Application Note, V 1.1, Sept. 2001 AP32018 TriCore Viterbi Dec oding for V.32 s ta nda rd Micr ocon tr ollers N e v e r s t o p t h i n k i n g . TriCore Revision History: Sept. 2001 Previous Version: Feb. 1999 Page Subjects (major changes since last revision) all Changed layout to Infineon Corporate Design V 1.1 V 1.0 Controller Area Network (CAN): Licence of Robert Bosch GmbH We Listen to Your Comments Any information within this document that you feel is wrong, unclear or missing at all? Your feedback will help us to continuously improve the quality of this document. Please send your proposal (including a reference to this document) to: [email protected] AP32018 Viterbi Decoding for V.32 standard Abstract 1 Abstract In most wireless communications systems, convolutional coding is the preferred method of error-correction coding to overcome transmission distortions. Practical applications of convolutional encoding became possible when Viterbi proposed a maximum-likelihood method for decoding convolutional codes in 1967. This application note deals with encoding and decoding algorithms as required for the V.32 standard. The basic encoding algorithm is known as a convolutional encoding scheme and the decoding algorithm scheme is based on the Viterbi algorithm. In a first part the theoretical context is outlined: • Encoder / decoder schematic block diagram • Differential coding and decoding • Convolutional encoding and decoding Then the present implementation of both encoding and decoding algorithms is introduced in a second part. Appendix contains both the C code implementation of the V.32 encoding and decoding algorithms and the benchmark for the complete decoding algorithm. Application Note 3 V 1.1, Sept. 2001 AP32018 Viterbi Decoding for V.32 standard Theoretical Context 2 Q1 Q2 Theoretical Context Y1 Differential Encoder Y2 Viterbi Encoder Y0 Y0 Y1 Transmission Y1 Channel Y2 Y1 Viterbi Decoder Y2 Y2 Encoder Differential Decoder Q1 Q2 Decoder Noise Figure 1 Encoder / Decoder Schematic Block Diagram The V.32 encoder is divided into 2 functional blocks: • Differential encoder • Convolutional encoder also called Viterbi encoder Decoding must be done by performing each decoder function in the reverse order in which it was encoded. Therefore, we have 2 functional blocks for decoding: • Differential decoder • Convolutional decoder also called Viterbi decoder 2.1 Differential Coding and Decoding Overview Algorithms used both for differential encoding and decoding can be described by the following equations: • Differential Encoder: Y1n = Q1n ^ Y1n-1 Y2n = (Q1n • Y1n-1) ^ Y2n-1 ^ Q2n • Differential Decoder: Q1n = Y1n ^ Y1n-1 Q2n = (Q1n • Y1n-1 ) ^ Y2n-1 ^ Y2n Note: (^) means EXCLUSIVE OR function. (•) means AND function. Refer to the parts called ”Differential Encoder Implementation” (chapter 4.1) and ”Differential Decoding Implementation” (chapter 7) for more details. 2.2 Convolutional Encoding and Decoding Overview If convolutional encoding is easy to implement, however convolutional decoding is more complex. Application Note 4 V 1.1, Sept. 2001 AP32018 Viterbi Decoding for V.32 standard Theoretical Context 2.2.1 Viterbi Encoding The encoding method is referred to as convolutional coding. The outputs [Y0 Y1 Y2] are generated by convolving a signal [Y1 Y2] with itself, which adds a level of dependence on past values. Convolutional encoder error-correction capabilities result from outputs that depend on a sequence of past symbol values. A simplified diagram of the Viterbi convolutional encoder is shown on the following figure: from Y1 Differential Y2 Encoder S0 S1 S2 Y0 ( Redundant Bit 3 Bits of Memory Y1 Y2 Figure 2 Viterbi Encoder Definitions • The 3 bits [S0 S1 S2] are called delay states and represent the state of the encoder. • The 3 bits [Y0 Y1 Y2] are known as transitions and represent the encoded symbols that are output from the encoder. These 3-bit encoded symbols are transmitted, disturbed by the channel noise and then received by the decoder. • Since the convolutional encoder is made of M = 3 bits of memory for V.32 standard, the constraint length K of the code is K = M + 1 = 4. • The rate of this convolutional encoder is 2/3: 2 input bits [Y1 Y2] are encoded in a 3 bit transition [Y0 Y1 Y2]. Note: Refer to the part following the trellis diagram called ”Vocabulary conventions” for more information about these concepts. Constraint condition Given a particular set of delay states [S0 S1 S2], not all transitions are possible in that time interval. For instance, given a delay state [0 0 1] for the encoder, only 4 transitions [0 0 0], [0 1 0], [1 0 0], and [1 1 0] are allowed in next time interval (see the trellis diagram, Figure 3). Application Note 5 V 1.1, Sept. 2001 AP32018 Viterbi Decoding for V.32 standard Theoretical Context This leads to the concept of trellis structure. Since the encoder is essentially a finitestate machine, a finite-state diagram may be used to represent it. The following trellis diagram concisely illustrates possible transformations from one delay state to another, along with their corresponding transition: . 000 [0] 000 . 000 [0] . 010 . 0 010 11 1 00 [1] 001 001 [1] 000 00 1 011 01 1 001 [2] 010 010 . [2] . . 01 011 0 .. [3] 011 011 [3] 010 0 10 0 00 111 . [4] 100 100. [4] 101 . New Delay State [S0 S1 S2] Past Delay State [S0 S1 S2] 1 00 000 1 11 11 0 00 1 0 11 . .. 110 [5] 101 101 [5] 10101 111 10 1 [6] 110 0 11 100 110 [6] . 100 . 111 .. 111 [7] 111 [7] . . Transitions [Y0 Y1 Y2] Figure 3 V.32 Modem Trellis Diagram Note: Each column of delay states on the trellis diagram indicates one symbol interval. Application Note 6 V 1.1, Sept. 2001 AP32018 Viterbi Decoding for V.32 standard Theoretical Context 2.2.2 Vocabulary conventions Symbol A symbol is a 2-bit value [Q1 Q2] and denotes a data that has to be sent. To protect it against channel distorsions, this data has to be encoded in a 3-bit transition [Y0Y1Y2] before it is sent. The aim of the decoder is then to decode the received transition so as to retrieve the transmitted symbol. Delay State the 3 bits [S0 S1 S2] in the encoder memory are called delay states since they represent the state of the 3 delays composing the convolutional encoder. For the 2/3 rate Viterbi encoder, there are 8 possible delay states, numbered from 0 to 7. [see figure 2] Branch A branch is a link between 2 delay states. We have 32 different branches at each time period, divided in 8 groups of 4 branches: each group starts from one of the 8 delay states. [see figure 3] Note: A branch is just a physical support to draw a transition in the trellis diagram. Its aim is especially to identify the transition it represents. Transition the 3 bits [Y0 Y1 Y2] are known as transitions and represent the encoded symbols that are output from the encoder. A transition represents a sample transmitted by the encoder, disturbed in the channel, and received by the decoder. There are 8 possible transitions numbered from 0 to 7. [see figure 3] Note: There are only 8 possible transitions for 32 branches: a transition identifies 4 differentbranches in the trellis diagram. Note: Knowing the transition and the past delay state it comes from, the branch identified is unique. Application Note 7 V 1.1, Sept. 2001 AP32018 Viterbi Decoding for V.32 standard Theoretical Context Path A path consists in a succession of linked branches, one branch for each time period. 2 successive branches of a path are connected by a delay state. On the figure 4, 8 different paths have been drawn. [see figure 4] 2.2.3 Convolutional Decoding Process Convolutionally encoded data is decoded through knowledge of the possible state transitions (represented by the trellis diagram), created from the dependence of the current transition on past transitions. The decoding scheme makes use of past history and reliability information to decode incoming transitions. 2.2.4 Viterbi algorithm This algorithm is based on a maximum-likelihood decoding technique and was devised by A. J. Viterbi in 1967: the decoder uses the trellis structure and continually calculates the distance between received and valid transitions.The purpose is to identify the transition sequence with the highest probability of matching the transmitted sequence based on the received sequence. The encoder may attain only one delay state at any given time, but the decoder keeps track of all the possible delay states until it decides which one to select. This is the essence of this algorithm in which the actual decision is delayed until more information is available. Application Note 8 V 1.1, Sept. 2001 AP32018 Viterbi Decoding for V.32 standard Theoretical Context Transitions [Y0 Y1 Y2] [ 000 ] [0] [ [1] 01 0 ] 1 01 ] ] 01 [ 0 8 Delay States [S0 S1 S2] [ [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] 0 Figure 4 1 2 3 4 5 Current Time Period (TCurr) Dynamic Programming Figure 4 shows an expanded trellis diagram over several transition time intervals with the x axis representing time and the y axis representing the eight possible delay states of the encoder. In relation with the trellis diagram on figure 3, note that there are only 8 surviving branches for each time period instead of 32. In fact, considering the trellis diagram shows that 4 branches lead to every new delay state. As proposed by Viterbi, the decision is performed at each time increment which is the branch belonging to the most likely path leading to the considered delay state. Only this branch is stored whereas the 3 others are discarded. Thus, the number of branches to store at each time period is reduced to 8, one for each delay state and only 8 paths are stored in memory after several time period as shown on figure 4. Ideally, the maximum-likelihood method looks at the entire sequence of input transitions before making any decision about the output transitions. Clearly, this approach is not feasible for real-time applications due to two factors: Application Note 9 V 1.1, Sept. 2001 AP32018 Viterbi Decoding for V.32 standard