V I S H AY I N T E R T E C H N O L O G Y, I N C . Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors 250 CRZ-V 250 CRZ-V SMD Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors with Low Impedance, High Vibration Capability KEY BENEFITS • • • • • • Low impedance down to 35 mΩ Very high ripple current AEC-Q200 qualifiedVery low resistance values (0.5 mΩ to 5.0 mΩ) Extended useful life to 10 000 h at 105 ºC High-temperature reflow soldering according to JEDEC J-STD-020 Vibration proof up to 30 g APPLICATIONS • • • • • RoHS-compliant high-temperature electronic circuits in automotive, industrial, and SMPS products Filtering of unwanted noise DC voltage smoothing Electrical energy buffering Decoupling of super-imposed AC ripple RESOURCES • Datasheet: 250 CRZ-V - www.vishay.com/doc?28425 • For technical questions contact [email protected] • Material categorization: for definitions of compliance please see www.vishay.com/doc?99912 A WORLD OF SOLUTIONS AUTOMOTIVE GRADE Product Sheet 1/2 THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND THIS DOCUMENT ARE SUBJECT TO SPECIFIC DISCLAIMERS, SET FORTH AT www.vishay.com/doc?91000 VMN-PT0477-1602 www.vishay.com www.vishay.com www.vishay.com Vishay www.vishay.com 250 CRZ-V 250 CRZ-V 250 CRZ-V V I S H AY I N T E R T E C H N O L O G Y, INC. Vishay BCcomponent BCcomponents Vishay BCcomponents Aluminum Capacitors Aluminum Capacitors Electrolytic Aluminum Capacitors Capacitors Aluminum SMD (Chip), Very Low Z, High Vibration Capability SMD (Chip), Very Low Z, SMD High (Chip), Vibration Capability Very Low Z, High Vibration Capability FEATURES FEATURES FEATURES 250 CRZ-V • Extended useful life: up to 10 000 h at 105 °C • Extended useful life: up to 10 000 h at 105 °C • Extended useful life: up to 10 000 h at 105 °C • Polarized aluminum electrolytic capacitors, • Polarized aluminum electrolytic capacitors, • Polarized aluminum electrolytic non-solid electrolyte,capacitors, self healing www.vishay.com non-solid electrolyte, self healing Vishay B non-solid electrolyte, self healing • SMD-version with base plate, lead (Pb)-free • SMD-version with base plate, lead (Pb)-free • SMD-version reflow with base plate, lead (Pb)-free solderable reflow solderable reflow solderable • Very low impedance, very high ripple current • Very low impedance, very high ripple current• Very low impedance, very high ripple current • Charge and discharge proof, no peak current limitation • Charge and discharge proof, no peak current• limitation Charge and discharge proof, no peak current limitation • Parts for advancedFEATURES high temperature reflow solderin • Parts for advanced high temperature reflow soldering • Parts for advanced high temperature reflow soldering ® J-STD-020 lower Z according to JEDEC 140 ® CRH J-STD-020 146 CTI according tolower JEDEC ® J-STD-020 • Extended useful life: up to 10 000 140 CRH lower Z Z according to JEDEC 125 °C 146 CTI 140 CRH 146 CTI 125 °C • Vibration proof, 6-pin version upaluminum to 30 g 125 °Cproof, 6-pin version up to 30 g • Polarized electrolytic • Vibration • Vibration proof, 6-pin version up to 30 g • AEC-Q200 qualified non-solid electrolyte, self healing high temperature • AEC-Q200 qualified www.vishay.com high