OptoTECTM Series OT08,11,F1,0305,11 Thermoelectric Module Innovative Technology for a Connected World The OptoTECTM Series is a miniature thermoelectric module (TEM). This product series is primarily used in applications to stabilize the temperature of sensitive optical components in telecom and photonics industries. This product line is available in multiple configurations and surface finishing options. Assembled with Bismuth Telluride semiconductor material and thermally conductive Aluminum Oxide ceramics, the OptoTECTM Series is designed for lower current and lower heat-pumping applications. Custom designs are available to accommodate metallization, pretinning, ceramic patterns, and solder posts, however MOQ applies. FEATURES APPLICATIONS • Miniature geometric sizes • Laser diodes • Precise temperature control • CCD cameras • Reliable solid state operation • Infrared (IR) sensors • No sound or vibration • Pump lasers • DC operation • Crystal oscillators • RoHS compliant • Optical transceivers PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS Hot side temperature (°C) 25 50 Qmax (watts) 0.6 0.7 Delta Tmax (°C) 67 75 Imax (amps) 0.8 0.8 Vmax (volts) 1.3 1.4 Module resistance (ohms) 1.43 1.62 SUFFIX THICKNESS FLATNESS & (PRIOR TO TINNING) PARALLELISM HOT FACE COLD FACE LEAD LENGTH 11 0.096” +/- 0.002” 0.002” / 0.002” Lapped Lapped 2.0” TB 0.096” +/- 0.0005” 0.0005” / 0.0005” Lapped Lapped 2.0” 00 0.0110” +/- 0.005” NA / NA Metallized Metallized 2.0” 22 0.0110 +/- 0.005” NA / NA Pre-tinned Pre-tinned 2.0” GG 0.0110” +/- 0.005” NA / NA Au Plated Au Plated 2.0” SEALING OPTION global solutions: local support Americas: +1 888.246.9050 Europe: +46.31.704.67.57 Asia: +86.755.2714.1166 clv.customerpos@lairdtech.com www.lairdtech.com TM SUFFIX SEALANT COLOR TEMP RANGE DESCRIPTION RT RTV White -60 to 204 °C Non-corrosive, silicone adhesive sealant EP Epoxy Black -55 to 150 °C Low density syntactic foam epoxy encapsulant OptoTECTM Series OT08,11,F1,0305,11 Thermoelectric Module Innovative Technology for a Connected World PERFORMANCE CURVES THERMO ELECTRIC 0.8 0.6 0.4 Voltage (V) 1.0 0.7 0.8 A 0.6 A 0.5 A 0.3 A 0.2 A 1.2 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Delta T (C) Qc (W) 1.4 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Delta T (C) MECHANICAL DRAWING Ceramic Material 96% Alumina Ceramics Solder Construction: 138°C BiSn OPERATING TIPS • Max operating temperature: 80°C • Do not exceed Imax or Vmax when operating module • Reference assembly guidelines for recommended installation • Solder tinning also available on metallized ceramics THR-DS-OT08,11,F1,0305,11 1011 Any information furnished by Laird Technologies, Inc. and its agents is believed to be accurate and reliable. All specifications are subject to change without notice. Responsibility for the use and application of Laird Technologies materials rests with the end user. Laird Technologies makes no warranties as to the fitness, merchantability, suitability or non-infringement of any Laird Technologies materials or products for any specific or general uses. Laird Technologies shall not be liable for incidental or consequential damages of any kind. All Laird Technologies products are sold pursuant to the Laird Technologies’ Terms and Conditions of sale in effect from time to time, a copy of which will be furnished upon request. © Copyright 2011 Laird Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Laird, Laird Technologies, the Laird Technologies Logo, and other marks are trade marks or registered trade marks of Laird Technologies, Inc. or an affiliate company thereof. Other product or service names may be the property of third parties. Nothing herein provides a license under any Laird Technologies or any third party intellectual property rights.