Thermal Management Of Power LED - VerB

Thermal Management Of Power LED
When current flow through a LED; a portion of the electrical
energy will be converted into visible light of particular wave
length. However a majority of the electrical energy will be
converted as unwanted heat at the P-N junction. The heat
generated conducts from the junction area through the LED die, then through the package
and eventually into the local ambient. This flow of heat is governed by the laws of
thermodynamics and the principles of heat transfer.
For high power LED, the thermal consideration of LED design
become very critical, since higher junction temperature is
associated with reduced operating life and increased IV
LED Thermal Path And Equivalent Thermal Model
The LED consists of a chip mounted on a lead frame by thermal conductive material. The
main thermal path for the heat generated at the P-N junction would be through the bottom
of the chip to the lead frame by way of heat conduction. The heat generated will further
dissipated through to the metal core PCB (MC PCB) or other substrate used to mount the
component. The static equivalent thermal circuit of a high power LED is as depicted
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Thermal Management Of Power LED
Base on electrical model analogy and “Ohm’s Thermal Law”, the relationship can be
derived as per formula below:
Tj – Ta = Rthja x ( Vd x Id )
Where Tj
------ Equation 1
= LED junction temperature
= Ambient temperature
Rthja = Thermal resistance junction to ambient
= LED forward voltage
= LED forward current
There are various external factors that potentially can cause variation in thermal
resistance junction to ambient. Such factors include: the type and size of MC PCB used,
air flow velocity from surrounding and etc. Thus when defining Rthja in datasheet,
Dominant will specify the type of PCB used together with the PCB pad size where the heat
is dissipated ( ambient temperature is assumed at 25 Deg C. )
From the static equivalent circuit above, Rthja can be further broken down to 2 parts,
Rthja = Rthjs + Rthsa
---- Equation 2
Rthjs = Thermal resistance junction to solder point
Rthsa = Thermal resistance solder point to ambient
From “Ohm’s Thermal Law”:
Tj-Ts = Rthjs x ( Vd x Id )
---- Equation 3
Tj = Rthjs x ( Vd x Id ) + Ts
---- Equation 4
Ts = Solder point temperature
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Thermal Management Of Power LED
Equation 4 is particular important in practical calculation to ensure under specific
operating condition, the junction temperature will not exceed absolute maximum Tj rating
defined in datasheet.
The Ts in equation 4 can be measured by soldering a thermocouple to the lead (usually
the lead where the chip is mounted) of the LED when forward biased with specific current.
From the Ts measurement, the maximum Tj can be obtained by calculation.
Junction to solder thermal resistances are often mistaken as fix parameters that are
independent of the specific heat flow configuration. This stems from the misconception
that junction to solder point thermal resistance is solely a function of the component
package. In practical the junction to solder thermal resistance will vary with the different
cooling environment. As an example, mounting a LED on a different heat dissipation rate
heat sink will not only change the junction to ambient thermal resistance but will also
change the junction to solder thermal resistance.
When considering thermal management for LED applications, the key factor to consider is
the junction to ambient thermal resistance of the system. The approximate junction to
solder point thermal resistance is always provided in the data-sheet and this value is good
for practical use although it may vary slightly due to external factors. Therefore, the
thermal resistance between solder point to ambient will be the key consideration. This
resistance is mainly influence by two factors.
Exposed surface area for heat dissipation.
Material property.
Generally the bigger is the surface area of the heat sink; the better will be the heat
dissipation. In most cases, heat is dissipated from heat sink to the ambient via convection.
The orientation of the heat sink and surrounding air flow will also influence the thermal
behavior. Material property is the second item to consider. Heat sink made from copper for
instance has better thermal performance compared to the same one made of aluminum.
Below is an example of Dominant 1W white SPNova thermal variation with different size of
MC PCB at ambient temperature =25 Deg C. For this assessment the LED is attached at
the center of a square aluminium metal core PCB with 1.5mm thickness. The initial size of
the PCB is 65 mm x 65 mm, and is gradually sawn away until the dimension reaching 10
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Thermal Management Of Power LED
mm x 10 mm. Tj, Ta, Rthja and Rthjs is measured at each PCB dimension. The summary
of the assessment is depicted in the graph 1 and 2 below.
From graph 1, it is evident that the LED operating junction temperature can be maintain at
very low level by using a larger heat sink, only limited by customer product design and
dimension constrain.
From graph 2, we can see the Rthjs is not fix for a LED package, but reduce with the
increase of the heat sink dimension.
