DOMINANT Opto Technologies Innovating Illumination TM DATA SHEET Multi DomiLEDTM D6RTB-FJG Multi DomiLED TM Synonymous with function and performance, the Multi DomiLED series is perfectly suited for a variety of cross-industrial applications due to its small package outline, durability and superior brightness. TM Features: > High brightness tri-color surface mount LED. > Each color can be individually controlled > 120° viewing angle. > Small package outline (LxWxH) of 3.2 x 3.0 x 1.7mm. > Qualified according to JEDEC moisture sensitivity Level 2. > Compatible to IR reflow soldering. > Environmental friendly; RoHS compliance. © 2005 DomiLED is a trademark of DOMINANT Opto Technologies. All rights reserved. Product specifications are subject to change without notice. 1 30/10/2014 V1.0 DOMINANT TM D6RTB-FJG Opto Technologies Innovating Illumination Optical Characteristics at Tj=25˚C Part Ordering Number D6RTB-FJG-U2V+W3X3+S2T-1 Luminous Intensity @ If = 20mA IV (mcd) Color, λdom (nm) Chip #1 Chip #2 Chip #3 Chip #1 560.0-1125.0 Red True Green Blue 625nm 528nm 465nm Chip #3 Chip #2 1000.0-2100.0 224.0-450.0 NOTE: 1. Reel comes in a quantity of 1000 units per reel. 2. Luminous intensity is measured with an accuracy of ± 11%. 3. All electrical and optical data are measured at room temperature; Ta = 25˚C. Electrical Characteristics at Tj=25˚C Vf @ If = 20mA Vr @ Ir = 10uA Min. (V) Typ. (V) Max. (V) Min. (V) Red 1.90 2.10 2.50 12 True Green 2.80 3.10 3.40 5 Blue 2.80 3.10 3.40 5 Forward voltage, Vf is measured with an accuracy of ± 0.1 V. Absolute Maximum Ratings Maximum Value DC forward current Red; AlInGaP=50; Unit mA True Green, Blue; InGaN=50 Peak pulse current; (tp ≤ 10µs, Duty cycle = 0.005) Red ; AlInGaP=200 Reverse voltage True Green, Blue; InGaN=200 mA Red; AlInGaP=12; V True Green, Blue; InGaN= 5 ESD threshold (HBM) 2000 V LED junction temperature 125 ˚C Operating temperature -40 … +100 ˚C Storage temperature -40 … +100 ˚C Red, Rth JA 440 K/W Blue & True Green, Rth JA 320 K/W Thermal resistance junction/solder (3 chips on), Rth JS 180 K/W Thermal resistance junction/ambient (3 chips on) 2 30/10/2014 V1.0 DOMINANT TM D6RTB-FJG Opto Technologies Innovating Illumination Wavelength Grouping Color Group Wavelength distribution (nm) Red Full 619 - 629 True Green Full 521 - 536 A 521 - 526 Blue B 526 - 531 C 531 - 536 Full A 459 - 471 B 463 - 467 C 467 - 471 459 - 463 Dominant wavelength is measured with an accuracy of ±1nm. Luminous Intensity Group at Tj=25˚C Color Red Brightness Group True Green Blue Luminous Intensity IV (mcd) U2 560.0 ... 715.0 V1 715.0 ... 900.0 V2 900.0 ... 1125.0 W3 1000.0 ... 1300.0 W4 1300.0 ... 1700.0 X3 1700.0 ... 2100.0 S2 224.0 ... 285.0 T1 285.0 ... 355.0 T2 355.0 ... 450.0 Luminous intensity is measured with an accuracy of ±11%. 3 30/10/2014 V1.0 DOMINANT TM D6RTB-FJG Opto Technologies Innovating Illumination 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 Forward Current, mA Forward Current Vs Forward Voltage (Red) Forward Current Vs Forward Voltage (Blue and True Green) 50 50 40 40 30 20 10 30 20 10 0 0 1 1.5 2 2 2.5 2.5 3 3.5 4 Forward Voltage, V Forward Voltage, V Wavelength Shift Vs Forward Current (Blue) Wavelength Shift Vs Forward Current (True Green) 6 3 4 Wavelength Shift, nm 2 Wavelength Shift, nm Wavelength Shift, nm 3 Forward Current, mA Forward Current, mA Forward Current, mA Relative Intensity Vs Forward Current (Blue and True Green) Relative Intensity; Normalized at 20mA Relative Intensity; Normalized at 20mA Relative Intensity Vs Forward Current (Red) 1 0 -1 -2 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 -3 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 Forward Current, mA Forward Current, mA 4 30/10/2014 V1.0 DOMINANT TM D6RTB-FJG Opto Technologies Innovating Illumination Maximum Permissible Forward CurrentCurrent (3 Chips on) MultipleX-YPlot Maximum Permissible Forward Relative Intensity vs Wavelength 60 40 1 0.8 Relative Intensity Col_4 Blue 50 True Green 0.7 Forward Current, mA 0.9 Variables Red 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 30 40 Red, Blue and True Green 30 20 20 10 10 0.1 00 0 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 