NETWORKING PLUGS MODULAR PLUGS - FLAT CABLE Suitable for flat cables 4, 6 and 8 way available Selective gold plating contacts UL approved SPECIFICATION Material Electrical .56 Ref .56 Ref 6.60 Cable to plug Tensile Strength: 20lbs (89N)min. 2.77 Durability; 200 mating cycle. 6.60 5.89 2.77 3.25 4.98 .56 Ref OUTLINE DRAWING 6.60 2.77 13.34 Ref 7.62 RJ45 6.60 6.05 13.34 Ref 21.46 13.51 Ref 3.25 9.65 .56 Ref 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 2.77 5.892.77 6.10 8.89 5.89 6.05 ORDERING INFORMATION RJ4521.46 DBC Dubilier Connectors 3.25 6.10 13.51 Ref Series 6.60 RJ RJ RJ11 5.89 RJ12 RJ45 P Connector Type 7.92 P= Plug 2.77 11.68 88 F Nº of Ways x Nº of Loaded Contacts 4x2 4x4 6x4 8.89 6x6 8x8 Style .56 Ref 8.89 6.10 11.68 .56 Ref7.92 6.60 3.25 5.89 3.25 6.60 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 2.77 4.98 RJ11+RJI2 .56 Ref 7.92 6.60 2.77 5.89 2.54 11.68 21.46 13.51 Ref .56 Ref 5.89 3.25 6.05 9.65 13.34 Ref RJ 5.89 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 F=Flat Cable Type Plug 359 SECTION 16 2.54 .56 Ref UL Application: 150V AC max at 1.5 A 6.60 Dielectric Withstanding Voltage: 1,000 AC 2.77 Dielectric 5.89 2.54 Withstanding Voltage: 1,000 AC Insulation Resistance: 500 MΩ or more 4.98 Termination Resistance: 35 mΩ max after 9.65 environmental testing 13.34 Ref Mates with FCC-68 Style jacks Plugs are available for standard or solid wire range 24-26 AWG (gauge). One piece construction with prelocated contact Housing: Polycarbonate, UL94V-O; UL94V-2 Contacts: Phosphor bronze, selective gold plated in contact area over 100 micro-inch7.62 nickel plated 13.34 Ref Shield: Nickel Plated, brass Mechanical 7.62 13.34 Ref NETWORKING PLUGS MODULAR PLUGS - ROUND CABLE Suitable for round cables 4, 6 and 8 way available Selective gold plating contacts UL approved SPECIFICATION 7.62 13.34 Ref Material Electrical Mates with FCC-68 Style jacks Plugs are available for standard or solid wire range 24-26 AWG (gauge). One piece construction with prelocated contact Housing: Polycarbonate, UL94V-O; UL94V-2 Contacts: Phosphor bronze, selective gold plated in contact area over 100 micro-inch nickel plated Shield: Nickel Plated, brass UL Application: 150V AC max at 1.5 A 6.60 Dielectric Withstanding Voltage: 2.77 1,000 AC Dielectric 5.89 Withstanding Voltage: 1,000 AC Insulation Resistance: 500 MΩ or more Termination Resistance: 35 mΩ max after 9.65 environmental testing 13.34 Ref Mechanical .56 Ref 2.54 4.98 .56 Ref Cable to plug Tensile Strength: 20lbs (89N)min. Durability; 200 mating cycle. 6.60 2.77 5.89 3.25 6.05 OUTLINE DRAWING RJ 7.62 13.34 Ref RJ45 .56 Ref 2.77 2.77 5.89 5.89 2.54 RJII+12 7.62 13.34 Ref .56 Ref SECTION 16 6.60 5.89 9.65 .56 Ref 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 6.60 2.77 2.77 2.54 5.89 3.25 4.98 6.05 9.65 ORDERING INFORMATION 13.34 Ref .56 Ref DBC 6.60 21.46 13.51 Ref RJ RJ 5.89 RJ11 RJ12 RJ45 21.46 13.51 Ref 11.68 RJ45 Dubilier 2.77 Series 6.60 Connectors 5.89 P R Connector Type 7.92 3.25 P=2.77 Plug Nº of Ways x Nº of Style Loaded Contacts 4x2 R=Round Cable 4x4 Type Plug 6.05 6x48.89 3.25 6x6 8x8 6.10 11.68 .56 Ref 88 .56 Ref 8.89 3.25 6.10 4.98 13.34 Ref .56 Ref 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 7.92 6.60 6.60 11.68 21.46 13.51 Ref 360