temperature • AEC-Q200 qualified high temperature Vishay BCcomponents • High reliability • SMD-version with base plate, lea lower Z • High reliability high • High reliability lower Z high 153 CRV 150 CRZ 250 CRZ-V lower Z reflow solderable high • Low ESR 153 CRV 150 CRZ 250 CRZ-V vibration • Low150 ESR 153 CRV CRZ 250 CRZ-V www.vishay.com vibration • Low ESR vibrationVishay BCcomponents • Veryfor low definitions impedance,of very high ripp • Material categorization: complianc Fig. 1 • Material categorization: for definitions of• compliance Fig. 1 Material categorization: for definitions compliance Fig. 1 please see www.vishay.com/doc?99912 • Chargeofand discharge proof, no pe please see www.vishay.com/doc?99912 ADVANCED SOLDERING PROFILE FOR LEAD (Pb)-FREE REFLOW PROCESSACCORDING TO JEDEC please J-STD-020 see www.vishay.com/doc?99912 • Parts for advanced high temper QUICK REFERENCE DATA APPLICATIONS FEATURES QUICK REFERENCE DATA APPLICATIONS lower Z according to JEDEC® J-STD-020 QUICK REFERENCE DATA APPLICATIONS DESCRIPTION VALUE140 CRH CTI to 10 000 h at 105 125 °C °C DESCRIPTION VALUE DESCRIPTION • Extended useful life: up •146SMD technology, for high temperature reflow VALUE • SMD technology, for high temperature reflow • Vibration T (°C) Nominal case sizes 16 x 16 x 16 • SMD technology, for high temperature reflowproof, 6-pin version up to soldering Nominal case sizes 16 x 16 x 16 aluminum16electrolytic Nominal case sizes x 16 x 16 to capacitors, (L•x Polarized W xsoldering H in mm) 18 x 18 x 21 soldering TPeak • AEC-Q200 qualified (L x W x H in mm) to 18 x 18 x(L21x W x H in mm) high temperature toC18 x 18 x 21 • Industrial and professional applications non-solid electrolyte, self healing 220 μF to 10 000 μF Rated range, R • capacitance Industrial and professional applications 220 μF to 10 000 μF capacitance range, Rated capacitance range, CR230 • Industrial and professional applications • High reliability t4 μF to 10 000 lower 220 μF Rated C R Tolerance on CR ±Z(Pb)-free 20 % high • Automotive, general industrial, telecom 217 base plate, lead Tolerance on CR ± 20 % Tolerance on C • SMD-version • Automotive,with general industrial, telecom t 150 CRZ 250 CRZ-V industrial, telecom ±153 20 CRV % general RRated voltage range, U 3 • Low ESR 200 6.3 V to 100 V • Automotive, vibration R reflow solderable • Smoothing, filtering, buffering 6.3 V to 100Rated V Rated voltage range, UR 190 6.3 V buffering to 100 V voltage range, •USmoothing, filtering, R temperature Category range • Smoothing, filtering, buffering • Material categorization: for defi Fig. 1 Category temperature range • Very low impedance, very high ripple current Category ttemperature MARKING 6.3 VMARKING torange 63 V: -55 °C to +105 °C please see www.vishay.com/doc?9 2 6.3 V to 63 V: -55 °C to +105 MARKING and discharge proof, no peak current limitation 6.3°C V to 63 V: 80• VCharge -55 °C to +105 °C 150 to 100 V: -40 °C to +105 °C • Rated capacitance (in μF) t1 80 V to 100 V: -40 °C to +105 • Rated capacitance (intoμF) 80°C V to 100 V: Endurance -40 °C +105 °C • Rated capacitance (in μF) REFERENCE DATA • Parts for advanced high temperature reflow test at 105 °CQUICK 3000 h to 8000 h soldering • Rated voltage (in V) APPLICATIONS