Theoretical Context • Prohibitive memory requirements, even for relatively small blocks of data • Inherent time delay before the decoder selects an output A more practical approach is to consider only a finite length of input transitions before making a decision about the output. This length will be called LENGTH_TB in this application note. Note: This length LENGTH_TB must be great enough to avoid deciding on a wrong path. This parameter value is determined by the constraint length K of the code (in our case, K = 4) and for near-optimum decoding should be chosen four or five times the constraint length. Since four times the constraint length in this case is 16 (4 x K), this makes modulo addressing easier than using 20 (5 x K) because 16 is a power of two. So LENTH_TB = 16 is suitable for our application. Application Note 10 V 1.1, Sept. 2001 AP32018 Viterbi Decoding for V.32 standard Implementation Overview 3 Implementation Overview 3.1 Data Flow Diagrams Input Buffer TabQ1Q2In Differential Encoding Table DiffEncod Differential Encoder Past Output PastY1Y2In Output Buffer TabQ1Q2Out Input Symbol Q1Q2In Output Symbol Q1Q2Out Diff Encoding Diff Decoding Differential Decoding Table DiffDecod Differential Decoder Past Input PastY1Y2Out Init Decoder Increment Time Period Init Encoder Y1Y2In Y1Y2Out Current Time Pointer TCurr Convolutional Encoder State S0S1S2 Delay States Buffer DS Viterbi Decoding Conv Encoding Init Metric Transitions Buffer Tr Path Accumulated Distances Buffer PathAccDist TabNoise Noise Transmitted Transition Y0Y1Y2transmitted Received Transition Y0Y1Y2received Add Noise Figure 5 General Data Flow Diagram Application Note 11 V 1.1, Sept. 2001 AP32018 Viterbi Decoding for V.32 standard Implementation Overview Received Transition Y0Y1Y2received Branch Distances Buffer BranchDist Current Time Pointer TCurr New Path Acc. Distances Buffer NewPathAccDist Metric Update Update Acc Distances Path Accumulated Distances Buffer PathAccDist Delay States Buffer DS Transitions Buffer Tr Trace Back Start Point StartDS Trace Back Transition Selected Y0Y1Y2selected Discard Y0 Y1Y2Out Figure 6 Viterbi Decoding Data Flow Diagram Application Note 12 V 1.1, Sept. 2001 AP32018 Viterbi Decoding for V.32 standard Implementation Overview 3.2 Memory resources needed Note: Note: As the smallest possible data type in C language, a char variable (coded with 8 bits) has been chosen to store a 2-bit symbol [Q1Q2], a 3-bit delay state [S0 S1 S2] as well as a 3-bit transition [Y0 Y1 Y2]. Input buffer (TabQ1Q2In) This input buffer contains the successive input symbols [Q1 Q2]In that have to be sent. The size for this linear buffer is defined by the parameter LENGTH_INPUT and can easily be modified. Size: LENGTH_TB * 8 bits Output buffer (TabQ1Q2Out) The decoded output symbols [Q1 Q2]Out calculated by the decoder are stored in this output buffer TabQ1Q2Out. It is a linear buffer and its size is the same than the one of the input buffer, since for each time period one input symbol is read and one output symbol is found and stored as well. Size: LENGTH_TB * 8 bits Differential Encoding Table (DiffEncod) Knowing the past output [Y1n-1Y2n-1] and the current input [Q1nQ2n] of the differential encoder, this look-up table allows to compute the current output [Y1nY2n] of the differential encoder, and thus to perform the differential coding. Note: Please refer to the part 4.1 for more details about how to use this look-up table. Size: 16 * 8 bits Differential Decoding Table (DiffDecod) Knowing the past input [Y1n-1Y2n-1] and the current input [Y1nY2n] of the differential decoder, this look-up table allows to compute the current output [Q1nQ2n] of the differential decoder, and thus to perform the differential decoding. Note: Please refer to the part 4.2 for more details about how to use this look-up table. Size: 16 * 8 bits Application Note 13 V 1.1, Sept. 2001 AP32018 Viterbi Decoding for V.32 standard Implementation Overview Branch Distances buffer (BranchDist) Since the received transitions [Y0 Y1 Y2]received an have been disturbed by channel noise, each transition value is considered as a possible representation of the received transition. Each one of the 8 possible transitions is a more or less likely representation of the received transition regarding its Hamming distance to it. This buffer contains the 8 distance values between the received transition [Y0 Y1 Y2]received and the 8 possible transitions [Y0 Y1 Y2]. Size: 32 * 8 bits Path Accumulated Distances Buffers (PathAccDist and NewPathAccDist) Since only one path, the most likely, is selected to lead to each delay state, only 8 paths have to be stored. Each path is identified by its accumulated distance which is the sum of the branch distances for each branch constituting the path. Since a new branch is added to each path at each symbol period, these accumulated path distances have to be updated each time interval. Note: The previous accumulated path distances are needed until a new branch has been selected for all paths. Hence, it is not possible to directly replace the old accumulated path distances by the new ones. Therefore 2 buffers are required, PathAccDist and NewPathAccDist. Size: The size of these 2 buffers depends on how many symbols are transmitted, i.e. on the parameter LENGTH_INPUT. In the worst case, one of the 8 paths stored is constituted of branches that have all a maximum cost of 3, and an initial cost of 16. After LENGTH_INPUT time periods, the maximum accumulated distance is: AccDistMax = 16 + LENGTH_INPUT * 3 • Currently: LENGTH_INPUT = 32 AccDistMax = 112, which can be represented on 7 bits. We use 8 *8 bits to store the 8 accumulated distances for all paths. • Best: Let us assume n is the number of bits necessary to represent the accumulate distance. Knowing the maximum path accumulated distance AccDistMax, n must confirm the following equation: 2 n ≥ AccDistMax = 16 + LENGTH_INPUT * 3 and then: n ≥ Log (16 + 3* LENGTH_INPUT) / Log (2) (n ∈ N) 8*n bits would be necessary, if the parameter LENGTH_INPUT is modified. Application Note 14 V 1.1, Sept. 2001 AP32018 Viterbi Decoding for V.32 standard Implementation Overview Metric Storage Circular Buffers (DS and Tr) The decision which symbol has been transmitted after all symbols have been received. Therefore the whole path history has to be stored. Unfortunately, this can be very memory consuming. In addition, this leads often to an unacceptable delay of the decision. In practice, the path history is truncated to a smaller value, called LENGTH_TB in our application. Since the decoder bases its decision on the path history of the previous LENGTH_TB1 time periods, the metric storage buffers span LENGTH_TB time periods (including the current time period). They are set up as circular buffers so that new branch information overwrites the oldest one at each time period. To enable reconstruction of the 8 entire paths, 2 pieces of information have to be stored with respect to each selected branch at each time period: • The transition that identify the branch is stored in the Tr circular buffer. • The previous delay state from which the branch originates is stored in the DS circular buffer. Delay State Number The format of these metric storage buffers is shown below, assuming the parameter LENGTH_TB is equal to 8 for instance: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS [TCurr] [TCurr] [TCurr] [TCurr] [TCurr] [TCurr] [TCurr] [TCurr] [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] DS Buffer TCurr = 3 LENGTH_TB = 8 Delay State Number 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr [TCurr] [TCurr] [TCurr] [TCurr] [TCurr] [TCurr] [TCurr] [TCurr] [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] Tr Buffer TCurr = 3 Figure 7 Metric Storage Buffers Application Note 15 V 1.1, Sept. 2001 AP32018 Viterbi Decoding for V.32 standard Implementation Overview Example: Referring to the expanded trellis diagram on figure 4, let us assume the current time period (identified by the pointer Tcurr) is 3 and that the current delay state is number 0 (called NewDS). The Viterbi algorithm calculates the most likely branch leading to that delay state and finds for instance that this most likely branch is originating from the previous delay state [S0 S1 S2] number 2 (called PastDS), with a transition [Y0 Y1 Y2] equal to 3 (called Transition). Then these 2 pieces of information are stored as follows: DS [Tcurr] [NewDS] =PastDSi.e.DS [3] [0] = 2 Tr [Tcurr] [NewDS] = Transitioni.e.Tr [3] [0] = 3 Both buffers are set up as 8*LENGTH_TB symbol circular buffers, containing LENGTH_TB columns to represent a history of LENGTH_TB passes of the Viterbi algorithm. Each element of these 2 buffers is 3 bit wide. Size: 8 * LENGTH_TB * 8 bits Application Note 16 V 1.1, Sept. 2001 AP32018 Viterbi Decoding for V.32 standard Encoder Implementation 4 Encoder Implementation 4.1 Differential Encoder Input Symbol Q1Q2In Q1 n Y1n Q2 n Y2n Y1n-1 Y1Y2In to Convolutional Enco Y2n-1 Differential Encoder Past Output PastY1Y2In Figure 8 Differential Encoder Schematic Implementing this differential encoder consists in storing the previous outputs of the differential encoder and then performing the appropriate EXCLUSIVE OR (^) and AND (•) functions defined by: Y1n = Q1n ^ Y1n-1 Y2n = (Q1n • Y1n-1) ^ Y2n-1 ^ Q2n Chosen Implementation Function Name: DiffEncoding A table look up approach is taken to decrease the execution time of this routine. A 16char table called DiffEncod is set up in memory. Each element of this table corresponds to a unique combination of bits [[Y1n-1Y2n-1] [Q1nQ2n]] and contains resulting differential encoding bits [Y1nY2n]. Application Note 17 V 1.1, Sept. 2001 AP32018 Viterbi Decoding for V.32 standard Encoder Implementation (Q1Q2)n = 3 DiffEncod [4] [4] Figure 9 0 1 2 3 1 = 0 3 2 2 3 1 0 3 2 0 1 (Y1Y2) n n-1 (Y1Y2) = 2 = 1 Differential Encoding look up table Size of the table: 16 * 8 bits Using: Knowing the past output [Y1n-1Y2n-1] and the current input [Q1nQ2n] of the encoder, the