SW80x 8-SPST Switches BOWEI INTEGRATED CIRCUITS CO.,LTD. Features Low insertion loss. High isolation l Fast switching speed l l Wide operating temp range, high reliability Operating temperature range:-45℃~+85℃ l Specifications (Vcc=+5V,Vee=-5V) Switching Dimension speed (ns) (mm) (Typ) 120 112×40×11.5 SW801 0.5~2 Insertion loss (dB) (Typ/Max) 1.0/1.5 SW801B 0.5~2 1.2/1.8 1.5 70/65 120 112×40×11.5 8 throw absorptive SW802 1 ~4 1.5/2.0 1.7 70/65 120 112×40×11.5 8 throw SW802B 1 ~4 1.8/2.3 1.7 70/65 120 112×40×11.5 8 throw absorptive SW803 2 ~8 2.0/2.5 2.0 65/60 120 112×40×11.5 8 throw SW803B 2 ~8 2.5/2.8 2.0 65/60 120 112×40×11.5 8 throw absorptive SW804 2~12 3.0/3.5 2.0 65/60 120 112×40×11.5 8 throw SW805 2~18 3.5/4.5 2.0 60/55 120 112×40×11.5 8 throw 10~200MHz 2.5/3.5 1.5 110/100 200 215×60×29 16 throw MKG003A 10~200MHz 2.5/3.5 1.5 110/100 200 170×60×29 16 throw MKG003B 10~200MHz 1.5/2.0 1.5 110/100 200 76×60×15 5 throw 3.5/4.5 1.5 100/90 200 275×100×27 17 throw Part number MKG003 SP17T Frequency range (GHz) 10~1500MHz Switching time (Typ) Isolation (dB) (Typ/Min) 1.5 70/65 VSWR Notes 8 throw Application note: 1) Absorptive and reflective switches are optional to customer, if choose absorptive switch the isolation will deteriorate than normal. 2) Custom design is available for other frequency and parameters. Frequency range covers DC to C band. ●TEL:+86-311-87091891 87091887 ● FAX:+86-311-87091282 ● http://www.cn-bowei.com ● E-mail:cjian @cn-bowei.com 11