Effect Of Heat Sink Size Versus Junction And Solder Point
Temperature ( Deg C )
Tj @ 350mA ( Deg C )
Ts @ 350mA ( Deg C )
MCPCB Size ( mm2)
Graph 1 : Effect Of Heat sink Size On The Junction To Ambient And Junction To Solder
Point Temperature
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Thermal Management Of Power LED
Effect Of Heat Sink Size Versus Thermal Resistance
Thermal Resistance (Deg C/W)
Rthja ( Deg C/W )
Rthjs ( Deg C/W )
MCPCB Size ( mm2)
Graph 2 : Effect Of Heat sink Size On Rthja And Rthjs
Example Of Junction Temperature Calculation.
In Dominant datasheet, the thermal resistance value specified is the maximum value the
LED will observed when biased with the maximum allowable forward current.
As an example, from the SPNova RGB LED, NMRTB-USS datasheet, the junction to
solder thermal resistance is stated as 50 degree C/W, attached on Dominant
recommended metal core PCB. This would be the maximum Rthjs value across the RGB
die when all the 3 chips is biased at maximum rated forward current.
The datasheet also has the following typical voltage reading specified at forward current of
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Thermal Management Of Power LED
At maximum recommended drive current of 250mA for each chip :
The typical Red chip power dissipation
= 2.5V x 250mA = 0.625W
The typical True Green chip power dissipation
= 3.5V x 250mA = 0.875W
The typical Blue chip power dissipation
= 3.4V x 250mA = 0.85W
Assuming solder point temperature Ts = 50 Deg C by thermal couple measurement.
For equation 4,
Tj = Rthjs x ( Vd x Id ) + Ts
Tj( Red )
= 50Deg C/W x 0.625W + 50 Deg C = 81.25 Deg C
Tj( True Green ) = 50Deg C/W x 0.875W + 50 Deg C = 93.75 Deg C
Tj( Blue )
= 50Deg C/W x 0.85W + 50 Deg C = 92.50 Deg C
From the calculation above, the junction temperature for all the chip still operate below the
absolute maximum rating of 125 Deg C.
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Thermal Management Of Power LED
Heat Sink Requirement Calculation Example For High Power LED
In practice, a designer must identify four preliminary values before proceed for LED design
= Typical LED forward bias voltage
= The intended LED forward bias current
= Maximum ambient temperature at which the system must operate.
For system with enclosure, the Tamb is the temperature
surrounding the LED within the enclosure
= Maximum LED operating junction temperature. Note that the
higher operating LED operating junction temperature, the shorter
the LED lifespan
From these data, it can be determine whether an additional heat sink is required or not
and the required heat sink thermal resistance.
Example for 1W White SPNova, NPW-TSD, it has the following information stated in
= 60 Deg C/W ( Attached on Dominant standard MCPCB Module )
= 18 Deg C/W ( Attached on Dominant standard MCPCB Module )
VF typical
= 3.6 V
If Max
= 350mA
Max Junction temperature = 120 Deg C
If the customer application has Tambient_max at 70 Degree, from equation 1 :
Tj = Ta+ Rthja x ( Vd x Id )
= 70 + 60 x ( 3.6 x 0.350 )
= 145.6 Deg C
Junction temperature would be much higher than the absolute maximum Tj rating of 120
Deg C.
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Thermal Management Of Power LED
In order to maintain the Tj of LED at maximum operating temperature of 120 Deg C, the
thermal resistance junction to ambient required:
Rthja = (Tjmax – Tamax )/(V x I max )
= ( 120 – 70 )/ ( 3.6 x 0.35 )
= 39.7 Deg C/W
From equation 2, assuming the Rthjs do not vary significantly with the heat sink addition:
Rthsa = Rthja - Rthjs
= 39.7 – 18
= 21.7 Deg C/W
Extra heat sink with thermal resistance better than 21.7 Deg C/W is required to attach to
the 1W MCPCB module to achieve this maximum junction temperature target.
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Thermal Management Of Power LED
Thermal management is one of the key areas that need serious attention when designing
high power LED. Effective thermal management will prolong the LED lifespan and also
reduce the IV drop due to the increasing LED junction temperature. All the description
above is only intended to provide a basic guide line for designer when performing LED
system design. It is advisable for customer to design a prototype and perform the actual
temperature measurement on the module to validate the thermal model. This will help to
eliminate the uncertainty due to effect of power density from the adjacent component and
also the effect of material/enclosure in direct interaction with the LED module.
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