current output [Y1nY2n] can easily be determined using the DiffEncod table and the following formula: [Y1nY2n] = DiffEncod [Y1n-1Y2n-1] [Q1nQ2n] Ex: Let us consider that: • the past output is [Y1n-1Y2n-1] = 2 <=> Y1n-1 = 1 and Y2n-1 = 0 • the current input is [Q1nQ2n] = 1 <=> Q1n = 0 and Q2n =1 Considering the logic formules leads to: Y1n = Q1n ^ Y1n-1 = 0 ^ 1 = 1 Y2n = (Q1n • Y1n-1) ^ Y2n-1 ^ Q2n= (0 • 1) ^ 0 ^ 1 = 0 ^ 0 ^ 1 = 1 thus, [Y1nY2n] = 3 Using the DiffEncod table allows to come with this result too: [Y1nY2n] = DiffEncod [Y1n-1Y2n-1] [Q1nQ2n] = DiffEncod [2] [1] = 3 4.2 Convolutional Encoder The 3 delays which compose the convolutional encoder are called S0, S1 and S2. The convolutional encoder takes the 2 differentially encoded bits [Y1nY2n] and generates an output bit Y0. Y0 is often called the redundant bit because it carries only the forward error-correction information. Application Note 18 V 1.1, Sept. 2001 AP32018 for V.32 standard Viterbi Decoding Encoder Implementation Detailled View Functionally, the convolutional encoder is a 3-bit shift register interconnected by AND and XOR logic. These 3 delays are referrred to as S0, S1 and S2 and represent the state of the encoder. Hence, the name of delay states to denote the state of the convolutional encoder. Y1n XOR Y2n Y2n XOR S2 S1 XOR XOR XOR Delay Delay S0 Y0n Delay Y0n.Alpha AND AND Y1n.Y0n Alpha Y1n Figure 10 Convolutional Encoder Chosen Implementation Function Name: ConvEncoding The convolutional encoder is implemented in the following way: the content of the 3 delays - S0, S1 and S2 - is stored in a unique global variable called S0S1S2. Based on the configuration of the figure 10, the piece of information contained in each delay is used for each new symbol to determine the redundant bit Y0, and must be updated then. The output bit Y0n at each time period is the value of the delay 0 (S0) before it is updated. 4.3 Encoder Initialization Function name: InitEncoder This function is called to initialize both differential and convolutional encoders. To ensure that the encoding process begin with the null path - only composed of null Application Note 19 V 1.1, Sept. 2001 AP32018 Viterbi Decoding for V.32 standard Encoder Implementation transitions and always staying in the delay state number 0 -, following initializations have to be performed: • The latest output of the differential encoder (called PastY1Y2In) must be set up on 0, otherwise it means that the preceding transmitted transition [Y0 Y1 Y2] (composed of the 2-bit signal PastY1Y2In plus a redundant bit Y0 added by the convolutional encoder) was not 0 and so did not belong to the null path. • The initial state of the convolutional encoder - stored in the global variable called S0S1S2 - must be set up on 0, because staying in the null path means that the convolutional encoder stays in the delay state 0. Application Note 20 V 1.1, Sept. 2001 AP32018 Viterbi Decoding for V.32 standard Channel Modelisation 5 Channel Modelisation The transmitted symbols [Y0Y1Y2]transmited are disturbed by a noise while transmitted over the channel. As a result, the received symbols [Y0Y1Y2]received can contain binary errors. The task of the decoder is then to correct the maximum of the disturbed bits. This addition of noise is essential to test how resistant the decoder is when the channel disturbes the transmitted symbols. Note: No assumption are made about any characteristic of the noise in this implementation. Chosen implementation Function Name: AddNoise A relative simple approach is taken here. Each received symbol [Y0Y1Y2]received consists in an addition of one transmitted symbol [Y0Y1Y2]transmitted and a noise sample. The noise values are stored in the array called TabNoise, one noise value for each transmitted symbol. Note: An ideal transmission without noise can be simulated by setting all the noise samples to the value zero. Application Note 21 V 1.1, Sept. 2001 AP32018 Viterbi Decoding for V.32 standard Viterbi Decoding Implementation 6 Viterbi Decoding Implementation 6.1 Metric Initialization Function name: InitMetric This function is called to set up global metric variables. In practice, it is important to assume that the 8 paths stored start from the delay state number 0. Therefore, DS and Tr arrays are reseted to zeros so that the "null path" is always chosen as the maximum-likelihood path at the beginning. To ensure that the decoder always chooses branches that originate from delay state number 0 in the first time interval, the initial cost of the path originating from delay state number 0 is set to 0 whereas the rest of the paths are set to a greater cost, 16 for instance. Then PathAccDist is initialized to the following array: 0 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 6.2 Viterbi Decoding – Dynamic Programming Note: Each of the 5 following steps (from 6.2.1 to 6.2.5) must be performed for each time period. 6.2.1 Transition Receiving The input to the Viterbi decoder is the 3 bit data stream [Y0 Y1 Y2]received, which corresponds to a received transition (encoded symbol). A new input transition is read every time period (or symbol period). Application Note 22 V 1.1, Sept. 2001 AP32018 Viterbi Decoding for V.32 standard Viterbi Decoding Implementation Note: A decision on the integrity of the input encoded symbol read will only be made by the decoder LENGTH_TB time periods later. This is the essence of Viterbi algorithm in which the actual decision is delayed until more information is available. Note: A symbol input data is read from the array called TabInput defined in the main function. The size for this array is defined as parameter LENGTH_INPUT and can easily be modified. This symbol is then differential and convolutional encoded, and can be transmitted as a 3-bit transition at that time. 6.2.2 Hamming Branch Distance Calculation Function Name: ComputeBranchDistances The next step is to compute distance between the received transition and each of the 8 possible transitions [Y0 Y1 Y2]. The cost function is either Euclidean or Hamming distance, this application used the Hamming distance between the received encoded symbol and each possible transition, which is suitable for binary signals. For each encoded symbol received, 8 distances to each transition are generated by the cost function, and stored in the array called BranchDist (means branch distances), as shown by the following example: Example: SymbolIn = (011) Distance { SymbolIn, (000) } = 2 Distance { SymbolIn, (001) } = 1 2 Distance { SymbolIn, (010) } = 1 Distance { SymbolIn, (011) } = 0 1 1 Þ BranchDist = 0 Distance { SymbolIn, (100) } = 3 Distance { SymbolIn, (101) } = 2 3 Distance { SymbolIn, (110) } = 2 Distance { SymbolIn, (111) } = 1 2 6.2.3 2 1 Metric Update or Add–Compare–Select (ACS) Function Name: MetricUpdate The aim of this step is to find the current most likely branch to extend each path, and to compute the new accumulated cost for each path as following: • Determine the 4 past delay states reaching the current delay state Application Note 23 V 1.1, Sept. 2001 AP32018 Viterbi Decoding for V.32 standard Viterbi Decoding Implementation • Add current branch distances to the path accumulated distances for each transition • Comparison of the 4 input branches and selection of the survivor path • Find the beginning point for the trace back Note: Each of these 4 steps must be performed for each delay state. Note: Each path can be identified by the current delay state it leads to. That is why we speak of accumulated cost for a delay state as well as a cost for a path. Note: Most of calculation time is spent in this MetricUpdate procedure. This implementation is written with the aim of optimized speed while the code length is not so important. Efforts have to be made here to find the best solution regarding CPU cycles consuming. (see section Determine the 4 Past Delay States reaching the current Delay State Close analysis of the V.32 trellis in Figure 4 reveals that there are a limited number of transitions (four) leading to each new delay state from the previous time period. The following table identifies the combination of previous delay states and transitions to reach each delay state for the current time period. New Even DS [S0 S1 S2] Past DS [S0 S1 S2] 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 2 4 6 Figure 11 Transition [Y0 Y1 Y2] New Odd DS [S0 S1 S2] 0 2 3 1 2 0 1 3 3 1 0 2 1 3 2 0 1 3 5 7 Past DS [S0 S1 S2] 4 5 6 7 4 5 6 7 4 5 6 7 4 5 6 7 Transition [Y0 Y1 Y2] 4 7 6 5 7 4 5 6 5 6 7 4 6 5 4 7 Trellis singularities Notice that all even-numbered delay states of the current time interval have links to the first 4 delay states of the previous time interval, whereas all odd-numbered new delay states have links to the last 4 past delay states. So it is relatively simple to process even- and odd-numbered delay states in two groups. Application Note 24 V 1.1, Sept. 2001 AP32018 Viterbi Decoding for V.32 standard Viterbi Decoding Implementation Furthermore even-numbered delay states can be reached only by the first 4 transitions, whereas odd-numbered delay states can be reached only by the last 4 transitions. All these trellis singularities can lead to an implementation with a look-up table to determinate the 4 possible previous delay states reaching the current delay state (NewDS). So to favour the speed of the algorithm, trellis singularities have not been used in this implementation. Indeed, determining the 4 past delay states reaching the current delay state is time consuming and can be disregard by using a loop-unrolling. (See section Add current Branch Distances to the Path Accumulated Distances for each possible Transition As shown before, each current delay state is linked to 4 previous delay states by 4 different branches. Because each current delay state is the target of 4 different paths origin from 4 previous delay states, the accumulated distance must be calculated for each of these 4 paths. Each delay state is considered sequentially and the