Continuous online monitoring prevents unscheduled shutdowns Diagnostic Suite Instrumentation, Controls & Electrical SPPA-D3000 Plant Monitor is a self-engineering system for continuous monitoring of the power plant in steady-state and transient operating condition. Early detection of faults prevents machine failures and avoids high repair costs. Your Benefits SPPA-D3000 Plant Monitor allows you to: ■ Avoid unscheduled The Task Anybody previously wanting to monitor the state of components and processes was forced to rely on systems which offered only limited capabilities despite complex engineering. Transient processes, for example, could not be covered due to slow processing speeds, thus excluding any genuinely continuous monitoring and analysis of operating behavior. Fast processing speeds and low engineering costs became the focus of new developments. Our Solution Plant Monitor now makes it possible to monitor and analyze all components and processes online. High-speed processing enables the system to cover steady-state and transient operating modes, thus making the continuous monitoring of all components and operating modes feasible. The real operating behavior is compared with the learned normal behavior in real time. Even incipient deviations can be detected promptly. Because the system engineers itself – the normal process is modeled fully automatically based on existing archive data – the engineering effort is minimized. Plant Monitor is completely embedded in the Siemens I&C system SPPA-T3000. Its unique operating and alarm concept is also fully supported by systems from other suppliers, however. shutdowns ■ Increase plant availability Fast, intuitive operation: a single click takes you from the alarm list to modeling, monitoring and analysis. ■ Avoid high repair costs Unlike conventional systems, SPPA-D3000 Plant Monitor detects deviations from normal behavior in all operating modes. Steady-state operation Measured value Process Steady-state operation Shutdown 2.5 ■ Schedule long-term repairs 2 Forecast 1.5 1 0.5 0 12:00:00 01/22/06 Conventional systems 0.20 2.5 0.15 2 00:00:00 01/23/06 12:00:00 01/23/06 00:00:00 01/24/06 12:00:00 01/24/06 00:00:00 01/25/06 05:45:00 01/29/06 05:50:00 01/29/06 Forecast 0.10 1.5 0.05 1 0 0.5 -0.05 05:55:00 01/29/06 06:00:00 01/29/06 06:05:00 01/29/06 06:10:00 01/29/06 06:15:00 01/29/06 06:20:00 01/29/06 06:25:00 01/29/06 06:00:00 01/29/06 06:05:00 01/29/06 06:10:00 01/29/06 06:15:00 01/29/06 06:20:00 01/29/06 06:25:00 01/29/06 06:00:00 01/29/06 06:05:00 01/29/06 06:10:00 01/29/06 06:15:00 01/29/06 06:20:00 01/29/06 06:25:00 01/29/06 Gap on transient processes Deviation 0 12:00:00 01/22/06 00:00:00 01/23/06 12:00:00 01/23/06 00:00:00 01/24/06 12:00:00 01/24/06 00:00:00 01/25/06 05:45:00 01/29/06 12:00:00 01/23/06 00:00:00 01/24/06 12:00:00 01/24/06 00:00:00 01/25/06 05:45:00 01/29/06 05:50:00 01/29/06 05:55:00 01/29/06 0.20 2.5 Plant Monitor 0.15 2 Plant Monitor detects differences 0.10 1.5 0.05 … modeling monitoring …… Überwachung analysis … Analyse 1 0 0.5 Deviation -0.05 0 12:00:00 01/22/06 00:00:00 01/23/06 05:50:00 01/29/06 05:55:00 01/29/06 D Answers for energy. Published by and copyright © 2012: Siemens AG, Energy Sector Freyeslebenstrasse 1 91058 Erlangen, Germany For more information contact [email protected] Siemens Energy, Inc. Instrumentation, Controls, & Electrical 1345 Ridgeland Parkway, Suite 116 Alpharetta, GA 30004, USA D3PPM_FS_PlantMon_e_V2-0 Order No. E50001-G230-A187-X-4A00 Printed in Germany Dispo 05401, c4bs-Nr. 7465 Printed on elementary chlorine-free bleached paper. All rights reserved. Trademarks mentioned in this document are the property of Siemens AG, its affiliates, or their respective owners. Subject to change without prior notice. The information in this document contains general descriptions of the technical options available, which may not apply in all cases. The required technical options should therefore be specified in the contract.