Endurance test at 105 °C 3000 h to 8000 h • life Rated voltage (in V)J-STD-020 Endurance test Useful at 105 °C 3000 h to 80005000 h h to 10 000 h• Rated voltage ® DESCRIPTION VALUE(in V) lower Z according to°CJEDEC at 105 • SMDwith technology, for high tempera Useful life at 105 °C 140 CRH 5000 h146 to 10 h CTI000 • IEC 60062 Useful life at 105 °C • life 5000 h to case 10 000 h IEC 60062 125 °C Nominal sizes 16 x 16 xDate 16 code, in accordance Date code, accordance with Useful at 40 °C; in6-pin • Vibration proof, version up to 30 g soldering • Date to code, in accordance with IEC 60062 Useful life at 40 °C; (L x W x H in250 mm)000 h to 500 000 h 18 x 18 x 21 mark or “-” sign indicating the cathode Useful °C;x lR applied 250 000 h to 500 000 hlife at 40 1.8 • Black 250 h to 500 000 hthe cathode 1.8 x lR applied • Black mark or “-”000 sign indicating 1.8 x lR applied Shelf • AEC-Q200 qualified • Industrial andedges) professional applica • Black or (the “-” the cathode 220 mark μF to 10 000sign μF indicating anode is identified by beveled high temperature life at 0 V, 105 °C Rated capacitance range, 1000 hCR byh beveled edges) Shelf life at 0 V, 105 °C 1000 h Shelf life at 0 V, 105 °C(the anode is identified (the anode is % identified by beveled•edges) 1000 Tolerance on CR ± 20 • High Automotive, general industrial, tele Based on reliability sectional • Code indicating group number (Z) lower Z IEC 60384-18 / CECC 32300 Based on sectional high 25 • Code indicatingRated group number (Z) UR Based on sectional specification CECC 32300 V to 100 group V voltage range, 153 CRV 150 CRZ IEC 60384-18 250 /CRZ-V • Code6.3 indicating number (Z)• Smoothing, filtering, buffering / CECC 32300 specification • Low ESR IEC 60384-18 vibration specification 250 CRZ-V SMD Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors Aluminum Capacitors with Low Impedance, High SMD Vibration Capability (Chip), Very Low Z, High Vibration Capab 250 CRZ-V 250 CRZ-V Aluminum Capacitors SMD (Chip), Very Low Z, High Vibration Capability PACKAGING Climatic category IEC 60068 Category temperature range PACKAGING PACKAGING Climatic category •IEC Material for(s) definitions 6.3 V to60068 63 V: categorization: 55 / 105 / of 56 compliance MARKING time 6.3 V to 63 V: -55 °C to +105 °C in blister tape Supplied on reel 55 / 105 / 56 Supplied in blister tape on /reel 6.3 V to 63 V: 80 Vplease 55 / 105 56 40 / 105 / 56 Supplied in blister tape on reel 250 to 100 see V: www.vishay.com/doc?99912 80 V to 100 V: -40 °C to +105 °C • Rated capacitance (in μF) 40- /Maximum 105 / 56 Fig. 4 temperature load during reflow soldering www.vishay.com 80 V to 100 V: 40 / 105 / 56 www.vishay.com Vishay BCcom Endurance test at 105 °C 3000 h to 8000 h • Rated voltage (in V) QUICK REFERENCE DATA APPLICATIONS Useful life at 105ADVANCED °C 5000 h to 10 000 h SOLDERING PROFILE FOR LEAD (Pb)-FREE•REFLOW PROCESSACCORDING TOIEC JE DESCRIPTION VALUE Date code, in accordance with • SMD technology, for high reflow ADVANCED SOLDERING PROFILE FOR LEAD (Pb)-FREE REFLOW PROCESSACCORDING TO JEDEC J-STD-020 Useful lifetemperature at 40 °C; Table 4case sizes 250 000 h to 500 000 h Nominal 16 x 16 x 16 soldering 1.8 x lR applied • Black mark or “-” sign