ECHU (X) Type (Stacked Metallized Film) DC10V series Electrical Characteristics <Typical Data > Temperature Characteristics at 1kHz 10 5 27nF 10nF 0 3.3nF -5 Capacitance change(%) Capacitance change(%) 10 Frequency Characteristics 27nF 5 10nF 0 3.3nF -5 -10 -10 -60 -40 -20 0 1 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 10 Temperature(Degree C) 4 27nF 2 10nF 3.3nF 0 0 Dissipation factor(%) Dissipation factor(%) 6 6 4 27nF 2 3.3nF 10nF 1 10 100 1000 at DC10V 100000 1.E+11 3.3nF 10nF 27nF 1.E+10 1.E+09 1.E+08 1.E+07 10000 1000 100 10 3.3nF 10nF 27nF 1 1.E+06 -60 -40 -20 0 10000 Frequency(kHz) Impedance(ohm) Insulation resistance(ohm) 8 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Temperature(Degree C) 1.E+12 10000 10 8 -60 -40 -20 1000 Frequency(kHz) at 1kHz 10 100 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Temperature(Degree C) 0.1 1 10 100 1000 Frequency(kHz) 10000 ECHU (X) Type (Stacked Metallized Film) DC10V series Applicable Specifications Permissible Current Permissible Voltage (at sine wave) 100 0.5 Effective value (Vrms) 0.3 27nF 0.2 22nF 18nF 15nF 12nF 0.1 From 3.3nF 10 to 27nF 10nF 8.2nF 6.8nF 5.6nF 4.7nF 3.9nF 3.3nF 0.0 1 10 100 1 1000 1 10 Frequency(kHz) 100 1000 Frequency(kHz) Pulse Handling Capability (dv/dt) Voltage Derating by Temperature (Max 10000cycles) 20 Rating Capacitance Voltage Value(uF) 0.0033 DC 10V dV/dt Current(0-P) code (A) (V/us) 332 47 0.16 0.0039 392 44 0.17 0.0047 472 40 0.19 0.0056 562 37 0.21 0.0068 682 34 0.23 0.0082 822 31 0.25 0.01 103 28 0.28 0.012 123 26 0.31 0.015 153 24 0.36 0.018 183 22 0.40 0.022 223 20 0.44 0.027 273 18 0.49 16 DC Rated Voltage (V) Effective value (Arms) 0.4 12 From 3.3nF to 27nF 8 4 0 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Surface Temperature of Capacitor(DegreeC) * Please consult Panasonic if your condition exceeds the above *Permissible voltage graph is the case of sine waveform. When you use this product, peak voltage must not exceed DC rated voltage. *The current(0-P) value is calculated using nominal capacitance. ECHU (X) Type (Stacked Metallized Film) DC16V series Electrical Characteristics < Typical Data > Temperature Characteristics Frequency Characteristics at 1kHz 10 10 5 0.010uF 0.10uF 0 -5 Capacitance change(%) Capacitance change(%) 0.10uF 0.010uF 5 0 3300pF -5 -10 -10 1 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 10 Temperature(Degree C) at 1kHz 8 6 4 2 0.010uF 0.10uF 10000 2 0.10uF 0.010uF 1 3300pF 0 0 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100120 140 1 Temperature(Degree C) 1.E+12 10 100 1000 10000 10000 100000 Frequency (kHz) at DC 10V 10000 0.010uF 1.E+11 1.E+10 1000 0.10uF 1.E+09 1.E+08 Impedance(ohm) Insuration resistance(ohm) 1000 3 Dissipation factor(%) Dissipation factor(%) 10 100 Frequency (kHz) 0.10uF 1 0.1 1.E+06 0.01 10 Temperature(Degree C) 0.010uF 10 1.E+07 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100120 140 3300pF 100 100 1000 Frequency (kHz) ECHU (X) Type DC16V series (Stacked Metallized Film) Applicable Specifications Permissible Voltage Permissible Current (at sine wave) 100 2.0 0.10 uF 0.082 uF 0.068 uF Effective value (A) Effective value (A) 1.5 0.056 uF 1.0 0.047 uF 0.039 uF 0.033 uF 0.027 uF From 3300 pF to 0.039 uF 10 0.022 uF 0.018 uF 0.5 0.0 10 100 Frequency (kHz) 0.015 uF 0.012 uF 0.010 uF 8200 pF 6800 pF 5600 pF 4700 pF 3900 pF 3300 pF From 0.047 uF to 0.10 uF 1 10 1000 100 1000 Frequency (kHz) Pulse Handling Capability (dv/dt) (Max 10000cycles) DC 16V Capacitance Value(uF) Code dv/dt(V/us) Current(0-P ) (A) 0.0033 332 86 0.28 0.0039 392 80 0.31 0.0047 472 74 0.35 0.0056 562 68 0.38 0.0068 682 62 0.42 0.0082 822 58 0.48 0.010 103 52 0.52 0.012 123 48 0.58 0.015 153 43 0.65 0.018 183 40 0.72 0.022 223 37 0.81 0.027 273 33 0.89 0.033 333 31 1.02 0.039 393 28 1.09 0.047 473 26 1.22 0.056 563 24 1.34 0.068 683 22 1.50 0.082 823 20 1.64 0.10 104 19 1.90 Voltage Derating by Temperature 20 DC Rated Voltage (V) Rating Voltage 15 10 5 0 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Surface Temperature of Capacitor(DegreeC) * Please consult Panasonic if your condition exceeds the above spec. *Permissible voltage graph is the case of sine waveform. When you use this product, peak voltage must not exceed DC rated voltage. *The current(0-P ) value is calculated using