Family data sheet

Product family datasheet
Excimer ultraviolet lamps, double-ended
Areas of application
_ Removing organic residue
_ Etching plastic surfaces
_ Activating wafer surfaces
_ Setting of wetting angle
_ Removing photo resist
_ Producing ozone
_ Creating a matt surface on lacquer
_ Photocatalytic cleaning of wafers
_ Radiation-induced CVD at low temperature
Product benefits
_ No cooling required in normal operation
_ Compact design
_ Mercury-free, low energy consumption
Product features
_ Xenon excimer VUV lamps (172 nm)
_ Operation with pulse-type DC current
_ High efficiency: approx. 40 %
_ Instant operation; no startup time
_ Unlimited switching cycles
_ Instant restart with no effect on lifespan
_ Recommended service life: 2,500 h
_ Incoherent VUV radiation at 172 nm
May 25, 2016, 17:16:11
© 2016, OSRAM GmbH. All rights reserved.
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Product family datasheet
Product line drawing
Product line drawing
May 25, 2016, 17:16:11
© 2016, OSRAM GmbH. All rights reserved.
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Product family datasheet
Technical data
Electrical data
Photometrical data
Dimensions & weight
Radiation length
Product description
XERADEX L40/375/DB-AZ48/90
60.00 W
60 W
230 V
40 mW/cm² 2)
40.0 mm
537.0 mm
375 mm
2500 h
230 V
40 mW/cm²
40.0 mm
782.0 mm
620 mm
2500 h
40.0 mm
782.0 mm
910 mm
2500 h
40.0 mm
1950 mm
1900 mm
2500 h
XERADEX L40/620/DB-AZ48/90
100.00 W
100 W
XERADEX L40/910/DB-AZ48/90
150.00 W
150 W
230 V
40 mW/cm²
XERADEX L40/1800/DB-SH48/90 1)
100.00 W
300 W
230 V
40 mW/cm² 2)
1) Special coated base for use in acrid environmental conditions (XERADEX double ended)
2) With active cooling: 80 mW/cm², reduced lamp lifetime
May 25, 2016, 17:16:11
© 2016, OSRAM GmbH. All rights reserved.
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Product family datasheet
Safety advice
XERADEX lamps produce extremely intensive UV radiation that is heavily absorbed by oxygen. Ozone is produced as a result.
Adequate ventilation must be provided during their operation. The lamp should be operated only in air-tight housings.
XERADEX lamps are operated at high voltage and may only be connected to original DBD control gear. Never connect it to any
other control gear.
Application advice
For more detailed application information and graphics please see product datasheet.
Subject to change without notice. Errors and omission excepted. Always make sure to use the most recent release.
May 25, 2016, 17:16:11
© 2016, OSRAM GmbH. All rights reserved.
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