2 1 R72 P2 10k C52 10nF J2 100nF R48 10K V_MCU JP55 default: closed Measuring current Vss Vdd V0 RS R/W E D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 VLED VLSS C2 - R35 10K JP2X3 default: open T1 R37 10K D24 R58 30K C74 C75 47µ 16V 22µ JP37 LIN A enable 2 EN 1 JP72 4 5 7 3.5µH C57 JP42 R69 28K 9 SW2 SW1 FB2 FB1 INH 1 Vc2 Vc1 VBoard VBoard VBoard VBoard R51 4K7 4.7µH RUN/SS2 17 GND 12 C83 100p RUN/SS1 2 4 3 2 1 14 R59 51K C73 C76 22µ R74 1K3 39K R60 1K5 R66 10K R71 4 Vin Vin Vin Vin 5 VCC3V3 VCC3V3 VCC3V3 VCC3V3 C2+ GND C2 - C42 100nF 16 TXD BUS GND INH J8 4 3 2 1 VCC5V VCC5V VCC5V VCC5V Pin58 SOT6 C84 100p 6 4 3 2 1 GND GND GND GND 1K G G C56 JP54 1nF MasterB 100nF C81 15 G 1N4001 D16 1N4002 1N4148 D17 3 JP60 VBATB default open 6 R53 [R-NC] C63 22µF 25V C64 100nF C65 220pF R55 [R-NC] VCC C71 100nF 16 V+ R1 OUT R1 IN R2 OUT R2 IN T1 IN T1 OUT T2 IN T2 OUT V- C2+ GND C2 - X12 5 9 4 8 3 7 2 6 1 JP65 RTS-CTS default: open JP69 2 47 R40 [R] R45 C40 4.7n G G JP39 default 1-2 L4 R38 100 1% R43 1M 1% C41 TP4 Testpoint TXD-A X9 JP43 C43 100n Pin71 INH2-A EN-A Pin69 C53 100n JP47 1 3 Default: closed JP45 default 1-2 Pin4 R47 3K3 ERRN-A 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 ERRN-A WAKE-A BM-A VDD-A INH2 EN INH1 Vio TXD TXEN RXD BGE STBN NC ERRN WAKE BM VDD Pin10 TP5 JP61 C62 4u7 16V default 1-2 Vio-B C67 4u7 16V R54 10K 10 12 14 16 18 20 EN-B JP66 VBAT-A GND BP-A Testpoint TXEN-A Testpoint RXD-A TP6 Testpoint TXD-B INH2-B EN-B Default: closed JP58 Pin7 Default: closed Pin9 JP62 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 ERRN-B WAKE-B BM-B VDD-B Pin11 Testpoint TXEN-B INH2 EN INH1 Vio TXD TXEN RXD BGE STBN NC ERRN WAKE BM VDD 2 4 6 INH1-B Vio-B Default: closed JP59 Pin8 8 BGE-B 10 12 14 16 18 20 NC RXEN VBAT GND BP NC VBAT-B GND BP-B AS8221B (B) VBoard default 1-2 Testpoint RXD-B TP10 R56 VBoard WAKE-A R61 10K Default closed SW7 WAKE 3K3 R62 10K BGE-A BGE-B R63 WAKE-B Vin JP70 D C78 3K3 13 8 14 7 R67 20K R68 20K 100n FlexRay Transceiver JP71 4 C82 100nF 5 Title DTR/RTS default: open UART & LIN Size: SK-91465X-100PMC A3 Number: SK-91465X-100PMC Time:08:36:34 Date: 15.08.2007 File: SK-91465X-100PMC.SchDoc 5 6 C TP7 Vin C66 100n Close to pin Pin5 Default: closed BGE-A TP8 STBN-B VBAT-B JP46 6 8 NC RXEN VBAT GND BP NC X11 EN-A R52 10K