00 800 10 20 20 30 4040 50 6060 7080 80 90 100100 AmbientTemperature Ambient Temperature Wavelength, nm D6RTB-FJG Allowable Forward Current Vs DutyVs RatioDuty Ratio Allowable Forward Current Radiation Pattern ( Ta=25Deg Deg C, ) (Tj=25 C,tp10uS tp<10uS) Allowable Forward Current (mA) Allowable Forward Current ( mA ) 1000 1000 30° Red 40° True Green & Blue 100 Green True Red,Ture Green & Blue 0.8 0.6 60° 0.4 0.2 80° 10 0.1 0° 50° 70° &Blue 10 10° 1.0 Red 100 20° 1 1 10 10 Duty Ratio (%) 90° 100 0 100 Duty Ratio, % 5 30/10/2014 V1.0 DOMINANT TM D6RTB-FJG Opto Technologies Innovating Illumination Multi DomiLED TM : D6RTB-FJG Package Outlines Materials Materials Lead Frame Copper alloy Housing High temperature resistant plastic, PPA Encapsulant SIlicone resin Lead-finishing Pure tin plating, Sn Note: Package is Pb-free. 6 30/10/2014 V1.0 DOMINANT TM D6RTB-FJG Opto Technologies Innovating Illumination Recommended Solder Pad 7 30/10/2014 V1.0 DOMINANT TM D6RTB-FJG Opto Technologies Innovating Illumination Taping and orientation • Reels come in quantity of 1000 units. • Reel diameter is 180 mm. 8 30/10/2014 V1.0 DOMINANT TM D6RTB-FJG Opto Technologies Innovating Illumination DOMINANT TM AllnGaP : DDx-xRS Opto Technologies Packaging Specification Innovating Illumination Packaging Specification 9 10 30/10/2014 V1.0 28/10/2010 V8.0 DOMINANT TM D6RTB-FJG Opto Technologies Innovating Illumination Packaging Specification Moisture sensitivity level Barcode label DOMINANT ROHS Compliant LOT NO : lotno PB Free PART NO : partno QTY : product quantity per reel S/N : serial no D/C: date code GROUP : group Reel Label Moisture absorbent material + Moisture indicator The reel, moisture absorbent material and moisture indicator are sealed inside the moisture proof foil bag Average 1pc DomiLED/Multi DomiLED 1 completed bag (1000pcs) 0.034 0.034 100 ± 10 190 10 Weight Weight(gram) (gram) Cardboard Box DOMINANT TM For Multi DomiLED Cardboard Box Size TM Dimensions (mm) Empty Box Weight (kg) Reel / Box Quantity / Box (pcs) Small 300 x 250 x 250 0.58 15 reels MAX 15,000 MAX Large 416 x 516 x 476 1.74 50 reels MAX 50,000 MAX 10 30/10/2014 V1.0 DOMINANT TM D6RTB-FJG Opto Technologies Innovating Illumination Recommended Pb-free Soldering Profile Classification Reflow Profile (JEDEC J-STD-020C) 300 255-260˚C 10-30s 275 250 217˚C 225 Temperature (˚C) Ramp-up 3˚C/sec max. 200 60-150s 175 150 125 Rampdown 6˚C/sec max. 100 75 Preheat 60-180s 50 25 480s max 0 50 100 150 200 Time (sec) 11 30/10/2014 V1.0 DOMINANT TM D6RTB-FJG Opto Technologies Innovating Illumination Revision History Page Subjects Date of Modification - Initial release 30 Oct 2014 NOTE All the information contained in this document is considered to be reliable at the time of publishing. However, DOMINANT Opto Technologies does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product described herein. DOMINANT Opto Technologies reserves the right to make changes to any products in order to improve reliability, function or design. DOMINANT Opto Technologies products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without the express written approval from the Managing Director of DOMINANT Opto Technologies. 12 30/10/2014 V1.0 DOMINANT TM Opto Technologies D6RTB-FJG Innovating Illumination About Us DOMINANTOptoTechnologiesisadynamicMalaysianCorporationthatisamongtheworld’sleadingSMTLED Manufacturers.Anexcellence–drivenorganization,itoffersacomprehensiveproductrangefordiverseindustries and applications. Featuring an internationally certified quality assurance acclaim, DOMINANT’s extra bright LEDs areperfectlysuitedforvariouslightingapplicationsintheautomotive,consumerandcommunicationsaswellasindustrialsectors.Withextensiveindustryexperienceandrelentlesspursuitofinnovation,DOMINANT’sstate-of-art manufacturing,researchandtestingcapabilitieshavebecomeatrustedandreliablebrandacrosstheglobe.More informationaboutDOMINANTOptoTechnologiescanbefoundontheInternetat Please contact us for more information: DOMINANTOptoTechnologiesSdn.Bhd. Lot6,BatuBerendam,FTZPhaseIII,75350Melaka,Malaysia Tel:(606)2833566Fax:(606)2830566 DOMINANT Opto Technologies Innovating Illumination TM