nominal capacitance. ECHU (X) Type DC50V series (Stacked Metallized Film) Electrical Characteristics <Typical Data > Temperature Characteristics at 1kHz 10 Capacitance change(%) Capacitance change(%) 10 Frequency Characteristics 100pF 1000pF 0.01uF 0.1uF 0.22uF 5 0 -5 -10 0.1uF 0.22uF 5 0.039uF 1000pF 0 100pF -5 -10 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 10 100 Temperature(Degree C) 10at 1000 10000 Frequency(kHz) 1kHz 3 Dissipation factor(%) Dissipation factor(%) 0.1uF 8 6 100pF 1000pF 0.01uF 0.1uF 0.22uF 4 2 0 -60 -40 -20 0 1000pF 1 100pF 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 10 100 at DC50V 100pF 0.01uF 1.E+10 0.1uF 0.22uF 1.E+09 10000 10000 100pF 1000pF 1.E+11 1000 Frequency(kHz) 1.E+08 1.E+07 1.E+06 Impedance(ohm) Insulation resistance(ohm) Temperature(Degree C) 1.E+12 0.039uF 0.22uF 2 1000 1000pF 100 10 1 0.039uF 0.1uF 0.22uF 0.1 0.01 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Temperature(Degree C) 100 1000 10000 Frequency(kHz) 100000 ECHU (X) Type DC50V series (Stacked Metallized Film) Applicable Specifications Permissible Current Permissible Current 1.2 0.12 0.10 1.0 2700pF Effective value (Arms) Effective value (Arms) 0.039uF 2200pF 0.08 1800pF 0.06 1500pF 1200pF 0.04 1000pF 820pF 680pF 0.033uF 0.8 0.027uF 0.022uF 0.018uF 0.6 0.015uF 0.012uF 0.4 0.01uF 8200pF 6800pF 5600pF 4700pF 3900pF 3300pF 0.2 0.02 560pF ∼100pF 0.0 0.00 10 100 10 1000 Permissible Current 1000 Permissible Voltage 2.0 (at sine wave) 100 From 100pF to 2700pF 1.5 0.22uF 0.18uF 0.15uF 0.12uF 0.1uF 0.082uF 0.068uF 0.056uF 0.047uF 1.0 0.5 Effective value Effective value (Arms) 100 Frequency(kHz) Frequency(kHz) 10 0.0 10 100 1 10 Frequency(kHz) 100 1000 Frequency(kHz) *Please consult Panasonic if your condition exceeds the above *Permissible voltage graph is the case of sine waveform. When you use this product, peak voltage must not exceed DC rated voltage. *The current(0-P) vlue is calculated using nominal capacitance. ECHU (X) Type DC50V series (Stacked Metallized Film) Applicable Specifications Permissible Voltage Permissible Voltage (at sine wave) 100 (at sine wave) 100 From 0.015uF to 0.039uF 10 1 Effective value Effective value From 3300pF to 0.012uF 0.047uF 0.056uF 0.068uF 0.082uF 0.10uF 0.12uF 0.15uF 0.18uF 0.22uF 10 1 10 100 1000 10 100 Frequency(kHz) Frequency(kHz) Pulse Handling Capability (dv/dt) (Max 10000cycles) Rating Capacitance dV/dt code Voltage Value(uF) (V/us) DC 50V Current (Ao-p) Pulse Handling Capability (dv/dt) (Max 10000cycles) Rating Capacitance dV/dt code Voltage Value(uF) (V/us) Current (Ao-p) 0.00010 101 1100 0.11 0.0033 332 240 0.79 0.00012 121 1050 0.13 0.0039 392 220 0.86 0.00015 151 940 0.14 0.0047 472 200 0.94 0.00018 181 890 0.16 0.0056 562 190 1.06 0.00022 221 800 0.18 0.0068 682 170 1.16 0.00027 271 730 0.20 0.0082 822 160 1.31 0.00033 331 690 0.23 0.010 103 145 1.45 0.00039 391 610 0.24 0.012 123 135 1.62 0.00047 471 580 0.27 0.015 153 120 1.80 0.00056 561 520 0.29 0.018 183 110 1.98 0.00068 681 480 0.33 0.022 223 100 2.20 0.00082 821 440 0.36 0.027 273 94 2.54 0.0010 102 400 0.40 0.033 333 86 2.84 0.0012 122 370 0.44 0.039 393 78 3.04 0.0015 152 340 0.51 0.0018 182 310 0.56 0.0022 222 270 0.59 0.0027 272 260 0.70 DC 50V *Please consult Panasonic if your condition exceeds the above *Permissible voltage graph is the case of sine waveform. When you use this product, peak voltage must not exceed DC rated voltage. *The current(0-P) value is calculated using nominal capacitance. ECHU (X) Type DC50V series (Stacked Metallized Film) Applicable Specifications Voltage Derating by Temperature Pulse Handling Capability (dv/dt) DC 50V 60 Current (Ao-p) 0.047 473 72 3.38 0.056 563 68 3.81 0.068 683 62 4.22 0.082 823 56 4.59 0.10 104 52 5.20 0.12 124 48 5.76 0.15 154 44 6.60 0.18 184 40 7.20 0.22 224 36 7.92 From 100pF to 0.1uF 50 DC Rated Voltage (V) (Max 10000cycles) Rating Capacitance dV/dt code Voltage Value(uF) (V/us) 40 From 0.12uF to 0.22uF 30 20 10 0 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Surface Temperature of Capacitor(DegreeC) *Please consult Panasonic if your condition exceeds the above *Permissible voltage graph is the case of sine waveform. When you use this product, peak voltage must not exceed DC rated voltage. *The current(0-P) value is calculated using nominal capacitance.