Product Change Notification PCN Publish Date: 04/07/2016 PCN#: 497 Change Title: Product End of Life (EOL) Products Affected: All FCL, FCP Oscillators Model Number FCL90AXT FCL92AXT FCL92AXTR FCL93AXTR FCL95AXT FCP90AXT FCP95AXT Part Number 727-frequency-xxx 756-frequency-xxx 742-frequency-xxx 743-frequency-xxx 754-frequency-xxx 728-frequency-xxx 745-frequency-xxx Description of Change to the Customer: End of life for all the above products. Reason for Change: To streamline production and more efficiently meet market demands. Schedule of Change: EOL is effective immediately. Suggested Substitutions: Discontinued Model Series FCL Series FCP Series Recommended Substitution FXO-LC73 Series FXU-LC73 Series FXO-PC73 Series FXU-PC73 Series Datasheet (Note: We recommend a sample be evaluated in all applications before making a substitution.) Customer Impact and Response: We sincerely hope this change will have minimal impact on our customers. If you have any questions, please contact Fox Technical Support at or call 239-693-0099.