LED displays High efficiency, three-digit numeric displays LB-603 FP Series The LB-603 FP series were designed to meet the need for multi-digit numeric displays. These LED numeric displays use GaAsP on GaP for the emitting material (with the exception of green) and are housed in an epoxy resin package. They are three-digit displays with a character height of 14.3 mm. ( External dimensions (Units: mm) Features 1) Height of character : 14.3 mm. 2) The package surface is painted black and the segments are colored the display color. 3) High efficiency reflectors are used to achieve a bright, clear display. Selection guide Pin assignments 218 LED displays LB-603 FP Series FInternal circuit schematic (example of common anode) FAbsolute maximum ratings (Ta = 25_C) FElectrical and optical characteristics (Ta = 25_C) FLuminous intensity 219