Modeling Events in Object-Process Methodology and in Statecharts Iris Reinhartz-Berger, Arnon Sturm, Dov Dori Technion – Israel Institute of Technology {ieiris@tx, sturm@tx, dori@ie} Outline ! ! ! ! ! Motivation Methods and Issues Examined Event Expression Comparison Event Implementation Comparison and Summary Motivation ! ! ! Complex systems are often reactive, i.e., they continuously respond to external and internal stimuli (events) and may have time constraints. When modeling such systems, the designer should be able to determine the system's behavior, as well as its flow of control. System modeling methods must express this action semantics in a way that is both formal and intuitive. Methods and Issues Examined ! We focus on two behavior oriented approaches: – – ! Statecharts – Harel’s extension of state machines, used in UML Object-Process Methodology – an integrated modeling method that unifies the system function, structure, and behavior within one frame of reference. We examine: – – – The types of supported events How these event types are integrated into complete system specifications What are the potential implications on the code derived from each method. Comparison by Event Types 1/2 Statecharts OPM entered( s3 ) State Entrance s2 s1 do/ TriggeredProcess S’ triggers Triggered Process when it enters s3. State Exit Activity Start s1 s2 exited( s3 ) do/ TriggeredProcess s1 started(Invoking Process) S’ triggers Triggered Process when it exits s3. s2 do/ TriggeredProcess Invoking Process triggers Triggered Process when it starts. Activity Stop s1 stopped (Invoking Process) s2 do/ TriggeredProcess Invoking Process triggers Triggered Process when it stops. Comparison by Event Types 2/2 Statecharts Condition Fulfillment s1 true( c ) OPM s2 do/ TriggeredProcess C triggers Triggered Process when it enters true. Condition Violation External Event s1 false( c ) s2 do/ TriggeredProcess C triggers Triggered Process when it enters false. s1 Event s2 do/ TriggeredProcess Event Generator, which is environmental, triggers Triggered Process. State Change Event State Change s s1 s2 entered (s1) or entered (s2) s' do/ TriggeredProcess S triggers Triggered Process when its state changes. Activity Timeout Event Activity Timeout Invoking Process triggers Min Constraint Handling when it lasts less than Tmin and Max Constraint Handling when it lasts more than Tmax. State Timeout Event State Timeout S triggers Min Constraint Handling when s1 lasts less than Tmin and Max Constraint Handling when s1 lasts more than Tmax. Reaction Timeout Event Reaction Timeout Event Generator, which is environmental, triggers Triggered Process with a reaction time of Tmin to Tmax. If Triggered Process starts within less than Tmin then Min Constraint Handling is triggered. If Triggered Process does not start within Tmax then Min Constraint Handling is triggered. Event Implementation ! Similar concepts of Statecharts and OPM. Event Generator, which is environmental, triggers Triggered Process. Activating Condition can be true or false. Triggered Process occurs if Activating Condition is true. int eventGeneratorWrapper() { int res = NOT_CONSUMED; if (activatingCondition.getStatus()==true) { triggeredProcess.activate(); res = CONSUMED; } return res; } Methods Comparison 1/2 ! Where Does the Behavior Occur? – – ! In Statecharts the behavior occurs in the states. In OPM the behavior is executed in the processes, which act to change the states of objects. State-Activity Coupling – – – In Statecharts there is a clear coupling between a state of an object and the activity performed within it, so it is easy to detect the system behavior within a single state. In OPM, system state may be a combination of several objects’ states, making it more difficult to detect the the system behavior within a single state. Since in Statecharts each object gets its own “chart” it is not clear how the entire system state is modeled. Methods Comparison 2/2 ! Event Source – – ! In Statecharts it is difficult to follow the event sources. In OPM, the event generating source is explicitly specified, enabling the designer to trace the events associated with a specific entity (object, state, or process). Accessibility, Legibility, Expressivity – In OPM, OPDs use less text and more graphics, and the semantics is made clear by the corresponding natural OPL sentence, an element that does not exist in Statecharts Summary ! ! OPM's visual and textual representations provide a means for expressing various event types in a formal yet intuitive way, which compares favorably with Statecharts. OPM supports modeling aspects (other than behavior) which are not modeled in the standalone version of Statecharts (e.g., communication between objects, system structure, and architecture).