total metrics for each of the 4 possible paths leading to the current delay state are being calculated. The following figure shows the possible transitions leading to delay state 0 for the V.32 trellis: Application Note 25 V 1.1, Sept. 2001 AP32018 Viterbi Decoding for V.32 standard Viterbi Decoding Implementation Old Path Accumulated Distance Past Delay State (S0S1S2)n Transition (Y0Y1Y2)n Current Delay State (S0S1S2)n+1 New Path Accumulated Distance 000 A n+1 001 B n+1 000 (a n) An 000 (bn) 010 Bn 1 01 001 1 00 ) (cn n) (d Cn 010 010 C n+1 Dn 011 011 D n+1 Time Tn T n+1 Figure 12 • Branch Distances: (an), (bn), (cn), (dn) represent the branch distances, i.e. the Hamming distances between the input symbol and the different possible transitions. These branch distances are being stored in the array called BranchDist. • Old Path Accumulated Distances: Accumulated distances for each delay state till the current time period (i.e. for each path stored) are stored in the array PathAccDist. In this example, the 4 first values in this array are An, Bn, Cn and Dn. • Total Distances: On the preceding example, accumulating the total distance for each possible path will lead to these 4 total distance values: {An + an}, {Bn + bn}, {Cn + cn}, {Dn + dn} Note: Overflow problem Application Note 26 V 1.1, Sept. 2001 AP32018 Viterbi Decoding for V.32 standard Viterbi Decoding Implementation As underlined when presenting the buffers PathAccDist and NewAccDist, it is impossible to continue to accumulate these distances without running into an overflow problem. In this implementation, path accumulated distances are stored in the buffer PathAccDist composed of int variables, coded on 16 bits. It means that accumulated distance values stored must not exceed 65535. The worst case would appear with a path whose transitions have always a maximum cost of 3 and which originates from a delay state whose initial cost is set up to 16. After (65535 – 16) / 3 < 21840 time periods, an overflow problem may occur. Thus, the number of input symbols to process must be lower than 21840. LENGTH_INPUT < 21840 to avoid overflow Comparison of the 4 Input Branches and Selection of the Survivor ......... Path The Viterbi algorithm now chooses the branch belonging to the maximum-likelihood path leading to the current delay state. It becomes the new fragment of the path reaching the current delay state. The branch with the minimum total distance is selected as the most probable one, whereas the 3 others are discarded. Note: For each one of the 8 delay states and for each time period, only one branch is selected and stored. It means that at any time only 8 paths are being stored in memory, each one leading to a different delay state. These 8 stored paths are called the survivor paths. Example: Refering to the preceding example, let us assume {Cn + cn} is the minimum total distance value, that is to say the new accumulated distance An+1 for delay state number 0 is {Cn + cn}. To enable reconstruction of the delay state sequence from a later point, the following information needs to be stored once the minimum distance branch is found: • new accumulated distance for the current delay state This new accumulated distance (An+1 = Cn + cn here) can not be directly stored in the PathAccDist array, since the old accumulated distances (stored in PathAccDist) are being used to select the survivor path also for the others delay states till the end of this step Hence, the new accumulated distance for each new delay state is temporary stored in the array called NewPathAccDist. Application Note 27 V 1.1, Sept. 2001 AP32018 Viterbi Decoding for V.32 standard Viterbi Decoding Implementation • delay state of the previous time interval linked to the current delay This past delay state number state ( Past DS number 2 in the example) is being stored in the array DS, in the column pointed to by the current time pointer (Tcurr) and in the row corresponding to the current delay state (New DS number 0). Hence the following formula:DS [TCurr] [NewDS] = Past DS • transition that identify the branch selected This transition (011 in our example) is being stored in the array Tr, in the column pointed to by the current time pointer (Tcurr) and in the row corresponding to the current delay state (New DS number 0 in the example). Hence the following formula:Tr [TCurr] [NewDS] = Transition This is the metric update that is repeated for each delay state, and for each time period. It is also called the add – compare – select (ACS) operation: accumulation of distance data, comparison of input branches, and selection of the maximum likelihood path. Find the begining point for the Trace Back The smallest path accumulated distance must be found and stored in the variable PathAccDistMin first. Then, the path reaching the delay state associated with this smallest accumulated distance is considered as the most likely one and selected to receive output at the current time period. This minimum accumulated distance delay state is stored in the variable NewDS and will be used as the initial point to perform the trace back operation. Chosen implementation for the Metric Update The chosen implementation is optimized in relation to CPU cycles consumption. Delay states are processed one after each other without any loop, each delay state described by its own C code so as to avoid related calculations that are really time consuming (adress calculations for example) and encountered when using a loop. Therefore, the C code is less dense (calculation for a path total distance is written 32 times, one calculation per existing branch in the trellis) but the generated assembler code is clearly faster. 6.2.4 Update Path Accumulated Distance Values Function Name: UpdateAccDistances Application Note 28 V 1.1, Sept. 2001 AP32018 Viterbi Decoding for V.32 standard Viterbi Decoding Implementation Once the least-cost branches to the 8 delay states are identified and stored in appropriate tables, the path accumulated distance buffer PathAccDist can be updated with new accumulated distances (temporary saved in the NewPathAccDist array). Note: this update routine is written directly in TriCore Assembler for a minimal time consumption. TriCore assembler commands are used and enable to load and store 32 bit-data in only one CPU cycle (optimal using of the TriCore 32 bit Architecture). 6.2.5 Trace back Function Name: TraceBack The purpose of the trace back routine is to determine the most likely transmitted transition by tracing back the maximum-likelihood path through the trellis once it has been identified. For every time period, accumulated distances to each delay state have been calculated ( Furthermore, the minimum-distance branch (identified by a transition [Y0 Y1 Y2] ) to each delay state has been stored as well as the delay state it came from [S0 S1 S2] in metric storage buffers DS and Tr respectively ( Storing this data during the last LENGTH_TB time periods creates a history, making it possible to trace back along the most likely path to get the most likely output of the decoder. Evaluation of the Convolutional Encoder State A loop is used to trace back history of the path chosen as the most probable one through LENGTH_TB – 1 time periods. Each cycle of this loop corresponds to a trace back time period and is identified by the T_TB pointer (Time period of the trace back). This pointer is initialized to the current time period value Tcurr and will be decremented at each cycle. The following processing needs to be performed during one loop cycle: • Find the delay state from which the current delay state NewDS comes, and store it in the variable PastDS. • This preceding delay state (PastDS) becomes the current delay state (NewDS) for the next loop cycle. • Trace back time period pointer (T_TB) must also be decremented. • Remembering the metric storage buffers DS and TR are circular, T_TB pointer can not be assigned to a negative value. If T_TB value becomes equal to -1 after decrementing, it must be reseted to the value LENGTH_TB - 1 so that it points to the preceding entry. Application Note 29 V 1.1, Sept. 2001 AP32018 Viterbi Decoding for V.32 standard Viterbi Decoding Implementation At the end of the loop iterations, the oldest delay state [S0S1S2] will be found and stored in the NewDS variable: it determines the most likely state of the convolutional encoder LENGTH_TB – 1 time periods backward. Find the most probable transition transmitted By means of the most likely delay state detected at the end of the trace back, we can retrieve the respective transition [Y0Y1Y2] from the array Tr. The transition (stored in the buffer Tr) taken to get to that most likely delay state (stored in the variable NewDS) is selected by the Viterbi convolutional decoder as the most probable transition transmitted by the encoder. Note: The output for the current time period (TCurr) reflects a decision made by the decoder on symbols received up to LENGTH_TB time periods later. This means that the output symbol is necessarily delayed by LENGTH_TB time periods in relation with input symbol. Discard YO The most significant bit (Y0) of the transition [Y0Y1Y2] selected by the decoder can be stripped off at this point since it is only a redundant bit added during the encoding process. Then the resulting 2-bit differential encoded symbol Y1Y2Out is the output of the Viterbi convolutional decoder for the current time period TCurr. Application Note 30 V 1.1, Sept. 2001 AP32018 Viterbi Decoding for V.32 standard Differential Decoding Implementation 7 Differential Decoding Implementation Y1Y2Out Y1n from Viterbi Decoder Y2n Q1 n Q2 n Y1n-1 Output Symbol Q1Q2Out Y2n-1 Differential Decoder Past Input PastY1Y2Out Figure 13 Differential Decoder Schematic Implementing this differential decoder consists in storing the previous inputs of the differential decoder and then performing the appropriate EXCLUSIVE OR (^) and AND (•) functions defined by: Q1n = Y1n ^ Y1n-1 Q2n = (Q1n • Y1n-1) ^ Y2n-1 ^ Y2n 7.1 Chosen