN_Data[3] = 0x81; //ID1 = 101000 ROMp1 LIN_Data[4] = 0x0E; //ID2 = 000000 ROMp2 LIN_Data[5] = 0x40; //ID3 = 010000 ROMp3 LIN_Data[6] = 0x10; //ID4 = 011000 ROMp4 LIN_Data[7] = 0x60; reply_count = 0; = = = = 0001 0011 0100 0000 Start_LIN_Message(); } while ((LIN_State>0) && (timeout < 10000)) timeout++; if (timeout < 10000) timeout = 0; else Rx_Error = 8; To understand the values of LIN_Data[2..7] see Figure 4-3 Dynamic ID assignment and how the IDs and ROM pointer are inserted in the LIN frame. © Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH - 21 - MCU-AN-300037-E-V11 LIN STEPPER MOTOR DRIVER Chapter 5 Software 5.4 User Menu The program is controlled via UART Interface. Connect your PCs COM Port to UART 3 and connect with 19200 baud. The following window should appear: To get a movement you have first to press ‘i’ to run MotorInit. By this the AMIS device is switched to normal operating mode and some basic motor parameters are set. Then press ‘+’ to drive the motor to a new position. The new position is the actual position + 0x100. The implemented features are listed in the menu and explained by itself. The Speed-, Irun- and Ihold-Functions increase and decrease the value by one respectively. The value range from 0 to 15. If you call the “New Position”-Function you have to set the new position value by 4 digits in hex. 5.5 Example Project Structure The Example software is subdivided into several files: AMIS30621.c +.h LIN_ISR.c uart.c main.c 5.6 Functions to control the AMIS Device The LIN Interrupt Service Routine The LIN and UART concerning functions The main program and menu Source Code Please find the source codes of this application note adapted for MB90350 series in the zip file: MCU-AN-300037-E-V11 - 22 - © Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH LIN STEPPER MOTOR DRIVER Chapter 6 Appendix 6 Appendix 6.1 Figures Figure 3-1 Block diagram ....................................................................................................... 9 Figure 3-2 Schematic ........................................................................................................... 10 Figure 4-1 Writing frame type 4............................................................................................ 12 Figure 4-2 Preparing frame type 8........................................................................................ 12 Figure 4-3 Dynamic ID assignment ...................................................................................... 12 Figure 4-4 Status Response Frames.................................................................................... 14 Figure 4-5 SetPosition LIN frame ......................................................................................... 15 Figure 5-1 ISR State chart ................................................................................................... 17 All figures of chapter 3 are derived from the AMIS 30621 datasheet. 6.2 Information in the WWW Information about FUJITSU MICROELECTRONICS products can be found here: Dedicated information on FUJITSU Microcontroller products including datasheets and manuals, software examples, application notes and tools can be found here: Information about AMI Semiconductor can be found here: Specific information about the LIN Motor driver (AMIS-30621) can be found here: © Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH - 23 - MCU-AN-300037-E-V11