indicating th (L x W x H in mm) to 18 x 18 x 21 T (°C) (the anode is identified by beveled Shelf life atapplications 0 V, 105 °C 1000 h REFLOW SOLDERING CONDITIONS for MAL225099xxxE3 • Industrial and professional 220 μF to 10 000 μF Rated capacitance range, CR TPeak Based on sectional CASE CODE • Code indicating group number (Z) T (°C) ± 20 % IEC 60384-18 Tolerance on FEATURES CR • Automotive, general industrial, telecom 230 / CECC 32300 PROFILE t4 specification 1616 TO 1821 217 6.3 V to 100 V Rated voltage range, UR TPeak 200 • Smoothing, filtering, buffering PACKAGING t3 Climatic category IEC 60068 190 300 s Maximum time from 25 °C to T Peak Category temperature range 230 6.3 V tot463 V: 55 / 105 / 56 Supplied in blister tape on reel t2 217°C to +105 °C MARKING 6.3 Maximum V to 63 V:ramp-up rate to 150 °C -55 3 K/s t100 80 V to V: 40 150 / 105 / 56 3 200 t1 80 V to 100 V: -40 °C to +105 °C • Rated capacitance (in μF) 190 150 s Maximum time from 150 °C to 200 °C (t 1) Endurance test at 105 °C 3000 h to 8000 h • Rated voltage (in V) t2 110 s Maximum time°C from 190 °C to 200 °C5000 (t2) h to 10 000 h Useful life at 105 Climatic category IEC 60068 Fig. 1 6.3 V to 63 V: 80 V to 100 V: 250 CRZ-V Vishay BCcomponents 150 • Date code, in accordance with IEC 60062 t1 Useful lifeup at rate 40 °C; Revision: 05-Nov-15 Document Number: 2842 0.5 K/s to 3 K/s Ramp from 200 °C to TPeak250 000 h to 500 000 h 1 Revision: 05-Nov-15 Document Number: 28425 1• Black mark or “-” sign indicating the cathode 1.8 x lR applied Revision: 05-Nov-15 Document Number: 28425 1 For technical questions, contact:[email protected] For technical questions, contact: [email protected] (217 °C) (t ) 90 s Maximum time above T Liquidus 3 (the is identified by beveled edges) Shelf life at 0 V, 105 °C 1000 h For technical questions, contact: [email protected] THISanode DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND THIS DOCUMENT THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT THE IS PRODUCTS HEREIN THIS DOCUMENT SUBJECT TO AND SPECIFIC DISCLAIMERS, SET FORTH AT www.vishay.com/doc?91000 THISNOTICE. DOCUMENT SUBJECT DESCRIBED TOARE CHANGE THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND THIS DOCUMENT Based on sectional 60 s WITHOUT Maximum time above 230 °C SUBJECT (t4) 250 C time (s) ARE TO SPECIFIC DISCLAIMERS, SET FORTH AT www.vishay.com/doc?91000 • Code indicating group number (Z) NOTICE.SET IEC 60384-18 / CECC 32300 ARE SUBJECT TO SPECIFIC DISCLAIMERS, FORTH AT www.vishay.com/doc?91000 specification www.vishay.com 245 °C Peak temperature TPeak Fig. 4 - Maximum temperature load during reflow soldering Vishay BCcomp PACKAGING Climatic category IEC 60068 Table 6 30reel s 6.3 Maximum V to 63 V:time above TPeak minus 5 °C 55 / 105 / 56 Supplied in blister tape on 80 V to 100 V: rate from T Ramp-down 25 Liquidus 40 / 105 / 56 3 K/s to 6 K/s www.vishay.com Notes time (s) • Temperature measuring point on top of the case and on terminals. • Max. 2 runs with pause of min. 30 min in between. Revision: 05-Nov-15 Fig. 4 - Maximum temperature load during reflow soldering 250 CRZ-V Table 4EXTENDED VIBRATION SPECIFICATIONS PARAMETER PROCEDURE REFLOW SOLDERING CONDITIONS for MAL225099xxxE3 Vibration improvement