implementation Function Name: DiffDecoding A table look up approach is taken to decrease the execution time of this routine. A 16char table called DiffDecod is set up in memory. Each element of this table corresponds to a unique combination of bits [[Y1n-1Y2n-1] [Y1nY2n]] and it contains resulting differential encoding bits [Q1nQ2n]. Size of the table: 16 * 8 bits Application Note 31 V 1.1, Sept. 2001 AP32018 Viterbi Decoding for V.32 standard Differential Decoding Implementation (Y1Y2) n = 3 (Q1Q2)n DiffDecod [4] [4] Figure 14 0 1 2 3 1 = 0 3 2 3 2 0 1 2 3 1 0 n-1 (Y1Y2) = 1 = 2 Differential Decoding look up table Using: Knowing the past input [Y1n-1Y2n-1] and the current input [Y1nY2n] of the differential decoder, the current output [Q1nQ2n] can easily be determined using the DiffDecod table and the following formula: [Q1nQ2n] = DiffDecod [Y1n-1Y2n-1] [Y1nY2n] Example: Let us consider that: • the past input is [Y1n-1Y2n-1] = 3 ⇔ Y1n-1 = 1 and Y2n-1 = 1 • the current input is [Y1nY2n] = 2 ⇔ Y1n = 1 and Y2n =0 Considering the preceding logic formules leads to: Q1n = Y1n ^ Y1n-1 = 1 ^ 1 = 0 Q2n = (Q1n • Y1n-1 ) ^ Y2n-1 ^ Y2n = (0 • 1) ^ 1 ^ 0 = 0 ^ 1 ^ 0 = 1 thus, [Q1nQ2n] = 1 Using the DiffDecod table allows to come with this result too: [Q1nQ2n] = DiffDecod [Y1n-1Y2n-1] [Y1nY2n] = DiffDecod [3] [2] = 1 7.2 Differential Decoder Initialization Function name: InitDecoder This function is called to initialize the differential decoder. The decoder also wait for a succession of zeros - succession of transitions composing the null path - to begin with its decoding task. It is therefore assumed that the initial latest input of the differential decoder (called PastY1Y2Out) is O too. Application Note 32 V 1.1, Sept. 2001 AP32018 Viterbi Decoding for V.32 standard Optimization Strategy 8 Optimization Strategy The TASKING C cross-compiler (ctri) allows the user to control the special functions of the TriCore in C with extensions to the C language. The following C extensions are used in this implementation: • _near storage type: Using the _near addressing qualifier, allows the compiler to generate faster access code for frequently used variables. The data object is directly addressable using the absolute addressing mode. • inline C functions: The _inline keyword is used to signal the compiler to inline the function body instead of calling the function. Note: The debugger cannot step-into an inline function. • inline assembly: ctri supports inline assembly. Writing a function directly in assembler is especially useful when the compiler generates non optimized assembler code. In this implementation, the function UpdateAccDist is written using inline assembler. • static storage specifier: using this keyword with a variable that is local to a function allows the last value of the variable to be preserved between successive calls to that function. Application Note 33 V 1.1, Sept. 2001 AP32018 Viterbi Decoding for V.32 standard Results Presentation 9 Results Presentation A global constant called OUTPUT_FILES is set up to specify if output files must be generated or not. If OUTPUT_FILES is set up to 1 then two output files containing all simulation results are generated as decribed further. 9.1 Printing Results to the Screen If the global constant OUTPUT_FILES is initialized to another value than 1, then simulations results are only printed to the screen. Only input symbols (read from the buffer TabInput) and output symbols (stored in the buffer TabOuput) are both printed to the screen, so as to compare them and to see how performant the decoder is. This configuration is used to benchmark the decoding. (no time wasting in opening and writing into output files). 9.2 Printing Results to Files This second configuration (OUTPUT_FILES initialized to 1) make use of output text files to print all the intermediate results from the input symbols to the decoded output symbols. Two output text files called ‘ transmission.txt’ and ‘ reception.txt’ are generated. The aim of this configuration is especially to be able to reconstruct the path selected by the decoder through the trellis. Transmission File (transmission.txt) This file gives information about all the necessary data to show the path taken by the encoder through the trellis and about the noise disturbing the transmission too. In this file are stored the following data: • Current time value: from 0 to 31 since the simulation with the test sequence consists of 32 symbols. • Input symbol: read from the buffer TabInput, it represents the data [Q1Q2]In to be transmitted. • Encoder State: it represents the current state of the convolutional encoder [S0S1S2]. • Transition: denotes the transition [Y0Y1Y2]transmitted calculated by the encoder and that is transmitted over the transmission channel. Application Note 34 V 1.1, Sept. 2001 AP32018 Viterbi Decoding for V.32 standard Results Presentation • Noise: noise sample, read from the buffer TabNoise that disturbs the transmitted transition in the channel. • Trans_Disturbed: transition resulting from the superposition of the transmitted transition and the noise sample. This disturbed transition represents the transition [Y0Y1Y2]received received by the decoder. Time Figure 15 Input Encoder Channel Trans_ Disturbed Q1Q2 State S Transition Y Noise 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 4 3 0 3 4 1 7 6 0 6 5 2 1 5 0 5 6 2 6 3 0 3 7 3 3 5 0 5 8 0 0 1 0 1 9 1 0 0 0 0 10 3 4 3 1 2 11 1 7 6 0 6 12 2 1 5 0 5 13 0 4 1 0 1 14 3 7 6 2 4 15 1 7 7 0 7 16 0 7 7 0 7 17 0 7 7 0 7 18 0 7 7 0 7 19 0 7 7 4 3 20 0 7 7 0 7 21 0 7 7 0 7 22 0 7 7 0 7 23 0 7 7 0 7 24 0 7 7 0 7 25 0 7 7 0 7 26 0 7 7 0 7 27 0 7 7 0 7 28 0 7 7 0 7 29 0 7 7 0 7 30 0 7 7 0 7 31 0 7 7 0 7 Transmission File for a test input sequence Application Note 35 V 1.1, Sept. 2001 AP32018 Viterbi Decoding for V.32 standard Results Presentation Reception File (reception.txt) This file gives information about all the necessary data to reconstruct the path selected by the decoder through the trellis as the most likely one. In this file are stored the following data: • Current time value: from 0 to 31 since the simulation with the test sequence consists of 32 symbols. • Output symbol: stored in the buffer TabOutput, it represents the decoded symbol [Q1Q2]Out . • Evaluated Encoder State: it represents the state of the convolutional encoder [S0S1S2] evaluated by the decoder as the most likely one. • Transition: denotes the transition [Y0Y1Y2]selected chosen by the decoder as the most probable one. Application Note Time Output Q1Q2 Encoder_Evaluation State S Transition Y 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 11 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 13 0 0 0 14 0 0 0 15 0 0 0 16 0 0 0 17 0 0 0 18 3 4 3 19 1 7 6 20 2 1 5 21 2 6 3 22 3 3 5 23 0 0 1 24 1 0 0 25 3 4 3 26 1 7 6 36 V 1.1, Sept. 2001 AP32018 Viterbi Decoding for V.32 standard Results Presentation Figure 16 9.3 27 2 1 5 28 0 4 1 29 3 7 6 30 1 7 7 31 0 7 7 Reception File for the test input sequence Most likely Path selected for the test input sequence 0 0 0 [0] 1 [1] [3] 5 [4] 5 5 3 8 Delay States [S0 S1 S2] 3 3 [2] [5] 6 6 [6] [7] 0 1 Transition Received 2 Y0Y1Y2received Transition Selected 0 Y0Y1Y2selected Bits corrected Application Note 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 0 3 6 5 3 5 1 0 2 6 5 0 3 6 5 3 5 1 0 3 6 5 1 1 37 V 1.1, Sept. 2001 AP32018 Viterbi Decoding for V.32 standard Appendix A - C Code Implementation for the Viterbi Algorithm 10 Appendix A - C Code Implementation for the Viterbi Algorithm //****************************************************************** // @ModuleViterbi Decoder // @FilenameParameters.h // @Project V.32 Modem Implementation //-----------------------------------------------------------------// @ControllerTriCore // // @CompilerTasking TriCore C Cross-Compiler // // @DescriptionThis module contains all specific parameters // for the V.32 Decoding application // //-----------------------------------------------------------------// @Date 19/02/99 15:00:00 AM // //****************************************************************** //****************************************************************** // @Defines //****************************************************************** #defineLENGTH_INPUT 32 #defineLENGTH_TB 16 #define OUTPUT_FILES 0/* If you want output files to be printed then put the value of this constant to 1 */ //****************************************************************** // @ModuleViterbi Decoder // @FilenamePrototypes.h // @Project V.32 Modem Implementation //-----------------------------------------------------------------// @ControllerTriCore // // @CompilerTASKING TriCore C Cross-Compiler // // @Description This file contains all function prototypes for the V.32 Encoding // and Decoding // //-----------------------------------------------------------------// @Date 19/02/99 15:00:00 AM // //****************************************************************** Application Note 38 V 1.1, Sept. 2001 AP32018 Viterbi Decoding for V.32 standard Appendix A - C Code Implementation for the Viterbi Algorithm //****************************************************************** // @Prototypes of global functions //****************************************************************** void InitEncoder (void); void InitDecoder (void); void InitMetric (void); char DiffEncoding (char Q1Q2In); char ConvEncoding (char Y1Y2In); char AddNoise (char Y0Y1Y2_transmitted, char Noise); _inline void ComputeBranchDistances (char Y0Y1Y2_transmitted, char BranchDist[8]); _inline char MetricUpdate (char *BranchDist, int *NewPathAccDist); _inline char TraceBack (char StartDS); void UpdateAccDistances (int PathAccDist[8], int NewPathAccDist[8]); char ViterbiDecoding (char Y0Y1Y2_received); char DiffDecoding (char Y1Y2Out); void IncrementTimePeriod (void); //****************************************************************** // @ModuleViterbi Decoder // @FilenameSource.c // @Project V.32 Modem Implementation //-----------------------------------------------------------------// @ControllerTriCore // // @CompilerTASKING TriCore C Cross-Compiler // // @DescriptionThis file contains all the functions both to encode and decode // the data in accordance with V.32 specifications // //-----------------------------------------------------------------// @Date 19/02/99 15:00:00 AM // //****************************************************************** //****************************************************************** // @Project and Libraries Includes //****************************************************************** Application Note 39 V 1.1, Sept. 2001 AP32018 Viterbi Decoding for V.32 standard Appendix A - C Code Implementation for the Viterbi Algorithm #include <stdio.h> /* Prototype for the function "printf"*/ #include "Parameters.h"/* File containing all the constants used */ #include "Prototypes.h" /* File containing the prototypes for all the functions used */ //****************************************************************** // @Global Variables //****************************************************************** _near static char DS[LENGTH_TB][8], Tr[LENGTH_TB][8], TCurr; _near static int PathAccDist[8]; char StateEncoderEval; /* Convolutional encoder state evaluated by the decoder*/ char TransitionEval; /* most likely transition transmitted by the encoder evaluated by the decoder*/ _near static char PastY1Y2In, PastY1Y2Out, S0S1S2; _near static char DiffEncod[4][4] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 1, 0, 3, 2, 2, 3, 1, 0, 3, 2, 0, 1}; _near static char DiffDecod[4][4] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 1, 0, 3, 2, 3, 2, 0, 1, 2, 3, 1, 0}; //****************************************************************** // @Function void main (void)// //-----------------------------------------------------------------// @DescriptionMain function // //-----------------------------------------------------------------// @Returnvaluenone // //-----------------------------------------------------------------// @Parametersnone // //-----------------------------------------------------------------// @Date 19/02/99 15:00:00 AM // //****************************************************************** void main (void) { FILE *pf_transmission; FILE *pf_reception; int SymbolCount; char Q1Q2In, Q1Q2Out; Application Note 40 V 1.1, Sept. 2001 AP32018 Viterbi Decoding for V.32 standard Appendix A - C Code Implementation for the Viterbi Algorithm char Noise; char Y1Y2In, Y0Y1Y2_transmitted; char Y1Y2Out, Y0Y1Y2_received; char TabQ1Q2In[LENGTH_INPUT] = {0,0,0,3,1,2,2,3,0,1,3,1,2,0,3,1, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; char TabNoise[LENGTH_INPUT] = {0,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,2,0, 0,0,0,4,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; char TabQ1Q2Out[LENGTH_INPUT]; /* print the output files headers if output files are needed*/ if (OUTPUT_FILES == 1) {pf_transmission = fopen( "transmission.txt","w"); fprintf(pf_transmission,"\n Time | Input | Encoder | Channel"); fprintf(pf_transmission,"\n | Q1Q2 | State S Transition Y | Noise Trans_Disturbed"); fprintf(pf_transmission,"\n-----------------------------------------------------------------"); pf_reception = fopen( "reception.txt","w"); fprintf(pf_reception,"\n Time | Output | Encoder_Evaluati on"); fprintf(pf_reception,"\n | Q1Q2 | State S Transition Y"); fprintf(pf_reception,"\n----------------------------------------------"); } /* Encoder Initialization */ InitEncoder (); /* Decoder Initialization */ InitDecoder(); /* Metric Initialization */ InitMetric(); printf("\n---------------------------------\n"); for (SymbolCount = 0; SymbolCount < LENGTH_INPUT; SymbolCount++) { /* Read the current input symbol from the input buffer TabQ1Q2In */ Q1Q2In = TabQ1Q2In[SymbolCount]; if (OUTPUT_FILES == 1) {fprintf(pf_transmission,"\n %2d | %2d | ",SymbolCount,Q1Q2In);} /* Perform the Differential Encoding */ Y1Y2In = DiffEncoding (Q1Q2In); /* Perform the Convolutional Encoding */ Y0Y1Y2_transmitted = ConvEncoding (Y1Y2In); if (OUTPUT_FILES == 1) {fprintf(pf_transmission,"%2d %2d ",S0S1S2, Y0Y1Y2_transmitted);} /* Channel simulation: add some errors on the transmitted transition Y0Y1Y2_transmitted: Y0Y1Y2_received = Y0Y1Y2_transmitted + Noise */ Noise = TabNoise[SymbolCount]; Y0Y1Y2_received = AddNoise (Y0Y1Y2_transmitted, Noise); if (OUTPUT_FILES == 1) Application Note 41 V 1.1, Sept. 2001 AP32018 Viterbi Decoding for V.32 standard Appendix A - C Code Implementation for the Viterbi Algorithm {fprintf(pf_transmission,"| %2d %2d",Noise,Y0Y1Y2_transmitted );} /* Perform the Convolutional Decoding: Run the Viterbi algorithm to estimate the transmitted transition */ if (SymbolCount == (LENGTH_TB+1)) {printf("Time to mesure...\n");} Y1Y2Out= ViterbiDecoding (Y0Y1Y2_received); /* Perform the Differential Decoding */ Q1Q2Out = DiffDecoding (Y1Y2Out); /* Write the current Output Symbol in the Output Buffer TabQ1Q2Out */ TabQ1Q2Out[SymbolCount] = Q1Q2Out; if (OUTPUT_FILES == 1) {fprintf(pf_reception,"\n %2d | %2d | %2d %2d", SymbolCount,Q1Q2Out,StateEncoderEval, TransitionEval);} /* Print both Input and Output Symbols */ if (SymbolCount >= 16) printf("%d %d\n",TabQ1Q2In[SymbolCount - 15], Q1Q2Out); /* Increment the current Time Pointer */ IncrementTimePeriod(); } printf("\n\n"); if (OUTPUT_FILES == 1) {fclose(pf_reception); fclose(pf_transmission);} } //****************************************************************** // @Function void InitMetric (void) // //-----------------------------------------------------------------// @DescriptionThis function initializes the entire arrays DS and Tr to zeros so that // the "null path" is always chosen as the maximum-likelihood path at // the beginning. // // To ensure that the decoder always chooses branches that // originate from delay state number 0 in the first time interval, // the initial cost of the path originating from delay state number // 0 is set to 0 whereas the rest of the paths are set to a greater // cost, 16 for instance. // // Current time pointer Tcurr is initialized to 0. // //-----------------------------------------------------------------// @Returnvaluenone // Application Note 42 V 1.1, Sept. 2001 AP32018 Viterbi Decoding for V.32 standard Appendix A - C Code Implementation for the Viterbi Algorithm //-----------------------------------------------------------------// @Parametersnone // //-----------------------------------------------------------------// @Date 19/02/99 15:00:00 AM // //****************************************************************** void InitMetric () /* Initialization of the metric so that the "null path" is always chosen as the most likely one at the start */ { int i, j; TCurr = 0; PathAccDist[0] = 0; for (i = 1; i < 8; i++) PathAccDist[i] = 16; for (j = 0; j < LENGTH_TB; j++) for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { DS[j][i] = 0; Tr[j][i] = 0; } } //****************************************************************** // @Function void InitEncoder (void) // //-----------------------------------------------------------------// @DescriptionThis function initializes both differential encoder and convol utional // encoder so that the initial state of the encoder is the null path // //-----------------------------------------------------------------// @Returnvaluenone // //-----------------------------------------------------------------// @Parametersnone // //-----------------------------------------------------------------// @Date 19/02/99 15:00:00 AM // //****************************************************************** void InitEncoder () {PastY1Y2In = 0; S0S1S2 = 0; Application Note 43 V 1.1, Sept. 2001 AP32018 Viterbi Decoding for V.32 standard Appendix A - C Code Implementation for the Viterbi Algorithm } //****************************************************************** // @Function void InitDecoder (void) // //-----------------------------------------------------------------// @DescriptionThis function initializes the latest input of the encoder to zero // so that the "null path" is always chosen as the maximum-likelihood // path at the beginning. // // // //-----------------------------------------------------------------// @Returnvaluenone // //-----------------------------------------------------------------// @Parametersnone // //-----------------------------------------------------------------// @Date 19/02/99 15:00:00 AM // //****************************************************************** void InitDecoder () {PastY1Y2Out = 0; } //****************************************************************** // @Function char DiffEncoding (char Q1Q2In) // //-----------------------------------------------------------------// @DescriptionThis function differentially encodes the input symbol Q1Q2In // in a 2-bit encoded data Y1Y2In // //-----------------------------------------------------------------// @ReturnvalueThe differential 2-bit encoded data Y1Y2In // //-----------------------------------------------------------------// @ParametersQ1Q2In: the input symbol that has to be transmitted // //-----------------------------------------------------------------// @Date 19/02/99 15:00:00 AM Application Note 44 V 1.1, Sept. 2001 AP32018 Viterbi Decoding for V.32 standard Appendix A - C Code Implementation for the Viterbi Algorithm // //****************************************************************** char DiffEncoding (char Q1Q2In) { char NewY1Y2In; NewY1Y2In = DiffEncod[PastY1Y2In][Q1Q2In]; PastY1Y2In = NewY1Y2In; return (NewY1Y2In); } //****************************************************************** // @Function char ConvEncoding (char Y1Y2In)) // //-----------------------------------------------------------------// @DescriptionThis function convolutionaly encodes the 2-bit differentially // encoded data Q1Q2In in a 3-bit transition Y0Y1Y2transmitted // //-----------------------------------------------------------------// @Returnvalue the 3-bit transition Y0Y1Y2transmitted that