P 16SEMIKRON, leading manufacturer of diode thyristor power semicondictor modules Heatsink ./ -&1 // 3 3 + 3 2 3 + 24 24 24 39 84 84 39 &5 *+&*74 *+&244 + 84 *+&344 // / ) *+(,234,4* &5 448 449+ 443: 443; 449 4433 443+ 6. 9 97 7 4429 For all isolated power modules Dimensions in mm P 16 Features ! " #$ $$%&' ( ) *+, ) *+,( '- ' ./ *+ . < = 238 6.&> Dimensions in mm *+ $$ 1 17-03-2005 ADR © by SEMIKRON P 16SEMIKRON, leading manufacturer of diode thyristor power semicondictor modules Fig.6a Total thermal resistance vs.length Fig.6b Total thermal resistance vs.length Fig.6c Total thermal resistance vs.length Fig.10a Total transient thermal impedance vs.time Fig.10b Total transient thermal impedance vs.time Fig.10c Total transient thermal impedance vs.time 2 17-03-2005 ADR © by SEMIKRON P 16SEMIKRON, leading manufacturer of diode thyristor power semicondictor modules Fig.10d Total transient thermal impedance vs.time 3 Fig.10e Total transient thermal impedance vs.time 17-03-2005 ADR © by SEMIKRON P 16SEMIKRON, leading manufacturer of diode thyristor power semicondictor modules Dimensions in mm *?$ # . /6 *+&344 .' 9,@ $' Dimensions in mm 2?$ # . /6 *+ .' A( ' 4 17-03-2005 ADR © by SEMIKRON