INH1-A Vio-A 2 4 AS8221B (A) JP51 R50 3K3 ERRN-B Vio-A 5 JP48 Default: closed STBN-A Pin6 Pin70 UART C/LIN B (female) 8 47 R39 STBN-B C58 100n G Default: close default 1-2 R46 10K C61 100n Close to pin 7 SUB DB9(male) Default: close Pin68 Vin Header 4 4 JP36 JP41 VBAT-A C72 100nF 12 9 11 10 R41 10K VBoard Vio-A U10 MAX3232CSE C1 - 100µH B82789C0104N002 C35 0R X7 5 9 4 8 3 7 2 6 1 L2 BP-A JP34 STBN-A C36 100n DTR/RTS default open 5 C27 10n 50V Channel A BM-A Vio-A VCC5V VDD-B JP50 4 100nF C77 3 VCC5V VDD-A R29 1M 1% default: open JP30 C34 0R VBoard Vio-B V_ALL C1+ C26 4.7n R33 1K5 Mosfet Vin LIN-INH 1 S VBoard D10 Vio-B 13 8 14 7 100nF U8 TP9 JP68 JP40 2 V_ALL Solder Jumper default 1-2 C60 JP56 WAKE X8 5 9 4 8 3 7 2 6 1 Default: open RTS-CTS JP49 C55 100nF VS Pin57 SIN6 UART 6 Header 4 D25 JP67 J9 3 V- TLE7259 Header 4 100K 13 4 3 2 1 VCC5V R65 V+ RXD Header 4 MBRS340 15 VCC R1 OUT R1 IN R2 OUT R2 IN T1 IN T1 OUT T2 IN T2 OUT JP57 LIN A enable 2 EN J6 VDD5R default 1-2 16 220p PG2 JP64 VCC3V3 L6 R44 R49 4 3 2 1 Clock C37 22µF 25V C38 100nF C39 220pF [R-NC] C1 - R51 for TLE7259 only V_ALL Default: open J7 C70 0.1µ 8 C44 100nF 100nF C45 3 R32 47K C31 22pF UART B/LIN A (female) 6 MAX3232CSE GND V_ALL JP38 VBATA default open JP23 R26 100 1% G Q1 Pin93 X0A L3 Q2 3 default 1-2 JP31 INH2-B [R] R30 7 R42 [R-NC] C1+ C54 100nF 15 BAT54 2 D11 1N4002 1N4148 D12 V_ALL 6 Power Supply 1 GND 12 9 11 10 D20 220p PG1 100K BUS C28 22pF Subclk Vin 3 LIN-INH SOT 7 J5 JP63 VCC C32 default 1-2 100nF C80 10 10K R70 TXD TP2 JP44 D5 Pin94 X1A 1K JP32 1nF Default: open MasterA SIN7 UART7 1 C79 11 R64 VS U7 VCC18C D22 D23 MBRS340 R73 1K6 WAKE RXD default 1-2 C69 0.1µ L5 100nF U6 D R31 4K7 Pin97 Solder jumper / Default: closed 47 R28 B C25 [C] Default closed TP1 V_ALL Solder Jumper C33 JP35 R36 for TLE7259 only V_ALL Default: open R36 4K7 JP27 INH1-B UART A default 1-2 LG T679-C0 yellow D X0 DTR/RTS Default: open 47 R27 VCC JP25 X0 JP75 5 Pin13 C59 U9 LT3506A BOOST1 C24 10pF TP12 default 1-2 D2 SUB DB9 (male) GND default 1-2 C19 0R G C30 100nF V_MCU D7 RSTA Pin60 47µ 16V VCC3V3 BOOST2 Vin1 Vin1 Vin2 Vin2 3 4 5 6 D19 8 R57 680 JP28 4 Solder Jumper / Default: closed JP74 Pin96 X1 C23 10pF X14 X3 5 9 4 8 3 7 2 6 1 JP21 C18 0R 1 C2+ C13 100nF Default: close Vin IRLD024PbF V- 13 8 14 7 C12 