si transmitted over // the channel // //-----------------------------------------------------------------// @ParametersY1Y2In: the 2-bit differentially encoded data // //-----------------------------------------------------------------// @Date 19/02/99 15:00:00 AM // //****************************************************************** char ConvEncoding (char Y1Y2In) { char NewY0Y1Y2 =Y1Y2In; /* NewY0Y1Y2 = [Y0 Y1 Y2], based on the 2 bit input [Y1 Y2] with a third redundant bit Y0 computed in this function It is initialised to the value of Y1Y2 and will be increased of 4 if Y0 is equal to 1 */ char NewY0, NewY1, NewY2; char S0, S1, S2; char NewS0, NewS1, NewS2; char alpha; S0 = S0S1S2 >> 2; S1 = (S0S1S2 & 2) >> 1; S2 = S0S1S2 & 1; NewY0 = S0; Application Note 45 V 1.1, Sept. 2001 AP32018 Viterbi Decoding for V.32 standard Appendix A - C Code Implementation for the Viterbi Algorithm NewY1 = (Y1Y2In & 2) >> 1; NewY2 =Y1Y2In & 1; alpha = S1 ^ NewY2; NewS0 = alpha ^(S0 & NewY1); NewS1 = (S2 ^ (NewY1 ^ NewY2)) ^ (alpha & S0); NewS2 = S0; if (NewY0 == 1) {NewY0Y1Y2 = NewY0Y1Y2 + 4; } /* Update encoder state */ S0S1S2 = NewS0*4 + NewS1*2 + NewS2; return (NewY0Y1Y2); } //****************************************************************** // @Function char AddNoise (char Y0Y1Y2_transmitted, char Noise) // //-----------------------------------------------------------------// @Description This function simulate the transmission over disturbing channel // //-----------------------------------------------------------------// @Returnvalue the disturbed transition Y0Y1Y2_received // //-----------------------------------------------------------------// @ParametersY0Y1Y2_transmitted: the transmitted transition // //-----------------------------------------------------------------// @Date 19/02/99 15:00:00 AM // //****************************************************************** char AddNoise (char Y0Y1Y2_transmitted, char Noise) { return(Y0Y1Y2_transmitted ^ Noise); } a //****************************************************************** // @Function _inline // void ComputeBranchDistances (char Y0Y1Y2_received, // char BranchDist[8]) // //------------------------------------------------------------------ Application Note 46 V 1.1, Sept. 2001 AP32018 Viterbi Decoding for V.32 standard Appendix A - C Code Implementation for the Viterbi Algorithm // @DescriptionThis function computes Hamming distance values between the // current transition received and the 8 possible transition values, // and stores these distances in the array BranchDist // //-----------------------------------------------------------------// @Returnvaluenone // //-----------------------------------------------------------------// @Parameters char Y0Y1Y2_received: transition received by the decoder // // BranchDist[8]: 8 distance values between the current received // transition and the 8 possible transition values // //-----------------------------------------------------------------// @Date 19/02/99 15:00:00 AM // //****************************************************************** _inline void ComputeBranchDistances (char Y0Y1Y2_received, char BranchDist[8]) { BranchDist[Y0Y1Y2_received] = 0; BranchDist[1^Y0Y1Y2_received] = 1; BranchDist[2^Y0Y1Y2_received] = 1; BranchDist[3^Y0Y1Y2_received] = 2; BranchDist[4^Y0Y1Y2_received] = 1; BranchDist[5^Y0Y1Y2_received] = 2; BranchDist[6^Y0Y1Y2_received] = 2; BranchDist[7^Y0Y1Y2_received] = 3; }; //****************************************************************** // @Function _inline // char MetricUpdate ( char *BranchDist, int *NewPathAccDist) // //-----------------------------------------------------------------// @DescriptionThis function finds the 8 most likely branches to extend each path // stored in memory and computes the new accumulated distances for // each one. // //-----------------------------------------------------------------// @Returnvaluedelay state chosen as the start point for the trace back operation // Application Note 47 V 1.1, Sept. 2001 AP32018 Viterbi Decoding for V.32 standard Appendix A - C Code Implementation for the Viterbi Algorithm //-----------------------------------------------------------------// @ParametersPathAccDist[8]: buffer containing accumulated distances for // each one of the 8 paths stored // // BranchDist[8]: buffer containing the 8 distances between the // received transition and each possible transition // // NewPathAccDist[8]: buffer where the 8 new accumulated distances are // being stored during the current time period, after // the 8 most likely branches have been chosen to // extend the 8 paths // //-----------------------------------------------------------------// @Date 19/02/99 15:00:00 AM // //****************************************************************** _inline char MetricUpdate ( char *BranchDist, int *NewPathAccDist) { int TotalDist, PathAccDistMin; char BestDS; /* NewDS with the smallest accumulated distance, which will be used as the start point for the trace back operation */ int GlobalDistMin; /* global minimum path accumulated Distance between all the 8 existing path accumulated distances (one for each DS) The corresponding NewDS called BestDS- will be the start point for the trace back and is the output char of the function */ /* NewDS 0 */ /* PastDS 0, Transition 0 */ PathAccDistMin = PathAccD ist[0] + BranchDist[0]; DS[TCurr][0] = 0; Tr[TCurr][0] = 0; /* PastDS 1, Transition 2 */ TotalDist = PathAccDist[1] + BranchDist[2]; if (TotalDist < PathAccDistMin) { PathAccDistMin = TotalDist; DS[TCurr][0] = 1; Tr[TCurr][0] = 2; } /* PastDS 2, Transition 3 */ TotalDist = PathAccDist[2] + BranchDist[3]; if ( TotalDist < PathAccDistMin) Application Note 48 V 1.1, Sept. 2001 AP32018 Viterbi Decoding for V.32 standard Appendix A - C Code Implementation for the Viterbi Algorithm { PathAccDistMin = TotalDist; DS[TCurr][0] = 2; Tr[TCurr][0] = 3; } /* PastDS 3, Transition 1 */ TotalDist = PathAccDist[3] + BranchDis t[1]; if (TotalDist < PathAccDistMin) { PathAccDistMin = TotalDist; DS[TCurr][0] = 3; Tr[TCurr][0] = 1; } NewPathAccDist[0] = PathAccDistMin; GlobalDistMin = PathAccDistMin; BestDS = 0; /* NewDS 1 */ /* PastDS 4, Transition 4 */ PathAccDistMin = PathAccDist[4] + BranchDist[4]; DS[TCurr][1] = 4; Tr[TCurr][1] = 4; /* PastDS 5, Transition 7 */ TotalDist = PathAccDist[5] + BranchDist[7]; if (TotalDist < PathAccDistMin) { PathAccDistMin = TotalDist; DS[TCurr][1] = 5; Tr[TCurr][1] = 7; } /* PastDS 6, Transition 6 */ TotalDist = PathAccDist[6] + BranchDist[6]; if (TotalDist < PathAccDistMin) { PathAccDistMin = TotalDist; DS[TCurr][1] = 6; Tr[TCurr][1] = 6; } /* PastDS 7, Transition 5 */ TotalDist = PathAccDist[7] + BranchDist[5]; if (TotalDist < PathAccDistMin) { PathAccDistMin = TotalDist; DS[TCurr][1] = 7; Tr[TCurr][1] = 5; } NewPathAccDist[1] = PathAccDistMin; if (NewPathAccDist[1] < GlobalDistMin) Application Note 49 V 1.1, Sept. 2001 AP32018 Viterbi Decoding for V.32 standard Appendix A - C Code Implementation for the Viterbi Algorithm {GlobalDistMin = NewPathAccDist [1]; BestDS = 1; } /* NewDS 2 */ /* PastDS 0, Transition 2 */ PathAccDistMin = PathAccDist[0] + BranchDist[2]; DS[TCurr][2] = 0; Tr[TCurr][2] = 2; /* PastDS 1, Transition 0 */ TotalDist = PathAccDist[1] + BranchDist[0]; if (TotalDist < PathAccDistMin) { PathAccDistMin = TotalDist; DS[TCurr][2] = 1; Tr[TCurr][2] = 0; } /* PastDS 2, Transition 1 */ TotalDist = PathAccDist[2] + BranchDist[1]; if ( TotalDist < PathAccDistMin) { PathAccDistMin = TotalDist; DS[TCurr][2] = 2; Tr[TCurr][2] = 1; } /* PastDS 3, Transition 3 */ TotalDist = PathAccDist[3] + BranchDist[3]; if (TotalDist < PathAccDistMin) { PathAccDistMin = TotalDist; DS[TCurr][2] = 3; Tr[TCurr][2] = 3; } NewPathAccDist[2] = PathAccDistM in; if (NewPathAccDist[2] < GlobalDistMin) {GlobalDistMin = NewPathAccDist[2]; BestDS = 2; } /* NewDS 3 */ /* PastDS 4, Transition 7 */ PathAccDistMin = PathAccDist[4] + BranchDist[7]; DS[TCurr][3] = 4; Tr[TCurr][3] = 7; /* PastDS 5, Transition 4 */ TotalDist = PathAccDist[5] + BranchDist[4]; if (TotalDist < PathAccDistMin) { PathAccDistMin = TotalDist; Application Note 50 V 1.1, Sept. 2001 AP32018 Viterbi Decoding for V.32 standard Appendix A - C Code Implementation for the Viterbi Algorithm DS[TCurr][3] = 5; Tr[TCurr][3] = 4; } /* PastDS 6, Transition 5 */ TotalDist = PathAccDist[6] + BranchDist[5]; if (TotalDist < PathAccDistMin) { PathAccDistMin = TotalDist; DS[TCurr][3] = 6; Tr[TCurr][3] = 5; } /* PastDS 7, Transition 6 */ TotalDist = PathAccDist[7] + BranchDist[6]; if (TotalDist < PathAccDistMin) { PathAccDistMin = TotalDist; DS[TCurr][3] = 7; Tr[TCurr][3] = 6; } NewPathAccDist[3] = PathAccDistMin; if (NewPathAccDist[3] < GlobalDistMin) {GlobalDistMin = NewPathAccDist[3]; BestDS = 3;} /* NewDS 4 */ /* PastDS 0, Transition 3 */ PathAccDistMin = PathAccDis t[0] + BranchDist[3]; DS[TCurr][4] = 0; Tr[TCurr][4] = 3; /* PastDS 1, Transition 1 */ TotalDist = PathAccDist[1] + BranchDist[1]; if (TotalDist < PathAccDistMin) { PathAccDistMin = TotalDist; DS[TCurr][4] = 1; Tr[TCurr][4] = 1; } /* PastDS 2, Transition 0 */ TotalDist = PathAccDist[2] + BranchDist[0]; if ( TotalDist < PathAccDistMin) { PathAccDistMin = TotalDist; DS[TCurr][4] = 2; Tr[TCurr][4] = 0; } /* PastDS 3, Transition 2 */ TotalDist = PathAccDist[3] + BranchDist[ 2]; if (TotalDist < PathAccDistMin) Application Note 51 V 1.1, Sept. 2001 AP32018 Viterbi Decoding for V.32 standard Appendix A - C Code Implementation for the Viterbi Algorithm { PathAccDistMin = TotalDist; DS[TCurr][4] = 3; Tr[TCurr][4] = 2; } NewPathAccDist[4] = PathAccDistMin; if (NewPathAccDist[4] < GlobalDistMin) {GlobalDistMin = NewPathAccDist[4]; BestDS = 4; } /* NewDS 5 */ /* PastDS 4, Transition 5 */ PathAccDistMin = PathAccDist[4] + BranchDist[5]; DS[TCurr][5] = 4; Tr[TCurr][5] = 5; /* PastDS 5, Transition 6 */ TotalDist = PathAccDist[5] + BranchDist[6]; if (TotalDist < PathAccDistMin) { PathAccDistMin = TotalDist; DS[TCurr][5] = 5; Tr[TCurr][5] = 6; } /* PastDS 6, Transition 7 */ TotalDist = PathAccDist[6] + BranchDist[7]; if (TotalDist < PathAccDistMin) { PathAccDistMin = TotalDist; DS[TCurr][5] = 6; Tr[TCurr][5] = 7; } /* PastDS 7, Transition 4 */ TotalDist = PathAccDist[7] + BranchDist[4]; if (TotalDist < PathAccDistMin) { PathAccDistMin = TotalDist; DS[TCurr][5] = 7; Tr[TCurr][5] = 4; } NewPathAccDist[5] = PathAccDistMin; if (NewPathAccDist[5] < GlobalDistMin) {GlobalDistMin = NewPathAccDist[5]; BestDS = 5; } /* NewDS 6 */ /* PastDS 0, Transition 1 */ PathAccDistMin = PathAccDist[0] + BranchDist[1]; Application Note 52 V 1.1, Sept. 2001 AP32018 Viterbi Decoding for V.32 standard Appendix A - C Code Implementation for the Viterbi Algorithm DS[TCurr][6] = 0; Tr[TCurr][6] = 1; /* PastDS 1, Transition 3 */ TotalDist = PathAccDist[1] + BranchDist[3]; if (TotalDist < PathAccDistMin) { PathAccDistMin = TotalDist; DS[TCurr][6] = 1; Tr[TCurr][6] = 3; } /* PastDS 2, Transition 2 */ TotalDist = PathAccDist[2] + BranchDist[2]; if ( TotalDist < PathAccDistM in) { PathAccDistMin = TotalDist; DS[TCurr][6] = 2; Tr[TCurr][6] = 2; } /* PastDS 3, Transition 0 */ TotalDist = PathAccDist[3] + BranchDist[0]; if (TotalDist < PathAccDistMin) { PathAccDistMin = TotalDist; DS[TCurr][6] = 3; Tr[TCurr][6] = 0; } NewPathAccDist[6] = PathAccDistMin; if (NewPathAccDist[6] < GlobalDistMin) {GlobalDistMin = NewPathAccDist[6]; BestDS = 6; } /* NewDS 7 */ /* PastDS 4, Transition 6 */ PathAccDistMin = PathAccDist[4] + BranchDist[6]; DS[TCurr][7] = 4; Tr[TCurr][7] = 6; /* PastDS 5, Transition 5 */ TotalDist = PathAccDist[5] + BranchDist[5]; if (TotalDist < PathAccDistMin) { PathAccDistMin = TotalDist; DS[TCurr][7] = 5; Tr[TCurr][7] = 5; } /* PastDS 6, Transition 4 */ TotalDist = PathAccDist[6] + BranchDist[4]; if (TotalDist < PathAccDistMin) Application Note 53 V 1.1, Sept. 2001 AP32018 Viterbi Decoding for V.32 standard Appendix A - C Code Implementation for the Viterbi Algorithm { PathAccDistMin = TotalDist; DS[TCurr][7] = 6; Tr[TCurr][7] = 4; } /* PastDS 7, Transition 7 */ TotalDist = PathAccDist[7] + BranchDist[7]; if (TotalDist < PathAccDistMin) { PathAccDistMin = TotalDist; DS[TCurr][7] = 7; Tr[TCurr][7] = 7; } NewPathAccDist[7] = PathAccDistMin; if (NewPathAccDist[7] < GlobalDistMin) {GlobalDistMin = NewPathAccDist[7]; BestDS = 7; } UpdateAccDistances(PathAccDist, NewPathAccDist); return(BestDS); } //****************************************************************** // @Function void UpdateAccDistances (int PathAccDist[8], int NewPathAccDist[8]) // //-----------------------------------------------------------------// @DescriptionThis function updates the accumulated distance values by storing // them in the array PathAccDist. // //-----------------------------------------------------------------// @Returnvaluenone // //-----------------------------------------------------------------// @ParametersNewPathAccDist[8]: buffer where the accumulated distances have // been temporary stored during the current time // period // // PathAccDist[8]: buffer where the new accumulated distances // are transferred for each path // //-----------------------------------------------------------------// @Date 19/02/99 15:00:00 AM Application Note 54 V 1.1, Sept. 2001 AP32018 Viterbi Decoding for V.32 standard Appendix A - C Code Implementation for the Viterbi Algorithm // //****************************************************************** void UpdateAccDistances (int PathAccDist[8], int NewPathAccDist[8]) { #pragma asm ld.d e14,[a5+]0x8 st.d [a4+]0x8,e14 ld.d e14,[a5+]0x8 st.d [a4+]0x8,e14 ld.d e14,[a5+]0x8 st.d [a4+]0x8,e14 ld.d e14,[a5+]0x8 st.d [a4+]0x8,e14 #pragma endasm } //****************************************************************** // @Function _inline // char TraceBack (char StartDS) // //-----------------------------------------------------------------// @DescriptionThe purpose of this function is to determine the most probalble // transition by tracing back the maximum-likelihood path through // the trellis once it has been identified and stored //-----------------------------------------------------------------// @Returnvaluedifferential encoded data Y1Y2Out, obtained after discarding // the MSB of the transition[Y0 Y1 Y2] selected as the most likely one // //-----------------------------------------------------------------// @ParametersStartDS: start delay state to perform the trace back operation // //-----------------------------------------------------------------// @Date 19/02/99 15:00:00 AM // //****************************************************************** _inline char TraceBack (char StartDS) { char PastDS, T_TB, i; T_TB = TCurr; for (i = 0; i < LENGTH_TB-1; i++) { Application Note 55 V 1.1, Sept. 2001 AP32018 Viterbi Decoding for V.32 standard Appendix A - C Code Implementation for the Viterbi Algorithm PastDS = DS[T_TB][StartDS]; StartDS = PastDS; T_TB--; if (T_TB < 0)T_TB = LENGTH_TB-1; } return( Tr[T_TB][StartDS]); } //****************************************************************** // @Function char ViterbiDecoding (char Y0Y1Y2_received) // //-----------------------------------------------------------------// @Descriptionknowing the transition received and using the structure of the // trellis (i.e. the allowed transitions), this function determines the most // likely path through the trellis for LENGTH_TB time periods and // trace it back to find the most likely transmitted input symbol at this time // This means that the output for the current time reflects a decision made // by the decoder on data received up to LENGTH_TB time periods later. // //-----------------------------------------------------------------// @Returnvaluedifferential encoded data Y1Y2Out, obtained after discarding // the MSB of the transition[Y0 Y1 Y2] selected as the most likely one // after a trace back of LENGTH_TB time periods // //-----------------------------------------------------------------// @ParametersY0Y1Y2_received: transition received by the decoder // //-----------------------------------------------------------------// @Date 19/02/99 15:00:00 AM // //****************************************************************** char ViterbiDecoding (char Y0Y1Y2_received) { static char BranchDist[8]; static int NewPathAccDist[8]; static char StartDS; static char Y0Y1Y2selected, Y1Y2Out; /* Compute the 8 current Hamming distance values between the input symbol and the 8 possible Transitions */ Application Note 56 V 1.1, Sept. 2001 AP32018 Viterbi Decoding for V.32 standard Appendix A - C Code Implementation for the Viterbi Algorithm ComputeBranchDistances (Y0Y1Y2_received, BranchDist); /* Metric Update */ StartDS = MetricUpdate (BranchDist, NewPathAccDist); /* Select the most likely transition by tracing backward the most likely path */ Y0Y1Y2selected = TraceBack (StartDS); /* The MSB Y0 of the transition selected is discarded */ Y1Y2Out = Y0Y1Y2selected & 3; return (Y1Y2Out); } //****************************************************************** // @Function char DiffDecoding (char Y1Y2Out) // //-----------------------------------------------------------------// @DescriptionThis function performs the differential decoding // The encoded data Y1Y2Out is differentially decoded in an // output symbol Q1Q2Out // //-----------------------------------------------------------------// @Returnvaluedecoded output symbol Q1Q2Out // //-----------------------------------------------------------------// @ParametersY1Y2Out: 2-bit differentially encoded data, output from the // convolutional decoder // //-----------------------------------------------------------------// @Date 19/02/99 15:00:00 AM // //****************************************************************** char DiffDecoding (char Y1Y2Out) { char Q1Q2Out; Q1Q2Out = DiffDecod[PastY1Y2Out][Y1Y2Out]; PastY1Y2Out = Y1Y2Out; return (Q1Q2Out); } //****************************************************************** // @Function void IncrementTimePeriod (void) // //-----------------------------------------------------------------Application Note 57 V 1.1, Sept. 2001 AP32018 Viterbi Decoding for V.32 standard Appendix A - C Code Implementation for the Viterbi Algorithm // @DescriptionOnce all steps of the Viterbi algorithm have been performed, the // current time period pointer Tcurr is incremented to enable a new pass // of the Viterbi algorithm. // Tcurr is necessary lower than LENGTH_TB since the metric storage // buffers DS and Tr are set up as circular buffers. // //-----------------------------------------------------------------// @Returnvaluenone // //-----------------------------------------------------------------// @Parametersnone // //-----------------------------------------------------------------// @Date 19/02/99 15:00:00 AM // //****************************************************************** void IncrementTimePeriod (void) { TCurr++; if (TCurr >= LENGTH_TB) TCurr = 0; } Application Note 58 V 1.1, Sept. 2001 AP32018 Viterbi Decoding for V.32 standard Appendix B - Benchmark 11 Appendix B - Benchmark The breakpoints for benchmarking are placed before the call of the ViterbiDecoding function and after the call of the DiffDecoding function in the main function. Thus the complete decoding algorithm is considered. Figure 17 Implemented Method Cycles Viterbi decoder + differential decoder 445 Clock cycle requirement for the V.32 Decoding Algorithm Note: V.32 modems have a rate of 2400 symbols per second (baud). Using this C implementation, at 2400 symbols/sec, the percentage loading of a 100Mhz computer is equal to:445*2400/100.10 6 = 1.07 Mips Application Note 59 V 1.1, Sept. 2001 Infineon goes for Business Excellence “Business excellence means intelligent approaches and clearly defined processes, which are both constantly under review and ultimately lead to good operating results. Better operating results and business excellence mean less idleness and wastefulness for all of us, more professional success, more accurate information, a better overview and, thereby, less frustration and more satisfaction.” Dr. Ulrich Schumacher Published by Infineon Technologies AG