From 10 g to 30 g Vishay BCcomponents PROFILE FEATURES Revision 05-Nov-15 Table 6 EXTENDED VIBRATION SPECIFICATIONS Table 4 PARAMETER PROCEDURE Vibration improvement From 10 g to 30 g REFLOW SOLDERING CONDITIONS for MAL225099xxxE3 Vibration frequency range 10 Hz to 2 kHz • Constant sinus sweep PROFILE FEATURES Vibration profile • 3 directions • 8 h per direction Maximum time from 25 °C to TPeak Vibration frequency range Vibration profile Maximum time from 25 °C to TPeak up rate from 200 °C to TPeak No visible Ramp damage; no leakageMaximum of electrolyte; time above TLiquidus (217 °C) (t3) CASE CODElegible marking above 230 °C (t4) 1616C/C: TO 1821 ± 5 Maximum % withtime respect to initial measurements Peak temperature TPeak 300 s Maximum time above TPeak minus 5 °C 3 K/s 60 40 0.5 K/s to 3 K/s 90 s 30 Improved SMD 60 s 245 °C 20 30 s Vishay extended 10 AEC-Q200 3 K/s to 6 Ramp-down rate from TLiquidus 0 2/2 90 s ADDITIONAL ELECTRICAL DATA PARAMETER Voltage Surge voltage for short periods Reverse voltage for short periods Current Leakage current Inductance Equivalent series inductance (ESL) 30 Improved SMD ) 60DESCRIBED s Maximum time 230 °C (tTO THIS DOCUMENT IS above SUBJECT CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. THE PRODUCTS HEREIN AND 4 THIS DOCUMENT ARE SUBJECT TO SPECIFIC DISCLAIMERS, SET FORTH AT www.vishay.com/doc?91000 245 °C Peak temperature TPeak 20 Maximum time above TPeak minus 5 °C C/C: ± 5 % with res 300 sinitial measurementsD 40 Notes Number: 0 0.5 1 1.5 Revision: 05-Nov-15 28425 Revision: 05-Nov-15 Number: 28425 14 150Document sDocument Maximum time from 150 °C to 200 °C (t1) Acceleration • Temperature measuring point on top of the case and on terminals. (g) Fortechnical technicalquestions, questions,contact: contact: [email protected] [email protected] For • Max. 2 runs with pause of min. 30 min in between. 50 °C (t2) 110 s Maximum time from 190 °C to 200 Fig. 5 - Vibration profile THIS DOCUMENT SUBJECT TOCHANGE CHANGEWITHOUT WITHOUTNOTICE. NOTICE. THE THE PRODUCTS PRODUCTS DESCRIBED DOCUMENT THIS DOCUMENT IS IS SUBJECT TO DESCRIBEDHEREIN HEREINAND ANDTHIS THIS DOCUMENT ARE SUBJECT TOSPECIFIC SPECIFICDISCLAIMERS, DISCLAIMERS, SET SET FORTH FORTH AT ARE SUBJECT AT www.vishay.com/doc?91000 www.vishay.com/doc?91000 0.5 K/s to 3 K/s Table 7 Ramp up rate from 200 °C toTO TPeak Maximum time above TLiquidus (217 °C) (t3) CASE CODE no leakage of electro marking legible 1616 TO 1821 Fortotechnical questions, contact: [email protected] Maximum ramp-up rate 150 °C 3 K/s 60 THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO150CHANGE NOTICE. THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED 150 s HEREIN AND Maximum time from °C to 200 Acceleration °CWITHOUT (t1) ARE SUBJECT TO SPECIFIC (g) DISCLAIMERS, SET FORTH AT www.vishay.com/doc?91000 110 s Maximum time from 190 °C to 200 °C (t2) 50 REQUIREMENTS Maximum ramp-up rate to 150 °C Product Sheet REQUIREME No visible damage; 10 Hz to 2 kHz • Constant sinus sweep • 3 directions • 8 h per 1 direction 30 s K/s 2.0 f (kHz) VMN-PT0477-1602 CONDITIONS VALUE IEC 60384-18, subclause 4.14 IEC 60384-18, subclause 4.16 Us 1.1 x UR Urev 1 V www.vishay.comI After 2 min at UR Ø D 16 mm L2 0.01 x CR x Typ. 11 nH