100nF L1 JP20 INH2-A R34 Pin61 JP53 JP19 default 1-2 X1 TP11 C11 100nF BP-B 4 6 JP24 C10 100nF CAN [BNC] 1N4001 Default closed JP29 R1 OUT R1 IN R2 OUT R2 IN T1 IN T1 OUT T2 IN T2 OUT Default: closed RTS-CTS 2 ICU2/TIN2 Channel B Solder jumper / default: open With Socket 12 9 11 10 V+ SW5 1K 100µH B82789C0104N002 0R 4MHz HC-49/U-S C1 - X6 5 9 4 8 3 7 2 6 1 ICU0/TIN0 BM-B INH1-A C21 100nF SW4 1K default: open JP17 [R] RC4 LG T679-C0 yellow Pin99 default 1-2 BAT54 R23 G Default closed JP26 VCC BC847 VCC3V3 C68 4.7µ INH [TLE6250GV33] G C1+ C20 100nF 3 [VCC18C] TP3 Solder jumper / default closed 1N4002 6 8 A ATGX Button Close to pin Pin98 MD2 R19 INT1 SW3 C9 100nF UART A (female) C17 100nF 16 Flash Programming VCC5V CANL 100nF 7 V_ALL U5 1 1 Vin=12 V TXD 5 Default: 1-2 DTR/DTR JP33 LG T679-C0 yellow D18 CANH 32.768kHz MD1 Default: closed JP12 Pin86 TIN2 INT0 1K Pin16 Pin92 GND V_ALL SCK4 Pin47 SOT4 Pin46 SIN4 Pin45 Pin52 RST MD2 Pin99 MD0 Pin92 4.7µ/6V RXD GND R16 R6 10K 1K JP73 CON10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 2 Pin3 V33V P1 Header 4 DC-Connector 1 JP16 TX0 [100nF] Vcc Reset LCD16 LCD D21 100nF 4 Default closed Vin S2 1 2 3 Power ON/OFF 4 CAN 0 Default: closed JP10 Pin84 TIN0 default: open V_ALL 39R/0.5W Default closed X13 C15 3 MAX3232CSE 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Pin23 V_ALL 1N4002 R22 10K 100nF C16 X2 5 9 4 8 3 7 2 6 1 0R RC3 U4 C14 R14 R5 10K SW2 180n 0.12A 4 JP15 RX0 Pin2 Default closed Default: closed Pin53 JP9 ATGX R4 10K SW1 10n 50V 180n 0.12A GND SW6 Reset-blue R12 R3 10K 1K CAN B (male) V_ALL Reset Direct/Delay JP13 Default: closed Pin77 JP6 INT1 R2 10K Default: close RST 3 J4 LED LGT679 green [R] RC2 TLE6250GV33 R9 G VccA solder jumper / default 1-2 LG T679-C0 red RST R21 10K TLE7259 D15 JP52 V_ALL Vcc5 2 Pin22 Close to MCU VBoard 5 SRST V_ALL 1 Vcc3 MCU Mode SW LGT679 green R13 Close to pin D14 6 8 R20 RSTA 1K Pin21 INH Default: closed Pin74 JP4 INT0 default: open C51 10nF 6 Default: closed VCC3V3 PBR LTC1326CS8 RN3 1K LGT679 green CANL GND Close to pin D13 TXD 100nF 7 Close to pin C50 10nF JP14 Pin52 INTX RN2 Pin20 VDD5R C49 10nF U3 7 C29 100nF 15 1K LGT679 green CANH G D9 RXD 5 Solder Jumper / default 1-2 V_ALL VCC5V JP11 22K 8 Pin19 C46 C48 10nF R18 22K D1 Pin46 MD0 LGT679 green D8 C C47 10nF R17 1K Default colour SW/Button : grey C1 100nF VCC5V Pin18 CON50 V_MCU R15 RN1 LGT679 green D6 V33V X1 5 9 4 8 3 7 2 6 1 0R V_ALL UART4 LGT679 green ANALOG 2 Vcc G V_MCU CON50 D4 1 TX4 JP8 Pin73 Default closed S1 SW DIP-4 Pin17 JP7 Close to pin LGT679 green Pin16 3 CAN4 AVSS Default closed Pin45 V_ALL U2 C6 100nF 4 R11 [R] C8 100nF 22pF Pin33 AVSS MB91F465X D3 10R C7 V_ALL 0R RC1 G Pin10 Pin9 Pin8 Pin7 Pin6 Pin5 Pin4 Pin3 Pin2 SCL0 Pin44 Pin32 AVRH5 V_ALL G Pin11 8 CAN A (male) R7 Default closed JP5 RX4 Pin72 default 2-3 RS232/LIN Pin13 VDD5R JP22 default: open Pin43 SDA0 100nF Default closed AVRH R10 default 2-3 RS232/LIN V_MCU 7 Solder jumper / default 1-2 V_ALL VCC5V JP1 Default: open Pin24 Pin23 Pin22 Pin21 Pin20 Pin19 Pin18 Pin17 Pin16 JP18 C4 1µ default 1-2 Pin62 Pin61 Pin60 Pin59 Pin58 Pin57 Pin56 Pin55 Pin54 Pin53 Pin52 V_MCU R25 10K R24 10K 4R7 C3 default 1-2 V_MCU Pin41 Pin40 Pin39 Pin38 Pin37 Pin36 Pin35 Pin34 Pin33 Pin32 Pin31 Pin30 Pin29 Pin28 Pin27 6 AVCC Default closed V_ALL JP2 JP3 R8 [R] C5 1µ R1 Pin31 AVCC5 C2 220pF 1N4148 Pin74 Pin73 Pin72 Pin71 Pin70 Pin69 Pin68 Pin67 Pin66 Pin65 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Pin49 Pin48 Pin47 Pin46 Pin45 Pin44 Pin43 VSS5 MD_2 MD_1 X0 X1 VSS5 X1A X0A MD_0 P14_7 / ICU7+TIN7 / TIN7 / TTG15 /7 / STOPWT P14_6 / ICU6+TIN6 / TIN6 / TTG14/6 P14_5 / ICU5+TIN5 / TIN5 / TTG13/5 P14_4 / ICU4+TIN4 / TIN4 / TTG12/4 P14_3 / ICU3+TIN3 / TIN3 / TTG11/3 P14_2 / ICU2+TIN2 / TIN2 / TTG10/2 P14_1 / ICU1+TIN1 / TIN1 / TTG9/1 P14_0 / ICU0+TIN0 / TIN0 / TTG8/0 P24_7/INT7 P24_6/INT6 P24_5/INT5 P24_4/INT4 P24_3/INT3 P24_2/INT2 P24_1/INT1 VDD5 VSS5 P24_0/INT0 P22_1/TX4 P22_0/RX4/INT12 P15_3/OCU3/TOT3 P15_2/OCU2/TOT2 P15_1/OCU1/TOT1 P15_0/OCU0/TOT0 P17_7/PPG7 P17_6/PPG6 P17_5/PPG5 VSS5 VDD5 P18_6/SCK7/FRCK7 P18_5/SOT7 P18_4/SIN7 P18_2/SCK6/FRCK6 P18_1/SOT6 P18_0/SIN6 P17_4/PPG4 P17_3/PPG3 P17_2/PPG2 P16_7/ATGX INITX VSS5 GND Pin99 Pin98 Pin97 Pin96 GND Pin94 Pin93 Pin92 Pin91 Pin90 Pin89 Pin88 Pin87 Pin86 Pin85 Pin84 Pin83 Pin82 Pin81 Pin80 Pin79 Pin78 Pin77 V_MCU GND Pin74 Pin73 Pin72 Pin71 Pin70 Pin69 Pin68 Pin67 Pin66 Pin65 GND V_MCU Pin62 Pin61 Pin60 Pin59 Pin58 Pin57 Pin56 Pin55 Pin54 Pin53 Pin52 GND Default: 1-2 V_MCU V_ALL VDD5 P23_0/RX0/INT8 P23_1/TX0 P31_0/TXDA P31_1/TXENA P31_2/RXDA P31_4/TXDB P31_5/TXENB P31_6/RXDB P15_4/OCU4/TOT4 P15_5/OCU5/TOT5 VDD5R VCC18C VSS5 VDD5 P16_0/PPG8 P16_1/PPG9 P16_2/PPG10 P16_3/PPG11 P27_0/AN16 P27_1/AN17 P27_2/AN18 P27_3/AN19 P28_0/AN8 VDD5 VSS5 P28_1/AN9 P28_2/AN10 P28_3/AN11 P28_4/AN12 AVCC5 AVRH5 AVSS P29_0/AN0 P29_1/AN1 P29_2/AN2 P29_3/AN3 P29_4/AN4 P29_5/AN5 P29_6/AN6 P29_7/AN7 VSS5 P22_4/SDA0/INT14 P22_5/SCL0 P19_0/SIN4 P19_1/SOT4 P19_2/SCK4/FRCK4 P17_0/PPG0 P17_1/PPG1 VDD5 100 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 80 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 8 7 6 5 B VG-96 - male U1 V_MCU 1 2 Pin2 3 Pin3 4 Pin4 5 Pin5 6 Pin6 7 Pin7 8 Pin8 9 Pin9 Pin10 10 11 Pin11 VDD5R 12 Pin13 13 14 GND V_MCU 15 Pin16 16 Pin17 17 Pin18 18 Pin19 19 Pin20 20 Pin21 21 Pin22 22 Pin23 23 Pin24 24 V_MCU 25 26 GND Pin27 27 Pin28 28 Pin29 29 Pin30 30 Pin31 31 Pin32 32 Pin33 33 Pin34 34 Pin35 35 Pin36 36 Pin37 37 Pin38 38 Pin39 39 Pin40 40 Pin41 41 42 GND Pin43 43 Pin44 44 Pin45 45 Pin46 46 Pin47 47 Pin48 48 Pin49 49 V_MCU 50 1 2 3 4 Pin92 Pin91 Pin90 Pin89 Pin88 Pin87 Pin86 Pin85 Pin84 Pin83 Pin82 Pin81 Pin80 Pin79 Pin78 Pin77 X5 V_MCU 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Pin99 Pin98 Pin4 Pin7 Pin10 Pin17 Pin20 Pin23 Pin28 Pin34 Pin37 Pin40 Pin44 Pin47 Pin52 Pin55 Pin58 Pin61 Pin66 Pin69 Pin72 Pin77 Pin80 Pin83 Pin86 Pin89 VG-96 - male VG-96 - male X4 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C 10C 11C 12C 13C 14C 15C 16C 17C 18C 19C 20C 21C 22C 23C 24C 25C 26C 27C 28C 29C 30C 31C 32C 8 7 6 5 A Pin3 Pin6 Pin9 Pin16 Pin19 Pin22 Pin27 Pin30 Pin36 Pin39 Pin43 Pin46 Pin49 Pin54 Pin57 Pin60 Pin65 Pin68 Pin71 Pin74 Pin79 Pin82 Pin85 Pin88 Pin91 5 J1C VBoard 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B 7B 8B 9B 10B 11B 12B 13B 14B 15B 16B 17B 18B 19B 20B 21B 22B 23B 24B 25B 26B 27B 28B 29B 30B 31B 32B 4 1 2 3 4 Pin2 Pin5 Pin8 Pin11 Pin18 Pin21 Pin24 Pin29 Pin35 Pin38 Pin41 Pin45 Pin48 Pin53 Pin56 Pin59 Pin62 Pin67 Pin70 Pin73 Pin78 Pin81 Pin84 Pin87 Pin90 J1B VBoard 1A 2A 3A 4A 5A 6A 7A 8A 9A 10A 11A 12A 13A 14A 15A 16A 17A 18A 19A 20A 21A 22A 23A 24A 25A 26A 27A 28A 29A 30A 31A 32A default: open J1A VBoard 3 7 V1.1 DocRev 1.2 Sheet 1 of 1 Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH http://emea.fujitsu.com/microelectronics [email protected] Drawn by: Matthias Steeg 8